ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries J u ly /A u g u s t 1 9 9 7 / 4 7 1 G eography resources on the In te rn e t By L uigina V ile n o Be a “virtual to u rist” o f p la n e t Earth G eographers study all living things and the earth features am ong w hich these crea­ tures live. They are particularly intereste their location and distribution. G eographers look for spatial patterns and study how forces such as climate or human activity change the landscape. They use information from all disci­ plines, including biology, dem ography, eco­ nomics, geology, physics, and sociology. Because o f the w ide range o f data o f inter­ est to geographers, practically all of the Inter­ net could be useful in geographical studies. General geography sites as well as general di­ re c to rie s s u c h as Y a h o o ( access: h t t p : / / w w w .y ah o o .co m ) o r the A r g u s C le a r in g ­ h o u s e ( access: http://w w w and search engines such as L y co s ( access: http://w w ) or A lta V ista (access; can be helpful. Given the fluid nature o f the discipline and of the Internet, the following is but a sampling o f sites that w ere found to have some useful geographic information. Although this is clearly not a com prehensive guide, I hope it will serve as a starting point for those w ho wish to use the Internet for geographical research. Geographical guides to the Web V irtual T ou rist. A m ap-based directory of all the W eb servers in the world. If one is inter­ ested in w hat Web resources are available in a particular country, one has only to click onto that spot on the world map and a list of sites is generated. Access: http://w w w /. Starting points H u m a n a n d p h y s i c a l g e o g r a p h y G e o g r a p h y W orld . Created by a geogra­ phy high school teacher, it is one o f a few very good starting points. Its opening page has a table o f contents with topics of interest to all geographers, for example: earth’s surface and de rino sion, ecosystems and environmental issues, human culture, and maps and globes. Access: /bowermanb/101.htm l. N ice G e o g r a p h y S ites. An extensive list of geographic information systems (GIS) and ge­ ography sites with strong European emphasis. A major drawback is that it is divided into only three very broad categories: general geogra­ phy, GIS and remote sensing and geography and, GIS newsgroups. Access: http://w w w .frw . U n iv e r sity o f T ex a s at A ustin: In tern et R e so u r c e s fo r G e o g r a p h e r s . This very “nice” site is a beautifully organized list of resources. Access: h ttp ://w w w .u te x a s .e d u /d e p ts /g rg / virtdept/resources/contents.htm . U n iv e r sity o f W aterloo: G e o g r a p h y Sub­ je c t P age. A Canadian example. Access: http: / / w w w .lib .u w a te r lo o .c a /d is c ip lin e /g e o g / index.html. WWW V ir tu a l L ib ra ry : S u b je c t C a ta ­ lo g u e , G e o g r a p h y . Access: h ttp ://w w w . icom os. org/WWW_VL_Geography. htm l. Y a h o o G e o g r a p h y P a g e. Access: h ttp :// w w w /science/geography. P h y s i c a l g e o g r a p h y CSC E arth S c ie n c e S erver. The Center for Scientific Computing (CSC), a Finnish publisher, provides links to many areas in physical geog­ raphy. Access: earth_science.html. L u ig in a Vileno is reference a n d g e o g ra p h y su b je c t lib ra r ia n a t th e G. P. V a n ie r L ibrary a t C oncordia University, M ontreal; e-m ail: lu ig in a @ v a x2 .c o n c o r d ia .ca http://www.frw 4 7 2 /C & R L N e w s I n t e r n e t R e s o u r c e s i n t h e E a r th S c i­ e n c e s . A general directory site provided by the University o f California at Berkeley’s Library. It provides links to all areas of the earth sciences. Access'. h ttp ://w w w .lib .b erk eley .ed u ./E A R T / EarthLinks.html. L a n d sc a p e E c o lo g y & B io g e o g r a p h y . A list o f sites in these