ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ A p r il 1 9 9 9 / 327 G r a n t s a n d A c q u i s i t i o n s Ann-Christe Young U n iv e r s it y o f I llin o is a t U rb an a Cham paign Library has received a grant o f $ 1 58,000 from the Institute o f Museum and Library Services to support the creation o f an electronic database o f historical material. O nce scanned in, the material— im ages and texts contributed by local m useum s, libraries, and archives— will b e accessib le by the W eb to children and their teach ers in three local elem entary schools. The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) has been awarded $300,000 by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. The Hewlett Foundation made the grant in response to a proposal from CLIR that outlined its projected initiatives in four program areas: preservation and access, digital libraries, econom ics o f information, and leadership. The U niversity of South Florida (USF) has received a donation o f $3 million from retired attorney A. B. Angle to support the Virtual Library and the Resource Center for Florida History and Politics. T he donation could also b e m atched with a gift from the state. Liz Sism ilich, d irec to r for library developm ent, said, “Money could go toward purchasing electronic databases and journals. It can also help us digitize materials and place them on the Internet.” Angle had earlier donated $200,000 to the library and has a fourth-floor study room nam ed in his honor. The New Jersey State Library has awarded 554 grants totaling $5,150,872 under its Libraries 2000 Plan. The plan provides for each public library to have at least o n e Pentium com puter with Internet access. Academic libraries also received grants under the plan in clu d in g the Hub Library program, Integrated Online Library Systems Implementation grant, Im p lem en tin g 2 3 9 .5 0 and W e b P a c T e c h n o lo g y , and the A cad em ic Libraries (VALE) D atabase A ccess p ro je c t. T h e s e grants also h e lp e d stim ulate a n o th e r $ 3 .5 m illio n in n etw o rk eq u ip m en t to th e p u b lic lib raries from B ell A tlantic N ew Je rs e y . A c q u i s i t i o n s Papers of the late Roy Davis Holt Sr., a W estern author and public education leader, h a v e b e e n a c q u ire d b y th e So u th w est Collection/Special Collections Library o f Texas T ech University. T he collection includes 31 b o x es o f recently processed materials on the history o f T exas and the West. Holt, w ho died in 1985, w rote numerous W estern articles for publications such as The Cattlem an, Sheep a n d G oat Raiser, True West, and Western H orsem an . The collection contains research files used in writing his three books. They include C hildren In d ia n Captives, So You Don't Like Texas, and H eap M any Texas Chiefs. T he materials include correspondence, literary productions, news clippings and personal files, printed material, teaching files, scrapbook material, and memorabilia. Acollection of works of Jean-Paul Sartre has been acquired by the B einecke Rare B ook and Manuscript Library. The collection includes the library o f tape recordings that Jo h n Gerassi amassed during his work on the 1989 biography, fe a n -P a u l Sartre: H ated C on science o f His Century. These include tapes o f 36 interviews with Sartre prior to the writing o f the biography, In addition, the library has acquired several unpub-lished manuscripts that Sartre gave to Gerassi. T hese include a four-hour lecture on ethics presented by Sartre in 1964 at the Gramsci Institute in Rome; 800 pages o f notes for lectures on ethics that Sartre intended to give at Cornell (he can-celled his visit to protest the American bom bing o f North Vietnam); the uncorrected typescript o f a volume on ethics that differs from the published text; and four pages o f notes in Sartre’s hand identifying the books h e read during v arious p erio d s in his life. ■ Ed. n o t e : Send yo u r news to: Grants & Acquisitions, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail: