ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 86 / C&RL News . P E O P L E . P r o f i l e s Ruth J. Person has been nam ed dean of the Col­ lege of L ibrary Science at C larion University of Pennsylvania, effective Septem ber 15, 1986. Since 1979 Person has h e ld se v e ra l a p p o in t­ m en ts a t th e C a th o lic U niversity of Am erica, asssociate d e a n of th e School of L ib ra ry and I n f o r m a tio n S cience (1983-1986) an d assis­ t a n t p ro fe s s o r (1 9 7 9 - 1983). Prior to then she served as a le c tu re r at the University of Michi­ gan, w h ere she held a joint appointm ent w ith th e School of L ib ra r y R uth J. Person Science and the Exten­ sion Service as C o ordinator of L ib rary Science C ontinuing E ducation, and also served as the proj­ ect director of the Public L ibrary Energy E duca­ tion Project. From 1969 to 1971 she was a reference librarian in the Burton Historical Collection at the D etroit Public L ibrary, and from 1971 to 1974 she served as head of reference at Thom as Nelson C om ­ m unity College in H am pton, Virginia. Person has w ritten research articles and reviews for Advances in Library A dm inistration and Orga­ nization, College and Research Libraries, Library Trends, C om m unity and Junior College Libraries, and Reference Rooks Bulletin. She is the editor of The M anagem ent Process: A Selection of Readings fo r Librarians (ALA, 1983), and has h ad a d d i­ tional articles published in the LAMA publications S ta ff Developmen t in Libraries (1984) and Train­ ing Issues in Changing Technology (1986). Active in state and national library and educational asso­ ciations, Person cu rrently serves as chair of the ALISE C ontinuing Education Com m ittee and on the M anuscript Review Com m ittee of the National Association of W om en Deans, A dm inistrators, and Counselors. She currently serves as chair of the ACRL Publi­ cations Com m ittee, and was chair of the ACRL Professional Education Com m ittee from 1984 to 1986, as well as a m em ber of the Editorial Board of Reference Books Bulletin from 1981 to 1985. P er­ son is a m em ber of num erous societies, and was a Rackham Fellow at the University of M ichigan in 1976. In 1986 she served as chair of the Anne A run­ del County (Maryland) Commission for W om en and was nam ed a “W ashington W om an of the Year” by W ashington W om an Magazine. Person earned a bachelor’s degree from Gettys­ burg College in 1967, a Master of Science in Ad­ m inistration from George W ashington University in 1974, and an MLS and Ph.D . from the Univer­ sity of Michigan. Hannelore B. Rader, director of the L ibrary L earning C enter at the University of Wisconsin- Parkside and current president of the Association of C ollege an d R esearch L ib r a r ie s , has b een n a m e d d ir e c to r of l i ­ b ra rie s a t C le v e la n d State University, effec­ tive M arch 1. B efore co m in g to U W –P arkside in 1980, Rader served as coordi­ n a to r of th e E d u c a - tio n /P sy ch o lo g y D iv i­ sion (1 9 7 6 -1 9 8 0 ), o r ie n ta tio n l i b r a r i a n (1970-1976), and assis­ Hannelore B. Rader ta n t hum anities lib ra r­ ian (1968-1970) at E ast­ ern M ichigan U niversity. She holds a m a s te r’s deg ree in G e rm a n lite r a tu r e (1971), an MLS (1968), and a b ach elo r’s degree in Russian and Spanish (1960) from the University of M ichigan, and a specialist certificate in educational leader­ ship from Eastern M ichigan University (1978). As ACRL president, R ader presides over the ACRL Board of Directors and the ACRL Executive C om m ittee, chairs the ACRL Conference Program P lanning C om m ittee for the 1987 ALA A nnual C o n fe re n c e in San F ra n c is c o , a n d w ill p la n ACRL’s President’s Program at the conference. She has also served on the ALA Council in 1980-1984, was chair of the ACRL E ducation and Behavioral Sciences Section in 1978-1979, and is now chair of the ALA International Relations Com m ittee and International Relations Round Table. R ader received a Council on L ibrary Resources February 1987 / 87 fellowship in 1975-1976 to study ten academ ic li­ brary instruction program s in the United States and C anada. In 1979 she was presented the W alter H. Kaiser Memorial Award by the M ichigan L i­ brary Association, and in 1984 she won a D istin­ guished A lum nus A w ard by th e U niversity of M ichigan School of L ibrary and Inform ation Sci­ ence. She recently received an invitation by the G erm an L ibrary Institute in Berlin to go on a 3- week lecture tour to m ajor universities and library schools in G erm any in May 1987. People in the News Charmaine Boyd, coordinator of user services at P rin c e G eo rg e’s C o m m u n ity C ollege, L a rg o , M aryland, was honored by a resolution passed late last year by the D istrict of C olum bia Board of L i­ brary Trustees. Boyd was the originator of Citizen Advocates for Libraries (CAL), a district group dedicated to the im provem ent of library program s an d services. T h ro u g h CAL an d o th