ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 822 / C&RL News ■ O ctober 2000 P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s Jane Hedberg LC preservation Web site In celebration o f the Library o f Congress’s bi- centennial, the Library o f Congress Preserva­ tion Directorate has launched Bach to B ase­ ball Cards. This W eb site spotlights some of the library’s treasures and the preservation treat- ments used to protect them. Each o f the more than 100 objects selected for inclusion has a description o f its historical importance and preservation treatment, along with a thumb- nail image that can b e enlarged. Among the objects are the January 4, 1800, issue o f the Ulster County Gazette, which published John Marshall’s address on the death o f George Washington and his words “First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts o f his coun- try”; an album o f albumen prints that depict the construction o f Biltmore in Asheville, North Carolina; a drawing o f Max, the blue meany from the Yellow Submarine; Helen Keller’s raised letter Book o f Psalms, and a deck of play- ing cards that conceals escape maps smuggled during WWII to Americans in German POW cam ps. T he URL is preserv/bachbase/. NEDCC digital handbook The Northeast Document Conservation Cen­ ter (NEDCC) has published Handbook fo r Digi­ tal Projects: A Management Tool fo r Preserva­ tion a n d Access. It is intended as a primer and covers up-to-date information on topics such as the rationale for digitization and preserva­ tion, selection o f materials, technical issues, digital longevity, project management, vendor relations, and Copyright. The handbook is an outgrowth o f NEDCC’s School for Scanning conferences, with most chapters written by current or former conference faculty. Authors include Howard Besser o f the University of California at Los Angeles, Paul Conway o f Yale University, Stephen Chapman o f Harvard Uni­ versity, Diane Vogt-O’Connor o f the National Parks Service, Melissa Smith Levine o f the Li­ brary o f Congress, Stephen Puglia o f the Na­ tional Archives and Records Administration, Franziska Frey o f the Image Permanence In­ stitute, Jan et Gertz o f Columbia University, Eileen Gifford Fenton of the University o f Michi­ gan, Steven Smith o f AMIGOS, and Charles Rhyne o f Reed College. Copies are available for $38 from Juanita S in g h , NEDCC, 100 B r ic k s to n e S q u a re, Andover, MA 01810; phone: (978) 470-1010; fax: (978) 475-6021; e-mail: An o rd er form c an b e fo u n d at http:// CLIR migration study The Council on Library and Information Re­ sources (CLIR) has published a report based on work conducted at Comell University Li­ brary. “Risk Management o f Digital Informa­ tion: A File Format Investigation” reviews the process o f migrating data from one hardware and Software platform to another and assesses the inherent risks at each stage o f the process. It is formatted as a workbook, with each sec­ tion summarizing a separate issue and con- taining questions that frame a risk assessment. It also inciudes two case studies, one about migrating image files and another about nu- meric files. The report is available for free on the Web at h ttp :/ / w w w .c lir.o rg / p u b s/ a b stra c t/ pub93abst.html or for $20 from CLIR Publica- tion Orders, 1755 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Suite 500, Washington, D.C. 20036-2124; phone: (202) 939-4750; fax: (202) 939-4765; e-mail: DLF newsletter The Digital Library Federation (DLF) has be- gun Publishing a quarterly online newsletter. It is intended to facilitate the sharing o f infor­ mation about Digital Library activities. The first issue contains an editorial entitled “An Evolv- ing Form,” a feature article entitled “Accessing the Invisible Digital Collection: A Library School Student’s Perspective,” reports from ten mem- ber libraries and the DLF Office o f the Direc- tor, a list o f events and a technical report en­ titled “Documenting the Digital Library.” The URL is http://w w w newsOl/index.htm. ■ Jane Hedberg is preservation program office r a t Harvard University Library, e-mail:; fax: (617) 496-8344