ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 326 / C&RL News ■ A p ril 2002 A n n V i I e s Fast Facts A n n u a l s a la rie s in cre ase The Special Libraries Association’s 2001 Salary Survey reports increased earn­ ings for information professionals in Canada and the United States. The average (m ean) salary for information professionals as of April 1, 2001, was $58,930 in the United States and $57,904 (Canadian dollars) in Canada. 2001 Salary Survey, Special L ib ra rie s A s s o cia tio n , h ttp ://w w w .s la .o rg /c o n te n t/m e m b e rs e rv ic e /re s e a rc h fo ru m / sala rysu rve ys/sa lsu r2 00 1 /in de x.cfm . M ar. 4, 2002 In fo rm a tio n a rch ite ctu re Library and information science schools are now offering courses and programs in information architecture, which is defined by David Robins, a faculty m em ber at the University of Pittsburgh, as “the design of user experience for Web-based environm ents.” D avid R obins, " In fo r m a t io n A rc h ite c tu re in L ib ra ry a nd In fo r m a tio n Science C u rric u la ," B u lle tin o f th e A m e r i­ can S o cie ty f o r In fo r m a tio n Science a n d T e c h n o lo g y 28, n o. 2 (Dec.-Jan. 2002). h ttp ://w w w .a s is .o rg /B u lle tin / J a n -0 2 /ro b in s .h tm l. M ar. 2, 2002 C a n te rb u ry Tales to jo in G u te n b e rg B ib le o n th e Web Keio University in Tokyo and the British Library, w hose Gutenberg Bible site received a million visitors in six months, are producing digital images of the first and second editions of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. The quality of the 4000 x 4000 pixel images, which will be accessible on the Internet, is expected to enable “detailed typographical analyses.” " M e d ie v a l P ilg rim a g e C o m in g t o th e N e t," B ritis h L ib ra ry Press & P u b lic R e la tio n s, Feb. 26, 2002. h ttp :/ / w w w .b l.u k /c g i-b in /p re s s .c g i? s to ry = 1 2 0 3 M ar. 2, 2002 In te rn e t use in cre a se s Using data gathered in the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey, a study by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration and the Economics and Statistics Administration found that “the rate of growth in Internet use in the United States is currently two million new Internet users p e r m onth.” There w ere 143 million Internet users (53 9 percent of the population) in the United States in Septem ber 2001, com pared to 116.5 million in August 2000 (44.5 percent). Usage by individuals in the “lowest-income households (those earning less than $15,000 per year)” increased at an annual rate o f 25 percent, while usage by “individuals in the highest-income households (those earning $75,000 p e r year or m ore)” increased at a rate of only 11 percent. Among young adults (18-24 year old) attending school or college, 85 percent use the Internet, “com pared to 51.5 percent of those w ho are not in school.” A N a tio n O n lin e : H o w A m e ric a n s A re E x p a n d in g T h e ir Use o f th e In te rn e t, N a tio n a l T e le c o m m u n ic a tio n s a nd In fo r m a tio n A d m in is tr a tio n , Feb. 2002. h ttp ://w w w .n tia .d o c .g o v /n tia h o m e /d n /in d e x .h tm l. M ar. 4, 2002 80 p e rce n t o f In te rn e t u se rs s u b m it se a rch re q u e sts Jupiter Media Metrix’s ratings report 80 percent of the “estim ated 110 million Internet users online in the United States at w ork or at hom e m ade some type of search request” during January 2002. D a n n y S u llivan , " J u p ite r M e d ia M e tr ix Search E n g in e R a tin g s ," Search E n gine W a tc h , Feb. 19, 2002. h ttp :/ / s e a rc h e n g in e w a tc h .c o m /re p o rts /m e d ia m e trix .h tm l. M ar. 2, 2002 A nn Viles is coordinator o f reference and instruction a t Appalachian State University in Boone, N orth Carolina, e-mail: