ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 5 9 2 People in the New s Rachael K. Anderson, di­ rector o f the University of Arizona (UA) H ealth S ci­ e n c e s L ib rary , h as b e e n elected chairperson o f the National Library o f Medicine (NLM) Board o f Regents. A m em ber o f the Medical Li­ brary Association’s Academy o f Health Information Pro­ fe ss io n a ls , A nd erson was also chairperson o f the NLM Biom edical Library Review Com m ittee (1 9 8 7 -8 8 ). B e ­ fore joining UA, Anderson was director o f Columbia University’s Health Sciences Library. Kathleen DeLong, education librarian at the University o f Alberta (UA), Edmonton, has been elected to a two-year term as director-at-large o f the Canadian Association o f College and Uni­ versity Libraries (CACUL), a division o f the Ca­ nadian Library Association. A graduate o f UA, DeLong w orked for a decade in UA’s Herbert T. Coutts Education Library before being named its head in 1989. She has a long record o f ser­ vice with the Greater Edmonton Library Asso­ ciation, the Library Association o f Alberta, and the B ibliog rap h ic C om m ittee o f the Pacific Northwest Library Association. Charles R. McClure, professor at Syracuse University’s School o f Information Studies, will serve as the U.S. National Commission on Li­ braries and Information Science (NCIS) distin­ g u ish ed re s e a r c h e r until D e c e m b e r 1 993. McClure, w ho began serving in August, will exam ine the impacts o f networking on librar­ ies and information services, and will focus on developm ent o f strategies and policies for the effective use o f library and information network­ ing capabilities. Reed Reference Publishing, New Providence, New Jersey, has appointed 13 library profes­ sionals as m em bers o f its Library Advisory Board. Selected for their extensive background and experience, the appointees will serve as advisors, report on the latest industry trends, and offer suggestions on the development o f new products and services. Included in the 13 appointees are these college and research li­ brarians: Elizabeth Futas, Graduate School o f Library and Information Studies at the University o f Rhode Is­ lan d , K in g s to n ; Michael Hood, the National Library o f Canada, Ottawa; October R. Ivins, L ouisiana State U niversity, B a to n R ou ge; Abby Kratz, the University p f T exas at Dallas; Linda L. Lester, the University o f Vir­ ginia, Charlottesville; Susan Neuman, the University of Pittsburgh; and Louise S. Robbins, the University o f Wisconsin-Madison. Margo Young, science and technology librar­ ian at the University o f Alberta (UA), Edmonton, has b een elected first vice-president/president­ elect o f the Canadian Association o f Special Li­ braries and Information Services, a division of the Canadian Library Association. Young, a graduate o f UA and Simmons College, worked in Alberta and British Columbia university li­ braries before being named to head UA’s Sci­ ence and Technology Library in 1981. She has served as both president and publications edi­ tor o f the W estern Canadian chapter o f the American Society for Information Science. Appointm ents Susan Macall Allen, head o f special collec­ tions at the libraries o f the Claremont Colleges, California, has b een named director o f library and media services at Kalamazoo College, Michi­ gan. Allen holds degrees from the University o f Wisconsin-Madison and St. Jo h n ’s College, and is a doctoral candidate at the University of California, Los Angeles. She has been active in ACRL, especially the Rare B ook s and Manu­ scripts Section, and in the California Academic and Research Librarians Association, the Ameri­ can Antiquarian Society, and the Society o f California Archivists. Edward D. Garten has b een appointed dean o f libraries and information technologies at the University o f Dayton, Ohio. 593 Daniel Lewis has been named librarian o f the Francis B aco n Library o f Claremont, California. He previously served as assistant librarian there. Eugenia V. McKee has b e e n named director of the Maryville University Library, St. Louis, M isso u ri. A p r o fe s s o r o f lib r a r ia n s h ip at M aryville, M cK ee has b e e n w ith the institu­ tio n s in c e 1 9 7 6 an d served as interim direc­ tor o f the library during the 1 9 9 2 -9 3 academ ic year. Her other profes­ sional activities include teaching at the Univer­ sity o f Missouri at Co­ lu m b ia , W a s h in g to n University, and T ex as Eugenia V. McKee W o m a n ’s U n iv e rs ity , and she chairs the Continuing Education Com­ mittee o f the Reference and Adult Services Di­ vision o f ALA. M cK ee h o ld s an A .B . from Kenyon College, a B.S. in m anagem ent