ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 3 2 0 / C&RL News ■ A p r il 1999 P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s Jane Hedberg NEDCC m anual a v a ila b le o nline T h e Northeast D ocum en t Conservation Cen­ ter (NEDCC) has m ounted the updated and revised third edition o f Preservation o f Library & A rch iv al M aterials: A M a n u a l on its W eb site. Edited by Sherelyn O gden, the 350-pag e manual contains 51 tech nical leaflets, eight o f w hich are n ew to this edition and the re­ m ainder o f w hich have b e e n significantly updated. Among the new leaflets are “Digi­ tal T e c h n o lo g y M ade S im p ler,” “T h e Rel­ evan ce o f Preservation in a Digital W orld,” and “Preservation Assessment and Planning.” E ach o f the leaflets fits o n e o f six broad cat­ egories: planning and prioritizing, the envi­ ronm ent, em erg en cy m anagem ent, storage and handling, reformatting, o r conservation procedures. Funds from the Institute o f Mu­ seum and Library Services (IMLS) and the N ational E n d ow m en t fo r th e H um anities (NEH) m ade this free W eb access possible. T h e manual will also b e published on paper during the sum m er o f 1999. T h e URL f o r N E D C C is h ttp:// w w w .n ed . For m ore inform ation, c o n ­ ta c t G ay T racy , N EDCC, 1 0 0 B r ic k s to n e Square, Andover, MA 0 1810; phone: (978) 470-1010 ext. 217; fax (9 7 8 ) 475-6021; e-mail: tracy @ n ed . PRESED-X updated A new ly revised version o f PRESED-X, the preservation educators exch an g e W eb site, is now available on the Regional A lliance for Preservation W eb site at SOLINET. Originally created by R obert D ecand id o o f the New Y ork Public Library to allow preservation pro­ fessionals to share cou rse materials, PRESED- X contains cou rse syllabi, w orkshop outlines, han dou ts, and ex e rc ise s. Future e n h a n c e ­ ments include a search able d atabase o f pres­ ervation trainers. T h e URL is presedho.htm. For more information, contact Christine W isem an, Preservation Education officer, SOLINET, Inc., 1438 W. Peachtree St., NW, Suite 200, Atlanta, GA 30309-2955; phone: (800) 999-8558 ext. 241; fax: (404) 892-7879; e-mail: christine_wisem RLG DigiN ew s T h e February 1999 issue (v.3: n o . l) o f RLG D igiN ew s, th e R e s e a r c h L ibraries G rou p onlin e periodical, contains a feature article “Digital Im aging and Preservation Microfilm: T h e Future o f the Hybrid A pproach for the Preservation o f Brittle B o o k s ” by Stephen Chapman (Harvard University), Paul Conway (Y a le U n iv e rs ity ), a n d A n n e R. K e n n e y (Cornell University). It also has a technical n o te “Lossy o r Lossless? File Com pression Strategies Discussion at ALA” by Robin Dale (RLG). RLG DigiNews is available at http:// w w w U N ESC O d i s a s t e r p r e p a r e d n e s s docum ent on Web U N E S C O h a s m o u n t e d “E m e r g e n c y Programme for the Protection o f Vital Records in the Event o f Armed Conflict” on its W eb site. Based o n case studies conducted in Costa Rica, Croatia, and G am bia, this W eb d ocu ­ m ent includes a guide to developing such a program, reports o n the case studies, infor­ m ation o n risks and risk m anagem ent, ar­ ticles o n specialized topics, and recom m en ­ dations for appropriate actions. It is intended primarily for u se by national archives threat­ e n ed by war, but covers disaster information that may b e useful to other organizations in o ther threatening circum stances. T h e URL is sro_citra/index.html. AMIGOS has m oved T h e AMIGOS Bibliographic Council, Inc., in­ cluding the AMIGOS Preservation Service, has m oved to 14400 Midway Road, Dallas, TX 75244-3509. T heir ph on e num bers and URL rem ain the sam e. P hone: (9 7 2 ) 8 5 1 -8000 and (8 0 0 ) 8 4 3 -8 4 8 2 ; fax: (9 7 2 ) 9 9 1-6061; W eb: http://w w w .am l. ■ Jane Hedberg prepares this column fo r th e College Libraries C o m m itte e , C om m ission o n P reservation a n d Access. Submissions m ay be m ade t o Jane H ed b e rg, W ellesley College; jhedberg@; fax: (781)283-3690 C&RL News ■ A p r il 1 9 9 9 / 321 322 / C&RL News ■ A p r il 1999