ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 306 / C&RL News ■ A p ril 2002 C L A S S I F I E D Ads Career opportunities fro m across the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 forthe October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $10.15 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $12.25 for others. Late job notices are $23.50 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $28.50 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Display ad rates range from $470 to $870 based upon size. Please call fo r sizes and rates. Or see our Web site: http:// w w w l. Guidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary range per policy of the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the Web at Ads will be placed approximately four weeks before the printed edition o f C&RL News is published. C o ntact: Eiise Parker, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: c&rlnewsads@ P olicy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employ­ ees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. POSITIONS OPEN A S S IS T A N T P R O F E S S O R /R E F E R E N C E /W E B S E R V IC E S L I­ B R A R IA N . M is s is s ip p i S ta te U n iv e r s ity L ib r a r ie s s e e k s a m o ­ tiv a te d , s e rv ic e - o r ie n te d , a n d te c h n o lo g ic a lly p r o fic ie n t lib r a r ­ ian to fill th e p o s itio n o f A s s is ta n t P ro fe s s o r /R e fe r e n c e /W e b S e rv ic e L ib ra ria n . T h is p o s itio n is a te n u r e - tr a c k p o s itio n a n d is c u r r e n tly o n e o f a te a m o f s ix fa c u lty re p o rtin g to th e R e fe re n c e S e r v ic e s C o o r d in a to r . M itc h e ll M e m o ria l L ib r a r y h a s a h ig h ly c o lla b o ra tiv e e n v iro n m e n t w h e re e x c e lle n c e in jo b p e rfo rm a n c e , s c h o la rs h ip , a nd s e rv ic e a re v a lu e d . Q u a lific a tio n s : M L S d e g re e fro m an A L A -a c c re d ite d g ra d u a te p ro g ra m ; a b ility to d e s ig n and m a in ta in th e R e fe re n c e D e p a r tm e n t’ s W e b p re s e n c e ; e x p e r i­ e n c e in b ro a d -b a s e d in fo rm a tio n a c c e s s /re fe re n c e to o ls , p rim a ­ r ily in th e u se o f e le c tr o n ic a lly a c c e s s ib le d a ta b a s e s y s te m s ; a b ility to te a c h u s in g d e s ig n a te d m e th o d s o f lib r a r y in s tr u c tio n ; fa m ilia r it y w ith p r in t re s o u rc e s ; p a r tic ip a tio n in a c tiv it ie s r e ­ la te d to th e c r ite r ia fo r p ro m o tio n a n d te n u r e ; e ffe c tiv e w r itte n a n d v e rb a l c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills ; a s tro n g s e r v ic e o rie n ta tio n ; a n a b ilit y a n d w illin g n e s s to w o rk in d e p e n d e n tly w ith in a te a m e n v iro n m e n t a n d a c h a n g in g lib ra ry a n d u n iv e rs ity e n v iro n m e n t; a nd d o c u m e n te d s u c c e s s fu l e x p e rie n c e w o rk in g in an a c a d e m ic lib r a r y r e fe r e n c e d e p a r tm e n t. A n a d d itio n a l s u b je c t m a s te r 's d e g re e a n d e x p e rtis e in a s e c o n d la n g u a g e p re fe rre d . T h e s u c ­ c e s s fu l c a n d id a te w ill be re s p o n s ib le fo r s c h e d u le d h o u rs a t th e g e n e ra l r e fe r e n c e /in fo r m a tio n a c c e s s d e s k (in c lu d in g so m e n ig h ts a n d w e e k e n d s ); d e liv e ry o f in fo r m a tio n u s in g e le c tr o n ic a nd p rin t re s o u rc e s ; s u b je c t b ib lio g r a p h e r a n d o u tre a c h re s p o n ­ s ib ilit ie s w ith a c a d e m ic d e p a r tm e n ts to b e a s s ig n e d a n d a d d i­ tio n a l ta s k s a c c o rd in g to in d iv id u a l s tr e n g th s a n d e x p e r ie n c e . R e p o rts to th e R e fe re n c e S e r v ic e s C o o r d in a to r . S e e fu ll d e ­ s c r ip tio n a t: h ttp :/ /lib r a r y .m s s t a t e . e d u /jo b s o p e n . h t m . S a la ry : $ 3 4 ,0 0 0 - $ 3 6 ,0 0 0 d e p e n d in g o n q u a lific a tio n s a n d e x p e rie n c e . Excellentbenefits package. Faculty rank; 12-m onth appointment. Applica­ tions accepted through April 15,2002, or until suitable a p p lic a n ts found. S ubm it a letter o f application, a com plete résum é, and th e names, ad­ dresses,andphone numbers ofthree references who can addressthesuitability of the candidate fo r th e responsibilities above, to: Debra Fairbrother, Adm inistrative A ssistant to th e Dean, M ississippi S tate University Libraries, P.O. Box 5408, Mississippi State, MS 39762. Mississippi State University is an equal opportunity, affirmativeaction employer. A SSO C IA TE DEAN FOR PUBLIC SER VIC ES. The M ississippi State University Libraries seeks an experienced librarian and adm inistratorto provide dynam ic leadership in a position as A ssociate Dean fo r Public Services. This isate n u re -tra ckp o sitio n a tth e Associate Professor level. Qualifications; MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program is required. The successful candidate should have evidence o f astrong com m itm ent to public services; substantial library experience in progressively more responsible positions; dem onstrated know ledge of reference and re­ Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting salary figures recommended by state library associationsfor professional library posts in these states. The recommendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations for minimum salaries. Job seekers and employers should consider these recommended minimums when evaluating professional vacancies. Foradditional information on librarian salaries, contact ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources. Connecticut $34,172 Delaware $22,500“ Illinois $30,096* Indiana varies* Iowa $23,911 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $31,362* New Jersey $33,785 North Carolina $27,641“ Ohio $25,198“ Pennsylvania $28,120* Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $30,000 Vermont $26,464 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $32,700 ‘ R athe r th a n establish one sta te w id e sa la ry m inim um , som e sta te a sso cia tio n s have a dopted a fo rm u la based on va ria b le s such as c o m pa ra b le s a la rie s fo r pub lic school te a ch e rs in each co m m un ity, o r th e grad e level o f a profe ssio n al librarian post. In th e se cases, you m ay w ish to co nta ct th e state a ssociation fo r m inim um sa la ry inform ation. “ T h e se re com m e n d atio n s a pp ly o nly to pub lic librarians. search issues and trends; understanding ofteaching methods and instruc­ tional design; effective supervisory experience; dem onstrated initiative in program developm ent; dem onstrated a bility to w ork well with a diverse u se rco m m u n ity;a bilityto facilitate change; dem onstrated ability to w ork within a collegial fram ework; excellent oral, w ritten, and interpersonal com m unication skills; strong analytical and decision-m aking skills; and credentials to qualifyfortenure as an associate Professorin the University Libraries. Ten years o f successful and docum ented experience in the public service areas with several years of increasingly responsible admin­ istrative positions required. An earned doctorate and/oradditionai master's degree highly preferred. Reporting to the Dean of Libraries, the Associate Dean for Public Services is one of three administrators with major respon­ sibilities for Reference, Current Journals, Government Documents and Microforms, Library Instruction, and the four branch libraries and is responsibleforthe successful planning, organization, policy development, implementation, and direction of all aspects of these departments. See full description at: Salary: $68,000- $75,000 depending on qualifications and experience. Applications ac­ cepted through April 15,2002, or until suitable applicant is found. Submit a letter of application, a complete résumé, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references who can address the suitability of the candidate for the responsibilities above, to: Debra Fairbrother, Administra­ tive Assistant to the Dean, Mississippi State University Libraries, P.O. Box 5408, Mississippi State, MS 39762. Mississippi State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. C OLLECTION D EVELO PM EN T LIBRARIAN. Southeastern Louisi­ ana U niversity seeks an experienced and enthusiastic professional to w ork as Collection Developm ent Librarian inthe Sims Mem orial Library. Southeastern is located in Hammond, in close proxim ity to New O rleans, Baton Rouge, and the G ulf C oast. The Library is a m em ber of LOUIS, a statewide network of academ ic libraries utilizing SI RSI Unicorn software to provide access to OPACs, indexes, and databases. Qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS; professional experience in an academ ic or large public library, w ith significant experience in collection developm ent; working knowledge of standard selection and evaluation methods and tools; proven expertise in m anipulation of collection data to produce reports; strong organizational, interpersonal, oral and w ritten com m unication skills. Strongly Preferred: Expertise in acquisitions and vendor relations; addi­ tional m aster’s degree; w orking know ledge o f a t least one rom ance lan g u ag e o r Germ an. Duties: This position will be responsible fo re v a lu ­ ation and developm ent o f the library’scollection; oversees departm ental liaison program s; recom m ends fund allocation fo r purchase of library materials; selects appropriate vendors; respo n sible fo r approval plans, deselection, and gifts; establishes and maintains effective communication with a cadem ic departm ents. A pplicants m ust be com m itted to working with diversity. This tenure-track position is a t the departm ent head level and reports to the A ssistant D irector for U ser Services. A pplication materials must be received by April 30,2002. Send letter of application and résum é, three letters of recom m endation, and copies o f all transcripts original required upon em ploym ent) to: Eric Johnson, Chair, Collection evelopm ent Search Com m ittee, Sim s M em orial Library, SLU 10896, am m ond, LA 70402. SLU is an A A /AD A/E EO em ployer. ISTANCE EDUCATION COORDINATOR. Joyner Library, East Caro­ ina University, Greenville, North Carolina. Seeking a highly motivated, ervice-oriented individual to help plan, coordinate, and deliverthe library’s nformational and instructional services to off-campus users. Complete nformation on the position isavailableat:; r co n ta ct C h ristin a B o w e rs via e-m ail: b o w e rsc@ m ail.e cu.e du o r hone: (252) 3 28-6514. DUC A TIO N LIB R A R IA N . Miam i U niversity Libraries, Oxford, Ohio, s loo kin gfora n Information Services, Education Librarian who will: work losely with the faculty, students, and staff o f the Schoolof Education and llied Professionsto providefortheirinform ation and ínformationtechnol- gya s well as prom ote information literacy; develop and m anagecollec- ions; participate in consultation services; and teach credit/noncredit ourses/workshop. Required: A LA-accredited graduate library degree; nderstanding of fa