ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries D E A T H S Jeremiah A. O’Mara, chief librarian of the W estern Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, adjunct assistant professor of bibliography in the De­ partment of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, died at age fifty after a short illness in the Methodist Hospital, Brooklyn, New York, on June 5. R obert P oland, head of the acquisitions de­ partment at the University of Arizona Li­ brary, died suddenly on June 2 at the age of fifty-one. Classified Advertising N O TIC E Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "ra n k " and "status" are advised that these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. A ll advertisements submitted by institutions offering positions must include a salary range. The range should provide the applicant with an indication of the salary the institution is w illing to provide for the position offered.. A ll advertisements for the. Positions Wanted and the Positions Open classifications will be ed­ ited to exclude direct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions of employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Advertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month preceding pu b li­ cation of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.30 per printed line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. FOR SALE METRIC SYSTEM BOOKLET! Names, symbols, "two-way" conversion factors for all physical units. Accurate, in­ expensive, most up-to-date booklet for your ready reference needs. Satisfaction guaranteed! $2. Kulchar Studio, Box 1992-Y, Philadelphia, PA 19105. POSITIONS OPEN Administration LAW LIBRARY DIRECTOR, responsible for the operation o f 140,000 volume law library with a staff of 5 profes­ sionals, 4 paraprofessionals, and 14 full-time equivalent support staff. Required: Law degree from an accredited school and a 5†h-year library degree from an accredited library school. Experience in a major law library with proven a b ility to administer such a library is necessary. Experience as a law teacher preferred; total qualifications should be such as to warrant appointment to Law School faculty. Salary: $20,000 minimum. Fringe benefits: T IA A / CREF. retirement plan; social security; health, hospital and life insurance partially subsidized; liberal sick leave. W rite to Robert T. Grazier, Assoc. Dir., Univ. Libs., Wayne State Univ., Detroit, M l 48202. An equal oppor- tunity/affirm ative action employer. DEAN O F LIBRARY SERVICES. Available 7/1/74. Q ua lifi­ cations: MLS or equivalent from ALA-accred¡ted school and a doctorate (preferred) or second master's degree in a subject area; thorough knowledge of all services in academic library, including basic understanding of library computer applications. 8 years of professional experience including 5 years as an academic library administrator. Library consists of a new main building and 3 branches. Present collection is 650,000 books and the annual book budget is $370,000. Staff numbers 79, including 33 professionals. Acquisitions, cataloging and circulation departments are part of an expanding system, of computerized services. Salary $22,000—$24,000 for 1 months, usual fringe benefits, month vacation, faculty rank and status. Mail resume and names of 3 references to Mr. O. Gene Norman, Chrm., Lib. Search Comm., Indiana State Univ., Cunningham Mem. Lib., Terre Haute, IN 47809. Applications will be accepted until Sept. I, 1974. DIRECTOR, Media Resources O ffice (Shiffman Medical Library). Responsible, under director of Project Director, to plan, direct, and coordinate activities of A /V media resources office established by 2-year federal grant. Involves development of evaluation form for peer review of software productions to be used by area health care personnel, and planning and participating in educational seminars to provide information and as sistance to librarians, media specialists, and health care personnel regarding the application of A /V materials and methods. A dditio n a l duties include monitoring ex penditures of budgeted funds, preparing reports and analyses setting forth progress recommendations or conclusions, while maintaining interface with health care community needs and application o f media support. Required: 5th-year library degree from accredited library school, relevant professional or paraprofessional ex perience in instructional technology highly desirable, administrative experience and knowledge of medical li­ brary network development useful a lb e it not essential. Salary $9,248—$ 14,493 depending on qualifications and experience. Fringe benefits: TIAA/CREF retirement plan; social security; health, hospital and life insurance par tia lly subsidized; liberal sick leave. W rite to J. F. W il liams, II, Med. Ln., Shiffman Med. Lib., Wayne State Univ., 4325 Brush St., Detroit, M l 48201. An equal op- portun¡ty/affirm at¡ve action employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR (OPERATIO NS). Available 1/1/75. Supervises full range o f activities normally associated with both the technical services and