ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 3 3 2 / C&RL News ■ A p r il 1999 C L A S S I F Y A d s Career opportunities f r mo across the country D eadlines: O rders fo r regu la r classifie d advertisem ents m ust reach the A C R L office on o r before th e second o f the m onth preceding publication of the issue (e.g., S eptem ber 2 fo r th e O cto b e r issue). S hould this date fa ll on a w eekend or holiday, ads w ill be accepted on th e next business day. Late job listings w ill be accepted on a space -a va ila ble basis a fte r the secon d o f the month. Rates: C la ssified adve rtise m e nts are $8.75 p e r line fo r institutio n s th a t are A C R L m em bers, $ 10.75 fo r others. Late jo b notices are $ 20 .50 per line fo r institutio n s th a t are A C R L m em bers, $ 24.95 fo r others. O rg a n iza tio ns su bm it­ tin g ads w ill be ch arged accord in g to th e ir m em bership status. D isplay ad rates range from $395 to $745 based upon size. Please call fo r sizes and rates. O r see our w ebsite: http ://w w w .a la .o rg/acrl/a d ve rt2 .h tm l. G u idelines: For ads th a t list an application deadline, we su gg e st th a t date be no so on e r than the 20th day o f the m onth in w hich the n otice a ppears (e.g., O c to b e r 20 fo r the O cto b e r issue). All jo b a nn o uncem ents should include a sa la ry range p e r policy of the A m e rica n Library A ssociation (ALA). Job a n n o u nce m e n ts w ill be edite d to exclude BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD U S E D S C I-TE C H B O O K S P U R C H A S E D . P h y s ic s , m a th , a ll e n g i­ n e e rin g , e le c tric ity , a nd e le c tro n ic s , s k ille d tra d e s , a n tiq u a ria n tech . S o rry, no s e ria ls o r life s c ie n c e s . Q u a lity o ld e r e d itio n s , d u p lic a te s , u n n e e d e d g ifts , s u p e rs e d e d title s a lw a y s so u g h t. E x lib ra ry O K . No q u a n titie s to o g re a t; w ill tra v e l w h e n a p p ro p ria te . F o r m o re in fo rm a ­ tio n p le a s e c o n ta ct: C o llie r B ro w n o r K irste n B e rg a t P o w e ll’s T e c h ­ n ic a l B o o k s to r e , 3 3 N W P a rk A v e ., P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 0 9 ; p h o n e : ( 8 0 0 ) 2 2 5 -6 9 1 1 ; fa x : (5 0 3 ) 2 2 8 -0 5 0 5 ; e -m a il to : k irs te n @ te ch n ical.p o w e . POSITIONS OPEN A C C E S S SER VIC ES C O O R D IN A TO R , A ssistant/Associate Professor (Te n ure Tra ck), Q ue e ns College, C ity U n ive rsity o f N ew York. Q ue e ns C o lle ge L ibrary se eks an A cce ss S ervices C o o rd in a to r to w o rk in a collegial environm ent where user sen/ice and instruction a re a priority, and th e re is c o n sid e ra ble sco pe fo r p a rticipa tin g in re d efin in g lib ra ry-w id e se rvice s a nd in corpo ra tin g n ew tech n olo g ie s into se rvice d e live ry and in stru ction . R epo rtin g to the lib ra ry d ire ctor, the C o ordina tor: m anages Circulation, M edia Services, Reserve, and Stack M aintenance; serves as a m em ber o f the library m anagem ent group; participates in user education program s; and serves as the college representative to C U N Y circulation/ access sen/ices com m ittees. Library faculty m ust dem onstrate a record of scholarly achievement and service fortenure and promotion (w Library). R equ irem e n ts: M aster's deg re e from an A LA a ccre dite d p ro ­ gram and additional master’s degree (at tim e of appointment); adm inistra­ tive experience; experience with automated circulation/reserve operations. P referred: Expe rie n ce in m e d ia se rvice s, library instruction, e lectron ic reserves. Salary: $32,062-$55,930 (Assistant Professor); $41,780-$66,837 (A sso ciate P ro fe sso r) fo r 12 m onths, co m m e nsu ra te w ith e xperience. S end vita and nam es/telep ho n e/fax o f fo u r re ferences to: Chair, Search C o m m itte e, R osenthal Library, Q u e e n s C o lle g e , 6 5 -3 0 K issena Blvd, Flushing, NY 11367-1597. Clo sing date: M ay 1 2,1 99 9. Q ue e ns College is an A A/EO E/AD A employer. A S S IS T A N T B IB L IO G R A P H E R /R E S E A R C H L IB R A R IA N . Reporting to the C hief Business Bibliographer, system atically identifies and selects all periodicals (including U.S. federal and state docum ents, newspapers, and p eriodicals in m icroform ) by review ing a w id e range o f b ibliographic selection a ids and b y co nsid e rin g in form atio n received from lib ra ry cu s­ tom ers and staff. S erves as a m e m b er o f the Library's D atabase Tearn in th e p ro cess o f se lectin g e lectron ic re feren ce resources, and a ssists in n eg otia tin g e lectron ic su bscriptio n p ricin g a nd lice n sing a greem ents. A ssists the C h ie f B usine ss B ib lio gra p he r in o th e r b ib liog ra p hica l fu n c­ tions, such as evaluating the Library's resources on the basis o f collection deve lo pm en t standards, library policies, a cadem ic p rogram s and plans. C ontinuously m onitors usage o f library collections; evaluates holdings in term s o f d up lica tio n w ith o th e r ca m p us lib ra rie s a nd o th e r a cad em ic d is crim ina to ry references. A p p lica nts should be aw are th a t th e term s fa cu lty rank and status vary in m eaning a m ong institutions. In ternet: C&RL News classifie d ads are a ccessible on the W orld W ide W eb a t h ttp ://w w w .a la .o rg/acrl/c& rlne w 2.h tm l. Ads w ill be placed a pp ro xim ately 2-3 w eeks before the printed edition o f C&RL News is published. C ontact: Ja ck H elbig, C lassified A d vertising M anager, C&RL News C lassified A dve rtisin g D epartm ent, ACRL, A m erican Library Asso cia tio n , 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 2 80-2513; fax: (312) 280 -7 6 63 or (312) 2 80-2520; e-m ail: jh e lb ig @ a la .o rg . Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placem ent services com ply with ALA anti-discrim ination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is comm itted to equality of opportunity for all library employ­ ees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, o r national origin." By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the organization agrees to com ply with this policy. THE COLLEGE OF NEW JER SEY HUMANITIES LIBRARIAN Full-tim e, te n u re -tra c k p o sitio n available. R e s p o n s ib ilitie s : c o o rd in a te s c o lle c tio n development in the disciplines of Philosophy and Religion, English, Modern Languages, and African American Studies; shares responsibility for user education; provides general reference service, including some weekends and evenings; assists in the library instruction program. Required: ALA-accredited Master's degree with additional graduate degree highly desirable; at least three years professional level academic or research library experience with a strong concentration on the Humanities; familiarity with using information sources in all formats including paper, CD-ROM, and online; experience in general reference; excellent interpersonal & oral/written communication skills. Initiative, flexibility, and a strong service orientation are essential. Research/scholarly activity, service on library and campus-wide committees, and active participation in profession expected for tenure. Salary range: $39,521 - $59,274. A review of applications will begin April 1‚ 1999. Please send cover letter, resume, and names and phone numbers of at least three references to: Ms. Patricia Beaber, Chair, Humanities Librarian Search Committee, Roscoe L. West Library, The College of New Jersey, P.O. Box 7718, Ewing, NJ 08628-0718. To enrich education through diversity, The College of New Jersey is an Equal Opportunity Employer. b usiness libraries. S erves a s a m e m b er o f the Library's R eference Team , providing Information Desk coverage as needed, including evenings, week­ end s, a nd h olidays, a nd p ro vid e s sp e cia lize d re feren ce and research assistance. M LS o r equivalent training and experience is required. Library experience in business collection developm ent and business, econom ics, o r social scie n ce s re feren ce re quired. S tron g co m p u te r skills and d ata ­ base expertise. Excellent organizational and com m unication skills. Salary: $37,000-68,000, dep en d in g on qua lifica tio ns a nd rank. C ontact: Search A dvisory Panel A, J. Hugh Jackson Library, Graduate School o f Business, S ta n fo rd U n iv e rs ity , Stanford, C A 94305-5016. Stanford is co m m itte d to the principle o f diversity and w elcom es applications from all people includ­ ing women, mem bers of ethic minorities, veterans, and disabled individuals. C&RL News ■ A p r il 7999 / 333 HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES, Thomas J. Watson Library T h e T h o m a s J . W a tson Library, th e research lib ra ry o f T h e M etro p o lita n M u seu m o f A r t , invites ap p lica tio n s fo r th e p o sitio n o f H ead o f T ech n ica l Services. T h is p o sitio n is resp o n sib le for p la n n in g , o rg a n iz in g , and co o rd in a tin g a ll a ctiv itie s o f th e T ech n ica l Services D ep a rtm en t in c lu d in g a cq u isitio n s and m o no g rap h and serials ca ta lo g in g . T h e H ead o f T ech n ica l Services has d irect re sp o n s ib ility fo r th e daily o p era tio n s o f a ll te ch n ica l services fu n ctio n s in c lu d in g : s e ttin g p o licie s and p roced ures; m o n ito rin g w o rk flo w ; esta b lis h in g c a ta lo g in g and re tro sp ectiv e conversion p rio ritie s and a ssig n m en ts; en su rin g tr a in in g o f n in e lib rarian s and te n F T E sup port s ta ff; and co o rd in a tin g p ro jec ts to in te g ra te th e h o ld in g s o f th e M u se u m ’s in d ep en d en t lib raries in to W a ts o n lin e , th e o n lin e c a ta lo g . W a ts o n L ibrary uses th e serials, a cq u is itio n s , and ca ta lo g in g m o d u les provided by In n o v a tiv e In terfa ce s, and has been ca ta lo g in g in R L I N sin ce 1 9 8 0 . T h is p o s itio n reports to th e C h ie f L ib rarian . Q u a li f ic a t i o n s : M L S w ith a m in im u m o f s ix years o f m anagerial exp erience in te ch n ica l services in a research library. C an didates m u st have s ig n ific a n t lib rary a d m in istra tiv e ex p erien ce and m a n a g em en t sk ills and detailed kn o w led ge o f curren t cata lo g in g p ra ctices, in c lu d in g A A C R 2 R , LC S u b je c t H ead ing s, U S M A R C form ats and a u th o rity co n tro l. E x p erien ce w ith R L I N and an in teg ra ted library system is essential. Aw areness o f curren t issues and trends in te ch n ica l services m an ag em en t and library technology. W o rk in g kn ow led ge o f tw o foreign languages. A rt library exp erien ce o r a backgroun d in fin e arts is preferred. T h e M useum offers e x c e lle n t b e n e fits and salary c o m p etitiv e and co m m en su ra te w ith q u a lifica tio n s. P lease m a il le tte r o f a p p lica tio n THE METROPOLITAN and resum e to: T h e M e t r o p o l i t a n M u s e u m MUSEUM OF ART o f A r t , A t t n : H u m a n R e s o u r c e s B o x T S , 1 0 0 0 F i f t h A v e n u e , N e w Y o r k , N Y 1 0 0 2 8 . E O E M/F/D/V. Applications accepted until position is filled. For full position description, see: A S S IS T A N T L IB R A R IA N . Th e U niversity o f Arizona Library seeks pro­ fessionals to jo in its team -based, innovative, flexible, user-oriented orga­ nization. The library is com m itted to continuous learning, increasing client sufficiency, fostering diversity in the cam pus environment, and furthering its own transmission, educational, and preservation roles. Applications are sought fo r one full-tim e and o ne half-tim e A ssistant Librarian. Both posi­ tions w ill have resp on sib ilitie s in co nn ectio n developm ent, inform ation resources development/preservation (IRDP), education, Type III reference sen/ice, needs assessment, knowledge management, undergraduate ser­ vices, training, and supervision, and w ill p articipate in library strategic project team s, cross-fu nctio na l tea m s and o th e r team s, as needed to com plete the goals o f the library. R equired: ALA-accredited MLS; strong com m itm ent to inform ation a ccess in alternative and traditional form ats; ability to teach in a classroom and other settings; ability to communicate and work effectively with colleagues and customers; demonstrated commitment to co ntin uo u s le arning and active p articipation in the library profession; ability and d esire to w o rk in a team -ba sed environ m e n t; co m m itm en t to diversity in th e academ ic environment; demonstrated proficiency with tech­ nological a p p lica tio ns in libraries. In addition, the full-tim e p osition re ­ quires knowledge of fine arts, especially art history. The part-time position requires knowledge of one o r m ore fine arts and hum anities subject areas and d em onstrated in terest in kn ow ledge m a n agem ent (creation o f new databases), electronic texts, and digitization o f library resources. Candi­ dates are e nco urag e d to review th e full p osition d escription fo r furth e r re q uirem en ts at: h ttp //h r2 .h r.a rizo n a .e d u . T o a pp ly, su b m it le tte r o f in terest citin g p ositio n title and Jo b # (fu ll-tim e p o sitio n is Jo b #14977; p art-tim e p ositio n is Jo b # 14 97 8 ); a c u rre n t re su m e; and the n am es, a d d re sses, and pho ne n um be rs o f th re e p ro fe ssio n a l re fe re n ce s to: Martina Johansen, T h e U n iv e rs ity o f A riz o n a Library, 1510 E. University Blvd., Rm. C 327. PO box 210055, Tucson, A Z 857 21 -0 0 55 ; e-m ail: o r johansen@ Review o f a pp lica tio n m a terials w ill beg in A pril 1 9 , 1999, and co ntin ue until p o sitio n s a re fille d . T h e U n ive rsity o f A riz o n a is an E EO /A A employer-M/W /D/V. A SS O C IA T E D IR E C TO R FOR C O L L E C T IO N S A N D C U R A T O R OF RARE B O O K S . D ivision o f R are and M an uscript C ollections, Cornell University Library. Th e D ivision o f Rare and M anuscript C ollections includes300,000printed books, more than seventy million manuscripts, and another million photographs, paintings, prints, and other visual media. The collection chronicles such fields as medieval and Renaissance studies, the Reformation, eighteenth-century France and England, American history, Anglo-American literature, Icelandic history and culture, and the history of science. O utstanding b ook collections focus on the e arly Italian R enais­ sance, particularly the works of Dante and Petrarch; 17th -and 18th-century physics and chem istry, m ost notably chem ist Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier (1 7 43-1794); 1 8th-century E nglish authors, including Jo na tha n Swift, Alexander Pope, and Samuel Johnson; and the Romantic poets, especially W illiam W ord sw o rth. O ther p ro m in en t co lle ction s relate to the French Revolution, witchcraft, and the anti-slavery movement. In addition, there is a diverse selection o f private press books of high typographic quality and a va rie ty o f g raphic m aterials, such as w ood cu ts and lithographs. W ith a staff o f twenty-five, the Division plays an active teaching role a t Cornell and prom otes the use of its collections through a variety of programs, including instruction, tours, exhibitions, and n etw orked a ccess to collections. Lo­ cated in the recently constructed Carl A. Kroch Library, the D ivision also houses the Cornell U nive rsity Archives. D uties & R esponsibilities: Re­ porting to the Director o f the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, the Associate D irecto r fo r C o lle ction s and C u ra tor o f Rare Books will participate in an integrated special collections program , contribute to the overall goals o f a m ajor research library, and play a dynam ic role in the rare book profession. He/she will exercise principal responsibility fo r the devel­ opm ent o f the Division's historical and literary book holdings, with respon­ sibility fo r the selection and acquisition o f published materials in consulta­ tion with other curatorial staff o f the Division, other library staff, and Cornell facu lty. H e/she w ill also dire ct the a ctivities o f the D ivision's fo rm a t and subject curators, coordinating collection development and donor relations. Th e C u ra tor and A ssociate D irecto r w ill actively contribu te to public service and public affairs activities, including exhibitions and publications. He/she w ill re p rese n t the D ivision in p rofessional organizations, public presentations, and forum s with faculty, staff, students, and alumni. Qualifi­ cations: Required: G raduate deg re e in library/inform ation science o r humanities; extensive knowledge of the antiquarian booktrade; competency in one o r m ore W estern European languages; expe rie n ce in d on or rela­ tio ns and fundraising; strong record o f professional publication; supervi­ sory experience; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; and 10+ years of progressively responsible fiscal and administrative special collec­ tions managem ent. Preference will be given to candidates with proficiency w ith co m p ute rs, networks, and digital a ccess tech n iqu e s and issues. Closing date: April 1‚ 1999, but applications will be accepted until position is filled. A pp ly to: Susan Markowitz, Director, Library Human Resources, 334 / C&RL News ■ A p r il 1999 HEAD OF REFERENCE ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (LIBRARY) The City College of New York offers a rich program of undergraduate and graduate study through its College of Liberal Arts and Science, along with professional schools in Engineering, Medicine, Education and Architecture. We have a tenure track position available effective Sept 1, 1999. The Head of Reference supervises a team of full and part-time professional librarians delivering reference services, supervises collection development and man­ ages library instruction, microforms, the reference collec­ tion and the development of user educational materials. Responsible for Information Desk and student assistant scheduling and managing hourly personnel budgets. Trains colleagues in new technologies and services, develops and revises Division programs, serves at the Reference Desk (including evenings and weekends), and engages in instruction and web site content development. Reports to the Chief of Public Services. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA accredited MLS and second master’s or Ph.D.; at least five years of experience in an academic library, preferably in an urban multicultural set­ ting; significant supervisory experience; proficiency in the use of electronic information resources and library tech­ nology; dynamic service delivery; staffing training and information literacy programs. Ability to meet the respon­ sibilities and requirements of a tenure-track appointment, including research, publishing, and involvement in profes­ sional organizations. SALARY: $41,780 - $55,930, commensurate with qualifica­ tions and experience. Liberal fringe benefits. Applicants should submit a current vita and 3 letters of recommendation by 5/1/99, to Professor Pamela Gillespie, Chief Librarian, THE CITY COLLEGE OF NEW YORK Convent Avenue at 138th St. New York, NY 10031 For more information, please visit our web site at The City College of New York has a strong institutional com­ mitment to the principle of diversity. In that spirit, we are par­ ticularly interested in receiving applications from a broad spectrum of people, including women and under-represented groups. Upon request, reasonable accommodation provided for individuals with disabilities. All candidates must provide documentation to prove employment eligibility in compliance with IRCA. 201 O lin Lib rary, C o rn e ll U n iv e rs ity , Itha ca, NY 1 48 53 -5 3 01 . P lease send c o v e r letter, resum e, and the nam es, add re sses, and pho ne num ­ b ers o f th re e re fe re n c e s . C o rn e ll U n iv e rs ity is an A ffirm a tiv e A c tio n / Equal O p p o rtu n ity E m p loye r s tro n g ly co m m itte d to d iversity. W e va lue q u a lifie d ca n d id a te s w h o can brin g to o u r c o m m u n ity a va rie ty o f b a ck­ g ro un ds a nd experiences. B U S IN E S S L IB R A R I A N A N D A S S I S T A N T P R O F E S S O R (te n u re -tra ck). R e sp o n sib ilitie s: P ro vide s g en eral a nd b u sin e ss re fer­ e n c e s e rv ic e to U n iv e rs ity o f M is s is s ip p i s tu d e n ts a nd fa cu lty, a nd c o lle ction d e ve lo p m e n t fo r the S cho o ls o f B usiness A d m inistratio n and A cco u n tin g . P a rtic ip a te s in te a c h in g o ne h o u r c re d it lib ra ry c o u rs e in c o n ju n c tio n w ith o th e r p u b lic s e rv ic e lib ra rie s , a n d c o o rd in a te s the L ib r a r y 's d is ta n c e - le a r n in g e n d e a v o r s . T h is is a fu ll- tim e , tw e lv e -m o n th , te n u re tra c k p os itio n . Q u a lific a tio n s : A L A -a c c re d ite d M L S by sta rtin g d ate . E xce lle n t w ritte n a nd o ra l c o m m u n ica tio n skills, stro n g in te rp e rs o n a l sk ills , p ro fic ie n c y in u s in g e le c tro n ic re s o u rc e s su c h a s o n lin e c a ta lo g s , C D -R O M d a ta b a s e s , In te rn e t, a n d W e b so urces. F a m iliarity w ith business sources. Th e ability to w o rk collegially w ith o th e r librarians in a rapidly ch an ging e nvironm ent. Salary: $30,000. D e a d lin e fo r a p p lic a tio n : U n til p os itio n is fille d . S ta rlin g Date: J u ly 1 ‚ 1 999. C o n ta ct: S u b m it an a pp lic a tio n le tte r, re su m e , a nd th e n am es, a ddresses, and telep ho n e num bers o f three references to: Royce Kurtz, J.D. W illia m s Library, U n iv e rs ity o f M is s is s ip p i, University, MS 38677. T h e U n ive rsity o f M ississip pi is an E E O /A A /T itle V l/T itle IX/S e ction 0 4 / A D A /A D E A em ployer. C A T A L O G A N D A S S IS T A N T P R O FES S O R (tenure-track). R e sponsi­ bilities: Perform s original and co m p lex co py cataloging o f p rint m aterials, w o rks as a m em b er of the catalog team (3 o th e r professional librarians, 3 supp ort staff, and n um erous stud e nt a ssistants). R eports to the H ead of Technical Services. Qualifications: A LA-accredited MLS, written and oral co m m unication skills, c o m p ute r skills, w o rkin g kn ow ledge o f USM ARC, LCSH, and LC classification, fa m ilia rity w ith cata lo ging in an a utom ated environment, evidence of initiative, flexibility, productivity, and ability to work collegially in a team and academ ic environment. Salary: $30,000. Deadline fo r Application: Until position is filled. S tarting Date: Ju ly 1‚ 1999. Contact: Submit an application letter, resume, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three references to: JoAnn Stefani, J.D. W illia m s Library, U n iv e rs ity o f M is s is s ip p i, University, MS 38677. The U n ive rsity o f M ississippi is an EEO /A A/Title V l/T itle IX/Section 0 4/A D A / ADEA employer. C A T A L O G L IB R A R IA N . A ssistant Professor rank, tw elve-m onth faculty tenure-track, app ointm e n t open June 1‚ 1999. R esponsibilities: Original a nd co p y ca ta lo g in g in all fo rm a ts a nd se veral la ng u ag e s, unio n listing, retrospective conversion, and student w o rke r supervision. Participates in Technical Services Department activities and some reference desk duties. Required: MLS from A LA-accredited program : experience o rcoursew ork in cataloging; know ledge of AAC R 2; fam ilia rity with LCSH, LC classifica­ tion practices, and M AR C form ats; ability to w o rk effectively with all levels o f facu lty and staff. D esirable: S econd M a ster’s degree; expe rie n ce with O CLC; w orking kn ow ledge o f p ersonal co m p ute rs and software. Salary: $26,000. Send le tte r of application, resum e, and nam es, addresses, and tele p h o n e n um be rs o f th re e referen ces by M ay 1 5 , 1999, to: B etty D. Johnson, A ssociate D irecto rf o r Technical Services, duPont-Ball Library, S te ts o n U n iv e rs ity , D eLand, FL 3 2720. S te tson U n ive rsity is an equal opportunity e m p loye r and is strongly com m itted to increasing the diversity o f its facu lty and adm inistration. Salary guide Listed below are the latest minim um starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended fo r governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations fo r minim um salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended minim ums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the O ctober 1 5 , 1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey of Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, o r the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For m ore information, contact the ALA Office fo r Library Personnel Resources. C o n n e c tic u t D e la w a r e Illin o is In d ia n a Io w a Lou isian a M a in e M a s s a c h u s e tts New Jersey New York North C arolina Ohio P e n n s y lv a n ia Rhode Island South Carolina So uth D akota T e x a s V e r m o n t W est V irgin ia W iscon sin $31,273 $ 2 2 ,5 0 0 + $ 2 7 ,4 0 0 # v a rie s * $24,533 $22,000 v a rie s * $ 2 7 ,5 5 4 * $33,188 v a rie s * $ 2 4 ,3 6 7 + $ 2 5 ,1 9 8 + $26,400 $29,800 v a rie s * $22,000 $28,000 $26,464 $22,000 $32,240 ‘ R a th e r th a n e s ta b lis h o n e s ta te w id e s a la ry m in im u m , so m e s tate a sso cia tio n s h ave a do p te d a fo rm u la b a se d on such va ria bles a s c o m p a ra b le s a la rie s f o r p u b lic s c h o o l te a c h e rs in e ach c o m m u n ity o r th e g ra d e le vel o f a p ro fe s s io n a l lib ra ria n p ost. In th e s e ca se s, you m a y w is h to c o n ta c t th e sta te a s s o c ia tio n fo r m in im u m s a la ry in fo rm a tio n . +S a la ry m inim um s fo r pub lic lib ra ria n s only. # O ption fo r local form ula. C&RL News ■ A p r il 1999 / 335 HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL COLLECTIONS AND UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES California State University, Sacramento DESCRIPTION: The Department Head is responsible for the administration of the Department of Special Collections and University Archives. Develops, organizes, and preserves the collections. Supervises the University Archivist/Curator of the Japanese American Collection, 1.5 FTE staff, and student assistants. W orks closely with faculty in the Library and the University to acquire collections that support the University’s curricular and research activities and plays a major role in seeking adequate funding for the collections. Develops programs and exhibits that promote knowledge of and use of the collections. Provides reference assistance and instruction for those persons seeking to use the collections. Works closely with the Dean of the Library and the Director of Library Development and External Relations in grantwriting and fundraising efforts. Reports to the Associate Dean for Public Services. THE DEPARTMENT: The CSUS Library Department of Special Collections and University Archives contains over 4000 linear feet of archival and manuscript materials, including the award-winning Japanese American Archival collection, and the papers of Congressman John Emerson Moss, Charles M. Goethe, Phil Isenberg, and Senator Leroy Green. The Department is committed to collecting primary resources documenting the social, cultural, economic, and political history of the Sacramento region, and preserving the historical records of the University. More information about the Library and the University can be found at QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; record of progressively responsible experi­ ence in managing special collections or archives and in building collections; ability to manage and provide leadership in a collegial manner in an ever-changing environment; successful supervisory experience; excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to work with a diverse population of faculty, staff, students, and community members; effective verbal and written communication skills; demonstrated experience with computer applications including electronic information resources and the Internet; knowledge of MARC-AMC cataloging and of national standards for bibliographic description of special collection and archival materials; successful experience providing reference and instructional services; familiarity with preservation methods and techniques. Preferred: coursework in archives or special collection management; advanced degree in history, political science, public policy or related discipline; academy of Certified Archivists certification; experience in working with special and archival collections in an academic setting; familiarity with InMagic or Innovative Interfaces library systems; familiarity with digital technology as it relates to special and archival collections; experience with HTML, SGML, EAD, and Web applications; successful experience in grant writing and fund raising and in preparation of exhibits; evidence of scholarly contributions. APPOINTMENT/SALARY: This is a full-time, 12-month, tenure-track faculty appointment. Appoint­ ment will be at the Senior Assistant or Associate Librarian rank, depending upon credentials and experience. Salary: Senior Assistant minimum, $43,584; Associate Librarian minimum, $50,124. CSUS has an attractive retirement and benefits program. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Anticipated start date is July 1 , 1 999. Applications received by April 1 9 ,1 999, will receive first consideration; position will remain open until filled. Send a current resume and cover letter addressing the qualifications for the position, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three professional references to: Patricia Larsen D irector and Dean of the Library T he Library, C alifornia S tate U niversity, S acram ento 20 00 S tate U n iversity Drive East S acram ento, CA 95819-6039 For a full position description and vacancy announcement, send a request to lmjones@ California State University, Sacramento is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. 336 / C&RL News ■ A p r i l 1999 SOCIAL SCIENCES REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (SEARCH REOPENED) University Of California, Santa Barbara The University of California, Santa Barbara invites applicants for a Social Sciences Reference Librarian. The UCSB Library serves 18,000 students and more than 1,200 faculty. The staff of 49 academics and 135 classified staff support 33 Ph.D. program areas and several colleges and divisions. RESPONSIBILITIES: Provide reference, bibliographic, and instructional services to students, faculty, staff, and the university community. Design and conduct classes in information research methods. Responsible for the development and maintenance of printed and electronic guides to specialized library resources. Responsible for all aspects of collection management and development for assigned subjects, such as Economics, Business and Government Documents. SALARY RANGE: $32,292 to $56,844. GENERAL QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Degree in Social Sciences or recent experience providing library service in the Social Sciences. Reference experience in general and/or specialized reference services. Experience developing and delivering library instruction. Demonstrated initiative and flexibility; desire to work as part of a team in a dynamic and challenging academ ic setting. Ability to work effectively with faculty, students, and staff. Interest and enthusiasm for keeping abreast of current and evolving technologies. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Preferred: Degree and/or relevant experience in Business or Economics. Experience with Social Science and Government Documents Collection Development, and familiarity with current bibliographic and reference sources in the Social Sciences. Experience with print and electronic information resources, including designing and maintaining Web sites and pages. APPLICATIONS: Review of applications will begin May 1‚ 1999. Send letter of application specifying position desired, resume, and names of three references to: Detrice B ankhead A ssistant U niversity L ib ra ria n -P e rs o n n e l Davidson Library University of California, Santa Barbara Santa B arbara, CA 93106 The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and invites applications from all who meet the stated qualifications. C O L LE C T IO N D E V EL O PM EN T L IB R A R IA N A N D H E A D O F TE C H ­ N IC A L S ER VIC ES. Th e M illsaps C ollege Library seeks to fill a position w hich is responsible fo r b ook selection and acqu isitio n s as well as supervising the work of a Technical Services Department consisting of two professionals (including this one), 2.5 staff, and 6 to 8 student assistants. T h is librarian, one of 6 on a staff o f 13, coordinates facu lty selection, oversees purchases, serials managem ent, cataloging, processing, and data managem ent. In addition to these duties, the person assists in public se rvices, sharing nights and w e ekends as librarian on duty. The library uses the DRA system with plans to upgrade to TAOS. ALA-accredited MLS and a m inim um o f three ye ars expe rie n ce required. S pecial abilities expected include fam iliarity with both acquisitions and cataloging, super­ visory ability in a collegial setting, excellent interpersonal skills, com puter skill, resourcefulness. Th e position includes faculty rank, 12-m onth con­ tracts, 22 days annual leave, excellent benefits. Minim um salary: $30,000. M illsaps C ollege is a h igh ly selective, p rivate liberal a rts co lle ge of approxim ately 1400 students and 100 faculty which hosts the only Phi Beta Kappa chap ter in M ississippi. The program includes an A AC SB-accred- ited school of management. The position is available Ju ly 1‚ 1999: applica­ tio ns w ill be accepted until the position is filled. Send letter o f application and statem ent of professional goals, resume, transcripts, and three letters of reference to: Jim Parks, C ollege L ibrarian, M illsaps-W ilson Library, M ills a p s C o lle ge , P.O. Box 150148, Jackson, MS 39210-0148 orcontact fo r more information: parksjf @ m The library’s website is http:/ / C O O R D IN A TO R O F IN FO R M A TIO N S ER VIC ES. H a nover College se eks a creative, service -o rie nte d librarian to p rovide le adership in the further developm ent of the library's instructional, reference, and outreach programs. This librarian leads, mentors, and coordinates the Information Services T eam of 5 librarians. The team plans and provides user-focused reference services, contributes to the development and implementation o f a grow ing co urse-integrated library instruction program , serves as liaison to academ ic d epartm ents in a new outreach program , and is the pro fe s­ sional m anagem ent team o f the library. The C oordinator also participates in regular reference desk rotation; provides instruction sessions; develops the reference collection; and supervises the document delivery/interlibrary lo an se rvice s o f the lib ra ry. R e po rts to th e D ire cto r o f D u ggan Library. Q ua lifica tio n s: M LS fro m A LA -a c c re d ite d p ro g ra m o r in te rn a tio n a l equivalent. D em onstrable knowledge o f traditional and electronic refer­ e nce s e rvice s a nd so urces; te a ch in g o r tra in in g e x pe rie n ce; a b ility to a p p ly in form atio n te ch n o lo g ie s to desig n a nd p ro vid e in form atio n se r­ vices; understanding o f issues and trends in library instruction; excellent oral, w ritten and interpersonal com m unication as well as organizational and analytical skills; strong com m itm ent to service and educational roles o f a ca d e m ic lib ra rie s; a b ility to w o rk e ffe c tiv e ly w ith c o lle a g u e s, stu ­ d en ts, facu lty, a nd s taff. P re fe rred : Th re e o r m o re ye a rs p ro vid in g reference and instruction se rvice s in an a cadem ic e nvironm ent; e xpe ri­ ence w ith n ew and e m erging tech n olo g ie s; s u bje ct e xpe rtise in a d isci­ p line e m p h a size d in a lib e ra l a rts co lle g e . H a n o ve r C o lle ge is a natio na lly ranked, p rivate liberal a rts college. D uggan L ibrary is staffed by 5 p ro fe ssio n a l lib ra ria n s and 5 s u p p o rt s ta ff w h o w o rk to g e th e r to desig n and im ple m e nt u ser-focu sed s e rvice s and p ro g ra m s fo r a bout 1100 students and 105 faculty. Librarians have