e r lib ra ry groups, she coordinated visits to Capitol Hill offices in support of larger library budgets. In 1985-1986 Boyd was ch air of th e Publicity C om m ittee for ACRL’s F ourth N ational Conference in Baltimore. Michael Ochs, lib ra ria n of th e E d n a K uhn Loeb Music L ibrary of H arvard University, has been appointed the ninth editor of the Music Li­ b ra ry A ssociation’s jo u rn a l, N otes. O chs, w ho holds a doctorate in library adm inistration from Simmons College, has published and lectured ex­ tensively in the areas of music librarianship and music bibliography. He has been actively involved in the ad m inistrative structures of th e In te rn a ­ tional Association of Music Libraries and the Re­ search Libraries G roup, as well as the Music L i­ b rary Association. Ochs succeeds Susan T. Sommer as editor. Appointments (A ppointm ent notices are taken from lib rary newsletters, letters from personnel offices and ap ­ pointees, and other sources. To ensure th a t your appointm ent appears, w rite to the E ditor, ACRL, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) Gordon J. Aamot has been appointed assistant business adm inistration librarian in the Business A dm inistration L ibrary at the University of W ash­ ington, Seattle. Patricia Bare has joined the staff of the Refer­ ence D epartm ent at the University of Virginia Law L ibrary, Charlottesville. Lori A. Barela has been appointed serials cata­ log librarian at the University of D enver, Colo­ rado. Karen Blank has been appointed head of access services at the University of California, Davis, ef­ fective F ebruary 15. Rorert M. Braude has been nam ed head lib ra r­ ian at the Samuel J. W ood Medical L ibrary of C or­ nell University, Ithaca, New York. Richard D . BuRRANKhas been appointed music catalog coordinator at the University of Illinois, U rbana-C ham paign. Mary Burgett has been appointed NOTIS m a r­ keting lib rarian at N orthw estern University, E van­ ston, Illinois. Loretta Caren is now head of the reference de­ p artm en t at the Rochester Institute of Technology, New York. David H. Carlson has been nam ed director of library systems at the University of Louisville, Ken­ tucky. Ilze Choi is now evening reference lib rarian in the Social Science D epartm ent at the University of New Orleans, Louisiana. Fredrika Clement has been appointed library developm ent co-officer at S tanford University, California. Donald Daidone has been appointed social sci­ ences bibliographer at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Christopher C. Dorrs has been appointed gov­ ernm ent publications lib rarian at Old D om inion University, Norfolk, Virginia. Laurel M. Downing has been appointed gen­ eral reference librarian at Old D om inion Univer­ sity, Norfolk, Virginia. Dane E. Evans has been appointed music and fine arts lib rarian at the University of New O r­ leans, Louisiana. Morel Fry has been appointed m anagem ent services lib ra ria n at O ld D om inion University, Norfolk, Virginia. Betty Furlong has been appointed coordinator of library autom ation procedures at N orthw estern University, Evanston, Illinois. Susan Gangl has been appointed reference li­ b ra ria n in th e H u m an ities/S o cial Sciences L i­ braries at the University of Minnesota, M inneapo­ lis. Sharon Gause has been appointed head of the Engineering L ibrary at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Linda J. Goff is now library instruction lib ra r­ ian at C alifornia State University, Sacramento. Kathleen Gorman has been appointed assistant to the university librarian at the University of M in­ nesota, Minneapolis. Crystal Graham has been a p p o in te d L a tin American m onographs cataloger at the University of California, San Diego. Janette J. Griffin is the new catalog librarian at the University of New Orleans, Louisiana. Sharon Hackney has been appointed head of the M edia/C urriculum Libraries of the Pickier Me­ m orial L ibrary at N ortheast Missouri State Univer­ sity, Kirksville. Celia Hayles has been appointed reference li- 88 / C&RL News brarian in the Humanities/Social Sciences Li­ braries at the University of Minnesota, Minneapo­ lis. Donna Hirst has been appointed acting project director for automated library systems at the Uni­ versity of Iowa, Iowa City. Jean Houghton has been appointed assistant di­ rector for technical services at the University of De­ troit, Michigan. Rebecca R. House is now assistant professor of library science at Purdue University Calumet, Hammond, Indiana. Frank Immler is the new head of the collection development division in the Humanities/Social Sci­ ences Libraries at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Thomas Izbicki has been appointed historical and political studies librarian at Wichita State Uni­ versity, Kansas. Bruce Jones has been appointed director of ad­ ministrative services at Stanford University, Cali­ fornia. Carolyn Kacena has been appointed director of the Library Automation Program at Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. Kathleen Kenny has been appointed science reference librarian at the Auraria Library, Den­ ver, Colorado. Pamela C. Kessinger is now reader services li­ brarian at Danville Area Community College, Illi­ nois. Mary Koenig has been appointed reference li­ brarian in the Humanities/Social Sciences Li­ braries at the University of Minnesota, Minneapo­ lis. Rrigitte Kueppers has been appointed head of the Theater Arts Library at the University of Cali­ fornia, Los Angeles. Cheryl M. La Guardia has been appointed in­ terlibrary loan librarian at the University of Cali­ fornia, Santa Barbara. Susan La Paro has been appointed systems/auto- mation librarian at Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia. Brenda Larison is now head librarian at the Illi­ nois Legislative Research Unit, Springfield. Erika M. McCaffrey is now senior reference li­ brarian in the Baker Library of the Harvard Uni­ versity Graduate School of Business Administra­ tion, Boston. Marilyn McClaskey has been appointed head of cataloging at the St. Paul Campus Libraries at the University of Minnesota. Janet McCue is now head of technical services at the Mann Library of Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Betty Maroscher is the new Learning Re­ sources Center coordinator at St. Philip’s College, San Antonio, Texas. Janice H. Masud has been appointed general reference librarian at Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia. Susan E. Mayes has been appointed cataloger at Belmont Abbey College, Belmont, North Caro­ lina. Oscar Metzger is now chairman of the new Learning Resources Department at San Antonio College, Texas. Gay L. Monaco has been appointed general ref­ erence librarian at Old Dominion University, Nor­ folk, Virginia. Eugene T. Neely has been named dean of li­ braries at Adelphi University, Garden City, New York. David J. Nutty has been appointed audiovisual services librarian at Loyola University, Chicago. Kathleen Prendergast has been appointed manager of information services at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. Gayle Reeves is now management reference li­ brarian at Northwestern University, Evanston, Il­ linois. Frances Ellis Rice is now reference/evening circulation librarian in the Garbrecht Law Library at the University of Maine, Portland. Caitlin Robinson has been appointed technical services librarian at the University of Iowa Law Li­ brary, Iowa City. David Rosenblatt is now assistant archivist at Auburn University, Alabama. Gerald Schafer has been appointed coordina­ tor of collection development at the Auraria Li­ brary, Denver, Colorado. Benjamin Hall Shapiro has been appointed NOTIS user services librarian at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. Mackenzie Smith has been appointed systems librarian at Harvard University. Randall J. Snyder is now associate librarian for adm inistration at the Burns Law L ibrary of George W ashington University, W ashington, D.C. Charles Spetland has been appointed refer­ ence librarian in the Humanities/Social Sciences Libraries at the University of Minnesota, Minneap­ olis. Mara Sprain is now reference librarian in the Science and Engineering Library at the University of California, San Diego. Tim Tamminga has been appointed NOTIS mar­ keting librarian at Northwestern University, Evan­ ston, Illinois. Kimberly Tolman is now senior reference li­ brarian in the Underwood Law Library at South­ ern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. William W. Wells has been appointed law li­ brarian at the University of Maine School of Law, Portland. Steve Wrede has been appointed head of circu­ lation at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Marie Wright is now manager of information services with Sigma Theta Tau, the International Honor Society of Nursing. 90 / C&RL News Retirements Wilnora Arnold, coordinator of the Library Technology program at San A ntonio College, Texas, retired December 20, 1986. A member of the library faculty since 1961, Arnold taught vari­ ous courses in the Library Technology program for the past 18 years. Georgene Bias, library director at St. Philip’s College, San Antonio, Texas, since 1974, retired in December w ith the title of Professor Emeritus. A m em ber of the staff of St. Philip’s for 26 years, Bias was honored by the Alamo Com munity College Board of Trustees w ith a public citation for distin­ guished and dedicated service. Giêert J. Clausman, librarian at the New York University Medical Center, New York City, retired January 1 after more than 31 years of service. Myron J. Jacobstein, director of the Law Li­ brary at Stanford University since 1963, has an­ nounced his retirem ent effective August 31 of this year. Tung King Ng, head of the Asian Studies Li­ brary at the University of British Columbia, V an­ couver, for 25 years, retired in December. Margaret Oaksford, librarian of the Hotel Ad­ m inistration Library at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, retired after a 25 years of