public services of a college library serving over 5,000 students, including the coordination, personnel reviewing and budget recommending responsibilities for a staff of 30-40. Re quires MLS from ALA-accred¡ted institution, second master's degree or equivalent achievement, 4 years' ex­ perience in a position characterized by independent performance of a full range of library activities. Salary $ 14,664—$ 19,656, depending on experience and education. Send letter, resume and names of 3 professional references by 10/1/74 to Phillip Wesley, Dir., Educ. Resources Ctr., Calif. State College, Dom¡nques Hills, 1000 E. Victoria St., Dominques Hills, CA 90747. An equal oppor†un¡†y/aff¡rmat¡ve action employer. DIRECTORSHIP of a ma¡or library of the History o f Art. Candidates should have at least 5 years of administrative experience and a strong interest in reorganization. Salary from $17,500. Resumes should be sent to John Maxon, Vice President, The A rt Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60603. HEAD OF C IR C U LA TIO N DEPARTMENT to manage en­ tire operation including Reserve Room. Supervise 3 non- professionals and over 20 student aides. MLS from ac­ credited library school; minimum year supervisory ex­ perience required. Salary: $10,000-$11,000 for 10 months with option to work summers. Faculty rank benefits. Effective 9/1/74. Send resume and transcript to Mrs. Minnie R. Johnson, Act g. Dir. of Ls., Chicago State Univ., 95 at King Dr., Chicago, IL 60628. An equal opportu n ity/affirm ative action employer. HEAD LIBRARIAN, position open July 1974. Responsible for staff of 15, 5 of whom hold MLS. Materials budget well over $100,000 per year. To work closely with faculty, especially in developing postsecondary pro grams. Emphasis includes learning resources and co operative programs with adjacent college. Doctorate preferred. $14,000 up, stipend and faculty rank com mensurate with experience and education. Resume to Dr. C. M. Strack, Dean o f Academic Servs., Henderson 2 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ 203 State College, Arkadelphia, AR 71923. An equal oppor­ tunity employer. MEDIA DEPARTMENT HEAD. Responsible to the assistant director tor the development of existing and new services in all areas of media use such as photocopy, custody of micro and audiovisual materials, production of graphics and visual aids, film rental and projection service, repair and maintenance of electronic equip­ ment, development of video production capabilities; consultation and coordination as required, of audio­ visual services across campus. MLS and master's degree in audiovisual techniques with experience and adminis­ trative responsibility in library and audiovisual work, or appropriate combinations of the foregoing; capacity to plan effective deployment of staff; ab ility to communi­ cate purposefully with faculty and students and to. plan and design new services for more effective use of library resources. Faculty appointment, $ 1, 100—$ 1,400/month, de­ pending on qualifications. Send resume to Stephen R. Salmon, Dir. o f Ls., Un¡v. of Houston Libraries, Houston, TX 77004. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES FOR UNDER­ GRADUATE LIBRARY SERVICES. Administers the Ode- gaard Undergraduate Library as a ma¡or unit. A d ­ vises on library services and programs affecting under­ graduates and represents the body of users relying on the Odegaard Undergraduate Library. Seeks means of assessing undergraduate needs for more effective planning of programs and evaluates program effectiveness in meet­ ing these needs. MLS from ALA-accredit ed library school program required. 5 years’ professional library experience including recent public service + 3 years’ administrative experience required. Involvement in innovative and in­ structional programs desirable. $18,500 minimum. 24 days' vacation, TIAA retirement and various medical plans available. Contact John Mayeski, Univ. of Washington Libs., Seattle, W A 98195. An equal opportunity employer. LIBRARY DIRECTOR, Univ. of Minnesota, Duluth Campus (200,000 volumes, staff of 23). Earned doctorate preferred. Qualifications: administrative experience in a college or university library system and expertise in A /V and non- print media and developing technologies. Salary $16,000— $21,000 + fringe benefits. Send vita by O ctober 15 to Wendell Glick, Chrm., Search Comm., Un¡v. o f Minne­ sota, Duluth, MN 55812. An equal opportunity employer. CHIEF LIBRARIAN to direct library facility at m ulti­ purpose New Jersey State College. MLS from an ac­ credited library school required. Doctoral degree or the equivalent desirable. Applicants should have experience in library administration at the college level and a strong interest in library development. Applications to be submitted by 9/15/74. Salary $21,032 appropriate to experience and credentials. Excellent benefits. Send resume and vita to Dr. W illiam Small, Jr., Dir. for Academic Affairs, W illiam Paterson College, 300 Pompton Rd., Wayne, NJ 07470. An equal oppor†un¡ty/affirmative action employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR PROCESSING SERVICES. Responsible