ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 312 Classified Advertising NOTICE Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "ran k" and "status" are advised that these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. A ll advertisements submitted by institutions offering positions must include a salary range. The range should provide the applicant with an indication of the salary the institution is w illing to provide for the position offered. A ll advertisements for the Positions Wanted and the Positions Open classifications w ill be ed­ ited to exclude direct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions of employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Advertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month preceding publi­ cation o f issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Telephone orders for classified advertising, while not encouraged because of the increased risk of copy error, w ill be accepted. Calls should be directed to Leona Swiech at (3Î2) 944-6780. A confirming order should be mailed to the Advertising Department as soon as pos­ sible following the call, along with typewritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate for classified advertising is $1.30 per printed line. POSITIONS WANTED TEMPORARY POSITION ends November. Available im­ mediately. MLS, Canadian, 8 years experience in gov- ernment/academic libraries. Strengt hs/experience. in col­ lection building, bibliographical activities, planning/pol- icy, library outreach programs, training staff, semi- nar/workshop presentations. Steadily increasing adminis­ trative responsibilities. Special interest in official docu­ ments, legal materials, exchange programs and Reader Services. W ill relocate in So. Ontario, O††awa/Mon†real, Maritimes, Thunder Bay, New England. Box 849, C&RL NEWS, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. POSITIONS OPEN Acquisitions ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. Syracuse University seeks a Monographic/Serials Acquisitions Librarian for its new and highly automated main library. MLS from an ac­ credited library school, reasonable experience in mono- graphic/serials acquisitions and in automated systems in libraries necessary. Facility with one or more foreign languages desirable. Salary: $11,256+ depending on ex­ perience. Apply to : R. Max Willocks, Assistant Director of Libraries, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13210. An equal opportunity employer. ACQUISITIONS. Assistant Librarian -($IO,7I6-$I5,O84) or Senior Assistant Librarian ($12,600-$16,884). Both require second master's degree or progress toward same; latter requires two years experience. One or more languages, including (preferably) German. Supervision o f three sub- professionals and of all bibliographical searching. Participation in selection. Request application form from Henry Madden, University Librarian. California State University, Fresno, CA 93740. An equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. A dm inistration ASSISTANT DIRECTOR. To work with Director in super­ vision and administration of a staff of ninety, include 26 professionals. He/She w ill assist in development of p oli­ cies and procedures; be responsible fo r automation ac­ tivities; prepare grant requests; coordinate building re­ pair and maintenance, assist in budget preparation and expenditures; represent the Director in his absence; plus other related assignments. Requirements: MLS from ac­ credited library school; minimum of five years adminis­ trative experience in college or university library; train­ ing a n d /or experience in library automation operations; knowledge of A-V materials and uses thereof. Benefits: Salary of $15,000–$16,000 depending on experience; faculty rank and status; state retirement participation; insurance coverage; reduced tuition and other fringes. A p p lica ­ tions accepted to November 10. Position w ill be filled as soon as possible after that date. Send resume and refer­ ences to M elville R. Spence, Director o f Libraries, Bowl­ ing Green State University Libraries, Bowling Green, OH 43403. An equal opportunity employer. HEAD OF REFERENCE. Business Administration and So­ cial Sciences Division. Directs reference services as well as extensive collection of government documents. Duties include some book selection and servicing of b ib lio ­ graphic data bases. MLS and five years experience re­ quired. Graduate degree in Social Sciences or docu­ ments experience desirable. Minimum salary $16,000. Twelve month academic appointment, 22 days vacation, standard insurance, and State retirement. Send resume by December I, 1975 to Joseph Jerz, Assistant University Librarian for Staff Development, University o f North Carolina, Chapel H ill, NC 27514. An equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. LIBRARIAN. Administers the programs operations and services of Lockwood Library, the largest single unit of the University Libraries's system of SUNY at Buffalo. Lockwood serves the Humanities, Social Sciences and Education disciplines. The collection consists o f over 900,000 volumes within a total appointed staff o f over 70 FTE. Specific responsibilities include overall person­ nel utilization, collection development, operational and budgetary coordination and development. Qualifications: ALA-accredited Master's Degree in Library Science. A minimum of 3 to 5 years experience in public service and collection development areas of a major academic library, with at least two years o f experience managing a unit or department. Subject Master's Degree in the Social Sciences or Humanities is desirable. Salary: $18,000 and negotiable, depending on experience and q u a lifi­ cations plus liberal fringe benefits. Faculty rank as Asso­ ciate Librarian or Librarian. Please send replies to Uni­ versity Libraries' Personnel Office, State University of New York at Buffalo, 308 Lockwood Library, Buffalo, NY 14214. An equal opportuni†y/affirma†ive action employer. LIBRARIAN. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadel­ phia. Duties: Supervise main library; help with fund raising; select department acquisitions; prepare col­ lections. BS degree in Science (Biology); advanced li­ brary degree; five years professional experience; reading knowledge of one foreign language. Closing date No­ vember I. Salary range: $12,000–$ 14,000. Forward cur­ riculum vitae to Ms. Albertha C. Roberts, LIM Depart­ ment, Academy o f Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, I9†h and the Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19103. An equal op- portunity/affirm ative action employer. LIBRARY DIRECTOR. Eastern New Mexico University, a state supported institution o f over 4000 students offering graduate and Education Specialist programs. Efficiently operating library with holdings approximating 250,000 and with a professional staff o f 12. Master's degree from an ALA-accredited library school required with a ddi­ tional graduate work preferred. Varied library experience with a minimum o f five (5) years in administrative posi­ tions required. Faculty rank and salary, dependent upon qualifications with salary not less than $20,000. Send resume including two references by December I, 1975, to Miss Peggy M. Tozer, Chairperson. Search Committee, Eastern New Mexico University Library, Portales, N.M. 88130. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. THE UNIVERSITY OF M ICHIGAN. Assistant Head of Monograph and Cataloging Division, Technical Services Department. Assists with the training of staff and the revision of cataloging in the Descriptive Cataloging 313 Unit; resolves a variety of cataloging problems involv­ ing the coordination of new acquisitions with established records; assists the heads of the other units in the Division in training of staff and revision o f work as required; assists with the supervision o f the Division. Graduate degree in library science, several years of professional cataloging experience, knowledge of at least 3 principal European languages, demonstrated supervisory ability. $13,608-$15,000. W rite to Mrs. Lynn F. Marko, Assistant for Personnel and Staff Development, University of Michigan Library, Ann Arbor, Ml 48104. The University of Michigan is a non-discriminatory, a f­ firmative action employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES. Responsible for broad range o f management areas in­ cluding Research Development Unit, Systems Development Unit, Personnel Office, and Business Office. Other assign­ ments include coordination o f planning activities, docu­ mentation of policies, equipment, facilities and collection and analysis o f statistical data. Desired qualifications: Advanced degree in library or information science; ad­ ditional degree or graduate work in business adminis­ tration or related areas. Record of varied and progressive assignments in librarianship a n d /o r library administration. A b ility to provide leadership and planning for the various units of this division and to coordinate their activities with the other divisions of the system. A record of research and publications. Position carries faculty rank and responsibilities. Salary: $20,000 and up depending on qualifications and experience. Available January I, 1976. Request application and detailed notice of vacancy from John Thomas, Personnel Officer, Libraries/Audio Visual Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Applications not accepted after November 30, 1975. An equal oppor†unity/affirma†ive action employer. Cataloging CATALOGER, Experience required. OCLC Participant. Serials, Medical and Academic materials. Central Process­ ing Division. Master's Degree in Library Science from an accredited institution required. Salary $12,000. Apply with references and resume to Gerard B. McCabe, Di­ rector of University Libraries, Virginia Commonwealth University, 901 Park Ave., Richmond, VA 23284. An equal oppor†unity/affirma†ive action employer. M u ltip le Library, Plattsburgh State University. (Professional