ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C& RL N ew s ■ S e p te m b e r 2001 / 835 P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s Jane Hedberg LC P r e s e r v a tio n D i r e c t o r a te W e b s ite The P reservation D irectorate o f th e Library o f C ongress has ad d e d so m e d o c u m e n ta tio n to its W eb site. T h e re is a sh o rt rep o rt a b o u t th e d e v e lo p m en t o f a n e w faster a n d m o re e c o ­ nom ical accelerated ag in g test fo r p a p e r that closely sim ulates th e effects o f n atural aging. T he test’s accuracy w a s d e te rm in e d b y co m ­ parison o f th e d eg rad atio n p ro d u cts form ed d uring n atu ral a g in g a n d th o se fo rm e d d uring th e a ccelerated aging test. T h e re is also a n e w series o f b ro ch u res a b o u t th e D irectorate an d its program s. T he titles are: Preserving a n d Pro­ tecting Am erica’s Library, The Deterioration a n d Preservation o f Paper: Some Essential Facts, Saving the Written Word: Mass Deacidification a t the Library o f Congress, The United States Newspaper Program, a n d Caring fo r Your Fam­ ily Treasures. T he report o n accelerated aging is available at http://lcw l. The brochures are available at http://lcw preserv/brochure.htm l o r free o f charge from The Preservation Directorate, Library o f Congress, Washington, DC 20540, phone: (202) 707-5213; e-mail: CCAHA t e c h n ic a l b u l l e t i n T he C onservation C enter for Art a n d Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) h a s a d d e d a n e w title to its technical b ulletin series, Disaster Recovery: Sal­ vaging A rt on Paper. W ritten b y CCAHA staff m em b ers A nne D o w n ey a n d M ary Schobert, it covers th e effects w ater, sm o k e, soot, a n d p a r­ ticulate m atter c a n h a v e o n various ty p es o f art w o rk s o n p a p e r, a n d th e possib le reco v ery op tio n s. Charts listing t h e a dvan tag es a n d dis­ advan tag es o f im m ediate co n serv atio n treat­ m ent, air-drying, tem p o rary freezing, freezer drying, a n d v acu u m freeze-drying pro v id e u se­ ful sum m aries. It includes a sh o rt b ibliography a n d list o f o th e r resources. T h e technical bulletin is $3.50 a n d m ay be o rd e re d fro m th e P reservation Services Office, CCAHA, 264 S o u th 23rd St., Philadelphia, PA 19103, p h o n e : (215) 545-0613, fax: (215) 735- 9313; e-m ail: ccaha@ T w o p revious bulletins, Disaster Recovery: Salvaging Photo­ graph Collections an d Managing a Mold Inva­ sion: Guidelines fo r Disaster Response are avail­ able free o f charg e a t http://w w w S c h o o l f o r s c a n n in g T h e N o rtheast D o cu m en t C onservation C enter (NEDCC) will h o ld a n o th e r “School fo r Scan­ ning: Creating, Managing, a n d Preserving Digital Assets” in D elray B each, Florida, o n D ecem ­ b e r 3 -5, 2001. This p o p u la r th ree-d ay co n fer­ e n c e p ro v id es th e latest inform ation a b o u t an d best practices for c onvertin g p a p e r- b a s e d c ol­ lections into digital files. Its p rim ary au d ie n c e is adm inistrators a n d pro ject m an ag ers, no t technicians. Speakers will co v e r pro ject m an ­ agem ent, copyright a n d o th er legal issues, c on­ ten t selection fo r d igitization, standards, q u al­ ity c o n tro l a n d co sts, c o lla b o ra tiv e p ro je c t m odels, tex t a n d im age digitization, m etadata, a n d digital longevity a n d preservation. Registration is $325 th ro u g h O cto b er 19 an d $400 b etw een O ctober 20 a n d N ovem ber 9- For m ore information o r a registration form, contact G inny Hughes, NEDCC, 100 Brickstone Square, Andover, MA 01810; phone: (978) 470-1010, ext. 224, fax: (978) 475-6021, e-m ail: g h u g h e s @, W eb site: http://w w w . ASHRAE c o n fe re n c e o n m a n a g in g m o ld T h e A m erican Society o f H eating, Refrigerat­ in g a n d A ir -C o n d itio n in g E n g in e e r s , Inc. (ASHRAE) will h o ld its in d o o r a ir q uality co n ­ ference, “IAQ 2001,” in San Francisco, Califor­ nia, from N o v e m b e r 4 -7. T h e title o f th e co n ­ ference is “Moisture, Microbes an d Health Effects: Indoor Air Quality a n d Moisture in Buildings.” Its s ta te d p u r p o s e is to s h a re t h e rese a rch o f h e a lth scie n tists a n d b u ild in g scien tists across b o th c o m m unities. C o n feren ce p re s e n ­ tatio n s w ill r e p o r t t h e r esu lts o f re s e a r c h in to m o istu re a n d h u m id ity c o n tro l, t h e rela tio n ­ s h ip b e tw e e n m o istu re a n d b iolo g ical agents, th e relationship b e tw e en biological ag en ts a n d h u m a n h e a lth , a n d re m e d ia tio n strategies. M ore in fo rm a tio n is av a ila b le a t h t tp : // w w w / u n d er “N ew s a n d Events.” ■ Jane Hedberg is preservation program officer a t Harvard University, e-mail:; fax: (617) 496-8344 http://www.nedcc.oig http://www.ashrae.oig/ 4 ways Westlaw Campus helps clarify the law for 1] Content you can trust. 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