ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 28 The Melbert B. Cary, Jr. graphics arts collection — (R o c h e s te r, N.Y.) : School o f P rin tin g Rochester Institute of Technology, 1977?. 15p. Studies in library m anagement, volum e fo u r / e dited by G I LEO N H O L R O Y D . — Ham den, Conn. : Linnet Books, 1977. 178p. $9. (ISBN 0-208-01547-7) S tu d ie s in m ic ro p u b lis h in g , 1 8 5 3-1976 docum entary sources / e d ite d by A L L E N B. VEANER. — W estport, Conn. : Microform Re­ view Inc., 1977. 489p. $22.50. (LC 77-6720) (ISBN 0-913672-07-6) “ M icroform R eview r e a d e r s e rie s in m i­ crographics management ; 2” User studies : an introductory guide and select bibliography / edited by G E O FF R E Y FO R D . — Sheffield : University of Sheffield, 1977. 92p. (ISBN 0-906088-00-3) “Occasional paper — University of Sheffield ; n o .l, 1977” ■■ W IC H E Is Not WILCO W ILC O can be d ropped from librarians’ acronym-bespattered vocabulary! At a m eeting in Salt Lake C ity, U tah, th e W e s te rn In ­ tersta te L ibrary C oordinating Organization voted to retire W ILCO as the name for their interstate coordinating activities. T he group henceforth will be titled the W estern Council of State Libraries. The state librarians have called themselves the W estern Council during the ten-year his­ tory of th eir m ultistate cooperative program that has been housed at W ICH E (W estern In­ terstate Commission for H igher Education). The name W ILCO was selected last year to replace the W IC H E library program ’s title: “Continuing Education and Library Resources Program.” T he multiplicity of names and ac­ ronyms has occasioned some confusion on the part of observers; one re p o rte r announced th a t W IC H E its e lf h ad b e e n re n a m e d WILCO! D ata M anagement System Inform ation Requested Gary Pitkin, coordinator for library systems at Sangamon State University, is requesting descriptions of in-house library data manage­ m ent systems, defined as an autom ated sys­ tem supporting two or more library processes, i.e ., c irc u la tio n , accounting, acquisitions, check-in, cataloging, etc. The information will be used to h elp SSU develop its own data management system. The goal is to have all technical processes and circulation in one sys­ tem. Full documentation will be given in SSU reports. Please send descriptions to Gary Pit­ kin, Coordinator for Library Systems, Sanga­ mon State University, Springfield, IL 62708. , Classified Advertising NOTICE Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "ra n k" and "status” are advised that these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. All advertisements for the Positions Wanted and the Posi­ tions Open classifications will be edited to exclude direct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age. and sex as con­ ditions of employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Advertising Department, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month preceding publication of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Telephone orders for classified advertising, while not encouraged because of the increased risk of copy error, will be accepted. Calls should be directed to Leona Swiech at (312) 944-6780. A confirm­ ing order should be mailed to the Advertising Department as soon as possible following the call, along with typewritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate for classified advertising is $1.80 per printed line. FOR SALE CHINA— General Collection— reasonable. All topics. 1,000 vols. plus. Write M. Frazin, ERAC Box 110, Farmington, CT 06032. SEARCH SERVICE. Ex-librarians locate titles or subject plus 15,000 indexed stock. PAB, 2915-17 Atlantic Ave., Atlantic City, NJ 08401 Phone (609) 344-1943. POSITIONS OPEN ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. Acquires materials, evaluates and processes gifts, assists with collection building and evaluation. Knowledge of OCLC and MARC format highly desirable. Assists part-time at circulation/reference desk. MLS from ALA-accredited school required. Knowledge of foreign languages helpful. Faculty status, TIAA. Salary: open, dependent on experience. Position av­ ailable June 26. Deadline for application: February 28. Send letter of application and resume to Dean Andrew R. Eickhoff, MacMurray College, Jacksonville, IL 62650. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. Processes and approves payments, standing orders and does bibliographic searching including use of OCLC terminal. Assists department head with total workflow of de­ partment and special projects. Increasing responsibilities to super­ vision of some functions is expected. Other responsibilities include library committee work and outside conferences and workshops. Occasional evening and weekend hours may be required. Qualifica­ tions: Fifth-year library science degree from accredited library school; previous acquisitions experience preferred, especially with OCLC operations. Salary: $11,200-$17,560, depending upon qual­ ifications and experience. Fringe Benefits: TIAA-CREF retirement plan; social security; health, hospital and life insurance partially subsidized; liberal sick leave. Wayne State University is an equal opportunity and an affirmative action employer. Write to: Robert T. Grazier, Associate Director of Libraries, Wayne State University, De­ troit, Ml 48202. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Responsible for supervising the Support Section of the Catalog Department, consisting of two para profes­ sionals, 9 clericals, and as many as 15 student assistants. The Support Section is responsible for book and card preparation and catalog maintenance. Librarian expected to write policies and pro­ cedures and to participate in administering the Catalog Depart­ ment. Required: fifth-year library science degree from an accre­ dited library school. A minimum of two years' experience as a catalog librarian and knowledge of at least one foreign language is required with supervisory and OCLC experience highly desirable but not essential. Important are the ability to teach, write clearly, and direct a group and the ability and willingness to learn OCLC on-line cataloging. Salary: $12,500-$15,500, depending upon qual­ ifications and experience. Fringe benefits: TIAA-CREF retirement plan; social security; health, hospital and life insurance partially subsidized; liberal sick leave. Wayne State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Write to: Robert T. Grazier, Associate Director of Libraries, Wayne State University, Detroit, Ml 48202. 29 CATALOGER. Minimum 2 years experience using L.C. & AACR. German language ability required; Russian, desirable. MLS from an ALA-accredited school. Open January. Salary $11,000-$ 14,000 depending on experience. Send resume by January 15 to James DeLancey, Georgetown University Library, Washington. DC 20057. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. CHIEF LIBRARIAN. The Library of the University of Calgary, in­ cluding libraries in geology, law, and medicine, comprises more than 2.5 million items, including a significant collection of archival material on Canadian history, literature, and architecture. The chief librarian supervises a staff of 39 professional librarians and 157 support staff, is responsible for preparation and control of a budget in excess of $3.5 million, and is responsible for the overall ad­ ministration and policy coordination of the various functional divi­ sions of the university library. He/she reports directly to the vice- president (academic). The position is to be filled by July 1 for an initial term of five years. A candidate for this position should have formal qualifications in librarianship and/or information science and a record of substantial administrative achievement. Response should include a curriculum vitae and names of three references and should be sent to Dr. K. Ann Kerr, Academic Assistant to the President, The University of Calgary, Alberta, T2N 1N4. CIRCULATION LIBRARIAN: McKeldin Library, University of Mary­ land. Plans, organizes, and administers the many-faceted opera­ tions of the McKeldin Library Circulation Services Department, in­ cluding loan, stacks, security, and interlibrary loan. The nature of the work performed by the incumbent requires the theoretical background that results from the successful completion of an MLS program from an ALA-accredited institution and the practical know­ ledge obtained from at least three years of professional experience. Very useful would be a knowledge of automated circulation sys­ tems. Starting salary range $17,000 -$ 18,500. A full range of be­ nefits is partially university paid. If you wish to apply for this posi­ tion, please submit, by January 25, a detailed resume, academic transcript, and the names of three references to Ronald P. Naylor, University of Maryland Libraries, College Park, MD 20742. The University of Maryland is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. DIRECTOR OF CIRCULATION SERVICES. University of Virginia Library. Reports to university librarian. Responsible for all activities of following areas: main circulation desk, with annual circulation of 300,000 volumes; reserve book room, including nucleus of under­ graduate collection; current periodicals and microforms room; inter- library loans; binding section; 4 school and departmental libraries serving commerce, education, fine arts, and music. Requirements: MLS; at least 3 years’ administrative experience in public services in research or university library; familiarity with concepts of library automation. Faculty rank dependent upon qualifications and ex­ perience; nationally competitive salary. Send resume by February 15 to Mr. K. L. Stubbs, Associate University Librarian, Alderman Library, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22901. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. DIRECTOR OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES. The University of Notre Dame invites applications and nominations for the position of direc­ tor of university libraries. The director is responsible for the overall administration of campus library operations, including branches, and reports to the provost of the university. Candidates should have a strong appreciation of and commitment to excellence in scholar­ ship, research, and instruction. The person to be appointed must have sound professional qualifications, proven administrative ability, a knowledge of the operation of research libraries, and an under­ standing of the role of libraries in a university context. Salary is negotiable, depending upon qualifications and experience. The pos­ ition will be available July 1. Nominations and applications (includ­ ing curriculum vitae) should be sent before February 1 to: Profes­ sor Vincent P. DeSantis, Chairman, Search Committee, P.O. Box 562, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. DIRECTOR OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES. The University of Southwestern Louisiana (USL) is seeking applications for the direc­ tor of university libraries. USL is a publicly supported institution with 600 faculty and 14,000 students. The library has a collection of 500,000 volumes and employs 15 professional librarians and 27 support personnel. The director has primary responsibility for all li­ brary operations, including budgeting, developing the collection, and long-range planning. All applicants should hold an ALA­ accredited MLS degree (preference will be given to those appli­ cants holding the doctorate plus the MLS degree). Additional qualifi­ cations are: a minimum of five years successful administrative ex­ perience in a university library; evidence of significant professional activities; knowledge and experience in current library practice, networks, automated systems, and resource sharing; and an orien­ tation toward public service. Appointment effective July 1, 1978, but date may be modified depending upon commitments of applic­ ant. Salary range: $25,000-$28,000. Deadline for receipt of appli­ cation, complete curriculum vitae, and three references is February 15, 1978. Contact: Dr. Richard E. Chandler, Chairman, Q-S-N Committee for Director of University Libraries, University of Southwestern Louisiana, P.O. Box 4 -1 8 1 0 USL Station, Lafayette, Louisiana 70504. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. DIRECTOR, SCHAFFER LIBRARY. Founded in 1795, Union Col­ lege is a private, nonsectarian, coeducational, primarily under­ graduate college of 2,000 students and 150 full-time faculty. The curriculum encompasses all areas of the traditional liberal arts; it also includes undergraduate and graduate programs in engineering and graduate programs in administration and management. Schaf­ fer Library houses more than 350,000 volumes, employs 26 FTE staff, and expends an annual budget of approximately $550,000. The librarian administers a program that lies at the core of the col­ lege's commitment to undergraduate liberal education. We seek a person capable of formulating policies in light of the library’s needs, presenting them effectively to the administration, and carry­ ing them out efficiently. This position carries faculty rank and status and requires dedication to the goals of liberal education. A deep and ongoing commitment to scholarship is also expected. Responsibilities of the librarian include: budget preparation, presen­ tation, and administration; personnel development and review; or­ ganizational oversight and long-range planning; communication and consultation with faculty, students, and campus committees; rep­ resentation of the library in external activities, such as library net­ work arrangements and fund raising. Candidates should possess a professional degree in librarianship or equivalent experience and be able to provide evidence of effective leadership in a responsible administrative position in an academic or research library. Position title: Librarian. Twelve-month contract, with one month of vacation; appointment for September 1 or earlier. Probable salary range: $23-28,000, depending upon qualifications and experience. Let­ ters of inquiry and resumes, including the names of three refer­ ences, should be sent by January 31 to: Professor Jan Ludwig, Lib­ rarian Search Committee, Humanities Building, Union College, Schenectady, NY 12308. Union College is an equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. DOCUMENTS/MAPS/SERIALS LIBRARIAN. Reopened search. Eastern Montana College Library has need for a multitalented, crea­ tive, and energetic person to fill a demanding and developing posi­ tion responsible for the maintenance and development of a selec­ tive federal and state depository of over 115,000 items, a U.S.G.S. map reference library or over 50,000 maps, and 1,000+ serials. Extensive reader/reference services involved, including formal schedule service from the reference-information desk. MLS from ALA-accredited libraiy school and two years' minimum related ex­ perience required. Library faculty have been called upon to teach courses in school-oriented, library science program; additional sub­ ject master's and teaching and cataloging experience highly desir­ able. Position open immediately. Appointment at rank of instructor or assistant professor, depending on qualifications and experience. Minimum salary: $12,800, includes summer session. Those wish­ ing to take up the challenge should send resume, credentials, and three current letters of reference to: Search Committee, EMC Lib­ rary, Billing, MT 59101. Deadline for applications: January 28. Eastern Montana College is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. HEAD, ACQUISITIONS DEPARTMENT. Manages and coordinates the operations of the Acquisitions Department, which is responsible for the acquisition of all library materials, both monographs and se­ rials, as well as bindery control. Staff of this unit includes one FTE paraprofessional and 16 FTE support staff. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school or master's degree in busi­ ness administration or a relevant subject area. At least three years' experience in either academic library acquisition work or in the book trade, dealing with academic libraries. A knowledge of the domestic and foreign book trade and world publication is essential. Demonstrated skills in leadership, organization, and the integration of change with technological innovation. Salary range: $12,749— $21,025; recruitment range: $12,749-$16,887. Twelve-month ap­ pointment; sick leave and annual leave @ 1.75 days each per month. Fully paid major medical, hospitalizaton, and dental insur­ ance. Social Security coverage. TIAA/CREF or New York State Teachers Retirement available (employee contribution rate = 3%) Contact: Jean Whalen, Personnel Librarian, University Library, Room 109, State University of New York at Alb any, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12222. Inquiries should be received by January 27, 1978. (Extended deadline). An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. HEAD GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN. Responsible for development of U.S. regional depository collection and collections of international governmental organization documents, departmen­ tal policy formulation, budget preparation, supervision of staff, re­ ference service, library instruction, and preparation of bibliog­ raphies. Requirements inclu de ALA-accredited library degree, supervisory experience, two years' professional full-time documents work. Librarians have faculty status, 12-month appointments, 22 days annual vacation, normal benefits. Minimum salary $15,500. Send resume by February 28 to: Mary Dale Palsson, Public Ser­ vices Librarian, University of Arizona Library, Tucson, AZ 85721. An equal o p p o rtunity/a ffirm ative action, Title IX/Section 504 employer. 30 HEAD LIBRARIAN. Librarian has primary responsibility for all li­ brary services, budget, personnel, and long-range policy planning. Reports to the dean of the college. Knowledge of academic pro­ grams and the ability fo work effectively with faculty and academic administrators essential. Interest in promoting library/faculty pro­ gram of bibliographical instruction and familiarity with OCLC and computer library technology desirable. Collection: about 130,000 volumes. Staff: 4 professional (including head), 3 support. MLS from ALA-accredited school required. Previous academic adminis­ trative experience. Faculty status, TIAA. Position available July 1. Deadline for applications: February 28. Send letter of application and resume to Dean Andrew R. Eickhoff, MacMurray College, Jacksonville, IL 62650. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. HEAD, REFERENCE DEPARTMENT. Responsible for reference services,including general reference, interlibrary loans, instructional services, and computer search services. Seeking a service-oriented person who will actively participate in, as well as supervise and coordinate, these activities serving a challenging university com­ munity. Staff of 3.5 FTE librarians, 3 library assistants, and several student assistants. Minimum qualifications include MLS; four years of professional experience in academic libraries, including two years of reference experience; demonstrated supervisory ability. Salary $18,000 minimum, depending upon qualifications. 12- month appointment with full faculty status; TIAA; 24 days annual leave. Position open by July 1. Mountains, desert, lakes, 5 hours from San Francisco by car. Send resume and names of three re­ ferences to Ruth H. Donovan. Assistant Director, University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV 89557 by March 15. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. HEAD, REFERENCE-BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICES. Responsible to the assistant director of libraries for the planning, budgeting, staf­ fing, and management of reference-bibliographic services at the University of Cincinnati Libraries. These services include reference and general information, library orientation and instruction, patron bibliographic services, and government documents. Current period­ icals and microforms will be added in February. MLS degree and a minimum of five years’ professional experience in a large academic library, including experience in a reference department, are neces­ sary qualifications. Second master’s degree in a subject area is de­ sirable. Salary, based on q u a lifica tion s and experience. Minimum— $16,500. New library building opening July. Send resuem by Feb. 10 to: Sally M. Neely, Chairperson, University of Cin­ cinnati, Main Library— Room 510, Cincinnati, OH 45221. The Uni­ versity of Cincinnati is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. LIBRARIAN— ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR. Position starting summer 1978 in a science and engineering oriented university, convenient location for New York State and New England ski and mountain areas. Will work with director on long-range planning, fund raising, budget, personnel, and off-campus relations and will assist in coordination of departmental functions. Responsible for library in­ volvement with modern