ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 74 / C&RL News find through their investigations th at widely held assumptions were unsubstantiated, but they look forw ard to results by com parable availability stud­ ies conducted at similar institutions. The validity, reliability, and sensitivity of the output measures for public libraries is examined in “Public Library Effectiveness: Theory, Measures, and D eterm i­ nants,” by Nancy A. Van House, Library and In ­ form ation Science Research 8 (1986):261-83. This paper confirms th at while such measures are less th an ideal research tools, they can be useful indica­ tors for m anagem ent decision making. ■ ■ H ow to p a rticip a te in ACRL Information fo r new members and potential members. T o join W rite or call the Association of College and Re­ search Libraries for application forms and infor­ mation: ACRL Office, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 944-6780. To learn about ACRL’s current programs, officers, and units Cheek the ALA Handbook o f Organization and read College & Research Libraries News regularly (as a m em ber of ACRL, you will receive both pu b ­ lications) . To a tte n d conference program s, ACRL B oard meetings, or committee meetings For inform ation on time, places, and general program content, consult C&R L News, American Libraries, and the official conference program s and schedules. For additional information, contact the ACRL office. To attend preconferences For inform ation about time, place, and precon­ ference them e, check C& RL News and American Libraries. For additional inform ation and registra­ tion m aterials, w rite to the ACRL office. To take a continuing education course To receive a course brochure, w rite Sandy D on­ nelly at the ACRL office. To register, use inform a­ tion published in C& RL News or in the course bro­ chure. To establish a local chapter of ACRL Check the procedures listed in “Guidelines for ACRL Chapters” (available from the ACRL of­ fice) . Send a petition w ith the signatures of at least 25 ACRL m em bers to the ACRL office for a p ­ proval by the Board of Directors. To request a speaker in the C hapter Speakers p ro ­ gram W rite E m m a Miller at the ACRL office and specify your date and topic. Eight chapters qualify each year for a free visit from ACRL officers or the ACRL Executive Director. To serve on ACRL’s committees or to participate in ACRL’s sections and discussion groups Fam iliarize yourself w ith the work of the u n it— cheek the ALA Handbook o f Organization for the unit’s statem ent of responsibility, read about the work of the unit as reported in C O R L News and Am erican Libraries, attend the meetings of the unit during ALA conferences. Submit a completed ACRL committee volunteer form (published in the October issue of C O RL News and available at ALA conferences). Com municate your interest to the ACRL Appointments and Nominations C om m it­ tee, to any of the ACRL officers, to the chair of an ACRL u n it whose w ork interest you, or to the ACRL office. To be a candidate for an ACRL office W rite to the ACRL Appointments and N om ina­ tions Com mittee or to an ACRL section nom inat­ ing com m ittee. Subm it a petition to have your nam e added to the list of candidates. To nom inate someone for an aw ard or to apply for a grant or fellowship W rite or call Mary Ellen Davis at the ACRL of­ February 1987 / 75 fice for information or nomination forms for the Academic/Research Librarian of the Year Award, Oberly Award, Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, Samuel Lazerow Fellowship, the Miriam Dudley BI Librarian of the Year Award, the RBMS Exhibi­ tion Catalogue Award, or the Martinus Nijhoff In ­ ternational West European Specialist Study G rant. To provide suggestions for new projects, services, courses, and policies W rite to the ACRL office, to any of the ACRL officers, or to the chair of a unit whose work relates to the m atter. Respond to requests published in C URL News for suggestions from the membership. Attend open hearings scheduled at ALA confer­ ences. Be in touch w ith the ACRL Planning Com­ m ittee (Sharon Rogers, chair). To receive information, assistance, or advice on professional problems Contact the ACRL office, any of the ACRL offi­ cers, or the chair of an ACRL unit whose work re­ lates to the m atter. To find information on professional library posi­ tions open Check the classified advertising listings in Col­ lege & Research Libraries News or American L i­ braries. Subscribe to the monthly Fast Job Listing Service, available from the ACRL office. Call the ACRL telephone JOBLINE, (312) 944-6795 (list­ ings are changed every Thursday afternoon). To obtain ACRL publications, policy statements, or CE course syllabi For information about the availability of m ate­ rials, check C U R L News, ACRL’s publications brochure, or the ALA Publications Checklist. You m ay o btain a publications brochure from the ACRL office or at ALA conferences. To order stan­ dards and guidelines, w rite to the ACRL office. To order other publications, contact the ALA Order Departm ent. To submit an article for publication Contact the editor of the publication. For Col­ lege & Research Libraries, send m anuscripts to Charles R. Martell Jr., California State University Library, 2000 Jed Smith Drive, Sacramento, CA 95819. Instructions for authors are printed in each issue of the journal. For CURL News, send articles to George E berhart at the ACRL office (see the guidelines published in January). For Rare Books & Manuscripts Libarianship, send articles to Ann S. G w yn, The M ilton S. Eisenhow er L ib rary , Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218. To submit a proposal for a monographic publica­ tion Discuss your proposal