ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 198 ACRL New England Chapter: First Election At a business session held in conjunction with the Conference on Writing and Publish­ ing sponsored by the ACRL New England Chapter at Brandeis University on April 4, 1975, results of the first election of chapter of­ ficers were announced. Elected were: George R. Parks, dean, University Libraries, University of Rhode Island, as president for the remainder of 1975; Diane Lutz, assistant librarian, New Hamp­ shire College, as president-elect for the re­ mainder of 1975 and president for 1976; Elizabeth P. Mitchell, editorial librarian, Harvard University Libraries, as secretary for 1975 and 1976; and Anne M. Conway, cataloger, MCLP Project, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Library, as treasurer for 1975 and 1976. Since its establishment by action of the ACRL Board of Directors on June 29, 1972, the New England Chapter has been directed by a Steering Committee consisting of Thomas H. Cahalan of Northeastern University, Mary D. McFeely of Smith College, Richard A. Olsen of Rhode Island College, and Roger J. Poulin of Vermont Technical College. The chapter has sponsored programs on stan­ dards for academic librarians, collection devel­ opment, and bibliographic instruction and co­ sponsored a meeting with the Connecticut L i­ brary Association College and University Sec­ tion on the ARL Management Review and Analysis Program (M RA P). A Chapter Bylaws Committee, established to assist in organiza­ tional development and planning, includes Anne C. Edmonds of Mount Holyoke College (chair­ person), Doris R. Brown of the University of Connecticut, Joseph H. Doherty of Providence College, Diane Lutz of New Hampshire Col­ lege, Joseph T. Popecki of St. Michael’s Col­ lege, Winooski, Vermont, and one person to be appointed from Maine. ■■ ACRL and ALA Representatives at Academic Ceremonies and Meetings The Association of College and Research L i­ braries and the American Library Association regularly receive invitations to send representa­ tives to a variety of academic ceremonies and meetings. During the past year, members of ACRL have represented the association at the 100-year anniversary celebrations of two uni­ versities, at the inaugurations of college and university presidents, at the dedication of a new university library building, and at the annual meetings of other associations. In June 1974, Dr. Harry Robinson, Jr., di­ rector of learning resources services at Alabama State University, Montgomery, served as ALA’s and ACRL’s representative on the 100-year celebration day of that university. The Centen­ nial Convocation of the University of Nevada, Reno, held on October 12, was attended by Gordon P. Martin, university librarian at Cali­ fornia State University, Sacramento. David E. Estes, assistant university librarian for special collections at Emory University, rep­ resented the association at the June 1974 in­ auguration of Marvin Banks Perry, Jr., as presi­ dent of Agnes Scott College. On September 26, Dr. James K. Zink, director of university li­ braries at the University of Oklahoma, attend­ ed the inauguration of J. Terry Johnson as third president of Oklahoma Christian College. The inauguration of Thomas Bonner as president of Union College, Schenectady, New York, and chancellor of Union University, Albany, held on October 5, was attended by E. J. Josey, chief, Bureau of Academic and Research L i­ braries in the New York State Education D e­ partment. Dr. Billy R. Wilkinson, staff rela­ tions officer for the New York Public Library, served as the association’s representative at the inauguration of Harold Proshanksy as second president of the Graduate School and Univer­ sity Center of the City University of New York, on October 10, 1974. Gordon P. Martin, uni­ versity librarian at California State University, Sacramento, attended the inauguration of Max Milam as president of the University of Ne­ vada, Reno, held on October 12 in conjunction 199 with the university’s Centennial Convocation. Representing ACRL and ALA at the October 26 inauguration of Henry Ponder as eleventh president of Benedict College, Columbia, South Carolina, was Kenneth E . Toombs, director of libraries at the University of South Carolina. On November 22, Gary L. Menges, assistant director of libraries for public services at the University of Texas at Austin, attended the in­ auguration of Lee H. Smith as sixth president of Southwest Texas State University, San Mar­ cos. On November 24, Oivind M. Hovde, head librarian at Luther College, in Decorah, Iowa, represented the association at the inauguration of William Wayne Jellema as president of Wartburg College. Serving as ACRL’s repre­ sentative at the December 4 inauguration of Viggo Norskov Olsen as eleventh president of Loma Linda University, California, was Nor­ man E. Tanis, director of university libraries at California State University, Northridge, and past president of ACRL. On February 1, 1975, Callie Faye Milliken, library director at Abilene Christian College, Texas, served as the representative of ALA and ACRL at the inauguration of W . Joe Hacker as president of Lubbock Christian College. The inauguration of the Rev. Charles David Sherrer as sixth president of King’s College, Wilkes- Barre, Pennsylvania, on March 8, was attended by George M. Jenks, university librarian at Bucknell College, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. ACRL’s representative at the March 13 inaugu­ ration of Dr. George Bugliarello as president of the Polytechnic Institute of New York, in Brooklyn, was Dr. Eugene P. Kennedy, direc­ tor of libraries at New York University. On April 19, Dr. Donald D. Hendricks, director of the library at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Dallas, represented ALA and ACRL at the inauguration of John Grove Bar­ ker as seventh president of Midwestern Univer­ sity, Wichita Falls, Texas. Representing the as­ sociation at the inauguration of Philip B. Secor as twelfth president of Cornell College, Iowa, on April 27, was Frank S. Hanlin, bibliograph­ er at the University of Iowa Library. F. Hunter Miracle, special collections and humanities li­ brarian at the University of Tulsa, Oklahoma, attended the May 2 inauguration of David Ar­ thur Noebel as second president of American Christian College, in Tulsa. The May 17 inaug­ uration of Dr. Benjamin H. Alexander as second president of Chicago State University was at­ tended by Dr. Beverly P. Lynch, Executive Secretary of ACRL. The dedication ceremonies of the new uni­ versity library at the University of New Haven, on October 20, 1974, were attended by Dr. Richard K. Gardner, editor of C hoice. The fifty-seventh annual meeting of the American Council on Education, held October 9 -11, 1974, in San Diego, California, was at­ tended by Dr. H. William Axford, university librarian at the University of Oregon and presi­ dent of ACRL, and Dr. Beverly P. Lynch, ex­ ecutive secretary of ACRL. Dr. Lynch also served as the association’s representative at the annual meeting of the National University Ex­ tension Association, held April 27-29, in San Juan, Puerto Rico. ■ ■ Wanted: Names of African and Asian Specialists A directory of librarians who special­ ize in African or Asian studies is being compiled for publication under the aus­ pices of the Asian and African Section, Association of College and Research L i­ braries. Colleagues who wish to be list­ ed (or who would particularly object to being listed) are invited to communicate with Henry Scholberg, Librarian, Ames Library of South Asia, University of Min­ nesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. The in­ formation asked for is: name, title, of­ fice address (including Z IP ), office tele­ phone number, and area interest (Asia, East Asia, Middle East, etc., or a par­ ticular country or countries). New Serials Publication Librarians are invited to write in for a complimentary sample copy of T h e Se­ rials Librarian, a new bimonthly news­ letter scheduled for fall 1975 publica­ tion. This new newsletter will concentrate on practical aspects of serials manage­ ment (selection and acquisition; claim­ ing, binding, and cataloging; biblio­ graphic control; and so forth). It will also feature a specially prepared “Index to Variant Serial Titles” and several oth­ er current-awareness features. Librarians should send in their request on their letterhead to: T h e Serials L i­ brarian, c/o Haworth Press, 130 West 72d St., New York, NY 10023.