ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 518 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2002 N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s George M. Eberhart "A id and C om fo rt": Jane Fonda in N orth V ie tn a m , by Henry Mark Holzer and Eriks Holzer (206 pages, March 2002), takes up the case against Jane Fonda for treason against the United States because of her trip to North Vietnam in July 1972 to m ake m any anti- American statements and propaganda broad­ casts. Although admitting that the Vietnam War was at least ill-advised, if not immoral, the authors com e dow n hard on Fonda for dem oralizing American troops and exploit­ ing POWs, concluding that she could have been convicted if the case had ever gone to trial. An a p p e n d ix contains transcripts of F onda’s radio broadcasts to American ser­ vicem en. $39-95. McFarland. ISBN 0-7864- 1247-X. A tla s o f th e Celts, edited by Barry Raftery (224 pages, N ovem ber 2001), is a well-illus­ trated overview of Celtic history and culture from the Middle Bronze Age through the end of the 20th century. A timeline and w h o ’s w ho in the Celtic world supplem ent the text. A good antidote to traditional European histo­ ries, which often marginalize Celtic contribu­ tions. $40.00. Firefly. ISBN 1-55297-541-X. B e tte r in th e Poconos: The S to ry o f Pennsylvania's Vacationland, by Lawrence Squeri (276 pages, April 2002), chronicles the popularity of the resorts in the hilly region 100 miles north of Philadelphia from before the Civil War and through their frequent re- inventions up to the present. In the process, Squeri examines the changing nature of what it m eans to “take a vacation.” Illustrated with postcards from different decades. $34.95. P enn State University. ISBN 0-271-02157-8. A bit further north, In the Catskills: A Cen­ tury o f the Jewish Experience in “The M o u n ­ tains, "edited by Phil Brown (415 pages, June 2002), brings together mem oirs and fiction about the Borscht Belt, one of the most popu- G eorge M . E b e rh a rt is se n io r e d ito r o f A m e rica n Libraries; e-mail: geberhart@ lar New York vacation destinations in the 1950s a n d 1960s. Featuring writings by his­ torians, sociologists, scholars, musicians, and s u c h a u th o rs as Isaac B a sh e v is Singer, H erm an Wouk, a n d Allegra G oodm an, this collection is a fine rem iniscence of the b u n ­ galow s, hotels, m eals, com edy acts, and songs from a lost era. $27.95. Columbia Uni­ versity. ISBN 0-231-12360-4. Blood in Their Eyes: The Elaine Race Mas­ sacres o f 1919, by Grif Stockley (264 pages, November 2001), details the events surround­ ing the slaughter o f do zen s of blacks in Elaine, Arkansas, by w hite m obs and U.S. troops, following a m eeting of black share­ croppers on Septem ber 30, 1919- It w as the bloodiest racial confrontation in Arkansas history, but this book is the first com pre­ hensive analysis of the affair. Stockley also reviews the subsequent trial of 12 black m en for first-degree m urder a n d their valiant d e ­ fense by trial law yer Scipio A. Jones, a cen­ tral figure in Arkansas legal history. $29.95. University of Arkansas. ISBN 1-55728-717-1. Cahokia: M ir r o r o f th e Cosmos, by Sally A. Kitt Chappell (218 pages, February 2002), s u r v e y s th e C a h o k ia M o u n d s n e a r Collinsville, Illinois, the Am erindian village site surrounding a four-tiered pyram id that covered 14 acres and rose 600 feet above the ground, m aking it the tallest structure in the United States before 1867. Chappell cov­ ers not only the M ississippian culture that built the site nearly 1,000 years ago, but also summ arizes its subsequent settlem ent by the French, early exploration by archaeologists, Ku Klux Kian rallies in the 1920s, a n d p iece­ meal destruction by developm ent. $38.00. University of Chicago. ISBN 0-226-10136-3- Conservation D irectory 2002: The Guide to W o rld w id e E nvironm ental O rganiza­ tio n s , edited by Bill Street (811 pages, March 2002), has b e e n published for the past 47 years by the National Wildlife Federation, but this year Island Press is distributing it for the C&RL News ■ July/August 2002 / 519 first time. With m ore than 4,000 entries, the directory has listings for North American gov­ ernm ent, educational, non-profit, and