ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries News from the Field A C Q U IS IT IO N S •B oston University’s M ugar M em orial L ibrary is th e recipient of th e personal collection of A rthur F iedler, conductor of the Boston Pops O rchestra. T he collection includes 6,000 scores, m any of them im p o rta n t p rim ary sources such as th e first edition of M ozart’s D on G iovanni, an English edition of a Beethoven piano concerto, an d works autographed by Ravel an d Stravinsky; 1,500 sound recordings, am ong them test pressings of F iedler’s ow n p e r­ form ances; an d m an u scrip ts, p h o to g rap h s, an d m em orabilia. •T h e C ollege of C harleston, South C arolina, Special Collections D ep artm en t has acquired th e K enneth H anson Archives of Sound Recordings. C hronicling th e grow th of th e recording industry from th e late 19th century thro u g h th e 1940s, th e collection includes over 4,000 cylinder records of m a r c h e s , p o p u la r songs, v a u d e v ille a c ts , a n d speeches. Also included are fourteen record players w hich w ere designed for th e various types of re­ cordings in th e H anson Archives. C harleston has also received th e papers of the C h arlesto n H igh School (1843-1976, for w h ite boys until recently), one of the n atio n ’s oldest p u b ­ lic institutions of secondary education, d atin g from 1839. A ccom panying this collection are th e papers of th e M em m inger School (1858-1950, for w hite girls until recently) founded by C hristopher M em ­ m in g er, la te r th e C o n fed erate S ecretary of th e T reasury; and papers of tw o black coeducational schools, th e Avery In stitu te (1866-1940) an d the L aing School (1866-1940). As segregated institu­ tions th roughout m ost of their history, the papers of these four schools offer an excellent opportunity for com parative educational an d cu ltu ral history. • C olumbia University, New York, has received m ore th a n forty years of literary correspondence betw een th e H arold M atson literary agency and m any of this century’s best-know n w riters betw een 1937 an d 1980. A mong the w riters represented are R ay B ra d b u ry , W illia m S. B u rro u g h s, L illia n H eilm an, A rth u r Koestler, and W illiam Saroyan. •T h e State University of New York at Albany recently finished processing th e p ap ers of E m il L ederer an d Hans Philip Neisser, G erm an econo­ mists w ho cam e to th e U nited States in 1933. T he papers consist of correspondence, lecture notes, m anuscripts, and publications, and are p a rt of the Exile C ollection in the University’s Special Collec­ tions. •T h e University of C alifornia at Berkeley’s Regional O ral H istory Office has com pleted a 13- year project to record oral histories w ith 149 key p e rs o n s in C a l i f o r n i a ’s E a r l W a r r e n y e a rs , 1925-1953. T he interview s include th en governor E arl W arren , an d 121 heads of governm ent de­ partm ents, assistants to the governor, legislators, leaders of political parties and factions, an d 28 p e r­ sonal friends and fam ily m em bers. T h e series has been b o u n d into 53 volumes an d is now available for research at th e B ancroft L ib rary an d th e State Archives a t Sacram ento. • T h e U niv ersity o f T exas’ H u m a n itie s Re­ search C enter, A ustin, has acquired th e archives of G loria Sw anson (1899- ), H ollyw ood film actress. C ontents o f th e collection cover th e years from 1913 to th e present and include h a n d w ritte n notes for Sw anson’s autobiography Sw anson on S w a n ­ son; scripts a n d p u b licity photos re la te d to her m any films; correspondence w ith M ary Pickford, W illiam F aulkner, and o th er fam ous persons; vi­ deotapes an d cassette recordings; scrapbooks, dia­ ries, an d business records; fan m ail; an d paintings by Swanson and paintings of her by friends. T he collection w ill be housed in th e H oblitzelle T h eater Arts L ib ra