from Maryville, an MLS from the University o f Mis­ souri at Columbia, and a Ph.D. in library sci­ en ce from T exas W om an’s University. Daniel Rubey has been appointed c h ief librar­ ian at Lehman College, the City University o f New York, the Bronx. He joined the library in 1985 as reference librar­ ian and has assu m ed positions o f increasing r e s p o n s i b i l i t y s in c e then, including acting c h ie f librarian. R u bey h o ld s a n MLS an d a Ph.D. in English litera­ ture from Indiana Uni­ versity, B lo o m in g to n . Daniel Rubey He h a s p u b li s h e d widely in scholarly literature, art, and film jour­ nals. Robert D. Stueart, d ea n o f the G rad u ate School o f Library and Information Science at Simmons College, Boston, has been named pro­ fessor and director o f the University Library and the R egional D o cu m en tation C enters at the Asian Institute o f Technology in Bangkok, Thai­ land. He will assum e his n ew responsibilities in Ju ly 1994. During the last decade Stueart has consulted for governm ents and international foundations in many Asian countries, and in 19 9 1 -9 2 was a Jo h n F. Ken-nedy international scholar in Thailand. Re­ c e n t l y h e h a s b e e n w orking with the Har vard-Yenching Institute, the Asia Foundation, the Fulbright Com mission, th e U nited B o a rd for Christian Higher Educa­ tio n in Asia, an d the U .S . I n f o r m a t i o n A gency in developin g program s, w orksh op s, Robert D. Steuart and sem inars in Thai land, Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Laos, and Viet­ nam. Charles Aston has been named head of the Special Collections Cluster at the University o f Pitts­ burgh. Susan B. Barnard has been appointed head o f periodical information and access services at the Kent State University Libraries, Ohio. Michael Basinski is now assistant librarian at the University at Buffalo Libraries, State University o f New York. Julie C. Blake has been appointed automated public services librarian at Pembroke State Univer­ sity, North Carolina. Fern Brody is now head o f Hillman reference services at the University o f Pittsburgh. Richard Brumley has been named head of acquisitions at K en Library, Oregon State Univer­ sity, Corvallis. Priscilla Caplan is now assistant director for library systems at the University o f Chicago Library. Dave Carlson has been appointed catalog ref­ erence librarian at Phillips University, Enid, Okla­ homa. Darla Carras has been named Slavic materials cataloger librarian at the University o f Pittsburgh. Deborah Davis has been appointed informa­ tion services librarian at Valdosta State University, Georgia. Karen Davis is now librarian o f the Monograph Unit at the Syracuse University Library, New York. E d note: Entries in this column are taken from library newsletters, lettersfro m personnel offices, individuals, a n d other sources. To ensure that y ou r personnel news is considered f o r p u blica­ tion, write to Pam Spiegel, Assistant Editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. 5 9 4 Debora Dinkins was recently appointed catalog librarian at Stetson University, DeLand, Florida. Ela Ekiert has been named catalog librarian of the Botany libraries at Harvard University. Laura M. Filing has been appointed serials/ government documents librarian at Elon College, North Carolina. Linda Ewbank has been named general origi­ nal cataloger at the University of Pittsburgh. Deborah Fetch is now head of the Cataloging Departm ent at Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, Tennessee. Kristin Freda has been named technical ser­ vices librarian at the Bank Street College of Educa­ tion Library, New York. Nora Gaines is now acquisitions and serials librarian at the Bank Street College o f Education Library, New York. Jeffrey N. Gatten has been named head of collection management at the Kent State University Libraries, Ohio. Thomas Havens has been appointed director o f the East Asian Library at the University of Califor­ nia, Berkeley. Sue Render Hood has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at Belmont Abbey College, North Carolina. Sherry Kelley is now head o f cataloging at the University Research Library, University o f Califor­ nia, Los Angeles. Sandi Kerbel has been named head o f the Sci­ ence Cluster at the University of Pittsburgh. Gordon T. Law Jr. has been named director of the Martin P. Catherwood Library at the School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Advertiser index Ballen 553 Bowker/Reed cover 2, 556 CD Plus Tech. 543 Chadwyck-Healey 566 Congressional Quarterly 564 Digital Directory Assist. 