ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 76 / C&RL News in this issue. To place a standing order or to order individual titles, w rite to the ALA O rder D epart­ m ent, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. To order copies of out-of-print titles, contact Uni­ versity Microfilms International, 300 N. Zeeb R d ., Ann Arbor, MI 48106. To advertise in ACRL publications To place display ads in C & RL, C& RL News, or Choice, contact Art Beck, Advertising Sales M an­ ager, Choice, 100 Riverview Center, M iddletown, CT 06457. To place classified ads in C& RL News, or job listings in the Fast Job Listing Service or the telephone JOBLINE, contact Gus Friedländer at the ACRL Office, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 944-6780, ext. 286. ■ ■ ACRL list o f m a teria ls a v a ila b le A complete checklist of A C R L publications in print. S i n g le copies of ACRL standards and guidelines are free. O ther publications are priced as listed. To ensure th a t your order is properly processed, in­ clude ISBN, author, title, list price, and applicable discount for each item ordered. Both institutions and individuals m ay order on account, plus postage and handling; however, pre­ paym ent should accompany individuals’ orders of $15.00 or less. No postage or handling charges are added to p re p a id orders (check, m oney order, credit card). All prices are payable in U.S. funds. The first price stated is list price. ISBN prefix: 0-8389-. Discounts ALA personal and organizational members are eligible to receive a ten percent (10%) discount on ACRL m aterials (except subscription item s). To re­ ceive the discount, give your membership num ber, and deduct the discount when preparing your or­ ders. ACRL personal and organizational members re­ ceive an additional 10-30% discount on ACRL m aterials. Look for the ACRL m em ber prices on this list. Q uantity discounts are available w hen five or m ore copies of the same title are ordered to be shipped to the same address. Inquire for prices on specific titles. Handling charges Invoice amounts of $20.00 or less, $1. Invoice amounts of $20.01-$50.00, $2. Invoice amounts of $50.01-$100.00, $3. Invoice amounts of $100.01-$200.00, $4. Invoice amounts greater than $200.00, $5. Send completed orders to: ACRL/ALA, 50 E. H uron Street, Chicago, IL 60611-2795. ACRL standing order plan This plan guarantees th a t you will autom atically be sent all new ACRL publications costing less than $30. For details, contact M ary Ellen Davis at the ACRL Office, (312) 944-6780. Bibliographic instruction •B ack to the Books: Bibliographic Instruction and the Theory o f lnform ation Sources (1983). Pa­ pers presented at the Bibliographic Instruction Sec­ tion program at the 1982 ALA Annual Conference. Edited by Ross Atkinson. 76p. 6587-3. $15; ACRL members $12. • The Bibliographic Instruction Clearinghouse: A Practical Guide (1984). A guide to establishing a clearinghouse. 71p. 6775-2. $12; ACRL members $9. • Bibliographic Instruction Handbook (1979). Prepared by the ACRL Bibliographic Instruction February 1987 / 77 Task Force (1971-77) and the Policy and Planning Com m ittee of the ACRL Bibliographic Instruction Section (1977-79). 68p. 6729-9. $10; ACRL m em ­ bers $7. • E v a lu a tin g B ib lio g ra p h ic In stru c tio n : A Handbook (1983). Prepared by the ACRL Biblio­ graphic Instruction Section’s Subcom m ittee on Evaluation. 122p. 6608-X. $17; ACRL members $13. • Library Instruction Clearinghouses 1986: A D irecto ry. By M ary V an O rsdol. 7109-1. $5; ACRL members $4. • Organizing and Managing a Library Instruc­ tion Program (1979). Prepared by the ACRL Bib­ liographic Instruction Section’s C ontinuing E d u ­ c a tio n C o m m itte e . 30p. 6731-0. $4; A C R L members $3. Collection development • Building a C hildren’s Literature Collection (1983). 3rd ed. Choice Bibliographical Essay Se­ ries, no. 7. $9.95. 48p. 0-914492-06-3. O rder from: Choice, 100 Riverview Center, M iddletown, CT 06457. • Collection D evelopm ent Policies: C LIP N ote #2-81 (1981). 131p. 6738-8. $12; ACRL members $9. • Curriculum Materials Center Collection De­ velopm ent Policy (1984) 27p. 6777-9. $7; ACRL members $5. • Guide fo r the D evelopm ent and M anagem ent o f Test Collections w ith Special Emphasis on A ca­ dem ic Settings (1985). Prepared by the ACRL E d ­ ucation and Behavioral Sciences Section’s Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Test Collections. 