ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL N ew s ■ A p r il 1999 / 319 W a s h i n g t o n H o t l i n e Lynn E. Bradley Two academ ic librarians testify on behalf of LC and GPO appropriations On February 10 Patricia W and, university li­ brarian at Am erican University in W ashing­ ton, D .C., and Ridley K essler Jr ., regional docum ents librarian at the University o f North Carolina, Chapel Hill, testified o n b eh a lf o f FY 2000 funding for the Library o f Congress and the G overnm ent Printing O ffice before the Subcommittee on Legislative, House Com­ mittee on Appropriations, chaired by Rep. Charles Taylor (R-North Carolina). K essler’s written testim ony included the ALA Resolu­ tion o n G overnm ent Printing O ffice FY 2000 Salaries and Expenses Appropriations passed by ALA Council o n February 3 . Appearing on b eh a lf o f ALA, the Associa­ tion o f R esearch Libraries, the Am erican As­ sociation o f Law Libraries, the M edical Li­ brary A ssociation and the Special Libraries Association, Wand testified that the Library o f C ongress’s digital initiatives dem onstrate the enorm ous value o f and dem and for pro­ viding public access to th e grow ing body o f digital resources. She highlighted the library’s $48 million budget requ est for Services for the Blind and Physically H andicapped, $8 million for the Library o f Congress Law Li­ braiy, proposed tech nolog y initiatives, and the en h an cem en t o f security m easures. T he library’s F Y 2000 bud get requ est o f $ 383.7 million, she said, w ould allow the library to m aintain current programs w hile continuing to m ak e investm en ts in n etw o rk ed -b ased projects. Wand added that libraries will join in the Library o f C ongress’s bicentenn ial c el­ ebration in 2000 by highlighting local lega­ cies and the role o f libraries in com m unities throughout the nation. Kessler, also testifying on b e h a lf o f the five library associations, sp o k e in strong sup­ port o f the Public Printer Michael DiMario’s FY 2000 bud get requ est o f $ 3 1 .245 million for the Superintendent o f D ocum ents Sala­ ries and E xp en ses approp riations. K essler stressed the im portance o f a ccess to govern­ Lynne E. B ra dle y is d e p u ty e xe cu tiv e d ire c to r o f ALA's W ashington Office; e-mail: m ent materials through th e Federal D ep osi­ tory Library system to the citizens o f North Carolina and across the country. Future de­ velopm ent o f GPO access, he said, depended on the requested budgetary increase. He cited the 10 to 15 million d ow nloaded docum ents p er m onth as exam ple o f the increased de­ m and and n eed for support. K essler also described the c o n tributions m ade by dep osi­ tory libraries to catalog, bind, and provide com puter access to the materials, saying that som e regional d ep ositories c an spend up to $1 million per year to support collections and services. He stressed his c on cern and that o f fel­ low librarians with governm ental lack o f com ­ plian ce with Title 44 o f the U.S. Code. Rep. Ed Pastor (D-Arizona), a new m em ber o f the subcom m ittee, follow ed up th ose rem arks with questions and con cern abou t fugitive docum ents. Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Maryland) d escribed the attem pt to pass n ew legisla­ tion in the last Congress and the de-funding o f the Jo in t Com m ittee on Printing. Kessler told the subcom m ittee about his attem pt to retrieve the electron ic cop y o f M ilitary Speci­ fic a t io n s a n d Stan dards, a manual used by many small indep en den t producers o f m ate­ rials. T h e manual can n ot b e printed out b e ­ cause, according to Kessler, it requires a fee to subscribe. (C opies o f the library group testim onies av a ila b le at http://w w w ashoff/ statem en ts.htm l.) Copyright prim er n o w av ailab le on th e Web “T h e Primer o n the Digital Millennium Copy­ right Act” by Arnold P. Lutzker is now avail­ a b l e o n th e ALA W e b s it e at: http:// www.a la .org/washoff/copyright.htm l. Lutzker is an attorney hired by ALA and several other library associations to w ork on intellectual property issues and is a reco g ­ nized exp ert on the new intellectual prop­ erty legislation. His primer is subtitled: “What the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and the Copyright Term E xtension Act M ean for the Library Com m unity.” ■