ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 153 C JC L S /P L A C o n feren ce-w ith in -a-C o n feren ce A day-long “co nferen ce-w ith in -a-co n fer- ence” featuring speakers Edward G. Holley, Alice B. Ihrig, and Gloria Terwilliger Brown on the theme “Community College and Public Libraries: The Impetus Towards Cooperation” will convene on June 25 in the Conrad Hilton Hotel during the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago. Sponsored by the Community and Junior College Libraries Section o f A CRL and the Public Library Association, the program will also include a review o f the findings of the PLA/AACJC J o in t Stu dy on C o m m u n ity C o lle g e -P u b lic L ib ra ry E d u c a tio n in the Humanities and presentations o f cooperative ven tures b e tw e e n com m unity co lle g e and public libraries in Michigan, Montana, North Carolina, and Tennessee. A coffee hour, lunch­ eon, and cocktail hour will complete the day. Advance registration for the conference is necessary. A check for $13.50 to cover the cof­ fee hour, luncheon, and registration materials should be mailed by M ay 31 payable to Sister Mary Chrysantha, Felician C ollege Library, 3800 W. Peterson Ave., Chicago, IL 60659. The morning session will be keynoted by Dr. Holley, dean of the school o f library sci­ ence at the University of North Carolina and past president of ALA, on the topic “The Pub­ lic L ib ra ry and th e C o m m un ity C o lle g e L ibrary— W hat D oes C oo p eration M ea n ?” Mary Jo Lynch, associate executive secretary of PLA, will present the results o f the PLA/ AACJC study. Following coffee, Director C. Lamar Wallis of the Memphis and Shelby County Public L ibrary and In form ation C e n te r will jo in Dean Donald M. Mikula and Library Director Joseph F . Lindenfield to describe “The Public Community College Library: How It W orks.” The luncheon speaker, Mrs. Ihrig, is direc­ tor of cultural and civic programs at Moraine Valley Comm unity C ollege in Illinois. Her topic will be “Community Colleges and Public Libraries— Natural Partners.” The afternoon session will feature audiovisual presentations o f specific cooperative efforts be­ tween public and community college libraries. Brown, d irecto r o f learning resources on the A lexandria Cam pus o f N orth V irgin ia Community College, will summarize the con­ ference in “T h e F u tu re: C ohabitation and N etw orking,” which will be followed by a cocktail hour. The program has been planned by J. Daniel Vann, C L R intern at the Stanford University Libraries and ch air o f the Com m unity and Junior College Libraries Section of ACRL. Classified Advertising NOTICE R espondents to a d ve rtisers o ffe rin g fa c u lty "ra n k " and "s ta tu s " are advised that these term s are a m b ig u ou s and should inquire as to benefits involved. All advertisem ents for the Positions Wanted and the Posi­ tions Open classifications will be edited to exclude direct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as con­ ditions of employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Association of College and Research Libraries, A merican Library Association, 50 E. Huron St.. Chicago. IL 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month pre­ ceding publication o f issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Telephone orders for classified advertising, while not encouraged because of the increased risk of copy error, will be accepted. Calls should be directed to the ACRL office a t (3 12) 9 4 4 -6 7 8 0 . A con­ firm ing order should be mailed to ACRL as soon as possible follow­ ing the call, along w ith typewritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate for classified advertising is $ 1.8 0 per printed line to ACRL members; $ 2 .2 5 per printed line to non-ACRL members. FOR SALE C H IN A — General Collection— reasonable. All topics. 