ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 251 for members, $15 for non-members. Contact: Pat Thibodeau, Women & Infants Hospital, Providence, RI 02908; (401) 274-1100, ext.578. 12-18— Adult Education: Joint national confer­ ence of the Adult Education Association of the United States (AEA/USA) and the National As­ sociation of Continuing Public Adult Educators (NAPCAE) at San Antonio, Texas. Contact: Gayle Schou, Director of Special Programs, St. Mary’s University of San Antonio, One Camino Santa Maria, San Antonio, TX 78284. D ecem ber 11-15— California: Annual conference of the California Library Association at the Los Angeles Bonaventure Hotel. Theme: “YOU and .the Library. ’’ Contact: California Library Association, 717 K Street, Suite 300, Sacramento, CA 95814; (916) 447-8541. 3-15— Information Systems: “Infrastructure of an Information Society,” the First International Information Conference in Egypt, co-hosted by the Egyptian Society for Information Technol­ ogy and the American Society for Information Science, Cairo, Egypt. The conference will ex­ amine issues concerning the needs, compo­ nents, and priorities of the “informationization” of modem society in both developed and de­ veloping countries. Contact: Bahaa El-Hadidy, ESIT/ASIS Conference Co-Chairman, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC 20064; (202) 635-5702. ■■ 1 Classified Advertising Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the A C R L office on or before the second of the month pre­ ceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $4.00 per line for AC R L members, $5.00 for others. Late job notices are $10.00 per line for members, $12.00 per line for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirmed by a writ­ ten order mailed to AC R L headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accompanied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $10 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late job notices or display ads). Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the last day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 31 for the October issue). All job an­ nouncements must include a salary figure. Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. J O B L IN E : Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking job ads for academic and research library positions. A prerecorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly: each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing submitted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $30 for AC R L members and $35 for non-members. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. The service lists job postings received at AC R L headquarters four weeks before they appear in C&RL News, as well as ads which, because of narrow application deadlines, WHI not ap­ pear in C&RL News. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for AC R L members and $15 for non-members. Contact: Classified Advertising Dep't, ACRL, American Library Association. 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. FOR SALE MARV BRO A DB EN T, Beltsville, MD 20705-0996. Government pub­ lications. Standing, subscription, single, or search orders. No pre­ payment. No foreign surcharge. (301) 937-8846. P O S IT IO N S O PEN ACCESS SERVICES LIBR AR IAN , Arizona State University. A S U is seeking a creative, energetic librarian to assume managerial re­ sponsibility for Interlibrary Loan and Microforms, two of the six units comprising Access Services. The successful candidate will ACQ UISITION S/COLLECTION D EVELO PM EN T LIBR AR IAN (dead line extended). To head service oriented Acquisitions Department and serve as principal collection development officer of university library. Plans and administers approximately $1 million budget for library materials including state, university foundation, and federal funds. Maintains close working relationship with vendors, faculty and library staff. Salary and rank dependent on qualifications. M inim um qualifications required: A L A -a c c re d ite d m aster’s (or equivalent) degree in library science and five years progressively responsible professional library experience, including at least three years acquisitions and/or collection development experience. Ex­ perience with automated acquisitions and OC LC , plus reading knowledge of at least one foreign language highly desirable. Ap p li­ cations must be postmarked by September 1, 1982. Preliminary recruitment interviews available at ALA, Philadelphia. Send resume to: Judith Young, Chairperson, Acquisitions Librarian Search Com­ mittee, Administrative Offices, University of Central Florida Library, Orland, FL 32816. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. U C F is an equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. A S S IS T A N T U N D E R G R A D U A TE LIB R A R IAN (Collection Maintenance Coordinator). A permanent position-available June 1, 1982. Under direction of the Undergraduate Librarian, administers UGL circulation and shelving operations and oversees receipt and han­ dling of incoming U G L print materials, supervises 3.5 FTE staff; participates in reference and bibliographic instruction; assists with UGL book and journal selection in assigned areas of responsibility; and in areas of subject responsibility expected to establish faculty liaison and develop reference aids. Other duties as assigned, in­ cluding possible media cataloging. Regular night or weekend work expected. The Undergraduate Library, designed with service orien­ tation in mind, is housed in a 1969 award winning building. Re­ sources include a book collection of over 170,000 volumes, A -V materials and Media Center; a heavily-used listening facility; auto­ mated circulation system; extensive reserve collection; PLATO ter­ minal for development of instructional programs. A primary goal is to teach students to use not only the UGL but other campus and off-campus collections. Master’s degree in library science from an ALA-accredited library school, or its equivalent required. Previous experience or demonstrated ability in undergraduate library instruc­ tion or reference experience preferred. Experience in circulation or collection maintenance desirable. Academic background or experi­ ence working with subject collection in physical or biological sci­ ences desired. Evidence of ability to meet University requirements for tenure and promotion required. Librarians have faculty rank. Assistant Professor rank for applicant with desired experience and qualifications, including evidence of ability to meet general Univer­ sity requirements for promotion and tenure (research, publication, 252 university/community/professional service) in addition to regular li­ $24,0 0 0 -$ 3 1,000; Sr. Librarian, $30,000 - $37,000. Ap p ly by A u ­ ­ gust 1, 1982. Contact: Carolyn J. Henderson, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, C A 94305, citing #235 on all correspondence. ­ EOE. ­ - C IR C U LA T IO N L IB R A R IA N . To head Circulation Department in a university library, with CLSI LIBS 100 circulation system. Student body of 13,000, annual circulation 150,000. Requires ability to deal effectively with faculty and students, and to cope with a variety of problem s c o n cern in g circulation and reserve activities. Salary . and rank d ep en den t on qualifications. M inim um qualifications: s ALA -a ccredited master’s (or equivalent) degree in library science, ­ and five years progressively responsible professional library experi­ ence including experience with CLSI or other turnkey automated circulation system s h igh ly desirable. Ap p licatio n m ust be post­ ­ marked by Septem ber 1, 1982. Prelim inary recruitm ent interviews available at A L A , Philadelphia. Send resum e to: Leonie B lack, , Chairperson, Circulation Librarian Search Committee, Adm inistrative : Offices, University of Central Florida Library, Orlando, FL 32816. ­ Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. U C F is an equal­ opportunity/affirmative-action em ployer. ­ . C O L L E C T IO N S D E V E L O P M E N T LIB R A R IA N , Memorial University g of Newfoundland. Duties include selection and evaluation of mate­ ­ rial, formulation and revision of collection policies and liaison with . faculty. Emphasis in the Social Sciences with prim ary responsibility ­ in one or more of the following areas: Sociology, Anthropology, ­ Folklore, Econom ics or Political Science. Qualifications: accredited . MLS, master’s degree or PhD appropriate to areas of responsibility, ­ knowledge of French and/or Germ an an asset. Salary and rank , based on qualifications and experience. Standard academ ic fringe benefits including research/study leave in addition to eligibility for sabbatical leave. Excellent m oving allowance. Interested qualified f persons should subm it resume and names of three references to: Richard H. Ellis, Acting University Librarian, Memorial University of New foundland, Canada A1 B 3Y1. In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, this advertisement is directed in the first ­ instance to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. , ­ C U R A TO R OF A R CH IVES/SP EC IA L C O L L E C T IO N S has responsi­ ­ bility for the development, processing, and administration of a large . archival collection, a historical photograph collection, a rapidly de­ veloping folklore/oral history archive, and reference services for all collections of the Louisiana Room. M inim um qualifications: A L A - - accredited MLS plus com pletion of an archives training or intern­ . ship program and a m inim um two years experience in archives ­ processing/patron services. Some supervisory experience is essen­ ­ tial. An additional graduate degree in an appropriate academ ic dis­ t cipline, a sound working knowledge of French and Spanish, and a - demonstrated knowledge of the history and cultural developm ent of ­ South Louisiana are strongly preferred. Position is a twelve-m onth appointm ent with faculty rank, status, and benefits. Minim um start­ y ing salary $18,000-negotiable, depending on qualifications. Send . letter of application, resume, and names of three references by Ju ly 31, 1982, to: D.L. Saporito, Director of Libraries, University Librar­ ies, University of Southwestern Louisiana, 302 E. St. Mary Blvd., . Lafayette, LA 70504. The University is an equal em ploym ent oppor­ ­ tunity affirmative action employer. ­ D IR E C TO R OF L IB R A R Y C O L L E C T IO N S . A perm anent position ­ available September 1, 