ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries March 1997 / 209 People in the News Pam Spiegel Jane Carlin, head librarian at the University o f Cincin­ nati College o f Design, Ar­ chitecture, Art, and Planning, has been elected to the Ex­ ecutive Board o f the Art Li­ braries Society as the Mid­ western representative. Her tw o-year term b egin s in April. Cheryl LaGuardia, coordi­ nator o f the E lec tron ic Teaching Center in the Har­ vard College Library, has re­ ceived the 1996 School o f Information Science and Policy Distinguished Alumni Award from the State University o f N ew York at Albany’s Nelson A. Rockefeller College o f Public Affairs and Policy. LaGuardia earned her MLS from SUNY/Albany in 1978. James G. Neal, Sheridan director o f the Milton S. Eisenhower Library at Johns Hopkins Uni­ versity, has been elected vice-president/presi dent-elect o f the Association o f Research Librar­ ies (ARL). He w ill serve one year as vice president, then assume the presidency in Octo­ ber 1997. Elected to three-year terms on the ARL Board o f Directors were: Shirley K. Baker, vice-chancellor o f information technology and dean o f University Libraries at Washington Uni­ versity; Kenneth Frazier, director o f the Uni­ versity o f Wisconsin-Madison General Library System; and William Gray Potter, director o f libraries at the University o f Georgia. Appointm ents Jonathan A. Birnbaum has been appointed director o f library services at Lakeland Com­ munity College in Mentor, Ohio. Kathy A. Kaldenberg has been named head librarian at Kaskaskia College in Centralia, Illi­ nois. Most recently Kaldenberg served as re­ gional librarian for Troy State University’s West­ ern Region at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico. She has also worked for the City o f Mountain View Public Library in Mountain View, California, and Burlington County Library in Mount Holly, N ew Jersey. Naom i C. Broering has been appointed executive d irector o f the H ouston A c a d e m y o f M e d ic in e ’s Texas M edical Center Li brary. Broering has served since 1978 as Medical Cen ter librarian o f the Dahlgren M em oria l Lib rary at G e o r g e to w n U n iv e rs ity M edical Center. She also served as director o f the Biomedical Informa­ tion Resources Center at Georgetown since 1985. Current president o f the Medical Library As­ sociation (MLA), Broer­ ing is also a fellow o f the Am erican M edical Informatics Association, and a d istin gu ish ed member o f the Academy o f Health Inform ation Professionals. She has re­ ceived many awards, in­ clu d in g M L A ’s 1986 Naomi C. Broering Frank Bradway Rogers Information Advancement Award for develop­ ing the Library Information System and the miniMEDLINE system, and the Special Library Association’s 1987 Professional Award for her work on IAIMS. Victoria Montavon has been named associ­ ate provost for libraries and information ser­ vices at Wright State Uni­ versity. She joins Wright State from Saint Joseph’s U niversity w h ere she served as university li­ brarian. Her previous po­ sitions include associate director o f library ser­ vices at Rider University and head librarian at Lindenwood College. A current member o f the Victoria Montavon ACRL Board o f Directors, Montavon previously served as president o f the PALINET Board o f Trustees. 210 / C&RL News Charles W. Triche III has been appointed di­ rector o f the Edith Garland Dupre Library at the University o f Southwestern Louisiana (USL). Triche has been em ployed by USL Libraries in various capacities for more than 20 years. He has been associate director since 1993. Grace Agnew is now assistant director for systems at the Georgia Tech Library & Infor­ mation Center. Jill Baker is now a reference librarian and information consultant for aerospace engineer­ ing and materials science and engineering at Georgia Tech Library & Information Center. Scott Boito is now reference librarian at the Georgia Tech Library & Information Center. Kitty Canepi recently joined the East Ten nessee State University Libraries as extended campus services librarian. Jeanne Drewes has been appointed head o f preservation at the Milton S. Eisenhower Li brary, Johns Hopkins University. Cheryl Ewing is now health sciences refer­ ence librarian at Ohio University’s Alden Li­ brary. E. Christian Filstrup is now associate di­ rector for collection management, organization, and preservation at North Carolina State Uni­ versity. Jim Fox is now associate dean for public and collection development services at South­ ern Illinois University at