69p. 6926-7. $12; ACRL members $9. • W o m e n s Studies in Western Europe: A R e­ source Guide (1986). Edited by Stephen Lehm ann and Eva Sartori. Contains country by country di­ rectory of organizations, libraries, bibliographies, diaries, publishers, journals, and bookshops p ro ­ viding inform ation about wom en’s studies. 129p. 7037-0. $18; ACRL members $15. Conference Proceedings • A c a d e m ic L ibraries: M y th s an d R ea lities (1984). Proceedings of the Third National ACRL Conference, April 4-7, 1984, Seattle. 420p. 6787- 6. $28; ACRL members $20. • Energies fo r Transition (1986). Proceedings of th e F o u rth N atio n al ACRL C onference, April 9-12, 1986, Baltimore. Edited by D an u ta A. Ni- tecki, 248p. 6976-3. $30; ACRL members $22. • Libraries and Accreditation in Institutions of Higher Education (1981). Proceedings of an invita­ tional conference sponsored by ACRL and COPA. Edited by Julie A.C. Virgo. 176p. 6741-8. $19; ACRL members $15. • N ew Horizons fo r Academ ic Libraries (1978). Sixty-six co n trib u ted papers from the F irst N a­ tional ACRL Conference in Boston. Twelve m icro­ fiche. Free. • Options fo r the 80’s (1981). Fifty-six contrib­ uted papers from the Second N ational ACRL C on­ ference in Minneapolis. Eleven microfiche. Free. Database searching • Online Bibliographic Database Searching in College Libraries: C LIP N ote #4-83 (1983). Com ­ piled by D avid C arlson and P. G rady Morein. 132p. 6624-1. $19; ACRL members $15. Directories • Directory o f C urriculum Materials Centers (1985). Compiled by Lois J. Lehm an and Eva K. Kiewitt. 2nd ed. 194p. 6917-8. $20; ACRL m em ­ bers $15. •D irectory o f Western European Specialists in N orth Am erican Libraries (1984). 20p. 6762-0. $5; ACRL members $3. • Slavic E thnic Libraries, M useum s and A r ­ chives in the United States: A Guide and Directory (1980). Compiled by Lubom yr R. W ynar. 164p. 6742-6. $9; ACRL members $6. Personnel issues and faculty status •A cadem ic Status Survey (1981). Results of an ACRL 100 Libraries Project survey of academic status policies. 346p. 6737-X. $17; ACRL members $12. •G overnance in the Academ ic Library (1981). Betamax or ¾ ” U–m atic videotape (specify) of six academic librarians reviewing issues relating to the status of the academic librarian and the ACRL BI Clearinghouses 1986 The latest edition of ACRL’s directory of li­ brary instruction clearinghouses is now avail­ able from the ALA O rder D epartm ent. This update of the 1985 directory helps bib ­ liographic instruction librarians identify where they m ay obtain guidance and m aterials in de­ veloping th e ir ow n lib ra ry in stru ctio n pro- grams. N ational, state, and regional biblio- • g ra p h ic in s tru c tio n c le a rin g h o u se s are identified. Each entry provides nam e, address, founding date, source of funding, goals and ob- jectives, planned projects, and publications, The book also includes a list of library instruc­ tion newsletters. Library Instruction Clearinghouses 1986: A Directory (ISBN: 0-8389-7109-1) was compiled by Mary van Orsdol, University of California, Irvine. Copies m ay be ordered from the ALA O rder D epartm ent, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611. T he 25-page p a p e rb a c k sells for $5.00 ($4.00 to ACRL members). ALA mem- bers receive a 10 % discount off the list price. 78 / C&RL News Standard on Library Governance. $35. (Rental only). • Management and Staff Development (1982). Proceedings of a workshop sponsored by the North­ ern California ACRL Chapter in 1979. 37p. 6735- 3. $10; ACRL members $8. • Managing Student Workers in College L i­ braries: CLIP Note #7 (1986). Compiled by Mi­ chael D. Kathman and Jane McGurn Kathman. 182p. 7097-4. $17; non-members $14. • Travel Policies of Twenty-One College & Uni­ versity Libraries (1980). 77p. 6736-1. $3. Planning • Mission Statem ents fo r College Libraries: CLIP Note #5 (1985). Compiled by Larry H ar­ desty, Jam ie Hastreiter, and David Henderson. 190p. 6944-5. $20; ACRL members $15. Rare books, manuscripts and archives • Genre Terms: A Thesaurus fo r Use in Rare Rook and Special Collections Cataloguing (1983). 41p. 6612-8. $7.50; ACRL members $5.50. • Printing and Publishing Evidence: Thesauri fo r Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cata­ loguing (1986). 