ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 3 5 2 /C&RL News People in the News Pa m Spiegel Jo h n Gaboury, dean o f li­ braries at Mississippi State University, was recently hon­ ored by the Mississippi Li­ brary Association with its Peggy May Award at its An­ nual Conference in Jackson. Gaboury was honored for his leadership and contributions on behalf o f all types of Mis­ sissippi libraries. He was es­ pecially cited for his leader­ ship in th e p lan n in g fo r statewide electronic access to M ississipp i library re ­ sources, the establishment of the current State­ wide Information Network Task Force, and his continued work in moving Mississippi libraries ahead in the field o f information technologies. Laurene E. Zaporazhetz, dean of libraries at Louisiana State University-Shreveport, has been credited with providing the information on li­ brary resources used in the National Council f o r the Accreditation o f Teacher Education (NCATE) Handbook f o r Board o f Examiners Teams (1994). A p p o in tm ents Pamela Q. J . André has been appointed dir­ ector o f the National Agricultural Library (NAL) in Beltsville, Maryland. She has been serving as acting NAL director since February 1994 Before that she served as NAL’s associate di­ rector for automation and in several positions at the Library of Congress including computer systems analyst and assistant chief o f the MARC Editorial Division. She has served on the edito­ rial boards of several library-related publications and is a m em ber o f ALA and the Interna­ tional Association of Agricultural Information Specialists. Michael LaCroix, formerly library director at Albright College in Reading, Pennsylvania, has b een appointed director o f library services at Creighton University’s Reinert/Alumni Me­ morial Library in Omaha, Nebraska. Before join­ ing Albright, LaCroix served as director o f li­ braries at Wingate College and Greensboro College in North Carolina; coordinator o f technical services in the Health Sciences Library at Wright State University; and head of acquisitions at Wake Forest University. A gradu­ ate o f MacMurray College, LaCroix received his MLS from the University o f Ken­ tucky, and an MBA from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. J . Andrew Magpantay, special assistant for in­ novative projects and planning at the Library and Center for Knowledge Management, Uni­ versity o f California, San Francisco, has been named director of ALA’s new Office for Infor­ mation Technology Policy (OITP), effective June 15. Magpantay has served as computer systems manager at the College of William and Mary, visiting librarian at the Duke University Library, and applications programmer for online library information systems at the University o f Cali­ fornia, Los Angeles. He was also a reviewer for the Telecommunications Information Infrastruc­ ture Assistance Program at the U.S. Department of Commerce, and staff researcher for the Cali­ fornia Public Utilities Commission Task Force on Telecommunications Network Infrastructure. A member o f ALA since 1986, Magpantay is a member o f the ALA Committee on Legislation’s Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Telecommunications. He is also a member o f ACRL, the Library Ad­ ministration and Management Association, the Library and Information Technology Associa­ tion, and the Special Libraries Association. Establishment o f OITP is part o f the ALA Goal 2000 proposal, a five-year plan to posi­ tion ALA for the Information Age. The new of­ fice is designed to complement the Washing­ ton Office’s efforts and serve as a public policy advocate for libraries in the area o f informa­ tion technology. Robert S. Martin has been named director and librarian o f the Texas State Library in Austin. Martin has served as associate dean o f the Loui­ siana State University Libraries since 1985. B e ­ fore that he held library positions at the Uni­ versity o f Texas at Austin and the University o f May 19 9 5 /3 5 3 Texas at Arlington, and had extensive experi­ ence as a consultant to academic and research libraries and archives. A graduate of Rice Univer­ sity, Martin earn ed his MLS at the University of North Texas, and a Ph.D. at the University of North Carolina. He has been an active m em ber o f ALA, the Society o f American Archivists, and the Soci­ ety o f Southwest Archi­ vists. He edited a collec­ Robert S. Martin tion of essays published by ACRL called Scholarly Communication in an Electronic Environment: Issues fo r Research Libraries (1993) and is currently a mem ber of the C&RL News Editorial Board. R osem ary E. W alker has been appointed di­ rector of the Alumni Library at Wentworth In­ stitute o f Technology in Boston. Walker has served as the library’s associate director since 1990. Before joining W entworth she served as chief librarian for the French Library, head li­ brarian at Newbury College, and librarian at Boston Edison Company’s Technical Library. A graduate o f Emmanuel College, Walker received her master’s in English literature from Catholic University, h er master’s in cinema studies from N ew Y ork U niversity, a n d h e r MLS from Simmons College. Peter Accardo has been appointed cataloger and technical services coordinator in the Hough­ ton Library at Harvard University. Jackie D ruery is now reference librarian in the G overnm ent D ocum ents/A dm inistrative Studies Library at York University, Ontario. Gregory F innegan is now associate librar­ ian for public services and head of reference in Tozzer Library at Harvard University. D a p h n e Flanagan has been nam ed refer­ ence librarian in the Government D ocum ents/ Ed. note: Entries in this column are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices, individuals using institutional letterhead, and other sources. To ensure that your personnel news is considered fo r publication, write to Pam Spiegel, Assistant Editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail: Administrative Studies Library at York Univer­ sity, Ontario. M. Robert Fraser has been appointed net­ w ork resources librarian at the University of Michigan-Dearborn Mardigian Library. D oroth y G regor has been nam ed assistant to the president for academic and research li­ brary relations at OCLC in Dublin, Ohio. Kent H aw orth has been appointed head o f Archives and