Carbondale. Anne Garrison is now reference librarian at the Georgia Tech Library & Information Center. William A. Gosling has been appointed in­ terim director o f the University o f Michigan, Ann Arbor, Library. Brian Hancock has been named humani­ ties librarian at Wichita State University. Kelly Hensley recently joined the East Ten­ nessee State University Libraries as interlibrary loan librarian. Jerry Hostetler is now director for instruc­ tional support services at Southern Illinois Uni­ versity at Carbondale. Chengren Hu is now head o f automation services at Virginia Commonwealth University. Laura Hudson is now a reference librarian at Ohio University. Karen Ingish is now information science and technology librarian in the Public Services Department at the University o f Nebraska. Florence Jumonville has been named head librarian o f Louisiana and special collections at the University o f N ew Orleans. Robert Keating has been appointed cata­ loging services manager at Baker Library in the Harvard University Graduate School o f Busi ness. Todd D. Kelley has been named associate dean o f information services/director o f tech­ nology innovation at Connecticut College. David Koch is now associate dean for spe cial collections and development at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Kurt F. Kuss has joined the Ladd Library at Bates College as special collections librarian. Katy Libby is now catalog librarian at East Tennessee State University Libraries. Kathleen McQuiston is now librarian/pro gram manager for information resources selec­ tion at Bertrand Library, Bucknell University. Edward T. Morman is now associate librar­ ian for historical collection and programs at the N ew York Academy o f Medicine. James Morris has been named librarian/ manager o f library systems at Bertrand Library, Bucknell University. Angela Murphy-Walters has been named catalog librarian at the East Tennessee State University Libraries. David J. Nutty is now associate university librarian for information services and technol­ ogy at the George Washington University. Allison Ounanian has been appointed cor­ porate information librarian in the Baker Library at Harvard University’s Graduate School o f Business. Virginia Polley recently joined the East Ten­ nessee State University Libraries as online searching librarian. Catherine Rhodes is now health sciences reference librarian at Ohio University’s Alden Library. Michelle Rossman has been appointed ref­ erence librarian at Lakeland Community Col­ lege in Mentor, Ohio. Thyra Russell is now associate dean for personnel and budget services at Southern Illi­ nois University at Carbondale. Mara R. Saule has been named director for collection management services at the Bailey/ H ow e Library, University o f Vermont, Burling­ ton. Andrea Schulman returned to Harvard Uni­ versity as reference librarian/project manager in the Baker Library o f the Graduate School o f Business. Brent Sverdloff has been appointed refer ence archivist in the Historical Collections De- March 1997 / 211 partment o f Baker Library in the Harvard Uni­ versity Graduate School o f Business. John Tofanelli is now librarian for English, American, and comparative literatures, and film studies at the Milton S. Eisenhower Library, Johns Hopkins University. Curt White has been appointed assistant dean o f the Graduate School o f Library and Information Science at Rosary College in River Forest, Illinois. Laura Windsor is now a reference librar­ ian at Ohio University. Don Wood is now director for systems and budget services at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Barbara A. Wright is now outreach services manager at Tompkins-McCaw Library, Virginia Commonwealth University. Brian K. Yost is now technical services/elec­ tronic resources librarian at Hope College’s Van Wylen Library, Holland, Michigan. R etirem en ts Gene Carvalho, East Asian librarian at the University o f Kansas (KU), retired in February. Rem em bering Robert V o sp er (1 9 1 4 – 1994) and Beth Shap iro (1 9 4 6 – 1995) Robert Vosper Robert Vosper, form er university librarian at the University o f California (UC), Los Angeles, died in May at the age o f 80. Vosper began his career as a librarian at UC-Berkeley i 1940, worked in the Reference Department at Stanford University, became head o f the Department o f Acquisitions at UCLA in 1944, and served as UCLA’s first assistant librarian and first associate librarian. He retired from UCLA in 1973. Vosper served as president o ACRL in 1955-56, ALA president in 1965-66, and IFLA president from 