ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 150 Publications NOTICES • Clearwater Publishing Company, Inc. ‚ of 75 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, New York, has an­ nounced the creation o f the International Mi­ croform Distribution Service (IM D S) for libraries and scholars. IM D S is described as “a central clearinghouse for foreign microforms, regardless of publisher or country o f origin. ” All titles are offered for sale at the foreign list price. U .S. clients can pay in U .S. dollars. Cana­ dian clients can order through Clearwater’s new T oronto office at 231 H o lly b erry T ra il, Willowdale, Ontario M2H 2P3, and can pay in Canadian dollars. In addition to distributing foreign microforms, IM DS also provides a selective dissemination of information (S D I) service by d istrib u ting the catalogs of foreign publishers to participating li­ braries. As with most SD I services, each client is asked to complete a profile of its interests (both by subject and geographical area). Appropriate catalogs are then mailed from tim e to tim e to each library. Unlike most SD I services, there is no charge to the client. IM D S will also undertake free searches for its clients to determine whether a particular title is available in microform. S ch o lars can use IM D S to d e te r m in e the availability of specific materials or to ascertain what may be available within a subject area. Rare books, documents, or manuscript materials not available as a published microform can be filmed on demand through a network of correspondents headquartered in Paris, France. • Under the terms of a contract signed D e­ c e m b e r 2 3 , 1 9 7 7 , th e L ib r a r y o f C o n g ress Shelflist will be published as a joint undertaking by United States Historical Documents Institute, Inc. (H DI), and University Microfilms Interna­ tional (UMI). Filming of the shelflist is expected to begin during the first quarter of this year. The L ib r a r y o f C ongress S h elflist‚ which con­ sists of approximately 6 .5 million cards arranged according to the Library of Congress Classifica­ tion System, will be sold in several microform formats as well as in bound Copyflo hard copy. The complete shelflist will be offered by H D I in 35mm 21x microfilm format at the prepublication price of $ 5 ,1 3 2 and by UM I in eith er 42x microfiche C o rrectio n T h e c o r r e c t address o f th e B ro ad cast Pioneers Library is 1771 N Street, N .W ., (not W Street) Washington, DC 20036 or 42x 16mm roll film (cartridge) at the prepublication price of $2,395. Both companies will sell bound Copyflo hard copies. Partial sets of the shelflist will be available in a variety of format from H D I and UMI. S u b je c t and name access to the L i b r a r y o f C o n g r e s s S h e lflis t is provided by the fifteen­ volume C o m b in ed Indexes to th e L ib r a r y o f C o n ­ gress C lassification S ch ed u les‚ 1974 and its Sup­ p le m e n ts , orig in ally p u blished by H D I. T he C o m b in ed In d ex es and S u pplem en ts will now be sold by both companies. Further information regarding the publication of the L ib r a r y o f C ongress S helflist may be ob­ tained from either o f the publishers. • The Southeastern Bibliographic Instruction D irectory: A cadem ic L ib ra ries has b e en pub­ lished by the Southeastern Library Association (SELA). Compiled under the supervision o f the SELA Library Orientation and Bibliographic In­ struction Committee, it includes information re­ garding bibliographic instruction programs in 349 academic libraries in the Southeast. The 368-page directory, which is in looseleaf format without b in d er, may b e pu rch ased for $6 from T h e Southeastern Library Association, P.O . Box 987, Tucker, GA 30084. Checks should be made pay­ able to SELA. Payment must accompany order. • Newspapers in Maryland Libraries: A Union List compiled by E. O. Hofstetter and M. Eustis under the auspices of the Academic and Research Division o f the Maryland Library Association, 1977, is available free from the Maryland Library Association, 115 W est Franklin S t., Baltimore, MD 21201. • An index of the Journal o f Library History recently was issued by the University of Texas Press, publisher of the quarterly journal. Covering the first eleven volumes of the jour­ nal from 1966 to 1976, the index was prepared by eight UT