1 ,000 vols. plus. R USSIA AND TH E C O M INTER N— Superb collection o f books in western languages. Over 1,000 vols. Write M. Frazin, ERAC, Box 110, Farmington. CT 06032. ODD VOLUM ES and back issues. If your primary, secondary, or tertiary source doesn't have it, try LEASIDE. We may have it. Better yet, come to us first. LEASIDE, 3 0 6 8 2d St.. Brooklyn, NY 11209. SEARCH SE R VIC E . E x-libraria ns locate title s o r s u b je c t, plus 1 5 0 .0 0 0 indexed stock. PAB 2 9 1 7 A tla n tic . A tla n tic City. NJ 0 8401. Phone: 609/34 4-19 4 3. YO U R L IN K W IT H T H E UN fo r a ll p rin te d a nd m ic ro fic h e editions— com plete series to single titles. We are specialists in the fie ld and pro vid e d o c u m e n ta tio n se rvices tailo re d to lib ra rie s ' specific needs. Let us help you. UNIFO Publishers. Ltd.. P.O. Box 8 9. White Plains. NY 10602; (9 14) 5 92 -8 7 1 0 . POSITIONS OPEN AR T LIB RARIAN. Responsible for the adm in istratio n and m an­ agement o f the Design, Architecture, and Art Library; provision of reference service to 1,750 students and 134 faculty members; de­ velopment of collection num be ring 2 6 ,0 0 0 volumes; and planning for budgets and services. Master's degree in library science^neces- sary; second master's in relevant discipline desirable. Foreign lan­ guage a bility and supervisory experience also desirable. Salary: com m ensurate with qualifications ($ 1 3,5 00 , m inim um ). Affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Send resume and list of refer­ ences by July 1. 1978, to: Mr. Robert Johnson, University o f Cin­ cinnati Libraries, 101 Emery Hall, Cincinnati, OH 45221. A SSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR TEC H N IC AL SERVICES. Large urban university library of more than a million volumes invites applications for assistant director for technical services whose position will in ­ clude a m u ltip licity of functions, inclu din g the re sponsibility for de­ veloping policies and procedures and coordinating the activities of the acquisitions, cataloging, and serials departments; recom m end­ ing im p ro vem en ts in library te c h n ic a l services operations; and coordinating the im plem entation o f automated procedures in the use of acquisitions, cataloging, and serials systems. M in im um qual­ ifications: fifth-year degree in library science; additional graduate degree and several years' experience in progressively responsible positions in technical service departm ents o f academ ic libraries; knowledge of networking, c u rre n t trends, and new technology in acquisitions, cataloging, and serials highly desirable. Faculty rank; 12-month contract; excellent benefits; expected to meet research and publication requirem ents of the university; starting salary of $ 2 4 ,0 0 0 and up depending on experience and other qualifications. Send resume inclu din g three references to Dr. Robert V. Haynes, Interim Director of Libraries, 4 8 0 0 Calhoun Blvd., Houston, TX 77004. Deadline for applications: May 30, 1978. Equal employ­ ment opportunity employer. 154 A S S IS TA N T SCIEN CE LIBRARIAN FOR CH EM ISTR Y AN D CHEM ­ ICAL E N G IN E E R IN G . Primary re sponsibility is as chem istry and chem ical engineering literature specialist in Science Library. Collec­ tion developm ent. Consults w ith faculty. Reference service, in s tru c ­ tion, and user outreach in subject areas. Serves at re ference desk in Science Library. Manages Chemistry Reading Room (duplicate chem istry collection). Qualifications: Strong chem istry; graduate d e ­ gree desirable. MLS degree w ith a m in im um o f 2 years' experience. Organizational skills, supervisory ability. Strong co m m itm e nt to user outreach. Subm it resum e and nam es of 3 references, by June 9, 1978, to: Margaret A. Otto, Associate Director o f Libraries. Room 1 4 S -2 1 6 , M .I.T., C am bridge, MA 0 2 1 3 9 . An equal o p p ortun ity/ affirm ative action employer. A S S IS T A N T U N IV E R S IT Y L IB R A R IA N . A s s is t d ir e c to r in a ll phases of library work. Quality coeducational liberal arts college of 2 ,5 0 0 students, small town, rural setting in central New York. One hour to cities of Syracuse and Utica. Library has 3 2 0 ,0 0 0 volumes, eight professionals. MLS accredited degree required, subject mas­ te r's desira b le . Some sc ie n c e b ac k g ro u n d h e lp fu l. At least five years’ a cad em ic library experience. Position c arries facu lty rank and status, normal frin ge benefits. Salary com petitive, dependent upon experience and background. Apply to: B ruce M. Brown, U n i­ versity Librarian, Colgate University Library, H am ilton, NY 13346. An equal o pp ortunity/affirm ative action employer. A S S O C IA TE