ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 293 Classified Advertising NOTICE Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "ra n k " and "status" are advised that these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. A ll advertisements submitted by institutions offering positions must include a salary range. The range should provide the applicant with an indication of the salary the institution is w illing to provide for the position offered. A ll advertisements for the Positions Wanted and the Positions Open classifications w ill be ed­ ited to exclude dire ct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions of employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Advertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month preceding p ub li­ cation o f issue desired. Copy received after that tim e may be held for the next issue. Telephone orders for classified advertising, while not encouraged because of the increased risk of copy error, w ill be accepted. Calls should be directed to Leona Swiech at (312) 944-6780. A confirming order should be mailed to the Advertising Department as soon as pos­ sible follow ing the call, along with typewritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate fo r classified advertising is $1.30 per printed line. FOR SALE China (mainly) Japan, Korea. Superb collection of books in Western Language. A ll topics. Over 3,000 volumes. W rite M. Frazin, ERAC Box 110, Farmington, CT 06032. UNION LIST OF SERIALS in the Libraries in the Miami Valley. New Fifth Edition now available $50.00. Fourth Edition (1973) only $10.00. Send order to Sue Campbell, W rig ht State University’ Library, Dayton, OH 45431. Pre­ paid orders are post paid. INDEX TO COLLEGE TV COURSEWARE. 3rd edition just off press. Complete descriptions and sources of 307 college TV courses and instructional modules, cross- indexed by subject and title . Reference information un­ available elsewhere, essential tool for post-secondary LRCs. 335 pages, sof†bound. $15 postpaid from TÝ Courseware Clearinghouse, University o f Wisconsin-Green Bay, Green Bay, W l 54302. SEARCH SERVICE. Ex-librarians locate titles or subject plus 150,000 indexed stock. PAB 2917 A tlantic, A tlantic City, NJ 08401. Phone: 609-344-1943. C&RL. V.I-30, 1939-1969. Lacks 19/4, 20/2, 24/2. In­ cludes indexes. Unbd. Also C&RL NEWS, 1966—69. Un­ collated. $90 plus shipping. H. G. Brown, 20 Everett Ave., Providence, Rl 02906. POSITIONS OPEN Acquisitions HEAD, ACQUISITIONS DEPARTMENT. Responsible for serial and monograph acquisition activities for Main Library and nine college and departmental libraries. Budget of $600,000. Collection size 1,000,000 volumes. Staff o f 15 FTE plus student assistants. New main library under construction, to open 1/1/78. Qualifications: MLS, minimum o f five years experience including supervisory experience. Experience in serial or monograph acquisition required. Fam iliarity with data processing and operations research techniques preferred. Salary commensurate with qualifications, minimum $15,000. Send resume to : Mrs. Carol I. Reed, University of Cincinnati, Main Libra ry- Room 616, Cincinnati, OH 45221. ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. Adm inister the organization, operation and evaluation o f acquisitions in a small Liberal Arts College. 12 month faculty appointment. MLS and at least 3 years experience in academic acquisitions required. Salary $ 10,C00—$ 12,000. TIAA. An OCLC library. A pplication deadline November 30, 1976. Position open January 1977. Send resume to Patricia Delks, Librarian, Lindenwood Colleges, M. L. Butler Library, St. Charles, MO 63301. Administration ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES. A vailable Date: February. I, 1977. Principal responsibility: Personnel. Spe­ cific duties: Development o f personnel policies and pro­ grams; Participation in library-wide planning, budgeting, policy formulation; staff recruitment, supervision, evalu­ ation. Qualifications: Graduate Library Science Degree; successful experience in personnel administration in uni­ versity library with substantial number o f employees; a b ility , to interact successfully with persons of diverse viewpoints. Salary: $22,000. Deadline for applications: December I, 1976. Address: Dr. Luverne Walton, As­ sistant Provost, 114 Jesse, University of Missouri- Columbia, Columbia, MO 65201. An equal opportunity employer. UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN. Tulane