students in Prof. E . B. Jackson’s 1976 indexing and abstracting class in library science. The special issue includes subject, author/title, and book review indexes. Debra K. Davis, now employed with the Rocky M ountain B ib liograp hical C e n te r in D en v er, Colorado, edited the special supplement. Other students who participated in the class project and their present positions are Jean Adams, librarian, F lu o r, I n c ., H ou ston; M iguel B a m b e rg e r, Docum entation Unit, M SI, In c ., Austin; Patti Duke, UT library science student; Bonnie Frid­ ley, librarian, U .S. Air Force, San Antonio; Beth Hanson, literary analyst, School o f Education, Texas A & M , C o lle g e S ta tio n ; E liz a b e th M cD on nell o f A ustin, and Anthony Sch m itt, free-lance indexer, Austin. 151 The index is available from University o f Texas Press, Journals Department, P.O . Box 7819, Aus­ tin, T X 78712. Cost is $7.50 plus 5 percent tax. Publication o f the index was supported by U T ’s Graduate School of Library Science and the Beta Eta chapter o f B eta Phi Mu, a library science honorary society. • Media librarians who want to communicate with others in their field and administrators who are planning audiovisual services will find useful information in a new d irecto ry pu b lished by M ETRO (the New York Metropolitan Reference and Research Library Agency). The Media Librarians Directory: A Preliminary List o f Media Librarians in the New York Met­ ropolitan Area includes the names and addresses of sixty-two persons whose jobs (all or in part) deal with media. Academic, public, school, and medical libraries from Long Island to Poughkeep­ sie are included in the directory, which is M E T ­ RO’S Miscellaneous Publication No. 16. Richard Allen, audiovisual supervisor, Teachers College, edited the directory with the help of members of M E T R O ’s Media Librarians Discus­ sion Group. T he directory has three listings: one by name, one by institution, and one by jo b title. O f the thirty-eight titles included, media librarian and media specialist are the ones most frequently names. Others may send orders at $5 each prepaid and $10 each if an invoice is required to: M ETRO , 11 W est 40th Street, New York, NY 10018. • There is considerable interest among Associ­ ation o f R esearch L ibrary (ARL) m em b ers in building collection assessment into regular opera­ tions, according to the latest S P E C F ly e r and Kit, Collection Assessment in ARL L ibraries‚ (No. 41, February 1978). According to the two-page flyer, which is based upon the results o f a 1977 survey of ARL mem­ bers, increased interest in collection effectiveness has led to an emphasis on formalizing and codify­ ing the purposes o f research collections. Although it is difficult to measure research collection effec­ tiv e n e ss , A RL m e m b e rs hav e d ev elo p ed a number o f approaches to collection evaluation. C ollection-centered and clien t-c en tered assess­ ment techniques, are described and discussed. T h e accom p anying S P E C K it co n tain s 103 pages o f materials that illustrate collection d e­ scriptions and various approaches to collection as­ sessment, gathered mainly from A RL libraries. Kit and F ly e r # 4 1 are available, prepaid, for $ 7 .5 0 to ARL m em bers and SP E C subscribers and for $15.00 to all others from: Association o f R e se a rch L ib r a r ie s , O ffice o f M an ag em en t S tu d ie s, 1527 New H a m p sh ire A v e., N .W ., Washington, D C 20036; (202) 232-8656. • Report # 1 o f the Task F o rce on the Future o f the Cornell University Libraries C ard Catalogs is now available. The report culminates two years of study and discussion and is intended to initiate a dialogue with the entire libraries staff concerning the pos­ sible closing of the Cornell University Libraries’ card catalogs. The first scheduled hearing on the contents o f this report will be held with the en ­ tire library staff on March 1, 1978. The report recommends that catalogs be closed at the time the new cataloging code (AACR II) is adopted; that a new on-line system with a COM backup system be im plem ented; that the auto­ mated system also manage the libraries’ other p ro ce ss in g tasks ( i . e . , a c q u is itio n s , se ria ls , circulation/reserve, etc.). The committee believes that this report represents one of the most com­ prehensive documents so