ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 185 NY 12246. Make checks payable to SUNY Union List of Serials. • The Subject/Title Index to Non Print Media Available in the Learning Resources Center of Essex County College has been pub­ lished. More than 5,000 items are listed. It is available for $5 from Essex County College, Learning Resources Center, 303 University Ave., Newark, NJ 17102. RECEIVED Academic research libraries : a study of growth / Miriam A. D rake. — West La­ fayette, Ind. : Libraries and Audio-Visual Center, Purdue University, 1977. 143p. Collective bargaining in higher education : its implication for governance and faculty status for librarians; proceedings of a preconference institute sponsored by Academic Status Com­ mittee, Association of College and Research Libraries at San Francisco, June 27 and 28, 1975 / edited by Millicent D. Abell. — Chicago : American Library Association, 1976. 168p. $7.50. (LC 76-51403) ISBN 0-8389-3189-8) “ACRL publications in librarianship, no.38” Ethnic directory of Canada / compiled and edited by Vladimir Markotic. — Calgary, Alta. : Western Publishers, 1976. 118p. (Available from R and E Research Associ­ ates, 4843 Mission St., San Francisco, CA). Handbook of library regulations / Marcy Murphy and Claude J. Johns. — New York : Marcel Dekker, cl977. 162p. (LC 76- 19994) (ISBN 0-8247-6498-6) “Books in library and information science, v.20” The librarian and reference service / selected by Arthur Ray Rowland. — Hamden, Conn. : Shoestring Press, 1977. 281p. $12.50 (LC 76-50092) (ISBN 0-208-01600-7) Libraries as communications systems / James McConnell Ohr. — Westport, Conn. : Greenwood, 1977. 220p. $14.95 (LC 76- 8739) (ISBN 0-8371-8936-5) “Contributions in librarianship and informa­ tion science, no.17” Of books and men / by Louis B. Wright. — Columbia : University of South Carolina Press, 1976. 180p. $7.95 (LC 76-26493) (ISBN 0-87249-344-X) On-line library and network systems : symposi­ um held at Dartmouth University March 22- 24, 1976 / edited by E. Edelhoff and K. D. Lehmann. — Frankfurt am Main : Vit­ torio Klostermann, cl977. 167p. DM 36. “Zeitscriften fur Bibliothekovsen und Bibli­ ographie, 23’’ Resources of South Carolina libraries / Ed­ ward G. Holley . . . [et al.] — Columbia, S.C. : Commission of Higher Education, 1976. 126p. A study of coverage overlap among fourteen major science and technology abstracting and indexing services / Toni Carbo Beahman, principal investigator ; Wlliam A. Kunber- cer, project coordinator. — Philadelphia : National Federation of Abstracting and In­ dexing Services, 1977. 75p. $15.00. Theses and dissertations / D onald D avinson. — London : C. Bingley ; Hamden, Conn. : Linnet Books, 1977. 88p. (LC 76-54930) (ISBN 0-208-01539-6) Video in libraries : a status report, 1977-78 / Seth Goldstein. — White Plains, N.Y. : Knowledge Industry, cl977. 104p. $24.50. (LC 77-3554) (ISBN 0-914236-07-5) ■■ Classified A dvertising NOTICE Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "ra n k " and "status" are advised that these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. A ll advertisements for the Positions Wanted and the Positions Open classifications w ill be ed­ ited to exclude dire ct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions of employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Advertising Department, Am er­ ican Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611, and should reach that office before the second o f the month preceding publication of issue desired. Copy received after that tim e may be held fo r the next issue. Telephone orders for classified advertising, while not encouraged because o f the increased risk of copy error, w ill be accepted. Calls should be directed to Leona Swiech at (312) 944-6780. A confirming order should be mailed to the Advertising Department as soon as pos­ sible following the call, along with typewritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate for classified advertising is $1.80 per printed line. FOR SALE China (m ainly), Japan, Korea. Superb collection of books in Western language. A ll topics. More than 3,000 volumes. W rite M. Frazin, ÉRAC Box 110, Farmington, CT 06032. WOMEN AROUND THE WORLD; IWY '75. A selective annotated biblio g ra ph y o f periodical articles (iii, 47p., $1) has 175 entries, 60 countries; Index to above (33p., 25tf); Supplement 1975 (208p., $7.50) has 443 entries cover­ ing 125 countries from 106 periodicals. A reader com­ ments, " A treasure trove for anyone working on the position of women today. I am amazed at the number 186 of facets o f the subject it touches.“ $8.75 complete set, postage extra. Make check payable to : AAU W Nassau County Branch, L. Is., N.Y. M ail to Miss H, Meigs, 15 Everdell Rd., East Rockaway, NY 11518. POSITIONS WANTED ENERGETIC MA-LS FOR REF/BIBL., readers services or archives entry-level position in jr. col./univ./special li­ brary. Strong graduate-level social science/history back­ ground. Knowledge o f French and German. Govt. doc. and science/agri experience in addition to part-time and full-tim e experience. W ill relocate. Resume upon request. C. F. Fagyal, 12141 Regency Dr., St. Louis, MO 63128. POSITIONS OPEN ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS. Madison College w ill have two or three openings for experienced librarians to begin summer or fall 1977. Require ALA-accredi†ed MLS, good overall academic record, minimum o f 1-3 years successful experience. 12-month salary $11,000-$13,000. Send detailed resume and request for position descriptions before June 17 to Dr. Mary Haban, Dean o f Libraries and Learning Resources, Madison College, Harrisonburg, VA 22801. In­ dicate if could interview at Detroit ALA Conference. An equal opportunity employer. ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. Position available Septem­ ber I. To administer department o f five paraprofession­ als ordering monographic and nonbook materials. MLS from an ALA-accredited library school, two years acqui­ sitions experience (academic preferred), reading knowl­ edge of one or more modern European languages re­ quired (Spanish preferred). Minimum salary: $11,000. Send resume and references by July 15 to Mrs. Shirley Sheets, Library, University of Texas at Arlington 76019. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. ASSOCIATE LIBRARY DIRECTOR, United States M ilitary Academy (Administrative Librarian, GS-13) $24,308- $31,598 per annum. Responsible for the internal direction o f a staff o f 60, including 22 professionals. Collection comprises 400,000 bound volumes; 1,800 subscriptions; microfilms; documents; extensive special collections; and archives. Library is member o f OCLC and Regional Con­ sortium. Applicants with the following credentials must file not later than June 21, 1977: Graduate degree in library science; progressive experience in academic li­ braries; a b ility to effectively manage personnel and ma­ terial resources; knowledge of advanced research methods and computer applications; second subject Masters is desired. Forms to file (obtainable at post offices): CSC, Standard Form 171, Personnel Qualifications Statement; CSC, Standard Form 226, List of College Courses (tran­ scripts w ill suffice); personnel data and /or references as appropriate. For further information, forms, and where to file, contact: Civilian Personnel Division, Bldg. 632, U.S. M ilitary Academy, West Point, NY 10996. ATTN: Mr. K. Kuntz (914: 938-2212/2019). The United States M ili­ tary Academy is an equal opportunity employer. CHIEF, SERIALS DEPARTMENT (Senior Librarian), Stan­ ford University Libraries. Initial salary $17,000—$21,500. Responsible for management of newly formed Serials Department (15 FTEs, including 5 professionals), including setting policies and planning, directing work of staff, analyzing and reporting needs and activities of dep a rt­ ment to administration, contributing to library-wide planning and management. Requires MLS or equivalent; requires knowledge o f AACR and LC classification with special emphasis on application to serials; must be able to demonstrate capability o f managing and leading a group in a complex, rapidly changing environment; ex­ perience with automated technical processing system is highly desirable. Closing date fo r applications: June 30, 1977. Contact: Tina Kass, Library Personnel Officer, Stan­ ford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305. Stanford is an equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. CONSULTANT LIBRARIAN: To advise and assess in the establishment of a university library mainly in technical areas (science and mathematics). As part o f a foreign- aid program, the duties w ill be to train and assist exist­ ing Brazilian personnel in the maintenance and operation of a library at the Center for Science and Technology, Federal University of Paraiba, Campina Grande, Paraiba, Brazil. The term o f employment is 2 years. Further infor­ mation may be obtained by forwarding a recent curricu­ lum vitae, as well as citizenship, to: Waterloo Brazil CIDA Programme in Engineering, Dean o f Engineering Office-E-4, University of Waterloo, Waterloo N2L 3GI Ontario. DIRECTOR OF LEARNING RESOURCES CENTER for up­ state New York, private, liberal arts college; now ex­ panding services, staff, and building. 