1982. The Director of Library Collections is responsible for planning, policy-m aking, and coordinating all as­ i­ pects of collection developm ent at the Library of the University of Illinois (U -C ). Reporting directly to the University Librarian, will be z expected to initiate and carry out a libra ry-w ide program of ap ­ , praisal of the Library’s resources, preparation of Library’s alloca­ . tions, allocation of funds for Library material, establishm ent of selection policies and priorities, coordination of the selection activi­ ties of reference librarians and bibliographers throughout the Li­ . brary, coordination of preservation efforts, and planning for re­ ) so u rc e sh a rin g . A s c h o la r-lib ra ria n with broad b ib lio g ra p h ic a l knowledge and significant experience in collection developm ent in a major research library is being sought for Director of Library Col­ ­ lections. P refere n ce will be given to ca n d id a te s who have an y understanding of the teaching and essential research requirements ­ in a large university, and of how libraries are organized to meet g them. The director must have an MLS from an ALA -accred ited li­ . brary school, or equivalent. A strong subject background in one of d the liberal arts or sciences is required, with an advanced degree , preferred. The director must have demonstrated ability to facilitate , the bibliographic efforts of others, to plan and conduct analytical h studies, and to work with library and teaching faculty in form ulating d acquisitions policies. In addition, a general knowledge of resource sharing, of material preservation programs, and of the Am erican and foreign book trade is necessary. A record of research, publica­ tion and scholarly achievem ent sufficient to warrant appointm ent at the rank of Associate Professor with tenure required. Preference ­ will be given to candidates with scholarly records warranting ap ­ pointment at the rank of Professor. Librarians have faculty rank. ­ Appointm ent will be made at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor (see above). Salary is dependent upon appointm ent rank and experience; m inim um salary of $33,000. Send com plete re­ , sum e with names and addresses of five references to: Allen G. brary assignment. Salary $14,000 upward, depending on qualifica tions and scholarly credentials. Send complete resume with names and addresses of five references to: Allen G. Dries, Personnel Man ager, University of Illinois Library, at Urbana-Cham paign, 127 Li brary, 1408 W. Gregory Dr., Urbana, IL 61801; phone (217) 333 8169. For m axim um consideration, applications should be received no later than J u ly 23, 1982. T h e U n iv e rs ity of Illin o is is an affirm ative-action/equal-opportunity employer. A S S IS T A N T U N IV E R S IT Y LIB R A R IA N FOR P U B L IC S E R V IC E S University of Arizona Library. The assistant university librarian ha administrative responsibility for 10 public services departments, in cluding 3 branch libraries, with a total staff of 32 professionals and more than 50 FTE career staff and other support personnel. The university is located in Tucson, 60 miles north of the Mexican bor der, and currently enrolls some 32,000 students. The area offers a variety of cultural and recreational activities— sym phony, opera theater, hiking, skiing, and 330 + sun-filled days a year. Required ALA-accredited degree and 5 years of professional library experi ence in a large academ ic library, at least half of such experience in a supervisory or administrative position in public services. Experi ence coordinating a large staff will be given special consideration Familiarity with library/faculty liaison, library orientation and trainin programs, com puter-assisted reference services, and collection de velopment work is desirable. Position available January 2, 1983 Salary range $30,000-$34,000. Faculty status, 12-month appoint ment, 22 days vacation, fringe benefits. Application deadline: A u gust 31. Send resume, including list of three references, to: W David Laird, University Librarian, University of Arizona Library, T u c son, A Z 85721. An equal-opportunity/affirm ative-action, Title IX Section 504 employer. B U S IN E S S B IB L IO G R A P H E R . Responsible for the developm ent o the Business (Accounting, Marketing, Econom ics, etc.) collections and doing original cataloging in these fields. Providing classroom bibliographic instruction and perform ing com puterized literature searches. Requires MLS and an undergraduate degree in a busi ness field. Salary: $14,000 for a twelve month period. To apply send letter of application, resume, transcripts, and placement cre dentials, to: Genevieve Delana, Lewis Towers Library, Loyola U n i versity of Chicago, 820 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611 An equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. C A T A L IOG E R . O p e n in g effective im m ediately. Small, M ethodist related liberal arts college library in Southern metropolitan area R esponsible for all cataloging (D D C ) in English and foreign lan guages and in all formats (m onographs, serials, A -V , etc.). Super vise stu d en t assistants; som e even in gs and w eekend w o rk a circu la tion /re feren ce. T w e lv e -m o n th