1971-77. ( Reprinte from C&RL News, October 1994.) Beth Shapiro Beth Janet Shapiro, Rice University vice-pro vost and university librarian, died o f cance n f d ­ r August 3 at the age o f 49. Shapiro began her career in 1972 as urban policy and planning librarian at Michigan State University (MSU), w here she advanced through a number o f positions to b ecom e deputy director o f the MSU Libraries in 1988. She joined Rice in 1991 to b e c o m e the first woman to hold the po­ sition o f university li­ brarian. A member o f ALA, Shapiro was also a member o f the Asso­ Beth Shapiro ciation o f Research Li­ braries and the American Sociological Asso­ ciation. Her book, Selection o f Library Materials in Applied and Interdisciplinary Fields, was published by ALA in 1987. ( Reprinted from C&RL News, October 1995.) He had held that position since 1971. Before that Carvalho served as assistant librarian at Castleton State College in Vermont and gov­ ernment documents librarian at Brandeis Uni­ versity. Professionally active, he served on the Association o f Asian Studies Committee on East Asian Libraries, on the East Asian Studies Pro­ gram Executive Committee, and as a member o f the Japan Foundation. From May 1991 to January 1994 Carvalho took a leave from KU to establish, from the ground up, a new library facility in Akita, Japan, for Minnesota State Uni­ versity. Ann de Klerk will retire as director o f library and information services at Bucknell University as o f May 31. She will have directed the Bertrand Li­ brary, including instruc­ tional media services, for 16 years. From 1965 to 1981 she held various position s at C arnegie M ellon University, in­ cluding head o f the En­ gineering and Science Ann de Klerk Library and associate di­ rector o f university libraries, de Klerk has been 212 / C&RL News active in ACRL, the American Society for Infor­ mation Services, the Coalition for Networked Information, and the Pennsylvania Library As­ sociation. She is a founding member o f the Pennsylvania Academic Libraries Connection Initiative, and participated in PRLC and PALINET committees, serving on PALINET’s Board o f Trustees. From 1991 to 1996 she represented PALINET as an OCLC Users’ Council delegate. N orm an Jung retired in January after 20 years as the director o f the library at the State Uni­ versity o f N ew York (SUNY) College at Old Westbury. Before that Jung worked for ten years at SUNY-Stony Brook first as head o f circula­ tion then as head o f reference. He also worked for three years in the Graduate Reference De­ partment at Cornell University. D onald S. Keener, associate director for ad­ ministration at the North Carolina State Univer­ sity (NCSU) Libraries since 1990, retired in Janu­ ary after 35 years o f service. Keener began his career at NCSU in 1962 as head o f the Hill Library’s Circulation Department. In 1971 he was promoted to assistant director for general services. During his years there, he led both the planning and implementing o f two nine- story bookstack additions to the libraries. D eath s Judy A tkinson , a half-time reference librarian at the U n iv e rs ity o f B ritish C o lu m b ia ’s Sedgewick Library, died in September at the age o f 52. Atkinson began her career as an as­ sistant in the Circulation Division in 1967, then became assistant circulation librarian in 1971. Following a year o f exchange work as a refer­ ence librarian at the University o f N ew South Wales, she became assistant head o f Sedgewick Library in 1973. Between 1982 and the start o f her disability leave in 1994, Atkinson worked as a half-time reference librarian in Sedgewick. Sheila Hertstein, a member o f the City Col­ lege o f N ew York (C U N Y) Library Department for 32 years, died in August after a year-long illness. She was 53. Beginning her career with CUNY in 1964, Hertstein worked in the Social Science Reading Room. She later headed the Reference Division, then served as collection development coordinator, acting chief o f the Reference Division, and bibliographer for the Reference Collection and for history, Jewish studies, and w om en ’s studies. She was very active in university affairs, serving on several committees and boards. Ed. note: To ensure that your personnel news is considered f o r publication, write to Pam Spiegel, Production Editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail: Advertiser index Academic Press 152 Acropolis Books 139 American Inst, o f Physics 214 American Mathematical 170 Amer. Soc. for Civil Eng. 158 Ameritech Library Serv. 182 ASM International 191, 205 