ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 3 3 2 /C&RL News The ACRL publications program By R ich ard Hum e W erking A v a rie d a n d v ib r a n t a r ra y o f books, jo u r n a ls , a n d surveys T he ACRL publications program is exten­sive and varied. Until my tenure on the Publications Committee I had been unaware o f the program’s richness, even though I have been a member of ACRL for almost twenty years and served a stint on one o f its editorial boards. Consequently, I thought it might be useful to provide the mem­ bership with a brief overview o f their association’s considerable publishing activity. (Descriptions of the several p u blication s o r series are drawn chiefly from the ACRL B u sin ess P lan f o r P u b li­ cation s, 1994.) A second purpose o f this piece is to invite all interested ACRL members to discuss these publications with editors and editorial board chairs at the ACRL booth during the ALA An­ nual Conference in Chicago in June (see sidebar). Last Ju n e’s issue o f C&RL N ews carried an article, by ACRL execu­ tive director Althea H. Jenkins, about the 1993 membership survey. Accord­ ing to the members, ACRL’s two most valuable activities and programs are two publications which virtually tied for first place: C ollege & R esearch Li­ b ra r ies and C olleg e & R esearch L i­ b ra ries News. The next three most v alu ab le activ itie s are d ifferen t types o f information made available through ACRL publications: standards and guidelines, jo b opportunities information, and library sta­ tistics. ACRL periodicals ACRL publishes four periodicals and assists the sections with the publication o f fifteen section newsletters. O f the four periodicals, two are edited by full-time ACRL staff ( C&RL N ews and Choice') and the other two by volunteer editors appointed for fixed terms. C ollege & R esearch L ib raries is a bi­ monthly scholarly journal, published since 1939 and provided as a perqui­ site o f membership in ACRL. C&RL enjoys a favorable reputation in librari anship, and it has been found repeat­ edly to be ranked among the top jour­ nals in library and information science. Its purpose is to provide a research forum for aca­ demic librarians and to enhance the knowledge base o f the profession. The editor is Gloriana St. Clair, associate dean for information access services at the Pennsylvania State University Li­ brary, e-mail: C ollege & R esearch L ib raries News, which appears eleven months a year, is ACRL’s news magazine and offi­ cial journal o f record. Like C&RL‚ it is provided as a perquisite of mem­ bership. Until 1966 it was published as a section in C&RL. It disseminates information about events and people in academic librarianship and else­ where in higher education, includ­ ing job postings, appointments, and news stories about grants, federal legislation, acquisitions, and new publications. The short articles on successful innovations pro- R ichard H um e Werking is c h a ir o f the ACRL Publications Committee a n d librarian a n d associate dean, U.S. N aval Academ y, Annapolis; e-m ail: May 1 9 9 5 /3 3 3 vide valuable information to practicing librar­ ians. In addition to publishing in the traditional print-on-paper format, ACRL is pub­ lishing C&RL N ewsN et on the Inter­ net, providing news and job ads through a gopher server. The edi­ tor o f C&RL N ew s is Mary Ellen K. Davis, senior associate executive director o f ACRL; e-mail: mary.eilen. C hoice, a book review magazine, also appears eleven times a year. It began publication in 1964 as part of a larger project to update B ooksf o r C ollege L ibraries, and it reviews more than 6,000 books a year. The magazine also operates a “reviews-on-cards” subscription pro­ gram and publishes C h o ice bibliog­ raphies in the Bibliographic Essay Se­ ries and the Ethnic Studies Series. The acting editor o f C h o ice is Francine Graf; e-mail: R a re B o o k s a n d M an u scripts L i b r a r ia n s h ip , begun in 1986, is a scholarly journal which publishes articles on rare books, special col­ lections, and archives. The editor is Sidney Berger, head o f special col­ lections and university archivist at the Univer­ sity o f California, Riverside, Library; e-mail: ACRL books In addition to periodicals, ACRL publishes books in three different series. Since 1952 ACRL Pub­ lications in Librarianship, formerly the ACRL Monographs Series, has produced research monographs and edited volumes o f scholarly essays in academic librarianship. The most re­ cent titles are A bstracting, In form ation R etrieval, a n d th e H u m an ities, by Helen R. Tibbo, and A ca d em ic L ib ra ries: R esearch P erspectives, ed­ ited by Mary J o Lynch and Arthur P. Young. ACRL edits this series, which is published by ALA Editions. The editor o f the series is Stephen Wiberley, bibliographer for the social sciences at the University o f Illinois at Chicago Library; e-mail: The CLIP Notes series (College Library In­ formation Packet) resembles ARL’s SPEC Kits, with each publication containing information resulting from a survey o f libraries on a par­ ticular topic, as well as a few exemplary docu­ ments provided by responding libraries. Some re ce n t titles are L ib r a r y S er v ic es f o r N on ­ a ffilia t e d P atron s, CLIP N ote #2 1 , by Eugene S. Mitchell, and M an ag in g S tu d en t W orkers in C olleg e L ib raries, CLIP N ote #20, by Michael Kathman and Jane McGurn Kathman. This series is produced by the CLIP Notes Committee of ACRL’s College Libraries Section, w hose chair is Patricia Butcher; e-mail: O ther nonresearch m onographs reach publication through the New Publications Advisory Board, which reviews manuscripts on a variety of topics. Many o f the manuscripts, though by no means all, originate with one of the sections or other units o f ACRL. Among recent titles are D iscoverin g L ib ra r­ ia n s: P rofiles o f a P rofession , by Mary Jan e Scherdin; V o cation a l a n d T ech­ n ic a l R esou rces f o r C om m u n ity C ol­ leg e L ibraries, by Mary Ann Laun; and S cien ce a n d E n g in eerin g C o n feren ce P roceed in g s, by Barbara DeFelice. Editing this series is ACRL program o ffice r Hugh Thom pson; e-m ail: ACRL surveys In addition to periodicals and books, ACRL also publishes statistical surveys. These, too, are guided through to publication by Hugh Thomp­ son. The most recent title is ACRL U niversity L ib rary S tatistics, 1992– 9 3 . Meet the editors ACRL members who would like to dis­ cuss their association’s publications program are invited to com e by the ACRL booth at ALA’s Annual Conference and meet the edi­ tors and chairs o f the editorial boards. Their hours will be: Sunday, Ju ne 25, 3:00–4:00 p.m.: Norma Kobzina ( C h oice editorial board, at the C h o ice booth), Pamela Snelson ( C&RL N ew s editorial board), Mary Ellen Davis ( C&RL N ews editor), and Hugh Thompson (n e w p u b lic a tio n s ); Sun day, Ju n e 25, 4 :00-5:00 p.m.: Francine Graf (acting editor o f C h o ic e , at the C h o ic e b o o th ), Paula Muφhy (new publications), Gloriana St. Clair ( C&RL editor), Richard Werking (ACRL Pub­ lications Committee chair), and Stephen Wiberley (Publications in Librarianship). 3 3 4 /C&RL News