ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries March 1997 / 195 Preservation N ews Jan e Hedberg Image collections report published The Commission on Preser­ vation and Access recently published Digital Image Col­ lections: Issues and Practice. Written by Michael Ester, who has extensive experi­ ence in creating digital im­ age collections with both the Getty Art History Information Program and Luna Imaging Inc., the report focuses on the special nature o f digitiz­ ing visual collections. It cov­ ers technical, organizational, intellectual, legal, and financial issues, and provides basic infor­ mation about planning projects, working with images, and ensuring long-term access. O f par­ ticular interest are Ester’s observations on the higher production rates possible during pilot projects, compared to large-scale, ongoing pro­ grams. Copies are available for $15.00 from Alex Mathews at the Commission on Preservation and Access, 1400 16th Street, N.W., Suite 715, Washington, D.C. 20036-2217; phone: (202) 939-3400; fax: (202) 939-3407; e-mail: amathews Prepayment is required. Commission sponsors receive copies o f publications free- of-charge. N ew NLA W eb sites The National Library o f Australia (N LA) has two new W eb sites about digital preservation. PANDORA (Preserving and Accessing Net worked Documentary Resources in Australia), is a project to investigate and implement an archive o f electronic materials about Australia. In addition to a description o f the project and other documents, NLA has mounted National Strategy f o r Provision o f Access to Australian Electronic Publications and Guidelines f o r Se­ lection on a W eb site. These documents were developed for Australian use, but highlight some o f the issues faced by any organization creat­ ing a digital archive. Th e URL is http:// l. The Preserving Access to Digital Information (PA D I) Working Group has created a W eb site to provide information and guidance for pre­ serving digital documents. It covers a large num­ ber o f topics, including authenticity, migration, standards, legal issues, metadata, glossaries, and bibliographies. This site is not limited to Australian in­ terests and contains links to international documents. The URL is http://www.nla. padi.html. O ther W eb sites of interest The Federal Library and In formation Center Committee (FLICC) Preservation W ork ing Group has an informa tion resource list o f advisory organizations, providers o f services, supplies, and training, plus a list o f periodicals about preservation mounted on Conservation OnLine (C o O L ). T h e URL is h ttp :/ / p a lim p sest. Stanford, edu/bytopic/orgs/flicc1.html. The Museum Security Network has created a W eb site devoted to security and safety in museums and other organizations that safeguard cultural heritage. Although primarily about mu­ seum and art security, it does include a section on safety in libraries and some o f the other links may be generally useful. The URL is http: // NDLF update The National Digital Library Federation (NDLF) continues its work on creation o f a distributed digital library. It has provided support for two very different “testbed” projects which will ex plore the architecture, discovery, retrieval, and archiving o f digital collections. The first project, “The Making o f America, Part II,” involves cre­ ating a large digital collection o f text and im­ ages about American history between 1850 and 1920. It follows upon the work done by Cornell University and the University o f Michigan on “The Making o f America, Part I.” The second project, Advanced Papyrological Information System (APIS), involves creating common elec­ tronic access to important collections o f papyri. For more information on NDLF activities, con tact the Commission on Preservation and Ac cess (see address in first item above). ■ Jane Hedberg prepares this columnf o r the College Libraries Committee, Commission on Preservation and Access. Submissions may be made to: Jane Hedberg, Wellesley College; JHEDBERG@WELLESLEY.EDU. http://www.nla http://palimpsest mailto:JHEDBERG@WELLESLEY.EDU 196 / C&RL News