ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 8 06 / C&RL N ew s ■ Septem ber 2001 A C RL Board 2001-2002 (I to r): (back) Barbara Baxter Jenkins, Robert F. Rose, Theresa S. Byrd, Deborah Dancik, Paul E. Dum ont; (front) Helen H. Spalding, Betsy Wilson, M ary L. Reichel, M ary Ellen K. Davis, Erika Linke. N ot pictured: Pamela Snelson, Patricia Kreitz, Patricia W and, Lois Cherepon. R esearch B y c o n s e n t, a c c e p te d th e r e c o m m e n d a ­ tion from the ACRL Research Committee to provide funding for registration and/or travel costs for a Research Committee mem­ b er o r active m entor to attend the Library R esearch Seminar II. S c h o la r s h ip s A llo ca te d $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 f o r 2 0 0 2 I m m e rs io n program scholarships with the expectation that the scholarships will increase the num­ b e r o f attendees from diverse populations, institutions, and locations. S t a n d a r d s a n d g u id e lin e s R eaffirm ed th e fo llo w in g sta te m e n ts : “Joint Statement on Faculty Status o f College and University Libraries,” “Statement on Ter­ minal Professional Degree for Academic Librar­ ians,” and “Statement on the Certification and Licensing o f Academic Librarians.” Established the Task Force on the Review and Revision o f the “Guidelines for the Preparation of Policies on Library Access,” which is charged with the review and revision o f the document in ac­ cordance with established policies and procedures for standards review and approval. ■ Letter to the editor It is interesting that, in two columns re­ garding librarians finding employment, n eith er w riter m en tion ed that the jo b hunter should do any research. Janice K. Christopher’s column, “Person­ nel officer to Robin the Boy Wonder” (C&RL News, July/August 2001), discusses includ­ ing good references. Maybe research is the next step or the next article. As the instructional services librarian, I was on the search team this past year to hire a second librarian. O f the dozen c a n d id a t e s w e in t e r v ie w e d in tw o searches, only a few ev en looked at the lib rary ’s W eb page o r kn ew anything about the university. If new and/or job searching librarians do not know that they need to prepare for an interview by doing research, what are they learning? And how well prepared are they fo r th e ir fu tu re em p lo y m e n t?— S u s a n G lickm an , in stru ction al services lib ra ria n