far published on closing the card catalogs in a major research library. Copies of the report are available for $2 each (prepaid) from the Budget & Accounting Office, 234 Olin Library, Cornell University Libraries, Ithaca, NY 14853. • A Life o f Franklin‚ written 100 years ago by John William Draper but never published, has been published by the Library of Congress. The manuscript was edited by Ronald S. Wilkinson, manuscript historian, Manuscript Division, who F u lb rig h t-H a y s Aw ards in L ib ra ry Science Among approximately 500 Fulbright-H ays awards available in about 100 co untries for 1979-80, several have been programmed in library science. A rgentina: archivist specialized in electronic devices; B o liv ia (S ), B ra z il: information sys­ tems or bibliography; library planning; C o l­ om bia(S ); E g y p t: modem techniques and serv­ ices; G r e e c e ; Ic e la n d ; Ira n ; Mexico(S): secon­ dary schools and library schools; Sri L a n k a : library and information science. (S-Sp an ish required) Those desiring a copy o f the 1 9 7 9 -8 0 an­ nouncement of Fulbright-Hays award oppor­ tunities for university teaching and advanced research abroad should send name, address, highest d egree, specialization, and country interest to the Council for International E x­ change o f Scholars, E leven Dupont C ircle, Washington, DC 20036. Applications are due for the American Republics, Australia, and New Zealand by June 1, 1978, and for Africa, Asia, and Europe by July 1, 1978. C IE S will also assist in the administration of about 5 0 0 awards in 1 9 7 9 -8 0 for Fulbright scholars visiting the U .S. for lecturing and re­ search. In many cases host institutions are ex­ pected to assist the scholar with full or partial maintenance; inquiries are welcome. A direc­ tory of scholars currently in the U .S. is avail­ able on request. 152 also supplied an introduction and bibliographical references. T h e m anu scrip t biograp hy o f B en ja m in F ra n k lin , w ritte n by n in e te e n th -c e n tu r y scien tist-h isto rian John W illiam D rap er, was found among Draper s voluminous papers when they came to the library’s Manuscript Division in 1973. These papers had been in the Draper fam­ ily for nearly a century before Draper’s great- grandson, Daniel C. Draper, donated them to the library. Draper drew material from Jared Sparks’ T he W orks o f B enjam in F ran klin and James Parton’s L ife a n d T im es o f B en ja m in F r a n k lin ‚ among other works. T h e biography was evidently in­ tended to appear in D. Appleton & Company’s series, Lives o f E m inent A m ericans. Why it was never published is a mystery, according to W il­ kinson, but it appears that D rap er’s work on other publications may have intervened. L ife o f F ran klin may be purchased for $5 from the Su perintendent o f D ocum ents, U .S. Gov­ ernment Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, Stock No. 030-000-00088-9, or in person from the Information Counter, Ground Floor, Library of Congress Building. • Copies of Directory o f Academic Library In­ struction Program in Virginia are available for $ 2.25 each from William Prince, Newman L i­ brary, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061. Make checks payable to the Virginia Library Association. • Special Libraries Association has recently distributed to its m embers an eighty-five-page document entitled, Library Photocopying and the U.S. Copyright Law o f 1976: An Overview f o r Librarians and Their Counsel. T he document was prepared under the au­ spices of the SLA Committee on Copyright Law Practice and Implementation. The body o f the document (seventeen pages) is an “overview” of the provisions of the new copyright law that di­ rectly concern library photocopying. It was pre­ pared by their general counsel. A limited number o f copies are available for $3.50 prepaid from the SLA Order Department, 235 Park Ave. South, New York, NY 10003. • A recent SP E C Kit and Flyer concerns the training of research and academic library staff for routine, technical tasks. Kit and Flyer 40, Skills T raining in ARL L ib r a rie s ‚ (January 1978) is based on the results o f a survey conducted by the Systems and Procedures E xchange C en te r in S e p te m b e r 1977. O v e r th re e -fo u rth s o f the seventy-three responding libraries report that manuals and procedural guides, along