ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News m January 1998 / 41 P e o p l e i n t h e N e w s Ann-Christe Young Eva L. Kiewitt and Lois J . L ehm an, librar­ ians emeritus at Regent University (RU) in Virginia Beach, Virginia, have been selected by the Association o f Christian Librarians as the 1997 recipients o f the Emily Russel Award in recognition o f their outstanding contributions to Christian librarianship. Kiewitt served as head o f the education li­ brary and associate professor in the School o f Library and Information Science at Indi­ ana University (IU) and as associate dean of libraries at RU. Lehman worked as director o f instructional m aterials fo r the South Adams schools in Berne, Indiana; head of the education library, personnel librarian, and assistant director for technical services at IU; and as dean of libraries and informa­ tion services at RU. Since their retirement, Kiewitt and Lehman have been actively in­ volved in ACL’s Commission for International Library Assistance, serving as chair and gen­ eral secretary respectively. David C. M cQ uillan, map librarian at the University o f South Carolina in Columbia, was elected to a second two-year term as chairman o f the Section o f Geography and Map Libraries, International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) at the 63rd Council and General Confer­ ence in Copenhagen, Denmark, held last August. “The Shape o f Services to Come: Values- Based Reference Service for the Largely Digi­ tal Library,” an article published in the May 1997 issue of C ollege & R esearch L ib raries (C&RL) by C harles Bunge o f the Univer­ sity of Wisconsin and C hris F ergu son of the University o f Southern California, won the 1997 UMI Excellence in Writing Award. UMI gave Bunge and Ferguson $1,500 and a paid trip to London to receive the award at the International Online Meeting. “Librar­ ies 2000: Transforming Libraries Using Docu­ ment Delivery, Needs Assessment, and Net­ worked Resources,” an article in the July 1997 C&RL by J a n e P. K lein er and C harles A. H am aker, both o f Louisiana State Uni­ versity, is scheduled to appear in the Janu­ ary 1998 issue o f China’s academic librari­ anship journal, J o u r n a l o f A c a d em ic L ib rar­ ies. In return, C&RL is planning to run an article from the J o u r n a l o f A c a d e m ic L ib rar­ ies in the March 1998 issue. William M. Shaw Jr ., o f the School o f In­ formation and Library Science (SILS) at the University o f North Carolina at Chapel Hill, is the first SILS faculty member to be named a Frances Carroll McColl Professor. This new, term professorship is funded by a $250,000 endowment from Hugh L. McColl Jr., chair­ man o f the board o f NationsBank Corpora­ tion. A full professor at SILS since 1987, Shaw joined the school’s faculty in 1983. Prior to this, he was with the Matthew A. Baxter School o f Information and Library Science at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) in Cleveland— first as research and systems librarian, then as assistant professor, and later as a sso cia te p ro fesso r. Shaw earn ed a bachelor’s degree in physics and mathemat­ ics from William Jew ell College in Liberty, Missouri. He received a master’s degree and doctorate in physics from the University of Missouri. And he later received his MLS from CWRU. A p p o i n t m e n t s F r a n c is J . B u ck ley J r ., d irector o f the Shaker Heights Public Library in Shaker Heights, Ohio, has been appointed super­ intendent of documents for the U.S. Gov­ ernment Printing Office (GPO) in Washing­ ton, D.C. Active in the ALA since 1974, Buckley currently chairs the Inter-Associa tion Working Group on Government Infor­ mation Policy, which is working on propos­ als to amend the law governing the print and dissemination o f federal publications. He has also served several terms on the ALA Council and chaired the Government Docu- 42 m en ts R ound T a b le and ALA Committee on Legislation’s Subcom ­ mittee on Government Information. He is on the Board o f Trustees o f the Cleveland Area M etropolitan Library System and has served on the Board of Trust­ Francis J. Buckley Jr. ees of the Online Com­ puter Library Center (OCLC). As a unit o f GPO, the superinten­ dent o f documents distributes millions of copies o f federal documents to nearly 1,400 federal depository libraries nationw ide, where they are available free of charge to the public. N. D ouglas A n d e rso n is the new director o f the Thomason Library and associate pro­ fessor of music at Presbyterian College in Clinton, South Caro­ lina. Anderson previ­ ously served nine years in various capacities at Furman University in Greenville, South Caro­ lina, including head of the cataloging depart­ ment and head o f li­ brary automated sys­ tems. In the latter ca­ N. Douglas Anderson pacity, he directed the development and implementation o f the in­ tegrated library system and several database and Web servers. Since 1995, Anderson has been