cu lty research needs; strong com puter based skills; trong com m itm ent to public service, initiative, and sense of humor. om plete position advertisem ent available: http://www.lib.m ibinfo/em ploy/. Miami University is an equal opportunity employer. XECUTIVE DIRECTOR. PA LIN E Tisseekingadynam ic and innovative eaderto manage, develop, and expand its excellent prog rams, services, nd p ro d u ctsin ach a lle n gin g and com petitive environm ent. PALIN ETis cooperative m em bership organization of over 600 m ultitype library- ( D H D l s i i o p E i c A o t c u s C l E l a a C&RL News ■ A p ril 2002 / 307 308 / C&RL News ■ A p ril 2002 HEAD OF ACCESS SERVICES Dartmouth College Library Working at Dartmouth means joining an institution with a strong commitment to libraries. New digital library developments provide an opportunity for creative leadership in Access Services. A high quality of life, an interesting mix of graduate, professional, and undergraduate programs, and a diverse student body make Dartmouth an outstanding place to work. Are you interested in applying your leadership skills to create next-generation library patron services? Bring your vision and talent to Dartmouth. Reporting to the Associate Librarian of the College, the Head of Access Services leads the library’s development and application of new technologies to empower library users. The successful candidate will work within a collaborative and team environment to bring leadership to the management and strategic development of circulation, reserve, resource sharing, and remote storage facility services. A relevant graduate or professional degree is required, with a minimum of three to five years of related experience, including management and supervisory experience in a large ILL/Document Delivery or Circulation/Reserve operation preferred. Demonstrated project management or team leadership skills, strong commitment to customer service, and experience with integrated library system software are required. In addition, applicants must demonstrate commitment to diversity and to serving the needs of diverse populations. Review of applications will begin on April 15,2002, and will continue until the position is filled. Please submit résumé and letter of application to: Search Committee for Head of Access Services c/o Mary Ann Mousley Dartmouth College Library 6025 Baker-Berry Library Hanover, NH 03755 E-mail: For further information, review our Web site: Dartmouth College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. related institutions and system s in D elaware, M aryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, W est Virginia, and o ve rsta te s. PALINET is headquartered in P hiladelphia w ith 14 sta ff and has a regional office in Pittsburgh with seven staff. Revenuesexceed $15 million. PALIN ETisan OCLC-affiliated regional network. The successful candidate should possess d em on­ strated leadership and m anagem ent a bilities and excellent w ritten and verbal com m unication skills; experience in librarie so ro th erin fo rm atio n - related organizations; the ability to serve as a strong advocate fo r the interests and needs o f inform ation-service organizations; the ability to engage in outreach to members and potential members; the ability to build consensus and coalitions; th e ability to w ork collegiaily with the organization’s m anagers and staff, board m em bers, and other network directors; know ledge of issues o f licensing, intellectual property, and copyright; and experience with fiscal and budgetary operations and human resources policies and procedures. Q ualifications include a m aster’s degree o r an earned doctorate in a relevant field, with an MLS from an ALA- accredited graduate program strongly preferred. Salary is $90,000 m ini­ mum, com m ensurate with qualificationsand experience. Excellent ben­ efits include TIAA-CREF. P A LIN ETisan equal opportunity employer. The Board o f T rustees requests that a letter of interest, a résumé or curriculum vitae, and the nam es, addresses, and telephone num bers o fth re e refer­ ences be subm itted to: Judith Lin Hunt, President, Board of Trustees, c/o PALINET, 3401 Market Street, Suite262, Philadelphia, PA 19104. Review of applications will begin on April 2 6 ,2 0 0 2 , although applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Nom inations and inquiries are w el­ c o m e . C o n ta c t J u d ith L in H u n t a t: (9 7 3 ) 6 5 5 - 4 3 0 1 ; o r: huntjl @ m ail.m F u rtherinform ation about PALIN ET can be found at: H EAD OF BIB LIO G R A PH IC M A NA G EM EN T. The U niversity o f Day- ton, a C atholic and Marianist, C arnegie Doctoral-Intensive University, seeks an enthusiastic and team -oriented librarian to head the Biblio­ graphic M anagem ent Department. This individual will provide innovative, service-oriented lea d e rship fo rth e Cataloging and Material Preparation Units. The head reports to the Dean of Libraries and Information Services, is a m em ber o f the Library Leadership Team , and supervises one FTE librarian, four FTE support staff, and num erous students. The library is actively involved in a va rie ty o f cooperative cataloging program s and is a founding m em berof OhioLINK. Responsibilities: Manage cataloging and m aterial preparation units, including cataloging, authority control, d ata ­ base maintenance, and m aterial preparation activities; establish depart­ m ental goals and objectives in relation to library strategic directions; establish cataloging priorities consistent with client-service expectations; supervise sta ff in th e ir training, evaluation, and developm ent; develop cataloging policies fo r both new and existing form ats in consultation with other affected units; provide leadership and expertise for projects involving m etadata fo r digital objects; maintain aw areness of curren t trends and developm ents in the profession; review and coordinate adherence to cataloging standards and policies; perform collection developm ent and liaison duties in o n e o rm o re subject areas. Required Qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS or equivalent; professional cataloging experience (m ini­ mum 5 years) in an academ ic library, including original cataloging, using AACR2, LCRI, M AR C form ats, LCclassification, and LCSH; proficiency with com putertech n o lo g y, OC LC, and the cataloging co m ponent of an integrated library system ; know ledge of cataloging standards fo r digital form ats; fam iliarity with established and em erging m etadata standards; ability to w ork with a variety of m odern languages, especially European; excellent com m unication skills; analytical, organizational, and effective leadership skills; know ledge of em erging trends in libraries and higher education. A strong service orientation and the ability to w ork in acollegial m anner with other departm ents are essential. Preferred Qualifications: Supervisory experience m anaging cataloging operations in an academic library; experience with Innovative Interfaces, Inc., and with a consortial library environm ent; material preservation and preparation procedures, and M ARS a uthority control; dem onstrated ability to w ork with culturally diverse populations. The position is a full-tim e (35 hours), 12-month, C&RL News ■ A p ril 2002 / 309 WEB LIBRARIAN Western M ichigan University POSITION: Western Michigan University Libraries invites applications and nominations for the position of Web Librarian. Reporting to the Assistant Dean for Library Systems and Technology, this position offers an exciting opportunity to lead and coordinate thedevelopm ent of the library W ebsite. RESPONSIBILITIES: The Web Librarian takes a leadership role in the development and mainte­ nance of a continually evolving Web presence. Designs, develops, and manages the site to deliver information to serve the students, faculty, and staff of the University and to further its research and teaching goals. As head of the Library Web Office, the Web Librarian sets priorities and manages the work of a Web Developer, a part-time Web technician, and student employees. Chairs the Libraries’ Web group, a body of librarians and staff involved in Web development, building consensus for site improvements, refining Web policies, setting priorities, establishing ongoing usability testing, and providing a vision for future Web projects. Provides training and support for content authors throughout the library. The position interfaces with other library departments and has a commitment to acquiring knowledge of the Voyager system. The Web Librarian serves on library or university committees as appropriate. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; two years’ relevant experience in an academic/ research library or research setting; dem onstrated effective management, supervisory and organizational skills, including the ability to plan, organize, and implement projects; and the ability to work effectively with diverse constituents. Must have a thorough understanding of research and teaching activities and knowledge of how information is organized, accessed, and used; strong public service orientation; and an understanding of the needs of academic library users. A minimum of one year of demonstrated experience with the design, development, and management of Web sites and emerging trends in Web technology. Proven experience with Web authoring and development tools such as Dreamweaver, CSS, Fireworks, Flash, and Photoshop. Demonstrated ability to initiate, organize, and set priorities in a team environment. Excellent interpersonal and diplomacy skills as well as successful technical project management skills are important. Excellent oral and written communication skills, including documentation of procedures is required. Preferred: Second graduate degree; Webmaster certification or site design certification; experience conducting Web usability studies. APPOINTMENT AND COMPENSATION: Full-time, 12-month, tenure-track appointment. Faculty rank, status, privileges, and responsibilities. Minimum of $42,500 for Assistant Professor and $52,500 for Associate Professor plus generous benefits. Rank and salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. PROCEDURES: Send letter, résumé, and the names and phone numbers of three references to: Regina E. Buckner Director Operational Services Waldo Library Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Ml 49008-5353 Applications received by April 30, 2002, will receive first consideration. Review will continue until the position is filled. WMU is a dynamic and growing Carnegie Doctoral/Research Extensive University with 27 doctoral programs and enrollment of 28,000 students, 25 percent at the graduate level. Located less than three hours from Chicago and Detroit, Kalamazoo offers rich cultural and recreational activities and is situated in the fastest growing part of the state. WMU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer that encourages qualified women and members o f m inority groups to apply. tenure-track a p p o intm en t a tth e A ssista n t P ro fe sso r rank. U nive rsity of Dayton lib ra ria n sa re expected to fulfill fa cu lty responsibilities including