R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N — S C IE N C E . MLS. M ust have strong undergraduate m ajor in chem istry o r other physical science; second subject master's degree desirable; at least 3 years of recent experience in a pub lic service sector o f an academ ic li­ brary necessary. Duties include supervision o f 4 branch science li­ braries with 1 professional, 4 staff plus students, teaching of sci­ ence literature course, com puter data base searching, book selec­ tion, as well as general reference d u ties in m ain library. Salary about $ 13 ,00 0. Position Open. Applications accepted through June 15, 1978. Send resume to Chairperson. Reference Search C om m it­ tee, M orris Library, University o f Delaware, Newark, DE 19711. The University of Delaware is an affirm ative actio n/e qu a l o pp ortun ity employer. A-V MEDIA LIB RARIAN. Plan, establish, and operate a small a u ­ diovisual media center for a technological university library; some re feren ce duties; m a s ter's in A-V m edia a n d /o r library science; education and background in science and technology literature and inform ation resources; relevant media center experience; $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 p.a.; TIAA-CREF eligibility; position open Septem ber 1, 1978. Send resume and references to: Director of Libraries, Polytechnic Insti­ tute of New York, 3 33 Jay Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201. An equal o pp ortunity/affirm ative action employer. B IBLIO GR AP HER FOR T H E H U M A N IT IE S . Q ualifications: ALA a c c re d ite d MLS; p re fe re n tia l c o n s id eration given a p p lic a n t with second advanced degree in literature, classics, history, art; French and German required. Evidence of ability to meet university stan­ d ards in research, publication, and professional service c o m m e n ­ surate with tenure. Experience in acquisitions, bibliography, and/or collection developm ent desired. M in im um salary, $ 12 ,22 0, rank of assistant professor. Budgetary co nsid eration s may also allow for additional visiting a ppointm ents fo r a tem porary period o f twelve months. Apply, with supporting resum e and at least three refer­ ences, to: Billy R. Wilkinson, University o f Illinois at Chicago Circle, Box 8 19 8, Chicago, IL 60680. Deadline for applications: June 1. 1978. An equal o pp ortunity/affirm ative action employer. C A TA LO G ER . Penrose M em orial Library, W hitm an College. Re­ sponsible for all cataloging, supervise one clerk-typist plus student assistants. Master’s degree with a m ajor in library science from a graduate school accredited by the A m erican Library Association. Com petency in a t least one m odern foreign language. To assist with program m ed library instruction. Experience desired but not necessary. M in im u m salary $ 9 ,5 0 0 , one -m o n th vacation, TIAA- CREF, college health plan. Familiarity with com p ute r technology desired. The library is a principal m em ber o f the Washington Li­ brary Network and an o n-line terminal is used in cataloging. Posi­ tion open July 1, 1978, but will consider a later date. An interview is required. W hitm an College does not discrim ina te on the basis of race, color, age, religion, sex, national origin, o r physical handicap in its educational program, activities, or em ploym ent policies, in a ccordance with federal, state, and local laws. Send credentials and a letter o f application to Arley D. Jonish, Librarian, Penrose Memorial Library, W hitm an College, Walla Walla, WA 9 9362. CATALOGER. Responsible for all operations of the Cataloging De­ p artm ent in c lu din g keeping statistics (OCLC experience required). Supervises inventory procedures, two clerks, and several student assistants. Q ualifications: B.S. (science or engineering preferred); A L A -a c c re d ite d MLS. Salary: $ 1 2 ,0 0 0 + , S ta rtin g date: Ju ly 1, 1978. Send inq u iries to: Mrs. Ottilie H. Rollins, Head Librarian, Clarkson College o f Technology, Potsdam, NY 13676. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. C A T A L O G IN G D E P A R TM E N T H E A D . U n iv e rs ity lib ra ry seeks a p p lica n ts for d ep artm en t head to d ire c t Cataloging Departm ent consisting o f 9 professionals and 23 fu ll-tim e support staff. Re­ q uires MLS from ALA-accredited library school, five years’ catalog­ ing experience that includes increasing supervisory responsibilities; OCLC o r other autom ated cataloging experience highly desirable. Full range of benefits, in c lu din g academ ic status, TIAA/CREF, 2 5 days’ vacation. Salary neg otia ble d e p e n d in g on q u a lific a tio n s — $ 1 6 ,0 0 0 m in im um . Send resume and names of three references to Winnifred Margetts, Personnel Officer, University o f Utah Libraries, Salt Lake City, UT 8 41 12 . Applications should be sent before June 15. An equal o pportunity/affirm ative action employer. C IRCU LATION LIB RARIAN. M inim um qualifications: MLS and 4 years' professional experience in an academ ic o r research library, inclu din g at least 2 years' substantial supervisory experience and at least 2 years’ circulation experience. Ability to develop, supervise, and m aintain a large staff o f classified personnel and student assis­ tants. Fam iliarity w ith data processing and com p ute r applications. Preferred q u a lific a tio n s ; 7 years' p rofessional e x pe rie nce in an academ ic o r research library, 3 years of which have been supervi­ sory experience at the dep artm en t head level in a circulation sys­ tem or a relevant operation, and other dem onstrated evidence of outstanding ability. Experience with a com puterized library circ u la ­ tion system desirable. Duties: Responsible for m anagem ent, in ­ terpretation, coordination, and developm ent o f an effective circ u la ­ tion system. Will have to take a m ajor role in a com puter-based in ­ ventory project, acquisition of second-generation systems for th e ft detection. and com puter-based circulation. Salary fo r 12 m onths $ 1 4 - $ 1 8,0 00 b eginning, d e p en d in g upon q u a lific a tio ns and ex­ perience, with generous state o f Ohio fringe benefits. Starting June 15. 1978 (negotiable), w ith June 1, 1978, closing date for a p p lica ­ tions. Send recent resume and three letters of reference to Robert B enninghoff. Chairperson. Search Committee. University Libraries, C le v e la n d S tate U n iv e rs ity . C le v e la n d . OH 4 4 1 1 5 . An e q u a l o pportunity/affirm ative action employer. C O M M U N ITY C O L LE G E LIB R A R IA N . Position in Public Service D epartm ent for afternoon and evening plus Saturdays on rotating basis; also possible position in Technical Services Department for regular hours plus Saturdays on rotating basis. Master's in library s c ie n c e ( A L A - a c c r e d ite d ). E x p e rie n c e p re fe rr e d . $ 1 0 ,8 1 4 m in im um . To begin A ugust 28. 1978. Apply before June 1 to Di­ rector of Library Services, Greater Hartford Com m unity College, 61 W oodland Street, H a rtford, CT 0 6 1 0 5 . GHCC is an a ffirm a tiv e action/equal o pportunity employer. HEAD, A C Q U IS ITIO N S DEPAR TM ENT. Responsible for p rocure­ m ent of all library m aterials in the University Libraries at Notre Dame. Responsible for developing and m aintaining p rocurem ent re ­ lations w ith suppliers in the book trade for both cu rre nt p u b lica ­ tions and o u t-o f-p rint works. Responsible for planning, budget re­ com m endation. staffing, training, and managem ent o f the A cquisi­ tions Department and, u nder the general oversight of the business manager o f the University Libraries, for the expenditure of book funds. Qualifications: graduate degree in library science from an ALA-accredited school. A t least eight years' professional library ex­ perience, principally in acquisitions and dem onstrating a know l­ edge o f s e ria ls a nd th e d o m e s tic a nd fo re ig n b oo k tra d e . A m in im u m of three years’ experience in supervising professional and paraprofessional staff. G raduate study in a subject field or beyond the professional degree may be substituted in part for experience. Familiarity with com puter-based library processing systems as re ­ lated to acquisitions and technical services is desirable. A working knowledge o f two or m ore foreign languages. Salary: $ 1 6 ,0 0 0 to $ 1 8 ,00 0. Send letter o f application and resume to Dr. George E. Sereiko, Secretary. Committee on A ppointm ents and Promotions, M e m o ria l Lib ra ry, U n iv e rs ity o f N o tre Dame, N o tre Dam e, IN 4 65 56 . An affirm ative action/equal opp ortun ity employer. H EAD LIB RARIAN. Montana