is seeking to fill the position of University Librarian. The University Librarian is Director o f the Howard-Tilton Library and the satellite libraries o f Architecture, Engineering and Music. The Uni­ versity Librarian also acts as the coordinating officer of the other university libraries: namely the Graduate School o f Business Adm inistration, Law and Medicine. A pplications and nominations should be sent, as soon as possible, to the Provost, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118. An equal oppor†unity/affirma†ive action employer. LIBRARY DIRECTOR. Immediate opening. Florida A t­ lantic University, an upper division and graduate state institution; current enrollment over 6,000. Directs staff o f 15 professionals and 35 FTE support staff; operating budget $1,000,000; collection 300,000 volumes. Position requires MLS. from ALA-accredi†ed library school; 8 years, professional experience including 5 years in­ creasingly responsible administrative experience; knowl­ edge of current trends in academic libraries, budgeting, operations management; library services to faculty, staff, students and community is essential. Second subject masters or doctorate desirable. Salary range $18,304— $28,304; 12-month contract; one month vacation, other fringe benefits. Send application with resume by Dec. 10 to Ms. Zita M. Cael, Chairperson, Search Com­ mittee, Library, Florida A tla n tic University, Boca Raton, FL 33431. An equal oppor†unity/affirma†ive action em­ ployer. CHAIR, DEPT. OF PROCESSING SERVICES. Admin, catalog dept. of 7 libns., 15 support staff. Req: ALA- accred. MLS, addl. masters and 6 yrs. prof, exper. Level: Assoc. Libn. or Libn., dep. on quals. Salary ranges: $ 17,304—$22,908. A p p l: Gladys Rohde, Assoc. Dir. of Lib., C alif. State U., Fullerton, Library, Box 4150, Fuller­ ton, CA 92634. Deadline 31 December 1976. CSUF is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity, Title IX employer. LIBRARY SCIENCE FACULTY. Library Science Department is seeking applicants fo r faculty vacancy effective March 7, 1977. Must, have speciality in special librarianship such as health science, medical, etc., with competency for teaching basic courses in lib ra ry science. Master in lib ra ry science and doctorate in library science or sub­ ject fie ld is required. Must have experience in a special library and teaching experience at college or university level with a b ility to do research. Salary $ 12,250—$ 17,000. Send resume to Dr. Marina E. Axeen, Chairman, Depart­ ment o f Library Science, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306. Applications requested by January 3, 1977. Ball. State University practices equal opportunity in edu­ cation and employment. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY. Association of College and Re­ search Libraries, a division o f the American Library As­ sociation. Serves as the Association's program officer in matters relating to librarianship as practiced in college, university and research . libraries, and staff officer as­ sisting a large and diverse membership organization. Qualifications include demonstrated experience with ad­ m inistrative responsibility in academic libraries and gradu­ ation from an ALA-accredi†ed library education program. 294 Salary range: $ 19,680—$29,268. Application deadline: De­ cember I, 1976. Applications with detailed resumes and appropriate references should be sent to: Ruth Frame, Dep. Dir., ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. An equal oppor†uni†y/affirma†ive action employer. HEAD LIBRARIAN. U niversi†y of Houston-Downtown C ol­ lege. Doctorate of Library Science. A minimum of five years experience in library administration, preferably in a total learning resources center situation. Knowledge of and experience with all phases of library operation in­ cluding automation applications and in collection de­ velopment necessary. Must possess a b ility to organize, direct, and coordinate work o f professional staff. Ex­ pertise in a general academic field required, as assign­ ment also includes teaching responsibilities. Salary is $20,000-$22,C00 for 12 months. Send vitas to: University of Houston-Downtown College, One Main Plaza-Room 328, Houston, TX 77002. Position available on or about January I, 1977. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES FOR INFORMATION SERVICES to develop and manage service programs in the following units: Circulation, Curriculum Resources Center, Documents, Interlibrary Loan and Duplications, Periodical and Reserve, and Reference/ Bibliography. Staff of II professionals and 28 supportive staff. May be responsible for development of media services in the new main library (to be completed in Fall 1977). Qualifications: graduate degree from a library school, minimum of 5-8 years public service experience in an academic library, with at least 2 years in an ad­ ministrative position. A b ility to relate well with a highly diversified staff and university community. Salary com­ mensurate with qualifications, minimum $18,000. Available: January I, 1977. Application deadline: November 15, 1976. A pply to: Ms. Elaine Bitting, Chairperson, Assistant- Director Search Committee, Main Library-Room 510, Uni­ versity of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221. Cataloging CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Responsible for cataloging new books, microforms, audio-visual materials. We offer: assistant professor rank, $13,200 fo r 12 months; excellent fringe benefits. New modern library building now under construction. Requirements: 5th year ALA-accredi†ed li­ brary science degree and three years o f recent academic cataloging experience with LC classification. Send vita, transcripts, and at least three references (instructors and at least one supervisor) to: Eli M. Oboler, University Librarian, Idaho State University Library, Pocatello, ID 83209—to reach him by December I, 1976. Position now open. An equal oppor†uni†y/affirma†ive action employer. ASSISTANT HEAD, CATALOG DEPARTMENT. Responsi­ b ility for cataloging o f serials (including periodicals) and volumes being added to the collection; supervision of the Serials Unit in the Department, involving preparation and upkeep of Serial Unit manuals, planning of new procedures and formulation o f standards of cataloging quantity and quality as well as revision, training and supervision of professionals and pre-professionals. Serves as chief administrative officer in the absence of the department head. Graduate degree from ALA-accredited school; a b ility to catalog in both romance and Germanic languages; three years cataloging, experience with at least one year in cataloging serials; fam iliarity with OCLC desirable. 40 hour work week, retirement, social security, group life and health insurance, optional dis­ a b ility insurance, faculty rank (12-month appointment). Salary $13,000-$ 14,000 depending on experience and qualitica†ions. A pply to Carolyn Robison, Associate Uni­ versity Librarian, W illiam Russell Pullen Library, 104 Decatur St., S.E., Atlanta, GA 30303. An equal oppor­ †uni†y/affirma†ive action employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Cataloging position available January I, 1977. Responsible fo r heading cataloging de­ partment comprised of two paraprofessionals and two student assistants. Original cataloging and classification of p rint and non-print materials essential. Familiarization with, and use of OCLC terminals desired. MLS degree required from an ALA-accredi†ed library school, and a minimum o f two years experience preferred. Demon­ strated knowledge of AACR and LC Classification es­ sential. Salary $9,500-$10,500 dependent upon experience and advanced study. Vacation, medical/heal†h insurance, and life insurance included. W rite, enclosing resume, o fficial transcripts, and three letters o f recommendation to Charles E. Hale, Director of Libraries, M illikin Uni­ versity Library, M illikin University, Decatur, IL 62522. An equal opportuni†y/affirma†ive action employer. CATALOGER. O riginal cataloging o f monographs and serials, p rin t and non-print materials, in a department of four (4) professionals and twelve (12) support staff processing 22,000 volumes per year. Requires graduate degree, plus a subject master's or a commitment to obtain one. Prefer at least 3 year's successful cataloging, including serials and LC classification. Experience with automation, working knowledge of foreign language highly desirable. Appointm ent as senior assistant li­ brarian ($ 1, 120—$ 1,511), or as assistant librarian ($963— $1,327), depending on qualifications and experience; 12- mon†h or 10-mon†h appointment optional; 21 working days of vacation; 12 days of sick leave. Interviews on campus required of finalists at their expense. Deadline for application is November 15, 1976. A p p ly with resume to Harold F. Wells, Director of the University Library, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA 91768. An equal oppor†uni†y/affirma†ive action employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Original monograph cataloging, catalog maintenance, reclassification from Dewey to LC. Position open November I, 1976. Solinet/O CLC member. Faculty status. Paid Blue Cross/Blue Shield. State retire­ ment. 24 days annual vacation. Beginning salary $10,500 negotiable depending on experience. Send resume to: Connor D. Tjarks, Assistant Director, Virginia Common­ wealth University Libraries, 901 Park Ave., Richmond, VA 23284. An equal oppor†uni†y/affirma†ive action employer. ASSISTANT CATALOG LIBRARIAN. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro is seeking candidates for two positions. Requirements include MLS from ALA-ac­ credi†ed program and experience as a serials ca†aloger. Open July I, 1977. Salary $13,000. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Requirements include MLS from ALA-accredited program, good knowledge of foreign languages fo r general cata­ loging. Experience desirable but not mandatory. Open January I, 1977. Salary $10,700. Both positions carry faculty status, twelve month appointment, liberal retire­ ment, insurance, and vacation benefits. Both positions en­ ta il OCLC cataloging. Send resume to: James H. Thomp­ son, Library Director, University o f North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC 27412. An equal o pportunity/ affirm ative action employer. Reference REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The University o f Northern Colo­ rado Libraries are seeking candidates for the position of Business and Economics Reference Librarian. Require­ ments: MLS from an ALA-accredi†ed Library School; graduate degree in Business or Economics; 2 or more years professional experience. Faculty rank and status; salary $11,250 minimum; twelve month contract; 20 days vacation, and usual fringe benefits. Position will be vacant December 15, 1976. No applications w ill be ac­ cepted after December I, 1976. An equal opportu n ity/ affirmative action employer. A pply to: Mr. Oren W. Sprague, Research and Development Officer, The James A. Michener Library, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO 80639. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. W ill serve as Social Science Librarian with specialization in sociology, psychology, or ethnic studies. Responsibilities include subject area liaison with these departments as well as general reference assistance. Should have knowledge on use of machine readable data bases—or willingness to learn same. W ill be expected to teach one section of library instruction course. Requirements: MLS from ALA-accredi†ed school; master's degree in sociology, psychology or ethnic studies. A t least two years of reference experience desirable. Benefits: Salary o f $10,500—$ 11,500; state retirement par­ ticipa tio n ; insurance coverage; and other fringes. A p p li­ cations should be received by November 20, 1976. Send resume and references to M elville Spence, Director of Libraries, Bowling Green State University Libraries, Bowl­ ing Green, OH 43403. An equal opportunity employer. HEAD OF REFERENCE SERVICES. Overall administration of reference services in a large academic system. Be­ sides general administration of the Reference Department, duties include coordination o f reference services and book selection, and development o f programs o f in­ struction in use of library resources. Applicants must have a Master's degree from an ALA-accredi†ed library school, and should have strong subject background, with a subject Master's or Doctorate highly desirable. A t least five years of reference experience in a large academic library are required, including at least two years as a successful administrator/supervisor. Minimum Sarlary: 295 $16,000.00, but commensurate with qualifications and ex­ perience. A b ility to work with others is vita l. Submit resume and letter of application briefly stating your philosophy of academic reference service by January 15, 1977 to : Renee Evans, University o f Southern California Library, Librarian's Office, University Park, Los Angeles, CA 90007. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Provides reference services; acts as liaison with English and related dep†s. ALA-accredited MLS and one year professional experience required. Second Master's in appropriate subject area and college or university library experience preferred. Salary $11,000 plus. Faculty rank. A p p ly by Nov. 30, 1976 to: Chairer, Advisory Reference Search Committee, Room 126, W right State University Library, Dayton, OH 45431. An equal oppor†unity/affirma†ive action employer. HUMANITIES REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Auburn Uni­ versity Libraries. MLS. Strong background in the humani­ ties, and facility in at least one modern foreign language. Strong service orientation. A pplication folders must be completed by December 15, 1976. Salary: $10,500— $12,960, 12-mont hs. Faculty status (but not professorial title ), e lig ib le to be considered for tenure. State re­ tirem ent plan is mandatory, TIAA optional. Twenty working days annual vacation, sick leave benefits. To assume duties January I, 1977. A p p ly to Dr. Ruth Fourier, Chairman, Humanities Reference Librarian Search Com­ mittee, Ralph Brown Draughon Library, Auburn Uni­ versity, Auburn, AL 36830. An equal opportunity employer. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro is seek­ ing candidates for the position o f ASSISTANT REFERENCE LIBRARIAN: MLS from ALA-accredited program and at least two years academic library experience required. Candidates must have a broad educational background and be able to participate not only in reference service but also collection development and library instruction. Knowledge of foreign languages desirable. Salary $11,000 and up depending on experience. Faculty status. Twelve month appointment. Liberal retirement, insurance, and vacation benefits. Send resume to : James H. Thompson, Library Director, University of North Carolina at Greens­ boro, Greensboro, NC 27412. Deadline for applications: November 22, 1976. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. ASSISTANT UNDERGRADUATE SERVICES LIBRARIAN: Participates in collection development, supervisory and outreach activities of the Undergraduate Services Depart­ ment, which consists of the Core Collection, Reserve Room and Poetry/Listenîng Facility. Staff includes 2.5 FTE Librarians and 6.5 clerical employees. Requirements: MLS from accredited library school: academic back­ ground in social sciences or humanities preferred; some professional experience, including supervisory background, required; public services experience highly desirable. Salary: $10,200-$11,200 (depending on qualifications). Send resume by Dec. I to Robert Ireland, North­ western University Library, Evanston, IL 60201. An equal opportunity employer. READERS' SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Adm inistrative and educational responsibilities. MLS and graduate degree in subject field required. Salary range: $10,000—$11,500. Position open January I, 1977. Contact: Douglas L. Wilson, Knox College Library, Box 500X, Galesburg, IL 61401. Knox College is an equal oppor†unity/affirma†ive action employer. Subject Specialists RARE BOOK LIBRARIAN. For the Chapin Library, an outstanding library of rare books, graphic arts and special collections. Minimum Qualifications: 5 years ex­ perience in field, appropriate education, working knowl­ edge of classical and European languages. We seek a talent for enlisting interest of undergraduates. Salary de­ pendent on qualifications. Minimum $11,000. Available June I, 1977. A pply L. E. Wikander, Secretary, Search Committee c /o W illiam s College Library, Williamstown, MA 01267. An equal opportu n ity/a ffirm a tive action em­ ployer. MEDLINE ANALYST (Assistant Reference Librarian). Po­ sition available September I, 1976 in university health sciences library serving Colleges of Health, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy and University Hospital. Responsi­ bilities: MEDLINE and other computer-bases services, user instruction and general reference services. Q uali­ fications: MLS; background in biological sciences; MED­ LINE training; MLA certification; two years health sciences library experience; demonstrated a b ility with the public. Benefits: Faculty Status, TIAA-CREF, 25 days vacation. Skiing, backpacking within minutes of campus. A ttractive city. Salary: up to $11,500 based on q u a lifi­ cations. A p p ly: Priscilla Mayden, Director, Eccles, Health Sciences Library, University o f Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112. An equal oppor†unity/affirma†ive action employer. HISTORY LIBRARIAN. As library liaison to the History Department, develops library resources and services to support the department's programs. Provides general reference service and acts as resource person fo r re­ search in history. Responsible for development o f history collection. Develops and implements programs of library orientation and instruction specifically tailored to serve history students. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-ac­ credited school; MA or equivalent coursework in history; and reading knowledge of at least one foreign language are. required. Experience as a librarian or teaching ex­ perience in the field o f history is desirable. Salary: $10,500—depending on qualifications; Faculty Rank: As­ sistant Librarian. Please send resume to: Ms. M. E. State, University Libraries' Acting Personnel O fficer. State University of New York at Buffalo, 308 Lockwood Memorial Library, Buffalo, NY 14214. ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN. Responsible for the branch Engineering Library of over 77,000 volumes. M ajor re­ sponsibilities include collection development, reference service, and circulation and reserve service; maintenance of serial records and a public catalog; maintaining con­ ta ct, with faculty and other sections o f the General Li­ braries: Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited pro­ gram and minimum of three years post MLS professional level experience in public service in a medium sized to large academic library system or large research library required: engineering or scientific background preferred. Fam iliarity with cataloging processes and ex­ perience with or high interest in computer-based infor­ mation retrieval systems desirable. A b ility to relate effec†iyely to faculty and staff and to work cooperatively in the library system essential. Position available im ­ mediately. Minimum, salary $14,000; higher salary de­ pendent. upon experience and qualifications. Send letter o f application and resume including current salary and salary requirements, academic credentials and the names of three professional references to Constance A. Moore, MAI 2206, General Libraries, The University o f Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712. An equal o pp o rtu n ity/a ffirm a tive action employer. MUSIC LIBRARIAN. Music Librarian to have complete charge of the Music Library which consists o f recordings, scores, and basic reference materials. Staff includes one full-tim e staff person plus student assistants. Librarian responsible for selecting, processing, and cataloging new materials. Must have a Master's degree in Library Science and either a degree or strong background in Music. Salary $10,000—$12,000 for the academic year depending upon training and experience. A dditional compensation for summer work. University located in northwestern corner o f state and is surrounded by the Blue Ridqe Mountains. Send resume to: Richard T. Barker, University Librarian, Appalachian State Uni­ versity, Boone, NC 28608. ASSISTANT SCIENCE LIBRARIAN (Reannouncement) will acquire knowledge o f automated technical services of the University Library as they relate to the Science Li­ braries (Astronomy, Biology, Geology, Mathematics) and w ill train and supervise support staff in these functions; w ill also have a reference assignment. This position will become one of the merged staff o f the Biology, As­ tronomy and Technological Institute libraries with the opening of a new Science/Engineering Library Building in the summer o f 1977. Masters degree from accredited library school required and academic background in the sciences preferred. Some working experience in technical services desirable. Hiring range: $ 10,200—$ 10,700. A p p li­ cations extended through December 3, 1976. A pply: Robert L. Ireland, Personnel Officer, Northwestern Uni­ versity Library, Evanston, IL 60201. An equal opportunity employer. AUDIO-VISUAL LIBRARIAN. Media-oriented librarian wanted for administration of A-V department o f medium­ sized university library. We offer $14,000-$15,000 for 12- month (24 days vacation), assistant professor rank, ex­ ceptionally good fringe benefits. Moving from 4,000 to 14,000 square feet in new library building in the fall of 1977. Require 5th year, ALA-accredited degree plus m edia-training emphasis plus three or more years' rele­ vant supervisory experience in multi-media situations. 