ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 620 IC&RL News ■ O ctober 2003 W a s h i n g t o n H o t l i n e Lynne E. Bradley Groups dem and public voice on Hom e­ land Security procedures O n August 2 6 ,2003,75 organizations represent­ ing librarians, journalists, scientists, environmen­ tal groups, privacy advocates, and others sent a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge calling on the Department o f Homeland Secu­ rity (DHS) to allow public input on procedures for “safeguarding” and sharing a vaguely defined set o f information between firefighters, police officers, public health researchers and federal, state, and local governments. The letter asks Ridge to release a draft ver­ sion o f the new procedures, which would not themselves contain classified information, for the public to comment on. It also requests that DHS address public comments in writing a fi­ nal version. The letter expresses concern that the procedures may cut a broad swath o f in­ formation out o f the public domain, including such items as maps o f environmental contami­ nation, that is not classified but which may be perceived as “helpful to a terrorist or p oten ­ tially helpful in responding to or preventing an unknown future attack.” The signatories are also concerned that the procedures would subject millions o f persons inside and outside o f governm ent to nondis­ closure agreements and impose criminal penal­ ties for disclosing information improperly. The procedures could, moreover, cut out the abil­ ity o f journalists, community groups, and oth­ ers to inform the p u blic o f activities o f fed ­ eral, state and local governments. The law that created DHS, the Homeland Security Act, included a provision that required the federal government to safeguard and share “homeland security information” with govern­ m ent officials, p u blic health profession als, firefighters, and others in order to respond to a terrorist attack. But, un der the au sp ices o f fighting terrorism , DHS is p o ised to w rite, without guarantees for public input, procedures that could sweep up otherwise publicly avail- Lynne E. Bradley is Office of Government Relations director o f ALA's Washington Office, e-mail: able information that has nothing to do with terrorism into a zone o f secrecy, while subject­ ing millions of Americans to confidentiality agree­ ments. Reed A m e n d m e n t fails O n September 10, 2003, Senator Ja c k R eed ’s (D-Rhode Island) amendment to the Senate Ap­ propriations bill failed to pass the Senate. Reed’s amendment would have added $35 million for libraries to the Appropriations bill, bringing the amount for Improving Literacy Through School Libraries program to the president’s re­ qu est o f $27.5 m illion. It w ould have also added enough money to LSTA to fund the new LSTA formula as well as to fund Native Ameri­ can and Hawaiian American allocations. Reed offered the amendment on the Senate floor, and it was voted down by a count o f 47 yeas and 49 nays. A list o f senators who voted for and against the amendment can be found in ALAWON V o lu m e 1 2 , n u m b e r 8 0 at Please thank your senators if they voted for the amendment, and remind all senators of the vital im portance o f libraries to our com ­ munities and our children. Please also reiterate the need for the higher House numbers for li­ brary programs. We appreciate the efforts o f all those w ho m ade calls or sen t faxes on this im portant amendment. The funds appropriated for the Literacy Through School libraries program and the library and museum programs in the Mu­ seum and Library Services Act are higher in the FY2004 bill as approved by the House than in the Sen ate bill. W h en th e tw o b ills are conferenced, there will b e a greater difference. Note: Your efforts will still b e needed after the Senate bill passes and the bills go to c o n fe re n c e. We will pu blish th e nam es o f c o n ferees w h en they are ann ou nced, how ­ ever, usually con ferees are m em bers o f the Labor HHS Edu cation Appropriations Sub­ com m ittees, as w ell as the two chairs o f the full Senate and H ouse Appropriations Com m ittees. Stay tuned to ALAWON for all the up com ing new s and details. ■ C&RL News ■ October 2003 / 621