ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries M arch 1 9 9 7 / 149 Visit the Web site at or e-mail a m essage to the online librarian at Most queries are an­ swered within two business days. R LG d a ta b a s e s n o w a v a ila b le on W e b The Research Libraries Group (RLG) opened a new searching option to its RLIN bibliographic database, CitaDel citation files, and English Short Title Catalogue (ESTC). Eureka, RLG’s user- friendly searching interface, now makes all of them available through Web browsers. Patricia Renfro, director o f public services for the University o f Pennsylvania, welcomed the new service: “In the last two to three years, networks campuswide and worldwide have becom e a major change agent in higher educa­ tion— in how people learn, teach, and interact. Equipped with the necessary connectivity and ease of use, users now are challenging their librarians to supply them with good informa­ tion through a well-organized, smart interface, around the clock. RLG’s new W eb version of Eureka will help us to do just that.” For more information about Eureka on the Web, including actual demonstration search ses­ sions, visit To learn about Eureka search accounts for indi­ viduals, departments, or campuswide use con­ tact RLG at or call (800) 537-RLIN, option 3 . C a ll fo r p re se n ta tio n s fo r o ff-ca m p u s lib r a r y se rvice s Presentation proposals are sought for the 8th Off- Campus Library Services Conference sponsored by Central Michigan University (CMU) Libraries and CMU’s Extended Degree Programs. The con­ ference, to be held April 22– 24, 1998, will be in Providence, Rhode Island. Proposals are sought for papers, panels, poster sessions, and forums on topics such as administration, promotion, out­ comes, staffing, etc. The call for presentations is available from Connie Hildebrand, Park Library 313, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859; e-mail Proposals submitted by March 15, 1997, will re­ ceive first consideration. A m e rica n lib r a r ia n s v is it N orthern Ire la n d From January 25 to February 5 a contin­ gent o f 14 American librarians toured librar­ ies and archival collections in Northern Ire­ land and met with Irish co lleagu es. The Americans represented a cross section o f in­ stitutions from the U.S. and visited a similar cross section o f Irish institutions. This library tour was sponsored by the Brit­ ish Council and is part of an ongoing effort to promote a balanced view o f Northern Ireland and its political context. The tour was based in Belfast, with day trips to view collections throughout the country. Included in the tour were an introduction to the politics o f North­ ern Ireland and a visit to the parts o f Belfast that have seen the most damage from 25 years o f civil unrest. The British Council clearly sup­ ports the English presence in Northern Ire­ land, but tour participants enjoyed frank and open discussions o f Irish politics and the im­ pact o f “The Troubles” on funding for Irish libraries and public institutions. Participants were treated to evenings o f theater, storytelling, and receptions by both the Northern Ireland Library Association and the British Council’s office. The tour provided a valuable overview o f the priceless library and archival collections held by various in­ stitutions in Northern Ireland including the University o f Ulster and Q ueen ’s University, two major institutions o f higher learning. All libraries have strong Irish collections but, due to the introduction of technology, OCLC, and the Birmingham Library Cooperative Mecha­ nization Project network, materials o f all types are easily accessible to all users in the United Kingdom. For information on upcoming study tours and opportunities for the pursuit o f individual projects in Northern Ireland contact Kathy Culpin, Cultural Affairs Assistant, Northern Ire­ land Cultural Programme, The British Coun­ cil, Cultural Department, The British Embassy, 3100 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20008-3600; (202) 588-6500; fax (202) 588- 7918;— A n n S n oeyenbos, New York University, a n d K. N. S h arm a , West Virginia State C ollege