professional service, research, and publication. T h e library allow s som e release tim e fo rth e s e activities. F in alistsfo rth is position will be required to m ake a 2 0 -3 0 -m in u te oral p resentation. S alary: Low to m id-$40s, includingad m in istra tive su pp le m en t.B en e fitsin clu d e 22 a nn u a l vacation days, health and retirem ent plans, and tuition rem ission fo r self and im m ediate fam ily. Starting date: Ju ly 1 ,2002. R eview o f applications will begin on April 15, 2002, and w ill contin u e until th e position is filled. A p p lica tion s should include co ve r letter, curricu lum vitae, and nam es, 370 / C&RL News ■ A p ril 2002 REFERENCE SERVICES COORDINATOR Johns Hopkins University (Reopened Search) Johns Hopkins University seeks an experienced, service-oriented librarian to coordinate and lead the reference services program in the Milton S. Eisenhower Library, which uses the Brandeis model of reference service. Includes managing the two key reference service points; being responsible for the selection of print and electronic reference materials; hiring, training, and supervising approximately 86 hours of students and support staff; scheduling and evaluating 12 librarians and implementing new methods of providing electronic reference. The Sheridan Libraries are strongly committed to diversity. A strategic goal of the Libraries is to “work toward achieving diversity when recruiting new and promoting existing staff.” REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school with a minimum of three years' experience in a library; demonstrated commitment to well-run service desks; supervisory experience; administrative skills; self-starter with ability to initiate, innovate, and solve problems creatively; knowledge of and experience with a wide variety of print and electronic resources. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Ability to create Web sites and pages, experience with obtaining user feedback, and ability to conduct training sessions. For a more detailed job description and position qualifications and to apply online, please go to:; send résumé, indicating job # SCRA3467 on cover letter, via e-mail to: jhu@; fax: (877) 262-0646; or mail to: JHU Resume Processing Center P. O. Box 3687 Scranton, PA 18505 Approximate starting salary range $46,290-$59,000. We offer excellent benefits, including tuition remission, in a smoke-free/drug-free environment. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. telephone numbers, and addresses (including e-mail, if possible) of three references. Send applications by m ail o r e-m ail (in M icrosoft W ord) to: Fred Jenkins, University of Dayton Libraries, Room 105F, 300 College P a rk , D a y to n , O H 4 5 4 6 9 - 1 3 6 0 ; (9 3 7 ) 2 2 9 - 4 2 7 2 ; e - m a il: Fred.Jenkins@ For more inform ation about the Uni­ versity of Dayton and its libraries, visit: h ttp ://w w w .u d a y to n .e d u / and h ttp ://lib ra ry.u d ayto n.ed u /. The U niversity of Dayton, a co m p re h en sive Catholic universityfounded bythe Society of Mary in 1850, is an affirmative action, equal opportunity em ployer. W om en, m inorities, individuals with disabilities, and veterans are e ncouraged to apply. The U niversity o f D ayton is firm ly com m itted to the principle of diversity. H EAD OF T E C H N IC A L SER VIC ES. Lynchburg C ollege Library seeks atalented and dynam ic librarian as Head of Technical Services. In addition to exercising oversight responsibility fo r all a reas of technical services (acquisitions, binding, cataloging, m icroform s, processing, and serials), the Head catalogs library and archival m aterials in all form ats. Supervises and tra ins technical services staff; trou b le sh oo ts library hardw are and softw are problems; participates in the provision of reference and inform a­ tion services; and w orks with Inform ation T e chnology and Resources on library-related technology issues. Required Qualifications: M L S fro m a n A L A -accredited program ; five ye ars of experience in technical services with know ledge o f or experience in m ultiple areas; know ledge o f MARC format, OCLC, and Library o f C ongress classification system and subject headings; know ledge o f integrated system s such as EpixTech; ability to balance multiple responsibilities sim ultaneously; excelle ntcom m u n ica - tion skills. Preferred Q ualification: Technical service s and reference experience in an academ ic library. To Apply: Please subm it co ve r letter, résumé, and names ofthree business references to: Lynchburg College, Attn: Personnel Services, 1501 Lakeside Drive, Lynchburg, V A 2 4 50 1 ; fax: (434) 544-8658; or e-mail: Personnel © m a Position avail­ able June 1,2002. Equal opportunity employer. H EALTH S C IEN C ES LIB R A R IA N . Sou theastern Louisiana U niver­ sity seeks an experienced and enthusiastic professional to w ork as Health Sciences Librarian in the School of Nursing Baton Rouge Cam pus Library and Sim s M em orial Library. T h e Library is a m em be r o f LOUIS, a statew ide network of academ ic libraries utilizing SIRSI Unicorn software to provide access to O PAC s, indexes, and databases. Q ualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; tw o ye a rs’ professional library experience; w ork­ ing know ledge o f Health Sciences literature and inform ation m anage­ ment; substantial experience with m icrocomputerapplications.the Internet and reference databases, such asC IN A H L a nd M EDLINE; experiencein bibliographic instruction. Must be team oriented, flexible and able to w ork both independently and collaboratively. Preference will b eg ive nto candi­ dates w ith the follow ing: Degree in Health o r Life Sciences; professional experience in Health S ciences Library; supervisory experience. Duties: O versees daily o p e ra tio n so f the Baton R ouge Nursing Library (BRNL); provides reference and instruction services to students and fa cu lty at BRNL, and instruction as needed at the Hammond campus; w orks closely w ith N ursing fa cu lty and Sim s Library fa cu lty to d evelop and m aintain B R N L co lle ctio nsa n d services; provides form al and inform al instruction in the use of the library’s print and electronic resources and in research m ethods; supervises graduate assistants a n d /o rstud e n t w orkers. This tenure-track position is a tth e D epartm ent Head level, and reports to the A ssista n t D irector fo r U ser Services. Application m aterials m ust be received by April 3 0 ,2 0 0 2 . Send le tte ro f application and résum é, three letters o f recom m endation, and copies o f all transcripts (original required upon em ploym ent) to: Eric Johnson, C hair, Health S ciences Search C om m ittee, Sim s M em orial Library, S L U 10896, Ham m ond, LA 70402. SLU is an A A /AD A/E EO em ployer. IN S TR U C T IO N A L SER VIC ES L IB R A R IA N . Available: M ay 2002. Job Description: R esponsibleforproviding instruction to library users, devel­ oping electronic and print instructional resources such as tuto ria ls and handouts, planning and coordinating the participation of other librarians in th e instruction program ; p articipating in reference, perform ing som e collection deve lo pm e n t duties, w orking collab ora tive ly with o thers in planning and decision-m aking processesforthe w hole library. Serveson lib ra ry’s W e b C o m m itte e . R eports to head of reference and supervises stude ntw o rke r(s). Full-tim e, n o n -ten u re-track position with library rank and faculty status. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; work- C&RL News ■ A p ril 2002 / 311 UNDERGRADUATE INSTRUCTION AND SERVICES LIBRARIAN University of California, Berkeley Assistant/Associate Librarian: $37,920-$52,620 per annum, based upon qualifications. The University of California, Berkeley seeks an energetic and creative librarian to serve as a team member of the Teaching Library, a department devoted to instructing students in the effective use of information resources and research methodologies. The incumbent will participate in various teaching and outreach activities in the library and other campus contexts. A central responsibility of this position will be to lead the development of Web-based resources and tools that support instructional programs and reference services in the Doe/Moffitt Library. RESPONSIBILITIES: Under the general direction of the Head of Instructional Services, the successful candidate will participate in designing and facilitating library-related instruction for Berkeley’s diverse student population. Teaching responsibilities include providing course- integrated instruction, general walk-in sessions, and faculty and staff workshops, as well as individual research and term paper consultation. Along with classroom instruction, the incumbent will provide regular reference services at the public service desks in the Doe/Moffitt Libraries. A central part of the incumbent’s role in the Teaching Library will be to lead the review and development of existing and new Web resources related to library instruction, information literacy, and reference services. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: MLIS from an ALA-accredited institution, or equivalent degree; familiarity with the concepts, goals, and methods of information literacy and library instruction gained through recent coursework or experience (other substantial classroom instruction experience may also be considered). The candidate should also have significant training or experience in providing reference service, including a broad knowledge of both print and online information sources, and a familiarity with the challenges of working with a large and diverse library clientele. Experience or training related to Web design and Web authoring is highly desirable. Experience in developing online library resources such as tutorials, surveys, and guides is also highly desirable. Candidate must have excellent analytical, interpersonal, and communication skills, show evidence of both profes­ sional initiative and flexibility, and demonstrate the ability to work effectively and collegially with a diverse population of faculty, students, and staff. The successful candidate must have excellent analytical, organizational, and communication skills, a strong commitment to excellence in service, and the ability to work independently as well as collaboratively in a complex, changing environment. See for complete job description and requirements. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: April 30, 2002. TO APPLY: Send cover letter, résumé, and names and contact information of three professional references to: Barbara Kornstein Library Human Resources Department 447 Doe Library University of California Berkeley, CA 94720-6000 Fax: (510) 642-8675 E-mail: The University o f California is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. ingknowledgeof Internet and personal com puter applications; knowledge of at least one autom ated library system such as Voyager; ability to w ork in a com plex and changing environm ent; supervisory, organizational, analytical and problem-solving skills; excellent interpersonal, verbal, and written com m un ica tion skills; a b ility to w ork ind e p en d e ntly and collaboratively; dem onstrated flexib ility and attention to detail; strong service orientation;theabilitytoadjustpriorities based on changing needs. Desired: Academ ic library experience, teaching experience, and a ddi­ tional advanced degree preferred; experience using technology in an educational or library setting; fam iliarity with M icrosoft Office, electronic databases, Web page developmentand maintenance; demonstrated knowl­ edge of current em erging technologies as they contribute to m eeting the needs o f researchers and students in an academ iccom m unity; familiarity with evolving concepts o f information literacy; knowledge of library infor­ m ation technology. S end letter o f intent and résum é, including names, addresses, e-mail addresses, and phone num bers of three professional 312 / C&RL News ■ A p ril 2002 HEAD, ACQUISITIONS AND GIFTS George Mason University (Search Extended) The Head, Acquisitions and Gifts provides leadership for and administration of centralized acquisitions and donations for the four constituent libraries of the University Libraries system and also coordinates acquisitions control and activities with the School of Law Library. Researches, proposes, and implements new and improved methods for acquiring, receiving, and paying for research materials in all formats. Provides leadership for an active gifts program, working closely with the Heads of Collection Development and Preservation and Special Collections and Archives. Manages research materials budget of $4.35 million (approximately 19% of which is devoted to electronic resources and 38% to monographs). Directly supervises 5.5 FTE (including a gifts coordinator). Position reports to the Associate University Librarian for RCMS. Recent MLS recipients are encouraged to apply since there is a possibility of hiring at entry- evel for this frontline management position. QUALIFICATIONS Required: • ALA-accredited MLS degree, or recognized foreign equivalent. • Familiarity with acquisitions operations in an academic environment, or other similarly large or complex library setting. • Familiarity with other technical services functions (cataloging and serials control). • Familiarity with MARC formats, OCLC, automated library systems, and spreadsheet software. • Effective organizational, communication, and interpersonal skills. • Strong service orientation and commitment to professional growth. • Collegial orientation. Desired: • Supervisory experience. • Experience with Voyager Endeavor. • Experience with acquisitions, MARC formats, OCLC, automated library systems, and spreadsheet software. • Familiarity with EDI and embedded order technology. APPOINTMENTS/BENEFITS Professional faculty appointment. Salary is competitive and commensurate with qualifications. Excellent benefits: many health plan options and fully paid life insurance; several retirement plans, including TIAA-CREF (the university contributes approximately 10% of salary to such plans); 24 vacation days and 11 paid holidays; tuition waiver for self. More information about George Mason University and GMU Libraries is available at: http:// APPLICATION: Review of applications will begin April 29, 2002, and continue until position is filled. Send letter of application, résumé, and names, addresses (including e-mail), and phone numbers of three current references to: Chair, Head, Acquisitions and Gifts Search Committee Library Administration, MSN 2FL George Mason University Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer; minorities are encouraged to apply. references to: Ruth H. Miller, Director, David L. Rice Library, University of Southern Indiana, 8600 U niversity Blvd., Evansville, IN 47712; fax: (812) 465-1693; phone: (812) 464-1824. Consideration of applicants will begin in mid April and will continue until position is filled. Affirm ative action, equal opportunity employer. L IB R A R IA N , B U S IN ESS AN D A G R IB U S IN E S S S U B JE C T S P E ­ C IA L IS T (#4007). T he Kennedy Library a t Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo (m em ber of 23-cam pus CSU system ), is seeking a fu ll-tim e , 12-m onth, te n u re-trackbusinessand agribusiness librarian. Senior assistant level, $ 48,156-$60,000 peryear, dependent on qualifications and experience. The candidate should possess a strong service and energetic outreach perspective, and a background in business and/or agribusiness. This individual will provideavariety of reference andsubjectspecialist-related services including reference desk, information literacy instruction, faculty collaboration and outreach, and collection development. W orking with the Digital T eaching Librarystaff, the candidate will collaborate with teaching faculty to develop digital collections and courseware. Qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS required; subject-relevant undergraduate degree or expe­ rience as a subject specialist librarian in business and/or agribusiness w ithin an academ ic selling including reference work, instruction, faculty contact, collection developm ent, com pilations o f instructional and re- C&RL News ■ A p ril 2002 / 313 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE Seattle Pacific University Seattle Pacific University invites applications for two 11-month faculty librarian positions. Theology/Humanities/Fine Arts Liaison Librarian Provides leadership and collaborates with theology/humanities/fine arts faculty in collection development and information literacy. Provides reference service to students. Education Liaison/Remote Services Librarian Provides leadership and collaborates with education faculty in collection development and informa­ tion literacy. Provides leadership in designing library services to remote users, including distance­ learning students, through the use of new technologies. Provides reference services to students. General requirements for both positions include the MLS from an ALA-accredited program; experience in reference, collection development, and instruction in an academic library; excellent interpersonal, written, and oral communication skills; and facility with new technologies. Must be able to work independently, collaborate with faculty and staff, and serve students. Positions include some regularly scheduled evening and weekend hours. Preference will be given to applicants with a second master’s degree or equivalent experience. ANNUAL SALARY: $36,000 to $45,000 depending on experience, Seattle Pacific University serves more than 3,400 undergraduate and graduate students in both liberal arts and professional studies. The university’s Christian commitments are both evangelical and Wesleyan, with faculty and students representing a broad range of faith traditions. The university seeks applicants who are enthusiastically committed to its Christian mission. For more information about SPU, access our homepage at: Preference given to applications received by April 15, 2002. TO APPLY: Please send a letter of interest, résumé, and three references to: Susan Reynolds Seattle Pacific University Library 3307 3rd Avenue West Seattle, WA 98119 Phone: (206) 281-2413 E-mail: source Web pages. Preference given to undergraduate or graduate busi­ ness degree o r experience in the private sector, know ledge of applying Geographic Inform ation System s (GIS) to business and agribusiness marketing, experience with designing and developing digital collections and coursew are. A pplications can be requested by calling: (805) 756- 5785. S u b m it a p p lic a tio n s to: D ean o f L ib ra ry S e rvice s, C a lifo rn ia P olyte c h n ic Sta te U niv e rs ity, San Luis O bispo, C A 93407; re fe rto re c r u itm e n t c o d e # 4 0 0 7 . V is it th e lib r a r y ’ s h o m e p a g e a t: w w w .lib .c a lp o ly .e d u and fo r a fu ll jo b d e scrip tio n . D e a d lin e : M ay 1, 2002. Equal o pportunity em ployer. M USIC L IB R A R IA N . The University of Richmond libraries seek a dynam ic individual to serve as its M usic Librarian. Th is individual will be responsiblefortheoverall managem ent o fth e M usic Library and must be willing to experim ent and seek new w ays to use technology to provide access to music resources in all appropriate, useful form ats. R esponsi­ bilities: Responsible fo r planning, personnel, supervision, training, and day-to-day operations o f the Music Library. This entails selection, receipt, and cataloging of m usic materials. S erves as the library's liaison to the M usic D epartm ent. Provides instruction in library research m ethods in music. P articipates in initiatives o fth e library’s Outreach and Instruction team . W ill participate in the library’s planning and im plem entation of Endeavor’s ENCom pass product fororga n izin g an d providing accessto digital inform ation. Required Qualifications: M aster’s degree in library/ information science from an ALA-accredited program; m inimum of three years' experience, including a tle a s ttw o in m usic librarianship; in-depth and w ide-ranging know ledge of m usic and m usic history; know ledge of current and em erging trends in m usic librarianship; creative problem ­ solving skills; effective oral andw ritten com m unication. Desirable Quali­ fications: Bachelor’s and/or m aster’s degree(s) in m usicorm usic history; know ledgeof French, German, o r other languages use,ulin the study of m usic and in m usic cataloging; experience with Endeavor's Voyager system ; supervisory experience. To Apply: Send a letter of application, résumé, and names, addresses, and e-mail addresses o f three profes­ sional references to: Human Resource Services, Attn: UR Jobs, Univer­ sity o , Richmond, Richmond, VA23173; e-mail: urjobs@ Please visit the University’s W eb site at: w w w .richm The Uni­ versity of Richmond is an equal opportunity employer. PH YSIC AL SC IEN CES LIB R A R IA N . Miami University Libraries, O x­ ford, Ohio, is looking fo r a Physical Sciences Librarian who will work closely with thefaculty, students, and staff ofthe Chemistry, Physics, and Paper Science Departments to providefortheir information and informa­ tion technology needs as well as promote information literacy; develop and m anage collections; participate in consultation services; teach credit/ noncredit courses/workshops. Required: ALA-accredited graduate li­ brary degree; academ ic o r corporate library experience in chemistry, physics, o r engineering or a strong w illingness to learn chem istry and other resources; ability to utilize new and em erging technologies in the design and delivery o f library services and products; understanding of faculty research needs and scholarly com m unication innovations in the scientific literature; enthusiasm fo r outreach and marketing; strong co m ­ m itm ent to public service, initiative, and sense of humor. The com plete position advertisement isavailablefrom: employ/. Miami University is an equal opportunity employer. PH Y S IC A L SC IEN CES T E A M LE A D E R . Em ory University, General Libraries. An exciting opportunity awaits the candidate interested in devel­ oping innovative service program s with an em phasison electronic infor­ mation resourcesfo rth e