technologies, including in-house automa­ tion and data base searching. M.L.S. from an ALA-accredited school required, with an appropriate advanced degree helpful. Ap­ proximately 10 years’ library experience with increasing responsibil­ ity, including some administrative responsibility. A 12-month ap­ pointment with 24 days vacation a year and faculty fringe benefit program. Salary from $18,000 depending upon qualifications and applicable experience. Send resume and references by February 15, for Selection Committee review, to James C. Andrews, Director of Libraries, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12181. An affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. New England Liberal Arts College. Twenty miles north of Boston, this 2,000-student (undergraduate) college needs a LIBRARY DI­ RECTOR. Must have MLS from ALA-accredited school; be capable of handling business, humanities, science/engineering, and social science divisions; be familiar with computer and audiovisual appli­ cations; and have at least two (2) years' administrative experience. Currently at 85,000 volumes, there is urgency and administration commitment to building the collection. Salary based on qualifica­ tions. Send resume by January 31 to: Library Search Committee, C/O Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Merrimack College, North Andover, MA 01845. An affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. LIBRARIAN III. Responsible for organizing and maintaining period­ icals collection and services, general reference work, interlibrary loan; Sunday and evening hours. Twelve-month faculty appoint­ ment. Minimum salary: $12,935. Requirements: MLS from ALA- accredited graduate program and three years' experience in periodicals/reference. Starting date: May 15. Send applications and resume by January 31 to: Director of Personnel, Worcester State College, Worcester, MA 01602. An equal opportunity/affirmative ac­ tion employer complying with Title IX of the federal laws. MATHEMATICS/PHYSICS LIBRARIAN. Responsible for providing science and documents reference service, as well as general refer­ ence service. Develops collections in mathematics, computer sci­ ence, and physics. Participates in classroom instruction programs and conducts computer-based information searches. MLS from an ALA-accredited school, with an advanced degree in mathematics or physics and academic experience in reference and/or collection development. Faculty rank and obligations. Excellent benefits. Sal­ ary range: $900-$1,300 per month. Send resume to Robert V. Haynes, Interim Director of Libraries, University of Houston, 4800 Calhoun Road, Houston, TX 77004. The University of Houston is an equal opportunity employer. MINORITY SERVICES LIBRARIAN. A new position with Los Angeles County Public Library System, serving a county population of 2,400,000. Management-level position responsible for develop­ ing and coordinating library programming and services to minority residents. Must have MLS degree; minimum of three years profes­ sional library experience, with one year at the level of Los Angeles County's Senior Librarian, analyzing and making recommendations for solutions to problems of library service to minorities, or three years professional library experience in an administrative, consulta­ tive or supervisory capacity, providing community services to racial or ethnic minorities. Ability to communicate fluently in Spanish, both orally and in writing, is highly desirable. Salary range: $18,122-$22,574. Excellent fringe benefits. All applications should be submitted to Room 493, Hall of Administration, 222 N. Grand Ave., Los Angeles, California, 90012, on business days only, be­ ginning at 8:00 a.m.. January 27, 1978, and ending at 5:00 p.m., February 24, 1978. For application forms and/or additional infor­ mation, contact: Larry Moore, Personnel Officer, Los Angeles County Public Library System. P.O. Box 111, Los Angeles, Califor­ nia 90053; (213) 974-6534. REFERENCE-BIBLIOGRAPHER/SOCIAL SCIENCES. Responsible to the head of reference for general reference duties and specialized reference and bibliographic services in the social sci­ ences. Selects materials under the direction of the assistant direc­ tor for collections. MLS degree, a second master's in political sci­ ence, sociology, or psychology, and one to three years of reference experience in an academic library are necessary qualifications. Sal­ ary based on qualifications and experience. Minimum— $13,500. Send resume by Feb. 10 to: William McPheron. University of Cin­ cinnati Libraries. Room 510, Cincinnati, OH 45221. The University of Cincinnati is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Shiftman Medical Library. Responsible, 31 under direction of medical librarian, to plan, direct, and coordinate reference services of medical school library. Involves (1) develop­ ing, monitoring, and maintaining a reference collection reflecting the kind and extent of the library's reference services; (2) providing reference services to library patrons; (3) developing control instru­ ments for both primary clientele and community use of reference collections; (4) developing self-instructional tools on use of library; (5) working with medical school curriculum committee in area of library instructions; and (6) monitoring use of services by faculty and students while developing promotional units as regards ser­ vices. Required: fifth-year library degree from accredited library school; relevant professional/paraprofessional experience in medical reference work desirable; knowledge of medical library network de­ velopment useful albeit not essential. Salary: $11,200—$17,560, depending upon qualifications and experience. Fringe Benefits: TIAA-CREF retirement plan; social security; health, hospital and life insurance partially subsidized; liberal sick leave. The university is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Write to: Robert T. Grazier, Associate Director of Libraries, Wayne State University, Detroit, Ml 48202. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The University of Northern Colorado Li­ braries are seeking candidates for the position of life sciences re­ ference librarian. Master's degree from ALA-accredited library school required; master's degree or equivalent working experience in biology, botany, zoology, or nursing preferred. Two years’ profes­ sional library experience required. Interest in library management desirable. Knowledge of a modern European language helpful. Twelve-month salary from $12,500 to $14,788, dependent upon qualifications and experience. Faculty rank and status, 20 work days vacation, faculty travel assistance, opportunities for advanced academic study, generous sick leave, retirement program. Applica­ tions must be postmarked no later than March 1. UNC is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Apply to: James B. Greer, Selection Committee Chairman, The James A. Michener Library, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO 80639. SCIENCE BIBLIOGRAPHER. Under the general direction of the assistant director for reference and collection development ser­ vices, has primary responsibility for the selection, development, and review of the science collection and for liaison with faculty and students of the departments of Atmospheric Sciences, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology, Mathematics, and Physics. Provides reference services during assigned hours. May be involved in computer-based bibliographic searching. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. At least two years' relevant library experience in an academic or special library subsequent to receipt of MLS. Undergraduate major and/or advanced study in some area of the physical sciences preferred. Candidates with experience in computerized bibliographic searching using scientific data bases desired. Salary & rank: Commensurate with education and experi­ ence. Recruitment range: $13,000-$18,000. Twelve months’ ap­ pointment; sick leave and annual leave, 1.75 days each per month. Fully paid major medical, hospitalization, and dental insurance. So­ cial Security coverage. TIAA/CREF or New York State Teachers Re­ tirement available (employee contribution rate, 3%). Contact: Jean Whalen, Personnel Librarian, University Library, Room 109, State University of New York at Albany, 1400 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12222. (Inquiries should be received by January 31.) An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. Maintains full public services in branch lib­ rary containing some 50,000 volumes, staff of one professional, two full-time support staff, and student assistants. Responsible for sup­ port of research, collection development, program planning, and coordination of various duties. Required: MLS from ALA-accredited library school; BS in science; 2 -3 years’ professional experience in academic or special library. Ability to communicate clearly, or­ ganize scientific literature, and work harmoniously with library us­ ers, staff, and administration. Desirable: Second master's degree in science, reference experience, teaching experience, foreign lan­ guages, knowledge of information systems. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Deadline for applications: January 31. Submit letter of application, resume, and three recent letters of reference to: R. S. Lamb. Chairperson, Science Librarian Search Committee. Cunningham Memorial Library, Indiana State University. Terre Haute, IN 47809. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. SERIALS AND ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. In charge of all oper­ ations concerning the acquisitions of books and serials. Keeps all subscription files up to date for periodicals, serials, microforms, and AV materials. Updates computer printout and union list of se­ rials. Keeps financial records. Selects new serials and books in cooperation with the faculty. Required: BS (preferred); ALA- accredited MLS, some experience desirable. Salary $12 ,000 +. Send resume to: Mrs. Ottilie H. Rollins, Head Librarian, Clarkson College of Technology, Potsdam, NY 13676. An equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. SERIALS LIBRARIAN. Under supervision of head of acquisition department is responsible for operations of serials sections, includ­ ing check-in, payments, renewals, and binding of approximately 10,000 serials. Operate serials service desk and maintains periodi­ cals collection of Purdy Library. Does serial bibliographic work and maintains extensive serial records. Supervises staff of seven for these