296 Applications accepted until December 1st. Send vita, transcripts, and reference letters to Eli M. Oboler, Uni­ versity Librarian, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID 83209. An equal opportunity employer. MEDIA/CURRICULUM SPECIALIST. Senior Assistant Li­ brarian. Responsible for administration of curricular and academic level non-print materials, facilities and service program. Coordinate selection and acquisition o f ma­ terials and equipment, prepare publications. MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; appropriate second masters or equivalent professional achievement. Salary commensurate with qualifications within range of $1,120— $l,547/mo. A p p ly before December I, 1976 to Louis A. Kenny, Director, San Diego State University Library, San Diego, CA 92182. An equal opportunity/affirm a†ive ac­ tion, Title IX employer. HEAD OF MEDIA SERVICES. Responsibilities include su­ pervision and development o f the library Media Services Center and o f its Instructional Materials Production Cen­ ter, work with the faculty to implement full academic use o f multi-media materials, provision of instruction in use of the above resources as well as reference services for the same, and cooperation with the Head o f Information Ser­ vices in providing a comprehensive and dynamic multi- media public services lib ra ry program at a progressive liberal arts college. Graduate degree from an ALA-ac­ credited library school required. A t least 24 cre dit hours of further graduate study în a related fie ld such as instruc­ tional technology and at least three years o f full-tim e ex­ perience with media services in an academic lib ra ry pre­ ferred. Eleven months position starting January I. Faculty status and excellent fringe benefits. Salary: $11,000 m ini­ mum, depending on qualifications and experience. Send resume to: Evelina Tseng, Acting Director o f Library Ser­ vices, Catawba College Library, Salisbury, NC 28144. An equal opportuni†y/affîrma†ive action employer. Technical Services HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES. Manages technical services department with a staff o f 20 including acqui­ sitions, cataloging, periodicals, and government docu­ ments in 260,000 volume library. Develops procedures for m onitoring $240,000 acquisitions budget. Student body o f 5,900. New library in 1977. Campus adjacent to Adirondacks on Lake Champlain, one hour south of Montreal. MLS and . 3 years minimum experience in management of technical services in an academic library required. Advanced study and OCLC fam iliarity desir­ able. Twelve month salary negotiable, $16,COO and up. TIAA/CREF, 21 working days vacation, medical and dental plans, and faculty status. Position open January I, 1977. Send resume, credentials, and three references by November 15, 1976 to Mr. Robert Burton, Director, Fein­ berg Library, Box 2200, State University of New York, Plattsburgh, NY 12901. WHEN YOU NEED TO FIND FACTS THE FIRST PLACE TO LOOK IS IN AM ERICAN STATISTICS INDEX -Y O U R MOST COMPLETE, CURRENT, AND PRECISE GUIDE TO STATISTICS A n award-winning reference to o l. . . In recognition of its "usefulness, innovation, and responsiveness to the information needs of a changing society,” the Information Industry Association named American Statistics Index the winner of its major a w a r d - 1976 INFORMATION PRODUCT OF THE YEAR. . . . that’s useful. . . ASI is the only reference service that provide complete and continuous coverage of the mo than 800,000 pages published annually by over 40 Federal sources. Practically everything of impo tance in the United States, and in the world, th has been counted . . . measured . . . quantified ... o compared has been referenced fully in ASI — depth and detail—to provide researchers with th most accurate and current information about a types of statistical data published by the Gover ment. . . . that’s innovative . . . Four easy-to-use major search guides—Subjec Name . . . Category . . . Title . . . Report Num ber—and extensive cross references provide quic and comprehensive access to the total body information available about specific subject Fully descriptive and unusually complete publica­ tion abstracts include all bibliographic data neces­ s sary to enable researchers to retrieve easily copies re of relevant documents — either hardcopy or 0 microfiche. r­ at r , . , that’s responsive . . . in e ASI is a major component of a total information ll retrieval system designed to meet the statistical n­ reference needs of all libraries, regardless of size or budget. Other parts are the A S I Microfiche Li­ brary, a full text collection of all source documents on archival quality microfiche; a "Documents on Demand” service which allows researchers to t/ order copies of individual documents for