faculty status without rank o r ten u re . A d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n is a va ila b le a t o u r w ebsite a t http:// Salary commensurate with experience; available June 1 ‚ 1999; com petitive benefits package. Send letter o f application; vita; and names, addresses, and telephone num bers of three references to: Janice Kemp, D irector o f Duggan Library, c/o Christine W ilcox, Secretary to the Library Search Committee, H a n o ve r C o lle ge , P. O. Box 108, Hanover, IN 47243-0108. Review of applications will begin April 2 0 , 1999 and continue until position is filled. EOE. C&RL News ■ A p r i l 1999 / 337 CHEMISTRY LIBRARIAN University of Pennsylvania Library The Penn Library is seeking a creative and talented Chemistry Librarian to join a dynamic team that is developing science and engineering collections and services for Penn's networked environment. The Chemistry Library serves the information needs of the Chemistry Department and of faculty, students, and research staff working in related areas in the physical and health sciences such as chemical engineering and biochemistry. The Library has a collection of 32,000 volumes and 375 current serials, and licenses all major electronic resources in Chemistry including SciFinder Scholar, Beilstein, and the Web of Science. The current acquisitions budget is approximately $323,000. This position works collaboratively with the Mathematics/Physics and Engineering librarians to coordinate print and electronic collections and services in the physical sciences and engineering, including licensing electronic resources and developing web pages. Other duties of the position include: developing the print collections, and managing the transition to electronic resources in chemistry; providing reference & bibliographic assistance to faculty and students as well as orientation & instruction in the use of electronic resources such as Chemical Abstracts and Beilstein; developing operating policies for the Chemistry Library and overseeing the daily operation of this facility; supervising full-time staff; participating in library-wide task forces and committees. The ideal candidate will possess an ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent in theory and practice. An academic background in the physical sciences is essential, and a strong preference is given to candidates with a degree in chemistry. Demonstrated knowledge of the latest trends and available tools for electronic access to chemical information is needed. Further, strong desktop computing skills, effective written and oral communication skills, and the ability to work effectively, indepen­ dently, and cooperatively with faculty and students and with staff throughout the library system is preferred. An appointment as Librarian C or D is dependent on qualifications and experience. TO APPLY: Submit a cover letter, resume, and names of three references to: Elisa DeNofio Library Human Resources University of Pennsylvania 3420 W alnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206 Applications received by A p ril 30, 1999, will receive first consideration. EO/AA employer. DIRECTOR. The Jesuit Krauss McCorm ick Library seeks applications for the position of Director. JKM is owned by Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and McCorm ick Theological Seminary. Position begins Ju ly 1‚ 1999 o r later, and application deadline is April 15. For more information and instructions on how to apply contact: Dean Ralph W. Klein, L u th e ra n S c h o o l o f T h e o lo g y a t C h ica go , (773) 256-0721 o r DIRECTOR OF LIB R A R Y SERVICES, the University of South Carolina School o f Medicine. Nominations and applications are being accepted for the position o f Director of Library Services fo r the U niversity o f South Carolina School of M edicine. Th e School of M edicine L ibrary serves a prim ary-user population of faculty, students, staff, and local health care pra ctition ers num bering over 2,000. Th e D irecto r’s re sp on sib ility w ill include establishing and directing an energetic agenda for the develop­ ment o f lib ra ry program s, services, p ersonnel, and co lle ction s and to ensure excellence in programs and services with particular emphasis on library in form atio n resources and system s in su pp ort o f teaching, re ­ search, and service. Applicants fo r the position should have an advanced d egree in library and inform ation science from an ALA-a ccre dite d library and information science program, and a minim um of five years of library m anagem ent experience, preferably in a m edical o r health sci­ ence library. Minim um salary: $60,000, competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience. A pplicants should subm it a letter of interest with a curriculum vitae and the nam es and addresses o f three references to: David L. Cone, MD, Chair Search Committee, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, U n ive rsity o f S outh C a rolina S chool o f M e d icin e , Six Medical Park, Columbia, SC 29203. The University of South Carolina is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. E LEC TR O N IC R ESOU R C ES L IB R A R IA N . Lew is-C la rk S tate Col­ lege Library, Lew iston, Idaho, in vites a p p lica tio ns fo r the p osition of E le ctron ic S ervices Librarian. T h is position reports to the Head of P ublic S ervices and is re sponsible fo rth e o ngoing deve lo pm en t and maintenance of the library’s W eb site; developm ent and maintenance of all a spe cts of the library’s virtu a l presence including links to su bscrip ­ tion and non-subscription resources; and s u p p o rt fo r the library’s CD- ROM LAN. Th e successful app lica n t w ill also p articipate in reference desk service, instruction, and resource selection as a part of the library’s p rofessional team . M inim um q u a lifica tio ns include: A LA -accredited MLS o r equivalent, proven skills in m icroco m p u te r a p p lica tio ns and database management, experience with CD-ROM and network technol­ ogy, W W W page creation (H TM L) and m anagem ent, reference and library instruction. Strong interpersonal com m unication skills are also required. Experience in a cadem ic lib ra rie s d em onstrated teaching ability, and recent w o rk with inform ation data ba ses a nd /or library net­ w orks are preferred. The applicant should have a strong com m itm ent to public service, indicate w illin gn e ss to w o rk c o lla bo ra tively with co l­ le agues, and possess good o rg anizational skills. L ew is-C lark State College is a regional undergraduate institution offering liberal arts and sciences, professional program s in education, nursing, business, and crim inal ju stice, and v o ca tio na l-te ch nica l program s. Th e institution currently enrolls about 3,000 students. Outreach program s constitute a distinct m ission of the College, and the library participates a ctively in a multi-type library consortium serving more than 56,000 rural patrons in Washington and Idaho. Appointment will be made to the rank of assistant p rofessor with salary a t a minim um of $30,000. The position is a twelve­ month co ntra ct w ith a p p ro xim a tely 25 days vacation leave per year. Standard state retirement and benefits packages apply. To apply, submit a letter of application, resume, and the nam es, addresses, and phone n um bers o f at le ast three re ferences to: L ibrary S earch Com m ittee, L e w is -C la rk S tate C o lle ge , 5 0 0 8th Ave., Lewiston, ID 83501. Review of applications will begin April 2 0 , 1999. B eginning date fo r the position is not la te r than July 1‚ 1999. Lewis-Clark State College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. 3 3 8 / C&RL News ■ A p r il 1999 GERMAN LITERATURE REFERENCE-BIBLIOGRAPHER Dartmouth College Library Hanover, NH The Dartmouth College Library seeks a dynamic Reference-Bibliographer for the Baker Humanities & Social Sciences Library with subject expertise in German language and literature; potential to deal with Classics desirable. RESPONSIBILITIES: Reporting to the Humanities & Social Sciences Librarian, works as a member of an information services team providing general and specialized reference services in an innovative and technically sophisticated environment utilizing the Dartmouth Online Catalog, the campus wide information system (DCIS), INNOPAC systems, RLIN and OCLC. Services provided include humani­ ties & social sciences reference, including government documents, to all segments of the Dartmouth community; bibliographic instruction and user education; assisting users with an extensive collection of electronic information resources; consultation with faculty to determine instructional and research interests; collection management and development in German language and literature; may include Classics at a later time. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA/MLS; graduate degree in German, background in Classics desirable; a minimum of two years post-MLS experience in an academic or special library. The successful candidate will have strong interpersonal skills; ability to work collegially in small group and team environments; strong commitment to public service and collection management and development; strong reference skills and proficiency in traditional and computer assisted research; familiarity with use and application of microcomputers in a fully networked campus environment; experience working with electronic texts a plus; knowledge of the resources of German Literature. RANK AND SALARY: Rank and salary commensurate with experience and qualifications, with a minimum salary of $30,900 for Librarian I or $33,300 for Librarian II. Full benefits package including 22 vacation days; comprehensive health care; TIAA/CREF; and relocation assistance. DARTMOUTH COLLEGE INFORMATION: World Wide Web: APPLICATION: Applications received by A p ril 30, 1999 will be given first consideration; applications will be considered until the position is filled. Please send resume to: Cynthia F. Paw lek D irector of U ser Services 115 Baker Library H anover, NH 03755 Dartmouth College is an AA, EEO, M/F employer. Minority candidates are encouraged to apply. E LE C T R O N IC S ER V IC E S L IB R A R IA N . (Search E xtended.) M is s is ­ s ip p i S ta te U n iv e rs ity M e rid ia n C a m p u s . M SU M eridian w as e sta b ­ lished in A ug u st 1972 to provide educational o pportunities to individuals unable to attend residential cam puses. W orking with surrounding fee d er com m unity colleges, MSU Meridian offers ju nior and senior level courses leading to a b ach elor’s degree, a nd gra du ate co urses leading to a master’s or educational specialist degree in several academ ic disciplines. Day and evening classes accom m odate the 750-plus nontraditional stu ­ dents who enroll each semester. In 1993, MSU Meridian moved in to a new 60,000-square-foot facility on a 26-acre campus. There are approxim ately 50 full-tim e resident faculty and staff. Th e Dean o f the M eridian Cam pus, as ch ie f a dm inistrative officer, p ro vide s le adership fo r the cam pus. The Ele ctron ic S ervices Librarian w ill d evelop, im plem ent, and coordinate resources, tech n olo g ie s, system s, and facu ltie s in p roviding e lectron ic library resources and system s fo r facu lty, staff, and students. Q u a lifica ­ tions: Include master’s degree in an ALA-accredited program (information se rvices, library services, etc.); three ye ars o f relevant expe rie n ce in an a cad em ic library e nvironm ent; strong interpersonal, verbal, and w ritten com munication skills: dem onstrated m astery of com puter technology. A p ­ plicants should subm it the following— (1) letter of application, (2) resume, (3) official tra n scrip t sh ow ing h igh e st d egree, and (4) tw o letters of recommendation— to: Kathy Goodwin, Adm inistrative Secretary, Office of the Dean, M SU M eridian C am pus, 1000 H w y 19 North, M eridian, MS 39307. Salary: approxim ately $30,000annually. Applications accepted until position is filled. M SU is an A A /E E O em ployer. E XE C U TIV E DIR EC TO R . C a lifo rn ia L ib r a r y A s s o c ia tio n . Based in Sacramento, CLA is a non-profit association with over2,400 members. The Executive Director reports to and works closely with the Executive Commit­ tee. Provides vision, direction, and leadership to the form ulation o f C LA's philosophy and m ission. P rim ary responsibilities include: strategic plan­ ning; financial managem ent; m eetings/conference m anagem ent; mainte­ nance of collaborative relationships with oth e r national/state library asso­ ciations; recruitm ent/direction o f staff; and m em bership services. Qualifi­ cations: Required: five years minim um executive/administrative experience in planning/resource allocation with a record o f achievem ent and le ader­ ship in the m a n ag em en t o f a library, associa tio n, o r oth e r non-profit association; d em onstrated e xcellence in in terpersonal, oral, and written communication skills; dem onstrated ability to engage effectively in lobbying a ctivities b efore fed e ra l/sta te le gislative bodies; d em onstrated a bility in m arke ting and pub lic relations, m e m b ership se rvices, and co nference m anag em en t; a nd d em on strate d a bility to w o rk in a tea m se ttin g a nd to handle multiple responsibilities in a changing environm ent. The success­ ful cand id ate m ust dem on strate le adership in the skills and p rinciples of association managem ent com bined with vision and innovation. Preferred: C&RL News ■ A p r il 1999 / 339 HEAD, SPECIAL COLLECTIONS AND ARCHIVES The Nimitz Library U.S. Naval Academy The Nimitz Library, United States Naval Academy, anticipating a vacancy, seeks applicants with experience, energy, initiative, and enthusiasm to head its Special Collections and Archives Division. For additional details about the position, consult the Nimitz Library’s home page (at http:// w w w .na d n .na vy.m il/L ib ra ry ). REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: A master’s degree in library/information science from an ALA- accredited program, minimum of two years professional experience in special collections librarianship (preferably in an academic setting and with increasing administrative responsibility), or their equivalents as specified by the Office of Personnel Management Qualification Standards Handbook. HIGHLY DESIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Three or more years of professional experience, as described above; a minimum of two years of supervisory experience in an academic library; demonstrated leadership abilities, demonstrated experience in evaluating and selecting materials for special and archival collections, and in providing a variety of traditional and electronic access mechanisms for such materials; demonstrated knowledge of and experience with preservation methods used with rare books, manuscripts, and photographs; excellent organizational, oral and written communication/ presentation skills; knowledge of naval history and seapower; experience working with dealers of rare and out-of-print books; experience working with donors and prospective donors; knowledge and appreciation of principles of archival organization and processing of archival materials, including knowledge of Privacy Act and Freedom of Information Act and their implications for the Archives; demonstrated experience planning, researching, and mounting library exhibits. DESIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Experience processing, indexing, and preserving photographic mate­ rials; proficiency in one or more foreign languages. The Naval Academy is the Navy’s undergraduate college, with 4,000 students, more than 500 civilian and military faculty, and 19 major fields of study in three academic divisions (eight in Engineering, seven in Math & Science, and four in Humanities/Social Science). The Nimitz Library has a staff of 40 FTE (including 18 professional librarians) and slightly more than half a million volumes of books and periodicals, plus government documents, microforms, and extensive holdings of other materials in Special Collections and Archives. Located in Annapolis, the capital of Maryland and “the sailing capital of America,” the Naval Academy is 30 miles from both Washington, D.C., and Baltimore, in the beautiful Chesapeake Bay area. Minimum salary is approximately $48,796 (first step of GS-12 pay grade), or higher, depending on experience or other qualifications. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Send a detailed c.v. and a cover letter, including the names, addresses, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Richard H. W erking, Librarian U.S. Naval Academ y 589 M cN air Road Annapolis, MD 21402-5029 Review of applications will begin May 7, 1999, and will continue until the position is filled. The Naval Academy is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. CAE, MBA, MLS, o r MPA; o th e r advanced o r postgraduate degree; an understanding of the role o f libraries and librarians in society and a commitment to advancing their work; experience in planning for and manag­ ing new technologies in an association setting; and experience in associa­ tion management. Appointment expected September 1‚ 1999. Salary: mini­ mum $75,000, depending on qualifications and experience. Full benefits package. V isit o u r W eb site at Send le tte r o f application, resume, and nam es o f three current references with a ddresses/phone numbers, postmarked no later than May 28,1 99 9 to: Attn: CLA Executive D irector Search, Rita A. S ch e rre i‚ A U L fo r Personnel and Adm inistrative Services, C harles E. Young Research Library, UCLA, 11334 YRL, Box 951575, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1575. G O VERNM EN T IN FO RM ATIO N SER VICES A N D A SS IS T AN T PRO­ FESSOR (tenure-track). Responsibilities: Provides reference service to U niversity o f M ississippi students and faculty and citizens o f the State of Mississippi in a regional depository for federal and Mississippi documents. Participates in development and implementation of electronic access to govern­ ment sources and collection development in assigned subject areas. Teaches one-hour cred it library course in conjunction with other public sen/ice libraries, and assists in the Library's distance learning endeavors. This is a full-time, twelve-month, tenure track position. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS by starting date. Excellent written and oral communication skills, strong interper­ sonal skills, proficiency in using electronic resources such as online catalogs, CD-ROM databases, Internet, and Web sources. Familiarity with government publications. The ability to w o rk collegially with oth e r librarians in a rapidly changing environm ent. Salary: $30,000. Deadline fo r Application: Until position is filled. Starting Date: July 1 ‚ 1999. Contact: Submit an application letter, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Laura Harper, J.D. W illiams Library, U n iv e rs ity o f M is s is ­ s ip p i, University, MS 38677. T he University o f Mississippi is an EEO/AA/ Title Vl/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA employer. 340 /C&RL News ■ A p r il 1999 HEAD Aziz S. Atiya Middle East Library Special Collections, Marriott Library University of Utah The University of Utah seeks an experienced and energetic librarian to head a major department and collection. This position oversees the development and operation of the Middle East Library including collection development, reference, staffing and budget management, short- and long-range planning, instruction, and outreach. The Aziz S. Atiya Middle East Library, with approximately 165,000 volumes, is recognized as a major center of research in Middle East Studies. The primary focus of the collection is on the humanities and social sciences, and also includes Arabic documents, Islamic papyri and manuscripts in microform. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school or equivalent. Fluency in Arabic required plus reading proficiency in one of the following: Hebrew, Persian, or Turkish. Five to seven years professional library experience in collection development in an academic library, preferably a major research library. Strong written and oral communication skills. Ability to work well with others, exhibiting good leadership skills. Strong commitment to excellent and innovative service. Ability to meet University’s requirements for promotion and continuing appointment. PREFERRED: Reading proficiency or better in French or German. Supervisory experience. Reference experience. Teaching experience. Knowledge of issues and trends in academic research libraries. Experience with information technology. Second advanced degree in Middle East Studies or related field strongly preferred. Knowledge of paleography. SALARY: $40,000 to $45,000 plus excellent benefits. The Marriott Library includes over 2.5 million volumes, 14,000 periodical subscriptions and sophis­ ticated electronic resources, serving a student population of 25,000. The University is situated on a 1,500-acre campus in Salt Lake City, a growing urban area with a strong economy. A cosmopolitan community of approximately 1 million residents, Salt Lake City offers a wide variety of cultural, entertainment, and recreational activities. APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Send a detailed letter of application, along with resume, plus names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Personnel O fficer 327 M arriott Library 295 South 1500 East Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0860 Applications received by May 31, 1999, will be given full consideration. The University of Utah is an EO/AA Employer. We encourage applications from women and minorities and provide reasonable accommodations to known disabilities of applicants and employees. LIBR AR IAN . Whitworth College, Spokane, Washington, seeks a Librarian to sen/e as Coordinator o f Instructional Servicesand Reference Librarian; Instructor/Assistant Professor, tenure track. Requires Master’s degree in Library Science, Information Studies, o r equivalent; a personal commitment to the Christian faith and to the integration o f faith and learning; the ability and d esire to establish positive relationships w ith p ersons regardless of race, gender, disability, o r religious belief; an active com m itm ent to equal opportunity e m p loym en tfo ra ll persons; a co m m itm e n tto the educational mission o f W hitw orth C ollege as a Christian liberal arts co lle ge affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). F orcom plete position description and requirem ents, see o ur w ebsite at h ttp://w w w .w hitw opening.htm . S ub m it co m p lete application p acket to: Librarian Search Committee, Human Resources MS-0103, W h itw o rth C o lle ge , Spokane, W A 99251. Application review begins March 2 5,1 99 9. EOE. L IB R A R IA N /C A T A L O G U E R . Th e A thenaeum o f Philadelphia, a mem- ber-supported special collections library founded in 1814 and housed in a N ational Historic Landm ark building near Independence Hall, seeks and experienced rare book cataloguer with particular interest in and knowledge o f e ighteenth and n ineteenth-century A nglo-A m erican architecture and design. P osition funded fo r three ye ars w ith p otential fo r p erm anent ap­ pointm ent. P articular resp on sib ility will be the RLIN p rocessing o f rare pattern books and trade catalogues. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree o r e q u iva le nt and fa m ilia rity w ith M ARC, AAC R 2, RLIN, LC subject headings and classification. Graduate work in architectural history, history o f design, art history, or related fields highly desirable. A tlea st three years o f ca taloguing e xperience w ith rare b oo ks and e phem eral trade literature. Knowledge of Western European languages, particularly French, essential. S a lary/B e ne fits: $ 35 ,00 0 firs t y e a r w ith ann ua l review ; Blue C ross/B lue S h ie ld /M a jo r M edical fu lly paid fo r fu lly paid fo r em ployee; tw o w e eks paid va catio n, eleve n p aid h olida ys, etc. P osition a vailab le M a rch 31 ‚ 1 99 9; a p p lic a tio n s w ill be a c c e p te d u ntil p o s itio n is fille d . S en d re s u m e to : R o g e r W . M o ss, E x e c u tiv e D ire c to r, T h e A th ­ e n a e u m o f P h ila d e lp h ia , E a s t W a s h in g to n S q u a re , 2 1 9 S. S ixth S treet, P hiladelphia, P A 19106-3794. L IB R A R IA N , G O VE R N M EN T D O C U M EN TS R E F E R E N C E /E L E C ­ T R O N IC SER VICES. U niversity of M aryland Libraries The University of M aryland Libraries. College Park is accepting a pplicationsforthe position o f Librarian, G overnm ent Docum ents Reference/Electronic Services. En- C&RL News ■ A p r il 1 9 9 9 /3 4 1 DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT FOR THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY George Mason University George Mason University seeks a dynamic individual for the newly created position of Director of Development for the University Libraries and Information Technology. The Director will plan, implement, and manage a comprehensive development program, including fund raising, prospect cultivation, gift solicitation, annual funds, planned giving, grant funding, and public affairs and special events activities. Incumbent will work closely with the George Mason University Foundation, other University develop­ ment directors, library staff, and academic and administrative officers. The position reports to the University Librarian. George Mason University is the fastest-growing university in the Commonwealth of Virginia, with campuses in Arlington, Fairfax, and Prince William counties. A public doctoral-level and research institution of more than 24,000 students and 1,500 faculty, the university is comprised of seven schools and colleges, five degree-granting and research institutes, and several other research centers. The University library system consists of four libraries: two in Fairfax, and one each in Arlington and Prince William campuses. (The School of Law Library is administered separately.) Other constituent units of Information Technology include the Department of Instructional Improvement and Instructional Tech­ nologies, University Computing and Information Services, and the Instructional Foundation. QUALIFICATIONS: Master’s degree, three to five years fundraising experience with proven record in securing gifts and/or major grants, excellent oral and written communication skills, ability to work independently and creatively within established program, and excellent organizational skills. Experi­ ence in higher education and knowledge of university/IT operations and missions preferred. INFORMATION: 12-month administrative faculty appointment. Salary, $50,000+ depending on qualifi­ cations. Excellent health and dental benefits; retirement plan options, including Virginia and TIAA-CREF; generous annual and sick leave. APPLICATIONS: Review of applications will begin April 1 9 , 1999, and will continue until position is filled. Submit a letter of application, resume, and names of three current references (telephone numbers and postal and e-mail addresses) to: Search C om m ittee for D irector of Developm ent Library Adm inistration, M S N 2FL G eorge Mason U niversity Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 AA/EEO. vironment: The University of Maryland Libraries has recently undergone a m ajor reorganization to better meet the service mission o f the Libraries. As part of this reorganization, subject team s have been created and are responsible fo r integrating services and collections to the University's departm ents, colleges, and program s. T h is new environm ent strives to facilitate organizational com m unication and foster shared responsibility. The Government Documents Reference Librarian will be a m em ber of the Social Science and Allied Professions Team, in addition to the Government Docum ents and M aps Unit. Responsibilities: Provides research and reference a ssistance in the G ove rn m e nt Docum ents and Maps Unit, utilizing a va rie ty o f p rint and electronic resources. S earches electronic databases. Offers instruction in the use o f the Government Documents Unit and M cKeldin Library. O versees e lectron ic resources, including CD-RO M s, software, and hardware. C om piles inventory; w rites user guides. Further develops GIS system. Helps to maintain and update Unit's web pages. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited Master's degree in Library and Information Science. Preferred: Additional relevant subject master's degree. Experience: Required: O ne to three years professional library e xperience providing reference assistance in an academ ic or special library; fam ilia rity with gove rn m e nt inform ation through course work o r job-related experience; knowledge of m icrocomputer and Internet applications in libraries, including dem onstrated skill in searching e lec­ tro nic databases; fam iliarity w ith ca rtog ra ph ic m aterials and w ith GIS system s; user education experience; strong public services orientation; ability to work with a diverse group of users and staff; ability to communicate effectively, o ra lly and in writing; good sense o f hum or. Preferred: W ork experience in a Regional Federal Depository Library. Salary: Commensu­ rate with experience and qualifications. Benefits available. Applications: For full consideration, su bm it a co ve r letter and a resum e and n am es/ addresses of three references by April 3 0,1 99 9. Applications accepted until the position is filled. Send resume to: Ray Foster, Library Personnel Services, M cKeldin Library, U n iv e rs ity o f M a ryla n d , College Park, MD 20742-7011. You may also fa x y o u r resume: (301) 314-9960. University of Maryland Libraries W eb address: http://w w w M C P . The University o f Maryland is an affirmative action, equal opportunity Employer. Minorities are encouraged to apply. PRINCIPAL ELECTRONIC RESOU RCES/SPEC IAL FORMATS PRO­ C ESSING L IB R A R IA N . New York University Libraries. T akes leading role in L ibrary’s e fforts to provide a ccess to electronic, audiovisual, and archival collections. P erform s original and co m p lex co py cataloging of electronic, audiovisual, and archival materials. Serves as liaison to units responsible fo r creating digital resources and archival finding aids. Coordinates training and revision o f special form at co py cataloging. R equires three years cataloging experience with books and special fo r­ mats in English and W estern European languages; knowledge o f current and em erging cataloging rules and standards; fam iliarity with automated systems and MARC formats; strong analytical, interpersonal, and commu­ nication skills; flexible, creative approach to problem solving; ability to work com fortably and productively in a com plex, dynam ic w o rk environment; dem onstrated interest in n ew cataloging trends and technologies; and cataloging e xperience in a la rge a cadem ic library using an integrated library system. ALA-accredited MLS, master’s deg re e fo r tenure. Faculty status, attractive benefits package. Minim um salary: $38,000. To ensure co nsideration send resum e and letter o f application, including nam es, addresses and telephone numbers of three references by April 30,1999, to: Ja ne t K oztowski, Director, H um an Resources, N e w Y o rk U n iv e rs ity Libraries, 70 W ashington S quare South, New York, NY 10012. NYU encourages applications from women and mem bers o f minority groups. M U LTIM E D IA SER VIC ES LIB R A R IA N . Northw estern University Li­ brary. Summary: The Multimedia Services Librarian supports the activities 342 / C&RL News ■ A p r i l 1999 REFERENCE LIBRARIAN University of Connecticut Stamford Regional Campus Library (Search #99A312) Working in a team environment, the incumbent participates in the public services programs of the Jeremy Richard Library in Stamford, including reference and instructional service, computer-based services, and collection development. This position also serves as the Stamford Campus Library’s liaison to undergraduate academic programs in history and political science and fills in at the Circulation Desk as needed. Evening and weekend hours are required. Minimum qualifications include: ALA-accredited MLS; knowledge of computer applications in libraries; and excellent written and verbal communication skills. Desirable qualifications include: Reference experience in an academic or research library; effective teaching and instructional skills; and expertise in client/server Internet applications. Salary range: University Librarian rank and salary commensurate with experience, to a maximum hiring salary of $48,000. Application procedures: Submit a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: Brinley Franklin D irector o f Library Services U n iversity of C onnecticut Libraries Box U-5A 369 Fairfield Road Storrs, CT 06269-1005 Screening will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. For further information about the UConn Libraries or to see a complete job description for this position, see our home page at A t the University of Connecticut, our commitment to excellence is complemented by our commitment to building a culturally diverse staff. We actively encourage minorities and people with disabilities to apply. and o perations o f the M ultim edia D e velop m e nt Lab within the M itchell Multimedia Center, the Electronic Resen/e System, and W eb development within the Library. Responsibilities: A ssists students, facu lty, and staff w orking on a wide variety o f m ultim edia projects, ranging from the sim ple to the very complex. Provides technical su pp ort fo r the Electronic Reserve System. Assists in integration of new technologies and new approaches to the delivery of reserve services. Carries out a leadership role in Library-wide training fo r W eb authoring, the implementation of departmental W eb sites, the creation and management of W eb content, and the development of Web policies, procedures, and services. Supervises nine Multim edia Develop­ ment Lab part-time student assistants, including hiring, training, schedul­ ing, and evaluating. Participates in pro jects to design and cre a te digital collections, including digital video reserve collections. Collaborates with the head o f the New Media C ente r project at N orthwestern University on various em erging te ch n olo g y p ro jects and initiatives. Perform s oth e r related d uties a s a ssigned. Q ualifications: Required: M asters d egree from an A LA -a ccre dite d program in library science. High degree of familiarity with the Macintosh and W indows operating systems. Advanced working knowledge of W eb-based technologies, the use o f the Internet in higher education, and awareness of current trends and developments in the use o f the W eb to d eliver information and services. Demonstrated knowl­ edge of HTM L and related standards. Must have excellent written and oral co m m unication skills, the a bility to w o rk well with faculty, students, and colleagues, and a p roven high deg re e of initiative. Preferred: Som e experience in a public service area o f an academ ic/research library. UNIX computing experience. Basic knowledge o f current scanning technology. Experience with com puter applications related to graphic design, W eb site creation, and W eb maintenance. Salary: $28,200 minimum. T o apply: Send a letter of application and resume, including the nam es of three references, to: Peter J. Devlin, Personnel Librarian, N o rth w e s te rn U n iv e rs ity Li­ brary, 1935 Sheridan Road, Evanston, Illinois 60208-2300. Applications received by April 3 0,1 99 9, will receive first consideration. N orthwestern University is an Equal O pportunity/Affirm ative Action em ployer. Em ploy­ m ent eligibility verification required upon hire. OU TR EAC H SER VICES L IB R A R IA N . Baylor U niversity Libraries. New facu lty position. Position D escription: Th e Baylor U niversity Libraries (U RL: se ek an innovative Outreach Sen/ices Librarian to supervise the Libraries. Resource Sharing Unit and assist the Head, Library Outreach Services with other outreach services activities. This position will report t o the Head, Library Outreach Services. S/he will manage a unit with five FTE staff and five student assistants which processed 41,739 transactions during 1997/98. R esponsibilities include the administration of and participation in the Resource Sharing Unit's daily operations; and, in consultation with the Head, Library Outreach Services, the establishm ent o f goals and priorities fo r the Unit. The librarian will work with other library faculty to develop and explore new services and technolo­ gies fo r resource sharing and oth e r outreach services, including service to distance education students. The librarian will represent Baylor at local, regional, and national m eetings and consortial m eetings, including Big Tw e lve Plus and T exShare and w ill also serve on U niversity and library committees as appointed. The complete position description is available at Baylor University is lo c a te d in W a c o , T e x a s , U R L : h ttp ://w w w .b a y lo r.e d u /p e o p le / W aco_Resources.htm l, acom m unity of 105,000located halfway between Dallas/Fort W orth and Austin. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; expe­ rience with interlibrary loan, com m ercial docu m e nt d elivery services, O CLC, and online catalogs; experience with the evaluation, installation, and instruction in use of related software; dem onstrated speaking, writing, and interpersonal skills; dem onstrated com m itm ent to scholarly and pro­ fessional activities; ability to a dopt and m anage new technologies; and expe rie n ce in supervision and training. Highly d esired are post-M LS professional library experience; experience with instruction and instruc­ tional technologies; and evidence o f creativity and initiative. Rank/Salary: Assistant Professor/$30,000+ (dependent on experience) fo r 12 months, tenure-track. Librarians have 20 vacation days and a standard package of fringe benefits. T exas has no state incom e tax. T o apply: S end letter of application, resum e, and a t least three re ferences to: Billie Peterson, Chair, Outreach Sen/ices Search Com m ittee, B a y lo r U n iv e rs ity Librar­ ies, PO Box 97148, Waco, T X 76798-7148. Applications will be reviewed as received, and w ill be a ccepted until the position is filled. T o e nsure full consideration of y o u r application, your application should be completed by A pril 1 2 ,1 9 9 9 . B a ylo r is a Baptist u nive rsity affiliated w ith the Baptist General Convention o f Texas. As an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment C&RL News ■ A p r i l 1999 / 343 SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Associate University Librarian for Collection Development This senior position includes responsibility for a $3.5ra collections budget and shared responsibility for the administration o f the Library. The incumbent will lead, supervise in selection activities, and participate in evaluating up to 30 selectors, library-wide. Develop­ ing digital initiatives will be as important as maintaining print and other acquisitions. Opportunities include developing effective consortial relationships, restructuring the col­ lections organization, and enhancing liaisons with academic schools and departments. The incumbent will work with faculty and others to determine areas o f excellence and growth, to be reflected in the Library’s collecting patterns. Depending on capabilities and skills, there may be opportunities for operational responsibilities. Full description at: h ttp :// Required qualifications include a graduate degree in librarianship/information studies (ALA-accredited or equivalent); five years o f progressively increasing responsibility in a large academic or research library; several years experience managing collections or electronic resources in a research or academic library; commitment to diversity in the workplace; ability to work effectively across organizational boundaries and lead teams to joint accomplishment; effective interpersonal, oral, and written communication skills. Salary and benefits are commensurate with education and experience. Minimum: $73,000, with a generous benefits package, including TLAA/CREF (11% University contribution), health and dental plans, tuition remission, life insurance, and other work/life options and benefits. The University is an independent Research II university with 13 schools and colleges, 800 faculty, 12,000 undergraduates and 5 ,6 0 0 students in graduate and law programs. Library memberships include A R L and R LG , in addition to regional and national consortia. Upcoming projects include digital initiatives and the transformation o f space and services in a building now housing science and technology resources. For information about the Library and University, see and The City o f Syracuse, located in the rolling hills o f upstate New York, is 280 miles northwest o f New York City, between the Finger Lakes and the Adirondack Mountains. Cultural opportunities abound, including a symphony orchestra, an art museum, an Equity theater, and other classical and popular performing arts. Send letter o f application, resume, names o f three references, and a copy o f a recently prepared publication or working document to: S earch Com m ittee for Associate University L ib rarian for Collection Development, Syracuse University, Office of Human Resources, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244-5300. Applications received by A pril 1 5 ,1 9 9 9 will receive first consideration. Syracuse University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. O pportunity Employer, Baylor encourages minorities, women, veterans, and persons with disabilities to apply. REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION LIBRARIANS.(Two positions available.) (10-month appointments) The California State University Hayward Library seeks two librarians, one with an emphasis in the physical sciences and the other with an emphasis in business, to help support the instructional, reference and research needs of its culturally diverse campus. Responsibilities: Librarians teach for-credit courses and provide in-class lectures, develop the Library's collections and services in physical science or business, work in a cooperative centralized reference environment requiring evening and weekend hours, par­ ticipate in rotational duties at the Contra Costa campus, and are expected to meet criteria for reappointment, tenure, and promotion. Qualifications: Graduate degree from an ALA-accredited institution, demonstrated ability to work with 3 4 4 / C&RL News ■ A p r il 1999 SCIENCE LIBRARIAN Illinois Wesleyan University Illinois Wesleyan University seeks applicants for a tenure-track faculty Science Librarian beginning in August 1999. IWU is a nationally ranked undergraduate university of 2000 students that strives to provide high quality liberal arts education. The library maintains a strong commitment to both public service and the integration of technology in all as­ pects of library research. The principal responsibilities of this twelve-m onth ap­ pointment include liaison activities with sci­ ence departments (biology, chemistry, com­ puter science, math, physics, psychology) including collection developm ent and man­ agem ent, discipline-related instructional sessions, and responsibility of database searching. Shares reference work includ­ ing some nights and weekends, and infor­ mation literacy instruction. Additional library responsibilities assigned depending on the strengths and experiences of the suc­ cessful candidate. Requirements: MLS degree from an ALA- accredited library program with a prefer­ ence for a second masters degree in one of the sciences. Knowledge of information technology, experience in print and elec­ tronic reference work, and undergraduate library instruction are desired. Also regarded as beneficial is experience or interest in government documents, serials manage­ ment, or web page development. Candi­ dates should have the ability to work inde­ pendently and collegially; excellent interper­ sonal and communication skills; interest in innovation and adoption of library technol­ ogy; and a commitment to the service role of the library in the academic setting. Screening of candidates will begin immedi­ ately and will continue until the position is filled, with appointment expected by August 1,1999. Send letter of application, vita and three references to: Sue Stroyan University Librarian Sheean Library, PO Box 2899 Bloom ington, IL 61702-2899 V is it th e lib ra ry w e b s ite : h ttp :// w w w .iw and the University e m p lo y m e n t page h ttp ://w w w .iw u .e d u / -iw u jo b s / Illinois Wesleyan is an equal opportunity employer. ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN The University of California, Riverside The University of California, Riverside Li­ brary welcomes applications for the position of Engineering Librarian. The Engineering Librarian works closely with faculty and students in the College of Engi­ neering to determine and meet service needs. Provide scheduled reference service in all science and engineering disciplines, re­ search consultation, electronic reference service, and online searching. Provide non- traditional and traditional reference service and consultation. Participate in evening and weekend reference rotation in the Science Library. Develop in-person and web-based instructional resources with a particular fo­ cus on those which meet the needs of the College of Engineering, such as guidance for students undertaking senior design projects. Advise on special projects In the College of Engineering. Perform collection development for engineering disciplines including selec­ tion of information resources, storage and weeding decisions, and working closely with faculty liaisons. Maintain a close working relationship with other science librarians. REQUIRED: Graduate degree In Library Sci­ ence. Experience with print and electronic information sources and services. Under­ standing of the information needs of engi­ neers and scientists. Experience with web page development and maintenance. Strong Interpersonal skills. PREFERRED: Engineering or physical sci­ ences degree. Experience in collection de­ velopment In a science discipline. Experience providing public service In an engineering or science environment. The successful candi­ date will be appointed to the Librarian series at a salary level appropriate to the candidates qualifications and experience. Appointment range: $33,732-$46,344. Librarians are aca­ demic appointees and accrue vacation at the rate of two days/month and sick leave at the rate of one day/month. The University offers a broad range of benefits and an excellent retirement program. Open until filled. To en­ sure consideration, send a letter of applica­ tion, complete resume, and the names and addresses of three references by May 1, 1999 to: J o h n W . Tanno AUL University of California P.O. Box 5900 R iverside, CA 92517 C&RL News ■ A p r il 1999 / 345 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN Mercer University Mercer University invites applications and nominations for the position of University Librarian. Founded in 1833, Mercer University is a Baptist-related, comprehensive university of 7,000 students with eight schools and colleges in Macon and Atlanta, Georgia, and four extended education centers. The University Librarian is responsible for overall leadership and operations of the University Libraries [Main Library (Macon), Swilley Library (Atlanta), and four Extended Education Center libraries] and chairs the Division of Library Services, an academic unit comprised of faculty ranked librarians. The University Librarian reports to the Senior Associate Provost, sits on the Undergradu­ ate Council, and represents the University Libraries and the Division of Library Services on other committees. The University Libraries support undergraduate, master's, and specialist degrees in liberal arts, business, education, and engineering. Swilley Library also supports doctoral-level programs of the School of Pharmacy and graduate programs in the School of Theology. The University Libraries share an Innovative Interfaces, Inc. system and host technologies such as GALILEO (a state-wide library initiative providing over 120 Internet-based databases), ARIEL, local area networks and other technologies for resource sharing. Collectively, these libraries hold 404,000 volumes, 1300 journal subscriptions, with 18 professional staff and 27 support staff. The Schools of Medicine and Law operate separate libraries within each school. We seek an experienced academic librarian with a clear vision of the significance of the libraries to academic programs; a commitment to the teaching role of libraries; a commitment to liberal and professional education; and an understanding of the trends in higher education and the related roles of libraries. The successful candidate should demonstrate a strong commitment to scholarship and teaching and to continuing professional growth; excellent leadership ability that includes planning and evaluation, strong service orientation and practice; knowledge of information technology with understanding of its management; and, a broad understanding of university operations and the positive contributions that the university libraries should make to overall university endeavors, The candidate should hold an accredited MLS degree and have at least seven years of varied experience, including successful administrative experience as a library director or head of a large library department. All other qualification factors being equal, a second master's or Ph.D. degree is highly preferred. Non-tenure-track faculty appointments available July 1, 1999. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. Review of applications will begin on March 31, 1999, and continue until the position is filled. Please send a letter addressing your qualifications a resume, and names of five references with addresses and telephone numbers to: P e g g y H .D uB ose S enior Associate Provost Mercer University Macon, GA 31207 M ercer's W eb Site: w ww .m Mercer University is an AA/EOE/ADA employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. faculty and students in aculturally diverse environment, excellent interpersonal communication skills, and demonstrated skill in using electronic information resources. Preference will be given to applicants with a degree in (or having significant experience working with)aphysicalscienceorbusiness discipline; with experience in reference, instruction, and collection development in an academiclibrary‚andwithademonstratedcommitmenttoserviceexcellence. Rank and Salary: Senior Assistant Librarian; Minimum salary: $37,956for 10 months. Anticipated start date is September 1‚ 1999. Review of applications will begin April 15,1999; applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. EO E/AA.Subm italettersum m arizingyourabilitytom eetthe requirements of the position, a com plete current vita, graduate transcripts, and three letters of recommendation (including phone numbers and e-mail addresses) to: Office of the Library Director, U niversity Library, C a lifo rn ia S tate U n iv e rs ity H a yw a rd , Hayward CA 94542, (510) 885-3664; Fax: (510) 8 8 5 -2 0 4 9 . F o r f u l le r p o s itio n d e s c r ip tio n , s e e : h ttp :// REFERENCE LIB R A R IA N . Georgetown University. Responsibilites: Provide research and reference assistance to students, faculty, staff, and the general public in effective use o f library resources in the social sciences, business, and hum anities. Perform collection m anagem ent responsibilities fo r print and electronic m aterials in one o r m ore social science fields, and serve as liaison to one o r more academic departments. Provide general reference desk service using print and electronic re­ sources (includes night and weekend hours); develop instructional mate­ rials and participate in both cla ssroom and one-on-one instruction. Re­ quired qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; recent experience w ith reference services in an academ ic setting and broad knowledge of electronic resources; demonstrated interest o r experience in a social science field; interest and enthusiasm fo r library instruction; ability to teach Internet searching; excellent com m unication and interpersonal skills; potential to excel as a team m em ber in a dynam ic and challenging academ ic library e nvironm ent. Desired: Advanced degree in a social 3 4 6 / C&RL News ■ A p r il 1999 ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN Fordham Health Sciences Library The Wright State University Libraries seek an experienced health sciences librarian to provide leadership and creativity in the development and delivery of public services to the users of the Fordham Health Sciences Library. The Fordham Library contains 115,000 bound volumes, 1,300 current serial titles, 3,200 audiovisual items, more than 12,000 microforms, and various special collections as well as the archives of health sciences programs. The Fordham Health Sciences Library serves as the primary library for students in the School of Medicine, School of Professional Psychology, and the College of Nursing and Health. In addition, it supports several graduate programs in the College of Science and Mathematics. The Wright State University Libraries are administered by the University Librarian and include the Fordham Health Sciences Library; the Paul Laurence Dunbar Library (590,000 bound volumes, 4,000 current serial titles, 1,000,000+ microforms, 350,000 government documents, 4,000+ audiovisual items); the Music Library (1,775 volumes, 20,000 scores, 6,000+ musical recordings); and the Lake Campus Library (30,000 volumes, 139 current serial titles). RESPONSIBILITIES: Administers all public services activities in the Fordham Library, including reference, instruction, interlibrary loan, circulation, and audiovisual and computer education services. Monitors budget and oversees all operations of the Fordham Library. Manages and supervises staff of 6.5 librarians, 8.5 FTE classified staff, and 6 FTE student assistants. Collaborates with the heads of centralized University Libraries’ departments that administer collection development, special collections, technical services, and computing services for the entire library system. Reports to the University Librarian and is a member of the senior administrative council for the University Libraries. Serves as liaison to the administration and faculty of the School of Medicine, School of Professional Psychology, and the College of Nursing and Health. Assumes active role in local, regional, and national health sciences library organizations, with special emphasis on outreach to colleagues of the WSU Affiliated Hospital Libraries in the Dayton area. Participates in meetings and activities of the other academic health sciences libraries in Ohio. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Minimum of five years of proven leadership in public services (reference and instruction) in a health sciences library. At least three years of increasingly responsible adm inistrative experience. Supervisory experience. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills. Demonstrated effective­ ness in fostering teamwork and being an effective team member. Proven ability to promote cooperation and collaboration among library units. Thorough knowledge of issues and trends in health sciences librarianship. Strong record of activity and achievement in the profession. PREFERRED: Experience in an academic health sciences library. Member of Academy of Health Information Professionals. Additional graduate degree. Environment: Wright State University, founded in 1967 and named for Dayton’s aviation pioneers, Orville and Wilbur Wright, is located ten miles east of the city of Dayton, a metropolitan area of nearly one million people. The University serves approximately 16,000 students (12,000 undergraduates and 4,000 graduate students) with 100 undergraduate and 40 graduate programs offered through six colleges and three schools. Wright State’s health sciences programs are community-based, using a variety of Dayton area hospitals and health care institutions for their clinical instruction. The University Libraries have been active participants in OhioLINK since its founding in 1992. The Libraries have developed an integrated in form ation netw ork, LIBNET, th a t incorporates W SU, O hioLIN K, and Internet resources (w w w .lib ra rie s .w rig h t.e d u ). SALARY: $46,300 (minimum). Benefits include 22 vacation days/year, 10 holidays, health and dental plan, state retirement system, tuition remission plan, and paid life and disability insurance. APPLICATION: Send letter of application, resume, and names of three current references to: Chris W atson 126 Dunbar Library W right State U niversity Libraries Dayton, OH 45435 E-m ail: chris.w atson @ w Fullest consideration will be given to applications received by April 9, 1999. Wright State University is committed to a policy of equal opportunity and affirmative action, and specifically encourages applications from members of underrepresented groups. C&RL News ■ A p r il 1999 / 347 science field; w orking knowledge o f one or m ore European languages; knowledge of HTML authoring. Salary: Minim um salary is $38,357. Aca- demicstatus. Generous vacation, insurance and retirementplans. Review of applications will begin April 12,1999. Applications will be accepted until position is filled. T o apply: Send co ver letter, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone num bers of four references to: Phyllis Barrow, Room523, L au inger Library, G e o rg e to w n U n iv e rs ity , 3 7 0 0 0 S t.,N .W ,, Washington, DC 20057-1174. G eorgetown U niversity is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity employer. REFERENCE LIB R A R IA N S . The Health Sciences Library at East Caro­ lina University in Greenville, North Carolina is seeking experienced refer­ ence librarians to contribute as faculty in one o r more of the following areas: electronic resources, information technology and web design and develop­ ment; clinical inform ation services; and education services including distance education, instructional design, writing, editing, and graphics. Appointees will be assigned duties that reflect the needs of the library and the skills, experience, and interests o f the individual facu lty m ember. Required: ALA-accredited master’s degree and minim um two years expe­ rience, preferably as a reference librarian in an academ ic health sciences library. Consideration given to candidates holding an A LA-accredited master's degree whose combined library experience, skills, and knowledge are equivalent to a minimum of two years or who offer unique strengths and experiences in technical areas being sought. Salary: Minim um $30,000, DOE. S creening begins on M arch 5 ,1 9 9 9 ; a pplications accepted until positions filled. Send letter sum m arizing qualifications, curriculum vitae, and three letters of reference to: K e m p ie Dunn, Health Sciences Library, East C a ro lin a U n iv e rs ity , G reenville, NC 27858-4354. O fficial tra n ­ scripts are required upon em ploym ent. A pplicants m ust com ply with the Immigration Reform and C ontrol Act. ECU is an EEO/AA university and accom m odates in dividu a ls w ith disab ilities. See o u r w ebsite at www.hsl.ecu.eduformore details. SCHAFFNER REFERENCE A N D INSTRUCTION LIB R A R IA N . North­ western University Library. Summary: Located on the downtown Chicago campus, the Schaffner Library serves over 3000 students enrolled in the University's evening programs. The Schaffner Reference and Instruction Librarian participates in all public services a ctivities including library instruction, reference, W eb page design, and development of new services to meet u ser needs. Also participates in som e circulation, m aterials selection, and technical services activities. The position requires evening and weekend hours as needed. Responsibilities: Provides a variety of public sen/ices. Teaches in the library's course-related user education program; provides reference service using electronic and print resources (schedule includes tw o evenings a week); prom otes S chaffner services through orientations and workshops; participates in circulation desk activities as needed. A ctively participates in the prom otion of continuing innovation within S chaffner, including d evelopm ent of new services utilizing elec­ tronic media; com m unicates those activities to Northwestern University and the profession. W rites and m aintains W eb p ages to support library services, especially the course-related Class and Academ ic W eb Pages project. Participates in some technical services activities, including updat­ ing of internal databases and com municating with technical services staff in the Northwestern University Library. Assists in the selection and main­ tenance of Schaffner’s collections. Qualifications: Required qualifications include a master's degree from an ALA-accredited program; a minim um of one ye ar of academic/research library experience, including reference and library instruction; experience with the use o f electronic resources; and excellent communication skills. Desired qualifications include experience in creating W eb pages and know ledge of o r interest in the provision of services to adult students in an extended ca m p us environm ent. Salary: $28,200 m inim um . To apply: Send a letter o f application and resume, including the nam es o f three references to: Peter J. Devlin, Personnel Librarian, N o rth w e s te rn U n iv e rs ity Library, 1935 S heridan Road, Evanston, Illinois60208-2300. Applications received by April 30,1999, will receive first consideration. Northwestern University is an Equal Opportu­ nity/Affirm ative Action em ployer. E m ploym ent eligibility verification re­ quired upon hire. SCIEN CE L IB R A R IA N . S te p he n F. A u stin S ta te U n ive rsity in Nacogdoches, T exas seeks a librarian fo r the position o f Reference Librarian/Sciences. Salary minim um $31,000 (negotiable, based on quali­ fications). Tenure-track position with academic contract. Excellent benefits package, including optional retirement plan. The Science Librarian is one of seven professional and two support staff in the Reference Department, serving a predom inately undergraduate student population o f 12,000 in pine-forested East Texas. R equired qualifications: M aster’s degree in library o r inform ation science from an A LA -accredited program ; u nder­ graduate degree in the life o r physical sciences, o r dem onstrated knowl­ edge of the sciences; excellent oral and w ritten com m unication skills; flexibility to manage a broad variety of responsibilities and to work effectively with others; ability to w o rk w ith electronic inform ation sources in a net­ worked environm ent. Responsible for: Providing reference service in person and using electronic m eans; collection developm ent and faculty liaison; library instruction in inform ation literacy. T o apply: P lease mail letter, resume, and the names, addresses, a nd telephone num bers o f three references (including immediate supervisor) to: Alvin C. Cage, Director of Libraries, P O B 13055, SFASU, R. W. Steen Library. S te p h e n F. A u s tin S tate U n iv e rs ity , Nacogdoches, TX 75962-3055; (409) 468-1414. Posi­ tion available im mediately. Applications w ill be accepted until position is filled. Visit Steen Library’s homepage at SFASU is an AA/EEO employer. SCIEN CE LIB R A R IA N . Newly C reated P osition to start August 1999. M iddlebury College Library invites applications fo r a full-tim e S cience Librarian. The College has a strong com m itm ent to the teaching of the liberal arts and sciences. A new science building housing the departments of biology, chemistry, geography, geology, physics and psychology will be ready fo r o ccupancy Fall 1999 with new quarters fo r the branch Science Library. W e a re seeking an innovative, dynam ic, and forw ard-looking individual to provide leadership fo r the delivery of information services. The Science Librarian will report directly to the College Librarian. R esponsi­ bilities: Responsible fo r o verall m anagem ent of the Science Library, including analyzing existing and em erging needs and setting objectives, budgeting, supervising science library staff, and co ordinating services with other library units. Interacts with faculty and students to identify and anticipate inform ation needs and d eliver reference sen/ices, including b ibliographic instruction, individual research consultations, and library guides on the WW W . P erforms collection developm ent fo r the sciences. M aintains and d evelops a sizable m ap collection. Participates in faculty liaison program. Coordinates with the Information Technology Specialist, Sciences, and the G IS Specialist to help develop and support the applica­ tion o f information resources and technology in the curriculum. Education and qualifications: Master of Library Science degree from an ALA-accred­ ited program and an undergraduate degree with a m ajor in biology, chemistry, geology, physics, physical geography, psychology, or environ­ mental sciences required. Master’s level coursework in any of the stated fields is desirable. M inim um of two ye ars post-M LS experience in an academic library including reference, supervision, and management expe­ rience, o r equivalent, required. Demonstrated strong interpersonal skills in working with faculty, staff, and students. Demonstrated ability to manage and supervise staff. Familiarity with use and application of microcomputers in a fully networked cam pus environment and facility with current applica­ tions o f com puters in science libraries required. Evidence o f effective analytical and organizational skills. Benefits and salary: Salary is competi­ tive. Comprehensive benefits package, including 24 vacation days annually, plus holidays, andTIAA/CREF retirement program. Application: Review of applications begins May 1 0,1 99 9, and w ill continue until the position is filled. Send le tte r of application, resume, and names, phone numbers and e-m ail addresses o f three professional references to M id d le b u ry C o l­ lege, Human Resources Office, Service Building, Middlebury, VT 05753; Fax: (802) 443-2058. Please do not respond o r a pply electronically. Middlebury College information: Full position l. Middlebury Col­ lege is an AA/EEO/ADA employer. S O C IA L SC IEN C E REFERENCE A N D E LECTR ON IC RESOURCES L IB R A R IA N . W ashington State University, Pullm an, W ashington. Cur­ rently vacant. Specific responsibilities: P rovide general reference in the humanities, social sciences, and business. Provide specialized reference in assigned subject areas. Perform collection developm ent in sociology, child and fam ily studies, and other assigned areas. Act as library liaison to the Sociology and Human D evelopm ent departm ents. P rovide general bibliographic instruction sessions, and specialized sessions in assigned areas. M onitor and maintain access to electronic resources. Aid subject specialist librarians in the selection of electronic resources. Aid librarians in the use o f statistics generated by the library catalog, online databases, and other resources. Qualifications: Required: ALA accredited MLS o r its foreign equivalent. D egree o r collection d evelopm ent experience in the social sciences. Reference experience in an academic, research, o r large public library. Strong understanding o f the issues created by the use of CD-RO M s, online databases, and PCs networked in a public service environment. Demonstrated creative use of technology in problem-solving. Preferred: D egree in so ciology o r hum an developm ent. T eaching o r bibliographic instruction experience. Experience with W indowsNT. Expe­ rience with Innovative Interfaces, Inc. products. K nowledge of relational databases. Working knowledge of statistical software such as SPSS, SAS, Minitab, etc., o r proven use of database software fo r statistical purposes. Salary: From $30,000commensurate with qualifications and experience. Rank: Librarian 2; faculty status. O the r Benefits: TIAA/CREF, broad in surance program , 22 days vacation and 12 days sick leave p er year. Application review begins: April 30, 1999. Send letter o f application, resume, and names, complete mailing addresses, and telephone numbers of three references addressed to: Donna L. McCool, Associate Director for A dm inistrative Services, W a s h in g to n S ta te U n iv e rs ity Libraries, PO Box 645610, Pullm an, W A 99164-5610. W SU L ibraries’ Home Page is: W SU is an EEO employer. Protected group members are encouraged to apply. SPE C IA L CO LLEC TIO N S LIB R A R IA N . The University o f Texas a t San http://www.hsl.ecu.eduformore 348 / C&RL News ■ A p r il 1999 M C H A P M A N B ß t J N I V E R S I T Y University Librarian Chapman University seeks an energetic and visionary leader to serve as University Librarian. This position offers an opportunity for a talented library professional with strong academic interests, demonstrated skill in library administration and experience in fund raising to work with the university community in shaping the library for a successful and rapidly strengthening university of the twenty-first century. The successful candidate, in addition to directing traditional library services and collections, will have the opportunity to initiate ambitious programs to improve services, collections and facilities, and to continue the university's advances in integrating state-of-the-art information technologies in its library system. The new University Librarian, who will report directly to the Provost, can expect strong administrative support for initiatives to improve the library, as evidenced by the current capital campaign giving the library the highest fund raising priority. Chapman, an independent, comprehensive university offering undergraduate, master's and doctoral degree programs, is the premiere independent alternative to public institutions in Orange County, CA. The university, with a strong track record of planned growth while maintaining an excellent academic reputation, is an exciting, dynamic environment where people of talent, vision and integrity are able to contribute substantively to the future of the institution. The Orange campus, located 30 miles southeast of Los Angeles in a culturally diverse community, serves approximately 2500 undergraduate and 1000 graduate students, while twenty Academic Centers throughout the western U.S. serve approximately 3500 students primarily in professional graduate programs. Qualifications: A.L.A. accredited M.L.S. and master's degree in an academic discipline are required; Ph.D. preferred. Also required: demonstrated experience in academic library administration and the use of information systems in support of library functions. Recommended: experience providing library support to a diverse student body, a significant fund-raising record, including extra-mural grants, and evident ability to articulate a coherent vision of an academic library to a wide audience. The successful candidate will demonstrate exceptional communication skills, experience in collection development and the ability to respond to student and faculty needs in a growing university. Responsibilities: The University Librarian provides leadership, supervision and budgetary oversight in all aspects of the university library, including (i) developing, communicating and implementing a vision of the library and a strategic plan for the library within the context of the university's strategic plan, (ii) acquiring resources, including extra-mural grant writing and private fund raising, needed to support library programs and facilities, (iii) planning, with active engagement of the faculty, for curricular and programmatic needs, (iv) coordinating efforts with the Office of Academic Computing to meet the information technological needs of students and faculty, (v) developing special collections (vi) staffing of the library, (vii) overseeing an extensive inter-campus library information systems network. Applications and nominations: Nominations are welcome. Review of candidates will continue until the position is filled. Submit cover letter, resume, evidence of qualifications, and a list of four references (including telephone numbers and email addresses) to: Professor M. A ndrew M oshier University L ibrarian Search Com m ittee C hapm an University, O range, California 92866 Send e-mail questions to See for further