functions. Required: fifth-year library degree from accredited library school. Experience with serials work, preferably including supervision. Salary: $11,200-$ 14,590, depending upon qualifica­ tions and experience. Fringe benefits: TIAA-CREF retirement plan; social security; health, hospital, and life insurance partially sub­ sidized; liberal sick leave. Wayne State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Write to: Robert T. Grazier. Associate Director of Libraries, Wayne State University, Detroit, Ml 48202. SERIALS LIBRARIAN— MEDICAL LIBRARY. Responsible, under direction of medical librarian, to plan, direct and coordinate serials bibliographic control activities in medical school library serials de­ partment. Duties include selection, acquisition, maintenance, and weeding of collection, while supervising support staff in technical processing operations. Additional duties may include (1) cataloging serials through use of secondary bibliographic tools, (2) serving as technical serials advisor to local health sciences librarians, (3) pro­ viding reference services to library patrons at least six hours per week, and (4) community involvement with proposed cataloging center. Required: fifth-year library degree from accredited library school; relevant experience in serials acquisitions desirable; ad­ ministrative experience and knowledge of medical library network development useful albeit not essential. Salary: $11,200-$ 14,590, depending upon qualifications and experience. Fringe benefits: TIAA-CREF retirement plan; social security; health, hospital, and life insurance partially subsidized; liberal sick leave; Wayne State Uni­ versity is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Write to: Robert T. Grazier, Associate Director of Libraries, Wayne State Uni­ versity, Detroit, Ml 48202. SOCIAL SCIENCES REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. With specialization in education. Required: graduate library degree; minimum three years' successful, relevant reference experience; evidence of being self-motivated, innovative, service-oriented, people-sensitive, able to relate well to students and faculty, and of continuing professional growth. Desired: Master's degree in education or education-related discipline or substantial progress toward same; B.A. in a social sci­ ence, psychology or sociology preferred; experience in searching computerized data bases; knowledge of Spanish. Duties: provides generalized service at social sciences reference desk and specialized service to students and faculty of School of Education; selects materials in areas of specialization; works some evenings and weekends. Ap p o in tm e n t possible as assistant librarian ($12,144-16,716) or senior assistant librarian ($14,112-19,488) level, salary dependent on qualifications and experience. Tenure on 5th year reappointment, 21 days vacation, 12 days sick leave cre­ dits p.a., option of 10-mo. appointment beginning each fiscal year. Apply with resume by February 3 to: Morris Polan, University Libra­ rian, California State University, Los Angeles, 5151 State University Dr., Los Angeles. CA 90032. Equal opportunity/affirmative action/ handicapped/Title IX employer. TECHNICAL SERVICES. Virginia Military Institute, the Shenandoah Valley’s historic military college, is reopening its search for a libra­ rian who can consolidate its catalog and acquisitions departments into a unified division of technical services. Salary: $15,000— $18,000. Requirement: MLS from ALA-accredited library school; suitable experience in both acquisitions and cataloging, some of it with OCLC; and sound organizational abilities. Assistant professor rank, 12-month contract, month's vacation. Application deadline for head of technical services: February 28, 1978. Send resume and placement folder to J. E. Gaines, Head Librarian, Virigina Military In s titute, Lexington, Virginia 244 5 0 . An equal opp o rtu n ity/ affirmative action employer. TECHNICAL SERVICES HEAD. Sole cataloger, supervises staff of 3 + cataloging activities of AV materials clerk. Yearly acquisitions 5-6,000 vols + nonprint. MLS from ALA-accredited school, well- rounded academic background, some knowledge of music. At least 5 years' experience, no less than 3 in supervisory position in tech­ nical services, preferably academic. Knowledgeable about de­ velopments in automated operations. Experience in original LC class. & cat., print and nonprint. Salary $18,400-19,000 for 12 months. Faculty rank and tenure. Available for June 1, allowing 3 months' transition with retiring incumbent. Application deadline: March 1. 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Consists of reproductions, in whole o r part, of 43 auction cata­ logs covering published and unpublished writings f Whitman. Successful bids are often noted in the margins next to the items. Introduction by Charles E. Feinberg; Keyword index. A Bruccoli Clark Book. 28 pp. $25.00. W o 4 EXAMINE ANY OR ALL OF THESE NEW GALE PUBLICATIONS ON 30-DAY APPROVAL S O THIS SYMBOL DESIGNATES TITLES AVAILABLE ON STANDING ORDER GALE RESEARCH CO. • Book Tower • Detroit, Ml 48226 C ustom ers in th e U.K., o n the C o n tin e n t, a nd in A fric a s h o u ld o rd e r d ire c t from : GALE RESEARCH CO. • c/o European Book Service • P.O. Box 124 • Weesp, The Netherlands