ry in th e H arry Ransom C enter. •York University and th e D ance in C a n a d a As­ sociation (DICA), T oronto, have signed an agree­ m ent in w hich D IC A ’s Jean A. C halm ers C horeo­ graphic Archives will be p erm an en tly housed at the Scott L ib rary in York U niversity. T h e collec­ tion contains works by choreographers in C an ad a, along w ith background inform ation an d technical and perform ance d a ta on each w ork. T he collec­ tion currently contains approxim ately 60 tapes, to w hich w ill be added new tapes do n ated by th e O n­ tario Arts Council. GRANTS •T h e American Antiquarian Society, W orces­ ter, M assachusetts, has received a g rant of $80,000 from th e N ational E n d o w m en t for th e H um anities to fu n d th e cata lo g in g of its A m erican P rin ted Broadsides from 1801 to 1830. • T h e As s o c ia t io n o f R ese arc h L ib r a r ie s, W ashington, D .C ., has been aw ard ed a g ran t of $63,739 from th e N ational E n d o w m en t for th e H u ­ m anities to ad d a preservation m icrofilm ing com ­ ponent to the ARL M icroform Project. Jeffrey Hey- nen, coordinator of th e project, will investigate preservation m icrofilm ing needs in N orth A m eri­ can libraries, an d develop an d im plem ent a plan for coordinated action based upon his investiga­ tion. H eynen began w ork on th e new com ponent in O ctober 1982 and w ill continue on a p a rt-tim e b a ­ sis until M ay 1984. • T h e Boston L ibrary C onsortium has been a w ard ed an LSCA g ran t of $39,358 by th e Massa­ chusetts B oard of L ib rary Commissioners to help support th e conversion of th e C onsortium an d Mas­ sachusetts Institute of Technology serials union lists to th e new Faxon union listing system, currently under developm ent. G rants funds will be used for 10 / C & R L N ew s January 1983 / 11 staff an d e q u ip m en t needed to m erge, load, and e d it th e d a ta for th e new system. T h e first list p ro ­ duced from this system is targeted for th e sum m er of 1983. • C alifornia State University, N or thr id ge. has been aw a rd e d a g ra n t of $440,000 from the C hancellor’s O ffice of th e C alifornia S tate U niver­ sity System in L o n g B each. N o rth rid g e w as se­ le c te d o u t o f te n CSU cam p u ses v y in g fo r th e aw ard . T h e g ran t w ill p erm it th e L ib ra ry to con­ v ert its existing m ach in e-read ab le bibliographic files from ab b rev iated to full bibliographic status an d consolidate th e holdings onto a single ta p e file. • N ew York P ublic L ibrary’s P erform ing Arts Research C en ter has received a g ra n t of $168,500 from th e N ational E n d o w m en t for th e Arts to sup­ p o rt staff positions a n d to allow th e D an ce Collec­ tion to continue its p ro g ram of archival docum en­ ta tio n a n d preservation. T h e m onies w ill also be used by th e T h e a tre on Film a n d T ap e P roject to continue recording B roadw ay, off-B roadw ay, and regional productions as w ell as inform al dialogues w ith professionals of th e theater. •P rovidence P ublic L ibrary, th e only public li­ b ra ry m em b er of th e R hode Island C onsortium of A c a d e m ic a n d R e s e a rc h L ib r a r ie s , h a s b e e n a w a rd e d a g ra n t of $340,000 by th e C h a m p lin F o u n d atio n to install a m ultiprocessor system th a t w ill provide online access to lib rary resources and services statew ide. L ibraries joining th e new high p erfo rm an ce system w ill have im m ed iate use of a d atab a se th e th e lib ra ry has b u ilt d u rin g th e past ten years. • S o u t h w e s t e r n U n iv e r s it y , G e o r g e to w n , Texas, has been a w a rd e d a $200,000 g ra n t by the P ew M em orial T ru st to launch a four-year re tro ­ spective conversion project. D u rin g th e fo u rth year th e lib rary plans to im p lem en t a com puterized c a t­ alog an d circulation an d acquisitions systems. • T h e U niversity o f Kansas L ib ra