with on- the-job training, are the main methods of instruc­ tion for technical skills. Documentation suggests that on-the-job training is a continuing process within library units, with supervisors being re­ sponsible for training student assistants, new staff members, staff transferred to new positions, and those assigned to entirely new tasks. In some li­ braries, personnel or staff development librarians assist supervisors by designing or coordinating training opportunities. Also, many libraries indi­ cate a growing interest in developing new train­ ing programs and resources, and that new ap­ proaches to training for routine tasks can assist in improving unit perform ance with a relatively stable staff. Flyer and Kit 40, Skills Trainin g‚ is available to ARL members and SP E C subscribers for $7.50 prepaid. It is available to all others for $15 pre­ paid. Orders may be sent to: Office of University Library Management Studies, Association of Re­ search L ib raries, 1527 New Ham pshire A ve., N.W ., Washington, DC 20036. ■■ Responsibilities! Dear Editor: May I comment on the boxed notice which appears immediately under the Classified Ad­ vertising heading in C & R L N ew s? I agree with the notice pointing out that the terms o f faculty “rank” and “status” are am­ biguous. However, the notice suggests that only the “benefits” should be inquired about. I submit that more important to the inquirer are the resp o n sibilities associated with faculty rank, which can range from an in-library sys­ tem requiring little effort to competition with all teaching faculty at the university level. Forgive the nit-picking, but it appears un­ fair to warn your readers only about benefits. It suggests that there are no responsibilities associated with faculty status. Sincerely yours, Joseph M. Dagnese Director of Libraries and Audio-Visual Center Purdue University 153 C JC L S /P L A C o n feren ce-w ith in -a-C o n feren ce A day-long “co nferen ce-w ith in -a-co n fer- ence” featuring speakers Edward G. Holley, Alice B. Ihrig, and Gloria Terwilliger Brown on the theme “Community College and Public Libraries: The Impetus Towards Cooperation” will convene on June 25 in the Conrad Hilton Hotel during the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago. Sponsored by the Community and Junior College Libraries Section o f A CRL and the Public Library Association, the program will also include a review o f the findings of the PLA/AACJC J o in t Stu dy on C o m m u n ity C o lle g e -P u b lic L ib ra ry E d u c a tio n in the Humanities and presentations o f cooperative ven tures b e tw e e n com m unity co lle g e and public libraries in Michigan, Montana, North Carolina, and Tennessee. A coffee hour, lunch­ eon, and cocktail hour will complete the day. Advance registration for the conference is necessary. A check for $13.50 to cover the cof­ fee hour, luncheon, and registration materials should be mailed by M ay 31 payable to Sister Mary Chrysantha, Felician C ollege Library, 3800 W. Peterson Ave., Chicago, IL 60659. The morning session will be keynoted by Dr. Holley, dean of the school o f library sci­ ence at the University of North Carolina and past president of ALA, on the topic “The Pub­ lic L ib ra ry and th e C o m m un ity C o lle g e L ibrary— W hat D oes C oo p eration M ea n ?” Mary Jo Lynch, associate executive secretary of PLA, will present the results o f the PLA/ AACJC study. Following coffee, Director C. Lamar Wallis of the Memphis and Shelby County Public L ibrary and In form ation C e n te r will jo in Dean Donald M. Mikula and Library Director Joseph F . Lindenfield to describe “The Public Community College Library: How It W orks.” The luncheon speaker, Mrs. Ihrig, is direc­ tor of cultural and civic programs at Moraine Valley Comm unity C ollege in Illinois. Her topic will be “Community Colleges and Public Libraries— Natural Partners.” The afternoon session will feature audiovisual presentations o f specific cooperative efforts be­ tween public and community college libraries. Brown, d irecto r o f learning resources on the A lexandria Cam pus o f N orth V irgin ia Community College, will summarize the con­ ference in “T h e F u tu re: C ohabitation and N etw orking,” which will be followed by a cocktail hour. The program has been planned by J. Daniel Vann, C L R intern at the Stanford University Libraries and ch