Special Collections at York Uni­ versity, Ontario. C y n th ia H e n d e r s o n has b e e n n am ed health sciences librarian at the University of Il­ linois, Urbana. Jean H ines is a new librarian at the Smith­ sonian Institution Libraries Cooper Hewitt Na­ tional Design Museum Branch. Ju lie H off is now m ap/reference librarian at the Arizona State Library in Phoenix. Y o la n d a H o llin g s w o r th has b e e n a p ­ pointed assistant electronic resources librarian at the Governor Thomas E. D ewey Graduate Library for Public Affairs and Policy at the Uni­ versity at Albany, State University of New York. W illiam T. J o h n s o n has been appointed subject librarian for science/biology, mathemat­ ics, and physics at Texas Tech University, Lub­ bock. M elissa L. Just has been appointed infor­ mation specialist at the University o f Southern California Norris Medical Library, Los Angeles. Jan ice Krentz is now head of the Depart­ ment for Spain, Portugal, and Latin America at the University of Kansas Libraries, Lawrence. J o h n L ehner has been nam ed half-time as­ sistant reference librarian at the Governor Tho­ mas E. Dewey Graduate Library for Public Af­ fairs and Policy at the University at Albany, State University of New York. K enn eth Liss is now career reference li­ b r a ria n in th e B a k er L ibrary a t H arv ard University’s Business School. Marilyn M oody has been nam ed director of the Science and Engineering Library at the University at Buffalo, State University of New York. Mary A nn N ash is now director of OCLC Pacific, the OCLC service center for libraries in Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, Washing­ ton, other w estern states, and W estern Canada. Jam es P. N iessen has been nam ed subject librarian for humanities/history and foreign lan­ guages at Texas Tech University, Lubbock. Brian Q uinn has been appointed subject librarian for social sciences/psychology, soci- 3 5 4 /C&RL News ology, and social work; health, physical ed u ­ cation, and recreation; and hum an development at Texas Tech University, Lubbock. K athleen Burke Ryan is now business in­ formation analyst in the Baker Library at Har­ vard University’s Business School. Carrie S undstrom has b een nam ed assis­ tant director o f library developm ent at Texas Tech University, Lubbock. M illie Syring has b een appointed reference and docum ent delivery librarian at the Univer­ sity o f Nevada, Reno. K ristin W elton is now photo archivist at the University o f Kansas Libraries, Lawrence. N orm a Y ueh is the new director of research at Ramapo College, New Jersey. D e a t k s Edw in Trum an C om an Jr., former librarian o f the School o f Letters a n d Sciences at the Uni­ versity o f California, Riverside, died in January at the age o f 91. Coman began his library ca­ reer as a research assistant at the Claremont Colleges. From 1936 to 1942 he was director of the Graduate School of Business Library at Stan­ ford University, then served as assistant profes­ so r o f bu sin ess history from 1945 to 1950. Coman served as president of the California Library Association in 1949. His publications included Sources o f Business Information (1949) and Time, Tide a n d Timber (1949). Frances Fishburn, librarian at Park College in Parkville, Missouri, from 1943 to 1962, died last August. Fishburn graduated from Park Col­ lege in 1921, then received her BLS from Co­ lumbia University, an d then becam e assistant librarian at Park College in 1927. Following her retirement in 1962, she served as archivist at the college until 1988. D oug H indm arsh, grants coordinator and con­ sultant for the Utah State Library, died o f a sud­ d en illness o n D ecem ber 7, 1994, only one m onth after assuming the duties of vice-presi dent/president-elect o f the Mountain Plains Li­ brary Association (MPLA). Hindmarsh began his career as a cataloger and library science instruc­ tor at Brigham Young University. He later joined the public library field and w orked at the Salt Lake County Library System in m any capaci­ ties. As a m em ber of MPLA, he served on prac­ tically every standing committee MPLA has and chaired m ore than one. As the Utah Library Association’s representative to MPLA, he served for six years o n the MPLA Board. N ina D. P. H orio, reference librarian in the Science-Technology Reference D epartm ent of the Hamilton Graduate Library at the Univer­ sity of Hawaii at Manoa, died last August of com plications o f th erap y for b reast cancer. Horio received h er MLS from Simmons College in 1971. She served as president o f the Univer­ sity of Hawaii Professional Assembly, an d re­ ceived th e first Excellence in Librarianship Award from the Hamilton Library in 1993. P h ilip J. McNiff, former director and librarian emeritus o f the Boston Public Library (BPL), d ied in Novem ber. Before joining the BPL, McNiff served the Harvard College Library for many years. Starting in 1942, he rose through the ranks to becom e librarian of the Lamont Library, the nation’s first library specifically for undergraduates; an d eventually becam e asso­ ciate librarian o f Harvard College and Archibald Cary Coolidge bibliographer. Jam es S. M cPhee, h ead instructional services librarian at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), died January 22 after a battle with p an ­ creatic cancer. M cPhee b eg an his ten u re at UNLV in 1984 as the first orientation librarian. In 1994 he w as voted UNLV Librarian o f the Year. As a m em ber o f ALA’s Intellectual Free­ dom Committee, McPhee was a tireless defender o f the right to free speech, fighting innum er­ able battles against censorship. N eil Ratliff, h ead of the Music Library and the International Piano Archives at the University o f Maryland at College Park, died last Septem­ b er after a long illness. Ratliff served as a music librarian in the perform ing arts collection at the New York Public Library at Lincoln Center be­ fore joining Maryland in 1980. From 1983 to 1992 he also served as lecturer in music librari­ anship at Catholic University. Early in 1994 Ratliff, w ho spoke Greek fluently, received a Fulbright grant to establish a music library in G reece in the new Athens Concert Hall. He considered the project to be the culmination of his life’s work, b u t w as unable to carry out the assignment because o f illness.