ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 604 / C&RL News ■ October 2003 2003-04 ACRL chapter conferences/events Chapter Date Description of Event Location Alabama Apr. 2 0 -2 3 , 2004 AACRL Annual Meeting Montgomery California Apr. 2 2 -2 5 , 2004 CARL Annual Conference Pasadena Delaware Oct. 24, 2003 2003 Fall Program Bryn Mawr, PA Valley Florida Mar. 2 2 -2 4 , 2004 FLA Annual Conference and Exhibition: Daytona Beach “Vibrant Voices, Vital Libraries” Oct. 17, 2003 FLA Workshop: “Professional Pizzazz” Orlando Georgia Oct. 2 2 -2 4 , 2003 Georgia Council o f Media Organizations 2003 Jekyll Island Conference: “Cooperative Ventures XV: Connecting, Learning, Changing Lives” Illinois Mar. 31-Apr. 2, IACRL Spring Conference: “Redefining Oak Brook 2004 Ourselves: Academic Librarianship at the Crossroads” Indiana Apr. 1 2-14, 2004 2004 Annual Conference Indianapolis Iowa Apr. 16, 2004 ILA/ACRL Spring Conference Pella Kansas Oct. 2 3 -2 4 , 2003 CULS Fall Conference Wichita Kentucky Apr. 1 4-16, 2004 KLA and SLA Join t Spring Conference Ban'en River State Resort Park Louisiana Nov. 6 -7 , 2003 ACRL Louisiana 2003 Conference: “Librarians Toledo Bend as Leaders for Learning: Infomiation Literacy Lake in Today’s World” Michigan Oct. 2 9 -3 1 , 2003 MLA Annual Conference Lansing Minnesota Sept. 2 4 -2 6 , 2003 2003 Annual Conference: “One Conference, Rochester One Book” Missouri Oct. 1 -3 , 2003 MLA 2004 Annual Conference Springfield Montana Apr. 2 4 -2 7 , 2004 MLA Annual Conference: “It’s a Matter o f Bozeman Speech” Nebraska Oct. 2 9 -3 0 , 2003 NLA/NEMA Annual Conference Omaha C&RL N e w s ■ O c to b e r 2 003 / 605 2003-04 ACRL chapter conferences/events C h a p te r D a te Description o f Eve n t L o c a tio n New Oct. 17, 2003 NMLA Mini-Conference: “Libraries: Weaving the Gallup Mexico Fabric o f Community” Apr. 2 1-23, 2004 2004 Annual Conference: “Libraries: H ie Wow! Las Cruces Factor” Eastern Oct. 10, 2003 “2003: A Library Space Odyssey” Utica New York Metro Nov. 21, 2003 “Operation Intellectual Freedom: Librarians on Baruch College New York the Front Line” Western Oct. 17, 2003 2003 Fall Conference: “The Current State o f Ontario New York/ Information Literacy” Ontario Ohio Nov. 14, 2003 2003 Annual Conference “Information, Dublin Innovation, Inspiration Making the Connection” Oklahoma Nov. 14, 2003 2003 Fall Conference: “Creativity in the Oklahoma Workplace: How to be Your Creative-Best in State Today’s Challenging Information Environment” University Oregon/ Oct. 2 3 -2 4 , 2003 2003 Fall Conference: “Changing Needs, Changing Pack Forest, Washington Roles: Redefining and Promoting the Academic Washington Library” South Oct. 1 5-18, 2003 2003 Annual Conference: “Creative Partnering” Sioux Falls Dakota Utah May 5-7, 2004 ULA Annual Conference Ogden Wisconsin Oct. 2 8-31, 2003 WLA Annual Conference Milwaukee Apr. 2 1 -2 3 , 2004 WAAL Annual Conference Elkhart Lake ( “Diversity ” continuedf rom p ag e 595) McLeod, P. L., Lobel, S. A., and Cox, T. H. Jr. “Ethnic Diversity and Creativity In Small Groups.” Small Group Research (1996) 27: 246-64. Norlin, Elaina. “University Goes Back to Ba­ sics to Reach Minority Students." Am erican Li­ braries (August 2001): 60-62. Richard, Orlando. “Racial Diversity, Business Strategy, and Firm Performance: A Resource- Based View. ” Academy o f Managem ent Journal 43 (2): 164-77. Wilder, Stanley. “The Demographics o f Li­ brary Leadership.” Human Resource Management Symposium 2002. hrppt/wilder.htm. Notes 1. See 2. P. L. McLeod, S. A. Lobel, and T. H. Cox Jr., “Ethnic Diversity and Creativity In Small G ro u p s,” Sm all G roup R esearch (1 9 9 6 ) 27: 2 4 6 -6 4 . ■