information about Chapman and the library. Chapman University values diversity and is committed to providing equal career opportunities to all individuals. C&RL News ■ A p r il 1999 / 349 Antonio Library se eks app lica n ts fo r Special C o lle c tio n s L ib ra ria n , to d ire ct a c e n te r o f ra re b o o k s a n d m a n u s c rip ts . T h e U T S A S p e c ia l C o lle ctio n s u n it fo c u s e s p rim a rily o n S a n A n to n io , T e x a s , a nd th e S outhwestern U nited States, S panish C olonial M exico, a nd the Pacific N orthwest. T h e u n it c o o rd in a te s c lo s e ly w ith th e A rc h iv e s unit. M ore in form atio n on th e c o lle c tio n s is a v a ila b le on th e U T S A L ib ra ry hom e page at: h ttp ://w w w .lib .u ts a .e d u . D u ties: R e sp o n sib le fo r d e v e lo ping and m a in tain in g co lle ctio n s, fo r p ro vid in g re fe re n c e a nd in stru ction al se rvice s, fo r p ro m o tin g th e u se o f th e c o lle c tio n s a m o n g c a m p u s, local, a nd o th e r s c h o la rly c o m m u n itie s . S e e k s o u ts id e s u p p o rt fo r sp e cia l p ro je c ts , w rite s g ra n t p ro p o s a ls , a nd m a n a g e s g ra n ts . P a r­ ticipates in plan n in g a nd p olicy m a kin g fo r the S pe cia l C o lle ctio n s and A rc h iv e s D e p a rtm e n t. F o s te rs d o n o r s u p p o rt a n d p a tro n re la tio n s , p rovides o u tre a ch s e rvice s w ith sp ee che s, e xh ib its, a nd tou rs. Q u a li­ fica tio n s: R e qu ired : A LA -a ccre d ite d M LS d eg re e a nd e xce lle n t re a d ­ ing kn ow led g e o f S panish. M inim um tw o ye ars o f re le van t e xpe rie n ce in a s p e c ia l/ra re b o o k c o lle c tio n . P re fe rre d : B a c k g ro u n d in T e x a s , S ou thw est, a nd S pa n ish co lon ia l history. E xperience in a s u p e rviso ry ca pa city. Instru ctio n/p re sen tatio n e xpe rie n ce in an a cad em ic setting. E x p e rie n c e in w ritin g a nd /or adm inistering grants. P osition Available: Ju ne 1 ‚ 1999. Salary: $30 ,00 0 m inim um fo ra 12 -m o n th a p p o in tm e n t. A p p lic a tio n : S en d le tte r a d d re s s in g q u a lific a tio n s a nd in te re s t, re ­ sum e, nam es, and c u rre n t a d d re s s e s a nd tele p h o n e n u m b e rs o f five re fe re n c e s . A p p ly to : M ic h a e l K e lly, D ire c to r o f L ib ra rie s , T h e U n i­ v e r s it y o f T e x a s a t S A , 6 9 0 0 N. L o o p 160 4 W e s t, S a n A n to n io T X 7 82 4 9 -0 6 7 1 . R e vie w o f a p p lic a tio n s w ill b e g in M a y 1 ‚ 1 999, a n d w ill c o n tin u e u n til th e p o s itio n is fille d . U T S A is an E E O A e m p lo y e r. W om en, m inorities, and p ersons w ith d isa b ilitie s e nco urag e d to apply. Late Job Listin gs CHAIR, TECHNICAL SER V IC ES DEPARTMENT. Responsible for the overall progress and quality of support offered by the units in the department, for providing leadership in the units continued development, and contributing leadership to the development of the library as a whole. Technical services units are Automation, Cataloging, Collection Management, Current Periodi­ cals/Bindery, Order Section, and Serials Sections. Additional responsibilities include selling goals and planning for their implementation and assessment, evaluating new services and technologies, personnel management, and budgeting. May participate in other appropriate departmental activities. Reports to Dean of Library Services and serves as a member of the library's Adminis­ trative Cabinet, the Technology Implementation Group, and other committees. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; a minimum of five years of experience in one or more technical service areas at a medium-sized or larger academic institution, including several years of progressively responsible experience in managing a technical service unit; experience working with a major automated system, such as NOTIS; demonstrated familiarity with a bibliographic utility, such as OCLC; demonstrated training and supervisory skills; expertise with standard office software as well as experience with web and other electronic resources and services; ability to communicate effectively, orally and in writing, in English; ability to work with diverse groups in an urban academic setting. Preferred: Experience supervising librarians in an academic institu­ tion; evidence of interest in publication and professional activities; experience developing web-based services. Beginning salary: $40,000 to $45,000 at the Assistant or Associate Librarian rank, depending on qualifications and experience. Librarians at the University of New Orleans are tenurable academic appointees enjoying full faculty status and responsibilities, including teach­ ing, research, and service. Liberal fringe benefits. Send letter of application with resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: Jill B. Fatzer, Dean of Library Services, Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA 70148, Applications received by May 1,1999, will receive priority consideration. EE0/AA employer. BUSINESS REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (search reopened). Georgia State University, a dynamic urban universiiy in the heart of Atlanta, is seeking an energetic, knowledgeable and forward-looking individual to serve as liaison to the J . Mack Robinson College of Business. The College’s part-time program was recently ranked fourth best in the country, and it has received a $ 10 million endowment. Successful candidates will develop library collections, participate in the delivery of information and instructional services, and provide customized research support and consultation services for faculty and students in the area of business. Business Reference Librarian (Position #0070). Specialization in one or more of the subject areas of business. Available: June 1999 Requirements: Ability to work in a progressive organizational environment; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; ALA- accredited master's degree and library experience; familiarity with resources in a variety of formats; knowledge of collection development issues and trends; skilled in use of technology. Highly Preferred: second master's degree and/or extensive experience in assigned subject area; experience in an academic library; demonstrated interest in research and professional activities; evidence of creativity and initiative. Salary: $31,000 - $39,000for 12 months commensurate with the candidate’s experience. Appointment at a faculty rank, on a contract renewal basis. To Apply: Send letter addressing above qualifications, resume and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references. Earnestine Collier-Jones, Administrative Coordinator, Georgia State University, 100 Decatur Street, SE, Room 205, Atlanta, GA 30303-3202. Materials received by May 15,1999 will receive priority. For more information, please visit our web site at Georgia State University is an equal oppor­ tunity educational institution/affirmative action employer strongly committed to cultural diversity. 350 / C&RL News ■ A p r i l 1999 LIBRARIAN, REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION. (2 positions.) The University of Wisconsin- Parkside, Kenosha, Wisconsin seeks two Reference/ĭnstruction Librarians, to begin July 1,1999. The successful candidates will provide reference service to users; serve as liaisons to several faculty departments for purposes of library instruction and collection development; develop print and technology-based instructional materials; and participate in additional outreach and instruction programs. Required: Graduate library degree from ALA-accredited library school. Complete position announcement and application process appear at: academic.affairs/openpositions.html. Candidates are required to access this Web site and follow application instructions. The University of Wisconsin-Parkside is an AA/EEO employer and specifically invites minorities, women, Vietnam-era veterans and disabled persons to apply. CATALOGING LIBRARIAN. Reporting to the Head Technical Services Librarian, the Cataloging Librarian is responsible for original and complex adaptive cataloging for monographs, serials, and nonprint materials. Catalogs material primarily in the subject fields of business and economics. Assists in maintaining the online catalog through corrections and updates. Assists in developing, documenting, and implementing cataloging procedures. Serves as a cataloging resource person for other Technical Services staff. Serves as a member of the Library’s Reference Team, providing Information Desk coverage as needed, including evenings, weekends and holidays. MLS or equivalent training and experience is required. Original cataloging experience required. Knowledge of current cataloging practice, including knowledge of AACR2r, LCRI, LCC, LCSH, USMARC bibliographic formats, and authority control is required. Excellent organizational and communication skills. Salary: $37,000-$68,000, depending on qualifications and rank. Contact: Search Advisory Panel B, J . Hugh Jackson Library, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-5016, or via e-mail to (Include Search Advisory Panel B in subject line) Stanford is committed to the principle of diversity and welcomes applications from all people including women, members of ethnic minorities, veterans, and disabled individuals. Applications accepted until position is filled. For full position description, see: http://wesley.stanford.eduÆbraιy/jobs/catvac.html. DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL COLLECTIONS AND ARCHIVES. Bowdoin College seeks a dynamic Director of Special Collections and Archives to supervise and coordinate operations related to these distinguished collections of rare books, manuscripts and archival material. Reports to the Librarian. Collections are comprised of25,000 rare book volumes, plus 1,800 linear feet of archival material, 2,300 linear feet of manuscript collections and 900 linear feet of the George J . Mitchell Collection for a total of5,000 linear feet of boxed papers. Special Collections include book, manuscript and other materials by and about Nathaniel Hawthorne and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, both of the class of1825, early printed versions of the Greek and Latin classics, European engravings, early maps of the Americas, examples of fine printing in Maine and elsewhere, an extensive collection of 18th and early 19th century books, the elephant-folio edition of John James Audubon's Birds of America, books, periodicals and pamphlets of the French Revolution, and the papers of Senator George J . Mitchell, class of 1954 and retired Senate Majority Leader. Archives material includes institutional records related to the College’s 205 year history. Responsibilities include long-range planning, developing, preserving and protecting collections, renovations planning for Special Collections and Archives, leading efforts to integrate collections use into the curriculum, helping to plan a major retrospective rare book cataloging project, planning and implementing an exhibition program, co-coordinating libraiy-wide preservation pro­ gram, and supervising both professional and support staff. Requirements: MLS from ALA accredited institution or Masters degree in history; knowledge of history of books and printing and antiquarian book trade and preservation theory. Minimum five years in Special Collections required; prefer experience in an academic setting with evidence of assuming increasing administrative responsibili­ ties. Experience with applications of electronic technology to special collections, including automated library systems, bibliographic utilities, MARC format and World Wide Web and other digital access technologies highly desirable. Demonstrated evidence of strong written and oral communication skills, interpersonal skills and a commitment to collaboration and public service required, plus experience with personnel and project management and working in team environment. Knowledge of archival theory and practice and records management skills and some archives experience highly desirable. Founded in 1794, Bowdoin College is a highly competitive liberal arts college of 1550 students, located in mid-coastal Maine, 30 miles north of Portland and 21/2 hours north of Boston. Competitive salaiy and benefits. Applications accepted until position filled. Please submit a letter of interest, resume, and names and telephone numbers of three references to: Manager of Employment, Bowdoin College, Human Resources Department, 3500 College Station, Brunswick, ME 04011-8246. Bowdoin College is committed to equal opportunity through affirmative action. Structure Bookmarks 332 / C&RL News ■ April 1999 Career opportunities frmo across the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $8.75 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $10.75 for others. Late job notices discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions.Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the World Wide Web at Ads will be placed approximately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published.Contact: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795 C&RL News ■ April 7999 / 333 HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES, Thomas J. Watson LibraryThe Thomas J. Watson Library, the research library of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, invites applications for the position of Head of Technical Services. This position is responsible for planning, organizing, and coordinating all activities of the Technical Services Department including acquisitions and monograph and serials cataloging. The Head of Technical Services has direct responsibility for the daily operations of all technical services functions in Applications accepted until position is filled. For full position description, see: LIBRARIAN. The University of Arizona Library seeks pro­fessionals to join its team-based, innovative, flexible, user-oriented orga­nization. The library is committed to continuous learning, increasing client sufficiency, fostering diversity in the campus environment, and furthering its own transmission, educational, and preservation roles. Applications are sought another million photographs, paintings, prints, and other visual media. The collection chronicles such fields as medieval and Renaissance studies, the Reformation, eighteenth-century France and England, American history, Anglo-American literature, Icelandic history and culture, and the history of science. Outstanding book collections focus on the early Italian Renais­sance, particularly the works of Dante and Petrarch; 17th-and 18th-century physics and chemistry, most notably chemist Antoine-Laurent Lavoisi 334 / C&RL News ■ April 1999 HEAD OF REFERENCE ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (LIBRARY)The City College of New York offers a rich program of undergraduate and graduate study through its College of Liberal Arts and Science, along with professional schools in Engineering, Medicine, Education and Architecture.We have a tenure track position available effective Sept 1, 1999. The Head of Reference supervises a team of full and part-time professional librarians delivering reference services, supervises collection development and man­ages library instru CATALOG AND ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (tenure-track). Responsi­bilities: Performs original and complex copy cataloging of print materials, works as a member of the catalog team (3 other professional librarians, 3 support staff, and numerous student assistants). Reports to the Head of Technical Services. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, written and oral communication skills, computer skills, working knowledge of USMARC, LCSH, and LC classification, familiarity with cataloging in an automated environment, eviden ConnecticutDelawareIllinoisIndianaIowaLouisianaMaineMassachusettsNew JerseyNew YorkNorth CarolinaOhioPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTexasVermontWest VirginiaWisconsin $31,273$22,500+$27,400#varies*$24,533$22,000varies*$27,554*$33,188varies*$24,367+$25,198+$26,400$29,800varies*$22,000$28,000$26,464$22,000$32,240 ‘Rather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on such variables as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association for minimum salary information.+Salary minimums for public librarians only.