ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries M arch 1 9 9 7 / 1 47 UC-Ir v in e ’s M a in L ib ra r y re o p e n s Some said it couldn’t be done, others said it shouldn’t be done, but we did it and it is done! On Thursday, January 2, a retrofitted and renovated Main Library at the University o f California, Irvine (UCI), reopened after having been totally closed for three months and open only for limited stack access for an additional three months. The dangers o f living in earthquake coun­ try hit home two years ago when UCI’s Main L ib ra ry w as ra ted seism ica lly p oor. A lo n g -p la n n e d and much needed renova­ tion o f the library’s two main public ser­ vice floors was put on hold while librarians, architects, and engi­ neers began the task o f determ ining how b est to upgrade the building. The decision was to undertake both The C urrent Periodicals and Newspapers Room at UC-Irvine’s renovated library.a retrofit and a. reno­ vation. The retrofit necessitated the unprec­ edented step o f closing the Main Library, a busy facility serving the research and teach­ ing needs o f the arts, humanities, social sci­ ences, and management programs, to all staff and users for three full months. Staff devised creative ways to maintain key library services without physical access to the library, includ­ ing operating a fully functioning Reference and Government Information Desk in the Sci­ ence Library, relocating other important pub­ lic service functions and portions o f the col­ lection, and providing expedited interlibrary loan service, including subsized commercial document delivery, for patrons requesting ma­ terials shut away in the Main Library. On Sep­ tem ber 30, with the retrofit portion o f the project complete, a Fall Temporary Entrance (aka MLFTE) opened to allow access to col­ lection stacks on the basement, third, and fourth lev els, w hile co n stru ctio n co n tin ­ u ed o n th e o th e r floors. In January the new Main Library opened to cheers o f acclaim and sighs of relief from staff and users. Con­ struction co st about $3.1 million, and the total project cost was approximately $5 mil­ lion. With a 28-station technology enhanced classroom, a student communications room for e-mail access, a new Multimedia Resources Center, and custom-designed exhibit gallery to display special library collections, UCľs Main Library is poised to meet the informa­ tion needs o f the campus and surrounding com m u n ities.— E llen B roidy, U niversity o f C a liforn ia, Irv in e ■ the UnCover database, which typically coin­ cides with the arrival of the paper copy at local libraries and newsstands. The service also alerts users to the latest articles published on their topics of interest. Through the partnership b e ­ tween UnCover and AcBC these capabilities were extended to books at no additional cost to subscribers. AcBC will provide UnCover with bibliographic citation information for 600 new titles handled in its approval plan each week. The approval plan reviews more than 36,000 titles from more than 1,200 publishers each year and automatically ships appropriate titles to par­ ticipating libraries within 10 days of publica­ tion. UnCover will then match these titles against the search strategies that Reveal users have stored for new article alerting and e-mail no­ tices for new book titles matching those search strategies will be sent to users. Reveal subscrib­ ers can order the book by sending reply e-mail; UnCover will forward the order to AcBC for fulfillment. E-m a il n o w a v a ila b le on In foTrac S e a r c h B a n k Information Access Company (IAC) has added e-mail retrieval and delivery to its InfoTrac SearchBank Web interface.