ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 8 1 4 /C&RL News ■ O ctober 2000 College & Research Libraries news ACRL leadership opportunities Get involved in your association N ow is a g o o d tim e to in crease y o u r in ­ v o lv em en t in ACRL by v o lu n teerin g to serve o n a division o r sectio n com m itt Vice-president Mary L. Reichel invites all ACRL m em bers to contact the A ppointm ents Com­ mittee about serving on one of ACRL’s 24 comm ittees for next year. Members may also contact o n e of the section vice-chairs regard­ ing service on one o f the many section com ­ mittees. C o m m i t t e e m e m b e r s h e lp shape the organi­ zation by im ple­ menting its strate­ gic plan (available at http://w w w .ala. o rg /a c rl/stra tp la . html), re s h a p in g th e a s s o c ia tio n , a n d in flu e n c in g th e d ire c tio n o f academ ic an d re ­ search librarian- ship. Meet new people when Here Lois Cherepon (right) You benefit by voiunteering Volunteers not only give to the association, they get back from the association: • Build ties with academ ic and research librarians around the country. • E n h a n c e y o u r le a d e r s h ip a b ilitie s th ro u g h co n se n s u s building an d p e rs u a ­ sion. • Share your expertise w ith colleagues. • Gain additional expertise— learn m ore a b o u t a new area o f academ ic librarian- ship or p ic k u p n e w id e a s fo r y o u r c u r­ r e n t a r e a e y Appointments: The process A ppointm ents are m ade at both the section e. and division levels. The ACRL vice president is responsible for the committee appointments at the division level for the year he or she serves as president. Likewise, section vice chairs are responsible for comm ittee appoint­ ments in their respective sections the year they serve as chair. Committee slates are usu­ ally com pleted shortly after the Midwinter M e e tin g d u r in g the year in w hich th e in d i v id u a l se rv e s as p re s i­ d e n t - e l e c t o r c h a ir-e le c t. T he ACRL A p p o i n t ­ m ents Committee assists th e p resi­ dent-elect in this process in an ad­ visory capacity. Factors ou staff the ACRL Booth. influencing greets Lenora Locket (left). appointment Although the em ­ phasis in the appointm ent process may vary from year to year according to the preroga­ tives of the president-elect and section chairs, the same factors are considered. They include: • Evidence o f p o ten tia l com m ittee member’s interest. Have you attended the meetings and introduced yourself to the chair? Do you have previous experience that re­ lates to the w ork of the committee? Have you indicated your interest on the volunteer form? • D em ographics and com p osition o f committee. A balance is sought with respect IO type of library (com munity college, col- http://www.ala C&RL News ■ O c to b e r 2000 / 815 lege, or university), geographic representa- tion. ethnic diversitv. and eender. • The recom m en d ation o f th e cu rren t com m ittee chair. Current com m ittee chairs are asked to suggest potential mem bers. Al- though all o f these factors are considered, the final appointm ents are the prerogative o f the ACRL p resid en t-elect and the section chair-elects. How to apply 1 ) S elect th e c o m m itte e s th a t in ter- est y o u . T h e ALA H a n d b oo k o f O rg an iza­ tion lists all o f ACRL’s com m ittees and their ch arg es. (Ed. note: T h e H a n d b oo k is pu b- lish ed as a sp e cia l issu e o f A m erican Li­ b raries and will au tom atically b e m ailed to all ALA m em bers in m id -N ovem ber.) At- ten d th e c o m m itte e ’s m eetin g s at th e Mid- w in ter M eeting an d A nnual C o n fe ren ce to h elp you d ec id e if th o se are th e activities that in terest you. 2 ) In tro d u ce y o u rself. T alk w ith c o m ­ m ittee m em bers. E xp ress y o u r in terest to th e c o m m itte e ch a ir. E x p la in h o w y o u m ight con trib u te to the w o rk o f the c o m ­ m ittee. 