for the management of the main library processing departments, consisting of 10 professionals and 30 supportive personnel. W ill analyze and redesign the present operation toward an integrated computer­ ized technical processing system. Participates in budget preparation and long range planning for University Libraries. Represents the University Libraries at Ohio College Library Center and other cooperative/consort ia meetings. Responsible to the Associate Director of the University Libraries. Applicants must have master's de­ gree in LS, a minimum of 3 years' administrative ex­ perience in technical processing, and experience with computerized technical processing systems, preferably OCLC. Salary $18,000 minimum, negotiable depending on qualifications and experience. Apply to Lib. Search Comm., c /o Hal B. Schell, Dean of Lib. Admn., Main Lib.— Rm. 600, Univ. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221. An equal opport u n ity /a ffi rmative action employer. Acquisitions ASSISTANT ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN to supervise bibliographic checking, ordering and processing of all materials. MLS from accredited library school; some ex­ perience in acquisitions a n d /o r serials work required. Salary $10,000-$ 11,000 fo r 10 months with option for summer work. Faculty rank and benefits. Effective 9/1/74. Send resume and transcript to Mrs. Minnie R. Johnson, Ac†g. Dir. of Ls., Chicago State Univ., 95 and King Dr., Chicago, IL 60628. An equal opportun¡†y/affirma†ive action employer. ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN, open 9/74. MLS with busi­ ness orientation and experience with accounting and invoicing. Some reference and cataloging duties may be required. $8,500 up; exact stipend and faculty rank commensurate with education-experience. Resume to Dr. C. M. Strack, Dean of Academic Servs., Henderson State College, Arkadelphia, AR 71923. An equal o p p or­ tunity employer. HEAD ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. The University of Arizona is seeking a professional librarian to fill the above position. The person in this position will administer a total acquisitions budget for fiscal 1974 of $1,400,000 and w ill have ultimate responsibility for bibliographic verification, as well as all the processes involved in placing an order and checking in the material, and certifying invoices for payment. The Acquisitions Depart­ ment at the University of Arizona Library has 4 pro­ fessional librarians and 9 full-tim e career staff members + student help. A separate Serials Department is re­ sponsible for its own ordering and processing. To f ill this critically im portant position we are seeking a person with at least an ALA-accredi†ed MLS degree and an absolute minimum of 3 years of professional experience in acquisitions in a large academic library. We must have someone with supervisory and administrative capa­ bilities. Librarians with knowledge of, a n d /o r experience in, the book trade or the publishing industry will be given special consideration. Professional librarians at the University of Arizona have faculty status, but 12-mon†h appointments, with 24 days per year paid vacation, twelve days of sick leave, and a standard package of academic holidays and other fringe benefits. The m ini­ mum salary for this position is $14,000 per year. A p p li­ cations will not be accepted after I October 1974. Send inquiries and resumes to: W. David Laird, University Librarian, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721. An equal opportunity employer. 204 Cataloging HEAD CATALOG LIBRARIAN (O riginal Section). Respon­ sible for planning workflows and procedures of the Original Cataloging Section, especially with a view toward entering OCLC; responsible for training and revision of new members of the section; coordinates the section's work with that of other sections in the Catalog Department; assists in formulating the depart­ ment's interrelationships with other units of the library. Required: 5†h-year library degree from an accredited library school; a thorough knowledge of original cata­ loging; 6-10 years' experience in Catalog Department of medium-sized university library with appropriate super­ visory responsibilities. Salary: $12,975-$15,458. Fringe bene­ fits: TIAA/CREF retirement plan; social security; health, hospital and life insurance partially subsidized; liberal sick leave. W rite to Robert T. Grazier, Assoc. Dir., Univ. Libs., Wayne State University, Detroit, Ml 48202. An equal opport unity /a ffi rmat i ve action employer. EXPERIENCED CATALOGER wanted to lead seven-mem­ ber department. Strong background in wide range of cataloging required, a bility to train staff and organize work required. Library uses LC classification and OCLC system. Salary: $13,500 or up, depending on qualifications. For more information, write Arthur Monke, Librarian, Bowdo¡n College, Brunswick, ME 04011. An equal oppor­ tunity employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN (assistant head of LC section). Responsible for assisting the section head in planning workflows and procedures of a paraprofessional catalog­ ing unit especially with a view toward entering OCLC; responsible for assisting the section head in supervision and training of the paraprofessionals of the section; responsible for some original cataloging and classifi­ cation; may be responsible for special projects of the department. Required: 5th-year library degree from an accredited library school; knowledge of computer ap­ plications to cataloging desirable but not necessary; previous experience a n d /o r supervisory experience de sirable but not necessary. Salary: $9,248-$12,049, depend­ ing on qualifications and experience. Fringe benefits: TIAA/CREF retirement plan; social security; health, hospital and life insurance partially subsidized; liberal sick leave. W rite to Robert T. Grazier, Assoc. Dir., Univ. Libs., Wayne State Univ., Detroit, Ml 48202. An equal opport uni ty /a ffi rmative action employer. HEAD OF CATALOG DEPARTMENT to supervise 3 pro­ fessional ca†alogers and 7 nonprofessional staff with some student aides. Faculty rank benefits. Effective 9/1/74. MLS from accredited library school; experience catalog­ ing in academic library using LC classification. Salary $11,000—$12,000 for 10 months with option to work sum­ mers. Send resume and transcripts to Mrs. Minnie R. Johnson, Actg._ Dir. of Ls., Chicago State Univ., 95 and King Dr., Chicago, IL 60628. An equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. CATALOGER. Original descriptive and subject catalog­ ing ( LC),. physical and biological sciences monographs. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredîted library school; preferably undergraduate science degree and minimum 2 years' library experience. (Reading knowledge of German preferred.) Qualified applicants without ex­ perience may be considered at Librarian I level. Salary: Librarian I, $9,200+. Librarian II, $10,300+. Send resume, 3 professional references and salary history to Richard F. MacDonald, Bu•s. and Pers. Mgr., Univ. of Mass. Lib., Amherst, MA 01002. An equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. Multiple MEDIA LIBRARIAN, Education and Psychology Reference Department. An unusual opportunity for a media-trained librarian to develop the media program in a ne academic library building. Some reference experience in education and psychology is desirable. Graduation from an ALA-accredited library school + second master's de gree or progress toward a second master's in a subject field is essential for appointment and promotion. Assist ant librarian or senior assistant librarian position with salary range of $9,564-$15,024 depending on background and experience. CURRICULUM LIBRARIAN, Education and Psychology Reference Department. Attractive open­ ing for an assistant education and psychology reference ­ w ­ ­ librarian with a thorough knowledge of elementary and secondary textbooks and curriculum materials. Some ref­ erence experience in education and psychology is desir­ able. Graduation from an ALA-accredited library school + second master's degree or progress toward a second master's in a subject field is essential for appointment and promotion. Assistant librarian or senior assistant li­ brarian position with salary range of $9,564-$15,024, de­ pending on background and experience. Apply to Gor­ don P. Martin, Univ. Ln., Calif. State Univ. Sacramento, 6000 J St., Sacramento, CA 95819. An equal opportunity employer. LIBRARIANS: (I) HEAD, CIRCULATION SERVICES DE­ PARTMENT, to administer circulation, reserve, carrels, interlibrary loans, and information desk. Staff of. 8 FTE + student assistants. Proven administrative skills essential. 2 years' experience in circulation required. $12,000-$ 14,500 depending on qualifications and ex­ perience. Open 9/1/74. Open immediately: (2) ASSISTANT SCIENCE LIBRARIAN with subject background in physical science, especially Geology, Mathematics or Physics, and proven supervisory a bility. $9,000-$11,000 depending on qualifications and experience. (3) CATALOGER with hu­ manities background, a beginning position. $9,000. Apply to Donald E. Oehlerts, Dir. of Ls., Miami Univ., Oxford, OH 45056. An equal opportunity employer. SOCIAL SCIENCE/HUMANITIES REFERENCE ASSIST­ ANT. BA in economics preferred, not required; 4-5 years' experience in academic library reference; interest in journalism and library displays wanted; salary and academic rank depending on experience; range $10,500— $11,800. SCIENCE REFERENCE/I NTERLI BRARY LOANS. Beginning position, library experience an asset, not re­ quired; undergraduate degree in biology or physical sciences helpful and preferred, not required. Instructor rank; salary $10,186-$11,000 depending on qualifications. Applications closing date: 10/15/74. Send resume to R. K. Waldron, Dir. of Ls., Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR 97331. An equal opport unity/a ffirm a t ive action em­ ployer. FIVE POSITIONS: ( I) FOREIGN DOCUMENTS LIBRAR­ IAN ; (2) REFERENCE LIBRARIAN; (3) SPECIAL COL- 205 LECTIONS LIBRARIAN; (4) CATALOGER; (5) LIBRARIAN, Waterbury Branch. A ll require MLS from accredited li­ brary school and at least 2 years or appropriate pro­ fessional experience. All are at the University Librarian II level ($11,060—$16,100 in annual increments , of $560). For more complete ¡ob descriptions and additional in­ formation, please contact: Norman D. Stevens, Lib., Univ. of Conn., Storrs, CT 06268. An equal opportunity em­ ployer. Public Services ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR PUBLIC SERVICES. Senior administrative officer responsible for the management, coordination and development of public services in the Stanford Univ. Libraries—Central Circulation, General Reference, Government Documents, Special Collections and the Art, Music, and Education branch libraries. 