#Option for local formula. C&RL News ■ April 1999 / 335 HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL COLLECTIONSAND UNIVERSITY ARCHIVESCalifornia State University, SacramentoDESCRIPTION: The Department Head is responsible for the administration of the Department of Special Collections and University Archives. Develops, organizes, and preserves the collections. Supervises the University Archivist/Curator of the Japanese American Collection, 1.5 FTE staff, and student assistants. Works closely with faculty in the Library and the University to acquire collections that support 336 / C&RL News ■ April 1999 SOCIAL SCIENCES REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (SEARCH REOPENED)University Of California, Santa BarbaraThe University of California, Santa Barbara invites applicants for a Social Sciences Reference Librarian. The UCSB Library serves 18,000 students and more than 1,200 faculty. The staff of 49 academics and 135 classified staff support 33 Ph.D. program areas and several colleges and divisions.RESPONSIBILITIES: Provide reference, bibliographic, and instructional services to students, faculty, staff, and the university c COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN AND HEAD OF TECH­NICAL SERVICES. The Millsaps College Library seeks to fill a position which is responsible for book selection and acquisitions as well as supervising the work of a Technical Services Department consisting of two professionals (including this one), 2.5 staff, and 6 to 8 student assistants. This librarian, one of 6 on a staff of 13, coordinates faculty selection, oversees purchases, serials management, cataloging, processing, and data management. In addition t reference services, contributes to the development and implementation of a growing course-integrated library instruction program, serves as liaison to academic departments in a new outreach program, and is the profes­sional management team of the library. The Coordinator also participates in regular reference desk rotation; provides instruction sessions; develops the reference collection; and supervises the document delivery/interlibrary loan services of the library. Reports to the Director of Duggan Librar C&RL News ■ April 1999 / 337 CHEMISTRY LIBRARIANUniversity of Pennsylvania LibraryThe Penn Library is seeking a creative and talented Chemistry Librarian to join a dynamic team that is developing science and engineering collections and services for Penn's networked environment. The Chemistry Library serves the information needs of the Chemistry Department and of faculty, students, and research staff working in related areas in the physical and health sciences such as chemical engineering and biochemistry. The Library has a collection o DIRECTOR. The Jesuit Krauss McCormick Library seeks applications for the position of Director. JKM is owned by Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and McCormick Theological Seminary. Position begins July 1‚ 1999 or later, and application deadline is April 15. For more information and instructions on how to apply contact: Dean Ralph W. Klein, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, (773) 256-0721 or OF LIBRARY SERVICES, the University of South Carolina School of Medicine. Nominati Public Services and is responsible forthe ongoing development and maintenance of the library’s Web site; development and maintenance of all aspects of the library’s virtual presence including links to subscrip­tion and non-subscription resources; and support for the library’s CD- ROM LAN. The successful applicant will also participate in reference desk service, instruction, and resource selection as a part of the library’s professional team. Minimum qualifications include: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent, 338 / C&RL News ■ April 1999 GERMAN LITERATURE REFERENCE-BIBLIOGRAPHERDartmouth College Library Hanover, NHThe Dartmouth College Library seeks a dynamic Reference-Bibliographer for the Baker Humanities& Social Sciences Library with subject expertise in German language and literature; potential to deal with Classics desirable.RESPONSIBILITIES: Reporting to the Humanities & Social Sciences Librarian, works as a member of an information services team providing general and specialized reference services in an innovative and technically sop ELECTRONIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. (Search Extended.) Missis­sippi State University Meridian Campus. MSU Meridian was estab­lished in August 1972 to provide educational opportunities to individuals unable to attend residential campuses. Working with surrounding feeder community colleges, MSU Meridian offers junior and senior level courses leading to a bachelor’s degree, and graduate courses leading to a master’s or educational specialist degree in several academic disciplines. Day and evening classes accommodat the Dean, MSU Meridian Campus, 1000 Hwy 19 North, Meridian, MS 39307. Salary: approximately $30,000annually. Applications accepted until position is filled. MSU is an AA/EEO employer.EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. California Library Association. Based in Sacramento, CLA is a non-profit association with over2,400 members. The Executive Director reports to and works closely with the Executive Commit­tee. Provides vision, direction, and leadership to the formulation of CLA's philosophy and mission. Primary responsibiliti C&RL News ■ April 1999 / 339 HEAD, SPECIAL COLLECTIONS AND ARCHIVESThe Nimitz Library U.S. Naval AcademyThe Nimitz Library, United States Naval Academy, anticipating a vacancy, seeks applicants with experience, energy, initiative, and enthusiasm to head its Special Collections and Archives Division. For additional details about the position, consult the Nimitz Library’s home page (at http:// QUALIFICATIONS: A master’s degree in library/information science from an ALA- accredited program, minimum of t CAE, MBA, MLS, or MPA; other advanced or postgraduate degree; an understanding of the role of libraries and librarians in society and a commitment to advancing their work; experience in planning for and manag­ing new technologies in an association setting; and experience in associa­tion management. Appointment expected September 1‚ 1999. Salary: mini­mum $75,000, depending on qualifications and experience. Full benefits package. Visit our Web site at Send letter of application, resume, a Mississippi in a regional depository for federal and Mississippi documents. Participates in development and implementation of electronic access to govern­ment sources and collection development in assigned subject areas. Teaches one-hour cred it library course in conjunction with other public sen/ice libraries, and assists in the Library's distance learning endeavors. This is a full-time, twelve-month, tenure track position. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS by starting date. Excellent written and oral com 340 /C&RL News ■ April 1999 HEADAziz S. Atiya Middle East Library Special Collections, Marriott Library University of UtahThe University of Utah seeks an experienced and energetic librarian to head a major department and collection. This position oversees the development and operation of the Middle East Library including collection development, reference, staffing and budget management, short- and long-range planning, instruction, and outreach. The Aziz S. Atiya Middle East Library, with approximately 165,000 volumes, is recognized as LIBRARIAN. Whitworth College, Spokane, Washington, seeks a Librarian to sen/e as Coordinator of Instructional Servicesand Reference Librarian; Instructor/Assistant Professor, tenure track. Requires Master’s degree in Library Science, Information Studies, or equivalent; a personal commitment to the Christian faith and to the integration of faith and learning; the ability and desire to establish positive relationships with persons regardless of race, gender, disability, or religious belief; an active commitme design. Position funded for three years with potential for permanent ap­pointment. Particular responsibility will be the RLIN processing of rare pattern books and trade catalogues. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree or equivalent and familiarity with MARC, AACR2, RLIN, LC subject headings and classification. Graduate work in architectural history, history of design, art history, or related fields highly desirable. Atleast three years of cataloguing experience with rare books and ephemeral trade liter C&RL News ■ April 1999/341 DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT FOR THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYGeorge Mason UniversityGeorge Mason University seeks a dynamic individual for the newly created position of Director of Development for the University Libraries and Information Technology. The Director will plan, implement, and manage a comprehensive development program, including fund raising, prospect cultivation, gift solicitation, annual funds, planned giving, grant funding, and public affairs and special events activities. I vironment: The University of Maryland Libraries has recently undergone a major reorganization to better meet the service mission of the Libraries. As part of this reorganization, subject teams have been created and are responsible for integrating services and collections to the University's departments, colleges, and programs. This new environment strives to facilitate organizational communication and foster shared responsibility. The Government Documents Reference Librarian will be a member of the Social S Services, McKeldin Library, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-7011. You may also fax your resume: (301) 314-9960. University of Maryland Libraries Web address: The University of Maryland is an affirmative action, equal opportunity Employer. Minorities are encouraged to apply.PRINCIPAL ELECTRONIC RESOURCES/SPECIAL FORMATS PRO­CESSING LIBRARIAN. New York University Libraries. Takes leading role in Library’s efforts to provide access to electronic, audiovisual, and arc 342 / C&RL News ■ April 1999 REFERENCE LIBRARIANUniversity of Connecticut Stamford Regional Campus Library (Search #99A312)Working in a team environment, the incumbent participates in the public services programs of the Jeremy Richard Library in Stamford, including reference and instructional service, computer-based services, and collection development. This position also serves as the Stamford Campus Library’s liaison to undergraduate academic programs in history and political science and fills in at the Circulation Desk as needed. Ev and operations of the Multimedia Development Lab within the Mitchell Multimedia Center, the Electronic Resen/e System, and Web development within the Library. Responsibilities: Assists students, faculty, and staff working on a wide variety of multimedia projects, ranging from the simple to the very complex. Provides technical support for the Electronic Reserve System. Assists in integration of new technologies and new approaches to the delivery of reserve services. Carries out a leadership role in Library-w (URL: seek an innovative Outreach Sen/ices Librarian to supervise the Libraries. Resource Sharing Unit and assist the Head, Library Outreach Services with other outreach services activities. This position will report to the Head, Library Outreach Services. S/he will manage a unit with five FTE staff and five student assistants which processed 41,739 transactions during 1997/98. Responsibilities include the administration of and participation in the Resource Sharing Unit's C&RL News ■ April 1999 / 343 SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY LIBRARYAssociate University Librarian for Collection DevelopmentThis senior position includes responsibility for a $3.5ra collections budget and shared responsibility for the administration of the Library. The incumbent will lead, supervise in selection activities, and participate in evaluating up to 30 selectors, library-wide. Develop­ing digital initiatives will be as important as maintaining print and other acquisitions. Opportunities include developing effective consortial relationsh Opportunity Employer, Baylor encourages minorities, women, veterans, and persons with disabilities to apply.REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION LIBRARIANS.(Two positions available.) (10-month appointments) The California State University Hayward Library seeks two librarians, one with an emphasis in the physical sciences and the other with an emphasis in business, to help support the instructional, reference and research needs of its culturally diverse campus. Responsibilities: Librarians teach for-credit courses and provide in-class lectures, develop the Library's collections and services in physical science or business, work in a cooperative centralized reference environment requiring evening and weekend hours, par­ticipate in rotational duties at the Contra Costa campus, and are expected to meet criteria for reappointment, tenure, and promotion. Qualifications: Graduate degree from an ALA-accredited institution, 344 / C&RL News ■ April 1999 SCIENCE LIBRARIANIllinois Wesleyan UniversityIllinois Wesleyan University seeks applicants for a tenure-track faculty Science Librarian beginning in August 1999. IWU is a nationally ranked undergraduate university of 2000 students that strives to provide high quality liberal arts education. The library maintains a strong commitment to both public service and the integration of technology in all as­pects of library research. The principal responsibilities of this twelve-month ap­pointment include liaison act ENGINEERING LIBRARIANThe University of California, RiversideThe University of California, Riverside Li­brary welcomes applications for the position of Engineering Librarian.The Engineering Librarian works closely with faculty and students in the College of Engi­neering to determine and meet service needs. Provide scheduled reference service in all science and engineering disciplines, re­search consultation, electronic reference service, and online searching. Provide non- traditional and traditional referenc C&RL News ■ April 1999 / 345 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIANMercer UniversityMercer University invites applications and nominations for the position of University Librarian. Founded in 1833, Mercer University is a Baptist-related, comprehensive university of 7,000 students with eight schools and colleges in Macon and Atlanta, Georgia, and four extended education centers. The University Librarian is responsible for overall leadership and operations of the University Libraries [Main Library (Macon), Swilley Library (Atlanta), and four Extended Educ faculty and students in aculturally diverse environment, excellent interpersonal communication skills, and demonstrated skill in using electronic information resources. Preference will be given to applicants with a degree in (or having significant experience working with)aphysicalscienceorbusiness discipline; with experience in reference, instruction, and collection development in an academiclibrary‚andwithademonstratedcommitmenttoserviceexcellence. Rank and Salary: Senior Assistant Librarian; Minimum salar REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Georgetown University. Responsibilites: Provide research and reference assistance to students, faculty, staff, and the general public in effective use of library resources in the social sciences, business, and humanities. Perform collection management responsibilities for print and electronic materials in one or more social science fields, and serve as liaison to one or more academic departments. Provide general reference desk service using print and electronic re­sources (includes nigh 346 / C&RL News ■ April 1999 ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIANFordham Health Sciences LibraryThe Wright State University Libraries seek an experienced health sciences librarian to provide leadership and creativity in the development and delivery of public services to the users of the Fordham Health Sciences Library. The Fordham Library contains 115,000 bound volumes, 1,300 current serial titles, 3,200 audiovisual items, more than 12,000 microforms, and various special collections as well as the archives of health sciences programs.The For C&RL News ■ April 1999 / 347 science field; working knowledge of one or more European languages; knowledge of HTML authoring. Salary: Minimum salary is $38,357. Aca- demicstatus. Generous vacation, insurance and retirementplans. Review of applications will begin April 12,1999. Applications will be accepted until position is filled. To apply: Send cover letter, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of four references to: Phyllis Barrow, Room523, Lauinger Library, Georgetown University, 37000St.,N.W,, Washington, DC 200 letter, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references (including immediate supervisor) to: Alvin C. Cage, Director of Libraries, POB13055, SFASU, R. W. Steen Library. Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, TX 75962-3055; (409) 468-1414. Posi­tion available immediately. Applications will be accepted until position is filled. Visit Steen Library’s homepage at SFASU is an AA/EEO employer.SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. Newly Created Position to start August 1 348 / C&RL News ■ April 1999 MCHAPMANBßtJNIVERSITYUniversity LibrarianChapman University seeks an energetic and visionary leader to serve as University Librarian. This position offers an opportunity for a talented library professional with strong academic interests, demonstrated skill in library administration and experience in fund raising to work with the university community in shaping the library for a successful and rapidly strengthening university of the twenty-first century. The successful candidate, in addition to directing tra C&RL News ■ April 1999 / 349 Antonio Library seeks applicants for Special Collections Librarian, to direct a center of rare books and manuscripts. The UTSA Special Collections unit focuses primarily on San Antonio, Texas, and the Southwestern United States, Spanish Colonial Mexico, and the Pacific Northwest. The unit coordinates closely with the Archives unit. More information on the collections is available on the UTSA Library home page at: Duties: Responsible for developing and maintaining collections, for pr fications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS degree and excellent read­ing knowledge of Spanish. Minimum two years of relevant experience in a special/rare book collection. Preferred: Background in Texas, Southwest, and Spanish colonial history. Experience in a supervisory capacity. Instruction/presentation experience in an academic setting. Experience in writing and/or administering grants. Position Available: June 1 ‚ 1999. Salary: $30,000 minimum fora 12-month appointment. Application: Send letter addressing Late Job ListingsCHAIR, TECHNICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT. Responsible for the overall progress and quality of support offered by the units in the department, for providing leadership in the units continued development, and contributing leadership to the development of the library as a whole. Technical services units are Automation, Cataloging, Collection Management, Current Periodi­cals/Bindery, Order Section, and Serials Sections. Additional responsibilities include selling goals and planning for their implem 350 / C&RL News ■ April 1999 LIBRARIAN, REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION. (2 positions.) The University of Wisconsin- Parkside, Kenosha, Wisconsin seeks two Reference/ĭnstruction Librarians, to begin July 1,1999. The successful candidates will provide reference service to users; serve as liaisons to several faculty departments for purposes of library instruction and collection development; develop print and technology-based instructional materials; and participate in additional outreach and instruction programs. Required: Graduate library degree