for- profit organizations involved with conserva­ tion. $70.00. Island Press, POB 7, Covelo, CA 95428. ISBN 1-55963-952-0. County and City Extra: Special Decennial Census E dition, edited by Deirdre A. Gaquin and Katherine A. DeBrandt (864 pages, March 2002), com piles 2000 census data for every state, county, m etropolitan area, and c o n ­ gressional district in the United States. Tables include data on sex, age, race, Hispanic or Latino origin, h ousehold com position, fam ­ ily relationship, occupancy status, household size, and hom e ownership. Comparisons with the 1980 a n d 1990 censuses are provided. $110.00. B ernan, 4611-F A ssem bly Drive, Lanham , MD 20706-4391. ISBN 0-89059- 361-2. E n c y c lo p e d ia o f Fire, by D avid E. N ew ­ to n (303 p ag es, F ebruary 2002), pro v id es m o re th a n 200 e n trie s th at e x p lo re th e chem istry, technology, folklore, history, art, philosophy, and politics of fire. T he diverse to p ic s in clu d e b u rn s, co m b u stio n , fam ous fires, fire m odeling, in ce n d iary w e a p o n s, lightning, organizations, a n d Sm okey B ear ( n o t “S m okey th e B e a r”). $69-95. Oryx. ISBN 1-57376-302-1. Eric M oon: The Life and Library Times, by K enneth F. Kister (442 pages, April 2002), is a fascinating exam ination of the life, times, a n d colleagues of Eric Moon— Library J o u r­ n a l editor, Scarecrow Press president, ALA president (1977-78), and one of the century’s m ost im portant activists. As Kister writes in the introduction, “Moon was at the center of alm ost every im portant debate involving the sh ap e and direction of the library profession in North America from the late 1950s to well into the 1990s and before that for som e years in England. He knew and w orked or jousted w ith practically all of the key p e o p le (and m any not so key) w ho deliberated, quarreled, bickered, shouted, cried, connived, and figu­ ratively spilled blo o d over the great issues that have p reo ccu p ied the profession in re ­ cent d e c ad e s.” This is o n e biography that should be perused by library school students as a realistic portrayal of w hat lies in store for them . $30.00. McFarland. ISBN 0-7864- 1253-4. Love Stories: Sex b e tw e e n M e n b e fo re H o m o s e xu a lity , by Jonathan Ned Katz (426 pages, December 2001), explores the nature of male-male eroticism in the 19th century and offers insight into the different nature of sexual identities and society’s responses to sexuality over time. Katz demonstrates through intimate stories about poet Walt Whitman, Harvard mathematician James Mills Peirce, writer Charles Warren Stoddard, Civil War soldiers, Abraham Lincoln, and others that our m odern delinea­ tion of “gay” and “straight” have not always b e e n clearly defined. $35-00. University of Chicago. ISBN 0-226-42615-7. A n O unce o f P re v e n tio n , by Jo h an n a Wellheiser and Ju d e Scott (283 pages, 2d ed., February 2002), is a com prehensive guide to planning for disaster prevention, protection, preparedness, response, recovery, and reha­ bilitation for archives, libraries, and record centers. An u p d ate to the 1985 edition, this h a n d b o o k was sp o n so red by the C anadian A rchives F o u n d a tio n a n d c o n ta in s m any checklists, guidelines, and references. $30.00. Scarecrow. ISBN 0-8108-4176-2. The Russian Chronicles: A Thousand Years T h a t C h an g ed th e W o rld (400 pages, Sep­ tem ber 2001) offers a light history of the Rus­ sian p e o p le from their Slavonic/Viking ori­ gins up to the Russian Revolution of 1917. F requent sidebars and illustrations, as well as excerpts from contem porary docum ents, m ake this a useful resource. $19-98. T hun­ d er Bay. ISBN 1-57145-577-9. The Silent and th e Dam ned, by Robert Seitz Frey and Nancy C. T hom pson (248 pages, pbk. ed., March 2002), tells the story of the 1913 m urder of 13-year-old Mary Phagan in Atlanta and the w rongful conviction of Leo M. Frank, w h o tw o years later becam e the only Jew ever to be lynched in the United States. Frank’s was the first case taken up by the Anti-Defamation League, w hich collected inform ation a n d c o n d u cted interview s for m ore than 65 years until he was p a rdoned by the state of Georgia in 1986. First published in 1988. $17.95. Cooper Square. ISBN 0-8154- 1188-X. ■