12 years of administrative experience in major academic or public libraries. MLS desirable; advanced study in subject field or librar¡anship will weigh favorably. Salary $20,000 minimum. Send resume to David C. Weber, Dir., Stanford Univ. Libs., Stanford, CA 94305. An equal opportunity employer. ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN— PUBLIC SERVICES. The University of Arizona is seeking to fill this important administrative position. The Assistant University Librarian —Public Services has administrative responsibility for 10 public services departments with a total staff of 22 professional librarians and more than 40 F.T.E. of career staff and other support personnel. We need a librarian with an ALA-accredited degree and 4 years of pro­ fessional service in public services w ork. in a large academic library. Familiarity with collection develop­ ment work, li brary/facult y liaison, and library orientation and training programs is desirable. Professional librarians at the University of Arizona have faculty status, but 12- mon†h appointments, with 24 days per year of paid vacation, 12 days of sick leave, and a standard package of academic holidays and other fringe benefits. The minimum salary for this position is $17,000 per year. Applications will not be accepted after I October 1974. Send inquiries and resumes to: W. David Laird, Uni­ versity Librarian, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721. An equal opportunity employer. Reference REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, beginning, in General Reference Division, 9/1/74. Salary $9,360 for 12-mon†h contract. MLS from an accredited school. The appointment will be a fixed term, year appointment terminating on 6/30/75. The possibility of renewal for 1975—76 fiscal year exists, but the appointment implies no institutional com­ mitment to do so. Librarians at the University of Oregon have full faculty status, including professional rank. 9- month contracts are optional on a permanent or tempo­ rary basis. W rite H. W. Axford, Univ. Libn., University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403. An equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN to work half-time in the general reference section of the reference services division and half-time in the government publications section. Quali­ fications: Candidate must have an accredited library degree. Interest in, and knowledge of current public affairs is essential. Professional experience desirable. Salary $9,000 per annum minimum. Benefits: 22 days' vacation leave after one year, sick leave, health insur­ ance and a pension plan. Apply to Miss Kathryn Dean, Head, Ref. Servs. Div., Elizabeth Dafoe Library, Uni­ versity of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, CANADA. ASSISTANT REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Social Studies Di­ vision, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Pri­ marily a reference position with supportive reference activities and collection development. Facility with at least one modern foreign language. A MLS from an ALA-accredited library school and second master's de­ gree in business or economics is required. Experience desirable, but not essential. Salary depending on ex­ perience and education. Faculty rank and salary scale; University Retirement System of Illinois; state paid life, hospital and surgical insurance; 12-month appointment, 4 weeks vacation. Apply to S. E. Matthews, Assistant Di­ rector, Morris Library, SIU, Carbondale, IL 62901. An equal oppcrtunity/aff¡rm ative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Reference Services Department, Purdy Library. Responsible for providing reference as­ sistance in the humanities and social sciences. Also some work at a catalog assistance desk. Expected to contribute toward the writing of reference guides and to instruct classes in research methods and library use. An advanced degree in one of the social sciences or humanities is desirable but not essential. Some knowledge of computer searching is also desirable. Required: fifth year library science degree from an accredited library school; some reference experience in academic library desirable but not essential. Salary: $9,248-$ 12,049, depending upon qualifications and experience. Fringe benefits: TIAA-CREF retirement plan; social security; health, hospital and life insurance partially subsidized; liberal sick leave. W rite: Robert T. Grazier, Assoc. Dir., Univ. Libs., Wayne State University, Detroit, Ml 48202. An equal opport unity/a