ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 32 / C&RL News m January 1998 P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s Jane Hedberg P B S t o s h o w “ In to th e F u t u r e ” The Public Broadcast System is planning to air Terry Sanders’ new film, “Into the Future: On the Preservation of Knowledge in the Elec­ tronic Age,” on January 13, 1998, at 10 p.m., EST. The film, focusing on the fragility o f elec­ tronic data, is narrated by Robert McNeil and includes interviews with people prominent in computing and electronic communication. C o n fe re n c e o n in fo m a n a g e m e n t The Northeast Document Conservation Cen­ ter (NDCC), with the National Park Service Museum Management Program, the National Register o f Historic Places and the National Archives and Records Administration, is sponsoring “The Information Ecosystem: Managing the Life Cycle o f Information.” This four-day conference will b e held on March 10– 13, 1998, at Archives II, College Park, Maryland. Attendees will learn how to cre­ ate, manage, adapt, and reuse information, particularly in electronic form. Topics will include the ecology o f information, stake­ holders in systems, creation o f long-lived information, reuse o f existing information, integration o f legacy data, new and endan­ gered species o f information, challenges of special projects, legal issues, and research assistance. For details contact Gay Tracy, NDCC, 100 Brickstone Square, Andover, MA 01810; phone: (978) 470-1010; fax: (978) 475- 6021; email: C o m m is s io n p u b lis h e s d ig it iz a t io n re p o rt The Commission on Preservation and Ac­ cess published “Digitization as a Means o f Preservation?” in O ctober 1997. The report was written by Hartmut W eber and Marianne D o e r r fo r th e D e u ts c h e F o r s c h u n g s gemeinschaft (DFG) and translated into En­ glish under the auspices o f the European Commission on Preservation and Access in July 1997. Recognizing that information in digital form is accessible but fragile and in­ formation in microform is robust, the report investigates how to best use them as com ­ patible formats. A DFG working group in­ vestigated the technical nature o f digital and microform conversion by testing standard­ ized materials and evaluating the results. This led to quality requirements for digital cop­ ies, using the same standard for preserva­ tion microfilming, and minimum standards for printouts from microforms so digital de­ rivatives can meet acceptable quality stan­ dards. The report is available for $10 prepaid, including s/h, from the Council on Library and Information Resources, 1755 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Suite 500, Washington, D.C. 20036- 2188; phone: (202) 939-4750; fax: (202) 939- 4765; e-mail: (Commission spon­ sors receive publications free of charge.) N H P R C a n n o u n c e s g r a n t r e c ip ie n t s The National Historical Publications and Records Commission announced its rec­ ommendation that 28 projects receive a total o f $2,308,182 in funding. Five of the projects involve electronic records, with $20,000 go­ ing to the Association of Research Libraries and Coalition for Networked Information for development o f a pilot workshop on elec­ tronic records issues; $105,845 to the Uni­ v e r s ity o f M ic h ig a n fo r a n a ly s is o f recordkeeping practices in six private-sec tor organizations; $90,031 to the Minnesota Historical Society for establishment o f elec­ tronic records programs in two state agen­ cies; $381,332 to the Research Foundation o f the State University o f New York for de­ velopment o f guidelines for the preserva­ tion o f electronic records o f interest to sec­ ond ary u sers; and $ 1 2 3 ,9 2 8 to C ornell University for study o f archival electronic records produced at the college-level within the university. The other 23 grants were for state board planning and editing projects. For more information, contact the NHPRC, 700 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Room 106, Wash­ ington, D.C.; phone: (202) 501-5610; fax: (202) 501-5601; e-mail: ■ Jane Hedberg prepares this column for the College Libraries Committee, Commission on Preservation and Access. Submissions may be made to Jane Hedberg, Wellesley College; JHEDBERG@WELLESLEY.EDU; fax: (617)283-2103 mailto:JHEDBERG@WELLESLEY.EDU