Baker & Taylor 138 Blackwell’s 175 R. R. Bowker 165, 188 Britannica Online 176 Brodart Publishing 180 CARL Corporation 207 CISTI 151 Dictionary o f A rt 193 EBSCO cover 2 Gale Research 171 Gaylord Brothers 144, cover 4 GEAC Computers 215 Haworth Press 183 Hoover 189 Information Quest 208 Jossey-Bass 206 McGraw-Hill 159 Minolta 184-85 Nature Publishing 200 OCLC 143, 194 PAIS 192 Roper Center 137 Scriptorium 196 SilverPlatter 202 SIRSI Corp. cover 3 Sociological Abstracts 178 SpaceSaver 166 Univ. o f Calif. Press 199 H. W. Wilson 142 WLN 203 March 1997 / 213 A LA a n n o u n c e s 1 9 9 6 - 9 7 lib r a r y fe llo w s ALA has selected participants for the 1996– 97 Library Fellows Program which pro­ vides fellowships for American librarians to undertake projects abroad, and for foreign li­ brarians to work in American libraries. Aca­ demic librarians from the U.S. selected this year are: Ibtesam Dessouky, Northern Illi­ nois University, will work at the Egyptian Par­ liamentary Library in Cairo; Carol Elliott, Uni­ versity o f Arizona, will work at the Judicial Service in Accra, Ghana; Mounir Khalil, City College o f N ew York, will work at the Al- Bayt University in Al-Mafraq, Jordan; Joseph Pagano, National Library o f Medicine, will work at the State Scientific Library in Usti Nad Labem, Czech Republic; Marie Paiva, Uni­ versity o f Utah, will work at the National Li­ brary in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; John Sheri­ dan, Colorado College, will work at the Library o f the University o f Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in Kyiv, Ukraine; Vera Skop, Greenwich Library, will work at the National Parliamentary Li­ brary in Kyiv, Ukraine; Monica Wong, El Paso Community College, will work at the Israel Center for Libraries in Jerusalem; Victoria York, Montana State University, will work at the University o f Brasilia in Brazil. The international library fellows chosen are: Yupin Chancharoensin, Chulalonghorn University in Bangkok, will work at the Uni­ v ersity o f O re g o n , E u gene; Fernando Gonzalez, Universidad de las Americas in Mexico City, will work at Emory University’s W oodruff Library; Nora Estela Luaces, Mario Moreno Public Library and Cultural Center in Quilmes, Argentina, will work at the Pioneer Library System and the University o f Okla homa-Norman; Nisa Luangthongkum, Par­ liamentary Library Division in Bangkok, Thai­ land, will work at the University o f Michigan’s Hatcher Library, Ann Arbor; and Eloisa Vargas, Bolivian Congressional Library in La Paz, w ill work at Brigham Young University’s Lee Library. Karl H. Proehl, former senior assistant librar­ ian and head o f the Maps Collection at Penn State University, died in November. Before join­ ing Penn State in 1977, Proehl served as maps librarian at the State University o f N ew York. Professionally active, Proehl served as chair o f the Special Libraries Association’s Geography and Map Division and associate editor o f its Bulletin; chair o f the North American Carto­ graphic Information Society’s Publications Com­ mittee and editor o f its newsletter, Map Gap; and as a member o f the American Geographi­ cal Society, the Association o f American G eog­ raphers, and the Pennsylvania Library Associa­ tion. W. David Rozkuszka, a former librarian at Stan­ ford University, died in January at the age o f 53. The cause was AIDS-related lymphoma. Rozkuszka joined Stanford in 1967 and served there as foreign documents librarian, head o f the Jonsson Library o f Government Documents, and international documents librarian and Afri­ can and Middle Eastern bibliographer. He re­ tired in 1994. Colleague Ann Latta recalled, “David’s legacy to Stanford was building one o f the finest foreign documents collections in the U.S.” Rozkuszka was a member o f ACRL’s Western European Studies Section and the Semi­ nar on Acquisition o f Latin American Materials. An annual scholarship for library science stu­ dents has been set up in his name by ALA’s Government Documents Round Table. Eileen Thornton, librarian o f Oberlin College from 1956 to 1971, died in January at the age o f 87. A graduate o f the University o f Minnesota in 1931, Thornton earned her MLS from the Univer­ sity o f Chicago in 1945. Before joining Oberlin, she served as college li­ brarian at the University o f C h icago (1942– 45) and at Vassar C ollege (1945– 56). A life mem­ ber o f ALA, she served Eileen Thornton on ALA Council and was presid en t o f ACRL (1957– 58) and LAM A (1967– 68). She received a distinguished service award from ACRL in 1989. ■ 214 / C&RL News