2300 students (fu ll­ tim e and part-tim e). Strong collection of printed ma­ terials and growing collection o f media holdings. Di­ rector responsible fo r overall administrative operation, including personnel supervision, collection development, coordination of services with academic departments, and budget preparation. Reports to Vice-President for Aca­ demic Affairs. 12-month appointment with faculty status. Qualifications: ALA-accredi†ed MLS and additional ad ­ vanced degree; seven years o f appropriate professional experience including three years appropriate adminis­ trative experience; knowledge of media needs and ser­ vices. Some experience with library construction desirable. Salary negotiable and commensurate with qualifications and experience. Position opens as o f September I, 1977. Letter of application, vita, and three references should be addressed to: Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Nazareth College o f Rochester, 4245 East Ave., Rochester, NY 14610. An equal opportunity employer. HEAD LIBRARIAN. Chatham College—private, liberal arts college for women—seeks applicants for head li­ brarian. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredi†ed insti­ tution, minimum 3 years professional experience with management responsibilities. OCLC experience highly de­ sirable; strong liberal arts background preferred. Duties: complete administrative responsibility for library staff, services, and facilities, and active p articipation in the daily operation o f the library. The library is service- oriented. Imagination and resourcefulness are encouraged. A vailable July 15, 1977. Submit resume to Doreen Boyce, Provost, Chatham College, Pittsburgh, PA 15232. An af­ firm ative action/equal opportunity employer. 187 HEAD LIBRARIAN for city library in community of 11,000, 50 miles north of Seattle in mountain and water recreation area. Modern facilities, large circulation, staff of 10. MLS plus 3 years administrative library experience required. Salary $11,000-$13,000, plus benefits. Opening June I, 1977. Contact: Mrs. John G. Kamb, Mount Vernon Public Library, 315 Snoqualmie, Mount Vernon, W A 98273. HEAD REFERENCE LIBRARIAN: General reference service to students and faculty; develop service potential; super­ vise staff o f four. ALA-accredited MLS and reference experience required; additional graduate studies in an­ other subject field desirable. Twelve-month faculty ap­ pointment. Salary $12,000 or more based on education and experience. Closing date for receipt of applications is June 17, 1977—opening of ALA in Detroit. Send resume with names of three references to Bob Lee Mowery, Di­ rector of Libraries, Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio 45501. An equal oppor†unity/affirma†ive action em­ ployer. I. HEAD REFERENCE DEPARTMENT. MSLS and aca­ demic library reference experience required. 2. HEAD ACQUISITIONS DEPARTMENT, MSLS and academic li­ brary acquisitions experience required. Both positions available July I, 1977. Terms of employment, benefits and salaries available upon request to Director of Libraries, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC 27109. HEALTH SERVICES LIBRARY COORDINATOR. A chal­ lenging new position responsible for the development and management of a collection within the university library to support a new College o f Osteopathic Medi­ cine and allied health-science programs. Duties: serve as bibliographer, provide reference services, select and supervise a staff, and maintain liaison with technical ser­ vices. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited li­ brary school; health or life sciences background pre­ ferred. Minimum of three years medical-library ex­ perience and demonstrated ability to establish and maintain effective relations with faculty, students and staff. Experience with MEDLINE essential. Salary: $16,000— $20,000 depending upon qualifications and experience. Applications should be mailed by August I, 1977 to W illiam Betcher, Chairman, Screening Committee, Ohio University Library, Athens, OH 45701. Interested candi­ dates may also interview with W illiam F. Rogers, Acting Director, at the MLA and ALA conferences. Ohio Univer­ sity is an equal opportunit y/affirm a tive action employer. HUMANITIES BIBLIOGRAPHER. Responsible for the iden­ tification and coordinated selection of materials for re­ search and study in the humanities. Duties include the planning and implementation o f selection/collection development programs for current resources published prim arily in North America and Western Europe. Re­ quired are MLS and subject master's degree preferably in Western history, philosophy, or literature; two years experience in university collection development or ac­ quisitions; and working knowledge o f French or German. Salary $12,500 or more depending upon qualifications. Send resume by July 5, 1977 to Joseph Jerz, Assistant