Historical Society Library. Duties in ­ clud e adm inistration o f programs and activities of a small, historical library; supervision of personnel; acquisition and m aintenance of special and rare book collection; reference and other pub lic serv­ ices. An ALA-accredited master's degree in library science; u nd er­ graduate degree in A m e rican history, w ith an em phasis on the A m erican West preferred; and three years’ supervisory and a d ­ m in is tra tiv e lib ra ry e x p e rie n c e re q u ire d . Salary is $ 1 6 ,1 3 8 , 3 weeks’ annual leave, and additional benefits. Subm it letter of a p p li­ cation, resume, and references to Ken Korte, Director, Montana Historical Society, 2 2 5 N. Roberts, Helena, MT 59601. An a ffirm a ­ tive action/equal o pportunity employer. H EAD OF A C Q U ISITIO N DEPAR TM ENT. Responsible fo r the order placem ent and re ceipt o f materials for a $ 7 0 0 ,0 0 0 book budget. Liaison with library and faculty book selectors. Supervises six fu ll­ tim e p a ra p ro fe s s io n a ls a nd s e veral s tu d e n t a s s is ta n ts . M u s t evaluate vendor perform ance and prepare statistical reports such as inflation tabulations and approval plan return rates. Supervises use of Brodart's Instant Response O rder System to send orders on-line. Must have the expertise to im plem ent an autom ated ac­ quisitions system as soon as feasible. A pplicants m ust have a mas­ te r’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school. Experience in an a c a d e m ic o r research lib ra ry a c q u is itio n s d e p a rtm e n t is re ­ q uired, preferably at the supervisory level. Familiarity w ith auto­ 155 m ated system s, w ith e xperience in im p le m e n tin g a new system being highly desirable. M in im um salary: $ 1 4 .00 0, b ut c o m m e nsu ­ rate w ith q u a lific a tio n s and experience. Will interview at ALA in June. Subm it resum e and letter o f a pplication by June 3 0 to P er­ sonnel Officer. Doheny Library. University o f Southern California. University Park. Los Angeles. CA 9 0 0 0 7 . An equal o p p ortun ity/ affirm ative action employer. HEAD O F TE C H N IC A L SERVICES. App o in tm e nt Septem ber 1978. Assume responsibility as head of tech n ica l services no later than January 1979. Responsible for processing all inco m in g materials from a c q u is itio n th ro u g h ca ta lo g in g w ith staff o f 6 .5 F.T.E. On OCLC s in c e 1974. C o m p le tio n o f co n v e rs io n to L.C. e x p e c te d s u m m e r 1 979. M in im u m q u a lific a tio n s : MLS, e x p e rie n c e w ith OCLC or other shared cataloging data base, m anagem ent experi­ ence o r potential. Salary $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 - $ 17.000, dep en d in g upon ex­ perience and qualifications. An equal o pp ortun ity employer. M/F. Apply to M ahlon Peterson, Owen D. Young Library, St. Lawrence University. Canton, NY 13617. An equal o pportunity/affirm ative a c ­ tion employer. HE AD , TEC H N IC A L SERVICES. Supervise staff of 8 persons in acquisitions, cataloging, and serials. A LA -accredited MLS degree; OCLC. acquisitions, and cataloging experience; five years' profes­ sional library experience and dem on strate d a d m in istrative ability required. Knowledge of systems analysis and one o r more Western European languages desired. U M -D earborn serves 5 .0 0 0 + FTE students through the master's level. $ 1 4 ,8 0 0 per year m inim um , 12-m onth contract, 24 days vacation per year, good fringe benefits. Send resum e by June 16. 1978, to C. Edward Wall, Head Librar­ ian, The University of M ichigan-Dearborn. 490 1 Evergreen Road. Dearborn, M l 4 81 28 . U M -Dearborn is an equal o pportunity, n on d iscrim inatory, affirm ative action, Title IX employer. LIB R A R IA N , R E FE R EN C E D E P A R TM E N T, M iln e Library. State University College, Oneonta, New York. A ccredited graduate degree in librarianship required. C om m itm ent to p u b lic service in c lu din g library instruction essential; relevant experience help fu l A p p o in t­ m e n t a v a ila b le S e p te m b e r 1. 