ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ O cto b er 2000 / 831 G r a n t s a n d A c q u i s i t i o n s Ann-ChristeYoung The University of Pittsburgh (UP) has received a $10,000 donation from the Polish National Alliance (PNA) to help catalog, preserve, and make accessible a collection of rare Polish books, magazines, and sound recordings. The collection was housed at A lliance C ollege in Cam bridge Springs, Pennsylvania, but was entrusted to the University Library System after that College closed in the 1980s. In the nine years the collection has been housed at Hillman Library, PNA has donated $65,000 to support it. UP has cataloged 14,500 titles from the collection, including 295 music scores, 111 sound recordings, and many rare books, magazines, and journals, some unique to North America. The collection reflects what Polish people were reading in the late 19th and early 20th centuries— ranging from treasured volumes o f poetry to books on what words one had to learn to becom e an American Citizen. Duke University has received a $171,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to preserve and provide wider access to the Jo h n W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising and Marketing History’s archives o f the outdoor advertising industiy. T h e q u a r te r -o f-a -m illio n item o u td o o r advertising library is the repository for the Outdoor Advertising Association o f America’s official records, dating from the 19th centuiy, as well as several related collections. Among the records are hundreds o f thousands o f slides and photographs, original artwork for m em orable billboards, countless industry documents, correspondence, and even films. The School of Information and Library Science at the University o f North Carolina at Chapel Hill has received a $120,000 gift from Cisco Systems Inc. and the Cisco Systems Foundation to honor the university’s late chancellor. The gift establishes the Michael H ooker Graduate Fellow ship in Applied Networking, honoring the chancellor who died in Ju n e 1999 after a six-month battle with lymphoma. Incom e from the gift will support the fellowship, which will help pay tuition and expenses for a graduate Student who is studying development and management o f networked information systems. A c q u i s i t i o n s M aterials from the estate of Keith R. Porter have been donated to the University of M aryland, B a ltim o re County. P orter is considered one o f the founders o f modern cell biology and a pioneer in the techniques of electron microscopy. The materials were provided by Lee D. Peachey, executor o f the Porter estate, the Keith R. Porter Endowment for Cell Biology. The collection includes more than 100,000 photomicrograph negatives from 1946 to 1996, approximately 4,000 trans- parencies of electron micrographs, manuscripts for publications, and research files o f notes and reprints. Also there are evaluative notebooks by subject o f selected photomicrographs, correspondence, conference files, admini­ strative files, grant review files, films, a complete file o f Porter’s publications, and personal biographical information files. The Circulo Cubano, Tampa, Florida's, historic Cuban club in Y b o r City, donated its archives to the University o f South Florida in Tampa. Preserved in these fragile paper records is the story o f an institution that for generations has been part o f the lives o f the city’s Cuban community. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, when Y bor City and West Tampa w ere lively, multiethnic “cigar cities” tuming out millions o f the world’s finest cigars, the Central Espanol, Circulo Cubano, Union Italiana, Union Marti-Maceo, and Centro Asturiano immigrant mutual aid societies were the vibrant hearts o f their communities, centers o f cultural and social life for the Cuban, S p a n ish , a n d I ta lia n im m ig ran ts w h o com prised their membership ■ Ed. n o te : Send y o u r new s to : G rants & Acquisitions, C&RL News, 50 E. H uro n St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e -m ail: ayoung@ 832 /C&RL News ■ O ctober 2000