ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 199 Personnel A P P O I N T M E N T S Mrs. H ilda Bohem has joined the staff of the department of special collections, Univer­ sity of California, Los Angeles, as rare map, ephemera, and graphic arts librarian. Mrs. Nancy Boles has been appointed cu­ rator of manuscripts of the Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore. Howard D illon has accepted the position of director of university libraries, Sangamon State University, Springfield, Illinois. Hendrik Edelman has received appoint­ ment as assistant director of university libraries for the development of the collections, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Norms Felland was appointed librarian emeritus for the American Geographical So­ ciety library, New York City. Lon-fen H ou has assumed the duties of reference librarian at North Carolina Wesleyan College in Rocky Mount. Mon-Hua Kuo has assumed the position of serials cataloger with the Drexel University li­ braries, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Dr. Leroy L. Langley is the new associate director for extramural programs at the Na­ tional Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Mary­ land. Margaret M. Mattern has been named head of the reference department, University of Rochester, New York. Lynn S. Mullins is the newly appointed li­ brarian of the American Geographical Society library, New York City. Carl F. Oldsen has joined the staff of the ERIC Clearinghouse for Exceptional Children as assistant director responsible for informa­ tion systems. Carl F. Orgren has accepted the position of assistant professor in the school of library science, University of Iowa, Iowa City. Margaret Otto has been promoted to as­ sistant director for reader services for the li­ braries, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. Kenneth W. Paull is now acting as co­ ordinator of library systems for the Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington. Robert V. Pezdek is now librarian of the New York State School of Industrial and La­ bor Relations at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Henry Bradford Smith is now assistant head of the reference department at the Uni­ versity of Rochester, New York. Samuel Yee Sung is the newly appointed assistant professor and cataloger at Mississippi State University at State College. Richard W. Vierich is now head of science processing, science libraries. University of California, Riverside. Sukmoon Yoon has been named assistant librarian in the serials, microforms, reclassifica­ tion section of the catalog department at Penn­ sylvania State University, University Park. N E C R O L O G Y Wharton Miller, formerly Dean of the School of Library Science and Director of Li­ braries at Syracuse University, died suddenly on March 6, 1970, at the age of 80. Mr. Miller retired in 1955 and had been living in De Bary, Florida, since 1959. R E T IR E M E N T S The retirement of Ralph W. McComb, ef­ fective April 30, 1970, has been announced by W. Carl Jackson, director of libraries at Penn­ sylvania State University. Mr. McComb, now University Librarian for Resource Development, has served the university for twenty-three years and the library profession for more than forty years. He will retire with the rank of li­ brarian emeritus, the first librarian to receive this honor at Penn State. Long active in library professional organiza­ tions, McComb was president of the Penn­ sylvania Library Association, a member of its executive board, and of various committees. In October, 1967, PLA honored him with their Award of Merit for his “important and conspicuous contributions to the development and improvement of library service in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.” McComb has also been an active member of the Ameri­ can Library Association as a member of the Council and several of its committees, includ­ ing the Steering Committee of the Association of College and Research Libraries, University Libraries Section. E llen Shaffer, head of the rare book de­ partment of The Free Library of Philadelphia, is retiring from her post after sixteen years of service to become curator of the newly estab­ lished Silverado Museum, in St. Helena, Cali­ fornia. Announcement of this appointment was made Monday, April 20, by Norman H. Strouse, chairman of the Vailima Foundation, which has sponsored the new museum devoted to the life and works of Robert Louis Steven­ son. Miss Shaffer will assume her new post on August 1. A native of Leadville, Colorado, where she first discovered the fascination of old books while working in the public library during her high school days, Ellen Shaffer has long been a rare book enthusiast. Although she organized an elementary school library system in Ana­ heim, California, and worked briefly for the Los Angeles County Library, her interest had always been in the antiquarian book field. She went to work with Dawson’s Book Shop of Los Angeles, largest antiquarian book firm west of the Mississippi, and for twenty years headed their department of manuscripts and first edi­ tions, where her work included buying, sell­ ing, appraising, issuing catalogs, and making occasional buying trips to Europe. ■ ■ 200 v C b l G B l i G t Classified Advertising Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Ad­ ertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, hicago 60611, and should reach that office efore the tenth of the month preceding pub­ ication of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for th e next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.25 per printed line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. FOR SALE LC CARD NUMBER Indexes to the National Union Catalog. Cut your NUC searching time. LISCO, 34 Smith Street, Marblehead, Mass. 01945. OVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS mailed to you within 3 days. SuDocs price plus postage. Capital Documents Service, Box 4922, Wash­ ington 20008. OOK LANDERO, THE PERIPLUTIC BIB­ LIODICIST, 11501 Sherman Way, North Hol­ ywood, Ca. 91605, specializing in OP tomes n Literature, Social Sciences, Humanities, es­ pecially as listed in BCL, Lamont, Essay Index, ranger, etc. Catalogs Issued. Wants searched hrough personal peregrinations and PAN­ ANABASES. ALL the remaining stocks of the five cumula­ tive volumes of “The English Catalogue of Books” fully covering 1948-65 plus the single yearly volumes for 1966 and 1967 having been taken over by us we invite librarians’ and booksellers’ enquiries; other cumulative and single yearly volumes previous to 1948 (also single yearly volumes for 1948-1969) being available, both new and second-hand right back to 1801. As are “Whitaker’s Cumulative Booklist”—both cumulative and yearly volumes; “Reference Catalogue of Current Literature,” “Cumulative Book Index,” “Book Prices Cur­ rent,” “A Subject Index of Books Published up to and Including 1880,” “The British Museum Subject Index” 1881-1960, except for 1951-55; “The Illustrated London News,” “Picture Post,” “The Times,” “Palmer’s Index to The Times” original quarterly volumes as well as “Palmer’s Index to The Times 1790-1941 (June) on Microfilm.” “The Official Index to The Times” —original volumes; “The Annual Register,” “The Quarterly Review,” “The Economist,” “The Times Literary Supplement,” “Chemical Abstracts,” “Studio,” “Parliamentary Debates— Lords and/or Commons,” all series, etc. Some books on Librarianship—list available. H. Por­ des, Bookseller, 529b Finchley Road, London, N.W.3. Phone: 01-435 9878. SHELVING, 269 tiers of 36 inch double-faced shelves, 9½ feet high, with mounted fluorescent lighting. Six years old. Holds 100,000 volumes. Address: Librarian, Bellarmine School of The­ ology, 230 S. Lincoln Way, North Aurora, Il­ linois 60542. POSITIONS W A N TE D CATALOGER, M.S.L.S., long university ex­ perience with LC, as dept. head, desires po­ sition as dept. head in small or medium-sized college, preferably with 10 months a year ap­ pointment. Box 785, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. LIBRARIAN, 32, M.A. in L.S., seeks position in African Studies Library or other academic library developing Africana collection. Worked 3 years in Ethiopia, traveled in East, South and West Africa. Five years experience. Now studying Swahili. Available summer/fall 1970. Box 786, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. POSITIONS OPEN Administration HEAD CATALOGER. Position open July 1970. MLS degree and experience with L.C. Classi­ fication required. Salary for 12 month contract depending on qualifications. Georgia Retire­ ment System benefits, academic status, one month vacation. Submit resume, transcripts, and letters from three professional references to Mrs. Regina M. Yoast, Director, Armstrong