ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 258 / C&RL News ■ A p ril 2002 news I n t h e They say that in spring a young m an’s fancy turns to love, but for academic librarians and the communities they serve it often turns to thoughts of upcoming summer vacations. You’ll find a plethora of Web sites to help you plan your next trip in this m onth’s “Internet Re­ sources” column (page 271). Brian Coutts cov­ ers everything from scouting a good vacation locale to finding your way there and discover­ ing what to do once you arrive. A m ore local but equally stimulating type of excursion is detailed in Malcolm Brantz’s article, “Library-sponsored faculty book-buy­ ing trips” (page 264). The article presents an alternative to traditional library book acquisi­ tion that breaks dow n the barriers betw een librarians and departmental faculty and helps keep library collections relevant and up-to-date. In “The citizen in the information age” (page 276), Laura Burtle and Tammy Sugarman de­ scribe their experiences in developing and implementing a freshman learning community on the them e of “life in the information age.” They found that by taking the initiative to ex­ plore new territory, they gained a better un­ derstanding of the wants and needs of first- year students and recognition from teaching faculty as equal partners in the teaching mis­ sion of the university. Also in this issue is the second wave of ACRL award winner announcements, on page 284. We congratulate them on their achievements. Inform ation on th e University Libraries Section’s activities is on page 291. If you’re thinking about seeking office in an ACRL sec­ tion or w ould like to nominate someone, you’ll find contact information for nominating com­ mittee chairs on page 282. Interested in get­ ting involved with the Afeîíw’We’re looking for a new column editor (page 281). — Stephanie Orphan, editor-in-chief Register fo r ACRL Preconferences Keep up-to-date with the latest developm ents in advocacy, instruction, information lit­ eracy, or rare books at one of ACRL’s preconferences to be offered in Atlanta, June 14, prior to the ALA Annual Conference: • L e g is la tiv e A d v o c a c y W o r k s h o p . • I n s t r u c t io n f o r First-Y ear U n d e r ­ D evelop your skills in library advocacy and g ra d u a tes: D e v e lo p in g S tra teg ies to Fa­ gain practical information from long-term c ilita te t h e ir T r a n s itio n s . Explore char­ library advocates w ho will share their ex­ acteristics of first-year undergraduate stu­ perience and sage advice on the art of per­ dents, examine w hat they are learning about suasion. information resources and strategies in high • RBMS P r e c o n f e r e n c e — N e w O cca ­ school, and investigate program matic inno­ s i o n s , N e w D u ties: C h a n g in g R o le s a n d vations at the institutional and library levels E x p e c t a t io n s i n S p e c ia l C o l l e c t i o n s , that m eet first-year student needs. J u n e 11 t o J u n e 14. Explore the changing • F rom E xpectations to Results: Library/ role of special collections librarians, exam ­ Faculty P artnersh ip s fo r A ssessin g Student ine the different aspects and implications of L earning O utcom es. Explore various assess­ change, and discover ho w special collec­ ment instruments developed by IMLS grant re­ tions librarians can take advantage of change cipients, and find out how to adapt their ex­ for their ow n use and developm ent. amples for use on your campus. C o m p le te d e ta ils , in c lu d in g r e g is t r a tio n in f o r m a t io n , a r e o n t h e W eb at h t t p : //w w w .a la .o r g / a c r l/ c o n f h p .h t m l.