ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 302 / C&RL News ■ A p ril 2002 P e o p l e i n t h e N e w s Ann-C hriste Young V a ler ie D a r st, director of library services at M oberly Area Community College (MACC), has b e e n elected chair o f the MOBIUS Li­ brary Consortium, a statew ide organization that provides library information services in Missouri academ ic libraries by em ploying an autom ated library com m on platform system enabling faculty and students to access the collections of academ ic libraries across the state and to place borrow ing requests online. Darst has b e e n active in the MOBIUS organi­ zation since its creation in 1997, and she has b e e n with the MACC library for 18 years. A r th u r F r ie d m a n , of the Nassau Com m u­ nity College Library, w as selected as the 2002 vice president o f the Long Island Library Re­ sources Council Board of Trustees. A lisa Rata, cataloger in the William and Gayle Cook Music Library at Indiana University (IU), has received an aw ard from the Margaret I. Rufsvold G raduate Fellowship Fund. The fel­ low ship awards $2,000 each year to a stu­ den t w h o show s exceptional prom ise as a library/inform ation professional. Rata is pur­ suing a dual MLS/MA Musicology degree at IU with a specialization in music librarianship. J o h n V. R ic h a r d s o n Jr., professor in the De­ p artm en t of Inform a­ t io n S tu d ie s in th e G r a d u a te S c h o o l o f E ducation a n d Infor­ m a t io n S tu d ie s a t UCLA, will be a presi­ dential scholar of vir­ tual reference services at Library Systems and S e r v ic e s L.L.C. in G e rm a n to w n , M ary­ John V. Richardson Jr. land, during his sabbati- E d . n o t e : To ensure th a t y o u r p e rs o n n e l ne w s is c o n s id e re d f o r p u b lic a tio n , w r ite to A n n -C h ris te Young, p ro d u c tio n editor, C&RL News, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-m ail: ayoung@; fax: (312) 280-2520. cal leave. Richardson will be working on as­ pects of virtual question answering, notably the measurement and evaluation of virtual ques­ tion answering, benchm ark data, and statisti­ cal profiles. He will continue editing Library Quarterly. A p p o i n t m e n t s N a n c y C ott has b e e n ap pointed the Carl and Lily Pforzheim er Foundation director of the Schlesinger Library at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. D a n ie l G r e e n s t e in has accepted the posi­ tion of university librarian and executive di­ rector of the California Digital Library; he is expected to begin May 2002. G reenstein is currently director of the Digital Library Fed­ eration in W ashington, D.C., a position he has held since 1999. His academ ic career has included appointm ents in m odern history at Glasgow University, director of the Glasgow University Arts Faculty Computing Facility, and founding director of the Arts a n d Hum anities Data Service o f the United Kingdom, w here h e led the strategic and operational d evelop­ m ent of a digital information service to su p ­ port arts and hum anities research and teach­ ing at higher education institutions in the United Kingdom. Building o n this success, G reenstein was nam ed founding codirector of the UK Resource Discovery N etwork in 1998. S u sa n H e r r in g has b e e n appo in ted director o f th e School of Library a n d Inform ation Science’s doctoral program in inform ation science at Indiana University. C h a r le s R. H ild r e th has b e e n nam ed direc­ tor of the doctoral program at the Palmer School of Library and Information Science, based at the C. W. Post Campus of Long Is­ land University in Brookville, New York. The New York State-chartered program—the only C&RL News ■ A p ril 2002 / 303 doctoral program in information studies in the New York metropolitan area—prepares stu­ dents for leadership positions in research, teaching, and business. Prior to being named to this position, Hildreth had been associate professor in the Palmer School since 1998. He also served as assistant professor at the School of Library and Information Studies at the Uni­ versity of Oklahoma and as a visiting lecturer at the University of W ashington G raduate School of Library and Information Science. He had served in a similar capacity at the Gradu­ ate School of Library and Information Science at th e U n iv ersity o f Illin o is at U rb a n a - Champaign, and the School of Library Science at Kent State University. Hildreth is also the ow ner and chief consulting scientist for READ, a firm that provides consulting services for li­ brary operations and information systems. J o a n R o c a has b e e n appointed dean of li­ brary services at M innesota State University (MSU), Mankato, effective June 2002. Roca has served as interim d e a n s in c e A u g u s t 2000. He m ost recently h e ld th e p o s itio n o f ten u re d professor/co- ordinator of library sys­ tems at the MSU library. As automation librarian with MSUS/PALS (1982- 94), he contributed to the developm ent of the Jo a n Roca internationally reco g ­ nized PALS integrated library system. He is an active m em ber of ACRE, the American Society for Information Science and Technology, and a mem ber and past chair of the Academic Re­ search Libraries Division of the Minnesota Li­ brary Association. Roca also represents the MINITEX regional network at the OCLC Mem­ bers Council. K ate B e c k e r has been ap pointed conser­ vation technician at Harvard College Library’s Cabot Science Library. D o r o t h e a B u r n s has been nam ed H elen H. Glaser conservator at Harvard’s Weissman Preservation Center. A m a n d a C a in has b e e n appointed infor­ mation literacy/humanities reference librarian at West Chester University in West Chester, Pennsylvania. D o u g la s C a m p b e ll is now cataloger in the Spanish/Portuguese Division of Harvard College Library. K a t h r y n C o