3 ) Submit a vo lu n teer fo rm . Com plete th e v o lu n te e r form in clu d ed w ith this ar- ticle. ( E d. note: This fo rm is also available on ACRL’s h o m ep a g e at http://w w w .ala. org/acrl .policy/apxafrm s .h tm l.) B e sure to cover all o f the items asked for in the background Information section o f the form. If you have attended com m ittee m eet­ ings or programs, m ention that. Fill out one form for ACRL division com m ittees and a dif­ ferent form for each ACRL section you vol­ unteer to serve on. Send the ACRL com mit­ tee volunteer form to Susana Hinojosa at the M em b e rsw orkto g e th e rto solve common problem s. address on the bottom o f the volunteer form; send the section volunteer forms to the appropriate section chair-elects (see list o f addresses below ). 4 ) Volunteer again … and again. If you are not successful in being appointed on e year, volunteer again the next year . . and the next. Rem em ber that a multi- tude o f factors— num ber o f appointm ents made, number o f volunteers for each com ­ mittee, num ber o f volunteers frorn your type o f library or your geographic area— determ ine the actual appointm ent, and these factors change from year to year. ACRL section appointm ents ACRL has 17 section s (listed below ). You will find a description o f their areas o f re- sponsibility in the ALA H andbook o f Orga­ nization, 2000-2001. T h e chair-elect o f a section appoints the chair and m em bers o f all section com m ittees. Most o f th ese ap­ pointm ents are m ade in the spring for terms beginning immediately after the ALA Annual C onference. If you would like to b e considered for appointm ent as a chair or m em ber o f a sec ­ tion com m ittee, fill out the ACRL Section Committee Volunteer Form and mail it to the chair-elect o f the appropriate section listed below before D ecem ber 4, 2000. African Am erican Studies Librarians S ection . V ice-C hair/Chair-elect: Carol A. Rudisell, Librarian, University o f Delaware Library N ew ark, DE 1 9 7 1 7 -5 2 6 7 ; e-m ail: rudisell@ A n th rop ology and Sociology Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-elect: Anna L. DeMiller, Co- ordinator, Reference Services-Collection Man­ agem ent, Colorado State University Librar­ ies, Ft. C ollins, CO 8 0 5 2 3 -1 0 1 9 ; e-m ail: adem iller@ m AKTS S ection . V ice-C hair/Chair-elect: Maiy R. Strow, Head, Health, Physical Edu- cation, and Recreation Library, Indiana Uni- versity at Bloom ington, HPER Building 031, B loom in g ton , IN 4 7 4 0 5 ; e-m ail: mstrow@ Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Sec­ tion. Vice-Chair/Chair-elect: Jun lin Pan, Ref­ http://www.ala 816 / C&RL News ■ O ctober 2000 erence Librarian, Northern Illinois University, Fou nd ers M em orial Library, Room 145E, DeKalb, IL 60115-2868; e-mail: College Libraries Section. Vice-Chair/ Chair-elect: Lynn Scott Cochrane, Director of L ib r a rie s , D e n is o n U n iv e rs ity L ib ra ry , G r a n v ille , O H 4 3 0 2 3 ; e -m a il: s c o t t i e . cochrane@marymount. edu. Community and Ju n io r College Librar­ ies Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-elect: David S. Voros, Lehigh Carbon Community College, 4 1 0 1 S a n d S p rin g R o a d , A pt. L2, S c h n e c k s v i ll e , PA 1 8 0 7 8 - 2 5 0 2 ; e -m a il: sv l@ lcc c.e d u . Distance Learning Section. Vice-Chair/ Chair-elect: Anne M. Casey, Off-Campus Li­ brary Services Li­ b r a r ia n , C e n tr a l M ichigan U niver­ s ity , R o s e 1 4 3 , Mount Pleasant, MI 4 8 8 5 9 ; e -m a il: anne.marie.casey® Education and B e h a v io r a l S ci­ e n c e s S e c tio n . Vice-Chair/Chair- e l e c t : B r ia n A. Kristine Brancolini and C to eat betw een th e ir com Quinn, Social Sci­ ence Librarian, Texas Tech University Librar­ ies, B o x 40002, Lubbock, TX 79409-0002; e- mail: In struction Section. Vice-Chair/Chair- elect: Beth S. Wo odard, Central Information Services Librarian, University o f Illinois, Ur- bana-C ham paign, 300 Library, 1408 West G regory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801; e-mail: bsw Law and Political Science Section. Vice- Chair/Chair-elect: Lisa R. Stimatz, Pub Affairs/ Government Inf., 7 Wedgewood Apts E. Wil- low Street, Elizabethtown, PA 17022; e-mail: lzs3@ Literatures