589 EBSCO 568 NOTIS cover 4 OCLC cover 3, 595 K. G. Saur 561 Sociological Abstracts 596 University o f Missouri 596 H.W. Wilson 558 Janet Lee-Smeltzer has been appointed cata­ loging librarian at the Oregon State University Li­ braries, Corvallis. Pat Leigh is now library biotechnology in­ formation project m anager at the Iowa State University Library, Ames. David Lewis has b een appointed head o f public services at Indiana University-Purdue University Library at Indianapolis. Haipeng Li has been appointed reference librarian in the Main Library at O berlin Col­ lege, Ohio. Mei-Yun Annie Lin has been named cura­ tor o f the East Asian Collection at Brown Uni­ versity, Providence, Rhode Island. Mary G. McMahon has b een appointed as­ sociate college librarian for information and technology at Gettysburg College, Pennsylva­ nia. Bernard F. McTigue has been appointed curator o f special collections at the University o f Oregon, Eugene. Elizabeth Mahoney was recently named head o f the Professional Cluster at the Univer­ sity o f Pittsburgh. Wendy Mann has been appointed government publications reference/electronic resources librar­ ian at the University of Pittsburgh. William S. Monroe has been appointed head o f collection development at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. Mary Lynn Morris is now user instruction li­ brarian at Gettysburg College, Pennsylvania. Anne Moss is now special collections catalog librarian at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. Catherine Nelson is the new head of serials at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Mary Ellen O’Hara has been named assistant to the head o f acquisitions in Central Technical Ser­ vices at the University at Buffalo Libraries, State University o f New York. Richard Page is now reference librarian/elec tronic resources specialist at the University o f Pitts­ burgh. Lesley Daignault Pease is now online services coordinator at Syracuse University, New York. Roberta Pike has been appointed technical ser­ vices librarian at Kingsborough Community Col­ lege, New York. Mike Randall has been appointed head o f the Serials Department at the University of California, Los Angeles. Ernest Roberts has been appointed head of the LC Copy Cataloging Unit at the Georgia State University Library, Atlanta. Noivmber 1993/595 Is now the time to consider outside cataloging help? I I J M w Introducing the OCLC TECHPRO Service ilA. f¾j‚j tt1ih unprecedented demands, Library staff are stnlched In Ihr llmll It's easy In í;t!l behind on your cataloging That's where the O ‹ IC T E O IP K O Service OOIIHS in Whether you new) help willt ;i backlog or ongoing support, OCIjC T E Q fP R O staff cut make fast work of your uticataloged materials And Ilia! means library materials get where they should be— into the hands of your clients Technical Reports Difficult formats. Foreign language items Special collections Or everyday material Working fmm actual materials or pholncopicd title pages. Ohio-based TECHPRO staff will meet your cataloging specifications and your i|iiality demands And at a reasonable price In fact many libraries discover that the TECHPRO wrviot' lowers their cataloging costs and fiw s up lime for other projects As your library strives to become more efficient wliile maintaining the same high Ins'! of service, shouldn't you explore llie O O C TECHPRO Service? Call u* for pricing details TECHPRO. gmaiilnl I U S and Canada (8001 S4R 5878 Ohio (BOO) 8A84UB6 596/C&RL News Attention Libraries! N eed hard cop ies from M IC R O -O P A Q U E C A R D S ? We can supply this service for you, your faculty, or your students. The total cost o f $5 includes the first 10 pages — 25 cents a page thereafter. We cop y from our collection or your card. For m ore inform ation o r to order. w rite o r call Kim D augherty MU L ibraries 115 E llis Library C olum bia. Mo. 65201-5149 Phone (314) 882-3398 Fax [ 3 14 | 884=5004 E L L S C O P Y @ M IZ Z O U I Dear Swam I Romma: In this life, I am a research specialist working in an academic library. My shelf space is disappearing before my eyes, my budget is shrinking, and requests for services are way up. Talk about bad karma! What am I to do? Your words of wisdom will set me upon the right path. —Uncentered in Ukiah Dear Uncentered: journals, as well as selected Not to worry! The Swami books, book reviews, and knows all and tells all. Call conference proceedings—all sociological abstracts, inc. j from an international per­ and they will ease your spective. Both sociofile and worries with two CD-ROMs / LLBA Disc offer compre­ created especially fo r V hensive backfiles (this lifetime professionals like you. Both only) and retrieval software tociofile and LLBA Disc that makes searching easy for contain timely abstracts o f . both novice and