University Librarian for Staff Development, University of North Carolina, Chapel H ill, NC 27514. An equal op­ por†unity/affirma†ive action employer. LIBRARIAN. Assistant reference librarian in a state-sup­ ported college offering bachelor's degrees in the liberal arts, engineering, and sciences. Duties include general reference service, a share in teaching credit-carrying bibliography courses and in conducting orientation pro­ grams, collection development, and other duties as needed. Background or interest in science a n d /o r en­ gineering desirable, also government documents. Re­ quired: MLS from ALA-accredited library school, several years relevant work experience, a b ility to interact with the academic community, high energy level, and ver­ satility. Salary: $ 10,000-13,000. 12-mo. contract, month's vacation, usual benefits. Instructor rank. Position avail­ able from August I, 1977. Application deadline: June 30, 1977. Send resume and placement folder to James E. Gaines, Head Librarian, Virginia M ilitary Institute, Lex­ ington, VA 24450. An equal oppor†unity/affirma†ive ac­ tion employer. LIBRARIANS (4). Experienced, 2-4 years. ALA-accredited MLS plus 30 additional graduate credits: ( I) Cat aloger —qualified to head Technical Process Department. (2) Media Specialist—to coordinate library and learning center services. (3) Documents Specialist—serials and archives experience helpful. (4) Acquisitions Specialist— qualified to head small department. Ca†aloger—im­ mediate opening; other positions available September I, 1977. Salary range: $10,400-$ 12,500. Detailed job de­ scriptions on request. Send applications, resumes, and three letters of reference to: Assistant to the Director of Libraries, SALENA Library Learning Center, Long Island University, University. Plaza, Brooklyn, NY 11201. An equal opportuni†y/affirmative action employer. LIBRARIAN, HEAD CATALOGER. Responsible for over­ all cataloging program. Library is a SOLINET member. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS degree; academic cataloging experience; proficiency in a modern foreign language; advanced subject degree desirable. 12-month faculty appointment. Available September I. Apply by June 10. M. D. Leach, Washington & Lee University, Lexington, VA 24450. An equal opportunity employer. PROFESSOR OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION STUDIES in the Department of Library Studies within the Faculty of Arts, University o f Adelaide, South Australia. A record o f scholarship, appropriate experience in teaching and research, and a qualification in librarianship are ex­ pected. Initially the professor will be asked to chair the small department for three years after which the chair­ manship w ill be fille d by periodic election. The depart­ ment has offered a course for the postgraduate diploma in library studies since 1975, with emphasis on academic library administration, automation of information sys­ tems, and bibliographic specialization. A higher-degree program by research is envisaged. It is hoped that the professor w ill take up duty early in 1978. Salary: $A29,- 984, with provision for superannuation on the F.S.S.U. basis. Further information: a potential candidate should seek from the registrar o f the university or from the As­ sociation of Commonwealth Universities (Appts.), 36 Gordon Square, London W CIH OPF the following docu­ ments: (I) general conditions of appointment, which include particulars o f tenure, superannuation, removal ex­ penses, invalidity and study leave, and (2) a statement giving particulars of such matters as help in housing, conference grants, and special support for research. The university w ill gladly supply any further information de­ sired on request to the registrar. Applications, in d up li­ cate, should give the information listed in the penulti­ mate paragraph of the statement and should reach the Registrar o f the University, G.P.O. Box 498, Adelaide, South Australia, 5001 not later than July 15, 1977. PUBLIC SERVICE LIBRARIAN. St. John's University, Col­ legeville, Minn. Responsibilities include working at the reference desk, maintaining the reference collection and pamphlet file, coordinating library selection, and super­ vising acquisitions procedures. Requirements: MLS from ALA-accredited library school. 12-month contract with usual fringe benefits. Salary: $10,450. This position is budgeted for two years only. Deadline for applications: July I. Send letters of application and resume to: W. Thomas Nichol, Acting Director, Alcuin Library, St. John's University, Collegeville, MN 56321. An equal opportunity employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, small liberal arts college: reference service, interlibrary loan, bibliographic in­ struction, selection o f reference material. ALA-accredited MLS. A b ility to work and communicate effectively with faculty, staff and students. Faculty status, 12-month con­ tract, $10,000. Available August I, 1977. Send resume before June 25: D. Gross, Barat College Library, Lake Forest, IL 60045. Barat College is an equal opportunity employer, m /f. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN: Entry level, beginning August 1977. General reference duties and supervision of micro­ media center and a small university archive. Some eve­ ning and weekend work. MLS required. BA in U.S. history preferred. Familiarity with micro-media equip­ ment, advanced subject deqree, knowledge of foreign languages desirable. 12-month appointment, 4 weeks an­ nual leave. TIAA-CREF. Salary $11,000. Resume to Dr. Charles B. Maurer, Director, W. H. Doane Library, Denison University, Granville, OH 43023, by June 30. An equal opportuni†y/affirmative action employer. Two positions, each requiring masters degree from an ALA-accredited library school. I. REFERENCE LIBRAR- IAN/SCIENCE SPECIALIST. One-year temporary position available September 1977. General reference, collection development and library instruction in the sciences; may supervise government documents. Graduate study in a science required. Experience desirable. Salary range: $10,000—12,500. Send resume with names of 3 references 188 to Judith Koopmann, Search Committee, by June 20, 1977, to State University of New York, Purchase, NY 19577. 2. CATALOGING LIBRARIAN. O riginal cataloging with emphasis on subject authority work. Opportunity for participation in public services and collection de­ velopment. Experience with LC classification, AACR, MARC-II format, and reading knowledge of German re­ quired. Salary range: $11,000-13,000. Position available July 1977. Send resume with names of 3 references to RoseMarie Wickham, Search Committee, by June 20, 1977. State University of New York, Purchase, NY 10577. Faculty status, TIAA-CREF or state employees retirement plan, and other fringe benefits. An equal oppor†unity/affirma- tive action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIANS. One regular, budgeted po­ sition; one temporary, one-year appointment. Responsible for providing reference assistance in the humanities and social sciences, including catalog use, instruction in use of library, on-line search services, collection develop­ ment, and other activities promoting use of library col­ lections and services. Required: Fifth-year library sci­ ence degree from an accredited library school. An ad­ vanced degree in one o f the social sciences and some reference experience in an academic library are desirable but not essential. APPLICANTS FOR ONE-YEAR AP­ POINTMENT MUST HAVE OBTAINED LIBRARY DEGREE JUNE 1975—NO LATER. Salary: $11,200-14,590 depend­ ing upon qualifications and experience. Fringe Benefits: TIAA-CREF retirement plan; social security; health, hos­ pital and life insurance p artially subsidized. Wayne State University is an equal opportunity and an affirmative ac­ tion employer. Closing date for applications, June 15. Eligible applicants should indicate willingness to accept one-year appointment. Send resume with names o f 3 references or appropriate credentials to: Mr. Robert T. Grazier, Associate Director of Libraries, Wayne State Uni­ versity, Detroit, Ml 48202. SERIALS LIBRARIAN: Marshall-Wythe Law Library, C ol­ lege of W illiam and Mary. Requirements: MLS and 2 years professional experience in serials, preferably in a law library. Duties: serials control with supervision of acquisitions clerical staff. Available: July I, 1977. Salary: $12,000. Contact: Caroline C. Herio†, Law Librarian, Marshall-Wythe Law Library, College of W illiam and Mary, Williamsburg, VA 23185. An equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. General and spe­ cialized reference duties, collection development, faculty liaison, instruction and use o f on-line citation data bases. Require ALA-accredi†ed MLS and baccalaureate in na­ tural sciences. Preference to candidates with MS in natural sciences. Appointment at Assistant Librarian level: $11,556. Usual benefits. Credentials and names of 3 references by June 30, 1977, to D. K. Oyler, Library, Hum boldt State University, Arcata, CA 95521. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. VETERINARY MEDICAL LIBRARIAN now open. Missis­ sippi. MS or MLS degree from an ALA-accredi†ed library school required. Have subject-matter expertise in the biomedical a n d /o r natural sciences. Job experience in the medical laboratory or clinic preferred. Membership in MLA and ALA. Interpersonal skill in human relations appropriate to work effectively with persons of wide age ranges and professional backgrounds. Responsible to the Director o f Libraries and the Dean and Director of Educational Resources of the College of Veterinary Medicine; the duties of the Veterinary Medical Librarian include the following: administer total branch library services to students and faculty of the college. Primary consultant to faculty and students regarding collections of books, periodicals and †eaching/learning resource material. Design and implement a materials requisition system which coordinates with the main library. Develop, maintain, and continually update the veterinary medical branch library card catalogue and circulation control sys­ tem. Develop and provide a reference service in coordi­ nation with the main library including literature searches (e.g., MEDLINE, AVLINE, etc.). Provide students and faculty orientation and periodic training in the use of library services, information retrieval and research (help in developing proposals would have high p rio rity). Twelve-month appointment. Beginning salary will be commensurate with experience and qualifications ($13,- 500+). Applications must be received by June 15, 1977, in order to be considered. A pply to: Dr. George Lewis, Director o f Libraries, Mississippi State University, Mis­ sissippi State, MS 39762. Collection Management is a - identification of least-used new quarterly journal devoted to materials the theories, practices, and research - productivity analysis, measure­ findings involved w ith the manage­ ment & planning ment of library collections. - circulation systems & collection management This new journal w ill present - interlibrary loans fresh and pertinent material dealing w ith critical issues facing libraries In addition. Collection Manage­ today, such as collection budget ment w ill feature a regular tutorial development and allocation; no- section devoted to basics in quan­ growth collections; resource sharing; titative methods & management fo r weeding and discard processes; and the practicing librarian, and a secondary storage. The journal will "Classic Papers" section. aim towards the betterment of library collections in terms o f sat­ isfying user needs w ithin budgetary About the Editor I Instructions for Authors and other resource constraints. Prof. Richard Trueswell is well known as a pioneer in the development o f use Additional areas covered in studies and their application to the modern management of library collections. this new journal are: He has published numerous articles in the areas of acquisitions based on user needs; - core collection concepts and weeding methods; and stack-thinning. practices Authors are requested to fo llo w a style - obsolescence of. library materials sheet before submitting manuscripts, available on request from Richard Trueswell, - book disposal policies Ph.D., Professor of Industrial Engineering - optimality concepts & Operations Research, University of - value analysis Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass. 01003 HORIZONS OF CRITICISM An Assessment of Religious-Literary Options “ . . . may well tu rn out Vernon Ruland to be the basic handbook o f re ligious-literary studies fo r years to c o m e .” This brilliant work systematically evaluates the important C hristia n ity and Literaturecritical works on religion and literature with a view to their contribution toward defining these studies as parts of an “ . . .s h o u ld be invaluable interdisciplinary field. The approach is to classify contem­ to graduate students in literature and theology, or, porary writing in both these areas according to their m ost of all, the in te r­ perception of a total religious-literary experience. disc ip lin a ry field that By using a typology of four concentric areas, Vernon relates the tw o ." Ruland is able to offer a comprehensive religious-literary Choice, Septem ber 1976 definition of his own. This theory has two uses. First, it “ . . .m e e ts a long-standing offers a means for the reshaping of one’s personal intellec­ need fo r a convenient tual categories so as better to encompass human realities, handbook capable of introducing the advanced and, second, it discovers an underlying unity in the separate student in both areas quests of today’s theologians, philosophers, and to the interd is cip lin a ry literary critics. sphere o f religious-literary The work is also a handbook for the study of literature s tu d ie s.” and religion. By serving as a guide to its essential literature, C hristian S c h o la r’s Review joining issues and relating themes, it suggests the contents of an educational program and sets the directions for further study. 274 pp. C loth ISBN 0-8389-0212-X (1975) $14.95 274 pp. Paper ISBN 0-8389-0196-4 (1975) $7.50