ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries People PROFILES R obert G. Anderl is the new associate director for autom ation and coordinator for technical ser­ vices a t M cFarlin L ibrary, th e University of Tulsa, O klahom a. T he position has responsibility for de­ signing and im plem ent­ ing a fully integrated au­ tom ation system w hich will include online c ata­ log, circulation, and ac­ quisitions systems. A n d e rl fo r m e rly w orked in various posi­ tio n s a t th e S y racu se U n iv e rs ity L ib r a r y , New York, and for the past 15 years as assistant d ir e c to r fo r te c h n ic a l R obert G. A nderlservices a t th e U niver­ sity of N evada, Las Vegas. He has edited several N evada lists of serials and in 1978 edited the Inter­ m ountain Union L ist o f Serials. Anderl was Ne­ v ad a representative to th e M ountain-P lains L i­ brary Association B oard of Trustees in 1980-81, and in 1977 received a N evada State L ibrary C er­ tificate of Merit and a Nevada L ib rary Association Special C itation. D arrell L. Jenkins has been appointed director of library services at Southern Illinois University, C arbondale. Jenkins has responsibility for ten de­ partm ents and divisions w ith in th e u n iv ersity ’s Morris L ibrary. Jenkins has been ad ­ m inistrative services li­ b ra r ia n a t SIUC since 1977. Previously he was on th e lib ra ry sta ff at New Mexico State U ni­ versity (1972-77) w here he served as head of the Reference D epartm ent, E d u c a tio n /P sy c h o lo g y Division librarian, and other positions in acqui­ Darrell Jenkinssitions, cataloging, and serials. Jenkins received his MLS from the Univer­ sity of O klahom a and a m aster’s in public adm inis­ tratio n from New Mexico State University. He has been active in professional associations including ALA, ASIS, and the New Mexico and Il­ linois L ibrary Associations. He currently chairs the LAMA L ib rary O rganization an d M anagem ent Section’s Planning and E valuation of L ibrary Ser­ vices Com m ittee. Jenkins has c o n trib u ted num erous articles to professional journals including th e Journal of L i­ brary A dm inistration and th e Journal o f A cadem ic L ibrarianship. Richard W . McC oy has been nam ed president of th e Research L ibraries G roup. He assumes his new post on Jan u ary 17 a t R LG ’s central offices in Stanford, C alifornia. McCoy’s appointm ent con­ cludes a four m onths’ nationw ide search conducted by an international firm engaged to w ork w ith a search com m ittee appointed by the Board of Gov­ ernors. McCoy comes to RLG w ith substantial expertise in th e field of inform ation systems and d ata pro­ cessing m anagem ent at th e University of Wiscon­ sin, in the Wisconsin state governm ent, and in the federal governm ent. Most recently he has served as director of th e State Office of Inform ation Systems M anagem ent in the Wisconsin D epartm ent of Ad­ m inistration, and in a staff assignment for the Sec­ retary of th a t departm ent. His past appointm ents include: coordinator of com puting activities, O ffice of A dm inistration, Executive O ffice of th e P resident of th e U nited States; assistant to th e Secretary, Wisconsin D e­ p artm en t of H ealth an d Social Services; director of adm inistrative d ata processing and director of aca­ demic com puting at th e University of Wisconsin. McCoy holds bachelor’s, m aster’s, and P h.D . degrees in engineering, m anagem ent, and applied com puting from the University of Wisconsin. Jacquelyn M. Morris has been appointed asso­ ciate director of libraries at the University of the Pacific, Stockton, C alifornia, effective August 15, 1982. She was formerly h ead of th e R eference Division at the A lbert R. M ann L ibrary, Cornell University. Prior to her p o sitio n a t C o rn e ll, Morris was coordinator o f p u b lic services a t SUNY College of E nvi­ ro n m en tal Science and F o re s try in S y racu se, New York. She has also se rv e d as a n a d ju n c t p ro fe sso r a t S y racu se University School of In ­ Jacquelyn Morrisform ation Studies. Morris has been active in ACRL, currently serv­ ing as ch air of th e Ad Hoc College L ibrary Stan­ dards C om m ittee. She is also chair of the Biblio­ graphic Instruction Section’s Research C om m ittee and ACRL liaison to the A m erican Association for th e A dvancem ent of Science. 12 / C &R L News Morris received her MLS from Syracuse Univer­ sity in 1972 and has authored several publications, including Library Searching: Resources and Strat­ egies (co-authored w ith Elizabeth Elkins). She was aw arded the SUNY C hancellor’s A ward for Excel­ lence in Librarianship. D onald R. Smith has been appointed associate director for public services and collection develop­ m ent at th e University of T ulsa’s M cFarlin L i­ b ra ry . F o rm e rly h ead ed u catio n lib ra ria n at S o u th ern Illinois U n i­ versity, E dw ardsville, Smith has extensive ex­ perience in microforms and related equipm ent, o n lin e li te r a tu r e searches, and database formation. His previous positions include library in s tru c tio n li b r a r i a n and general studies ad­ visor at Southern Illinois University. D onald R. SmithSmith holds m aster’s degrees in history and instructional technology from Southern Illinois University and an MLS from the University of Missouri. He has several profes­ sional publications to his credit, including the 1978 ERIC docum ent, Newspaper Indexing Handbook fo r Small Libraries. Louella Vine W etherbee has been appointed director of libraries at George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, effective July 1, 1982. W e th e rb e e e a rn e d both a bachelor’s (1967) and an MLS (1969) at the University of Texas, A u stin . H er p rev io u s professional experience in c lu d e