ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries J u ly /A u g u s t 1 9 9 7 / 5 0 1 Promoting preservation awareness P r o m o tin g P r e s e r v a tio n A w areness in Libraries-. A Source Book f o r Academ ic, Public, School a n d Special Collections w as sc h ed u led for publication in May. The 384-page b o o k w as edited by Jeanne Drewes, head of p r e s e r v a tio n a t J o h n s H o p k in s U n iv e r s ity ’s Eisenhower Library, and Julie Page, preservation librarian at the University o f California- San Diego Library, and offers information on creating and evaluating preservation education programs for staff and library customers. As­ suming that dam aging misuse o f library mate­ rials is most often caused by ignorance, the book focuses on engaging the attention and changing the attitudes of all types of library users. It contains chapters o n the basic issues, as well as effective programs for school, p u b ­ lic, and academic libraries, and special collec­ tions and archives. It also includes case stud­ ies, graphics, a videography, and a bibliography. Copies are available for $75.00 through your book vendor. Published as part of the G reen­ w ood Library M anagement Collection, ISBN 0- 313-30206-5. NEDCC offers leaflet in Spanish The Northeast Docum ent Conservation Center (NEDCC) has translated its technical leaflet Care o f Photographs into Spanish. Originally written in English by Gary Albright, senior photographs conservator at the center, the leaflet covers the proper storage procedures an d environm ent necessary to prolong the life o f photographs. Copies are available for the cost of the mailing. Send a self-addressed envelope, stam ped with .55 cents postage to Gay Tracy, NEDCC, 100 Brickstone Square, Andover, MA 01810-1494; phone: (508) 470-1010; e-mail: School for Scanning NEDCC will hold its fourth “School for Scan­ ning” at the New York Academy o f Medicine in Manhattan, on November 3-5,1997. The con­ tent and format will closely resem ble the third “School for Scanning” w hich w as held May 12-14, 1997, in Berkeley, California. Designed Preservation N e ws Jane Hedberg for novices in digital conver­ sion, it will cover the basics of technology, technical jar­ gon, file formats, co n ten t selection, legal issues, text and image scanning, qual­ ity control, costs, metadata, a n d CD-ROM o r W o rld Wide W eb applications. For m ore inform ation, contact Kim O ’Leary, NEDCC, 100 Brickstone Square, Andover, MA 0181 0 -1 4 9 4 ; p h o n e : (508) 470-1010; fax: (508) 475-6021; e-mail: oleary@ CCAHA forms volunteer disaster corps The Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) has created a V olunteer Corps Disaster Recovery Training Program us­ ing funding provided by the William Penn Foun­ dation. Volunteers w ere solicited to provide disaster recovery assistance for institutions with historic collections in six Pennsylvania coun­ ties. The volunteers had to have som e prior experience with collections, as curators, con­ servators, etc., and be willing to receive two days o f training in September 1997. Following the training they will be listed on CCAHA’s Emergency Resources list, and may be called u p o n to aid during a local disaster. For more information about the program, contact Virgilia Rawnsley, Director o f Preservation Services, CCAHA, 264 South 23rd St., Philadelphia, PA 19103; phone: (215) 545-0613; fax: (215) 735- 9313; e-mail: Preservation education opportunities A gentle reminder: you may be able to look to your local OCLC services provider for preser­ vation education. SOLINET in the Southeast, AMIGOS in T exas an d th e Southw est, and NELINET in New England all offer excellent preservation w orkshops as part of their train­ ing programs. ■ J a n e Hedberg prepares this co lu m n f o r the College Libraries Committee, Comm ission o n Preservation a n d Access. Subm issions m a y be m a d e to: J a n e Hedberg, Wellesley College Library, 1 0 6 Central St., Wellesley, MA 02181; fa x : (6 17)283-3640; e-mail: JHEDBERG@ WELLESLEY.EDU. WELLESLEY.EDU