28p. 7108-3. $7.50; ACRL mem­ bers $5.50. • Special Collections in College Libraries: CLIP Note #6 (1986). Compiled by Christine Erdm ann. Contains actual documents from college libraries on projects, publicity, financial support, archives, CLIP Note #7: Managing Student Workers Librarians interested in policies and proce­ dures relating to the employment of students in college libraries may be interested in Managing Student Workers in College Libraries, the latest addition to the CLIP (College Library Infor­ m a tio n P acket) Notes series p u b lish e d by ACRL. CLIP Note #7 reports the results of a survey of small college and university libraries that col­ lected basic data and sample documents about their student employees. Job descriptions, ap­ plications and interviews, general orientation and training, quizzes and tests, and evaluations are some of the topics covered. Managing Student Workers in College L i­ braries (ISRN: 0-8389-7097-4) was compiled by Michael D. Kathm an, director of libraries and media at College of St. Renedict/St. John’s Uni­ versity, and Jane McGurn Kathman, associate professor of management, College of St. Bene­ dict. Copies may be ordered from the ALA O r­ der Departm ent, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. The 182-page paperback sells for $17 ($14 to ACRL members). ALA members re­ ceive a 10% discount off the list price. preservation, and use policies. 95p. 7004-4. $18; ACRL members $15. Statistics • A C R L University Library Statistics 1985-86 and 1986 “100 Libraries'Statistical Survey. Forth­ coming, Spring 1987. Inquire for price. • A C R L University Library Statistics 1983-84 (1985). Compiled by Sandy Whiteley. Statistics from 86 non–ARL university libraries in the U.S. and Canada. 55p. 6892-9. $15; ACRL members $12. • A C R L U niversity L ib ra r y S ta tistics 1981-1982 (1983). Statistics from 92 non-ARL uni­ versity libraries. 55p. 6596-2. $15; ACRL members $12. • A C R L U niversity L ib ra ry S ta tistics 1978-1979 (1980). Statistics from 98 non–ARL uni­ versity libraries. 47p. 6739-6. $7.50; ACRL mem­ bers $5. • Library Statistics of Colleges and Universities, 1982 Institutional Data (1984). D ata from the 1981-82 HEGIS study conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics covering over 3000 academ ic libraries. 177p. 6640-3. $16; ACRL members $12. • 1984 “100 Libraries”Statistical Survey (1984). Task Force on Academic Library Statistics. 92p. 6951-8. $12; ACRL members $9. • Quantitative Criteria fo r Academic Research Libraries (1984). By Kendon L. Stubbs. 135p. 6788-4. $19; ACRL members $15. Periodicals • Choice. Book review journal of the Associa­ tion of College & Research Libraries. Eleven issues per year; (July/August combined.) ISSN: 0009- 4978. Editor/Publisher: Patricia Sabosik. Avail­ able by subscription only, $110/year. Order from: Circulation Departm ent, Choice, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457. • Choice Reviews–on–Cards. Reviews from each monthly issue of Choice printed on 3 x 5 cards. Available to Choice subscribers only for $175/year. Order from: Circulation Departm ent, Choice, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457. • College & Research Libraries. Official journal of the Association of College and Research Li­ braries. Six bim onthly issues per year. Editor: Charles R. Martell Jr., California State University Library, Sacramento, CA 95819. Sent to ACRL mem bers as a perquisite of m em bership. Also available on subscription, $35/year. ISSN: 0010- 0870. O rder from: Subscription D ep artm en t, Am erican L ib rary Association, 50 East H uron Street, Chicago, IL 60611. • College & Research Libraries News. Official news magazine of the Association of College and Research Libraries. Eleven issues per year; (Ju- ly/A ugust co m b in ed ). E d ito r: G eorge M. Eberhart, ACRL/ALA, 50 East Huron Street, Chi­ February 1987 / 79 cago, IL 60611. Sent to ACRL members as a per­ quisite of membership. Also available on subscrip­ tio n , $15/year. ISSN: 0099-0086. O rd er from : Subscription D epartm ent, American L ibrary Asso­ ciation, 50 East H uron Street, Chicago, IL 60611. •F ast Job Listing, Service. A job listing which supplements in a speedy, timely fashion the classi­ fied advertising in C ò R L News. Published twelve ACRL standards and guidelines Copies of ACRL standards and guidelines are available free upon request. Send all re­ quests to: ACRL Standards and Guidelines, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. H uron St., C hicago, IL 60611-2795. Access Access Policy Guidelines (1975). Reprinted from C &R L News, November 1975. 2p. Bibliographic instruction Bibliographic Competencies for Education Students (1981). P repared by the E ducation and Behavioral Sciences Section’s Bibliographic Instruction for Educators Committee. Provides examples of a w ide range of b ib lio g rap h ic sources, and presents a basic rationale for the use of th e given examples. Also appears in C ò R L News, July/August 1981, in non-tabular form. 2p. Guidelines for Bibliographic Instruction in Academic L ibraries (1977). R eprinted from C ò R L News, April 1977. Ip. Colleges and universities Guidelines for Branch Libraries in Colleges and Universities (1975). Reprinted from C ò R L News, October 1975. 3p. Guidelines for Extended C am pus L ib rary Services (1982). Reprinted from C ò R L News, M arch 1982. 2p. The Mission of an U ndergraduate Library (Model S tatem en t). R ep rin ted from C ò R L News, November 1979. 5p. Standards for College Libraries (1986). Re­ printed from C &R L News, March 1986. 12p. Standards for University Libraries (1979). R e p rin te d from C &R L N ew s, A pril 1979. ACRL/ARL. 10p. Community and junior colleges Guidelines for Two-Year College Learning Resources Program s (1982). R eprinted from C ò R L N ew s, Ja n u a ry and F e b ru a ry 1982. ACRL/AECT. lOp. S tatem en t on Q u a n tita tiv e S tan d ard s for T w o -Y ear L e a rn in g R esources P ro g ra m s (1979). 4p. Personnel issues and faculty status Guidelines and Procedures for the Screening a n d A p p o in tm e n t of A cadem ic L ib ra ria n s (1977). Reprinted from C ò R L News, Septem­ ber 1977. 4p. Joint Statem ent on Faculty Status of College a n d U n iv e rsity L ib r a r ia n s (1974). ACRL/AAUP/AAC. R eprinted from C ò R L News, F ebruary 1974. Ip. Model Statement of Criteria and Procedures for Appointment, Promotion in Academic Rank, and Tenure for College and University Librarians (1973). Reprinted from C ò R L News, September 1973 and October 1973, with a revision by the ACRL Board of Directors. 10p. Standards for Faculty Status for College and University Librarians (1974). Reprinted from C &R L News, May 1974. 2p. Statem ent on Collective Bargaining (1975). l p Statem ent on the Term inal Professional De­ gree for Academic Librarians (1975). Ip. Rare books, manuscripts and archives Guidelines for the Security of R are Book, M an u scrip t, an d O th e r Special C ollections (1983). Reprinted from C ò R L News, M arch 1982. 4p. G uidelines on M anuscripts an d Archives (1977). Com pilation of policy statements p re­ pared by the ACRL R are Books and M anu­ scripts Section’s C om m ittee on M anuscripts Collections. Contains: Statem ent on Appraisal of Gifts; Statem ent on Legal Title; Statem ent on the Reproduction of Manuscripts and Ar­ chives for Noncommercial Purposes; Statem ent on the Reproduction of Manuscripts and Ar­ chives for Commercial Purposes; and Universal Gift Form and Instructions, l i p . Joint Statem ent on Access to Original Re­ search M aterials (1979). this supersedes the 1976 ACRL Statem ent on Access and the 1974 Standards for Access of SAA (American Archi­ vist, Jan u ary 1974). R eprinted from C ò R L News, April 1979. 2p. Relator Terms for Rare Books, Manuscripts and Special Collections Cataloging (1981). Re­ vised by the ACRL RBMS Standards Com m it­ tee. R ep rin ted from C ò R L N ew s, O ctober 1981. 4p. 80 / C&RL News tim es p e r y ea r. S ix-m onth su b sc rip tio n . $15; ACRL members $10. O rder from: ACRL/ALA, 50 East H uron Street, Chicago, IL 60611. • Index fo r Volumes 26 to 40 (1965-1979) of College & Research Libraries and College & Re­ search Libraries News (1980). Prepared by Eldon W. Tam blyn. 6482-6. $12; ACRL members $10. • Rare Rooks and Manuscripts Librarianship. Two issues per year. Available by subscription only. 0884-450x. $20 U.S. and C anada; $25 over­ seas. CE course syllabi ACRL continuing education course syllabi are available at a cost of $15 (ACRL members $10) per syllabus. O rder from Sandy Donnelly, ACRL, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611. • Librarians as Supervisors (CE 101) identifies the skills necessary to become an effective supervi­ sor w ithin library organizations and explores cur­ rent m anagerial concepts and practices through outlines, checklists and skill inventories. By M au­ reen Sullivan. 