savvy souls. theoretical and applied ‘ And, unlike life, they include a research in sociology and user's manual to ensure a linguistics, and are priced fo r stress-free experience. So down-to-earth budgets like focus your energy. yours. Their subject specialists Tune in to: track more than 1 ,9 0 0 / ^ sociological abstracts, inc. p.o. box 22206 • san diego, ca 92192-0206 (619) 695-8803 • fax: (619) 695-0416 • Internet: 597 Vivienne Roumani-Denn is now head of the Earth Sciences and Maps Library at the University o f California, Berkeley. Martha Shirley is now network services librar­ ian at the University o f Alabama, Tuscaloosa. Eric C. Shoaf is now head o f the Preservation Department at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. Mark A. Smith is now reference librarian in the Scholes Library o f Ceramics at the New York State College o f Ceramics, Alfred University. Susan Staples has been appointed reference librarian/bibliographer at the University o f Kansas Libraries, Lawrence. Nancy E. Start is now visiting senior assistant librarian in the Health Sciences Library at the Uni­ versity at Buffalo, State University o f New York. Dajin Sun is now serials cataloger/CJK authori­ ties librarian at the University o f Pittsburgh. Caroline Tibbetts is now head o f the GSPLA/ economics librarian at the University o f Pittsburgh. Philip Tsai has been named head o f automa­ tion services at Cleveland State University Library, Ohio. Lynne U. Turman is now manager o f infor­ mation and instructional services at Virginia Com­ monwealth University Libraries, Richmond. Tom Wall is now head o f database services at the University of Pittsburgh. Teri Weil has been appointed 1993-1995 visit­ ing minority librarian at the University at Buffalo Libraries, State University o f New York. Bradley Westbrook has been named manu­ scripts librarian/university archivist at the Univer­ sity o f California, San Diego. Alfred Willis has b een named head of the Arts Library at the University o f California, Los Angeles. Karen Worley is now reference librarian at Haverford College, Pennsylvania. Julia Marks Young is now head o f the Special Collection Department/director o f the Southern Labor Archives at the Georgia State University Li­ brary, Atlanta. Louise Zipp is now head o f the Collection De­ velopment Department/principal bibliographer for the sciences at the Iowa State University Library, Ames. R etirem en ts Marian Armstrong, assistant professor at the Indiana University Sch ool o f Library and Information Science, Bloom ington, recently retired after 35 years o f service. Armstrong has b e e n active in m any organizations over the years including the Association o f Indiana Media Edu­ cators, the Indiana Library Federation, and the Indiana Library Trustees Association. She served as secretary-treasurer o f the Chi Chapter o f Beta Phi Mu library honorary society from 1979 to 1991 and received its Service Award in 1992. Tommy Clark, assistant director for user ser­ vices at Valdosta State University, Georgia, re­ tired Ju n e 30 after 27 years o f service in Odum Library. Roman Drazniowsky, curator o f the Ameri­ can G eographical Society (AGS) Collection at the G olda Meir Library, University o f W iscon­ sin (U W )-M ilw aukee, and editor o f Current Geographical Publications, retired Ju ly 1 after 31 y e a rs o f s e r v ic e . A n a tiv e o f U k rain e, Drazniow -sky holds a Ph.D. from Innsbruck University and taught cartography at Columbia University in New York. His association with the AGS dates b ack to 1962, and he played a vital role in transferring the society’s library and map collections to UW-Milwaukee in 1978. An internationally recognized expert in cartogra­ phy, Drazniowsky received the AGS’s Charles P. Daly Medal in 1978 and a citation from the Special Library A ssociation’s G eography and Map Division in 1979. He has b e e n an honor­ ary m e m b er o f the S o cie te de G eo g rap h ie (Paris) since 1982. Shirley F. Harper retired on Ju n e 30 from the Sch ool o f Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR) at Cornell University w here sh e has served as director o f the Martin P. Catherwood Library sin ce 1975. A graduate o f the University o f Chicago (UC) Graduate Library School, Harper had previously b e e n head o f the Industrial Re­ lations Center Library (later the A. G. Bush Li­ brary) at UC beginning in 1949. She has b e e n active in the Special Libraries Association serv­ ing as the division liaison officer and chairman o f the personnel com m ittee. She co-authored, w ith T h o m a s L. W h isler, P erfo rm a n ce Ap­ praisal: Research a n d P ractice (Holt Rinehart, W inston, 1962); edited the Public Sector Labor