tw o subject areas. Access: h ttp ://w w w .u n i-s b .d e /p h ilfa k /fb 6 /fr6 6 /tp w / g eo -h o t/an u _ lan d . htm . O n -lin e R e s o u r c e s fo r E arth S c ie n t is t s (ORES). Online resources available through the Internet and other networks that may be use­ ful to those with an interest in the earth sciences. Access: P h y s ic a l G e o g r a p h y R e so u r c e s. A m ix­ tu re o f im ages, datasets, an d data libraries o f p o te n tia l u se to p h y sic al g e o g ra p h e rs. Access: h ttp ://f e a tu r e .g e o g r a p h y .w is c .e d u / phys.htm. Gazetteers G e o g r a p h ic N a m e se r v e r . This server con­ tains information mostly on locations in the U.S. Simply type in the nam e of a place and it will return with its telephone area code, latitude, longitude, population, elevation, and zip code. Access: http://w w w .m N a tio n a l Im a g ery a n d M a p p in g A g e n c y ’s (NIMA) G E O net N a m e s S erv er (G N S). A da­ tabase of foreign geographic feature names; 3-3 m illion featu res are u p d a te d m onthly w ith nam es information approved by the U.S. Board o n Geographic Names. You enter the nam e of a place and country and it returns with its des­ ignation, latitude, and longitude. Access: http: / / w w w . d m a. g o v / gns/htm l/index.htm l. U.S. G a zetteer. A very useful tool, this gaz­ etteer identifies places to view with the Tiger Map Server and obtains census data from the 1990 Census Lookup Server. O ne simply en ­ ters a place name. The server returns with p o p u ­ lation, location, and zip code information. It O R E S :tiderc ega mI also links the user to a m ap o f the area as well as census tables. For the tables, the user se­ lects w hat variables should be displayed. A c­ cess: http://w w w Maps U n ite d S ta t e s T ig er M ap S erv er (TMS). This project is sponsored by the U.S. Bureau o f the Census. The goal is to provide a public resource for generating high-quality, detailed m aps of any­ w here in the United States using public g eo ­ graphic data. Access: C a n a d a N a t i o n a l A t la s I n f o r m a t i o n S e r v i c e (NAIS). A Canadian governm ent site with base maps, geographical names, and thematic maps that “reflect the social, economic, environm en­ tal and cultural fabric o f Canada.” Access: http:/ /WWW-NAIS.CCRS.NRCan.GC.CA/. O th e r M ap Q u est. A commercial site with a world atlas, trip planning, and routing information. Provides driving directions betw een U.S. cit­ ies. Interactive atlas lets you pinpoint places on the map, right dow n to the street. Access: h ttp ://www. m a p q u est. co m . P erry -C a sta ñ ed a L ibrary (PCL) M ap C o l­ le c t io n (U n iv e r s ity o f T e x a s at A u stin ). Very useful an d easy to use for anyone looking for maps. Includes links to electronic cartographic reference resources, electronic maps o f current interest and o f general interest w orldwide, his­ torical maps, and other m ap-related sites. A c­ cess: h ttp ://w w w .lib .u te x a s .e d u /L ib s /P C L / Map_collection/Map_collection.html. Ed. note: For a more extensive review o f this site see the Internet Resources column on page 502. 3G o n W3: T h e G reat G lo b e G a llery . An interesting and fun collection of views o f planet Earth. Includes illustrations of projections and thematic geological and environm ental maps. Due to the heavily graphic material, loading takes some time. Access: http://hum .am ~zbzw /glob/globl.htm . X e r o x PARC M ap V ie w e r . A ccepts re ­ quests for a w orld or U.S. m ap and returns an html docum ent including an image o f the re­ quested map. This is created on dem and from a geographic database. O ne can zoom in on a selected point and generate another map. A c­ cess: h ttp :/ / pubw eb .pare .xerox, com /m apdocs/ mapviewer.html. http://pubweb J u ly /A u g u s t 1 9 9 7 / 4 7 3 Satellite images and remote sensing U n ite d S ta te s N a tio n a l A e r o n a u tic s a n d S p ace A d m in ­ is tr a tio n (NASA). Includes many links to in­ teresting information such as news items re­ lated to NASA; organization information; FAQs; and a page entitled “Mission to Planet Earth— dedicated to understanding the many ways the Earth is constantly changing and how human beings influence those changes.” Access: http: / / w w w . nasa. gov/. N a tio n a l E n v ir o n m e n ta l S atellite, D ata, a n d I n fo r m a tio n S erv ice (NESDIS). Includes links to many departmental sites such as Na­ tional Geophysical Data Center; Office o f Sat­ ellite Data Processing and Distribution; and the G lobal E nvironm ental D isaster M onitoring (GEDM) Project. Access: h ttp ://n s.n o aa .g o v / NESDIS/NESDIS_Home.html. SIR-C/X-SAR Im a g es. A joint U.S.-German- Italian project that uses a highly sophisticated imaging radar to capture images of Earth that are useful to scientists across a great range of disciplines. The image categories are: archae­ ology, cities, ecology & agriculture, geology, interferometry, oceans, rivers, snow, ice, gla­ ciers, and volcanoes. Access: http://w w w .jpl. C a n a d a C a n a d a C e n t r e f o r R e m o t e S e n s i n g (CCRS). Lots of information on CCRS, Cana­ dian companies, and universities involved in remote sensing and remotely sensed images of C anada. Access: h ttp ://w w w .c c rs .n rc a n .g c . ca/ccrs/ghom epge. htm l. International regional information CIA W orld F a ctb o o k 1 9 9 6 . General hand- book-type information on different countries, for example: flag and map, geography, people, government, economy, transportation, commu­ nication, an d defense. Access: h ttp ://w w w . . C ity.N et. General and tourist infomiation on 5,000 lo catio n s w o rld w id e. Access: h ttp : // InfoNation. A United Nations site offering socio­ economic, demographic, and some environmental data. The environmental data include carbon diox­ ide emissions, forest area, and endangered spe­ cies. Access: h ttp ://w w w .u n .o rg /P u b s/C y b er SchoolBus/infonation. I n te r n a tio n a l D ata B ase. Brought to us by the U.S. Census Bureau, this database contains dem ographic and socio-economic information for all countries of the world. Access: h ttp :// w w w .ce n su s.g o v /ftp /p u b /ip c /w w w /id b n ew . html. Statistical information U n ite d S ta te s F e d e r a l G e o g r a p h ic D a ta C o m m it t e e (FGDC). A government site with links to vari­ ous geospatial data sources: federal, state, uni­ versity, foreign, commercial, and others. A c­ cess: http://w w l. U.S. C e n su s B u reau . The Home Page is organized around eleven functioning buttons: 1. News; 2. Access Tools; 3. Subjects A to Z; 4. Search; 5. CenStats - CenStore; 6. Just for Fun; 7. A bout the Census Bureau; 8. User Manual; 9- New on the Site; 10. Population Clock; and 11. Economic Clock. Access: http:/ /w w w C a n a d a S tatistics C anada. A wide variety of infor­ mation on economic and social conditions in Canada. The basic subject divisions are: the land, the people, the economy, and the state. A c­ cess: http://w w w W eather and climate U n ite d S ta te s N a tio n a l W ea th er S ervice. Links to the lat­ est U.S. w eather information (warnings, fore­ casts, maps, and observations); climate statis­ tics and historical archives; and information on hydrometeorology, the environment, geophysi­ cal tables, w eather communications, standards Feature your collection on the cover of C&RL News C&RL News wants to feature aesthetically pleasing photos of items from library col­ lections on its covers. If you have material in your library’s collections that you think w ould make an attractive C&RL News cover, please send us photographs or color p ho­ tocopies and a brief description of the items and the collection. Photos may be either color or black-and-white