quick ­ delivery; and an on-line system which makes the k total ASI data base available for searching through of the computer facilities of System Development s. Corporation. A n annual subscription . . . . . . to A m erica n Statistics Index includes a h a rd b o u n d set of indexes and abstracts for the prev io u s y e a r plus m o n th ly up d ates covering cu rren t statistical publicatio n s. Subscription prices, based on y o u r lib ra ry ’s b o o k and periodical budget, range from $310 to $790 per year. For more inform ation about ASI — the award-winning master guide to statistical information — please write to: Congressional Information Service, Inc. 7101 Wisconsin Ave., Washington, D.C. 20014 T H E H A W O R T H PRESS. 174 F IF T H A V E N U E , NEW Y O R K , N .Y . 10010 THE SERIALS LIBRARIAN the quarterly journal o f serials management EDITOR: Peter Gellatly Head, Serials Division Univ. of Washington Librar NEWS EDITOR: Gary Pitkin Head, Serials Department The Bierce Library University of Akron THE SERIALS LIBRARIAN is a new quarterly journal created specifically for serials librarians and all library professionals who work with serials publications. This new journal provides fresh and pertinent articles in such areas as: - serials selection & acquisitions - claiming, binding, storage - cataloging & bibliographic control - economic management & collection development - interlibrary loan - relations with serials publishers - relations with subscription agencies - renewals, backorder problems, microfilming Each issue of THE SERIALS LIBRARIAN also provides a comprehensive news section to keep serials librarians up-to-date on new technology, recent symposia, new tools, etc., and a valuable Current Abstracts on Serials section, covering articles on serials librarian- ship published elsewhere. Table of Contents - Vol. I, No. 1 (Fall 1976) Joining Art and Technics at the Serials Desk by Bill Katz, Ph.D., Prof, o f Library Science, SUNY at Albany, & Editor, Magazines fo r Libraries Mulling Over Mencken's "Mercury" by Harry C. Bauer, Professor Emeritus, School o f Librarian- ship, University of Washington (Seattle) Entry of Serials by Mary Ellen Soper, School of Librarianship, University o f Washington (Seattle) The Subscription Agency and Lower Serial Budgets by Frank F. Clasquin, Vice President, F.W. Faxon, Inc. Microform Serials Collections: A Systems Analysis by R.J. Coffman, Director o f the Northeastern University Library Unique Identifiers for Serials: An Annotated, Comprehensive Bibliography by Elizabeth H. Groot, Librarian, Schenectady Chemicals, Inc. An 18th Century German Library Inventory of Serials by Paul Kaufman, Ph.D., Bibliographic Consultant, University o f Washington Libraries Copyright: Colloquium Notes by Robert J. Baynham Attorney-at-Law, and Marian G. Gallagher, Law Librarian, University of Washington SERIALS NEWS CURRENT ABSTRACTS ON SERIALS ies , ED ITO R IAL BOARD: Toni Carbo Bearman, Executive Director, National Association o f Abstracting & Indexing Services William K. Beatty, Professor o f Medical Bibliogra­ phy, Medical School, Northwestern University Susan Brynteson, Associate Director fo r Technical Services, University of Tennessee Libraries Marietta Chicorel, President, Chicorel Library Publishing Corporation Frank F. Clasquin, Executive Vice President, F.W. Faxon Company Sidney Cohen, History Department, Louisiana State University Robert J. Cross, Assistant Director fo r Public Services, Western Washington State College Henry Drennan, U.S. Office of Education, Washington, D.C. Paul J. Fasana, Chief, Preparation Services, New York Public Library Ralph Franklin, Bibliographic Systems Consultant, Washington State Libraries Jean M. Higginson, Senior Planning Officer, Re­ search & Planning Branch, National Library of Canada Daphne Hoffman, Systems Librarian, Oregon Reg. List o f Serials, Portland State Upiv. Library William H. Huff, Serials Librarian, University Library, University o f Illinois Ellsworth Mason, Rare Books Librarian, Univer­ sity o f Colorado Perry D. Morrison, Professor o f Librarianship, University of Oregon (Eugene) Huibert Paul, Serials Librarian, University of Oregon Library Grant T. Skelley, School o f Librarianship, Univ­ ersity o f Washington (Seattle) Eleanor P. Vreeland, Vice President, Stechert- MacMillan, Inc. Hans H. Weber, Assistant Director fo r Technical Services, University o f Houston Libraries T H E H A W O R T H PRESS 174 FI FTH A V E N U E NEW Y O R K , N .Y . 10010