in English Section. Vice- C h air/C h air-elect: K ristin e J . A n d erso n , Purdue University Libraries, 1530 Stewart Center, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1530; e-mail: Rare Books and M anuscripts Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-elect: M. Susan Taraba, Uni­ versity Archivist, Wesleyan LTniversity, 2 Maple Shade Road, Middletown, CT 06457-5107; e- mail: Science and Technology Section. Vice- Chair/Chair-elect: JoA nn DeVries, Reference/ Bibliographer, University o f Minnesota, St. Paul Campus Libraries, 1984 Buford Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108; e-mail: j-devr@maroon. Slavic and East European Section. Vice- Chair/Chair-elect: Sandra L. Levy, Assistant Slavic Librarian, University o f Chicago Library, 1100 E. 57th Street, Chicago, IL 60637- 1502; e-mail: sll6@ midway.uchicago.ed University Li­ b raries Section. Vice-Chair/Chair- e l e c t : J u l i a A. Z i m m e r m a n , D ean o f Libraries, Ohio University Li­ braries, Alden Li­ arleton Jackson grab a bite brary 510, Athens, m itte e meetings. OH 45701-2978; e- mail: zim m erjl@ W estern E uropean Specialists Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-elect: Barbara L. Waiden, European History Librarian, 278A Memorial Library, University o f Wisconsin, Madison, 728 State Street, M adison, WI 5 3 7 0 6 ; e-m ail: W oman's Studies Section. Vice-Chair/ Chair-elect: Connie L. Phelps, University o f New Orleans, Earl K. Long Library, P.O. B ox 24307, New O rleans, LA 7 0 1 4 8 ; e-m ail: cphelps@ u no.ed u. ACRL divisional comm ittee appointm ents ACRL has 24 Standing committees to which appointments may be made for 2000-2001. A list appears on the volunteer fonn at the end C&RL News ■ O ctober 2000 / 817 of this article. You will find the committees listed with a description o f their charges in the ALA Handbook o f Organization. Appointments to ACRL standing committees are made in the spring for terms beginning immediately after the ALA Annual Conference. The Appointments Committee recommends to the president-elect of ACRL the names o f members w ho might fill the vacancies. The president-elect makes the final appointments. If you want to be consid­ ered for an appointment to an ACRL commit­ tee, complete the form and retum it to Susana Hinojosa at the address given on the form be- fore Decem ber 4, 2000. Editorial boards ACRL has editorial boards for these six publi- cations: CHOICE College & Research Libraries; College & Research Libraries News-, New Publi- cations; Publications in Librarianship, and Rare Books & Manuscripts Librarianship. Appointments to editorial boards are made at the Midwinter Meeting for terms that begin immediately after the ALA Annual Conference. The editors recommend the name o f a person to fill the vacancy. The Publications Commit­ tee must approve the recommendation, and the president o f ACRL makes the appointment. If you would like to be considered for ap­ pointm en t to an ed itorial board, c o n tact the ed itor o f the editorial board early in the fall. CHOICE editor: Irving Rockwood, Choice, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457; e-mail: College & Research Libraries editor: Donald E. Riggs, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314-7796; e-mail: driggs® College & Research Libraries News editor: Mary Ellen Davis, C&RL News, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail: New publications editor: Hugh Thompson, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611- 2795; e-mail: Publications in Librarianship editor: John Budd, University o f Missouri-Columbia School of Information Science and Learning Technolo­ gies, 217 Townsend Hall, Columbia, MO 65211; e-mail: Rare Books & Manuscripts Librarianship editors: Lisa M. Browar, Director, Indiana Uni­ versity, Lilly Library, Bloomington, IN 47405;; Marvin J. Taylor, Spe­ cial Collections, New York University, Bobst Library, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012; ■ 818 / C&RL News ■ O ctober 2000 ACRL committee volunteer form C&RL News ■ October 2000 / 819 Section committee volunteer form