staff, 14. Collection 251,000 volumes.) Two positions. ( I) ASSO­ CIATE LIBRARIAN. Responsible for cataloging, acquisi­ tion, periodicals and government documents sections and personnel in technical services. Knowledge of advances in technology, management and budget associates with technical services. Some weekend work. MLS, ALA ac­ credited school, subject Master's and experience in aca­ demic library required. Twelve month salary $12,749— $17,000. (2) ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN. Responsible to head of technical services. Coordinate all acquisitions, super­ vise staff, establish procedures for ordering library ma­ terials. Some weekend work. MLS, ALA accredited school, relevant experience, and supervisory capabilities required. Subject Master's desirable. Twelve month salary $9,000- $10,600. Positions open February 2, 1976. Send resume, credentials and three references by November 14, 1975, to Mrs. Anne Mitchell, Acting Director o f Libraries, Feinburg Library, Box 2200, State University of New York, Plattsburgh, NY 12901. An equal opport unit y/affirm ative action employer. Public Services ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR PUBLIC SER­ VICES. Responsibilities: Administration of Public Services Division including I! Branch Libraries located on the Central Campus with a total staff of 73 including 28 professionals of which 15 are department heads; also shares responsibility for the general administration of the library. Qualifications: Must have MLS from ALA- accredited school and at least 5 years academic library experience including 3 years of administrative experience. Additional experience desirable. Minimum salary: $20,000 but commensurate with qualifications and experience. Submit resumes by January 15, 1976, to: Renee Evans, University o f Southern California Library, Librarian's Of­ fice, University Park, Los Angeles, CA 90007. Reference REFERENCE/BIBLIOGRAPHER—Life Sciences. Academic year appointment with faculty rank. Available November I. Minimum salary $10,780. ALA-accredi†ed MLS, 3 years relevant experience and graduate degree in a life science or equivalent background/experience required. Duties in­ clude: assistance with and instruction in use of Library resources; data base searches, development of b ib lio ­ graphic guides; selection; liaison with faculty. Full posi­ tion description available on request. Send request by 1.1/15/75 to G. E. Parks, Dean, University of Rhode Island Library, Kingston, Rl 02881. An equal oppor†unity/af­ firma†ive action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The reference department in­ cludes general reference, government publications, ethnic studies, microform areas. Qualifications: Baccalaureate degree in science or mathematics; knowledge of foreign languages; ability to communicate and work with the public. A second masters, experience in an academic li­ brary and with computer assisted retrieval is desirable. Salary $9,600-$11,000. 12 month contract. Position avail­ able February I, 1976. Apply to Sidney Yen, Search Com­ mittee. The General Library, University o f New Mexico 87131. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. General reference in a grow­ ing urban campus library. Interest in formal classroom library instruction, college teaching and library expe­ rience, second masters in science or social sciences all highly desirable. MLS from ALA accredited library school necessary. Full faculty status including the responsibili­ ties of research and publications. $10,000 ten month an­ nual contract, excellent fringe benefits. Send vitae with references to B. Donald Grose, Director of Library Ser­ vices, Indiana University-Purdue University, 2101 Coliseum Blvd., East, Fort Wayne, IN 46805. Application deadline November 15, 1975. An equal opportunity employer. HEAD REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. University Library. Re­ sponsible for coordination of all information services within the main library including: general information services and bibliographic guidance, document location and retrieval, computer-based Citation and information retrieval services in conjunction with other appropriate library offices. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA ac­ credited institution, minimum five years experience as a reference librarian in a recognized research library. Basic understanding of overall library functions and demonstrated a b ility to organize and administer a co­ ordinated reference service required. Subject Master's and knowledge of one or more European languages high­ ly desirable. Benefits: twenty-two working days vaca­ tion per year, TIAA-CREF, full faculty status, liberal fringe benefits, salary $14,000-$16,434. Apply to: Robert Lee Caruthers, University of Louisville Library, Belknap Campus, Louisville, KY 40208. An equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. Subject Specialists SYDNEY UNIVERSITY (AUSTRALIA) SYSTEMS OFFICER (LIBRARY). The Library requires a senior member of