with Mary Ellen Davis, ACRL publications officer, at ACRL headquar­ ters, and submit a “Preliminary Publication Infor­ m ation F o rm .” Consult C U R L News, October 1986, p.587, for more detailed instructions. For the A C R L Publications in Librarianship series, send proposals or m anuscripts directly to A rthur P. Young, Dean of Libraries, University of Rhode Is­ land, Kingston, RI 02881. To submit news items for publication in College & Research Libraries News Send materials to George E berhart at the ACRL Office, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. Consult the guidelines for submission of news items in this issue. The deadline for receipt of news items is approximately the 26th of each month. To subscribe to ACRL periodicals For a subscription to Choice, write to the Sub­ scriptions D epartm ent, Choice, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457. For a subscrip­ tion to C &R L or C U RL News, write to the Sub­ scription Departm ent, American Library Associa­ tion, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. To order works from the ACRL Publications in Li­ brarianship series For a listing of the works in this series, w rite to the ACRL office. For a list of in-print titles, check the “List of ACRL materials available,” featured Standard terms for special collections catalogers Printing and Publishing Evidence: Thesauri fo r Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloguing, an ACRL publication, is now available from the American Library Associa­ tion Order Departm ent. Developed by the ACRL Rare Books and M anuscripts Section’s Standards Com m ittee specifically for use in MARC field 755 (a new field authorized for all MARC formats in Janu­ ary 1984), this monograph provides standard terms for the description of the physical charac­ teristics of various production methods and publishing or bookselling practices. The standardized application of these terms allows for retrieval of books by their physical features rather than by their intellectual con­ tent. Special collections librarians, concerned w ith the study of the book, may w ant to use MARC field 755 to locate, for example, all of their holdings w ith imposition errors, signing irregularities, or false im print dates. The use of such terms in cataloging records will assist researchers interested in studying the techniques and styles of book production and distribution. Printing and Publishing Evidence: Thesauri fo r Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloguing (ISBN: 0-8389-7108-3) may be or­ dered from the ALA Order D epartm ent, 50 E. Huron S t., Chicago, IL 60611. The 28-page p a­ perback sells for $7.50 ($5.50 to ACRL mem­ bers) . ALA members receive a 10 % discount off the list price. 76 / C&RL News in this issue. To place a standing order or to order individual titles, w rite to the ALA O rder D epart­ m ent, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. To order copies of out-of-print titles, contact Uni­ versity Microfilms International, 300 N. Zeeb R d ., Ann Arbor, MI 48106. To advertise in ACRL publications To place display ads in C & RL, C& RL News, or Choice, contact Art Beck, Advertising Sales M an­ ager, Choice, 100 Riverview Center, M iddletown, CT 06457. To place classified ads in C& RL News, or job listings in the Fast Job Listing Service or the telephone JOBLINE, contact Gus Friedländer at the ACRL Office, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 944-6780, ext. 286. ■ ■ ACRL list o f m a teria ls a v a ila b le A complete checklist of A C R L publications in print. S i n g le copies of ACRL standards and guidelines are free. O ther publications are priced as listed. To ensure th a t your order is properly processed, in­ clude ISBN, author, title, list price, and applicable discount for each item ordered. Both institutions and individuals m ay order on account, plus postage and handling; however, pre­ paym ent should accompany individuals’ orders of $15.00 or less. No postage or handling charges are added to p re p a id orders (check, m oney order, credit card). All prices are payable in U.S. funds. The first price stated is list price. ISBN prefix: 0-8389-. Discounts ALA personal and organizational members are eligible to receive a ten percent (10%) discount on ACRL m aterials (except subscription item s). To re­ ceive the discount, give your membership num ber, and deduct the discount when preparing your or­ ders. ACRL personal and organizational members re­ ceive an additional 10-30% discount on ACRL m aterials. Look for the ACRL m em ber prices on this list. Q uantity discounts are available w hen five or m ore copies of the same title are ordered to be shipped to the same address. Inquire for prices on specific titles. Handling charges Invoice amounts of $20.00 or less, $1. Invoice amounts of $20.01-$50.00, $2. Invoice amounts of $50.01-$100.00, $3. Invoice amounts of $100.01-$200.00, $4. Invoice amounts greater than $200.00, $5. Send completed orders to: ACRL/ALA, 50 E. H uron Street, Chicago, IL 60611-2795. ACRL standing order plan This plan guarantees th a t you will autom atically be sent all new ACRL publications costing less than $30. For details, contact M ary Ellen Davis at the ACRL Office, (312) 944-6780. Bibliographic instruction •B ack to the Books: Bibliographic Instruction and the Theory o f lnform ation Sources (1983). Pa­ pers presented at the Bibliographic Instruction Sec­ tion program at the 1982 ALA Annual Conference. Edited by Ross Atkinson. 76p. 6587-3. $15; ACRL members $12. • The Bibliographic Instruction Clearinghouse: A Practical Guide (1984). A guide to establishing a clearinghouse. 71p. 6775-2. $12; ACRL members $9. • Bibliographic Instruction Handbook (1979). Prepared by the ACRL Bibliographic Instruction