year. R equ irem en ts: A L A accredited MLS; OCLC experience. Prefer academ ic library experi ence. Salary: $13,000-$ 14,500. Faculty status and benefits. Send resume and three references to: Jam es G. Volny, Director of Librar Services, Centenary College of Louisiana, Shreveport, LA 71104 Centenary is an equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. C A T A L O G IN G -A C Q U IS IT IO N S L IB R A R IA N (search con tinu ed) Generate cataloging in Library of Congress system, supervising fil ing in public catalog and oversee book processing. W orking knowl edge of O CLC system and A A C R II necessary. Direct the ordering and receiving of Library materials, including the preparation of or ders and the maintenance of accounts. Qualifications: MLS from accredited school. Experience preferred with demonstrated superv sory experience. Salary: $14,500 m in im u m . Send resum e and placement file, or three letters of recom m endation to: Sister Fran Lang, Director, Barry University Library, 11300 NE 2nd Avenue Miami, FL 33161. An equal-opportunity/affirm ative-action employer Position will be filled only when suitable applicant is found. C A T A L O G U E LIB R A R IA N , Memorial University of Newfoundland Duties involve original cataloguing (in clu d in g N ew foundlandiana and an opportunity to participate in collections developm ent in an appropriate area. Cataloguing environm ent includes U T L A S (with authorities), LC classification and A A C R II. Qualifications: accred ited MLS, 3 -5 years university library cataloguing experience highl desirable. Salary and rank for this position are based on qualifica tions and experience. Standard academ ic fringe benefits includin research/study leave in addition to eligibility for sabbatical leave Excellent m oving allowance. Interested qualified persons shoul submit resume and names of three references to: Richard H. Ellis Acting University Librarian, Memorial University of Newfoundland St. Jo h n ’s, Newfoundland, Canada A1 B 3Y1. In accordance wit Canadian immigration requirements, this advertisement is directe in the first instance to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. C H IE F A C C E S S S E R V IC E S D E P A R T M E N T , Stanford University Libraries. Responsible for planning and adm inistering access activi ties. Defines goals, sets policies and makes plans for the Access Services Department. Coordinates operational aspects of coopera tive agreements of the staff of cooperating institutions. Requires MLS or equivalent, experience with systems or process analyses a n d p re v io u s p u b lic s e rv ic e e x p e rie n c e . S a la ry: L ib ra ria n 253 Dries, Secretary to the Selection Committee, University of Illinois Li­ brary at Urbana-Champaign, 127 Library, 1408 W. Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801; (217) 333-8169. For maximum consideration, applications and nominations should be received no later than A u ­ gust 23, 1982. The University of Illinois is an affirmative-action/ equal-opportunity employer. DIRECTOR OF LIB R A R IES . The Cleveland State Universities in­ vites applications and nominations for the position of Director of Li­ braries. The Cleveland State University is a state supported urban institution with seven colleges and approximately 20,000 students, offering undergraduate and graduate degree programs. The Library of 500,000 volumes has 23 professional librarians and 35 support staff. Qualifications: (1) MLS degree from an ALA-accredited pro­ gram; doctorate in library science or advanced degree in another academic field desirable; (2) at least ten years experience, includ­ ing increasingly responsible administrative positions in the last five years, preferably in a medium or large academic library; (3) knowl­ edge of current developments in library capabilities, including au­ tomation and resource sharing; (4) strong leadership and manage­ ment skills, ability to establish and maintain effective public and professional relationships. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Send resumes to: Thomas Hartshorne, Chairper­ son, Search Committee, Cleveland State University, 1982 E. 24th St., Cleveland, OH 44115. Applications accepted to September 1, 1982. A n ’equal opportunity employer M/F/H. HEAD, CATALOG D EP AR TM EN T. 12-month, tenure-track position. Manages cataloging and LC classification activities of staff of 35, including 12 librarians and 23 paraprofessionals, in serials catalog­ ing and OCLC-based monographic cataloging for main library and 7 branch libraries. Responsible for Department’s budget requests, statistical reporting, planning, and coordination with catalog-related services of other Library departm ents and with University pro­ gram m ing staff in current COM catalog development and ongoing automation efforts. Requires accredited MLS; professional catalog­ ing experience in an academic library; demonstrated leadership ability; supervisory experience; working knowledge of at least one modern European language; effective communication skills; strong knowledge of A A C R and AA C R 2 and of LC classification. Prefer familiarity with OCLC and current automation developments related to cataloging. Salary: $24,000 up. Postmark deadline for applica­ tions: August 