ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 135 A C R L List of M aterials Available May 1978 Unless otherwise noted, single copies o f ACRL materials are available to m em bers o f the Associa­ tion o f C ollege and R esearch L ib raries free o f charge and to n o nm em b ers for $1 each from: A C R L O ffice, 5 0 E . H u ron S t ., C h icago , I L 60611; (312) 9 4 4 -6 7 8 0 . All orders should include a self-addressed mailing label and 26¢ in postage. Payment must accompany orders. Make checks payable to American Library Association. S t a n d a r d s a n d G u i d e l i n e s Standards for College L ib raries. (C & R L N ew s‚ O ctober 1975) C ollege L ib ra ry Standards: Q uestions and An­ swers. (C & R L N ew s, November 1974). Guidelines fo r Tw o-Year College Learning R e ­ sources Program s. Association o f College and R e se a rch L ib raries/ A m erican A ssociation o f Community and Junior Colleges/Association for Educational Communications and Technology. (C& R L N ew s, D ecem b er 1972). G u id e lin e s f o r B ib lio g r a p h ic I n s t r u c tio n in Academic L ib ra ries. (C & R L N ew s, April 1977). Access Policy Guidelines. (C & R L N ew s, Novem­ ber 1975). Guide to Methods o f L ib rary Evaluation. (C & R L N ew s, O ctob er 1968). Guidelines for B ranch L ibraries in Colleges and U niversities. (C & R L N ew s, O ctob er 1975). G u id elines fo r L ib r a r y Se rv ice s to E xten sion Students. (ALA B ulletin , January 1967). F a c u l t y S t a t u s a n d G o v e r n a n c e Faculty Status for Academic L ib rarian s; A His­ tory and Policy Statem ents. A C R L Comm ittee on Academic Status, comp. (1975) $3.50. O rder from O rder D epartment, American Library As­ sociation, 50 E . Huron S t., Chicago, I L 60611. Payment must accompany order. Stan dards fo r F a cu lty Status fo r C o lleg e and U n iv e r s ity L ib r a r ia n s . ( C & R L N e w s , May 1974). Joint Statem ent on Faculty Status o f College and U niversity L ib ra ria n s. Association o f College and Research Libraries/American Association o f University Professors/Association o f American Colleges. (C & R L N ew s, February 1974). Model Statem ent o f C riteria and Procedures for A ppointm ent, Prom otion in A cadem ic Rank, and T en u re for College and University L ib ra r­ ians. (C & R L N ew s, Septem ber 1973 and O c­ tober 1973, with a revision by the A CRL Board o f Directors). G u id elines and P ro ced u res fo r th e S c re e n in g and A p p o in tm en t o f A cad em ic L ib r a r ia n s . (C & R L N ew s, Septem ber 1977). Statement on the Term inal Professional D egree for Academic L ibrarian s. (1975). Statement on Collective Bargaining. (1975). Salary Stru ctu res o f L ibrarians in H igher Edu­ cation for the Academic Year 1 9 75-76. Richard J. Talbot and Ann von der Lippe. (1976) $2.50. O rder from A C R L O ffice. Paym ent must ac­ company orders. M a n u s c r i p t s a n d A r c h i v e s Guidelines on Manuscripts and Archives. Compi­ lation o f p o licy statem en ts p rep ared by the A C R L R are Books and M anuscripts Section C om m ittee on Manuscripts C ollections. Con­ tains: Introduction by Clyde C. W alton; State­ ment on Appraisal o f Gifts; Statem ent on Legal Title; Statem ent on Access to Original Research M aterials in L ib raries, Archives, and Manu­ script R epositories; Statem ent on the R epro­ duction o f Manuscripts and Archives for Non­ commercial Purposes; Statem ent on the Repro­ duction o f Manuscripts and Archives for Com­ mercial Purposes; and Universal Gift Form and Instructions. (1977). O t h e r How to P articip ate in A C R L. (C& R L N ew s, Jan­ uary 1978). Guidelines for A C R L C h ap ters. ( C & R L N ew s, March 1975). E ighteenth-C entury English Books— Considered by L ibrarian s and Booksellers, Bibliographers and C o lle cto rs. H endrik E d elm an , ed. Pro­ ceedings o f a preconference sponsored by the A CRL Rare Books and M anuscripts Section, June 2 5 -2 8 , 1975, San Francisco. (1976) $5.00. O rder from A C R L O ffice. Paym ent must ac­ company orders. Networks and the University L ib ra ry . LeMoyne W. Anderson, ed. Proceedings o f a preconfer­ ence sponsored by the A C R L University L i­ braries Section, Ju n e 2 1 -2 3 , 1973, Las Vegas. (1974) $ 3 .0 0 O rd er from A C R L O ffice. Pay­ ment must accompany orders. Problem s with E valu atin g L ib ra ry Instruction. Panel discussion from the 6th annual Confer­ ence on Library Orientation for Academic L i­ braries, May 1 3 -1 4 , 1976, E astern Michigan University. Audiocassette, 60 minutes. (1976) $6.50. O rder from A C R L Office. Payment must accompany orders. Item s listed on the next page are not available rom th e A C R L O ffice. O rd ers and in q u irie s should b e sent directly to the address or agency listed for each entry. f 136 C o l l e g e & Re s e a r c h L i b r a r i e s Official journal of the Association of College