staff reporting to the Librarian to be responsible for the planning and development o f manual and automated library information systems. Existing systems include an on-line circulation system, catalogue card production, special reserve, and various specialized catalogues and lists. Responsibilities include the administration of li­ brary computer facilities and data entry activities. The Systems Officer will head a team consisting of two sen­ ior programmers, a documentation officer, and three data entry operators. Present equipment consists of a Data General 840/I200J minicomputer system for circula­ tion and data entry in the Library and a Cyber 72 at the Computing Centre. Preference w ill be qiven to those with library experience and professional library q u a lifi­ cations. Data processing experience is required. Salary w ill be within the range $ 13,017—$ 14,398 (Australian) P.A. Applications giving full details o f qualifications and ex­ perience and the names of two referees should be sent to the Librarian, University of Sydney, 2006 N.S.W. by October 31, 1975. BEGINNING SCIENCE LIBRARIAN, Science Library, No­ vember I, 1975 (closing date, October 15, 1975). MLS from an accredited library school. Undergraduate degree in physical sciences, preferably biology or chemistry. 314 Reading knowledge of German and/or French desirable. Job description: provide readers' services to science community; provide liaison between Science Library and two science departments in matters of acquisition and public relations; assume managerial responsibility for a function such as acquisitions and serials or inter-library loan to be determined by applicant's interest and ex­ perience. Salary: $10,624 for a 12 month contract. The appointment will be as a Visiting Instructor on a fixed three year term contract. Librarians at the University of Oregon have full faculty status. Nine month contracts are available. W rite: H. W. Axford, University Librarian, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403. An equal op­ portunity, affirmative action employer. LIBRARIAN: Head, Science and Technology Department. Librarian needed to administer the Science and Tech­ nology Department of Syracuse University Libraries. The encumbent will supervise all the services, bibliographical, reference and general, provided by the Department and maintain close liaison with faculty and students in the Sciences. A MLS from an accredited library, school is required. A t least 3 years experience in a major science library and demonstrated ability in supervision and man­ agement of a major library organization is required. An undergraduate science major or five years experience in a major science library is preferred. Salary: $I5,000+- depending on qualifications. Send resume to R. Max Willocks, Assistant Director of Libraries, Syracuse Uni­ versity, Syracuse, NY 13210. An equal opportunity em­ ployer. HUMANITIES BIBLIOGRAPHER. Responsible for develop­ ment and control of collection in English and American literature and history since 1600, and related fields. Qualifications: MLS; graduate study in appropriate field. Salary range: $11,472—$24,672. Apply before December I, 1975, to Mr. Anthony Greco, Assistant University Librar­ ian, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90024. ASSOCIATE LIBRARIAN FOR TECHNICAL PROCESSES. Applicants should have master's degree from accredited school, several years of experience in L.C. cataloging and acquisitions or serials work in automated system, and a bility to manage OCLC–like (SOLINET) system. Rank of Associate Professor, beginning salary to $17,100. One month annual leave, Blue Cross/Shield, choice of TIAA or State retirement. For more information write to Robert L. Balliot, University Librarian, Western Carolina Uni­ versity, Cullowhee, North Carolina 28723. Western Caro­ lina University is a constituent institution o f the Univer­ sity o f North Carolina. An equal opportunity employer. MUSIC LIBRARIAN. University of Colorado Library. The music library is a collection of 38,000 volumes and 48,000 recordings which serves the teaching and research needs of the College of Music and other disciplines at the University of Colorado. One important quality of candi­ dates will be their demonstrated ability to work closely with instructors and students to interpret the music li­ brary as part of the educational process in a large uni­ versity. Minimum salary (depending upon qualifications) $12,000. Starting date: A t latest January I, 1976. Require­ ments: Master's degree in Library Science, a subject de­ gree in Music (or equivalent experience in a music li­ brary) and five years of library experience. Apply to John Lubans, Jr., Assistant Director Public Services, Uni­ versity of Colorado Library, Boulder, Colorado 30302. 