Relations Thesaurus (1977); and com piled the ILR Thesaurus (1981). Elisabeth Janakiev, head o f the Catalog D e­ partm ent at N orthw estern U niversity (N U), 5 9 8 Evanston, Illinois, retired Ju ly 16 after alm ost 4 0 years o f service. Ja n a k ie v w as b o rn in Swit­ z erlan d and ed u c a te d at G a m b a ch C o lleg e, R aeber College, and the University o f Zurich. She jo in ed NU in 1954 as a cataloger, assum ed the p osition o f rare book/sen ior m on ograph ic catalo g er in 1961, b eca m e principal cataloger Statement of ownership and management College & Research Libraries News is pu blished 11 tim es a year (m onthly, com ­ bining July/August) b y the A m erican Li­ brary Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 6 0 6 l l . A m erican Library A ssociation , o w n er; Mary Ellen K. Davis, ed itor and p u b lish er. S e co n d -c la s s p o sta g e paid at C hicago, Illinois. Printed in the U.S.A. As a nonprofit organization authorized to mail at sp ecial rates (DMM Section 4 2 3 .1 2 ), the pu rposes, function, and nonprofit status o f this organization and th e exem p t status for fed eral in c o m e tax p u rp o se s, h av e not ch an g ed during the p reced in g 12 m onths. Exten t a n d n atu re o f circu latio n ( “A verage” figures d en o te the nu m ber o f c o p ie s printed e a ch issue during the p re­ ced ing tw elve m onths; “A ctual” figures d e­ n o te the n u m ber o f co p ie s o f single issues p u blish ed nearest to filing d ate.) T otal n u m ber o f co p ie s printed: Aver­ age, 12,766; Actual, 12,421. Sales through d ealers and carriers, street vend ors, and cou nter sales: not applicable. Mail subscrip­ tions: Average, 11,864; Actual, 11,592. T o ­ tal paid circulation: Average, 11,864; Ac­ tual 11,592. Free distribution by mail, carrier o r o th er m ean s, sam ples, com plim entary and o th er free cop ies: A verage, 54; Actual, 55. T otal distribution: Average, 11,918; Ac­ tual, 11,647. C opies not distributed: O ffice use, left over, u n accou n ted , sp oiled after printing: Average: 848; Actual, 774. Returns from new s agents: n o t a p p licab le. T otal (sum o f previous entries): Average, 12,766; Actual, 12,421. Statem en t o f O w nership , M anage­ m ent, and C irculation (PS Form 3526, F eb ru a ry 1 9 8 9 ) for 1 9 9 3 filed w ith the U nited States Postal Service, P ostm aster in C hicago, Illinois, S ep tem ber 29, 1 9 9 3 . and assistant h ead o f the Catalog D epartm ent in 1970, and has b e e n h ead o f the departm ent sin ce 1989- She recen tly served as coch air o f the N OTIS transition, a m ulityear transfer o f the library’s NOTIS system from in-house equip­ m ent to hardw are at the University Com puter Center. Nancy Lair, professor at the Indiana U niver­ sity (IU ) Sch o ol o f Library and Inform ation Sci­ en c e, B loom in g ton , retired at the end o f Au­ gust. Lair graduated from Longw ood College in W est Virginia and received her MLS from Colum bia University. Her first position w as as a catalo g er at the University o f Kentucky, Lex­ ington. She then m oved to B loom in g ton and b eca m e librarian for tw o elem entary schools. In 1972 sh e b eg an teach in g cataloging at IU part-time, th en b e ca m e a full-tim e professor a few years later. O n e o f h er m ost rew arding e x p e r ie n c e s w a s te a c h in g lib r a ria n s h ip in Malawi in May and Ju n e o f 1988. She recently foun ded th e Friends o f Malawi Libraries with others w ho participated in the trip. Charles D. Patterson, p rofessor at the Sch ool o f Library and Inform ation S cien ce, Louisiana State University, B a to n R ouge, retired at the end o f the sum m er af­ ter 21 years at the uni­ versity and 39 years in t h e p r o f e s s i o n . P a t ­ terson served as an aca­ dem ic library director in M in n e s o ta a n d W e s t Virginia and was presi­ d e n t o f th e T r i-S ta te c h a p t e r o f A CRL in 1 9 7 2 -7 3 . A 1950 gradu­ ate o f Bem idji State Uni­ Charles D. Patterson versity, h e ea rn ed his MLS at the University o f M innesota, a m aster’s o f m usic at W est Virginia University, and an ad vanced certificate and Ph.D . from the Uni­ versity o f Pittsburgh. He served as editor o f the Jo u r n a l o f E ducation f o r Library a n d In form a­ tion S cience from 1 9 8 0 -8 8 , and was honored in 1984 w h en h e receiv ed the LSU Foundation Faculty E x c ellen c e Award. In 1989 he received the ALA B eta Phi Mu Award for “distinguished service to ed u ca tio n for librarian sh ip .” Most recently , P atterson w as reco g n ized w ith the pu blication o f A Service Profession, a Service Committment: A Festschrift in H onor o f Charles D. Patterson (S carecro w Press, 1992). ■