ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries J u ly /A u g u s t 1 9 9 7 / 4 6 3 Lazerow research on catalo g in g needs Ed. note: Here is a brief report on research funded by ACRL’s 1996 Samuel Lazerow Fel­ lowship Award. How useful are data in catalog records? Thanks to the Samuel Lazerow Fellowship Award, we investigated the value graduate students at the University of Florida (UF) place on different parts of the bibliographic record. In January 1997 we sent a survey to a ran­ dom sample of UF graduate students asking them to respond to statements about the use­ fulness o f parts o f catalog records for all types of library materials and the usefulness of in­ formation describing Internet resources. The survey was com pleted by 453 students. Preliminary analysis of average responses shows strong levels of agreem ent with the usefulness of primary author/editor and title in catalog records. They disagreed with the usefulness of information about illustrations and physical size. They also indicated agree­ ment with the usefulness of additional au­ th o rs/editors, place o f publication, publisher, d ate o f p u blication, pagination, co n ten ts notes, summary n o te /abstract, references, in­ dex, series title, assigned subject terms, re­ lated works, and standard numbers. Regarding Internet resources, they strongly agreed with the usefulness of primary author/ editor/creator, title, Internet address, and sum­ mary n o te /abstract. They also agreed with the usefulness of additional authors/editors, place o f publication/origin, publisher/distributor/ corporate sponsor, date of creation/publica­ Both titles may be ordered from ACRL by calling (800) 545-2433, press 7, or fax an order to (312) 836-9958. N e w York Public Library main reading room closes Beginning July 14, the Main Reading Room of the New York Public Library will be closed to the public through February 1999 for structural repairs and upgrades in service and technol­ ogy. Interim spaces will be m ade available b e­ ginning July 15 so that service to the public can continue. The interim reading room will be located in Gottesman Hall; the Public Cata­ log Room and reference materials will move to room 121; and com puter access, online refer­ tion, date of most recent update, designation of edition/version/issue, size of file, graphics, recom m ended software for access/dow nload­ ing, system requirements, note on level of in­ formation provided, frequency of issue/revi- sion, access limits, assigned subject terms, related works, and standard numbers. We also solicited responses to general state­ ments regarding their use of the library’s re­ sources and Internet access. Our students vary considerably in their areas of study and in their responses to our questions. Average responses indicate agreement that the catalog and library indexes are useful, and that it is useful that materials on each subject are shelved together and authors are indexed with cross references. There w as agreem ent that Internet access has becom e a significant m ethod to obtain infor­ mation needed in their studies and that it is useful to have Internet resources listed and linkable through the library catalog. However, the students disagreed that the library has as­ sisted them in using information through the Internet and that they have used Internet re­ sources they found out about through the li­ brary catalog. We plan to publish a fuller report of this research and feel that this study has increased out understanding of what some of our users want from the library catalog. We hope it will lead to definitive research toward optimizing description o f all types of information for all users.—Jim m ie Lundgren a n d Betsy Simpson, University o f Florida ences, and databases will be in rooms 119 and 120. Details about the interim spaces are avail­ able at http://w w w in/pro/press/ releases.html. Cornell and Iceland to create Icelandic Digital Library Cornell University Library is starting a three- year project with the National and University Library o f Iceland to create the Icelandic Na­ tional Digital Library, a first-of-its-kind electronic repository with selected materials from Cornell’s Fiske Icelandic Collection, the National and Uni­ versity Library of Iceland, and Iceland’s Árni Magnússon Institute. The project is m ade pos­ sible by a $600,000 grant from the Andrew W.