ffirm a tive action employer. HEAD REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Overall administration of Department including scheduling, staff evaluation, implementation of policies and procedures, development of instructional programs, reference services and super­ vision of publication program. Requirements: MLS from ALA-accredited library school and 3-5 years' academic library experience, 2 years of which should be as a reference librarian or supervisor. Bachelor's degree in Humanities, Social Science or Education desired. Salary: $15,000-$ 16,975. Please direct inquiries to Dr. Arthur Cole, Lib. Pers. Offr., State Univ. of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14214. An equal oppor†uni†y/af- f¡rma†¡ve action employer. REFERENCE position with some cataloging responsibilities and collection development in physical or social sciences, possibly including ethnic and interdisciplinary studies; open 11/1/74. ALA-accredited MLS required; appropriate academic specialization and /o r experience desirable; progress toward second master's or equivalent essential for promotion. $9,564 or higher depending on q u a lifi­ cations and experience. Apply with resume and references to Donald G. Wilson, Univ. Libn., Humboldt State Univ. Lib., Arcata, CA 95521. An equal oppor†un¡ty/affirmat¡ve action employer. SUBJECT/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN in History. To take part in a 5-year program of promoting library use among faculty and undergraduates by working half-time in the History Department as a librarian and half-time in Reference as a reference librarian. Requirements: 5th- year degree in library science, master’s degree in history and 2 years' professional level reference service. Salary $10,500+. Position open immediately. Apply to John Lubans, Jr., Asst. Dir. for Pub. Servs., Univ. o f Colorado Libs., Boulder, CO 80302. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN: Montana State University seeks reference librarian. Duties include general reference work with students and faculty, department liaison, orientation lectures, collection development. MLS degree required. 12-mon†h contract at $7,625 salary minimum or 10-mon†h contract at $6,250 salary minimum; usual fringe benefits. Applications accepted until September 30, 1974. Apply to Miss Alice McClain, Director of Library, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59715; (406) 994- 3119. An equal opportunity employer. Subject Specialists MICROFILM COORDINATOR. 1-3 years. $12,000 per year. MA, Ph.D., or course work completed, but must have demonstrated expertise in field of U.S. im m igra­ tion and ethnic history. Also required: experience in photographic documentary preservation and the a bility to work effectively with varied ethnic communities. Language competence in Southern and Eastern Euro­ pean languages valued. Apply to Prof. Rudolph J. Vecoli , Dir., Center for Immigration Studies, Univ. of Minn., 1925 Sat her St., St. Paul, MN 55113. An equal opportunity employer. MEDIA SPECIALIST, Education Library. Responsible for selection, organization and retrieval of materials in the Curriculum Laboratory section oF the Education Library. Materials assigned to this unit include filmstrips, records, film loops, cassettes, tests, textbooks, realia, etc., and equipment for use of such materials. Responsible for co­ ordinating services of Curriculum Laboratory with those of the Curriculum Services Center of the College of 206 Education. Required: 5th-year library degree from an accredited library school + advanced training or experi­ ence in instructional technology; demonstrated compe­ tency in conducting effective in-service programs with faculty in utilization of multimedia in curricular design and teaching methodology; applicant should have 6—10 years of relevant experience in media utilization. Teach­ ing experience desirable but not necessary. Salary: $12,- 979-$16,895, depending on qualifications and experience. 12-month contract. Fringe benefits: TIAA/CREF retire­ ment plan; social security; health, hospital and life in­ surance partially subsidized; liberal sick leave. Write to Robert T. Grazier, Univ. Libs., Wayne State Univ., De­ troit, Ml 48202. An equal opport unity/affirm ative action employer. SOCIAL SCIENCE BIBLIOGRAPHER/CATALOGER. Po­ sition available 8/1/74. Capable of handling Judaica and Germanic acquisitions and original cataloging. Applicant must have an MLS from an ALA-accred¡ted library school. 12-mont h appointment, faculty fringe benefits. Librarian I or II, salary $8,000—$9,500. A p p li­ cations should be sent to Mrs. Karen Adams, Staff Servs. Officer, Univ. of Pittsburgh, 271 Hillman Library, Pitts­ burgh, PA 15260. An equal opportuni†y/affirmative action employer. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN for community college located in North Carolina's horse and golf country. Position en­ tails specific responsibility for cataloging (LC) and a full share of reference work and book selection; also as­ sistance in planning and development of all library programs, e.g., class instruction in library use for students. Accredited MLS required. Experience pre­ ferred, but would consider recent graduate with qood potential and other attributes. Salary with experience $12,000-$13,000 range but will be based on qualifications and background. Send resume to Mrs. Rose K. Anderson. Ln., Sandhills Community College, Southern Pines, NC 28387. ASSISTANT BRANCH LIBRARIANS. Biological sciences and physical sciences. Provide reference services, in­ cluding library instruction; coordinate interlibrary loan services and functions; and supervise certain areas of branch library work. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-ac­ cred¡ted library school; preferably undergraduate science degree and minimum 2 years' library experience. Q uali­ fied applicants without experience may be considered at Librarian I level. Salary: Librarian I, $9,200+. Librarian II, $10,300+. Send resume, 3 professional references and salary history to Richard F. MacDonald, Bus. and Pers. Mgr., Univ. of Mass. Lib., Amherst, MA 01002. An equal opportuni†y/affirmative action employer. COORDINATOR OF LIBRARY RESOURCES. Position open September 1974. Reports to the Director of Libraries and administers the Library Resources unit which consists of bibliography, special collections and g ift and exchange with a staff of II full-time and 2 part-time librarians and 8 full-time library assistants. Administers a library materials budget of $800,000. Salary negotiable, $11,000 up. Librarian III or IV. TIAA/CREF, 12-mont h position with usual benefits. Resumes to Mrs. Karen Adams, Staff Servs. Off., Univ. of Pittsburgh Libraries, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. An equal opportuni†y/affirmative action employer. ASSISTANT CURATOR OF SPECIAL COLLECTIONS. Major responsibility for reference service relating to special collections, + responsibility for purchase, super­ vising and training student assistants in the handling of fragile and rare materials, planning and carrying out departmental exhibits, editorial work on the library publication ALDUS, assisting with classes held in the department and assisting with bibliographical research. Requirements: 5t h-year library degree + second master's degree, preferably in art or history; 3-4 years' library experience, or special collections training; knowledge of foreign languages, preferably one or more of the Slavic, Cyrillic or Oriental languages. Salary $900—$ 1, 150 per month dependent on qualifications. Faculty appoint­ ment, with excellent benefits. Send resume to Stephen R. Salmon, Dr. of Ls., University of Houston, Houston, TX 77004. MAP LIBRARIAN: Organizes and maintains the map col­ lection in the Science & Engineering Library by catalog­ ing, classifying, and indexing all miscellaneous de­ pository items and by inventories o f the depository col­ lection (E.G., A.M.S., and U.S.G.S. maps). Also may conduct seminars in the arrangement and use of the Map Collection and assists library users by instruction and information regarding library reference materials. A MLS from an accredited library school required. Previous experience in the organization and maintenance of nontradit¡onal collections as well as in map work desirable. Rank and salary: Assistant Librarian, $9,350— $11,250. Please submit resume to: Dr. Arthur Cole, Li­ braries Personnel Officer, State University of New York at Buffalo, 308 Lockwood Memorial Library, Buffalo, NY 14214. An equal opport unity/affi rmat ive action employer. Technical Services TECHNICAL SERVICE DIVISION LIBRARIAN. To assist in the bibliographic searching of requests and orders for library materials. Candidate will arrange for a minimum of 3 recommendations from qualified persons to provide critical evaluative comment, specific and in detail, about candidate's achievements, performance, and probable success. A working grasp of one or more foreign languages is desirable. MLS or equivalent professional degree is expected. Exceptional related experience may be considered as a substitute for the professional degree. Salary dependent on experience, training and recommendations (upwards from $9,500). Faculty status. TIAA/CREF. Send resume before 9/1/74 to Dr. G. Donald Smith, Dir. of Ls., Washing­ ton State Univ., Pullman, WA 99163. An equal oppor- t unity /a ffi rmat i ve action employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES. Administrative responsibility for acquisitions, cataloging and serials and overall coordination of technical ser­ vices. Requirements: MLS from an accredited library school; experience in technical services in a large academic library; knowledge of computer applications in technical services operations essential. Salary com­ mensurate with education and experience, minimum $15,000. Excellent fringe benefits. W rite Dr. Michael F. Kelly, Dir. of Ls., Univ. of Texas, 4242 Piedras Dr. E., San Antonio, TX 78285. An equal opportunity employer. 