on the steering committee o f the Pal- ladian Alliance Project, an electronic library initiative o f the Associated Colleges o f the South, funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. J a n K ennedy Olsen has been named vice president for external relations at Wells Col­ lege in Aurora, New York. For the last 15 years, Olsen has served as director o f the Albert R. Mann Library at Cornell. Under her leadership, she quadrupled the library’s en­ dowment, initiated a $5 million endowment campaign, and successfully persuaded the state of New York to provide $17 million for an addition that will double available space. In addition to her years o f service at Cornell, Olsen worked as a planning and analysis librarian in the Office o f Informa­ tion Resources Man­ agem ent at the U.S. Department o f the In­ terior; chief of public services at the National Agricultural Library, U.S. D ep artm en t of Agriculture; and direc­ tor and associate pro­ fe sso r o f S te en b o ck M em orial Library at the University o f Wis­ Jan Kennedy O ls e n consin (UW). Born in Australia, Olsen completed her undergradu­ ate studies at the University of Adelaide with a concentration in library science. She com­ pleted MLS at the UW; and at Cornell she earned a master’s degree in education and a Ph.D. in administration in higher educa­ tion. Je n n ife r W ilson is the new library di­ rector for the Whitesburg campus o f South­ east Community College in Cumberland, Kentucky. Wilson received her MLS from the University of North Carolina in Greensboro, Kentucky. C arol Abatelli is the user education/ref erence librarian at the Douglass Library at Rutgers University. J o s e A guinaga is now reference and electronic resources librarian at the Univer­ sity o f San Diego. C andice M. Benjes has been appointed information specialist at the University of Southern California Norris Medical Libraiy. Ja n e t B rew er is now head of reference and coordinator of public services at Murray State University in Murray, Kentucky. J a n C ellucci has accepted the position o f preservation manager at the Boston Col­ lege Libraries. Elfreda A. C h atm an is now a professor in the School o f Inform ation Studies at Florida State University. K aren Collins became the reference li­ brarian for engineering at the North Caro­ lina State University Libraries. Lisa Dick is an audiovisual and catalog­ ing librarian at the Hopkinsville Commu­ nity College in Hopkinsville, Kentucky. C&RL News m January 1998 43 / Sonia E n sin s has accepted the position o f re fe re n ce librarian in the Thom as P. O ’Neill, Jr. Library at Boston College. A n n F re n k e l is now the reference li­ brarian at Brandeis University. R. E llen G reenb latt has been named the coordinator o f cataloging services and spe­ cial collections at the Auraria Library in Den­ ver, Colorado. Adan Griego has joined Stanford Univer­ sity Libraries as curator for Latin American, Mexican American, and Iberian Collections. Ju lia H arv ey is now technical services librarian at the Bishop Library o f Lebanon Valley College in Annville, Pennsylvania. Holly H e rro is the new librarian for pres­ ervation services at the University o f South Carolina. A ndrew In g h am was appointed digital projects librarian for the North Carolina State University Libraries. R ou m ian a S. K atzark o v was appointed information specialist at the University o f Southern California Norris Medical Library. Russell S. K o o n ts was appointed uni­ versity archivist at the North Carolina State University Libraries. Billy K w an has been appointed coordi­ nator o f systems operations/database man­ agement librarian o f the Albin O. Kuhn Li­ brary & Gallery at the University o f Mary­ land Baltimore County. K a re n A. L isto n has been appointed head o f Resource Access, Interlibrary Bor­ rowing Services at the University o f Wash­ ington, Seattle. Linda Long has been appointed manu­ scripts librarian o f the Knight Library at the University o f Oregon. Linda M cC orm ick has been appointed assistant curator o f special collections at the North Carolina State University Libraries. D aniel D. M cGinniss joined the staff of the University o f Texas-Pan American Library as systems librarian. M ary M oeller has been appointed in­ formation services officer at the Linda Hall Library in Kansas City, Missouri. Am y O sb o rn e is the new reference/cir culation librarian at the University o f Ken­ tucky Law Library. Kelly P a n g ra c has been appointed head o f the document services department at the Linda Hall Library in Kansas City, Missouri. E ric R e cto r has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at the Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery at the University o f Maryland Bal­ timore County. V e ro n ica R o u se has b ee n appointed educational technologies librarian for North Carolina State University Libraries. C h arlo tte S locu m has been appointed head o f technical services at DePaul Uni­ versity Libraries. Abby Sm ith has joined the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) as the preservation and access program of­ ficer. M eridith L. Sm ith was appointed cata­ loged auxiliary cataloging section o f auto­ mated services for the University o f Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign. S tep hen Sm ith has been appointed act­ ing OCLC cataloging librarian at the Uni­ versity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. E v e ly n O rtiz S m y k la has b e e n a p ­ pointed business reference librarian at the University o f Alabama Libraries. Diane Sotak has been appointed science reference librarian o f the Knight Library at the University o f Oregon. S cott S tan g ro o m has accepted the po­ sition o f head o f serials at the Boston Col­ lege Libraries. Je n n if e r N. Stone has been appointed Geographic Information Systems librarian, Map Collection at the University o f Wash­ ington, Seattle. A d v e rtise r in d e x ALCTS 21 Archival Products 28 Baker & Taylor 18 Chemical Abstracts Svc C3 CISTI 17 EBSCO 22 EBSCO.doc 40 F.mery-Pratt 4 Graphics Press 1 InfoQuest C2 Library Corporation 31 Minolta 14-15 Neschen 33 Primary Source Media I-16 Sociological Abstracts 10 VTLS C4 44 / C&RL News m January 1998 Susan S to rch has been named univer­ sity archivist at the University o f O regon’s Knight Library. Lynn e Stuart joined the Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery, at the University o f Mary­ land Baltimore County, as reference librarian. C onn ie Todd is now the curator o f spe­ cial collections for Southwest Texas State University in San Marcos. Amy VanScoy has been appointed refer­ ence librarian for undergraduate research at the North Carolina State University Libraries. Robb W altner has been named periodi­ cals librarian at the Auraria Library in Den­ ver, Colorado. D eb o rah W estm orelan d has joined the North Carolina State University Libraries as systems librarian for database resources. K aren A. W agn er has been appointed reference librarian/documents specialist in the Information Services Department at the William Russell Pullen Library at Georgia State University. M. Lesley W ilkins was appointed bibli­ ographer for Islamic and Middle Eastern Law at the Harvard University Law School Library. Angela W right has been appointed head o f interlibrary loan at the University o f Ala­ bama Libraries. E th elen e W h itm ire has been appointed the librarian-in-residence at Yale University. R e t i r e m e n t s J e n n ie S. B oyarsk i, director o f library ser­ vices, retired from the Paducah Community College after serving in the position for 30 years. She will be serving as interim library director on a part-time basis until the new library director is selected. Alice D iehl retired as technical processes librarian at the Bishop Library o f Lebanon Valley College in Annville, Pennsylvania, af­ ter 32 years o f service. D en n is E. R o b iso n , dean o f integrated learning resources at Jam es Madison Uni­ versity (JMU), has retired. After working in a similar position at the University o f Rich­ mond, in 1985 Robison came to JMU as uni­ versity librarian. As dean at JMU, he was re­ sponsible for the librar­ ies, media resources, and the Center for Mul­ timedia and Comput­ ing Support. And in 1973, he was president o f the Florida Library A s s o c ia tio n . At th e 1997 Annual Confer­ ence o f the Virginia Li­ brary A ssociation, he Dennis E. Robison receiv ed the G eorge Mason Award in recognition o f his work with VIVA (Virtual Library of Virginia), a statewide consortia. S on d ra S h air is retiring as reference librar­ ian and curator o f the reference and bibli­ ography collection at the University o f Cali­ fornia, Berkeley. In 1978, she assumed col­ lection developm ent responsibilities as a team member in managing USA-Common- wealth fund selections for the main library in the humanities and social sciences. She served as interim selector for the library sci­ ence collection and was responsible for in­ tegrating the LSL reference collection into General Reference Service (GRS). Since 1984 Shair has managed the library’s reference and bibliography collection o f 22,000 inter­ disciplinary reference works. D e a t h s W illiam “Bill” Y agodich, a former National Agricultural Library (NAL) employee, died in Veterans Hospital in Washington, D.C. He was buried with military honors in Arling­ ton Cemetery. For many years Yagodich served as an acquisitions librarian at NAL until his retirement in the late 1980s. He was well-known in the library profession locally, nationally, and in the international b ook trade. Subsequent to his retirement, Yagodich volunteered with several library projects at NAL and other libraries. ■ Ed. n ote: To ensure th a t y o u r pe rso n n e l news is consid ere d f o r p u b lic a tio n , w rite to A nn-C h riste Young, Production Editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail:; fax: 312-280-2520.