ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Notvmber 199.1/599 THEFDLDSI ASIESC A Deadlines: Ordersfo rre g u la rclassified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second o f the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g. ‚ September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $6.60 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $8.40 for others. Late job notices are $15.95 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $18.95 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Dis­ play ad rates range from $295 to $565 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. Guidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary range per policy of the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the term s fac­ ulty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. Contact: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, Ameri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611­ 2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312)280-7663 or (312)280-2520; e-mail: Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services com ply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library em ploy­ ees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the organization agrees to com ply with this policy. POSITIONS OPEN A S S IS T A N T A C Q U IS IT IO N S L IB R A R IA N . R e s p o n s ib ilitie s : T h e U n iv e rs ity o f A la b a m a is s e e k in g a p p lic a n ts f o r th e p o s itio n o f A s s is ta n t A c q u is itio n s L ib ra ria n . T h e A c q u is itio n s D e p a rtm e n t c o n ­ s is ts o f th e d e p a rtm e n t h e a d , a s s is ta n t a c q u is itio n s lib ra ria n , n in e s u p p o rt sta ff, a n d te n s tu d e n t a s s is ta n ts , a n d is re s p o n s ib le f o r a ll a c q u is itio n s fu n c tio n s to r th e u n iv e r s ity lib ra rie s : th e o rd e r, re c e ip t, an d p ro c e s s in g o f m o n o g ra p h ic a n d s e ria l m a te ria ls in a ll fo rm a ts , a p p ro v a l p la n s , g ifts /e x c h a n g e s , a n d b in d in g . T h e A s s is ta n t A c q u is i­ tio n s L ib ra ria n w ill o v e rs e e a ll a s p e c ts o f th e d a ily w o rk o f th e d e p a rtm e n t in c lu d in g th e s u p e rv is io n o f s ta ff a n d s tu d e n ts , a n d w ill w o rk c lo s e ly w ith an d re p o rt to th e H e a d , A c q u is itio n s D e p a rtm e n t- R e q u ire d q u a lific a tio n s : M L S fro m a n A L A -a c c re d ite d p ro g ra m b y th e a p p lic a tio n d e a d lin e : e x c e lle n t in te rp e rs o n a l, c o m m u n ic a tio n , a n d m a n a g e m e n t s k ills ; s u c c e s s fu l s u p e rv is o ry e x p e rie n c e ; k n o w le d g e of lib ra ry a u to m a te d s y s te m s , p r e fe ra b ly N O T IS ; a n d a d e m o n s tra te d in te re s t in c o n trib u tio n to th e p ro fe s s io n . A s tro n g s e rv ic e o r ie n ta tio n an d a c o m m itm e n t to c o o p e ra tiv e a n d fle x ib le w o rk in g re la tio n s h ip s a re e s s e n tia l. D e s ire d q u a lific a tio n s : A t le a s t tw o y e a rs o f s u c c e s s fu l, re le v a n t e x p e rie n c e in a c q u is itio n s o r c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t in a n a c a d e m ic /re s e a rc h lib ra ry ; fa m ilia rity w ith a p p ro v a l p la n s , th e fo re ig n an d d o m e s tic b o o k a n d s e ria l tra d e , a n d re la te d b ib lio g ra p h ic to o ls ; e x p e rie n c e in g ifts a n d e x c h a n g e p ro g ra m s , a c q u irin g o u t-o f-p rin t b o o k s , e v a lu a tin g v e n d o r p e rfo rm a n c e , b u d g e tin g a n d fo re c a s tin g , an d a w o rk in g k n o w le d g e o f o n e o r m o re E u ro p e a n la n g u a g e s . S a la ry / b e n e fits : R a n k a n d s a la ry w ill b e d e p e n d e n t u p o n q u a lific a tio n s : POSITION VACANCY REFERENCE SERVICES LIBRARIAN Bank Street College of Education RESPONSIBILITIES: Provides all aspects of reference service to students, faculty, and staff of Bank Street College. Assists in the use of print and electronic resources; bibliographic instruc­ tion and provides interlibrary loan services. Per­ forms CD-ROM/Online searches as needed by faculty and students; compiles bibliographies and special lists as needed; selects and up­ grades library materials; and covers some eve­ nings/weekend shifts. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS; ef­ fective interpersonal and communication skills; flexibility and initiative. Preferred reference ex­ perience in an academic library and graduate work in education. Knowledge and experience in use of OCLC. SALARY: Based on experience. START DATE: Immediately. Send resume to: Lelita Jaspal Library Director Bank Street College of Education 610 West 112th St. New York, NY 10025 EOE In s tru c to r or A s s is ta n t P ro fe s s o r, m in im u m s a la ry $ 2 1 ,5 0 0 ( In s tru c ­ t o r ) ^ , 4 0 0 (A s s is ta n t P ro fe s s o r). T w e lv e -m o n th te n u r e - tr a c k p o s i­ tio n , s tro n g b e n e fits . To a p p ly : S e n d le tte r o f a p p lic a tio n , re s u m e , a n d n a m e s an d a d d re s s e s of th re e re fe re n c e s to : V o n i B , W y a tt, A s s is ta n t to th e D e a n fo r P e rs o n n e l, T h e U n iv e rs ity o f A la b a m a L ib ra rie s , P .O . B ox 8 7 0 2 6 6 , T u s c a lo o s a , A L 3 5 4 8 7 -0 2 6 6 . A p p lic a tio n s m u s t be p o s tm a rk e d b y N o v e m b e r 3 0 , 1993. A S S IS T A N T D IR E C T O R F O R U S E R S E R V IC E S . R e s p o n s ib ilitie s : T h e A s s is ta n t D ire c to r le a d s , m a n a g e s , p la n s , a n d c o o r d in a te s th e u s e r s e rv ic e s o f th e u n iv e rs ity lib ra ry , in c lu d in g : re fe re n c e , n e tw o rk a n d e le c tro n ic s e rv ic e s , in s tru c tio n a l s e rv ic e s , c ir c u la tio n , in te rlib ra ry lo a n , g o v e rn m e n t d o c u m e n ts , in te ra c tiv e m e d ia , p e rio d ic a ls , re s e rv e a n d m ic ro fo rm s . A s a m e m b e r o f th e L ib ra ry P o lic y G ro u p , th e A s s is ta n t D ire c to r is re s p o n s ib le fo r c a rry in g o u t th e m is s io n a n d g o a ls of th e u n iv e rs ity lib ra rie s a n d w o rk s in c lo s e c o o p e ra tio n w ith o th e r m e m b e rs o f th e m a n a g e m e n t te a m . P a rtic ip a te s in th e p la n n in g fo r a n e w e le c tro n ic lib ra ry a n d th e tra n s itio n to a fu lly n e tw o rk e d e n v iro n ­ m e n t. Q u a lific a tio n s : R e q u ire d : M L S fro m A L A -a c c re d ite d s c h o o l o f lib ra ry a n d /o r in fo rm a tio n s c ie n c e ; d e m o n s tra te d s u c c e s s fu l a d m in ­ is tra tiv e a n d p u b lic s e rv ic e e x p e rie n c e in an a c a d e m ic o r re s e a rc h lib ra ry ; s tro n g v is io n fo r th e fu tu re o f u s e r s e rv ic e s in a n e le c tro n ic e n v iro n m e n t; s tro n g c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills ; a n d a re c o rd o f p r o fe s ­ s io n a l c o n trib u tio n s . A s e c o n d s u b je c t m a s te r’s d e g re e is d e s ira b le . S a la ry : C o m m e n s u ra te w ith e d u c a tio n a n d e x p e rie n c e . A p p o in tm e n t a t th e A s s o c ia te L ib ra ria n ra n k . S a la ry fro m $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 , A p p ly to : C h ris tin e M. T ra v is , L ib ra ry P e rs o n n e l O ffic e r, U n iv e rs ity L ib ra rie s 139, U n iv e r s ity at A lb a n y , S U N Y , 140 0 W a s h in g to n A v e ., A lb a n y , N Y 1 2 2 2 2 . D e a d lin e : R e v ie w of le tte rs o f a p p lic a tio n a n d re s u m e s w ill b e g in D e c e m b e r 1 ‚ 199 3 . P le a s e in c lu d e th e n a m e s , a d d re s s e s , a n d p h o n e n u m b e rs o f th re e re fe re n c e s w h o m w e c a n c o n ta c t. T h e 6 0 0 SYSTEMS DEVELOPM ENT LIBRARIAN U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y U n i v e r s i t y o f S o u t h e r n C a l i f o r n i a T h e U n iv e r s ity L ib r a r y seek s a S y s te m s D e v e lo p m e n t L ib r a r ia n t o m a n a g e p r o je c t p la n n in g a n d im p le m e n ta ­ t io n o f a r e p la c e m e n t s y ste m f o r th e L ib r a r y ’s e x is tin g G e a c D u a l 8 0 0 0 I L S fo r A c q u is itio n s , C i r c u l a ti o n , a n d M A R C R e c o r d s M a n a g e m e n t . In itia l fo c u s is o n d e v e lo p m e n t o f a n R F P a n d s e le c tio n o f a U n ix - b a s e d sys­ te m . P h a s e d m o d u la r re p la c e m e n t o f th e s y ste m is p la n n e d f o r a 3 y e a r p e rio d b e g in n in g 7 / 1 / 9 3 . T h e I L S m u s t b e in te g r a te d w ith th e L ib r a r y ’s p u b lic a c c e s s , c a m p u s - w id e in f o r m a tio n s y s te m , U S C I n f o , o p e r a tin g in a d is tr ib u te d , c lie n t/ s erv e r U n ix e n v ir o n m e n t u s in g B R S S e a r c h . R e s p o n s ib le fo r c o o r d in a tin g s y ste m s s e le c tio n a n d im p le m e n t a t io n w ith U n iv e r s ity C o m p u tin g S e r v ic e s a n d a w id e ra n g e o f lib r a r y c o m m itte e s . U S C ’s L ib r a r y serves o n e o f th e la rg e s t p r iv a te u n iv e r sitie s in th e c o u n tr y . A s a m a jo r re s ea rch lib ra r y , it h ou ses a c o l l e c t i o n o f m o r e th a n 2 . 6 m illio n v o lu m e s , has 1 4 sp e c ia liz e d s u b je c t lib ra r ie s , a n d e m p lo y s a to ta l o f 1 5 7 F T E o f w h ic h 5 2 a re lib r a r y f a c u lty p o s itio n s . T h e L ib r a r y h a s a d o p te d a s tr a te g ic g o a l to d e v e lo p n e tw o r k e d d ig ita l s erv ices a n d c o lle c t io n s t o c o m p le m e n t its tr a d itio n a l p r in t re s o u rce s . C e n tr a l t o th is g o a l is U S C I n f o , a n e tw o r k e d i n f o r m a t io n ser v ic e th a t in c lu d e s th e o n lin e c a ta lo g , in -p ro c e s s file, 1 1 lo c a lly - m o u n te d d a ta ­ bases, c a m p u s i n f o r m a t io n files , f u ll- te x t v e rs io n s o f The Chronicle o f H igher Education a n d ClariN et Elec­ tronic News Service, a n d a g o p h e r s erv ice. T h e S y s te m s D e v e lo p m e n t L ib r a r ia n re p o rts t o th e A U L f o r S c h o l­ a rly T e c h n o lo g y a n d In f o r m a t io n S y s te m s . L ib r a r ia n s are fa cu lty , h av e c o n t in u in g a p p o in t m e n t s ta tu s, a n d p a r tic ip a te in U n iv e r s ity g o v e r n a n ce . Q u a lif ie d a p p lic a n ts m u s t h av e d e m o n s tr a te d e x p e r ie n c e w ith a u to m a te d i n f o r m a t io n s y ste m s d e v e lo p m e n t, t e c h n ic a l in s ta lla tio n a n d o p e r a tio n s o f in te g r a te d lib r a r y a n d b ib lio g r a p h ic d a ta b a s e sy ste m s , u n d e r s ta n d in g o f c lie n t/ s e rv e r sy ste m s a r c h ite c tu r e , a n d n a tio n a l n e tw o r k in g s y ste m s a n d re s o u r ce s ; d e m o n s tr a te d u n d e r­ s ta n d in g o f m a jo r issu es c o n f r o n t in g re sea rch lib ra r ie s a n d h o w i n f o r m a t io n t e c h n o lo g ie s a re c h a n g in g a c a ­ d e m ic l ib r a r y o p e r a tio n s a n d s e r v ic e s ; e x c e lle n t o r g a n iz a tio n a l a n d c o m m u n ic a t io n sk ills; d e m o n s tr a te d a b ility to p la n a n d o v e rs e e b o t h lo n g - te r m a n d s h o r t- te r m p r o je c ts ; a b ility t o w o r k c o m f o r t a b ly a n d e ff e c tiv e ly in a p r o je c t te a m b a se d e n v ir o n m e n t ; a n d th e a b ility t o c o o r d in a te a c tiv itie s w ith t e c h n ic a l s ta ff, lib r a r y s ta ff, a n d m e m b e r s o f th e u n iv e r s ity c o m m u n ity . M a s te r s d e g r e e f r o m a n A L A a c c r e d ite d p r o g ra m o r e q u iv a le n t e d u c a ­ t io n a n d e x p e r ie n c e ; a t le a st tw o y ears e x p e r ie n c e w ith m a n a g e m e n t o f a u to m a te d sy ste m s o p e r a tio n s , im p le ­ m e n t a t io n , o r d e v e lo p m e n t. A p p lic a n ts s h o u ld s e n d a le t te r o f a p p lic a tio n , c u r r ic u lu m v ita e a n d 3 c u r r e n t p r o fe s s io n a l re fe r e n ce s w ith ad d resses a n d te le p h o n e n u m b e r s to : G lo r ia J . D o n a ld s o n , P e r so n n e l M a n a g e r, U n iv e r s ity L ib r a ry , U n iv e r s ity o f S o u t h e r n C a lif o r n ia , L o s A n g e le s , C A 9 0 0 8 9 - 0 1 8 2 . R e v ie w o f a p p lic a tio n s w ill c o n t i n u e u n til th e p o s itio n is f ille d . A p p lic a tio n s f r o m w o m e n , m in o r itie s , a n d th e p h y s ic a lly c h a lle n g e d a re e n c o u r a g e d . T h e U n iv e r s ity o f S o u t h e r n C a lif o r n ia is an a ffir m a tiv e a c t io n , e q u a l o p p o r t u n it y e m p lo y e r. 601 University at Albany, State University of New York, is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Applications from women, minority persons, handicapped persons, special disabled, and Viet nam-era veterans are especially welcome. BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION/PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Western Connecticut State University is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Bibliographic Instruction/Public Services Librarian. Responsibilities will include providing bibliographic instruction prima­ rily to lower division undergraduate students, working at the reference desk (including some weekends and nights), and participating in the general responsibilities of a library faculty member, including serving as a library liaison to some academic departments. Required quali­ fications: An MLS from an ALA-accredited program; recent profes­ sional experience in an academic library environment with biblio­ graphic instruction, general reference, and electronic databases; and good organizational and interpersonal skills. Desired qualifications: Experience in an integrated, automated library environment such as Innovative Interfaces; experience with Internet, CD-ROM databases, and a library liaison program; and two years professional experience in bibliographic instruction. Position is expected to be filled by January 1994. Rank and salary dependent upon qualifications (ap­ pointment anticipated at the Assistant Librarian level). Minimum salary: $32,677. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application and resume to: Vijay Nair, Chairperson, Library Search Committee, Ruth Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­ tions for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers, and employers should consider these recommended mini mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15, 1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey o f Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for übrary Personnel Re­ sources. Connecticut $28,900 Delaware $22,500+ Illinois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $21,588 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $24,200 New York varies* North Carolina $22,491 Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $23,700* Rhode Island $26,500 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $20,000 Texas $25,000 Vermont $22,500 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $25,830 •Rather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on such variables as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association for minimum salary information. +Salary minimums for public librarians only. #Option for local formula DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES BRYANT COLLEGE Bryant College, a private institution which spe­ cializes in business and liberal arts programs, invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of Library Services in the Edith M. Hodgson Memorial Library. The Di­ rector is responsible for the planning ‚ develop­ ment, and coordination of all library programs, operations, and services necessary to sup­ port the college’s mission. The Director must have a strong commitment to excellence in higher education and be an effective advocate and spokesperson for the library’s educational mission on campus. The position is administrative and reports to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The incumbent is responsible for the effective and efficient operation of the library and audiovi­ sual center. The staff of 14 FTE, which in­ cludes 5 professional, is responsible for pro­ viding all necessary services. Considered one of the top business libraries in New England, Bryant’s library is also one of the most technologically advanced facilities in the Northeast. A wide-ranging menu of online services and CD-ROM databases is offered to the end user. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an A LA-ac­ credited institution. Second master’s or re­ lated doctorate preferred. Excellent communi­ cation, interpersonal, supervisory, planning, and organizational skills. Five-plus years of progressive administrative experience in an academic library. Must be familiar with current technologies and media services. Competitive salary; excellent benefits. Send resume to: Human Resources Office - X Bryant College 1150 Douglas Pike Smithfield, Rl 02917-1284 Screening begins November 15, 1993, and the position is available on January 1 ‚ 1994. Bryant College is an EEO/AA employer, and an institution committed to diversifying its staff. 6 0 2 A. Haas Library, Western Connecticut State University, 181 White St., Danbury, CT 06801. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. CATALOGER: SERIALS/THESES CATALOGER. Reports to the Head of the Cataloging Department. Responsible for original and copy cataloging of serials in all subjects, languages, and formats, for original cataloging of Tulane University theses and dissertations, and for coordination of local series authority control activities; uses OCLC and NOTIS systems; participates in Cataloging Department’s policy­ making process; supervises and trains staff as needed; serves as a resource person for serials cataloging; works closely with all person­ nel in the processing of serials. Required qualifications: ALA-accred­ ited MLS or equivalent; minimum of one year’s recent experience in serials cataloging, including working knowledge of a major biblio­ graphic utility or an integrated local system, preferably NOTIS; knowledge of AACR2, LCRI, LCSH, LC classification, and USMARC formats; reading knowledge of one or more Western European languages, with a strong preference for Spanish, strong communica­ tion and interpersonal skills; ability to plan procedures and workflow; ability to work in a rapidly changing environment. Preferred: Monographs U N I V E R S I T Y O F Director University Libraries The U niversity o f Connecticut invites applications and n om inations fo r the position of Director o f U niversity Libraries. The U n ive rs ity seeks a leader w h o has d em o n stra te d an a b ility to shape, a rticu late, and im p le m e n t a v is io n fo r th e fu tu re o f lib ra ry services. The U n ive rs ity L ibra rie s are a m e m b e r o f th e A sso cia tio n o f Research L ibra rie s and c u rre n tly co n s is t o f th e H o m er B abbidge L ib ra ry (the central lib ra ry), th e Cookson M usic L ibrary, th e P har­ m acy Library, and H isto rica l M a n u sc rip ts and Archives in S to rrs as well as five regional ca m p us libraries. C o nstru c­ tio n o f the T h o m a s J. Dodd Research Center, w h ic h w ill house rare and u nique research m aterials, is expected to beg in in 1994 and is expected to open on th e S to rrs C am pus in e arly 1996. The D irec to rs o f th e Law S chool L ib ra ry in H a rtfo rd and th e Health Center L ib ra ry in Farm in g to n re p o rt d ire c tly to th e a d m in is tra to rs o f th e Law S ch oo l and Health Center respectively. The D irec to r o f U n ive rs ity L ibra rie s re p o rts d ire c tly to th e P rovost, is a m e m b e r o f th e C ouncil o f Deans, and has overall re spo n sib ility fo r th e leadership and a d m in istra tio n o f the U niversity Libraries. The U niversity L ibra rie s’ co lle c tio n s c o n s is t o f m ore th a n 2.1 m illio n vo lu m es. A nn u a l e xp en d itu res c u rre n tly exceed $10 m illio n . The s ta ff is c o m p ris e d of a p p ro xim a te ly 180 FTE, in clu d in g 49 libra rian s, 70 o th e r p e rm a n e n t staff, and 61 stu d e n t assistan ts co n sis tin g o f a p p ro xim a te ly 5 0 0 -6 0 0 p a rt-tim e stu d e n t w o rkers. The m a jo rity o f th e p erm a n en t staff, in clu d in g p ro fession a l libra rian s, are represented by co llective b arg a inin g units. Responsibilities include: leadership and m anagem ent o f the U niversity Libraries, in clud in g plan n ing and evalua­ tio n o f lib ra ry se rvice s; delive ring co st-e ffe c tive excellence in lib ra ry p ro g ra m s and se rvice s th a t s u p p o rt the U n iv e rs ity ’s in s tru c tio n a l, research, and p ub lic se rvice s m issio n s; p u b lic rela tio n s; fu n d -ra is in g ; overseeing the L ib ra rie s ’ in fo rm a tio n te c h n o lo g y in itiative s; and fa c u lty relations. Q ualifications include: a g ra duate degree in lib ra ry o r in fo rm a tio n science fro m an A LA -accred ite d p ro g ram ; at least five ye a rs’ senior-level a dm in istra tive experience at a large u n iv e rsity o r research lib ra ry; th e a b ility to articu la te th e L ib ra ry ’s g oa ls and obje ctives to a diverse audience, in clu d in g U n ive rs ity a d m in istra to rs, libra ry staff, fa c u lty m em be rs, stud e nts, le gisla to rs, and pote ntia l d o n o rs; te ch n ica l kn o w led g e and m a na g e m en t ex­ perience w ith cu rre n t in fo rm a tio n te ch n o lo g ie s related to co lle c tio n m a na g e m en t, in fo rm a tio n service s, and te ch n ica l se rvice s; th e a b ility to co m m u n ic a te at a te ch n ica l level w ith th e U n ive rsity C o m p u te r Center; a d e m o n ­ strated c o m m itm e n t to A ffirm a tive Action; consensus building skills in a library and university environm ent; financial m a na g e m en t experience, p a rtic u la rly in a clim a te o f b u d g e ta ry re s tra in t; fu n d -ra is in g s k ills ; and p ub lic relations experience. A n a d d itio n a l g ra duate degree and a d istin g u ish e d record o f pro fession a l a chievem ent are desirable. Salary: N a tio na lly co m p e titive and negotiable, based on q u a lific a tio n s and experience. Screening of applications w ill begin on D ecem ber 15, 1993 and continue until the position is fille d . The preferred starting date is July 1, 1994. Send le tter of a pplication (including a statem ent of philosophy on the future of university library services and exam ples of program m atic ac­ com plishm ents in a current a ppointm ent), resume, and the names and ad­ dresses of three professional references to: Leon E. Bailey, Associate Provost, Chair, Search Com m ittee for Director of University Libraries, Office of the Pro­ vost, U-86, 3 52 Mansfield R d., University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269-2086. We encourage applications from underrepresented groups, including minorities, women and people with disabilities. (Search #4A106) CONNECTICUT cataloging experience; supervisory and/or training experi­ ence. Appointment at Librarian II level, minimum $26,000. Twelve­ month academic appointment. Liberal benefits, including tuition waiver for self and undergraduate dependents. Review of applications will begin December 1, 1993, and will continue until a suitable candidate is found. Send letter of application, resume, names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Melonie Hughes, Administrative Associate, Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118. Tulane University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. CIRCULATION/INTERLIBRARY LOAN LIBRARIAN. Responsible for all activities of Circulation Department, including interlibrary loan; supervises Circulation staff and student assistants. Participates in Reference Department activities as assigned. ALA-accredited MLS required. Experience with OCLC/ILL and supervision highly desir­ able. Experience or coursework in reference and online searching preferred. Tenure-track, faculty appointment, twelve-month contract. Salary: $23,500. Position open June 1 ‚ 1994. Send letter, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone number of three references by 603 February 11, 1994, to: David Everett, Associate Director for Public Services, duPont-Ball Library, Stetson University, DeLand, FL32720. Stetson University is an equal opportunity employer and is strongly committed to increasing the diversity of our faculty and administration. COLLECTIONS CATALOGER. The Getty Center, a research center for arts and humanities, has an opening for Collections Cataloger. Reports to Head/Collections Cataloging. Oversees processing of archival collections, primarily photographic materials but also textual manuscripts, in the Renaissance to Modern chronological period. Supervises 3 staff members. Manages in-house databases, trains staff, processes collections, identifies conservation problems, cre­ ates RLIN records, serves as subject expert. Qualifications: Required: Graduate degree in art history or related field, ALA-accredited MLS with training in archival management, or an equivalent combination of training and experience; 2-3 years experience in processing archival materials; reading knowledge of at least 2 European languages (Italian & German preferred); proven ability to apply knowledge and DEPUTY UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN University of Illinois POSITION AVAILABLE: February 1994. A full time tenured faculty position. DUTIES: GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES: Directs and administers the operations and services of the University Library under the general direction of the University Librarian. The Deputy University Librarian works closely with the University Librarian with regard to planning for and administration of the University Library. During the absence of the University Librarian the Deputy functions in the administrative capacity of the University Librarian. The Deputy University Librarian is a member of the Library Faculty. Specific responsibilities: Directly administers budget and personnel operations mandated by established policies. Administers activities related to the planning, operation, and maintenance of the University Library’s physical facilities. Supervises the work of the library divisions through the Division Coordinators who, with the exception of Law, report to the Deputy University Librarian. Major liaisons: Campus Personnel, Campus Business Affairs, and Facilities Management. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school or its equivalent; at least ten years of university or research library experience at the managerial level with an increasing range of responsibility. Qualifications for appointment at a tenured rank. Preferred: Specific experience with budget and personnel administration as well as facilities management. SALARY AND RANK: Appointment as Associate or Full Professor depending on meeting established university standards of research, publication, and university/professional/community service. Salary $75,000 or upward, depending on qualifications and experience. APPLY: Send letter of application and complete resume with the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of five references to: Allen G. Dries, Library Personnel Manager University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 1408 West Gregory Drive Urbana, IL 61801 Phone: (217) 333-5494 DEADLINE: In order to ensure full consideration, applications and nominations must be received by December 1 , 1993. The University of Illinois is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. research methods to assessment of resource materials; microcom­ puter experience; strong written and verbal communication and organizational skills; strong attention to detail; strong interpersonal skills. Preferred: Familiarity with AVC or VIM cataloging; specializa­ tion in history of architecture; supervisory experience. Hiring salary range: $28,000-$32,700. Excellent benefits. Application deadline: December 1 0 , 1993. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of 3 references to: Personnel Coor­ dinator, The Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities, 401 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 700, Santa Monica, CA 90401-1455. No phone inquires, please. COLLECTIONS DEVELOPMENT/ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. Guide collection development activities of librarians and teaching faculty; select materials in areas of subject competence; supervise 3 paraprofessionals in acquisitions; conduct evaluations of collections; assist in budget development and monitoring. Assist with reference and bibliographic instruction. Qualifications: MLS with experience in 6 0 4 collection development; good communication skills; foreign language ability; managerial skills. Preferred: Second master’s or doctorate; interest in research. Tenure-track. Salary $28,000. Standard benefits. Send letter, resume, transcripts, and 3 letters of reference by Dec. 15 to Rickey Best, Auburn University at Montgomery Library, 7300 University Dr., Montgomery, AL 36117. Montgomery is rich in history and architecture, with outstanding theaters, museums, and nearby recreational facilities. AA, EEO employer. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN. Direct policies and programs, oversee the preparation and currency of collection policy statements, manage collection analysis and selection/deselection activities, evaluate electronic access and delivery of information resources, serve as liaison to academic departments, and assist with reference and instructional sen/ices. ALA-accredited MLS and mini­ mum of 2 years of library experience in collection development required. Send resume, transcripts, and at least three letters of reference to: Collection Librarian Search, Affirmative Action Office, Winona State University, Winona, MN 55987. Application review begins December 1, 1993. An AA, EEO employer. COMPUTER SERVICES LIBRARIAN Faculty rank, tenure-track, I.D. Weeks Library, University of South Dakota. Responsibilities: Coordinate planning, development, implementation, and manage­ ment of the library’s Local Area Network and other technological applications in the planning phase, including the recommendation of software and hardware for the library’s systems. Duties include: Routine maintenance, monitoring LAN performance, expanding the system, upgrading software and hardware, and training library staff, students, and faculty to effectively use electronic systems and sen/ices. Additional responsibilities include management of an elec­ tronic classroom and a new computer lab to be installed in 1994/95, working regularly scheduled hours at the reference desk, and participating UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN California State University, Los Angeles Applications and nominations are invited for the position of University Librarian. A graduate degree from an ALA-accredited institution is required. Candidates must demonstrate significant administrative expe­ rience, scholarly activity, and commitment to affirmative action. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Reporting to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, the University Librarian provides leadership in planning and implementing strategies to enhance services and collections, to further the creative use of modern technologies, and to manage effectively the library’s resources. Responsibilities include long-range planning; formulating and implementing goals, objectives, and policies; managing personnel, budgets, facilities, and collections; participating in academic planning; soliciting external funding, and developing cooperative systems with other institutions. Represents the library on campus, in the community, and to external agencies and professional organizations. The university, one of 20 campuses of the California State University System, has a diverse and nontraditional student body of approximately 20,000 undergraduate, graduate, and professional students and a faculty of approximately 600 FTEF. Applicants should submit an updated vita, the names and daytime telephone numbers of three references, and a one- or two-page letter of application addressing leadership style and the role of the library in a comprehensive university. Review of nominations and applications will begin on November 5, 1993. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Applications and nominations should be addressed to: Chair, University Librarian Search Committee c/o Human Resource Management, Job #93-62 California State University, Los Angeles 5151 State University Drive Los Angeles, CA 90032-8534 An equal opportunity/affirmative action/disabled/Title IX employer. in Bibliographic Instruction. Minimum qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS. Knowledge of microcomputers, operating systems, CD-ROM LAN technology; ability to work effectively with colleagues and diverse clientele; effective written and oral skills; knowledge of online searching. Additional desirable qualifications: 1) a second master’s degree in a relevant subject field (will be required for tenure and promotion); 2) experience with installation and management of Novell and Opti-Net netware; 3) reference experience in an academic or public library. Salary: Negotiable, minimum $26,000, twelve-month appointment. Submit letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Imre Meszaros, Director of Libraries, I.D. Weeks Library, University of South Dakota, 414 East Clark St., Vermillion, SD 57069-2390. Review of applications will begin December 1 ‚ 1993, and will continue until an adequate number of applications are received. AA, EOE. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY. St. Mary’s College of Maryland seeks a Director of the Library to lead an experienced staff in a major development of the collections and services of a new facility opened in 1990. St. Mary’s College of Maryland is a highly selective public liberal arts college of 1500 students, located 68 miles southeast of Washington, D.C. on a beautiful tidewater estuary at the site of the founding city and first capital of Maryland. Recently designated a public honors college because of the quality of the student body, the college prepares students to use fully the resources of the library to pursue their educational goals in courses and independent study, and to carry out undergraduate research. The Director of the Library is responsible for the operation of both the college library and Media Services. Staffed by 5 librarians and 10 support staff, the library has a fully integrated system (Dynix) which is networked to the entire campus. It offers a range of CD-ROM products, Dialog and Internet connections, access to other databases such as Uncover, and a comprehensive bibliographic instruction program. Headed by a librarian 605 ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR ADMINISTRATION Massachusetts Institute of Technology Libraries This position includes primary responsibility for directing the budget, personnel, space and facilities, and development activities of the MIT libraries. The Head of the Administrative Services Department reports to this Associate Director. As a member of the libraries’ Steering Committee along with the Director and three other Associate Directors (Collection Services, Public Services, Systems and Planning) the incumbent will participate fully in the overall administration of the library system, including long-range planning, program development and evaluation, budget formulation, and the establishment of systemwide priorities and policies. The Associate Director for Administration develops and implements personnel, fiscal, and administrative policies; financial control and management systems; and financial reporting and other management information systems that are consonant with those of the Institute as a whole. The incumbent serves as a liaison for the libraries with major administrative offices of the Institute and oversees the preparation and submission of research and development proposals as well as being the primary library contact for the Development Office, the Alumni Association, and other fundraising agencies. The Associate Director serves as the libraries’ representative on appropriate MIT committees. Among the major programs in which the new Associate Director will be involved are the implementation of a new automated library system; strategic planning and quality improvement initiatives; a long-range (20-year) space plan for the libraries; and implementation of a new staff development program. The MIT Iibraries include five major subject libraries (architecture and planning; engineering; humanities; science; social sciences and management) and several branch libraries in specialized subject areas. The libraries’ collections total over 2.3 million printed volumes, over 1.9 million microforms, and extensive collections of slides, photographs, sound recordings, printed music, maps, manuscripts, motion pictures, video recordings, and computer files. The total budget for FY1994 is over $13 million;the materials budget is over $3 million. Total staff of 236 includes 87 professionals, 123 support staff, and 26 FTE student assistants. The MIT libraries maintain memberships in the Boston Library Consortium, OCLC (through Nelinet, Inc.) and the Association of Research Libraries. Qualifications for this position include an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. A master’s degree in business or management or an equivalent combination of education and substantive related experience is highly desirable. Extensive and increasing responsibility in the administration of academic or research libraries is required which also includes substantial experience in supervision and management. Candidates are expected to have familiarity with current issues affecting research libraries and their parent organizations. Knowledge of personnel management, staff development, financial management, and fundraising in the research library environment is desired. Candidates will be expected, as well, to have excellent communication, interpersonal, and analytical skills. Equally important is the ability to work effectively as a member of a senior management team in a major research library. Candidates will also be expected to have demonstrated leadership and achievement in the library profession. Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications. Minimum salary: $57,500. The MIT libraries offer excellent benefits, including tuition assistance, a children’s scholarship program, and a relocation allowance. MIT is a smoke-free campus. Applications received by December 15,1993, will receive priority consideration. Complete applications, which consist of a cover letter, resume, and the names and addresses of five current references should be mailed to: Search Committee for Associate Director for Administration (CRL) The Libraries, Room 14S-216 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 MIT Is strongly and actively committed to diversity within its community and particularly encourages applications from qualified women and ethnic minority candidates. 6 0 6 and 2.7 FTE support staff, Media Services offers audio and video production and a wide range of academic support services. The budget, including salaries, is over $1,000,000 and is ex­ pected to rise sharply in the years ahead. The Director of the College Library reports to the Provost and serves ex officio on two standing faculty com mittees— academic resources and curricu­ lum. The position requirements include an ALA-accredited MLS, with a second m aster’s degree desired; several years of experi­ ence in an academic library, preferably in a liberal arts setting, including supervisory activity of increasing responsibility; and dem onstrated experience in library automation. Salary is com­ petitive. Letters of application should include a curriculum vitae, a list of at least three references, and a brief statem ent (250 to 750 words) outlining the applicant’s view of the role of the library in undergraduate liberal arts education. Review of applications will begin December 1, 1993, and will continue until the position is filled. Send applications to; Daniel Ingersoll, Library Search Chair, Department of Anthropology/Sociology, St. Mary’s Col­ lege of Maryland, St. M ary’s City, MD 20686. St. M ary’s College is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. UNIVERSITY ARCHIVIST AND HEAD, SPECIAL COLLECTIONS DEPARTMENT Northeastern University University Libraries The Northeastern University Libraries invites nominations and applications tor the position of University Archivist and Head, Special Collections Department. Primary responsibilities include: leadership and articulation of library programs to serve the archival needs of university scholars and administrators, including historical and institutional research and the repository management of university records; administration of the special collections program, including archival management, and collection development, and preservation of rare, unique and/or historically significant materials; planning and implementation of innovative technology-based solutions to achieve dual goals for preservation and access to archival and special collections; development of grant proposals and administration of funded projects; participation in public relations and celebratory events and activities; and participation in general library management, planning, and budgeting processes. The successful candidate will play a leading role in the further establishment of a university records management program, and in planning and development of programs and events in celebration of the university’s centennial in 1998. A new, centralized library on the Boston campus opened in 1990. Annual general acquisitions purchases approximate $4 million. The libraries hold membership in OCLC, Nelinet, and the Boston Library Consortium. CARL Systems and Tandem computers are the platforms for the public access Northeast­ ern University Libraries Information System (NULIS) and for integrated processing services support. NULIS also serves as the libraries’ primary network gateway to other information resources. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS degree; additional advanced degree in history, and graduate- level archival training preferred. At least five years demonstrated successful experience in archival management and/or special collections in an academic or research institution. Knowledge of archival principles and practices, knowledge of the development of special collections including rare books, manuscripts, and historical materials. Knowledge of computer and imaging applications, the arrange­ ment and description of special collections, and standards for bibliographic control and preservation. Knowledge of trends and developments in higher education and scholarly research and communication. Significant experience with donor and public relations, fundraising, and grant-funded projects. Evidence of professional and scholarly activity. Ability to work effectively with many constituencies. Excellent oral and written communication skills; excellent planning, analytical, and conceptual skills. SALARY: Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. Excellent benefits package. Applications received by November 3 0 , 1993, will receive first consideration. Please send a letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: Carol Chamberlain, Associate Dean Northeastern University Libraries 320 Snell Library 360 Huntington Avenue Boston, MA 02115 Northeastern University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. 607 D IRECTO R T h e T h o m a s a n d D o r o t h y L ea v ey L ib r a r y U n i v e r s i t y o f S o u t h e r n C a l i f o r n i a T h e U n iv er s ity L ib r a ry seeks a D ir e c t o r fo r T h e T h o m a s a n d D o r o th y L eavey L ib rary , a te a c h in g lib ra ry h o u s e d in a n e w b u ild in g sch ed u led to o p e n in Fall 1 9 9 4 . T h e n e w 7 8 , 0 0 0 s q u are f o o t f a cility w ill provide s tu d e n ts w ith 2 4 h o u r access; h o u se a 1 2 0 ,0 0 0 - v o lu m e c o lle c tio n ; 1 , 4 7 5 read er seats; 2 1 c o lla b o ra tiv e w o rk ro o m s; u p to 3 0 0 n e tw o rk e d w o rk s ta tio n s ; a n a u d ito r iu m ; a n d 2 e le c tr o n ic in s tr u c tio n ro o m s . P la n n e d a n n u a l o p e ra tin g b u d g e t is $ 1 , 7 5 0 , 0 0 0 . S ta ff in g is p r o je c te d to in c lu d e 9 lib ra r y fa cu lty a n d 1 3 s taff. T h e L eavey L ib r a r y w ill serve as th e s tu d e n ts ’ gatew ay t o th e p r in t a n d n e tw o rk e d c o lle c tio n s o f th e U n iv e r s ity L ib r a r y t h a t s u p p o r t a n d e n ric h th e u n d erg ra d u a te a n d g rad u ate c u r ric u lu m . T h e L ib r a ry w ill b e a fo cal p o in t f o r te a c h in g s tu d e n ts h o w to id en tify , lo c a te , a n d ev alu ate in f o r m a tio n in p r in t a n d d ig ita l fo rm a ts a n d w ill serve as a c e n te r f o r p a rtn e rsh ip s w ith fa cu lty in th e d e v e lo p m e n t a n d e v a lu a tio n o f in f o r m a tio n te ch n o lo g ies f o r te a ch in g . U S C ’s L ib r a r y serves o n e o f th e larg est p riv a te u n iv ersitie s in th e co u n tr y . A s a m a jo r research lib rary , it houses a c o lle c tio n o f m o r e th a n 2 . 6 m illio n v o lu m es , has 1 4 sp ecialized s u b je c t lib ra r ie s , a n d e m p lo y s a to ta l o f 1 5 7 F T E o f w h ic h 5 2 are lib ra r y fa cu lty p o s itio n s . T h e L ib r a ry h as a d o p te d a s tra te g ic g o al to d ev elo p n e tw o rk e d d ig ita l serv ices a n d c o lle c tio n s to c o m p le m e n t its tr a d itio n a l p r in t reso u rce s. C e n tr a l to th is g o al is U S C I n f o , a n e tw o rk e d in f o r m a tio n serv ice th a t in clu d e s th e o n lin e ca ta lo g , in -p ro ce ss file, 1 1 -lo c a lly m o u n te d d a ta ­ bases, ca m p u s in f o r m a tio n files, f u ll-te x t v ersio n s o f The Chronicle o f Higher Education a n d ClariNet Electronic News Service‚ a n d a g o p h e r serv ice. T h e D ir e c to r o f th e L eavey L ib r a ry re p o rts to th e A U L fo r P u b lic Serv ice s. L ib r a ria n s are facu lty, have c o n tin u in g a p p o in tm e n t sta tu s, a n d p a r tic ip a te in U n iv er s ity g o v e rn a n ce . Q u a lifie d a p p lic a n ts m u s t have d e m o n s tra te d su ccess in b u ild in g p a rtn e rsh ip s w ith te a c h in g fa cu lty a n d in e s ta b lis h in g e ffe ctiv e re la tio n s h ip s w ith s tu d e n ts. T h e su ccessfu l c a n d id a te w ill have p ro v en v is io n a n d th e skills n e ces sa ry t o p ro v id e c re a tiv e le ad ersh ip an d s tra te g ic d ir e c tio n fo r im p le m e n ta tio n o f th e p r o g ra m . D e m ­ o n s tra te d le a d e rs h ip a n d in n o v a tio n in d e f in in g n e w lib ra r y p ro g ra m s a n d in e x p lo r in g n ew fo rm s o f lib ra ry in f o r m a tio n te ch n o lo g ie s are req u ired . A n a p p r e c ia tio n o f, a n d sen sitiv ity to , th e racial a n d c u ltu r a l d iversity o f L o s A n g ele s a n d th e U n iv er s ity are b a sic re q u ir e m e n ts fo r a p p o in tm e n t. F o r f u rth e r in f o r m a tio n a n d a c o m p le te p o s itio n d e s cr ip tio n w rite : G lo r ia J . D o n a ld s o n , P e rso n n e l M a n a g e r, U n iv e r s ity L ib rary , U n iv ersity o f S o u th e r n C a lif o r n ia , U n iv e r s ity P ark, L o s A n g ele s , C A 9 0 0 8 9 - 0 1 8 2 . R ev ie w o f a p p lic a tio n s w ill c o n tin u e u n til th e p o s itio n is filled . In q u irie s fr o m w o m e n , m in o r itie s , a n d th e p h y sically c h a lle n g e d are e n co u ra g ed . T h e U n iv e r s ity o f S o u th e r n C a lif o r n ia is a n a ffir m a tiv e a c tio n , eq u al o p p o r tu n ity e m p loy er. 608 /C&RL Neus SCIENCE LIBRARIAN University of Missouri-Columbia The University of Missouri-Columbia is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Science Librarian. Principal duties include responsibility for providing reference service (includes some evening and weekend hours), library instruction, database searching, and collection development for the scientific disciplines supported by Ellis Library. Provides reference assistance in all disciplines when working at the reference desk and performs library instruction for undergraduates in nonscientific disciplines. Provides and evaluates effectiveness of services in coordination with Reference Depart­ ment policies and procedures. Requirements: Requires minimum of a master's degree from an ALA-accredited program; significant coursework in science disciplines or science reference experience is strongly preferred. Reference experience in an academic science or special library; competency through experience or training in online database and CD-ROM searching required. Ability to communicate well orally and in writing; strong service orientation; ability to work in a team environment where sen/ices are expanding and where there is considerable scope for new program initiatives including the application of new technologies to service delivery. Minimum salary: $22,800+ for 12 months commensurate with education and experience. Benefits include 30 vacation days per year, vested retirement after five years, dental insurance, and other normal fringe benefits, including 75% tuition waiver. The University: The University of Missouri (MU) was established in Columbia in 1839. It is one of the five most comprehensive universities in the nation, with nearly 250 degree programs. The University of Missouri-Columbia Libraries belong to ARL, serve a student body of 21,000 and a faculty of 1,800 with a collection of over 2.5 million volumes and over 4.5 million microforms. An online catalog and integrated circulation system serves the four campuses of the university system. Columbia is in the middle of the state on I-70, only two hours from St. Louis and Kansas City, and 1.5 hours from the Lake of the Ozarks major recreational area. The university and two other colleges provide superb cultural events. According to the ACCRA composite index, the cost of living in Columbia is very reasonable when compared with other university communities. Columbia has been named in the top twenty cities in the United States by M oney magazine for the last four years. Available: March 1 ‚ 1994. Send letter of application, names and addresses of three references and resume to: Pat Burbridge Personnel Coordinator 104 (CRL) Ellis Library University of Missouri-Columbia Columbia, MO 65201-5149 Screening of applications will begin December 10,1993. The University of Missouri-Columbia is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer and complies with the guidelines set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. If you have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and need assistance with this or any portion of the application process, notify us at the address above as soon as possible. Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate your special needs. E N G IN EER IN G LIBRA RIAN. A tw elve-m onth, ten u re -tra ck a pp o in t­ ment. M a nages o p e ra tion s o f the Spahr Engineering Library, a branch facility of the U n ive rsity o f Kansas L ibraries co nta ining over 6 0,0 00 volum es, a large co llection of N ASA and NACA d o cu m e nts and m icrofiche, and n um erous C D -R O M d ata ba ses accessible through the Libraries' LAN. (Full jo b description available.) R equires m aster's d eg re e from an ALA accredited pro gra m ; p rofessional library e xpe ri­ ence w ith engineering, physical sciences, m athem atics, o r com p ute r science m aterials; stro ng co m m itm en t to p u b lic service; e ffe ctive oral and w ritten co m m u nicatio n skills and in terpersonal skills; strong su pe rviso ry p ote ntia l; a bility to work effectively with faculty, students, and staff; e xpe rie n ce conducting d atabase se arches; fa m ilia rity with science and tech n olo g y b ibliographic resources; d em on strate d a b il­ ity to effectively plan, organize, and im ple m e nt se rvice s and o p e ra ­ tions. Prefer stro ng a cad em ic preparation in engineering, the physical sciences, m athem atics, or c o m p ute r science; reference, in stru c­ tio na l, and collection deve lo pm en t experience with engin ee rin g m a ­ teria ls; su ccessfu l supe rviso ry e xperience; e xperience with C D -R O M se arching system s and online literature retrieval in th e D IALO G , ORBIT, and N ASA/R EC O N system s; fa m ilia rity w ith Internet re ­ sources and e lectron ic bulletin boards; e xpe rie n ce w ith m icroco m p u t­ e rs and softw are in library applications; reading kn ow ledge o f W estern European languages. Excellent benefits. A nnual sa lary: $26,000- $34,000, d e p en d en t upon qualifications. To apply, su bm it letter o f 609 application, resume, copies of undergraduate and graduate tran­ scripts, and names of three references to: Sandra Gilliland, Assistant to the Dean for Personnel, University of Kansas Libraries, 502 Watson Library, Lawrence, KS 66045-2800. Applications must be postmarked by December 10,1993. Review of applications will occur following the application deadline, with interviews scheduled for mid- January 1994. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. HEAD, ELECTRONIC INFORMATION AND REFERENCE LIBRAR­ IAN. Applications are invited for the position of Head, Electronic Information and Reference Librarian at The University of Texas at San Antonio Library. Responsibilities include management of the public ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR SERVICES University of South Florida Tampa Campus Library THE UNIVERSITY: USF is the second largest of nine universities in the State University System of Florida (SUS). The central Tampa campus and regional campuses at St. Petersburg, Sarasota, Fort Myers, and Lakeland have a combined enrollment of more than 34,000 students. Tampa Campus Library has 32 librarians and 73 support staff, with library holdings at 800,000 volumes, 4,500 periodicals, a Federal and State Documents Depository, special collections and archives. The library participates in an SUS-wide online catalog using NOTIS software. Applications and nominations are invited for the following position: Associate Director for Services. Under the general direction of the Dean and Library Director, the successful candidate has the opportunity to manage all aspects of the public and technical services departments with over 100 full-time employees supporting a thriving educational and research environment. Major responsibilities include: Plans, directs, and reports library services; develops and evaluates procedures and practices, and implements improvements; provides leadership for departmental interrelationships; evaluates staff; facilitates campuswide cooperation; acts as liaison with USF regional campus libraries and with other groups; serves as representative of the Dean and Library Director during latter’s absence. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited master’s degree; eight years of experience as a librarian after receiving the master’s degree; administrative experience in a public or technical services department in an academic or research library; documented experience involving issues dealing with both technical and public services aspects of the library operation. Preferred: Demonstrated successful leadership skills and supervisory experience with library professional and support staff in an academic or research library; experience with library systems and library networks; demonstrated effective interpersonal and commu­ nication skills; indication of activity in professional associations and/or scholarly or creative productivity; indication of ability to work in a collegial and multicultural setting; demonstrated ability to assess existing programs, implement improvements, and initiate programs and services; ability to provide positive approaches to existing issues; ability to assess library outcomes in a way that measures outcomes rather than outputs. RANK: Associate Director, University Libraries. SALARY AND BENEFITS: $50,000 negotiable. Librarians are twelve-month, non-tenure-earning faculty. Twenty-two days vacation, 13 days sick leave annually. TIAA/CREF or other retirement options, usual insurance benefits. APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Please send letter of application, recent resume, and names, ad­ dresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references by December 15,1993, to: Sonja Garcia, Assistant Director Human Resources University of South Florida LIB 122, 4202 E. Fowler Avenue Tampa, FL 33620-5400 Telephone: (813) 974-2721 USF is an equal opportunity, equal access affirmative action institution. Applicants who need a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in the selection process must notify Sonja Garcia at (813) 974-1575 or 4202 East Fowler Ave., Tampa, FL 33620-5400, five (5) days in advance. service units comprised of reference information and assistance, fee- based online searching, and instructional services. Position reports to Assistant Director for Public Services. UTSA is a comprehensive Public metropolitan university serving approximately 17,000 stu­ dents. The library is committed to use of automation and has imple­ mented NOTIS. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS with 5 years reference experience plus managerial and supervisory experience. Must be proficient in use of microcomputer telecommunications equipment. Excellent organizational and communication skills with ability to work both cooperatively and independently. Prefer advanced degree in a bibliographic specialization, academic library experience, and use of NOTIS. Salary: $30,000 minimum for twelve-month 6 1 0 appointment with competitive benefits package. Application: Send letter of application and resume to: Margaret Joseph, Assistant Director for Public Services, The University of Texas at San Antonio Library, 6900 N. Loop 1604 West, San Antonio, Texas 78249. Application deadline is December 10, 1993. UTSA is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. HEAD LIBRARIAN, Bennington College. Administrative experience required, preferably in a liberal arts college environment. Versatility, responsiveness to college community life, and strong communica­ tions and interpersonal skills a must, some background in automation and building planning desirable. ALA/MLS required. Additional advanced degree desirable. Salary will be commensurate with quali­ fications. Send letter, vita, and addresses and phone numbers of three references to: John Swan, Crossett Library, Bennington College, Bennington, VT 05201. HEAD, REFERENCE DEPARTMENT, the University of Oklahoma. Duties: Under the general direction of the Director of Library Public Services, the Head of Reference is responsible for the management of the main library reference department and for planning, developing, and evaluating programs and policies. The Reference Department, which includes Government Documents, consists of seven librarians, four support staff, graduate assistants, and student employees. The reference librarians’ responsibilities include general and subject- oriented reference, database searching, library instruction, and col­ lection development. In providing reference service, the Head of Reference will work with other public services units, including Access Services and branch libraries, and with technical services units, including Collection Development and Current Periodicals. This position is governed by the university’s policies for research or creative achievement and professional service as outlined by the ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY Nicholls State University Nicholls State University is searching for an Associate Director of the library. Specific responsibilities include: developing and allocating significant portions of the library operations budget; planning and providing for the continued implementation of library automation; managing the recruitment, training, evaluation, and development of library personnel; consulting faculty, administrators, and other university personnel to facilitate programs; managing the library’s facilities. Contributions as a professional and as a member of the university are required. The associate director is the principal administrator of the library in the absence of the director. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited school; a second master’s, Ph.D. preferred. Extensive and increasingly responsible experience in an academic research library, including at least five years in a management position. Broad knowledge of diverse academic library operations, an understanding of the scholarly use of library resources and service, exceptional organizational and interpersonal skills, demonstrated ability to work effectively with all members of the extended academic community, superior communication skills, and creativity in planning are required. The ability to anticipate and the flexibility to adjust to changing priorities, procedures, and workload, and the ability to relate with sensitivity to staff at all levels are essential for success in this position. SALARY: Competitive, dependent on experience and qualifications. Twelve-month administrative position. Deadline for initial review: February 15,1994. Applications will be accepted until position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, and three references to: Director of the Library Eilender Memorial Library Nicholls State University P.O. Box 2028 Thibodaux, LA 70310 Nicholls Slate University is an equal educational institution, affirmative action employer. Faculty Handbook. Qualifications: Required: MLS from ALA-accred­ ited library school; five or more years experience in public services; substantial supervisory experience; ability to work effectively with faculty, students, and library staff; experience in database searching and/or library instruction; knowledge of collection development prac­ tices and procedures; effective oral and written communication skills; evidence of research and publication and professional service. Desirable: Additional advanced subject degree. Deadline for applica­ tions: January 3, 1994. Available: April 1, 1994. Salary: $35,000 minimum. Benefits: TIAA/CREF; State Retirement System; compre­ hensive medical protection: 33 days paid leave; university holidays; short term disability sick leave. University libraries: A member of the Research Libraries Group, AMIGOS, and ARL, the university libraries consist of a main library and six branches. The collection contains more than 2.2 million volumes, 16,000 periodical subscriptions, and three outstanding special collections in history of science, western history, and business history. The libraries have implemented the public access catalog, cataloging, authority control, acquisitions, serials, and circulation functions of the NOTIS system. Employment: Librarians have faculty status, privileges, responsibilities, rank of assistant professor or above, and are eligible for tenure. Application: Send letter of application with resume, a list of publications, and the names of three references including current supervisor to: Donald C. Hudson, Manager, Administrative Services, University Libraries, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019, (405) 325-2611. Okla­ homa University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. We encourage women and minority applicants, and we are respon­ sive to the needs of dual-career couples. HEAD, SERIALS DEPARTMENT. The Dartmouth College Library is seeking to fill the position of Head of Serials with a service-oriented librarian who can creatively direct and manage the acquisitions, fiscal control, receipt, bibliographic maintenance, and binding of serials in an 611 SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES University of Missouri-Columbia The University of Missouri-Columbia is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Systems Librarian for Technical Services. Principal duties include coordinating and serving as the resource for computer-related operations for the Technical Services Division. Supports all facets of PC operations, including needs assessment, ordering, installation, software, maintenance, LUMIN, and OCLC hardware. Trains personnel in all areas of Technical Services in use of software on all platforms, responsible for the Advanced Revelation serials management system. Does training for LUMIN, Internet, OCLC, LANs, regional and national networks, electronic journals, electronic mail, CD-ROMs, other databases, and any future systems the library acquires. Assists with problem solving, planning, development, installation, and troubleshooting for any system as needed. Meets with the Head of Technical Services and the other Technical Services Department Heads biweekly to discuss planning, policy, and procedural issues. Serves as liaison for Technical Services with other library departments and library/university systems personnel. REQUIREMENTS: Requires master’s degree from an ALA-accredited institution and completion of, or progress towards, an additional degree, and/or evidence of continuing education. Minimum of two years professional library experience. Library-related work with emphasis on computers, software, and other Technical Services functions may be considered. Ability to interact successfully with all levels of staff. Demonstrated capacity to coordinate a variety of tasks. Ability to assess situations and provide appropriate information, support, and/or solutions. Close familiarity with library terminol­ ogy, procedures, and goals. Hands-on knowledge of microcomputer hardware and software, with emphasis on hardware maintenance. Ongoing commitment to computing education and training. Training and/or experience with all phases of library automation, including OCLC, Internet, and LUMIN. Proficiency with PC software such as Advanced Revelation, WordPerfect, PlanPerfect, LOTUS 1-2-3, CD-ROMs, etc. preferred. MINIMUM SALARY: $25,000+ for 12 months commensurate with education and experience. Benefits include 30 vacation days per year, vested retirement after five years, dental insurance, and other normal fringe benefits, including 75% tuition waiver. THE UNIVERSITY: The University of Missouri (MU) was established in Columbia in 1839. It is one of the five most comprehensive universities in the nation, with nearly 250 degree programs. The University of Missouri-Columbia Libraries belong to ARL, serve a student body of 21,000 and a faculty of 1,800 with a collection of over 2.5 million volumes and over 4.5 million microforms. An online catalog and integrated circulation system serves the four campuses of the university system. Columbia is in the middle of the state on I-70, only two hours from St. Louis and Kansas City, and 1.5 hours from the Lake of the Ozarks major recreational area. The university and two other colleges provide superb cultural events. According to the ACCRA composite index, the cost of living in Columbia is very reasonable when compared with other university communities. Columbia has been listed among the top twenty cities in the United States by Money magazine for the last four years. Available: March 1 ‚ 1994. Send letter of application, names, and addresses of three references and resume to: Pat Burbridge, Personnel Coordinator 104 (CRL) Ellis Library University of Missouri-Columbia Columbia, MO 65201-5149 Screening of applications will begin December 10,1993. The University of Missouri-Columbia is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer and complies with the guidelines set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. If you have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and need assistance with this or any portion of the application process, notify us at the address above as soon as possible. 612 innovative and technically sophisticated environment utilizing INNOPAC, RLIN, and the Dartmouth Online Catalog. The Head of Serials is responsible for planning, setting goals and priorities, formulating poli­ cies, designing and monitoring workflow, allocating staff, and providing leadership for the continuing development of serials automation in order to provide effective access to the library’s serial collections. The successful candidate will be familiar with current trends in serials management and control, including computer applications and na­ tional standards for bibliographic control; have demonstrated experi­ ence in managing technical operations; have experience with RLIN or OCLC; be able to provide strong leadership in a climate of change; and possess effective communications, interpersonal, and problem-solv ing skills. The position requires an ALA/MLS and six years of progressively responsible experience in an academic or research library with at least two years in serials. Salary and rank commensu­ rate with experience and qualifications, with a minimum salary of $38,000 for Librarian III. Please send resume to: Phyllis E. Jaynes, Director of User Sen/ices, 115 Baker Library, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755. Applications will be reviewed beginning Decem­ ber 1, 1993. Dartmouth College is an AA, EEO, M/F employer. LIBRARIAN. Full-time position to perform a wide variety of profes­ sional services and to instruct in the use of the library’s resources and services. Master’s degree in library science required. Experience as a librarian in reference work, and coursework or experience in a wide range of professional services desired. Salary range: $34,425-$62,837. Max starting salary: $57,279. Application deadline: November 19, 1993. Submit letter of interest, application form, and copies of transcripts to: San Joaquin Delta College, Office of Human Re­ sources, Admin. Bldg., Room 202, 5151 Pacific Ave., Stockton, CA 95207. AA, EOE. (209) 474-JOBS. LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SPECIALIST, Center for Curatorial Studies at Bard College. The Center for Curatorial Studies, a new GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS LIBRARIAN University of Northern Colorado The University of Northern Colorado seeks applicants for the position of Government Publications Librarian and Assistant/Associate Professor of Library Science, position number 21047. Master’s Degree from an ALA-accredited library school; experience working with U.S. Government Documents, o r in a documents reference area of a college, university, government, or large public library; and experience with CD-ROM technology and online database searching in providing reference service. This is a management level, tenure-track position. The position reports to the Director of Public Services and Personnel. Responsible for the operation of the U.S. and Colorado depository documents area, including reference service, bibliographic instruction, collection development, and adherence to depository laws and regulations. Provides direction and leadership, develops areas of responsibility, and assigns and supervises duties and responsibilities of 2.5 FTE support personnel. Promotes the use of Government Publications to the university and general community. Oversees the implementation of integrating MARCIVE records into the online catalog. Minimum salary $28,800. Starting date is February 1 ‚ 1994 (negotiable). The position is contingent on funding from the Colorado State Legislature, approval by the Board of Trustees, and subject to the policies and regulations of the University of Northern Colorado. All application materials will be accepted until December 1 ‚ 1993. Send letter of application highlighting candidate’s suitability, resume, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers of three references to: Government Publications Search Committee c/o Administration Office James A. Michener Library University of Northern Colorado Greeley, CO 80639 The University of Northern Colorado is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. graduate study and research center in contemporary visual arts at Bard College, located in the mid-Hudson Valley, 90 miles north of New York City, invites applicants for the position of Library and Information specialist. The Library and Information Specialist will be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the library including, but not limited to, providing information and research services to graduate students, faculty, and visiting scholars and curators; performing ongoing origi­ nal cataloging; and coordinating the review and acquisition of all library materials. MLS from ALA-accredited program required. For complete description and requirements, contact: Seth H. Goldberg, Manager of Human Resources, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504. AA, EOE. MEDIA RESOURCE SERVICES LIBRARIAN (ACADEMIC LI­ BRARY), Virginia Commonwealth University. Description: Reporting to the manager of Information Services, this position is a unit admin­ istrator position within the Academic Services Division of James Branch Cabell Library (JBCL) serving the academic campus of Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). The Academic Services Division consists of Access, Electronic Archives, Information, Instruc­ tion and Outreach, and Media Support Sen/ices. Information Services includes government documents, media resources, reference, and special collections and archives. The Media Resources Center provides