207 We Make Mistakes! E v e n though they are rare, we are human at the Book House and we make mistakes on occasion! Does it surprise you that we admit to being human? We are human and we treat you like you are human — as friendly, cooperative counsellors and advisors who are prepared to serve you as efficiently and quickly as possible. Now, about those mistakes. If we make them, you will find that we will correct them with a minimum of problems for you. No computer will keep repeating the same error of title, edition, price or credit for return. The human side of this business is what we enjoy — our contacts with you — our efforts to please you are the real joys of this business for everyone of the Book House professionals. Book House will deliver any book in print including all university presses, professional and non-profit associations, Government publications, Canadian titles and ALL paperbacks. Why not give Book House a trial order and find out what human. Concerned Service can do for you! Just let us know if you want to receive our occasional newsletter. YES, The inimitable oratory of Franklin Delano Roosevelt is now captured in its full impact on Audio-Text Cassettes. FDR Speaks is the first complete collection of FDR’s recorded speeches and fireside chats. Compiled by the Center for Cassette Studies in conjunction with Xerox University Microfilms, the collection consists of 204 cassettes embodying 278 speeches from 1920 to 1945. The accompanying paperbound Index is itself an outstanding contribution to FDR source material, containing a synopsis of each address in the collection as well as a 5,600-entry subject index. For details on this exceptional cassette series, mail the coupon below. A nnouncing the first volum e of First Printings o f American Authors December publication planned for beginning of four-volume guide to first editions of 1,000 U. S. authors Modern scholarship and contemporary resources used to compile definitive record far exceeding scope of Merle Johnson's American First Editions and sim ilar works Bruccoli and Clark are General Editors, assisted by fifty specialists and large advisory board New series will be handsomely typeset and bound, with portraits of each author, numerous facsimile pages, and other illustrations First Printings of American Authors, recording the first book appearances of the works of over 1,000 important authors from Colonial times to the present, has been announced by the Gale Research Company, Detroit. More than 150 of the expected 250 bibliographies in the first volume have already been completed, and publication is tentatively being planned for December, 1974. Succeeding volumes will appear six to nine months apart. First Printings includes both early and modern authors not in Merle Johnson’s American First Editions as well as greatly enlarged and updated listings for those Johnson mentioned. A unique feature will be the inclusion of English firsts. Coverage in the first volume ranges from Henry Adams, Auchincloss, and Auden through Thoreau, Vonnegut, and Whitman. Subsequent volumes will have equally broad coverage. A cum ulative index will appear in successive volumes. Editors of First Printings are Matthew J. Bruccoli, professor of English, University of South Carolina, and C. E. Frazer Clark, Jr., noted collector. Assisting them are more than fifty widely known bibliographers, collectors, curators, librarians, book dealers, and other b ∞ k world figures who have special expertise and resources which enable them to prepare authoritative reports on their subjects. Illustrations supplem ent bibliographies The basic part of each author’s listing will be, of course, compact bibliographic descriptions of each of his books as first published in both America and England. Each listing will include a portrait of the author. In addition, facsimile title and text pages, photographs of bindings, etc., will be used where appropriate to highlight unusual features of a book or to illustrate a particularly important work. The set is being carefully designed in a handsome format, 8½ x 11 inches in size, and will be composed, printed, and bound in the best traditions of b∞kmaking. 10% Prepublication Saving Offered The price of First Printings of American Authors is $140.00 for the four volumes. A special prepublication discount of $14.00 will be allowed, however, reducing the price to $126.00. Descriptive Brochure Available ale Research Company Book Tower • Detroit, Michigan 48226 Advisory Board M any advisors are also contributors Charles W. Mann, Pennsylvania State University T. A. J. Burnett, The British M useum Hyman W. Kritzer, Kent State University Marcus A. McCorison, American A ntiquarian Society W illiam White, Wayne State University Bart Auerbach, House of El Dieff Benjamin Franklin V, University of Michigan Harvey Tucker, Black Sun Books Gloria A. Francis, Detroit Public Library Ronald R. Randall, John Howell Books Wayne Allen Jones, University of Illinois Colin Cass, Wayne State University James M. Babcock, Stalker & Boos W illiam R. Cagle, The Lilly Library George Monteiro, Brown University J. M. Edelstein, National Gallery of Art W illiam F. Nolan, Author Lloyd C. Currey, Lloyd C. Currey Books John J. McDonald, University of Notre Dame Robert Voltz, University of Rochester Otto Penzler, A uthor Robert A. Wilson, Phoenix Books Ernest Stefanik, West Chester State College Justin G. Schiller, Justin G. Schiller Ltd. • • • • • • G