and Research L ibraries. Published seventeen times/year: six bimonthly journal issues and elev­ en monthly (July/August combined) news issues. Editor: Richard D. Johnson, Director of Librar­ ies, James M. Milne Library, State University College, Oneonta, NY 13820. News Editor: John V. Crowley, Assistant Director, James M. Milne Library, State University College, Oneonta, NY 13820. Se n t to A CRL m em bers as a p erqu isite o f m em bership. Also available on subscription, $25/year. Order from Subscription Department, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. C h o i c e Current book selection guide for undergraduate library collections. Published monthly, eleven times/year (July/August combined). Editor: Louis A. Sasso, Editor, C h o ic e ‚ 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, C T 06457. Subscription price, $40/year. Single copies, $4. Annual cumulated index, $5 as a separate. Order from: Su bscription D ep artm ent, C h o i c e ‚ 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, C T 06457; (203) 347-6933. Choice Reviews-on-Cards. All reviews from regu­ lar issues of C h o ic e reprinted on individual 3 -b y -5 -in c h card s. M onthly issu es, elev en times/year (July/August combined). Subscrip­ tions, $120.00/year, available only to subscrib­ ers of C h o ic e . Order from Subscription D e­ partment, C hoice. Choice: A Classified Cumulation; Volumes 1-10, M arch 196 4 — F e b r u a ry 1974. E d ite d by Richard K. Gardner and Phyllis Grumm; as­ sisted by Julia Johnson. (1976-77) 9 volumes, $395.00. Index (vol.9), $49.50 as a separate. Order from Rowman and Littlefield, 81 Adams Dr., Totowa, NJ 07512. Building a Children’s Literature Collection. “A Su ggested B asic R e fe r e n c e C o lle ctio n for Academic Libraries” by Harriet B. Quimby and Clara O. Jackson, and “A Suggested Basic Col­ lectio n o f C h ild re n ’s Books” by Rosem ary W eber. (Choice Bibliographical Essay Series, no.3) (1975) $3.95. Order from C hoice. Maritime History; A Basic Bibliography. Edward W. Sloan III. (Choice Bibliographical Essay Se­ ries, no. 1) (1973) $2.00. Order from C hoice. Opening D ay C o llectio n . 3d ed. Richard K. Gardner, ed. (1974) $7.50. Order from C hoice. Southeast Asia; Bibliographic D irections in a Complex A rea. Paul Bixler. (Choice Biblio­ graphical E ssay Se ries, n o .2) (1974) $ 4 .7 5 . Order from C h o ice. Vocational-Technical Periodicals for Community College Libraries. Rev. ed. ACRL Community and Junior College Libraries Section Bibliography Committee. (Choice Bibliographical Essay Series, no.4) (1976) $6.95. Order from C hoice. C o l l e c t i o n D e v e l o p m e n t Books for College Libraries. 2d ed. (1975) 6 vol­ umes, $65.00. Single volumes, $ 1 2 .5 0 each. V o l.l, Humanities; Vol.2, Language and Liter­ ature; Vol.3, History; Vol.4, Social Sciences; Vol.5, Psychology, Science, Technology, and Bibliography; Vol.6, Author, Title, and Subject In d exe s. O rd e r from O rd er D e p a rtm e n t, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Books for Junior College L ib raries. James W. Pirie, comp. (1969) $35.00. Order from Order Department, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. ACRL P u b l i c a t i o n s in L i b r a r i a n s h i p M onographic series, published irregularly. Numbers 1-33, A C R L M onograph Series. Editor: Joe W. Kraus, Director o f Libraries, Il­ linois State University, Normal, IL 61761. Available on standing order or as single vol­ umes. Order from Order Department, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Out-of-print titles are available from University Microfilms, Inc., 300 N. Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48106. Titles in Print No. 29— The C areer o f the Academic Librarian: A Study of the Social Origins, Educational At­ tainm ents, Vocational E xp erien ce, and P e r­ sonality Characteristics of a Group of Ameri­ can Academic Librarians. Perry D. Morrison. (1969) $4.50. No.30— Junior College Libraries: Development, N eed s, and P e rs p e c tiv e s . E v e r e tt LeRoy Moore, ed. (1969) $3.00. No.31— The Undergraduate L ibrary. Irene A. Braden. (1970) $8.50. No.32— In terlib ra ry Loan Involving Academic Libraries. Sarah K. Thomson. (1970) $5.00. N o.3 3 — T h e C ase for F a c u lty Statu s for Academic L ib rarian s. Lewis C. Branscomb, ed. (1970) $5.00. No.34— Nonprint Media in Academic Libraries. Pearce S. Grove, ed. (1975) $10.00. No.35— Thomas Bray’s Grand Design. Charles T. Laugher. (1973) $8.50. No.36— The Shaping of American Library Edu­ cation. Charles D. Churchwell. (1975) $8.50. No.37— The Role of the Beginning Librarian ;in U n iv ersity L ib r a r ie s . Ralph M. Edw ards. (1976). $6.50. No. 38— Collective Bargaining in Higher Educa­ tion. Millicent D. Abell, ed. (1976) $7.50. No.39— L ib ra rie s for Teachin g, L ib ra rie s for R esearch: Essays for a Century. Richard D. Johnson, ed. (1977) $12.50. ■■