ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Additional ACRL Programs at San Francisco L i b r a r y I n s t r u c t i o n The ACRL Undergraduate Librarians Dis­ cussion Group will meet this year on Wednes­ day, July 2, 10:00 a.m .-12:00 noon. The topic for discussion will be Library Instruction and the UGL. Persons working in or interested in undergraduate libraries are invited to attend. For further information, contact Allan J. Dyson, Moffitt Undergraduate Library, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. R e s o u r c e - S h a r i n g The Urban Universities Library Committee of the ACRL University Libraries Section will sponsor a program entitled INFOPASS: Open Sesame for Graduate Students, on Tuesday, July 1, 10:00 a.m .-12:00 noon. A panel, mod­ erated by the chairman of the committee, Da­ vid E . Pownall, director of library services, Hofstra University, will describe the sophisti­ cated resource-sharing system developed by the Illinois Regional Library Council, will identify the necessary elements for planning and im­ plementation, will discuss benefits which ac­ crue to graduate students through this system, “ and will analyze the impact of the system on large metropolitan university libraries. Members of the panel include: Beth Hamilton, executive director, Illinois Regional Library Council; Su­ san C. Keller, coordinator, Library Council of Metropolitan Milwaukee; E ric Halvorson, stu­ dent, Graduate Library School, University of Chicago; William C. Roselle, director of the li­ brary, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; and William B. Ernst, university librarian, Univer­ sity of Illinois at Chicago Circle. S l a v i c a n d E a s t E u r o p e a n C l a s s i f i c a t i o n The ACRL Slavic and East European Sec­ tion, chaired by Katherine Cveljo, College of Library Science, University of Kentucky, will present a panel discussion, on Tuesday, July 1, 4 :3 0 -6 :0 0 p.m., on Slavic and East European Classification. Serving as members of the panel are: Tatjana Lorkovic, Slavic librarian, Univer­ sity of Iowa; Wasyl Veryha, catalog librarian, University of Toronto; and Stan Humenuk, head catalog librarian, Western Illinois Uni­ versity. Katherine Cveljo will moderate the panel. ■ ■ Furnishing Books To College, University, Research, And Medical LibrariesThroughout The worldDiscover w hy. . . . . . . . W rite for details. 66 Austin Boulevard, Commack, L.I., N.Y. 11725 516 543-5600 WE KNOW w e ’re g o o d .” w e 'v e been TOLD W E ’RE G O O D! BALLEN BOOKSELLERS INTERNATIONAL