air o f the Com m unity and Junior College Libraries Section of ACRL. Classified Advertising NOTICE R espondents to a d ve rtisers o ffe rin g fa c u lty "ra n k " and "s ta tu s " are advised that these term s are a m b ig u ou s and should inquire as to benefits involved. All advertisem ents for the Positions Wanted and the Posi­ tions Open classifications will be edited to exclude direct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as con­ ditions of employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Association of College and Research Libraries, A merican Library Association, 50 E. Huron St.. Chicago. IL 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month pre­ ceding publication o f issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Telephone orders for classified advertising, while not encouraged because of the increased risk of copy error, will be accepted. Calls should be directed to the ACRL office a t (3 12) 9 4 4 -6 7 8 0 . A con­ firm ing order should be mailed to ACRL as soon as possible follow­ ing the call, along w ith typewritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate for classified advertising is $ 1.8 0 per printed line to ACRL members; $ 2 .2 5 per printed line to non-ACRL members. FOR SALE C H IN A — General Collection— reasonable. All topics. 1 ,000 vols. plus. R USSIA AND TH E C O M INTER N— Superb collection o f books in western languages. Over 1,000 vols. Write M. Frazin, ERAC, Box 110, Farmington. CT 06032. ODD VOLUM ES and back issues. If your primary, secondary, or tertiary source doesn't have it, try LEASIDE. We may have it. Better yet, come to us first. LEASIDE, 3 0 6 8 2d St.. Brooklyn, NY 11209. SEARCH SE R VIC E . E x-libraria ns locate title s o r s u b je c t, plus 1 5 0 .0 0 0 indexed stock. PAB 2 9 1 7 A tla n tic . A tla n tic City. NJ 0 8401. Phone: 609/34 4-19 4 3. YO U R L IN K W IT H T H E UN fo r a ll p rin te d a nd m ic ro fic h e editions— com plete series to single titles. We are specialists in the fie ld and pro vid e d o c u m e n ta tio n se rvices tailo re d to lib ra rie s ' specific needs. Let us help you. UNIFO Publishers. Ltd.. P.O. Box 8 9. White Plains. NY 10602; (9 14) 5 92 -8 7 1 0 . POSITIONS OPEN AR T LIB RARIAN. Responsible for the adm in istratio n and m an­ agement o f the Design, Architecture, and Art Library; provision of reference service to 1,750 students and 134 faculty members; de­ velopment of collection num be ring 2 6 ,0 0 0 volumes; and planning for budgets and services. Master's degree in library science^neces- sary; second master's in relevant discipline desirable. Foreign lan­ guage a bility and supervisory experience also desirable. Salary: com m ensurate with qualifications ($ 1 3,5 00 , m inim um ). Affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Send resume and list of refer­ ences by July 1. 1978, to: Mr. Robert Johnson, University o f Cin­ cinnati Libraries, 101 Emery Hall, Cincinnati, OH 45221. A SSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR TEC H N IC AL SERVICES. Large urban university library of more than a million volumes invites applications for assistant director for technical services whose position will in ­ clude a m u ltip licity of functions, inclu din g the re sponsibility for de­ veloping policies and procedures and coordinating the activities of the acquisitions, cataloging, and serials departments; recom m end­ ing im p ro vem en ts in library te c h n ic a l services operations; and coordinating the im plem entation o f automated procedures in the use of acquisitions, cataloging, and serials systems. M in im um qual­ ifications: fifth-year degree in library science; additional graduate degree and several years' experience in progressively responsible positions in technical service departm ents o f academ ic libraries; knowledge of networking, c u rre n t trends, and new technology in acquisitions, cataloging, and serials highly desirable. Faculty rank; 12-month contract; excellent benefits; expected to meet research and publication requirem ents of the university; starting salary of $ 2 4 ,0 0 0 and up depending on experience and other qualifications. Send resume inclu din g three references to Dr. Robert V. Haynes, Interim Director of Libraries, 4 8 0 0 Calhoun Blvd., Houston, TX 77004. Deadline for applications: May 30, 1978. Equal employ­ ment opportunity employer.