broad-based curriculum support for departments across the Academic Campus. The Center’s collections include both print and nonprint resources, ranging from children’s literature to curriculum materials and textbooks to realia, music scores, sound recordings, films, videos, multimedia, and computer software. Center staff provide a full array of services-circulation, instruction, reserves, outreach, and reference. Position is responsible for the exercise of direction for and oversight over a broad array of Media Resources Center opera­ tions and sen/ices. Includes strategic planning, setting objectives and priorities, and development of policies and procedures. Position also works closely with the Head, Collection Management. Collections 613 LIBRARY SYSTEMS DIRECTOR University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign POSITION AVAILABLE: February 1994. A full-time tenured faculty position. DUTIES: The Systems Director is responsible for overall planning and development of UIUC automated library systems. In consultation with an advisory group, the incumbent will work on online catalog and technical processing development and the extension of access for library users to information made available through electronic text delivery, locally mounted databases, networked CD-ROM-based sources, and the Internet. The Systems Director will coordinate technical support, system documen­ tation, and staff training, and will oversee license and contract arrangements. The Director will maintain liaison with campus, state, regional, and national networking activities; in particular, with activities of UIUC Administrative Information Systems and Services, UIUC Computing and Communications Services Office, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, the Illinois Library Computer Systems Organization, and CICnet. Special projects will include evaluation of an alternate bibliographic platform for the library’s automated system and participation in a cooperative project to develop a virtual electronic library for the CIC institutions. The Director is a member of the library’s top management group and reports to the University Librarian. SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENT: The University of Illinois Library has been an active participant in a 25- year tradition of state-wide library networking and resource sharing. The library is one of forty members of ILCSO, which provides a resource sharing network for Illinois libraries. Members contribute to ILLINET Online, Illinois’ shared statewide online catalog. UIUC uses ILLINET Online Plus (10+) as its local public access catalog, for local circulation, to search and borrow from member institutions, to locate items at 800 Illinois libraries and as a gateway to other systems on the network. 10+ consists of the LCS circulation system, a full bibliographic searching system based on the WLN software with 8.4 million bibliographic and 9.7 million authority records, and IBIS, a BRS/Search implementation containing 5.3 million records in fifteen locally mounted periodical index databases. The system is available from 125 public micro computer terminals with locally developed interface software, and remotely, by means of a locally developed mainframe interface. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school or equivalent or an advanced degree in computer or information science, and five or more years of experience with integrated library systems and the application of advanced information technology to library systems. Strong leadership, advocacy, oral and written communications skills. Record of accomplishment sufficient for appointment at least at the rank of associate professor. Preferred: Knowledge of local and wide area networking technologies, telecommunications, the Internet, microcomputer and mainframe library applications. Experience in a large academic or research library. Desired: Professional involvement in library automation organizations. Evidence of a strong commitment to effective library information service. Experience in writing grant proposals. Ability to work successfully in group settings to facilitate discussion and build consensus. SALARY AND RANK: Appointment at a salary of $60,000 upward and at the rank of associate professor or above, depending on qualifications and experience. Faculty must demonstrate excellence in job performance, research, publication, and university/profesşional/community service. APPLY: Send letter of application and complete resume with the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of five references to: Allen G. Dries Library Personnel Manager University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 1408 West Gregory Drive Urbana, IL 61801 Phone: (217) 333-5494 DEADLINE: In order to ensure full consideration, applications and nominations must be received by December 1 , 1993. The University of Illinois is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. 614 responsibilities include selecting and weeding music materials for the general and reference collections, serving as liaison to Music faculty, and assisting with the development of relevant policies and proce­ dures under the direction of Collection Management. Other responsi­ bilities include participation in Division-wide instruction, outreach, and reference services. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS required. The following are preferred: previous experience or familiarity with media resources; familiarity with multimedia and electronic resources; academic, professional, or pre-professional experience in music bibliography or music reference; demonstrated managerial and su­ pervisory skills; experience in a medium/large academic library; strong service orientation; ability to work as part of a collegial team; initiative and creativity; flexibility in adapting to change; and good communication skills. Research, publication, and service to the library and university are expected to satisfy criteria for continuing appointment and promotion of library faculty at VCU. Experience working in a culturally diverse environment highly preferred. Environ­ ment: Virginia Commonwealth University is a publicly supported, urban research university in Richmond, Virginia. It is the major urban university in the state and one of the three major research institutions in Virginia. It serves over 20,000 students on both the academic campus and at the Medical College of Virginia. The library has 1 million volumes, a budget of $8.7 million, and an annual materials budget of 5.1 million. University Library Services employs over 140 staff. The Libraries use the NOTIS integrated library system, have locally mounted databases, and are aggressively building holdings of elec­ tronic resources. Salary: $28,000 minimum. Benefits include 24 vacation days, choice of health plans (including HMOs and dental plans), choice of retirement and annuity plans (including TIAA/CREF); reimbursed University coursework; and paid life insurance. Applica­ tion: Submit resume and names and phone numbers of three refer­ ences to: Sarah Watstein, Assistant Director for Academic Services and Head, James Branch Cabell Library, University Library Sen/ices, 901 Park Ave, Box 2033, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA 23284-2033. Review of applications will begin Decem­ ber 15, 1993, and continue until position is filled. Virginia Common­ wealth University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. MUSIC LIBRARIAN. Twelve-month, tenure-track faculty appointment open June 1 ‚ 1994. Rank: Instructor or Assistant Professor, depending on qualifications. Responsibilities: Administration of sen/ices and opera­ tions of library in the School of Music; cataloging of scores and recordings; collection development; reference; bibliographic instruction; supervision of music computer (Macintosh) laboratory. Supervise one clerk and approximately 20 student assistants. Report to Associate Director for Technical Sen/ices. Required: MLS from ALA-accredited DIRECTOR OF SCIENCE LIBRARIES AND INFORMATION SERVICES Yale University The Yale Library seeks an imaginative leader in a time of transformation and change to develop and manage the libraries and information services that support teaching and research in the sciences. RESPONSIBILITIES: The Director of Science Libraries and Information Services is primarily responsible for providing collections and other information resources and services to Yale’s science community of faculty, students, and research staff. The Director oversees the management of the Kline Science Library, which serves the biological sciences, physics, and anthropology, and well as the Chemistry, Engineering and Applied Science, Forestry and Environmental Sciences, Geology, and Mathematics libraries. The Director coordinates science information services with the Yale Medical Library, works closely with the Library Systems Office and Yale academic computing staff in the development and operation of electronic- based information delivery systems, and pursues collaborative relationships with other libraries and external organizations, such as scholarly association publishers. In addition, the Director actively participates in the overall planning and management of the Yale University Library. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. Advanced graduate work in science is desirable. Five years of professional experience with demonstrated administrative experience and achievement in an academic or research library. Excellent grasp of information needs of scientists and ofthe application of information technologies, including an awareness of current developments and trends. Excellent analytical skills. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Effective organizational skills. Creative and dynamic leadership potential. Demonstrated ability to work well independently and with others in a rapidly changing and demanding environment. RANK AND SALARY: Based upon the successful candidate’s qualifications and experience. Full benefits package including 22 vacation days; 17 holiday, recess, and personal days; comprehensive health care; TIAA/CREF or Yale retirement plan; and relocation assistance. APPLICATION: Applications received by November 30,1993, will be given first consideration; applica­ tions will be accepted until the position is filled. Please submit a letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: Diane Y. Turner Director, Library Personnel Services P.O. Box 208240 New Haven, CT 06520-8240 Yale University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. 615 program; degree in music or equivalent background and experience; minimum two years pertinent experience; cataloging expertise; knowl­ edge of music history, literature, and theory; good oral and written communication and interpersonal skills. Desirable: Advanced music degree; experience as a music librarian in an academic library; familiarity with personal computers; reading knowledge of French, German, or Russian; supervisory experience. Salary commensurate with qualifica­ tions, $25,000 minimum. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references by February 11‚ 1994, to Betty D. Johnson, Associate Director for Technical Services, dupont-Ball Library, Stetson University, DeLand, FL 32720. Stetson University is an equal opportunity employer and is strongly committed to increasing the diversity of our faculty and administration. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Reports to the Head of Reference, responsibilities include providing general reference service with SEARCH REOPENED ATTENTION LIFE SCIENCES LIBRARIANS The Johns Hopkins University Come Join a Dynamic Library Three years ago the Milton S. Eisenhower Library reorganized the way it delivers the full range of reference and collection development services to the academic community. The new Resource Services Department is composed of subject specialists, each of whom is responsible for building close working relationships with the faculty and students in the handful of disciplines he or she serves. Our commitment to making the library a highly valued and significant partner in the academic enterprise is being felt in four key ways: a determination to make this excellent research library an equally excellent teaching library; a strongly focused effort to deliver the benefits of electronic information to our readers; a major remodeling and programmatic re-orientation of the library’s service spaces; and programmatic changes in serving the science/engineering community based on an independently conducted needs assessment. The Eisenhower Library prizes initiative, creativity, and professionalism and offers challenge, independence, and visibility to members of its Resource Services team. Resource Services Librarian for the Life Sciences RESPONSIBILITIES: Understand the work of the Biology, Biophysics, and Cognitive Science departments, and cultivate and maintain close working relationships with the members of those departments. Select materials to be added to the collection in assigned subject areas and manage the materials budget for each subject. Provide a variety of reference and research services to library patrons. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school required, and an advanced degree in a life science field, preferably biology, or equivalent experience strongly desired. Two or more years’ experience in collection development and/or reference in a research library preferred. Ability to conduct seminars and instructional programs in the use of the library and its resources. Willingness to work a flexible schedule (including some evenings and weekends) as part of a team. The hiring range for this position is $30,000-$40,500, depending on education and experience. Personnel benefits include 22 days vacation; free life insurance; retirement program, including TIAA/ CREF, and group health plan cost shared by individual and university. To apply, send letter of application indicating JOB #S93-109, resume, and three letters of reference, by December 17,1993, to: The Johns Hopkins University Office of Human Resources 119 Garland Hall Baltimore, MD 21218 AA/EOE. Smoke-free and drug-free. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. shared evenings/weekends; bibliographic instruction, including elec­ tronic access; preparing written finding aids; conducting online searches; participating in collection development and faculty liaison in assigned subject areas; and serving on library wide committees. Qualifications include an ALA- accredited MLS, strong communica­ tion skills, and demonstrated ability to work with a diverse commu­ nity. Preferred: two years public sen/ice experience, familiarity with electronic information technologies, and the ability to adjust to changing conditions in a library committed to quality service. Salary: $25,854 minimum, depending on qualifications and experience. Twelve-month faculty appointment, 24 days annual leave, 12 days sick leave; TIAA/CREF or VALIC; medical and dental insurance. Position available immediately; review of applications to begin December 15, 1993, and to continue until a suitable candidate is selected. Send letter of interest; resume; names, addresses, and telephone numbers of five references to: Andrea Gower, Chair, 6 1 6 Reference Librarian Search Committee, c/o Personnel Office, Idaho State University, Campus Box 8107, Pocatello, ID 83209-8107. Idaho State University is an AA, EOE employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Sterling Memorial Library. Minimum Rank: Librarian I or Librarian II. Serves at the general reference desk. Teaches bibliographic instruction sessions and provides library orien­ tation. Searches computerized databases, advises users as to their use. Required: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library school. Previous library work experience. Familiarity with printed and elec­ tronic reference sources in the humanities. Interest in bibliographic instruction. An advanced degree in the humanities. Reading knowl­ edge of two European languages. Effective oral and written commu­ nication and strong analytical skills. Ability to work well independently and with others in a demanding and rapidly changing environment. Commitment to professional development. Evidence of initiative and resourcefulness in past activities. Preferred: One year professional reference experience, including experience with library instruction. Interest in the management of electronic information sources and systems. Salary from $30,900, Librarian I, or $33,700, Librarian II, dependent upon qualifications and experience. Full benefits package, including 22 vacation days; 17 holiday, recess, and personal days; healthcare; TIAA/CREF or Yale retirement plan; and relocation assistance. DIRECTOR, LIBRARY SYSTEMS Yale University The Yale Library seeks a creative leader tor its systems activity in a period when the library’s priorities call for intensive development and use of information technologies for the transformation of scholarly information services. RESPONSIBILITIES: The Director of Library Systems manages the Yale Library Systems Office and has the primary leadership role in the library for all automation activities. The Director will have the opportunity to shape continued research and development of applicable information technologies within the library, to guide library staff in the effective and productive use of network-based computer workstations, to lead the development of technologies needed for the redesign of cataloging, authority control, and other technical processes, to extend and apply the results of Project Open Book, a major effort in the development and use of digital imaging, to influence substantially the transformation of library services to the various academic disciplines in an increasingly electronic environment and, overall, to contribute to the effective planning and management of library wide operations. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school or M.S. in computer science, or equivalent relevant training. Advanced graduate work is desirable. Five years of relevant experience, preferably in a research library environment, including two years supervisory experience, or equivalent combination of experience and training. Excellent grasp of advanced information technologies and their application, including an awareness of technological capacities, current developments and trends. Excellent analytical skills. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Effective organizational skills. Creative and dynamic leadership potential. Demonstrated ability to work well independently and with others in a rapidly changing and demanding environment. RANK AND SALARY: Based upon the successful candidate’s qualifications and experience. Full benefits package including 22 vacation days; 17 holiday, recess, and personal days; comprehensive health care; TIAA/CREF or Yale retirement plan; and relocation assistance. APPLICATION: Applications received by November 30, 1993, will be given first consideration; applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Please submit a letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: Diane Y. Turner Director, Library Personnel Services P.O. Box 208240 New Haven, CT 06520-8240 Yale University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. To be assured of consideration, please submit a letter of application, resume, and the names of three references by November 20, 1993, to: Diane Y. Turner, Director, Library Personnel Services, Yale University, P.O. Box 208240, New Haven, CT 06520-8240. EEO, AA. REFERENCE SERVICE COORDINATOR, Santa Clara University. (Readvertised.) Responsible for planning, evaluating, and managing daily operations of Reference Department, including interlibrary loan. Works in a collegial environment with other reference librarians, including Coordinators for Instructional and Electronic Information Services; supervises 2 FTE library specialists. Serves as primary library liaison to social sciences faculty and subject specialist for history and one or more social sciences. Participates in library instruction program. Required: MLS, or equivalent, from ALA-accred­ ited program and 5 years relevant professional experience; academic background or library experience in social sciences collection man­ agement; instruction and CD/online experience; strong interpersonal and communication skills. Desirable: Second master’s in history or a social science; knowledge of modern foreign language. Appointment at either Senior Assistant or Associate Librarian rank, depending upon qualifications. 1993/94 salary range minimum $36,225 at Senior Assistant or $39,375 at Associate rank. Santa Clara is a Jesuit 677 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY U n i v e r s i t y o f S o u t h e r n C a l i f o r n i a T h e U niversity L ibrary o f the U niversity o f Sou th ern C aliforn ia seeks applicants for the follow ing p ositions: • H ead, Serials C atalogin g Section: prim arily responsible for h irin g, initial training, supervision, and o n g o in g review o f the serials cop y catalogers; original cataloging o f English and no n -E n g lish language serials. • Techn ical Services Systems Librarian: responsible for coord in atin g the p lanning and im p lem e n tatio n phase, w ithin the T ech n ical Services D ivision, for a replacem ent system fo r the Library’s existing G E A C D u al 8 0 0 0 IL S for A cquisi­ tions, C ircu la tio n an d M A R C Records M anagem ent. T h e T ech n ical Services Systems Librarian will w ork closely with the Systems D ev elop m en t Librarian w ho has overall responsibility for the p roject w hich is currently planned for a 3 year p eriod startin g Ju ly 1, 1 9 9 3 . • Intern ation al D o cu m en ts and Serials L ibrarian, V onKleinSmid Library: responsible for a cqu isition , m aintenance, reference, and p ro m o tio n o f the in tern ation al d ocum ents collectio n as well as supervision o f the general V K C serials co lle ctio n and provision o f high level reference in the fields o f international relations, p u blic ad m in istration and urban planning. • Reference L ibrarian, Reference C en ter: responsible for providing experienced and sophisticated social sciences and h u m an ities reference, library in stru ctio n (in clu d in g C o m p u ter assisted in stru ctio n using current in fo rm a tio n retrieval technologies an d teleco m m u n icatio n s), and interaction w ith facu lty and graduate students o n an individual basis. • R eferen ce/Instructional Services Librarian, Leavey L ibrary (new library o p en in g S ep tem ber 1 9 9 4 ): responsible for developing a program , in coop eration w ith o th e r U S C librarians and faculty, for teaching students how to identify, locate and evaluate in fo rm atio n in print an d d igital form ats and for form ing p artnerships w ith facu lty in the develop­ m ent and evaluation o f in fo rm atio n technologies for teaching. U S C s L ibrary serves o n e o f the largest private universities in the country. As a m ajo r research library, it houses a collec­ tio n o f m ore th an 2 .6 m illio n volum es, has 14 specialized su b ject libraries, and a total o f 1 5 7 F T E o f w hich 5 2 are library facu lty p ositions. It has adopted a strategic goal to develop networked digital services and c ollections to co m p lem e n t the Library’s trad itional p rint resources. C en tra l to this goal is U S C In f o , a networked in fo rm atio n service w hich includes the on lin e c atalog, in-process file, 11 locally m ou n ted databases, cam pus in form ation files, fu ll-text versions o f the C h ro n icle o f H igher E d u catio n an d C larin e t News Service, and a gopher service. Librarians are faculty, have c o n tin u in g a p p oin t­ m ent status an d p articipate in U niversity governance. Prior to applying, please call ( 2 1 3 ) 7 4 0 - 2 5 4 3 between 9 AM and 5 PM M onday-Friday to request a cop y o f the com plete position description and jo b requirem ents. Review o f applications will co n tin u e until the p osition is filled. T h e U niver­ sity o f S o u th ern C alifo rn ia has a strong institu tional c o m m itm en t to the princip le o f diversity in all areas. A pplications from a broad sp ectru m o f people, inclu d ing m em bers o f e th n ic m inorities and the physically challenged are especially encouraged. A A / EO E . 618 university located 46 miles south of San Francisco in the heart of California’s Santa Clara Valley. To assure full consideration, applica­ tions should be received by January 5. 1994. Letters of application with resume, salary history, and the names of three references should be sent to: Elizabeth M. Salzer, University Librarian, Michel Orradre Library, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA 95053. AA, EEO. SERIALS CATALOG LIBRARIAN, Louisiana State University Librar­ ies. Under the direction of the Head, Serials Cataloging Unit, performs original and copy cataloging of print and nonprint serials, including analyzed series and revisions associated with previously cataloged titles. Participates in serials retrospective conversion project. Assists with establishment of authority records, including NACO headings, and with database maintenance. Assists unit head in coordination workflow. Assumes other duties as required. Qualifications: Re­ quired: ALA-accredited MLS; relevant experience with serial publica­ tions and/or serials cataloging; familiarity with AACR2, LC classifica­ FOUR POSITIONS AVAILABLE University of Utah ACCESS AND OUTREACH SERVICES LIBRARIAN Under the direction ot the Head, Circulation Division, this newly created position will develop, direct, and coordinate special information access and delivery services such as campus document delivery, acquisition of information resources on demand, and services to special groups, including readers with disabilities, and students and faculty involved in distance learning programs. Will supervise staff necessary to provide these services as well as supervise staff at the remote storage section of the Circulation Division. Will serve as division head in absence of Head. May serve at reference desk. REQUIRED: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. Knowledge of technologies related to document access. Demonstrated interpersonal and communication skills in a team environment. Strong commitment to proactive and innovative service. Proven ability to work with readers of diverse backgrounds. Familiarity with methods of electronic delivery of information. PREFERRED: Experience working in an academic library. Experience working in Circulation and/or Interlibrary Loan. Experience providing services to remote users. Experience with an online integrated library system. Supervisory experience. Experience working in Reference. Knowledge of ADA requirements. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS ACCESS LIBRARIAN Under the direction of the Head, Documents Division, this newly created position will plan and supervise the technical processing of United States Federal Documents, performing cataloging for government documents, developing and implementing technical processing procedures, conducting training and instruction, providing reference and access services. REQUIRED: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. Experience or course work in government documents. Experience or course work with cataloging using MARC records. Demonstrated interper­ sonal and communication skills in a team environment and a commitment to service excellence. Excellent oral and written communication skills. PREFERRED: Knowledge of government documents reference, experience with serials cataloging, experience in an academic library, and experience in an integrated online environment. TECHNOLOGY INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN Reporting to the Assistant Director for Public Services and working in conjunction with the established library instruction program, this newly created position will plan and implement technology-related training and instruction activities for librarians, staff, students, faculty, and the public. Training will include the use of NOTIS, CD-ROM databases and indexes, electronic mail, FTP, Telnet, First Search, Lexis/Nexis, various network- based software applications, access to Internet resources, and other systems necessary to perform library work and provide user access to information. REQUIRED: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. Substantial knowledge or experience with electronic resources, including CD-ROMs, Internet, and online catalogs. Demonstrated effective training/teaching skills. Strong commitment to responsive and innovative service. Ability to work with users of varying technical expertise. (continued on next page) tion and subject headings, and OCLC; ability to work effectively in a transitional academic library environment; potential to meet university requirements for promotion and tenure. Preferred: Reading knowl­ edge of one or more modern European languages; familiarity with NOTIS online integrated system. Salary: Negotiable, commensurate with qualifications and experience; $24,000 minimum. Tenure-track faculty position. To apply: Send letter of application and resume, with names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references, to Serials Cataloger Search Committee, 295 Middleton Library, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, attn. Caroline Wire. Preference given to applications received by November 30, 1993. SERIALS LIBRARIAN. The Harvard Law School Library is seeking a Serials Librarian to manage serials, continuations and documents check-in, serial invoice processing, and serial records creation and management. Reporting to the Associate Librarian for Collection Services, the Serials Librarian will plan, organize and manage the 619 operations of the Department; hire, train, and evaluate staff; resolve complex problems relating to serial receipts, invoices, and records; and sen/e as principal adviser on matters relating to serials manage­ ment and control. The serials Librarian will work with the Acquisitions Librarian, the Senior Serials Cataloger, and the Collection Manage­ ment Librarian on issues relating to serial acquisition, bibliographic control of serials, and serials collection management. The position will also work with bibliographers and others on issues relating to collection development. The Serials Librarian participates as a member of the Department Heads group in the general administration of the library and serves on other Law School Library and university library committees as appropriate. The Harvard Law School Library serves an international research community as well as the faculty and students of the School. Its collections include 1.5 million books and more than 13,000 active serials. The library is a member of the Research Libraries Group, the New England Law Library Consortium, and is a tape-loading member of OCLC. The Harvard On-Line Library Information System (HOLLIS) is used for integrated technical pro­ cessing. Required: Bachelor’s degree; ALA-accredited MLS; 3-5 years serials experience in a research or law library setting; strong interpersonal and communication skills; familiarity with MARC, AACR- II; experience with online bibliographic systems; ability to work effectively in a high-pressure, high-volume environment with fre­ quently changing priorities. Preferred: Supervisory experience; seri­ als acquisitions experience; experience with NOTIS-based technical processing systems; familiarity with legal materials; knowledge of one or more modern Western European languages. The position is available immediately. Salary negotiable, depending upon experi­ ence; minimum: $42,000. Generous benefits, including professional development support. Send letter of application, resume, and the name of three references to: Harry S. Martin, III, Librarian, Harvard Law School Library, Langdell Hall, Cambridge, MA 02138. Harvard University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. (University of Utah Continued) PREFERRED: Experience working in an academic library. Reference service experience. Background in relevant field such as education or instructional technology. GENERAL REFERENCE LIBRARIAN General Reference Librarian will provide reference services at the General Reference desk, work with automated reference services (online searches and networked CDs), participate in library instruction program, and collection development in assigned disciplines. Some evening and weekend work hours. REQUIRED: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. Reference experience in an academic setting. Demonstrated interpersonal and communication skills in a team environment and a strong commitment to service excellence. PREFERRED: Second subject master’s or doctorate in the Humanities. Preference will be given as follows: 1) English or Literature, 2) Writing, 3) Classics, 4) Linguistics. Familiarity or experience with library automation. Reading ability in a second language. SALARY: Minimum $22,000-plus, depending on qualifications and experience. APPOINTMENT: Librarians have academic status at the University of Utah. BENEFITS: University of Utah benefits are among the best in the country. Partially paid health and dental insurance, TIAA-CREF retirement, reduced tuition, 25 days vacation and generous professional development time, sick, and holiday leave. Librarians are eligible for sabbaticals. LIBRARY, CAMPUS, AND COMMUNITY: Marriott Library will begin an expansion in Spring 1994, which will double the existing space. The library has a collection of over 2 million volumes and a staff of over 40 academic librarians and 300 full- and part-time staff. The University of Utah is situated on a 1,500 acre campus in Salt Lake City and has over 28,000 students. A cosmopolitan community, offers a variety of cultural and outdoor activities. FOR CONSIDERATION: Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references and/or Placement Bureau address to: Kristeen Arnold, Personnel Officer 330 Marriott Library University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT 84112 Fax: (801) 585-3454 E-mail: Applications received by December 1 5 , 1993, will be assured consideration. The University of Utah is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. 6 2 0 E a r l h a m C o l l e g e C o l l e g e L i b r a r i a n Earlham C o llege invites n om inations and ap p lication s fo r th e position o f C o llege Librarian. Earlham is a s electiv e national liberal arts co lle g e under th e c a re o f th e So ciety o f Friends (Q u a k ers). T h e library also serves tw o sem inaries. The College Librarian is responsible for all library operations, w hich include the Lilly Library and the Wildman Science Library. The libraries have a total of about 350,000 volumes and 1,400 periodical subscriptions, and a staff of 7.5 professionals. Earlham has established a national reputation for its innovative and extensive bibliographic instruction program. The libraries subscribe to numerous CD-Rom products, support Dialog searching by students and faculty, are part o f a state-wide autom ated library system (DRA), and are selective govern­ m ent docum ents depositories. The libraries are highly regarded by students, faculty, and administrators, and the main library has recently been remodeled and expanded. We seek a person w ith library administration experience, deep and broad intellectual inter­ ests, the ability to plan strategically, enthusiasm for involvement w ith professional activities, and w hose creativity and flexibility will enable the library program to continue to adapt to the changing needs of excellent undergraduate education. Earlham is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and especially encourages appli­ cations from wom en, minorities, and Quakers. Application review will begin December 1, 1993- Please send a letter of application, a statement of your philosophy of library leadership and governance, vita, and the names, addresses and phone numbers of three references to: Len Clark, Provost Drawer 66 E A R L H A M C O L L E G E R ich m o n d , In d ia n a 4 7 3 7 4 Late Job Listings HEAD OF CATALOGING (search reopened), Loyola University of Chicago. Loyola University seeks a creative leader in cataloging to manage a department of 4 librarians, 6.5 support staff, and 2 F T E student workers. Prim ary responsibilities include planning and developing effective methods of providing access to the libraries’ collections housed in 5 libraries on 4 campuses, serving as the OCLC liaison, participating in librarywide planning, and participating with other technical services department heads in planning for the future operations of technical services. Library plans include a redesigning of technical services to streamline operations. Reports to the A ssistant University Librarian for Technical Services. Requires an ALA-accred­ ited M LS; at least five years cataloging experience in an academic or research library; substantive supervisory experience; demonstrated knowledge of AACR2, LC classi­ fication and subject headings, MARC formats; experience with OCLC or RLIN and a local online system, preferably N OTIS; understanding of the principles of authority control. Also requires the ability to manage in a changing environment, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, and a commitment to the service mission of the academic library. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Base salary: $35,000. Benefits include 20 days vacation, individual and family tuition benefits, university contributions to TIAA/CREF, dental insurance and a choice of medical plans. Loyola University of Chicago, a Je s u it institution located on 4 campuses in the Chicago area and 1 campus in Rome, Italy, serves a diverse student population of 15,000 in its nine schools and colleges. With holdings of over 1.3 million volumes in 6 libraries, the university libraries enjoy a highly technological environment, with 621 their own LANs and E thern et backbones to link all the campuses. There are 48 professional librarians and 70 support staff; librarians have limited faculty status. Qualified applicants should send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three recent references to: Ellen J . Waite, University Library, Cudahy Library, Loyola U niversity Chicago, 6525 N. Sheridan Rd., Chicago, IL 60626. Application deadline is December 1, 1993. Loyola University Chicago is an affirmative action, equal opportunity educator and employer. DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY. Muhlenberg College of Allentown, Pennsylvania, is seeking applications and nominations for the position of Director of the Library. Located in the beautiful Lehigh Valley, Muhlenberg is a highly selective school focusing on undergraduate liberal arts education. Its 1,650 students and 110 faculty have access to a library collection of 200,000 volumes located in a spacious new building, and are served by a library sta ff of 12-14 F T E . The annual library budget of $900,000 includes $125,000 for acquisitions. The library uses the L S2000 automated system and offers users a wide range of databases and CD-ROM products. The library also cooperates closely with other colleges in the vicinity by sharing resources and providing mutual access. Responsibilities: Reporting to the Dean of the College for Academic Life, the Director will be expected to take an active leadership role in developing access to information resources for all campus constituencies. He or she will not only be required to manage library budgets and operations effectively, but also to develop a cooperative, consultative environment between the library and all other segments of the campus community. He or she will communicate a clear vision of the role of the library in the process of instruction and learning, and will seek to fulfill th a t vision through a combination of traditional methods of library service and exploitation of the potential of technological change to enhance library services. In addition, the library will be actively developed as a dynamic center for intellectual discourse and programming. The Director will also promote an atmosphere among library sta ff of participative decision-making in which sta ff are encouraged to develop their skills and contribute to the maximum of their ability, and in which delivery of quality service to library users is the preeminent shared value. Qualifications: An M LS from an ALA-accredited program and a minimum of five years of academic library experience in progressively responsible positions, including significant supervisory responsibility, are required. A second m aster’s degree in an academic discipline is desirable. Candidates should also be able to demonstrate: an ability in strategic planning; strong interpersonal and leadership skills; fam iliarity with emerging information technologies and automated library systems; knowledge of technical and public services operations, bibliographic instruction and collection development; and effective oral and written communication skills. Compensation: Very competitive salary, dependent upon qualifications and experience, plus generous benefits. Applications: To be assured of consideration, a letter of application, current resume, three references (including names, addresses, and phone numbers) m ust be received not later than Ja n u a ry 10, 1994. The new appointee should he available to assume the Director’s position as early as possible, but no later than Ju ly 1 ,1 9 9 4 . Please send letters of nomination and applications to: Curtis G. Dretsch, Dean of the College for Academic Life, M uhlenberg College, 2400 Chew St., Allentown, PA 18104-5586. Muhlenberg College is an equal opportunity employer and encourages minority and women candidates to apply. SERIALS LIBRARIAN. Mississippi State University Libraries seek applications for a Serials Cataloger/Librarian. ALA-accredited M LS degree and three (3) years profes­ sional cataloging experience in a medium-to-large academic library, one (1) year indepth RECRUIT THE BEST... . . . ADVERTISE YOUR JOB OPENINGS IN C&RL NEWS Contact Jack Helbig, classified ad manager, at 1 -800-545-2433 ext. 2513 for help in placing your ad. Or you can fax your ad to us at (312) 280-7663. 6 2 2 serials cataloging experience required. Additional requirements: Knowledge of AACR2; LC subject headings and classification; LC rule interpretations; MARC format, experience with a bibliographic utility (OCLC preferred), experience with automated cataloging systems; reading knowledge of at least one foreign language; effective oral and written communication skills and the ability to work effectively with faculty and students. Duties include: Cataloging of serial titles in all languages, subjects, and formats. Works with other catalog staff in recommending and implement­ ing policies and procedures in the cataloging department. Assists with special projects as needed. Serves as subject bibliographer/liaison with one or more academic depart­ ments. Faculty rank; tenure-track, twelve-month appointment; retirem ent plan options, including state and/or other plans; comprehensive medical insurance cover­ age; 18 days annual leave; 12 days healthcare leave per year, plus most university holidays. Salary dependent on qualifications and/or experience. Instructor rank: $21,000-$23,000. A ssistant Professor rank: $23,500-$25,000. L etter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three work references by November 20, 1993, to: Frances Coleman, Assistant Dean of Libraries, Mississippi State U niversity Libraries, P. O. BO X 5408, Mississippi State, MS 39762. Applica­ tions received thereafter will be considered if the position is still open. Mississippi Sta te University is an AA, EEO employer. REFEREN CE/CO LLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN, Institute of Fine Arts Library. Subject specialist for the history of art and archaeology. Evaluate existing holdings and select books. Provide reference services including user assis­ tance and instruction, database searching, and publication of guides. Works closely with IFA faculty and students. Qualifications: Accredited M LS, subject m aster’s degree required for tenure; minimum of two years successful public service/collection development experience in an academic or museum library; fam iliarity with art history databases; degree in a rt history required. Strong communication skills, the ability to plan creatively and work well with faculty, students, and sta ff essential. Reading knowledge of French or German required. Other languages desirable. Salary/Benefits: Faculty status, attractive benefits package, including five-week annual vacation. Salary commensurate with experience and background. Minimum: $32,000. Apply: To ensure consideration, send resume and letter of application, including the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references, by November 3 0 ,1 9 9 3 , to: Alice Deich, Personnel Director, New York U niversity Libraries, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012. CATALOGER. Under the direction of the Systems Manager, the new appointee will work with the cataloging staf Fhandling copy and original cataloging materials in the general collection and in the major hospital affiliate’s collection. Knowledge of NLM/MESH, LC/LCSH, and AACR2. Experience with a major bibliographic utility (preferably OCLC) and an automated system including an OPAC. Reference desk time required. The library, along with Montefiore Medical Center’s library, utilizes the Library Information System (LIS) developed by the Dalghren Memorial Library at Georgetown University. The cataloging department has 1 FTE profes­ sional and 1.5 FTE support staff. Requirements: Master’s Degree from an ALA-accredited program or equivalent. Minimum 1-2 years experience preferably in an academic or health science library. We seek an individual who can function in a team setting and/or independently as required. The D. Samuel Gottesman Library of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine supports the programs of the Medical School, the Sue Golding Graduate Division, and the Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology. The library functions in a dynamic research environ­ ment with a diverse user population. The College of Medicine is located in a residential area of the Bronx, easily accessible by public transportation and by major highways from the five boroughs and theNew York/New Jersey/Connecticut suburbs. Parkingis available. Salary from $28,000. Facuity status, 22 days vacation, excellent benefits. Send resume and three references to: Judie Malamud, Director, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus, D. Samuel Gottesman Library, 1300Morris ParkAve.,Bronx,NY 10461. Applications received by November25,1993, will be given first consideration. An equal opportunity employer. Structure Bookmarks Notvmber 199.1/599 Notvmber 199.1/599 THEFDLDSI ASIESC A Deadlines: Ordersforregularclassified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g. ‚ September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $6.60 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $8.40 for others. Late job notices are POSITION VACANCY REFERENCE SERVICES LIBRARIANBank Street College of EducationRESPONSIBILITIES: Provides all aspects of reference service to students, faculty, and staff of Bank Street College. Assists in the use of print and electronic resources; bibliographic instruc­tion and provides interlibrary loan services. Per­forms CD-ROM/Online searches as needed by faculty and students; compiles bibliographies and special lists as needed; selects and up­grades library materials; and covers some eve­nings/weekend s 600 SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIANUniversity Library University of Southern CaliforniaThe University Library seeks a Systems Development Librarian to manage project planning and implementa­tion of a replacement system for the Library’s existing Geac Dual 8000 ILS for Acquisitions, Circulation, and MARC Records Management. Initial focus is on development of an RFP and selection of a Unix-based sys­tem. Phased modular replacement of the system is planned for a 3 year period beginning 7/1/93. The ILS must be integr 601 University at Albany, State University of New York, is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Applications from women, minority persons, handicapped persons, special disabled, and Vietnam-era veterans are especially welcome.BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION/PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN.Western Connecticut State University is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Bibliographic Instruction/Public Services Librarian. Responsibilities will include providing bibliographic instruction prima­rily to lo DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICESBRYANTCOLLEGEBryant College, a private institution which spe­cializes in business and liberal arts programs, invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of Library Services in the Edith M. Hodgson Memorial Library. The Di­rector is responsible for the planning ‚ develop­ment, and coordination of all library programs, operations, and services necessary to sup­port the college’s mission. The Director must have a strong commitment to excellence in higher educat 602 A. Haas Library, Western Connecticut State University, 181 White St., Danbury, CT 06801. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.CATALOGER: SERIALS/THESES CATALOGER. Reports to the Head of the Cataloging Department. Responsible for original and copy cataloging of serials in all subjects, languages, and formats, for original cataloging of Tulane University theses and dissertations, and for coordination of local series authority control activities; uses OCLC and NOTIS systems; participates in Catalo UNIVERSITY OF Director University LibrariesThe University of Connecticut invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of University Libraries. The University seeks a leader who has demonstrated an ability to shape, articulate, and implement a vision for the future of library services. The University Libraries are a member of the Association of Research Libraries and currently consist of the Homer Babbidge Library (the central library), the Cookson Music Library, the Phar­macy Library, a cataloging experience; supervisory and/or training experi­ence. Appointment at Librarian II level, minimum $26,000. Twelve­month academic appointment. Liberal benefits, including tuition waiver for self and undergraduate dependents. Review of applications will begin December 1, 1993, and will continue until a suitable candidate is found. Send letter of application, resume, names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Melonie Hughes, Administrative Associate, Howard-Tilton Memorial Librar 603 February 11, 1994, to: David Everett, Associate Director for Public Services, duPont-Ball Library, Stetson University, DeLand, FL32720. Stetson University is an equal opportunity employer and is strongly committed to increasing the diversity of our faculty and administration.COLLECTIONS CATALOGER. The Getty Center, a research center for arts and humanities, has an opening for Collections Cataloger. Reports to Head/Collections Cataloging. Oversees processing of archival collections, primarily photographic ma DEPUTY UNIVERSITY LIBRARIANUniversity of IllinoisPOSITION AVAILABLE: February 1994. A full time tenured faculty position.DUTIES: GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES: Directs and administers the operations and services of the University Library under the general direction of the University Librarian. The Deputy University Librarian works closely with the University Librarian with regard to planning for and administration of the University Library. During the absence of the University Librarian the Deputy functions in t research methods to assessment of resource materials; microcom­puter experience; strong written and verbal communication and organizational skills; strong attention to detail; strong interpersonal skills. Preferred: Familiarity with AVC or VIM cataloging; specializa­tion in history of architecture; supervisory experience. Hiring salary range: $28,000-$32,700. Excellent benefits. Application deadline: December 10, 1993. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of 3 referenc 604 collection development; good communication skills; foreign language ability; managerial skills. Preferred: Second master’s or doctorate; interest in research. Tenure-track. Salary $28,000. Standard benefits. Send letter, resume, transcripts, and 3 letters of reference by Dec. 15 to Rickey Best, Auburn University at Montgomery Library, 7300 University Dr., Montgomery, AL 36117. Montgomery is rich in history and architecture, with outstanding theaters, museums, and nearby recreational facilities. AA, EEO empl UNIVERSITY LIBRARIANCalifornia State University, Los AngelesApplications and nominations are invited for the position of University Librarian. A graduate degree from an ALA-accredited institution is required. Candidates must demonstrate significant administrative expe­rience, scholarly activity, and commitment to affirmative action. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience.Reporting to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, the University Librarian provides leadership in planning in Bibliographic Instruction. Minimum qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS. Knowledge of microcomputers, operating systems, CD-ROM LAN technology; ability to work effectively with colleagues and diverse clientele; effective written and oral skills; knowledge of online searching. Additional desirable qualifications: 1) a second master’s degree in a relevant subject field (will be required for tenure and promotion); 2) experience with installation and management of Novell and Opti-Net netware; 3) reference exp 605 ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR ADMINISTRATIONMassachusetts Institute of Technology LibrariesThis position includes primary responsibility for directing the budget, personnel, space and facilities, and development activities of the MIT libraries. The Head of the Administrative Services Department reports to this Associate Director. As a member of the libraries’ Steering Committee along with the Director and three other Associate Directors (Collection Services, Public Services, Systems and Planning) the incumbent wil 606 and 2.7 FTE support staff, Media Services offers audio and video production and a wide range of academic support services. The budget, including salaries, is over $1,000,000 and is ex­pected to rise sharply in the years ahead. The Director of the College Library reports to the Provost and serves ex officio on two standing faculty committees—academic resources and curricu­lum. The position requirements include an ALA-accredited MLS, with a second master’s degree desired; several years of experi­ence in an a demonstrated experience in library automation. Salary is com­petitive. Letters of application should include a curriculum vitae, a list of at least three references, and a brief statement (250 to 750 words) outlining the applicant’s view of the role of the library in undergraduate liberal arts education. Review of applications will begin December 1, 1993, and will continue until the position is filled. Send applications to; Daniel Ingersoll, Library Search Chair, Department of Anthropology/Sociology, St. Ma UNIVERSITY ARCHIVIST AND HEAD, SPECIAL COLLECTIONS DEPARTMENTNortheastern UniversityUniversity LibrariesThe Northeastern University Libraries invites nominations and applications tor the position of University Archivist and Head, Special Collections Department. Primary responsibilities include: leadership and articulation of library programs to serve the archival needs of university scholars and administrators, including historical and institutional research and the repository management of university recor 607 DIRECTORThe Thomas and Dorothy Leavey LibraryUniversity of Southern CaliforniaThe University Library seeks a Director for The Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Library, a teaching library housed in a new building scheduled to open in Fall 1994. The new 78,000 square foot facility will provide students with 24 hour access; house a 120,000-volume collection; 1,475 reader seats; 21 collaborative work rooms; up to 300 networked workstations; an auditorium; and 2 electronic instruction rooms. Planned annual operating bu 608/C&RL Neus SCIENCE LIBRARIANUniversity of Missouri-ColumbiaThe University of Missouri-Columbia is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Science Librarian. Principal duties include responsibility for providing reference service (includes some evening and weekend hours), library instruction, database searching, and collection development for the scientific disciplines supported by Ellis Library. Provides reference assistance in all disciplines when working at the reference desk and performs library instructio ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN. A twelve-month, tenure-track appoint­ment. Manages operations of the Spahr Engineering Library, a branch facility of the University of Kansas Libraries containing over 60,000 volumes, a large collection of NASA and NACA documents and microfiche, and numerous CD-ROM databases accessible through the Libraries' LAN. (Full job description available.) Requires master's degree from an ALA accredited program; professional library experi­ence with engineering, physical sciences, mathematics, science and technology bibliographic resources; demonstrated abil­ity to effectively plan, organize, and implement services and opera­tions. Prefer strong academic preparation in engineering, the physical sciences, mathematics, or computer science; reference, instruc­tional, and collection development experience with engineering ma­terials; successful supervisory experience; experience with CD-ROM searching systems and online literature retrieval in the DIALOG, ORBIT, and NASA/RECON systems; familiarity wit 609 application, resume, copies of undergraduate and graduate tran­scripts, and names of three references to: Sandra Gilliland, Assistant to the Dean for Personnel, University of Kansas Libraries, 502 Watson Library, Lawrence, KS 66045-2800. Applications must be postmarked by December 10,1993. Review of applications will occur following the application deadline, with interviews scheduled for mid-January 1994. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.HEAD, ELECTRONIC INFORMATION AND REFERENCE LIBRAR­IAN ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR SERVICESUniversity of South Florida Tampa Campus LibraryTHE UNIVERSITY: USF is the second largest of nine universities in the State University System of Florida (SUS). The central Tampa campus and regional campuses at St. Petersburg, Sarasota, Fort Myers, and Lakeland have a combined enrollment of more than 34,000 students. Tampa Campus Library has 32 librarians and 73 support staff, with library holdings at 800,000 volumes, 4,500 periodicals, a Federal and State Documents Depository, service units comprised of reference information and assistance, fee-based online searching, and instructional services. Position reports to Assistant Director for Public Services. UTSA is a comprehensive Public metropolitan university serving approximately 17,000 stu­dents. The library is committed to use of automation and has imple­mented NOTIS. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS with 5 years reference experience plus managerial and supervisory experience. Must be proficient in use of microcomputer teleco 610 appointment with competitive benefits package. Application: Send letter of application and resume to: Margaret Joseph, Assistant Director for Public Services, The University of Texas at San Antonio Library, 6900 N. Loop 1604 West, San Antonio, Texas 78249. Application deadline is December 10, 1993. UTSA is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.HEAD LIBRARIAN, Bennington College. Administrative experience required, preferably in a liberal arts college ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF LIBRARYNicholls State UniversityNicholls State University is searching for an Associate Director of the library. Specific responsibilities include: developing and allocating significant portions of the library operations budget; planning and providing for the continued implementation of library automation; managing the recruitment, training, evaluation, and development of library personnel; consulting faculty, administrators, and other university personnel to facilitate programs; manag Faculty Handbook. Qualifications: Required: MLS from ALA-accred­ited library school; five or more years experience in public services; substantial supervisory experience; ability to work effectively with faculty, students, and library staff; experience in database searching and/or library instruction; knowledge of collection development prac­tices and procedures; effective oral and written communication skills; evidence of research and publication and professional service. Desirable: Additional advanced sub 611 SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN FOR TECHNICAL SERVICESUniversity of Missouri-ColumbiaThe University of Missouri-Columbia is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Systems Librarian for Technical Services. Principal duties include coordinating and serving as the resource for computer-related operations for the Technical Services Division. Supports all facets of PC operations, including needs assessment, ordering, installation, software, maintenance, LUMIN, and OCLC hardware. Trains personnel in all areas of Tech 612 innovative and technically sophisticated environment utilizing INNOPAC, RLIN, and the Dartmouth Online Catalog. The Head of Serials is responsible for planning, setting goals and priorities, formulating poli­cies, designing and monitoring workflow, allocating staff, and providing leadership for the continuing development of serials automation in order to provide effective access to the library’s serial collections. The successful candidate will be familiar with current trends in serials management and contr GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS LIBRARIANUniversity of Northern ColoradoThe University of Northern Colorado seeks applicants for the position of Government Publications Librarian and Assistant/Associate Professor of Library Science, position number 21047.Master’s Degree from an ALA-accredited library school; experience working with U.S. Government Documents, or in a documents reference area of a college, university, government, or large public library; and experience with CD-ROM technology and online database searc graduate study and research center in contemporary visual arts at Bard College, located in the mid-Hudson Valley, 90 miles north of New York City, invites applicants for the position of Library and Information specialist. The Library and Information Specialist will be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the library including, but not limited to, providing information and research services to graduate students, faculty, and visiting scholars and curators; performing ongoing origi­nal cataloging; and 613 LIBRARY SYSTEMS DIRECTORUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignPOSITION AVAILABLE: February 1994. A full-time tenured faculty position.DUTIES: The Systems Director is responsible for overall planning and development of UIUC automated library systems. In consultation with an advisory group, the incumbent will work on online catalog and technical processing development and the extension of access for library users to information made available through electronic text delivery, locally mounted databases, ne 614 responsibilities include selecting and weeding music materials for the general and reference collections, serving as liaison to Music faculty, and assisting with the development of relevant policies and proce­dures under the direction of Collection Management. Other responsi­bilities include participation in Division-wide instruction, outreach, and reference services. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS required. The following are preferred: previous experience or familiarity with media resources; familiarit Libraries use the NOTIS integrated library system, have locally mounted databases, and are aggressively building holdings of elec­tronic resources. Salary: $28,000 minimum. Benefits include 24 vacation days, choice of health plans (including HMOs and dental plans), choice of retirement and annuity plans (including TIAA/CREF); reimbursed University coursework; and paid life insurance. Applica­tion: Submit resume and names and phone numbers of three refer­ences to: Sarah Watstein, Assistant Director for Acade DIRECTOR OF SCIENCE LIBRARIES AND INFORMATION SERVICESYale UniversityThe Yale Library seeks an imaginative leader in a time of transformation and change to develop and manage the libraries and information services that support teaching and research in the sciences.RESPONSIBILITIES: The Director of Science Libraries and Information Services is primarily responsible for providing collections and other information resources and services to Yale’s science community of faculty, students, and research staff. The 615 program; degree in music or equivalent background and experience; minimum two years pertinent experience; cataloging expertise; knowl­edge of music history, literature, and theory; good oral and written communication and interpersonal skills. Desirable: Advanced music degree; experience as a music librarian in an academic library; familiarity with personal computers; reading knowledge of French, German, or Russian; supervisory experience. Salary commensurate with qualifica­tions, $25,000 minimum. Send lette SEARCH REOPENED ATTENTION LIFE SCIENCES LIBRARIANSThe Johns Hopkins University Come Join a Dynamic LibraryThree years ago the Milton S. Eisenhower Library reorganized the way it delivers the full range of reference and collection development services to the academic community. The new Resource Services Department is composed of subject specialists, each of whom is responsible for building close working relationships with the faculty and students in the handful of disciplines he or she serves. Our commitment shared evenings/weekends; bibliographic instruction, including elec­tronic access; preparing written finding aids; conducting online searches; participating in collection development and faculty liaison in assigned subject areas; and serving on library wide committees. Qualifications include an ALA- accredited MLS, strong communica­tion skills, and demonstrated ability to work with a diverse commu­nity. Preferred: two years public sen/ice experience, familiarity with electronic information technologies, and 616 Reference Librarian Search Committee, c/o Personnel Office, Idaho State University, Campus Box 8107, Pocatello, ID 83209-8107. Idaho State University is an AA, EOE employer.REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Sterling Memorial Library. Minimum Rank: Librarian I or Librarian II. Serves at the general reference desk. Teaches bibliographic instruction sessions and provides library orien­tation. Searches computerized databases, advises users as to their use. Required: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library school. Previous DIRECTOR, LIBRARY SYSTEMSYale UniversityThe Yale Library seeks a creative leader tor its systems activity in a period when the library’s priorities call for intensive development and use of information technologies for the transformation of scholarly information services.RESPONSIBILITIES: The Director of Library Systems manages the Yale Library Systems Office and has the primary leadership role in the library for all automation activities. The Director will have the opportunity to shape continued research a To be assured of consideration, please submit a letter of application, resume, and the names of three references by November 20, 1993, to: Diane Y. Turner, Director, Library Personnel Services, Yale University, P.O. Box 208240, New Haven, CT 06520-8240. EEO, AA.REFERENCE SERVICE COORDINATOR, Santa Clara University. (Readvertised.) Responsible for planning, evaluating, and managing daily operations of Reference Department, including interlibrary loan. Works in a collegial environment with other reference li 677 UNIVERSITY LIBRARYUniversity of Southern CaliforniaThe University Library of the University of Southern California seeks applicants for the following positions:• Head, Serials Cataloging Section: primarily responsible for hiring, initial training, supervision, and ongoing review of the serials copy catalogers; original cataloging of English and non-English language serials.• Technical Services Systems Librarian: responsible for coordinating the planning and implementation phase, within the Technical Service 618 university located 46 miles south of San Francisco in the heart of California’s Santa Clara Valley. To assure full consideration, applica­tions should be received by January 5. 1994. Letters of application with resume, salary history, and the names of three references should be sent to: Elizabeth M. Salzer, University Librarian, Michel Orradre Library, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA 95053. AA, EEO.SERIALS CATALOG LIBRARIAN, Louisiana State University Librar­ies. Under the direction of the Head, Ser FOUR POSITIONS AVAILABLE University of UtahACCESS AND OUTREACH SERVICES LIBRARIANUnder the direction ot the Head, Circulation Division, this newly created position will develop, direct, and coordinate special information access and delivery services such as campus document delivery, acquisition of information resources on demand, and services to special groups, including readers with disabilities, and students and faculty involved in distance learning programs. Will supervise staff necessary to provide thes tion and subject headings, and OCLC; ability to work effectively in a transitional academic library environment; potential to meet university requirements for promotion and tenure. Preferred: Reading knowl­edge of one or more modern European languages; familiarity with NOTIS online integrated system. Salary: Negotiable, commensurate with qualifications and experience; $24,000 minimum. Tenure-track faculty position. To apply: Send letter of application and resume, with names, addresses, and phone numbers of 619 operations of the Department; hire, train, and evaluate staff; resolve complex problems relating to serial receipts, invoices, and records; and sen/e as principal adviser on matters relating to serials manage­ment and control. The serials Librarian will work with the Acquisitions Librarian, the Senior Serials Cataloger, and the Collection Manage­ment Librarian on issues relating to serial acquisition, bibliographic control of serials, and serials collection management. The position will also work with bibli Information System (HOLLIS) is used for integrated technical pro­cessing. Required: Bachelor’s degree; ALA-accredited MLS; 3-5 years serials experience in a research or law library setting; strong interpersonal and communication skills; familiarity with MARC, AACR-II; experience with online bibliographic systems; ability to work effectively in a high-pressure, high-volume environment with fre­quently changing priorities. Preferred: Supervisory experience; seri­als acquisitions experience; experience with NO (University of Utah Continued)PREFERRED: Experience working in an academic library. Reference service experience. Background in relevant field such as education or instructional technology.GENERAL REFERENCE LIBRARIANGeneral Reference Librarian will provide reference services at the General Reference desk, work with automated reference services (online searches and networked CDs), participate in library instruction program, and collection development in assigned disciplines. Some evening and weekend work hou 620 Earlham College College LibrarianEarlham College invites nominations and applications for the position of College Librarian. Earlham is a selective national liberal arts college under the care of the Society of Friends (Quakers). The library also serves two seminaries.The College Librarian is responsible for all library operations, which include the Lilly Library and the Wildman Science Library. The libraries have a total of about 350,000 volumes and 1,400 periodical subscriptions, and a staff of 7.5 profes 621 their own LANs and Ethernet backbones to link all the campuses. There are 48 professional librarians and 70 support staff; librarians have limited faculty status. Qualified applicants should send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three recent references to: Ellen J. Waite, University Library, Cudahy Library, Loyola University Chicago, 6525 N. Sheridan Rd., Chicago, IL 60626. Application deadline is December 1, 1993. Loyola University Chicago is an affirmative action, 622 serials cataloging experience required. Additional requirements: Knowledge of AACR2; LC subject headings and classification; LC rule interpretations; MARC format, experience with a bibliographic utility (OCLC preferred), experience with automated cataloging systems; reading knowledge of at least one foreign language; effective oral and written communication skills and the ability to work effectively with faculty and students. Duties include: Cataloging of serial titles in all languages, subjects, and forma