new Physical Sciences Library at Emory Univer­ sity. A full position announcement and application information is available on the Web at: http://info.library.em For more information, please contact: Kristi Morley, Emory Project Team/The Morley Group,6201 Corporate Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46278; or phone: (317) 616-1720; o re- 3 1 4 / C&RL News ■ A p ril 2002 LIBRARIAN FOR THE KOREAN COLLECTION University of California, Berkeley East Asian Library. Assistant/Associate/Full Librarian. SALARY: $37,920-$76,860 per annum, based upon qualifications. The Librarian for the Korean Collection reports to the Director of the East Asian Library. The incumbent develops and maintains the Korean language collection, evaluates and selects Korean language materials in all formats, provides in-depth reference and consultation service on Korean Studies, and conducts bibliographic instructions for faculty, students, and other users. The incumbent actively participates in the development of electronic information resources and services to support the teaching and research programs on campus. Performs original cataloging in all formats for Korean language materials, serves as library liaison for Korean studies faculty and students on campus, and represents the Library in regional, national, and international cooperative programs or special projects on Korean materials. Professional contributions beyond the primary job (e.g., publications, active participation in University and professional organizations, and other research and creative activity) are required for advancement within the Librarian series. Candidates must show evidence of such contributions or capacity to make such contributions if appointed at the assistant rank. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution or equivalent degree; expert knowledge of the Korean language including the ability to read and process Korean materials written in classical Chinese (Hanmun); substantial subject background in scholarship on Korea and East Asia; knowledge of Korean book publishing and book trade; knowledge of AACR2, LCRI, LC classification, LCSH, and USMARC formats; knowledge of library applications of computer technology and electronic information resources. The incumbent must have a strong commitment to excellence in service and demonstrated ability to work independently as well as collaboratively in a complex, changing environment. He or she must have excellent analytical, interpersonal, and communication skills and demonstrate initiative and flexibility. DESIRABLE: Previous work experience in a research library; additional advanced degree in a Korean studies subject area; working knowledge of Chinese or Japanese. For a complete job description and requirements, see: DEADLINE: May 31, 2002. Application review will begin April 30, 2002. TO APPLY: Send cover letter, résumé, and names and contact information of three professional references to: Barbara Kornstein Interim Academic Recruitment Coordinator 447 Doe Library University of California Berkeley, CA 94720-6000 Fax: (510) 642-8675 E-mail: The University o f California is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. mail: km orely@ them . Em ory University is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ployer and encourages wom en and minority candidates. R EFER ENC E A ND G O VER N M EN T DOC UM EN TS LIBRARIAN. North C arolina W esleyan C ollege (NCW C) seeks a dynam ic service- oriented librarian to m anage the library’s collections of state and federal governm ent docum ents, w ork with other librarians to provide reference service, guidance, and accessto both print and electronic resources, and assist in providing effective instruction in information literacy to members o fth e W esleyan com m unity. NCW C is a dynam ic, growing, liberal arts institutiondedicatedtoengagingstudentsofanyagew how anttosucceed in life and work. NCW C has approxim ately 825 traditional students on campus and 1,300adult studentsin Raleigh, Durham, andGoldsboro. The student body, both on cam pus and off, is highly diverse. Qualifications: R equired: Accredited MLS degree; know ledge of com puters, including M icrosoft Office applications, the Internet, and electronic mail; d em on­ strated excellent oral and written com m unication skills; dem onstrated excellent interpersonal com m unication and problem -solving skills; the ability to w ork a s a m e m b e ro fa te a m and independently. Desired: One to three years of academ ic library experience; second m aster's deg ree or above in a field appropriate fo ra liberal arts college; experience working with governm ent docum ents. C om pensation: This isa te n u re -tra cka p - pointm ent at the rank of A ssistant Professor. C om petitive salary and benefits package. Available: Position available August 1,2002. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until asuitable candidate is identified. Women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply. T o Apply: Initial application should include a letter of application, a résumé, copies of transcripts show ing academ ic w ork in higher education and degrees received, and three letters of recom m endation addressing aca- d em icqualificationsand library experience. Applications should be sent to: Darrell W hitley, D irector o f Human Resources, North C arolina W esleyan College, 3400 N. W esleyan Boulevard, Rocky Mount, NC 27804. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. C&RLNews ■ A p ril 2002 / 315 ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND PUBLIC SERVICES University of Pittsburgh This senior-level administrative position reports directly to the Hillman University Librarian and is responsible for leading the technology and public services initiatives of the library system. Directly supervises the library’s information technology and public services in 14 departments, encompass­ ing 34 librarians and 42 staff in 11 locations, with administrative responsibility for Information Systems, Digital Research Library, Hillman Library Public Services units, and all departmental libraries. RESPONSIBILITIES • Setting direction for the library systems’ information technology environment and services, and ensuring that programs, services, and infrastructure are responsive to the academic needs of faculty and students of the University of Pittsburgh. • Developing strategic goals and objectives; facilitating interaction and communication throughout the library system. • Developing proposals and overseeing the management of information technology budgets and expenditures. • Encouraging creative development in digital and information technology initiatives. • Working with managers and supervisors to establish unit goals and set priorities. • Providing leadership in library planning by serving as a member of the library’s Senior Management Team and on the Administrative Council; serving on universitywide committees; and being active professionally in associations, committees, etc. • Providing leadership and facilitation of ongoing analysis and assessment initiatives. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS MLS from an ALA-accredited program; minimum of five years of substantial management, supervisory, and budget experience in increasingly responsible positions, some of which has been in an academic library; experience in public services or information technology in a research library or university or equivalent experience; a record of successful implementation and management of emerging technologies; knowledge of information technology trends and applications, and of scholarly communication patterns; clear understanding of the variety of public services functions and knowledge of best practices and current trends in the provision of information services; demonstrated ability to work effectively with staff, colleagues, faculty, and students; excellent interpersonal skills, both written and oral; strong analytical skills; capacity to thrive in an environment of change and to foster that capacity in others; strong record of professional and scholarly activity. Preference will be given to candidates who can demonstrate the capacity for exercising leadership on a national and international scale. SALARY/BENEFITS Salary commensurate with experience. Comprehensive benefits package including 23 vacation days per year; medical; TIAA-CREF, Vanguard; and tuition assistance. TO APPLY Submit letter of application and résumé with the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: William Gentz, Personnel Librarian 271 Hillman Library University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260 Review of applications will begin April 15, 2002, and continue until position is filled. To learn more about the University Library System, visit: For more information on the University of Pittsburgh, please visit: The University o f Pittsburgh is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. R EFER EN C E L IB R A R IA N . South D akota State U niversity. 12-m onth, annual-term o r tenure-track appointm ent depending on qualifications. Responsibilities: Provide general, specialized, and virtual reference ser­ vices including som e weekend and evening duty; participate in the library/ bibliographic instruction program ; fulfill book selection and library se r­ vic e s to o ff-c a m p u s s tu d e n ts and fa c u lty ; a nd fu lfill fa c u lty e x p e c ta ­ tio n s re q u ire d fo r p ro m o tio n a nd te n u re . R e q u ire d : An e arned A L A - a c c re d ite d M LS ; th e a b ility to c o m m u n ic a te a nd in te ra c t e ffe c tiv e ly w ith stu d e n ts, fa cu lty, and sta ff; a stro n g p u b lic s e rvice s o rie n ta tio n; th e a b ility to w o rk in d e p e n d e n tly a nd as p a rt o f a te a m ; th e a b ility to 316 / C&RL News ■ A pril 2002 DEAN, LEARNING RESOURCES University of Guam REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited Master’s; five years of relevant administrative and supervisory experience in an academic library of comparable size using current technological and telecommunications applications, including formulation and enforcement of library policies, budget management, and community relations; excellent oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills; record of research and publications; service oriented; and successful experience with securing and administering external funding through grants and/or private contributions. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: An earned doctorate in any field from an accredited institution; proven ability to articulate and implement an imaginative, flexible vision that incorporates an understanding of the changing scholarly use of information resources and services; experience in an academic library environment with innovative technologies and Internet telecommunications capabilities; and experience working with multicultural populations. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Three-year initial contract. Range from $64,256 to $78,167 per annum. Twelve-month appointment. If hired off-island, some travel expenses will be provided. Complete application shall include a cover letter detailing reasons for interest in this position and a statement of qualifications, current curriculum vitae or résumé including names, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses (if available) of three references, unofficial copies of undergraduate and graduate-degree transcripts, three original, confidential letters of reference or placement file, and a Government of Guam application form. Short listed candidates will be required to submit official graduate transcripts sent directly from the awarding institution(s). Submit documents to: Thomas Hodge Chair, LR-Dean Search Committee c/o Human Resources Office University of Guam UOG Station Mangilao, Guam 96923 For further information, please e-mail:; or call: (671) 735-2314. To ensure full consideration, all required documents must be received no later than April 30,2002, 5:00 p.m. Review of applications will begin on April 15, 2002. For further information about the University of Guam, visit our Web site at: Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. p rovid e reference services in a broad range of subject areas; graduate course work dealing with advanced reference topics. Desired: An earned subject master’s degree in addition to the MLS (required for tenure-track appointment as assistant professoror higher rank); a reference internship, practicum, o r other reference w ork experience in academ ic or research library; working knowledge of, or e xperience w ith, instructional and /or p resentation softw a re ; lib ra ry/b ib liog ra ph ic instruction e m ploym ent e xperience, te aching experience, or course w ork dea ling with class­ room in stru ctio n a l te ch n iq u e s a nd th e o rie s ; a cad e m ic, pub lic, or s p e cia l lib ra ry w o rk expe rie nce ; w orkin g know le dg e of one o r m ore m o de rn fo re ig n la n g u ag e s. S a la ry. In stru cto r $ 30 ,00 0 m inim um , A s s is ta n t P ro fe sso r $ 32 ,00 0 m inim u m , w ith co m p e titive b e n e fits. Screening Begins: May 15,2002, and continues until filled. Send letter of app licatio n , résum é a ddressing specific jo b q ua lificatio n s, copies o f tra n s c rip ts , and nam e s and c o n ta c t in form a tio n fo r th re e p ro fe s ­ sional references to: V ickie S alonen, R eference S earch C om m ittee, S ou th D akota Sta te U n iv e rs ity Library, Box 2115, B ro okin g s, SD 57007-1098; e-m ail: vickie_salonen@ More inform ation about th e lib ra ry m ay be obtained at: w w w 3 ics/ library. SDSU is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity em ployer and encourages applications from women and minorities. ADAaccom m oda- tions:(605) 688-4504; TTY: (605) 688-4394. R EFERENCE LIB R A R IA N -H E A LTH SCIENCES. Provide reference assistance, curriculum -based BI, collection developm ent, produce in­ structional m aterials and guides, participate in information literacy pro­ gram; other projects and duties as needed. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; three to five years’ post-MLS reference experience and instructional experience; strong service orientation; 30 additional graduate credits or second master’s, preferably in health sciences. Position is a tenure-track faculty appointment at the Instructor or Assistant Professor rank. Excel­ lent benefits including 44 days’ leave, calendar recesses, release time; 10-month contract. Send letter of interest, indicating position desired, and c.v. to: Terri Campo, Long Island University, 1 University Plaza, Brooklyn, NY 11201-8423. Long Island University (LIU) is the eighth largest private university in the United States. It is recognized for strength in the liberal arts and sciences, health sciences, and library and informa­ tion science, including a Ph.D. program in the latter. The Brooklyn Campus is located within easy access of Manhattan. It enrolls more than 10,000 students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees in the various colleges: Arts and Science, Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Education, Health Professions, Nursing, Business and Public Adminis­ tration. The library, with a staff of 42, including 21 librarians, houses 250,000 volumes, 2,400 periodical subscriptions, and a collection of 24,000 AV resources. It provides 55 bibliographic databases for end-user searching. LIU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. S O C IA L SC IENCES C ATALO G IN G LIB R A R IA N . W estern Kentucky University, Departm ent o f Library Autom ation andT echnical Services, in vite sa p plican tsfo rth e position of Social Sciences Catalog Librarian. This is a tenure-track faculty position, which reports to the Head of the Department of Library Automation and Technical Services. For informa­ tion about our library, see our Web site at: Responsibilities: Original cataloging and com plex copy cataloging of materials in a variety of form ats in the social sciences, political science, law, m ilitary science, maps and atlases, and som e foreign languages. C&RL News ■ A p ril 2002 / 317 FEDERAL DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN University of California, Berkeley Associate Librarian/Librarian: $60,13 2-$7 6,860 per annum, based upon qualifications. The University of California, Berkeley seeks a dynamic librarian with energy, experience, and enthusiasm to serve as the U.S. Federal Documents librarian. The position is one of three Government Information Librarians in the Research, Reference and Collections Department within the Doe/Moffitt Libraries, the primary libraries for humanities, social sciences, and undergraduate services on the Berkeley campus. RESPONSIBILITIES: The Federal Documents Librarian selects, acquires, and manages print and electronic publications from government organizations for the Library and identifies reliable resources on the Internet for cataloging. The librarian monitors and ensures compliance of the library’s Federal Depository Program, and initiates and manages purchase plans including approval plans and standing orders. The Federal Documents Librarian is expected to be an active participant in user outreach and reference, including regularly scheduled general reference hours at one of the facility’s public service desks, Research Advisory Service, and research consultations with faculty and graduate students. The incumbent is expected to contribute to the librarywide planning process through participation in library and campus committees, etc., as appropriate. This position reports to the Head, Doe/Moffitt Research, Reference, and Collections. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: An MLIS from an ALA-accredited institution, or equivalent degree; minimum of four years' experience; strong knowledge of U.S. Federal government documents in multiple formats, including print, microform, CD-ROM, and data sets; reference experience using print and electronic government resources. Must have excellent analytical, interpersonal, and communication skills, and show both initiative and flexibility. Must also be able to work effectively with a diverse population of faculty, staff, student, and community members. The candidate should possess a working knowledge of current and emerging technological developments including Web page authoring and their practical application to enhance user services. Must show evidence of commitment to educating users and promoting information literacy. For complete job description and requirements, see: DEADLINE: May 31,2002. TO APPLY: Send cover letter, résumé, and names and contact information of three professional references to: Barbara Kornstein Interim Academic Personnel Coordinator Library Human Resources Department 447 Doe Library University of California Berkeley, CA 94720-6000 Fax: (510) 642-8675 E-mail: The University o f California Is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Shared responsibilities fo r m aintenance o fth e a u th o rity file and revising mem ber copy input of cataloging staff. Required Qualifications: MLS from an A LA -accredited program ; know ledge o f LC Subject H eadings and Classification, A A C R 2and M AR C form ats; ability to m eetthe prom otion andtenure criteria o f the departm ent. Desired Qualifications: Cataloging experience, undergraduate degree in the social sciences, fam iliarity with O C LS or sim ila r u tility and an integrated library system (VO YAG ER preferred), and fam ilia rity w ith cataloging o f electronic and digital re­ sources. Pay Band 108. Anticipated Annual Salary: $30,000. Interested candidates should subm it a letter of application, résumé, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers ofthree references to: Departm ent o, Human Resources, W etherby Adm inistration Building, R oom 42, W est­ ern K entucky University, 1 Big Red W ay, B owling G reen, K Y 42101- 3576. R eview of application m aterials will begin im m ediately and continue until position is filled. A p p lica n tsm a y tra ck th e status o f th is position at Internet URL: Online application available. W om en and m inorities are encouraged to apply. W estern Kentucky University is an affirm ative action, equal opportunityem ployer. T E C H N IC A L SE R V IC E S /A U TO M A TIO N C O O R D IN A T O R . Kansas S tate U niversity-Salina. Adm in iste r technical services and system s operations o fth e library; coordinate technical activities including acquisi­ tions, cataloging, and processing of library m aterials; m anage em erging information technologies and theirapplications, general reference, biblio­ graphic instruction, collection developm ent, and operation of electronic resources (e.g., Endeavor/Voyager). Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS o r equivalent; evidence o f know ledge and expertise w ith library online system s, Internet, HTM L, and m icrocom puter applications required. Prefer Networking experience and use of Endeavor/Voyager. Fordetails, see: MUSIC LIBRARIAN University of Michigan DESCRIPTION: The University of Michigan seeks a creative, service-oriented Music Librarian. This position participates in providing reference and research support to library users. Duties will also include selection of new material in jazz, improvisation studies, popular music, musical theatre, and ethnomusicology. For a complete position description, please see: libhom e/humres/vac-music.htm. REQUIREMENTS: ALA-accredited MLS; undergraduate degree in music; bibliographic knowledge of at least one Western European language; effective oral and written communication skills; clear understanding of issues related to music librarianship; demonstrated ability to work effectively with culturally diverse faculty, staff, and student populations. UNIVERSITY/COMMUNITY: The Music Library supports the teaching and research interests of the School of Music and of the larger University of Michigan community. The School of Music, one of the oldest and largest in the country, has approximately 150 faculty and over 1,000 students from all 50 states and almost two dozen countries. Ann Arbor is a small, vibrant city of tree-lined streets, cafés, bookshops, and restaurants. It offers many recreational, cultural, and entertainment opportunities, good public schools, and a rich musical life including nationally known jazz, folk, and rock clubs, as well as the internationally recognized University Musical Society performing arts series. APPOINTMENT: Rank is anticipated at the Assistant or Associate Librarian level. Final rank will be dependent on the candidate’s experience and qualifications. BENEFITS: As a professional appointment in the University of Michigan, University Library, this position offers full benefits and opportunities for professional development and travel, and partici­ pates fully in faculty governance. DEADLINE: Applications received by April 30, 2002, will be given priority. APPLICATION: Send cover letter, curriculum vita, and references to: Lucy Cohen 404 Hatcher Graduate Library North University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205 For further information, please call: (734) 764-2546, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. ET. The University o f Michigan is a nondiscríminatory, affirmative action employer. Late Job Listings A S S O C IA T E D E A N , L E A R N IN G R E S O U R C E S , D IS T A N C E L E A R N IN G A N D IN S T R U C T IO N A L T E C H N O L O G Y . (S ea rch R e o p e n e d ) D y n a m ic e d u ca to r to lea d in stru ction a l su p p ort serv ices team . O v ersee L ib ra ry /L e a rn in g R e so u rce C en ter, M e d ia S erv ices, D ista n ce L ea rn in g , a n d A c a d e m ic T ech n olog y . P a rticip a te in colleg ew id e p la n ­ n in g to m a x im iz e th ese services. O v ersee fa cu lty d ev e lo p m e n t activities. R eq u ires a d v a n ced d eg ree in L ib ra ry S cien ce, In form a tion T ech n olog y , or rela ted field, an d m in im u m o f sev en y e a rs’ p ro g re ssiv e ly resp on sib le ex p erien ce, p re fe ra b ly in h ig h e r ed u cation . M in im u m S alary: $75,510. S e n d r é su m é a n d tra n scrip ts to: H u m a n R esou rces, W e s tc h e s te r C o m m u n ity C o lle g e , 75 G ra ssla n d s R oa d , V a lh a lla , N Y 10595; fa x (914) 785-783 8; e -m a il W o rd d ocu m en ts to: h u m a n r e so u r c e s@ su n y w c c .e d u . A ffirm a tiv e action, eq u a l op p ortu n ity em p loy er. W o m e n an d m in orities stro n g ly en co u ra g e d to apply. H E A D O F T E C H N IC A L S E R V IC E S . O re g o n S ta te U n iv e rsity (O S U ) L ib ra ries seeks a h ig h ly m otiv a ted , ex p erien ced , a n d crea tiv e lib ra ria n to le a d th e T e ch n ica l S ervices D e p a rtm e n t. T h is is a n e x c itin g o p p o rtu n ity to w o r k w ith a d y n a m ic g rou p o f lib ra ry 318 / C&RL News ■ A p ril 2002 GERMANIC CATALOGER University of California, Berkeley Original Cataloging Division, Technical Services. Associate Librarian/Li- brarian. SALARY: $56,256-$70,500 per annum, depending upon qualifications. Under the general supervision of the Head of Original Cataloging, the Germanic Cataloger is responsible for original cataloging of monographs in German, other Germanic languages and Germanic studies. As needed, perform original cataloging of monographs in other Western European languages and other disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. Original cataloging is governed by the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules (2nd edition, 1998 revision) as interpreted by the Library of Congress; classified using the Library of Congress Classification scheme; and assigned subject access using the LC subject headings. Records are given full USMARC tagging by the cataloger. When necessary, catalogers upgrade incomplete records, adding subject headings, classification and other data as necessary. Members of the division contribute original BIBCO records as part of the LC Program on Cooperative Cataloging and may create name authority records according to the MARC21 authority format. As a participant in the LC Program on Cooperative Cataloging, the incumbent will contribute original name authority records to the NACO program. UCB librarians are expected to participate in librarywide planning and governance, to be able to work comfortably in a shared decision-making environment, and to be active professionally. Professional contributions beyond the primary responsibilities (e.g., active participation in university and professional settings, publication or other research and creative activity) are required for advance­ ment in the Librarian series. The successful candidate will show promise or evidence of such contributions. QUALIFICATIONS: MLIS from an ALA-accredited institution, or equivalent degree; knowledge of German, Germanic languages and Germanic studies; knowledge of AACR2 (2nd edition, 1998 revision), Library of Congress classification system, LC subject headings, and USMARC coding; demonstrated experience working with OCLC and RLIN online systems; excellent oral and written communication skills; ability to work well with a diverse group of people; excellent analytical, interpersonal, and communication skills; demonstrated ability to work independently as well as collaboratively in a complex, changing environment. DESIRABLE: Knowledge of other Western European languages. For complete job description and requirements, see: DEADLINE: May 31,2002. Application review will begin April 30, 2002. TO APPLY: Send cover letter, résumé, and names and contact information of three professional references to: Barbara Kornstein Interim Academic Personnel Coordinator Library Human Resources Department 447 Doe Library University of California Berkeley, CA 94720-6000 Fax: (510) 642-8675 E-mail: The University o f California is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. fa cu lty an d s t a ff in a b ea u tifu l, re c e n tly r e n o v a te d an d ex p a n d ed facility. T h is is a fu ll-tim e, te n u r e -tr a c k p osition at th e ra n k o f A ss is ta n t or A ss o c ia te P rofessor. F o r a com p lete jo b descrip tion , see: h ttp ://o s u .o rst.e d u /d e p t/IS /a d m in /jo b s .h tm . S u b m it a letter o f ap p lication , cu rren t résu m é, a n d n a m es, a d d resses, a n d tele p h o n e n u m b e rs o f th ree referen ces to: B re n d a M a rcu m , 121 V a lle y L ib ra ry , O r e g o n S ta te U n iv e r s ity , C orvallis, O R 97 3 3 1 -4 5 0 1 . F o r fu ll con sid era tion , a p p ly b y A p r il 3 0 ,2 0 0 2 . T h is p osition is fu n d e d b y C&RLNews ■ A p ril 2002 / 319 320 / C&RL News ■ A p ril 2002 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE Wake Forest University Collection Development Librarian (#02035) Assists Head of Collection Development in all functions of collection development. Performs ongoing analysis of collection, collection development policies, approval plans, and serials selections; manages disposition of gift books; coordinates weeding of collection; maintains collection development Web site. REQUIRED: ALA-accredited MLS with course work in academic libraries; experience with Windows applications, MS Office, integrated library systems, Web page creation. Preferred: Academic library experience. Reading ability of foreign language. Equivalent combination of education and experience may be accepted. Salary commensurate with experience. Special Collections Librarian - Cataloging (#02036) Assists Special Collections Librarian III in processing, cataloging, and arranging special collections materials. Performs complex copy and original cataloging and reclassification of special collections; arranges and describes manuscript and archival collections. Participates in digitization projects. REQUIRED: ALA-accredited MLS with course work in advanced cataloging or special collections. Familiarity with cataloging standards, integrated library systems, current archival theory and practice. Preferred: Work experience in academic special collections or in technical services. Equivalent combination of education and experience may be accepted. Salary commensurate with experience. The duration of employment in this position is subject to the continuing availability of funds. For more detailed job descriptions and information about Wake Forest University, visit our Web site at: TO APPLY: Send letter of application and résumé with names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three professional references to: Staff Employment Manager Office of Human Resources P.O. Box 7424 Wake Forest University Winston-Salem, NC 27109 Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until position is filled. Applications received before May 1, 2002, will be given first consideration. Wake Forest University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. ed u cation an d g en eral funds. O S U is an affirm ative action, equ al op p ortu n ity em p loy er an d h as a policy o f b e in g resp on sive to th e n eed s o f du al-career couples. P U B L IC SE R V IC E S/IN F O R M A T IO N L IT E R A C Y LIB R AR IAN . (Tenure Track) A n M L S D egree in Library ScienceÆnformation Studies with a preferred em phasis in bibliographic instruction, inform ation literacy, and public service. Experience in an academ ic setting preferred; consideration given to experience in special, school, and public librarianship. D em onstrated proficiency in inform ation technology including: knowledge o f and ability to use com puters, applicable software, and the Internet are required. Placem ent on salary schedule is dependent on qualifications. Qualifications include education and related w ork experience. Application deadline M ay 1,2002. Indicate b y letter your interest in being considered for the position and detail your experience, background, and education appropriate to the position. A ll materials (application, résum é, copies o f transcripts, three reference letters) m ust be complete and on file b y the deadline date to receive fiill consideration. Applications and inquiries should b e directed to: H um an Resources Center, Joliet J u n ior College, 1215 H oubolt Road, Joliet, IL 60431; fax: (815) 729-3331. W eb: A n equal opportunity, affirmative action college supporting diversity. C&RL News ■ A p ril 2002 / 321 S E R IA L S /E L E C T R O N IC R E S O U R C E S L IB R A R IA N . U n iv ersity o f D en v er (D U ), Penrose Library. Penrose Library seeks a m otivated and progressive professional to assum e re­ sponsibility for m an agin g the ongoing cataloging and processing activities o f its serials unit. Penrose Library houses 2.8 m illion volum es o f m aterial in its m ain and m usic libraries. The library fulfills its m ission w ith a faculty o f 16 professional librarians and 4 1 FTE. The library is a founding m em ber o f th e Colorado A lliance o f R esearch Libraries, a partnership o f 11 research, public, an d educational institutions serving th e inform ation needs o f the Colorado com m unity. A dditional inform ation about D U an d Penrose Library can be seen at: http:// w w w .du .edu . Responsibilities: C atalog and m aintain serials in electronic, print, and m icroform form ats usin g O C LC and the Innopac/M illennim n system; supervise 4.5 FTE; develop catalog­ in g policies and procedures; coordinate electronic licensing; and serve as facilitator o f the Serials Team . Qualifications: Required: M LS; tw o years' professional catalogingexperience w ith strong know ledge o f serials operations; one year's supervisory experience; current aw areness o f new trends and em erging technologies in serials cataloging and access; w orking know ledge o f A A C R 2, U SM A R C , LC SH , LC classification, OC LC , and C O N SE R standards; excellent com m unication and interpersonal skills; strong analytic and problem -solving skills; ability to w ork in a team environm ent; flexibility in response to changing circum stances. Participation 322 I C&RL News ■ A p ril 2002 C&RL News ■ A p ril 2002 / 323 SERIALS CATALOGER University of California, Berkeley Original Cataloging Division, Technical Services. University of Calfironia, Berkeley. Associate Librarian/Librarian. SALARY: $56,256-$70,500 per annum, depending on qualifications. Under the general supervision of the Head of Original Cataloging, the Serials Cataloger is responsible for original cataloging of serials, electronic resources, and media. All original cataloging is performed according to the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules (2nd edition, 1998 revision) as interpreted by the Library of Congress, following CONSER guidelines, classified using the LC Classification scheme, and provided subject access using the LC subject headings. Records are given full MARC tagging. When necessary, catalogers upgrade incomplete records, adding subject headings, classification, and other data as necessary. Members of the division contribute original BIBCO records as part of the LC Program on Cooperative Cataloging and create, as necessary, name authority records according to the MARC21 authority format. As a participant in the LC Program on Cooperative Cataloging, the incumbent will contribute original name authority records to the NACO program. The Serials Cataloger serves as the UC Berkeley Library cataloging liaison to the California Digital Library Shared Cataloging Program. UCB librarians are expected to participate in librarywide planning and governance, to be able to work comfortably in a shared decision-making environment, and to be active professionally. QUALIFICATIONS: MLIS from an ALA-accredited institution, or equivalent degree; a minimum of five years’ experience performing original cataloging of serial publications in an academic, environ­ ment; experience with original cataloging of electronic resources and media; working knowledge of the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules (2nd edition, 1998 revision), the Library of Congress Rule Interpretations, CONSER Editing Guide, the Library of Congress classification system, the Library of Congress subject headings, and MARC coding; experience with online cataloging utilities such as OCLC and RLIN; familiarity with several western European languages. Candidate must have a strong commitment to excellence in service and demonstrated ability to work independently as well as collaboratively in a complex, changing academic environment. Must have excellent analytical, interpersonal, and communication skills, initiative, and flexibility. For complete job description and requirements, see: DEADLINE: May 31, 2002. Application review will begin April 30, 2002. TO APPLY: Send cover letter, résumé, and names and contact information of three professional references to: Barbara Kornstein Library Human Resources Department 447 Doe Library University of California Berkeley, CA 94720-6000 F a x :(510) 642-8675 E-mail: The University o f California is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. in professional and scholarly activities is expected. Preferred: W orking knowledge o f one or more foreign languages; experience with an automated serials module; basic knowledge o f metadata standards (e.g., Dublin Core) and m ark-up languages (e.g., H TM L, XM L). Salary: Low- to mid- $40s. Benefits: TIAA-CREF pension plan; medical and dental plans available; tuition benefits; 22 days'vacation per year. Status: Faculty status, n on-tenure-track appointment. Deadline: Review of applications will begin June 3, 2002. The position will rem ain open until filled. General Information: The U niversity o f Denver, founded in 1864, enrolls approximately 9,300 students in its undergraduate, graduate, and professional program s. It is in the m idst o f a $350million campus improvement program. The university is situated in a residential neighborhood o f Denver, a vibrant and diverse city situated at the foot o f the R ocky M ountains. The city has a robust economy 324 / C&RL News ■ A p ril 2002 REFERENCE LIBRARIAN George Washington University The George Washington University, Mt. Vernon Campus announces a search for a full-time Reference Librarian. APPOINTMENT RANK AND SALARY: Appointment at the rank of Librarian I. Minimum salary: $38,000. Salary based on qualifications and experience. LOCATION: Eckles Library,, serving the Mt. Vernon Campus community, is located on a 23-acre wooded campus in the Foxhall Road area of northwest Washington, D.C., next to historic residential Georgetown and 15 minutes by shuttle from the university’s main campus at Foggy Bottom. The university is served by three libraries comprising the integrated Gelman Library System (Eckles, the Virginia Campus Library, and Gelman Library, the university’s main library) as well as two separate libraries for law and medicine. Eckles serves a growing undergraduate residential campus, home to a branch of the University’s Honors Program, the Women’s Leadership Program, and scores of undergraduate courses in the arts and sciences. Areas of academic strength for the campus include art history, interior design, literature, political science, women’s history, and contemporary issues. POSITION DESCRIPTION: Provides remote reference services to the GWU community; develops Web-based and traditional instructional guides; collaborates with GLS Reference and Instruction department to ensure consistent instructional services; provides reference and instruction services in a broad range of subject areas in a highly electronic environment; serves as collection development librarian and faculty liaison for selected academic programs; contributes to overall effort to achieve the mission of the Library System; covers Eckles circulation desk as needed; serves on library and University committees. W ork schedule normally Monday through Friday; some evenings and weekends required. Reports to Head, Eckles Library. QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED: ALA-accredited MLS; experience creating or editing Web pages; excellent oral and written communication skills; strong public service orientation; commitment to user-centered public services; ability to work independently and collegially in a changing environ­ ment; evidence of understanding key issues, ideas, and trends in reference and user education; knowledge of print and electronic reference resources and the Internet/Web; commitment to learn and use emerging technologies in the provision of library services and development of collections; ability to apply systems thinking in solving problems and decision-making; flexibility in adapting to change. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS: Reference and instruction experience in an academic library; experience in the preparation of instructional materials. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Review of applications will begin on April 30,2002, and continue until the position is filled. Please send a letter of application, current résumé, and the names and addresses of three references to: Emma Mosby, Manager GLS Administrative Services The George Washington University The Melvin Gelman Library 2130 H Street, N.W., Room 201 Washington, DC 20052 The George Washington University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. anchored by tourism, high technology, great shopping, and alively nightlife. Denver is the gateway to the playgrounds o f the mountains and recreational activities in abundance all year round. The clim ate is temperate and healthful, with little hum idity and lots o f sunshine. To Apply: Please submit a letter o f application and a current résumé, including the names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses o f three current references to: Toni Miller, Office o f the Dean, Penrose Library, University o f Denver, 2150 E. Evans Avenue, Denver, CO 80208-2007. The University o f Denver is committed to enhancing the diversity o f its faculty and staff and encourages applications particularly from women, minorities, people with disabilities, and veterans. C&RL News ■ A p ril 2002 / 325 INFORMATION SERVICES LIBRARIAN (TWO POSITIONS) Georgia Institute of Technology The Georgia Tech Library and Information Center invites energetic, flexible, and innovative professionals to join the Information Services Department, delivering client-centered library services to the academic community. The Library and Information Center (, a member of the Association of Research Libraries, is central to the Institute’s curricular and research programs. The Georgia Institute of Technology, with nearly 20,000 faculty, students, and staff, is one of the nation’s outstanding universities and a leading center for research and technological development, with nationally recognized programs in science and engineering. RESPONSIBILITIES: The Information Services Librarian proactively and responsively plans, delivers, and promotes information services for faculty and students in Engineering and/or Computer Science. The Librarian develops and delivers curriculum-integrated instruction, performs collection development, and will also deliver information services in an Information Commons to open in August 2002. Some evening and weekend hours are required. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; strong commitment to outreach service; effective communication and presentation skills; abilityto work independently and as a team member, and to assess and shift priorities in a demanding and rapidly changing environment. Strongly Preferred: Academic background and/or experience delivering information services in engineering, computing, or the sciences; and demonstrated leadership abilities. SALARY AND BENEFITS: Salary is competitive and based on qualifications and experience. Minimum salary is $38,000. Appointments will be made at the entry level or higher depending on credentials. Librarians are members of the general faculty and are non-tenured. Georgia Tech offers a comprehensive benefits package, which includes 21 days' vacation, 11 paid holidays, 12 days' sick leave, health and dental insurance options, and retirement options including TIAA-CREF. Relocation allowance. The benefits package can be viewed at: facben.html. APPLICATION PROCESS: Applications will be reviewed upon receipt and will be accepted until the positions are filled. Employment is contingent on proof of the legal right to work in the United States. Send letter of application, résumé, and names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses of five references to: Sharon West Personnel Administrator Library and Information Center Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30332-0900 Georgia Tech is an equal employment opportunity institution.