s sev eral p o si­ tio n s a t th e A M IG O S B ibliographic C ouncil where she served as asso­ ciate director of member services (1978-1980) and assistant to the di­ re c to r (1 9 7 7 -7 8 ). W etherbee also held sev­ eral positions at the Uni­ Louella Wetherbee versity of Texas including cataloger of the L atin American Collection (1970-1974), bibliographic control librarian (1974-1976), and L atin Ameri­ can projects coordinator (1976-1977). January 1983 / 13 She w as principal o£ th e Southwest Inform ation Associates, a consulting firm (1976-1978) and has also consulted on library autom ation projects in Mexico, Costa Rica, Colom bia, and Venezuela. W etherbee served as th e executive secretary of the Sem inar on L a tin A m erican L ib ra ry M aterials (1976-1977), an d has contributed articles to The Serials Librarian and Revista Interam ericana de Bibliotecologia. She is active in ALA and serves on its In tern atio n al Relations C om m ittee. C harlene Renner has been appointed assistant director for technical services a t th e Iow a State University L ibrary, Ames, before coming to Iow a S tate, R enner was assistant director for autom ated reference service at th e University of Illinois. Renner began her career in th e Serials D e p a rt­ m ent a t Ohio State University L ibraries in 1959. A fter receiv in g h e r g ra d u a te d eg ree from th e Drexel Institute of Technology in 1964, she served as reference lib rarian an d catalog lib rarian at th e F ree L ib rary of P hiladelphia. In 1965 she w en t to the University of Illinois w here she has w orked as cataloger, head of catalog m aintenance, English language and literatu re librarian, and acting head of bibliographic records. R enner was an academ ic library m anagem ent in tern a t th e University of C alifornia, Rerkeley in 1980-81. PEOPLE IN THE NEWS Anne K. Beaubien, m anager and coordinator of th e University of M ichigan’s M ichigan Inform ation T ransfer Source, has been honored by the Ann Ar­ bor Business and Professional W om an’s C lub as Ann A rbor’s W om an of th e Year. T he aw ard , pre­ sented last fall by th e m ayor of Ann A rbor, cites B eaubien for “outstanding achievements and con­ trib u tio n s, both professionally an d p ersonally.” Beaubien currently serves as ch air of th e ACRL B ibliographic In stru ctio n Section’s C o n tin u in g E ducation C om m ittee. J ohn C . Blair, Jr., head of com puter applica­ tions at th e Medical Sciences L ibrary, Texas A&M University, College Station, has w on th e 1982 D ata C o u rier A w ard for his article, “C reatin g Your O w n D atab ase,” in th e August 1982 issue of D ata­ base. T he article was selected for excellence in p u b ­ lished papers on th e online industry. A plaque and a check for $1,000 w ere presented to Blair by D ata C ourier president Loene T rubkin at the O nline ’82 m eetin g in A tla n ta on N ovem ber 2. B lair also writes a regular colum n on microcom puters in O n­ line m agazine entitled “Micro M agic.” E linor M. H ashim has been nam ed by President Reagan as chairm an of the N ational Commission on Libraries and Inform ation Science (NCLIS). She was sw orn in at th e Connecticut State Library, H artfo rd , on N ovem ber 18 by Judge R aym ond E. B aldw in. H ashim currently serves as supervisor of Reference and Technical Services at the Perkin- E lm er C orporate L ibrary, N orw alk, C onnecticut. H er term of office on th e Commission expires in July, 1986. D avid Kaser, professor of library and inform a­ tion science at In d ian a University, recently tra v ­ eled to Saudi A rabia, C an ad a, and T aiw an to con­ sult on the design of academ ic lib rary buildings. APPOINTM ENTS (A ppointm ent notices are taken from lib rary newsletters, letters from personnel offices and ap­ pointees, an d other sources. To ensure th a t your appointm ent appears, w rite to th e E d ito r, ACRL, 50 E. H uron St., C hicago, IL 60611.) R. C hristopher Asch has been appointed ca ta ­ loger at Queens College of the C ity University of New York, Flushing. Irene Avens has been appointed a rt lib rarian at Q ueens C ollege of th e C ity U niversity of N ew York, Flushing. E ulalie Brown has been appointed docum ents lib rarian at th e University of New Mexico, Albu­ querque. J udith A. Bushnell is now evening reference specialist at the State University College of Arts and Science, Geneseo, New York. Anne M arie C asey has been appointed general reference lib rarian at th e University of Southw est­ ern L ouisiana, L afayette. C arol D ickerson has been appointed collec­ tions lib ra ria n in th e W alk e r M anagem ent L i­ brary, V anderbilt U niversity, Nashville, Tennes­ see. Sandy L . F olsom has joined th e staff of the O ld D om inion University L ibrary, Norfolk, Virginia, as serials/general cataloger. J anet F r e d e r ic k has been a p p o in te d a u to ­ m ated processing lib ra ria n at th e U niversity of New Mexico, A lbuquerque. G ary D . G eer has joined th e staff of th e U niver­ sity of South C arolina Libraries, C olum bia, as as­ sistant reference lib rarian for collection m anage­ m ent. Shirley G regory is the new lib rarian at Wilson C ounty Technical Institute, W ilson, N orth C aro­ lina. W ilma R. G ulstad has been appointed health sciences cataloger at th e University of Missouri, Colum bia. Betsy H abich has been appointed Reserve Book L ib rarian at N ortheastern University Libraries, Boston. Randy B. H ensley has been appointed reference lib rarian a t th e O degaard U ndergraduate L ibrary at the University of W ashington, Seattle. L inda H offman is now head of the G overnm ent Docum ents D ep artm en t, University of C alifornia, Davis. J ames H . H utson has been nam ed chief of the M anuscript Division of th e L ibrary of Congress. 14 / C & RL N ew s