1982. 26p. 6745-0. • Strategies and Tactics fo r Enhancing the Role and Position o f the Library w ithin the College or University (CE 104) (2nd edition) explores internal and external factors influencing the role of the aca­ demic library in the college and provides exercises designed to help library adm inistration advance the library’s position w ithin the institution. By P. G rady Morein and H. Lea Wells. 1983. 6747-7. • Operating and M arketing Fee-Based Services in Academ ic Libraries: A Small Business Approach (CE 108a) provides inform ation to enable adminis­ trators and librarians from academic libraries to critically analyze fee-based service operations. By B arbara Stump. 1985. 57p. 6965-8. • Job Training: Developing Training Plans fo r Your S ta ff (CE 110) reviews learning principles and explains w hy initial orientation and training is critical to effective operation of library d ep art­ ments. Covers areas requiring training (for new employees, for perform ance im provem ent, in op­ erational problems or changes and for employee development) and the responsibility of the supervi­ sors in planning, conducting and evaluating tra in ­ ing. By Anne G. Lipow. 1984. 64p. 6882-1. Micro directory Meckler Publishing C orporation will be p u b ­ lishing a book on public access m icrocomputers in academ ic libraries. A list of all known instal­ lations in college and university libraries will be included. If you are not involved w ith th e ACRL M icrocomputer Services in Academic Libraries Discussion Group and would like to have your institution included, send your nam e and address to: Jeannine U ppgard, Assistant L ib r a r ia n , E d u c a tio n a l R esources C e n te r, W estfield State College, Westfield, MA 01086. • A n Introduction to Maps in Libraries: Maps as Inform ation Tools (CE 201) describes the inform a­ tion potential of maps in the academic library envi­ ronm ent. Considers acquisitions, collection devel­ o p m e n t, re fe re n c e , in s tru c tio n sp ac e a n d eq u ip m e n t req u irem en ts. By D avid C obb and Charles Seavey. 1982. 55p. 6750-7. • Teaching Methods fo r the Bibliographic In ­ struction Librarian (CE 202) provides an introduc­ tion to basic learning theory and alternate instruc­ tio n a l m ethods used in lib ra ry in stru ctio n . By M arilla Svinicki. 1981. 62p. 6751-5. • C reative A pproaches to Video fo r B ib lio ­ graphic Instruction (CE 206) examines uses of video, critical production issues and a financial comparison of various m edia products. By Thomas McNally. 1985. 30p. 6927-5. ACRL Publications in Librarianship E ditor: A rthur P. Young, D ean of L ibraries, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881. Available on standing order or as single volumes. O rder from ALA Publishing, 50 E . H uron S t., C hi­ cago, IL 60611. O ut-of-print titles are available from Univesity Microfilms International, 300 N. Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. Titles in Print • No. 39— Libraries fo r Teaching, Libraries fo r Research: Essays fo r a Century. R ichard D. John­ son, comp. (1977). 276p. 0247-2. $15. • No. 40— Book Selling and Book Buying: A s­ pects o f 19th C entury British and N orth Am erican Book Trades. Richard Landon, ed. (1979). 118p. 3224-X. $15. • No. 41 — W om en View Librarianship: Nine Perspectives. K athryn L undy, ed. (1980). 99p. 3251-7. $8. •N o . 42— The Spirit o f Inquiry in Library Sci­ ence: The Graduate Library School at Chicago, 1921-1951. John Richardson. (1982). 238p. 3273- 8. $35. • No. 43— The Landscape o f Literatures: Use of Subject Collections in a University Library. Paul Metz. (1983). 157p. 3286-X. $30. “ •N o . 44— The Carnegie Corporation and the D e v e lo p m e n t o f A m e ric a n C ollege L ib ra ries, 1928-1941. Neil A. Radford. (1984). 272p. 3295-9. $29.95. ■ ■ Cover error The photograph on the cover of the Decem- ber 1986 issue of C& RL News th a t highlighted the article, “T rain in g O nline C atalog Assis- tan ts,” was erroneously attributed to the Uni­ versity of Wyoming. The photo actually shows staff at the Arizona State University.