303-492-7511. An equal oppor†unity/affirmative action em­ ployer. HEAD LIBRARIAN WANTED: The Center o f Planning and Economic Research in Athens (Greece) wishes to hire a librarian, holding at least a Master's Degree in Library Science, and with practical experience in libraries. The person in question should be fluent in Greek and will be placed as head of the library. Monthly salary range $600 to $700. Candidates should submit their applications to: Center of Planning and Economic Research, Attn: Mr. G. Calligas, 22 Hippokrat ous St., Athens 144, Greece. INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN: The Univer­ sity o f Arizona is seeking a professional librarian to as­ sume responsibility for a growing collection of interna­ tional publications. The International Documents Librar­ ian w ill select pertinent materials, initiate processing procedures, and provide reference service for the col­ lection. This librarian, as a member of the Documents Department at the University of Arizona Library, will report to the Head Documents Librarian and will also provide some reference service for U.S. Government publications. Applicants must be graduates of an ALA accredited li­ brary school. Qualifications include experience in an in­ ternational documents collection and/or relevant course work in library school, and reading knowledge of French. A subject background in economics or political science is desirable and a reading knowledge o f Spanish would be helpful. Librarians at the University of Arizona have faculty status but 12-mont h appointments with 22 days per year of paid vacation and a standard package of holidays and other fringe benefits. Salary depends upon experience, but the minimum for a beginning profes­ sional librarian is $9,600. Applications will not be ac­ cepted after November 20, 1975. Send resumes and in­ quiries to Mary Dale Palsson, Assistant Librarian for Pub­ lic Services, University o f Arizona Library, Tucson, AZ 85721. An equal opportunity/affirm at ive action employer. ASSISTANT EDUCATION LIBRARIANx–Morris Library, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. The Library is a member of the Association o f Research Libraries and Center for Research Libraries. Assistant Education Librarian to provide reference service and related ac­ tivities in Education/Psychology Division library. A p ­ proximately one-half time at the education reference desk, while remaining time is devoted to supportive reference activities and collection development. Q ualifi­ cations: Fifth-year library degree from ALA-accredited library school. Second master‘s in psychology or edu­ cation is required: one modern foreign language. Two- to –three years' experience in university reference position highly desirable. Salary and rank will depend on edu­ cation and. experience but minimum $13,200. Participation in University Retirement System of Illinois, state paid life, hospital and surgical insurance. Voluntary partici­ pation in tax deferred annuity program. 37-hour work week; 25 vacation days; 60 calendar days sick leave per contract year; 12-month appointment. Position open with application deadline 20 November 1975. Send letter of application to Sidney E. Matthews, Assistant Director, Morris Library, Southern Illinois University at Carbon­ dale, Carbondale, Illinois 62901. An equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. REGIONAL CAMPUS TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Serves eight regional campus librarians on five regional campuses of The Ohio State University. Responsible for coordinating the centralized technical services to the regional campuses from Main Library on the Columbus campus. Acts as liaison between the regional campus librarians and the Quick Editing (QUE) division (OCLC unit) of the Libraries. Does all original cataloging for regional campuses, using Library of Congress classifi­ cations. Expected to plan and execute a system for cataloging non-book materials. Supervises the acquisition process and bookkeeping for regional campus libraries. Facilitates borrowing from main campus collections, provides ILL locations for items not owned by OSU and checks reference sources not locally owned for regional campus librarians. Staff includes library as­ sistants and student assistants. Works closely with the Regional Campus Technical Services Steering Committee. Graduate degree from ALA-accredited library school. Three or more years of acceptable library experience, including some technical service experience. Cataloging experience, knowledge o f Anglo-American cataloging rules, Library o f Congress classification and subject headings desirable. Administrative ability, strong com­ mitment to service. Salary up to $12,500 annually; salary and faculty rank commensurate with qualifications. Ex­ pected to meet university requirements for research and publications. Send resume to: Personnel Librarian, The Ohio State University Libraries, 1858 Neil Avenue Mall, Columbus, OH 43210. An equal oppor†unity/affirmative action employer. For out-of-print issues of College & Re­ search Libraries News, write to Uni­ versity Microfilms, 300 North Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48106. Issues are avail­ able one year after date of publication.