rie s, L a w ­ r e n c e , h a v e re c e iv e d a c o s t- s h a r in g g r a n t of $21,073 from th e N ational E n d o w m en t for th e H u ­ m anities for th e p re p a ra tio n of a subject thesaurus for approxim ately 10,000 titles in th e ir history of econom ics collection. These titles w ere cataloged d u rin g th e L ibraries’ tw o -y ear project funded by a T itle II-C g ra n t from t h e U.S. O ffice of E ducation. T h e thesaurus w ill be published in 1984 by G .K . H all as p a r t of a tw o-volum e descriptive catalog providing au th o r, title, and subject access to the collection. T h e project w as directed by Ann E. H agedorn, w ho also d irected the T itle II-C history of econom ics cata lo g in g p ro ject an d w ro te th e g ra n t ap p licatio n for th e p re p a ra tio n of th e thesau­ rus. •T h e U niversity o f N otre D ame L ibraries, In ­ d ian a, have received a substantial gift from trustee em eritus John T. R yan, ch airm an of th e b o ard of P ittsb u rg h ’s M ine Safety Appliances C om pany, to su p p o rt lib ra ry a u to m atio n efforts an d to endow th e Ire n e O ’B rien R y an L ib r a r y C o llectio n in honor of his wife. T he endow m ent p ortion of th e benefaction w ill u n d erw rite book acquisitions, an area severely affected by inflation. OBERLY AWARD T h e O berly A w ard for B ibliography in th e A gri­ cu ltu ral Sciences, aw ard ed biennially by A C R L ’s Science a n d Technology Section, w ill be presented a t th e 1983 ALA A nnual C onference to th e a u ­ th o r s ) of th e best bibliography published in 1981 or 1982 in ag ricu ltu re o r related sciences. N om inations for th e a w a rd w ill be ev alu a ted on th e basis of th e tim eliness of th e topic, co m prehen­ siveness, accuracy, fo rm at, a n d indexing m ethods. T h e p rin cip al au th o r, ed ito r, or com piler m ust be a citizen of th e U nited States. Please su b m it nom inations for th e 1983 O berly A w ard no la te r th a n M arch 1 to: F ra n k P olach, O berly A w ard C om m ittee C h a ir, L ib rary of Sci­ ence an d M edicine, R utgers U niversity, P .O . Box 1029, P iscataw ay, NJ 08854. HIGHER EDUCATION SUMMARY DATA T he d a ta on academ ic institutions gath ered in th e H igher E d u catio n G eneral In fo rm atio n Survey (HEGIS) by th e N ational C en ter for E d u catio n Statistics (NCES) is usually published in tw o forms: In s titu tio n a l D a ta , a n d T re n d s a n d S u m m a ry D a ta . T h e In stitu tio n al D a ta for 1979 w as p u b ­ lished by N CES in 1982 (L ibrary Statistics o f C ol­ leges an d U niversities: 1979 In s titu tio n a l D a ta , available from th e N ational T echnical In fo rm atio n Service, 5285 P o rt Royal R oad, S pringfield, VA 22161, $16.50 for p ap erb o u n d , $4.50 for m icro­ form , PB-82-169087). H ow ever, because of fiscal constraints in W ash­ ington, it is not know n w hen N CES w ill be able to publish th e T rends an d Sum m ary D a ta section for 1979. Because th e S um m ary D a ta has all been ta b ­ u la te d , N C E S has m a d e th e d a ta av ailab le for A CR L to publish. L ib ra ry Statistics o f Colleges and Universities: S u m m a ry D ata 1979 is av ailable from A C R L at $10 for A CR L m em bers an d $13 for non-m em bers (prepaid only). I t contains 36 tables in 72 pages. A m ong th e topics covered (and broken dow n by public an d p riv a te institutions, type and size of in ­ stitution) are: volum es an d titles of bookstock held an d added; d a ta on periodicals, governm ent p u b li­ cations, n o n p rin t m aterials, an d m icroform s; li­ b ra ry o p eratin g expenditures; d a ta on staff, in ­ cluding salaries by sex an d by state; an d d a ta on circulation, in terlib rary loan, lib rary hours, and reference questions. O rders should be addressed to A CR L/A LA , 50 E. H uron St., C hicago, IL 60611, an d should include a self-addressed m ailing label an d 50¢ for postage and handling.