2, with preferred starting date soon after deadline. Apply to: Mary Hawkins, Assistant Dean, University of Kansas Li­ braries, Lawrence, KS 66045. An equal-opportunity/affirm ative- action employer. HEAD, C IR C U LA TIO N SERVICES has overall responsibility for the m anagem ent and operation of circulation, reserve, and stacks. Duties include planning, modification, and improvement of circula­ tion, stack and reserve functions, establishm ent of circulation policies and p roce dures, su p e rvision and sc h e d u lin g of s u b ­ professional staff and student assistants, liaison with com puting center systems development staff, and service at the circulation desk and other public service areas during scheduled hours, in­ cluding one evening per week and some weekends and holidays. Minimum qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS plus two years experi­ ence in a public service area of an academic library; some supervi­ sory experience is essential. A second graduate degree, experience with computer-based circulation systems, and knowledge of one or more modern foreign languages are highly desirable. The position is a three-year, non-tenure track appointm ent with faculty rank, status, and benefits. Minimum starting salary $18,000. Interviews will be available at A L A Philadelphia. Send letter of application, re­ sume, and names of three references by Ju ly 31, 1982, to: D.L. Saporito, Director of Libraries, University Libraries, University of Southwestern Louisiana, 302 E. St. Mary B lvd., Lafayette, LA 70504. The University of Southwestern Louisiana is an equal em ­ ployment opportunity affirmative action employer. HEAD, FISHERIE S -O C EA N O G R A P H Y LIBRARY. Under the general direction of the Head, Science Department, is responsible for overall management for the Fisheries-Oceanography Library, hiring and training personnel, selecting materials and participating in ser­ vice programs. Also supervises the Assistant Librarian who operates the Friday Harbor Library, located 90 miles north of Seattle in the San Ju an Islands, from Ju n e th rou gh A u g u st. The F ish e rie s- Oceanography Library has 45,000 volumes and the Friday Harbor DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN University of California, Davis Head, Governm ent Docum ents Department, Shields Library, U niversity of California, Davis. Re­ sponsible for management of the G overnm ent Docum ents Department, including the Library’s map and m icrocopy collections. Plans, coordinates, and directs the activities of the Department, which include: selection, acquisition, and processing of federal, state, local, and foreign docum ents and docum ents of regional and international intergovernm ental organizations; selection, acquisition, and cataloging of maps; reference service for docum ents, maps, and m icrocopy; bibliographic instruction; and automated information retrieval. The departm ent has a staff of 13 FTE positions, of which 4 FTE are librarians. The departm ent is a federal and state depository and has extensive collections of FAO , U N , U N E S C O , and O EC D d o cu ­ ments. An active selection program beyond the depository and standing order program s supports cam pus research in agricultural and environm ental sciences. The Departm ent Head shares in provid­ ing specialized reference service on a scheduled basis, in clu d in g regular evening and weekend hours. The Head will be responsible for selection and processing for an area within the general field of international and foreign docum ents, for supervising the Pre-Catalog Section, and for leadership and coordination of the D epartm ent’s bibliographic instruction program . A p p lica n ts must have a graduate degree in librarianship from an A LA-a ccre d ite d institution or its equivalent, at least 5 years of professional experience working with governm ent docum ents and at least 2 years experience in a supervisory capacity. Fam iliarity with bibliographic instruction program s and methods and with online information retrieval are required. Appointm ent will be made at the Associate Librarian or Librarian title, dependent upon qualifica­ tions and experience. Salary range: $ 2 1,288-$39,672/year; hiring salary to $30,648. Applicants should send resumes and names of four referees to: W illiam F. McCoy Associate University Librarian 108 Shields Library University of California, Davis Davis, CA 9 5 6 1 6 Applications must be received, or post-m arked, no later than 31 August 1982. 254 Library has 14,000 volumes. Qualifications: master’s degree from an ALA-accredited school of librarianship required. A minimum of two years post master’s public services experience in a large academic or special library required. Thorough knowledge of life science and general science reference sources and databases, demonstrated competence as a computerized database searcher and knowledge of marine sciences preferred. Salary: $19,000 minimum. Twenty-four days vacation, TIAA/CREF, premium fully paid for medical, dental and life insurance plan. Applications must be received no later than 5:00 p.m., Friday, July 23, 1982. Send letter of application, resume, names of three references, to: Charles E. Chamberlin, Head, Personnel and Administrative Services, Uni­ versity of Washington Libraries, FM-25, Seattle, W A 98195. AA/ EOE. LOAN LIBRARIAN. Department head responsible for coordinating, supervising, and training staff of 16 plus 80 student assistants at Circulation Desk, Current Periodicals Room, Microforms Area, Lis­ tening Room, Reserve Desk and Stacks; recommends circulation policies and services; will oversee near-future automated circulation system. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited library school plus 5 years of appropriate exp.; second subject masters’ highly desir­ able. Appointment in salary range of $21,000-$25,000. Assistant or Associate Professor rank, depending on qualifications and exp. Position open October 1st. Send letter of application, resume, and 3 letters of reference by July 30, 1982, to: Diane Tebbetts, Assist­ ant Librarian, Dimond Library, U n iversity of New H am pshire, Durham, NH 03824. The University is an affirmative-action/equal opportunity employer. MIDDLE EAST BIBLIOGRAPHER/CATALOGER, Hoover Institution, Stanford University. Selection and acquisition of Middle East mate­ rials. Cataloging Arabic monographs. Overseeing Arabic serials pro­ cessing. Reference assistance. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; reading knowledge of Arabic; previous academic library experience (including cataloging); AAC R II and LC rules of cataloging. Salary: $22,500-$30,000. Apply: Peter Duignan, Africa and Middle East Curator, Hoover Institution, Stanford, C A 94305. Deadline: August 1, 1982. EOE/AA. PERIODICALS LIBRARIAN. Librarian II (Assistant Professor) target level. Responsibilities: acquisition, bibliographic control, and pro­ cessing of periodicals; binding operations; technical services as­ pects of government documents; some reference duties. Qualifica­ tions: master’s degree from ALA-accredited program required. Four years professional experience in periodicals/serials and second master’s degree in a subject area required for appointment at rank of Librarian II. Salary: dependent on education and experience. Minimum of $16,000 for nine-month appointment at rank of Librar­ ian II. Summer conditional upon library needs. Application dead­ line: August 20, 1982. Send letter of application, resume, tran­ scripts, and three current letters of reference to: James Zink, Direc­ tor, Kent Library, Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girar­ deau, MO 63701. An equal opportunity/M-F/affirmative action em­ ployer. R EFER EN CE (IN S T R U C T O R ). For institution with enrollment of over 12,000. Responsibilities include assisting and instructing stu­ dents, collection development, database searching. Ability to relate to patrons and to staff essential. 10.5-month contract. Salary: $15,500~$17,000. Requires ALA-accredited master’s in library sci­ ence and 3 -5 years academic library experience. Prefer second master’s in science. Interviews possible at ALA conference. Dead­ line for applications and credentials including graduate and under­ graduate transcripts by Ju ly 31, 1982. Apply to: Maxine Johnston, Library Director, Lamar University, Box 10021, Beaum ont, TX 77710. R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N / B IB L IO G R A P H IC IN S T R U C T IO N COORDINATOR. Primary responsibilities include development and coordination of the library’s bibliographic instruction program; gen­ eral reference desk work, including evening and weekend rotation; computer online information retrieval and participation in collection development activities. Requirements: ALA-M LS; 2 -4 years experi­ ence in reference and bibliographic instruction, preferably in an academic setting. Database searching experience preferred. Must be able to meet responsibilities of a tenure-track appointment. Rank of Assistant Librarian. Salary: $15,000 + for a 12 month appointment. Application deadline: July 31, 1982. Send letter of application with resume and names of 3 references to: James L. Mullins, Indiana University at South Bend, PO Box 7111, South Bend, IN 46634. Indiana University is an EEO/AA employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, law firm. Requirements: MLS and sev­ eral years law library experience. Position is reference only with strong service orientation in very busy atmosphere. No supervisory duties or management responsibilities. Experience using Lexis, Westlaw, and other databases (Dialog, Orbit, BRS, NYT, etc.) desir­ able. We have an excellent government documents collection. Good benefits package. Salary: $18,000 or more if commensurate with qualifications. Available: immediately. Please send resume, with telephone numbers, to: Paul B. Gloeckner, Chief Librarian, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, 345 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10154. EEO/AAE. R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . One yea r appoin tm en t for ’8 2 - ’83 school year to replace faculty member on leave. Responsibilities in­ clude reference work, collection development, library instruction and database searching. MLS required, experience desirable. Rank: Instructor, non-tenure track. $14,000 minimum. Send resume and transcript to: Robert J. Vigeant, Head Librarian, Saint Joseph’s Col­ lege, Rennselaer, IN 47978. An AA/EEO employer. R EFER EN C E LIB R A R IA N W ITH