and should be 5" x 7" or 8" x 10". Illustrations with a vertical orientation work best. Send to: C&RL News Covers, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 6O6ll. http://www.jpl http://www.ccrs.nrcan.gc City.Net file:/// 4 7 4 / C&RL N ews and codes, and other w eather related services. Access: http://w w w .nw s. n o C a n a d a A t m o s p h e r i c E n v i r o n m e n t S e r v i c e (C an ad a). Current w eather conditions and fore­ casts for Canada. Access: h ttp ://w w w .to More government sites U n ite d S ta te s E n v ir o n m e n ta l P r o te c tio n A g en cy . A c­ cess: http ://w w w .ep a.g o v /. U.S. G e o lo g ic a l S u r v e y . Access: h ttp :// w w w C a n a d a E n v i r o n m e n t C a n a d a . Access: h t t p : / / w w w N atu ral R e so u r c e s C anada. Access.- http: / / Professional associations T h e A s s o c ia t io n o f A m e r ic a n G e o g r a ­ p h e r s (AAG). This site includes information on the association, meetings, publications, job postings, an d related organizations. Access: http://w w w T h e C a n a d ia n A s s o c ia t io n o f G e o g r a ­ p h e r s (CAG). This site includes links to the as­ sociation, its journals, other organizations, and more. Access: socsci/geog/cag/. R o y a l G e o g r a p h ic a l S o c ie ty /I n s titu te o f B r itish G e o g r a p h e r s . This site includes in­ formation on the society, meetings, publica­ tions, an d research groups. Access: h ttp :// Whole publications E - jo u m a ls G eo g r a p h y R eso u rces: E le c tr o n ic J o u r ­ n a ls . Part of the University of Texas at Austin Geography site. Links to journals on the Web. Full-text publications are clearly indicated. A c­ cess: h t t p : / / w w w . u t e x a s . e d u / d e p t s / g r g / virtdept/resources/journal/journals.htm . J o u r n a l o f G e o g r a p h ic I n f o r m a tio n a n d D e c is io n A n a ly s is (JGIDA) . Peer-reviewed, geographic information-based decision analy­ sis. Access: http ://w w w .g eo g .u w o .ca/g im d a/ journal/journal.htm. J o u r n a l o f G e o g r a p h y . Full text of the current issue. Access: h ttp ://g e o g .ta m u .ed u / journal/m ain. html. T r a n s a c tio n s o f th e I n s tit u te o f B r itis h G e o g r a p h e r s . Full text of the current issue. Access: http://ppt.geog.qm w B ib l io g r a p h i e s P o p u la t io n I n d e x . A quarterly bibliogra­ phy covering all fields o f interest to dem ogra­ phers. Includes citations from monographs, jour­ nal articles, and other formats. Access: http: //p o p in d e x . princeton. edu/. Newsgroups and discussion lists D ir e c to r y o f S c h o la r ly a n d P r o fe s s io n a l E -C o n feren ces. Diane K. Kovacs’s directory will provide you with a list of mailing lists and newsgroups in geography. Access: http://w w w. VACS/. Commercial sites C o m m e r c ia l G e o g r a p h y R e s o u r c e s . A basic list of commercial geography sites on the Web. Access: h ttp ://w w w .c la .s c .e d u /g e o g / geogdocs/otherdocs/comm.html. G e o P la c e .c o m . Brought to us by the pu b ­ lishers o f GIS World, this commercial site is packed with useful information: news, book and software reviews, special columns, and m uch more. Access: Other sites In te r n a tio n a l B o u n d a r ie s R e se a r c h U n it (IBRU). This University of Durham site includes some interesting information on problem s as­ sociated with international boundaries on land and at sea. In its International Boundaries Da­ tabase one can type in the nam e of a place that has had boundary problems and receive a num ­ ber of news items on the subject. Access: http: //w w w ■ Advertiser index Britannica Online 470 R. R. Bowker cover 2, 489 Brodart Publishing 479 Endocrine Society 487 EOS International 466 Gale Research 475 Gaylord Bros. 460 Library Corp. cover 3 Merck Publishing cover 4 SIRSI 457 http://www.nws