1 97 8. A s s is ta n t lib ra ria n ra n k, $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 m in im um ; 12 months. Usual benefits. Professional staff m em ber in dep artm en t of 6 librarians. Responsibilities: reference desk service, in c lu din g evenings and weekends on rotating basis; library instruction (cred it courses and course-related); pre paration of bibliographic guides; participation in other departm ental respon­ sibilities. Applications accepted until June 15. 1978. A ddress in ­ q u irie s a nd vita to M a rth a C h am be rs. C h a irp e rs o n , P ersonnel Committee, M ilne Library. State University College. Oneonta. N.Y. State University o f New York is an equ al o pportunity/affirm ative a c ­ tion employer. PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN (LIB R AR IAN III). Responsible for general supervision of reference, search services, and loan services sections (1 6 FTE). M ajor responsibilities: develops section goals and im plem ents program s and procedures; participates as well as d irects re ference staff in the provision of reference and com puter bib liographic search services; coordinates library school student in ­ ternsh ip program; directs reference collection developm ent; co o rd i­ nates library user education program. Q ualifications: MLS. 5 years o f successful experience in one o r m ore areas of academ ic, m e d i­ cal library p ub lic services, in c lu din g two years of supervision. Ex­ pertise w ith a variety of c o m p u te r bibliographic search systems es­ sential. Salary: U p to $ 1 8 ,2 6 6 to start, dep en d in g on experience. S ubm it resum e to: Sherilynne Shirley, Norris M edical Library. USC H ealth S cien ces C am pus, 2 0 2 5 Zonal Ave., Los Angeles, CA 9 00 33 . An equal o pportunity/affirm ative action employer. RARE BOOK CATALOG ER. To provide full, original cataloging and classification fo r rare materials. Experience in cataloging rare mate­ rials and knowledge o f French, G erman, and classical languages re q u ire d . S u b je c t b a c k g ro u n d in th e h is to ry o f s c ie n c e and technology desirable. Salary $ 18 ,25 8. Send application to Office of Personnel A dm inistration. Smithsonian Institution. 9 th and Jeffer s on D r.. S.W .. W a s h in g to n , DC 2 0 5 6 0 . An e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity employer. RARE BOOK LIB RARIAN. To organize and manage a collection of rare materials. Duties include collection developm ent, security, and user services. Professional experience in a rare book collection es­ sential. Subject com petence in the history of science and tech n ol­ ogy and European and classical language c o m p ete nce also re ­ quired. Salary $ 1 8 ,2 5 8 -$ 2 1 ,8 8 3 dep en d in g on qualifications. Send application to Office of Personnel A dm inistration, Sm ithsonian In­ stitution, 9th and Jefferson Dr., S.W.. Washington, DC 2 05 60 . An equal o pp ortun ity employer. TE C H N IC A L SERVICES LIB R A R IA N . To supervise acquisitions, cataloging, and serials. Must have fifth-year library degree and in ­ terest in cataloging and com puters. Some re ference duty. Generous frin g e b e n e fits ; s a la ry in $ 9 . 0 0 0 - $ 1 1 .0 0 0 ra n g e A n e q u a l o pportunity-affirm ative action em ployer Apply: B enjam in M. Lewis. D irector o f Lib ra rie s. L.A. B eeghly Lib ra ry. O hio Wesleyan U n i­ versity. Delaware. OH 4 3015. ISI®'s Original Article Tear Sheet (OATS)® Service can be used by anyone Anyone. Whether or not they subscribe to other ISI information services. We'd like to dispel a misconception some people have about OAT'S®. Not the idea that OATS is a unique service which helps you get actual tear sheets of articles, quickly and easily, from over 5 ,0 0 0 of the world's top science and social sciences journals. That's no misconception—that's a fact. We mean the one about how you can't take advantage of OATS unless you subscribe to C urrent C on ten ts®, the S c ie n c e C itation In d e x ®, ASCATO ­ PICS®, or some other ISI service. That's sim p ly n o t true. You can take advantage of OATS even if you don't use any other ISI service. And more and more librarians are doing just that. Whenever they need an article extra fast that's not in their own journal collection. Or when they know that a photocopy just won't satisfy a user's critical needs. To find out more about ISI's O rig in al A r tic le T ea r S h e e t S e r v ic e , fill in and mail the coupon below. Do it today. You'll be doing your library's users— and yourself—a favor.