S P E C IA LIZ A TIO N IN E D U C A ­ TIO N . Provides general reference service with staff of other subject specialists. Particular responsibilities include bibliographic instruc­ tion for students in the College of Education, participation in collec­ tion development, and computer search service. ALA-accredited MLS, or equivalent, required. Previous training or experience with online databases and a knowledge of education research terminol­ ogy preferred. Advanced degree in education desirable. Available October, 1982. Tenure-track position. Twelve-month appointment, 24 days annual leave, tuition remission, usual benefits. Salary ranges, d e p en d en t upon q u a lifications: In stru cto r, $ 1 4 ,0 0 0 - $16,000; Assistant Professor, $16,000-$18,000. Applicants should submit letter of application, resume, and three letters of reference or placement folder by August 31, 1982, to: Jill Keally, Personnel Librarian, The U n iversity of Tennessee Library, Knoxville, TN 37996-1000. UTK is an EEO/Affirmative Action/Title IX, Section 504 employer. SER IA LS LIBR AR IAN (12 month, tenure-track). Open Sept. 1. Holds administrative responsibility for a serials department with 3,000 current subscriptions, 2 support staff, and part-time stu­ dents. Trains and supervises staff in serials, maintains serials rec­ ord and automated serials holding list, supervises bindery prepara­ tion, recommends procedures for further automation, and provides specialized reference service relating to journals. Duties also in­ clude some cataloging and/or reference responsibilities (depending upon qualifications) and supervision of the public areas of the li­ brary on a rotating basis (evenings and weekends). ALA-accredited MLS required, second master's preferred; two years professional li­ brary experience in serials required, experience with online catalog­ ing systems and with cataloging serials preferred, some supervisory experience desired. Minimum salary $15,500. Application deadline is August 15, 1982, or until suitable applicant is hired. Send re­ sume, academic credentials, and three recent letters of recom­ mendation, to: Philip Brown, Public Services Librarian, South Dakota State University Library, PO Box 2115, Brookings, SD 57007-1098. An AA/EEO employer. LATE LISTINGS PRODUCTS AND SERVICES GUIDE. The Directory of Human Resource Services and Products. An excellent planning source book for the informed decision maker. Includes firms who specialize in benefits, training, labor relations, recruiting, office systems, safety, security, etc. Details 1,100 firms, 122 pp. $12.00. Human Resource Communications Group, 2355 E. Stadium Blvd., Ann Arbor, MI 48104. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN FOR COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT (Department Head). Manages department with responsibilities for selection, order, receipt, and accounting of all monographs and serials, including government documents and gifts and exchanges. Responsible for development of collection policy; coordinates activities of selectors; advises on budget allocation. Supervises four professionals, eleven support staff, and casual assistants. Participates in administration of library as member of Senior Staff. Reports to Deputy Librarian. Harvard Law Library has a staff of 80, a 1.4 million volume research collection, extensive special collections, $800,000 materials budget, automated acquisitions system, and is planning automated serials check-in. Member of RLG. Required: ALAaccredited MLS, significant acquisitions experience in large research library, demonstrated managerial ability. Highly desirable: knowledge of legal materials, the domestic and foreign book trade, European languages, experience with automated systems. Salary and rank dependent on qualifications; $25,000 minimum. Generous benefits. Position to be filled Fall 1982. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references before July 30 to Sandra Coleman, Deputy Librarian, Harvard Law School Library, Langdell Hall, Cambridge, MA 02138. An equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. COORDINATOR OF LIBRARY USER EDUCATION/EDUCATION LIBRARIAN. Coordinates library user education program. As education librarian, shares general reference desk and computerized literature searching responsibilities, performs library-user education, collection development and faculty liaison work in selected fields of education. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, minimum of 3 years successful experience in library instruction and reference work in an academic library. Preferred: undergraduate degree and/or graduate work in education; experience with computerized literature searching. Appointment most likely at assistant professor rank with salary of $18,500-$22,000, based upon qualifications and experience. Send letter of application, resume and three letters of reference before July 15, 1982, to: Tim Jewell, Library Dean's Office, Bowling Green State University, OH 43403. An EO/AA employer. SCIENCES/ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN. Provides general reference services as well as in-depth sciences/ engineering reference services, including online literature searching. Selects material in designated subject areas, teaches effective library usage, etc. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; degree in science or engineering; reading knowledge of at least one foreign language; knowledge of online searching, preferably BRS and DIALOG; experience in science librarianship or reference department of an academic library. Minimum salary $14,604. Applications, resumes, and letters of reference should be sent to: Lori Calcaterra, Head of Sciences/Engineering Services, Washington University Libraries, St. Louis, M0 63130, by August 30, 1982. Washington University is an equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. UNIVERSITY ARCHIVIST. Responsibilities: establish an archival program for KSU; plan, supervise, and participate in processing of general archival collection; establish procedures and priorities, review and evaluate materials, develop and maintain a processing manual; provide assistance in reference service. Qualifications: Required are an ALA-accredited degree in library science, and training and/or experience in archival management and techniques; skills in interpersonal relations and ability to work with academic community are essential; an advanced degree in history or literature preferred. Salary: $14,040-$18,600. Twelve-month tenure track appointment. Faculty rank. Salary and rank dependent upon qualifications and experience. Applications, together with resume, transcripts, and placement file (if placement file is not current, submit three letters of reference) must be submitted by August 5, 1982, to Meredith Litchfield, Assistant Director, Kansas State University Libraries, Manhattan, KS 66506. KSU is an equal-opportunity/ affirmative-action employer. Checklist of Recently Published Gale Reference Books (Summer 1982) Abbreviations, Acronyms, Ciphers and Signs. 1st ed. Su bject arranged bibliog­ raphy consisting of LC cards for 9 0 0 books in all languages. 323p p . 1981. $ 5 2 .0 0 . (SO) American Novelists, 1 9 1 0 - 1 9 4 5 . (Dictio­ nary of Literary Biography, Vol. 9.) Bio­ graphical-critical essays on 156 novelists of the period. With many illustrations. 982pp. in 3 vols. 1981. $198.00/set. Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, and Other Word-Related Books. 3rd ed. Provides reproductions of LC cards for over 2 8 ,0 0 0 titles, ranging from general all-purpose works to highly specialized word books. Vol. 1, English-language works. 519pp. 1981. $ 9 0 .0 0 . (SO) Vol. 2, polyglot works including English. 462pp. 1982. $ 1 3 5 .0 0 . (SO) Vol. 3, foreign-language works. 695pp. 1982. $ 1 3 5 .0 0 . (SO) Federal Records of World War II. Official guide to both civilian and military agencies from 1939 through 1945. 2,134pp. in 2 vols. Republished 1982. (Originally pub­ lished by U.S. National Archives, 1950.) $75.00/set. In te rn a tio n a l M arketing H andbook. Marketing profiles for 138 nations plus other material useful for the study and conduct of international business. Based on material produced by the U.S. Depart­ ment of Commerce and other sources. 2,380pp. in 2 vols. 1981. $140.00/set. (SO) Modern British Dramatists, 1 9 0 0 - 1 9 4 5 . (Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 10.) Illustrated biographical-critical essays, each w ritten by a noted expert, furnish inform ation on 9 0 dram atists. 664pp. in 2 vols. 1982. $ 132.00/set. National Playwrights Directory. 2nd ed. Provides personal and career data on 5 0 0 playwrights, both lesser known and major. With details on their more than 3,0 0 0 new and recently written plays. 507pp. 1981. $3 8 .0 0 . (SO) • Ologies and -Isms: A Them atic Dictio­ nary. 2nd ed. Over 4,300 terms plus defini­ tions arranged under them atic headings. 368pp. 1981. $62.00. (SO) Periodical Title Abbreviations. 3rd ed. 3 5 ,0 0 0 e n tr ie s provide in te rn a tio n a l coverage for periodicals in all fields. Vol. 1 ‚ by abbreviation. 706pp. 1981. $85.00. (SO) Vol. 2, by title. 698pp. 1981. $ 9 5 .0 0 . (SO) Also available: New Periodical Title Abbreviations, inter-edition supp. Soft- bound. $78.00/both. (SO) Suffixes; and Other Word-Final Elem ents of English. 1 st ed. Covers over 1,500 common and technical suffixes. 363pp. 1982. $4 5 .0 0 . (SO) Verbatim. Cumulation of Verbatim: The Language Quarterly, the most widely read language journal in the world. Four hard­ bound volumes cumulate Volumes 1-6 of Verbatim and add a valuable new index. 1,100pp. in 4 vols. 1982. $80.00/set. (SO) World in Figures. 3rd ed. Statistical infor­ mation on 2 0 0 countries. Part 1 provides comparative world data for population, tourism, transport, etc. Part 2 treats each country individually. 294pp. Published by The Economist, 1981. Distributed in North America exclusively by Gale. $5 5 .0 0 . (SO) World Measurement Guide. 4 th ed. Offers tables and information on standards and m easurem ent internationally for a wide range of interests. 240pp. Published by The Economist, 1980. Distributed in North America exclusively by Gale. $ 5 5 .0 0 . (SO) (SO) These titles are available at Gale’s 5% Standing Order discount. Gale books are sent on 90-day approval. Deduct 5% if you send check with order; same return privilege. Customers outside the U.S. and Canada add 10% to prices shown. G A L E R ES EARCH C O. Book Tower • Detroit, MI 4 8 2 2 6 • (3 1 3 ) 9 6 1 - 2 2 4 2