y le has b e e n n a m e d s p e ­ cial m aterials cataloging lib rarian at West C hester University in West Chester, Pennsyl­ vania. E m a le e Craft is now systems librarian at the University of W ashington Libraries in Se­ attle. Luc D e c le r c k has b e e n nam ed associate university librarian of technology and techni­ cal services at the University of California, San Diego. M ic h a e l D o y le n has been appointed ar­ chivist in Marquette University’s Departm ent of Special Collections and University Archives. C r istin a F avretto is now director of spe­ cial collections a n d university archives at San Diego State University. G r e g o r y D. G o e s s m a n is now the sci- ence/reference librarian at the University of Nebraska at O m aha’s university library. B r ia n K e o u g h is n o w h e a d o f th e M. E. G renander D epartm ent of Special Col­ lections a n d Archives at the University at Al­ bany, SUNY. C la y to n K irk in g has been nam ed chief of art information resources at the Humanities and Social Sciences Library of the Research Li­ braries at the N ew York Public Library. S u z a n n e K r ie g sm a n has been appointed Library Digital Initiative Grant Projects m an­ ager at Harvard University Library. J e a n L e n v ille is n o w h e a d o f serials records in the W idener Library at the Harvard College Library. R ic h a r d L o p e z has b e e n appointed as­ sistant head of stacks division in W idener Li­ brary at the Harvard College Library. M ary M a y e r -H e n n e lly is the new asso­ ciate dean of learning resources at Tidewater Community College in Virginia. J o s e p h P. M ika will serve as interim di­ rector of the Library a n d Information Science Program at Wayne State University. J in d r a M ille r is n o w technical services librarian in th e Cabot Science Library at the Harvard College Library. M ic h e lle M ille t has b e e n hired as the reference librarian a n d outreach coordina­ tor for th e M aureen a n d Mike Mansfield Li­ b r a r y at th e U n iv e rs ity o f M o n ta n a in Missoula. 304 / C&RL News ■ A p ril 2002 H u m b e r to O liv eira has been appointed preservation assistant in the Tozzer Library at the Harvard College Library. D e b b ie P a u lso n is now director of public services at W estern Carolina University in Cullowhee, North Carolina. T im o th y P yatt has been nam ed university archivist at Duke University. Steven R iel is now preservation cataloger and projects managers at the Weissman Preservation Center in the Harvard University Library. A n d r e a S c h u lm a n is the collection devel­ opm ent librarian at the Baker Library in the Harvard Business School. B arbara T aran to has been nam ed direc­ tor of the Digital Library Program at the New York Public Library. K im b e r le y V assiliad is has joined the Uni­ versity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library as the instructional projects librarian. J e n n ife r Ward is now systems librarian at the University of Washington Libraries in Seattle. N a n c y W estrick has been nam ed Web co­ ordinator for the General Libraries of Emory University. R e t i r e m e n t s M argaret H o w e ll, head of special collections at th e U niversity o f M issouri-C olum bia’s (UMC) Ellis Libraiy, has retired after 27 years of service in that position. U nder her direc­ tion, the special collections have grow n to include such rarities as the Comic Art Collec­ tion and the W einberg Journalists in Fiction Collection. Howell w as responsible for the recent Directory o f Special Collections a t the University o f M issouri-C olum bia Libraries, published at UMC. D a r r e ll L. J e n k in s , head of the social sci­ ences division of Morris Library at Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC), has re­ tired after 24 years of service. Prior to joining the SIUC faculty, Jenkins was a librarian at New Mexico State University for five years. He has b e e n actively involved in comm ittee w ork on the university cam pus as well as the Illinois Library and ALA, m ost recently serv­ ing as chair of ACRL’s Research Discussion G roup. He was also involved with ACRL’s EBSS and various comm ittees within LAMA. Jenkins served on the OCLC Users Council (1988-91) a n d served o n the Policy Council of the Illinois Library Com puter System Or­ ganization (1984-91). In 2000, Jenkins re­ ceived the O utstanding Library Affairs Fac­ ulty Award. D e a t h s T o m O w e n s , director of im plem entation at Endeavor Inform ation Systems, has died. He had m ore than 30 years of library industry experience, w hich he gained at Ohio State University, University of Arizona, Geac Com­ puters, a n d the M assachusetts Institute of Technology. O w ens first joined Endeavor in 1996 as the m anager of im plem entation and data migration. He served as director of cus­ tom er services at Ovid Technologies in 1999 before returning to Endeavor. E lizabeth W. Ston e, 83, dean emerita of Catho­ lic University’s School of Library and Informa­ tion Science, has died. Stone was dean of the school from 1981 to 1983, having joined the faculty in 1961. She was also librarian and ar­ chivist at the National Presbyterian Church. Her awards include the Joseph W. Lippincott Award for Notable Achievement in Librarianship, the Presidential Medal for Distinguished Service to Catholic University, a n d the CUA Alumni Achievement Award for library science. Stone had authored several publications and served as president of the District of Columbia Library Association, president of the Association of American Library Schools, and president of ALA (1981, 1982). ■ Advertiser index Blackwell’s Book Services 295 Chemical Abstracts Service Cover 2 East View Publications 293 Endeavor Inform ation Systems 267 Faxon Library Services 289 ISI 268 Lexis-Nexis 255,263 OCLC 290 Springer-Verlag Cover 3 SWETS/Blackwell 305 West G roup Cover 4