service. Oaks- ford’s tim e at Cornell was interrupted by several years during which she earned her MLS from the Catholic University School of Library Science and worked at the University of M aryland Library. She began at Cornell in 1961 as a searcher in the Acqui­ sition D epartm ent, serving subsequently as catalog librarian, reference librarian on special assignment for the South C entral Research Library Council, reference librarian in the Uris Library, and, since 1978, hotel adm inistration librarian. Oaksford was chief librarian of the former College C enter of the Finger Lakes, and functioned as a senior reference librarian in the Tompkins County Public Library. She also established and ran her own inn in Groton, New York. Carl H . Sachtleben, director of libraries at W estern Michigan University since 1971, retired January 5. Sachtleben began his career at V alpa­ raiso University in 1946. From 1950 to 1957 he was librarian at the St. Louis L utheran High School, and from 1958 to 1964 he worked in various capaci­ ties at St. Louis University, becoming assistant to the director of libraries. In 1964 he became direc­ tor of libraries at Valparaiso, and was later nam ed library director at W estern M ichigan. An ALA m em ber and a member of the Michigan Library Association, Sachtleben has served on numerous committees, and has been active in Beta Phi Mu, the L utheran Academy for Scholarship, as well as the Rotary Club and the L utheran Church. Deaths Allen Asaf, cataloger in the Grolier Club Li­ brary, New York City, died suddenly November 28, 1986, at the age of 28. Asaf had been w ith the C lub since 1982 and had developed a w ide ac­ quaintance among the membership. He compiled complete lists of the C lub’s publications and exhibi­ tions for the 1984 centennial and was co-compiler of a centennial membership list. Willie Mae Dawkins, coordinator of reference services at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside, died November 23, 1986, in Milwaukee. She was 39. D aw k in s jo in e d th e lib r a r y in 1981 as a reference-instruction librarian after receiving her MLS from th e U niversity of M aryland (1979). From 1969 to 1977, following graduation from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical Col­ lege, she was a researcher for H ow ard University, and worked in local and network radio and taught school as a substitute. Dawkins served as a mem ber of the ALA Black Caucus and Junior Members’ Round Table Minority Recruitm ent Committee. She served as co-chair of the ACRL Black Studies Librarianship Com mittee and on the Copyright Committee, and was a m em ber of the Wisconsin Library Association and the Wisconsin Association of Academic Libraries. Deeply involved in campus m inority affairs at UW –Parkside, Dawkins was also active in the National Association for the Ad­ vancement of Colored People. Robert Hammond Haynes, who retired as assis­ tan t librarian of H arvard College in 1963, died De­ cember 6, 1986, the day after his 90th birthday. Haynes received his bachelor’s degree from Bow- doin College in 1919, and studied at the graduate level at H arvard from 1919 to 1922, returning in 1928 as assistant in reference and circulation in the College Library. In 1931 he became superinten­ dent of circulation and was appointed assistant li­ brarian in 1937. Haynes assumed additional re­ sponsibilities as curator of the Theodore Roosevelt Collection in 1956, and took special interest in the Winsor Memorial Map Room. For m any years he was chairm an of the Board of Trustees of the C am ­ bridge, Massachusetts, Public Library, and was p art owner of the Old Farmers’ Almanac. Martha P. Lawry, assistant professor emeritus of the Ohio State University Libraries, died De­ cember 16,1986, at her home in Columbus. Law ry held several positions during a decade of service at Ohio State, including head of the W om en’s Studies Library (1979-80) and head of the Catalog De­ partm ent (1982-86). Law ry was an active member of m any professional organizations and was a member of the Executive Board of the Academic Library Association of Ohio and of the Board of D i­ rectors of the Ohio Library Foundation. She was co-editor and later editor (1979-80) of W o m e n ’s Studies Review. A strong advocate for the involve­ m ent of technical services librarians in library user education, Law ry held a bachelor’s degree (with distinction) from the College of Wooster, a mas­ ter’s in speech from Northwestern University, and an MLS from Case W estern Reserve University, February 1987 / 91 and was a member of several honor societies in­ cluding Phi Beta Kappa and Beta Phi Mu. Gloria Lyerla, head of interlibrary loan at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, died suddenly December 15, 1986. Lyerla’s career at Texas Tech spanned more than 30 years. She served as reserve, periodicals, and reference librarian before assum­ ing her position in Interlibrary Loan in 1973, and was instrumental in establishing interlibrary loan services in the Southwest region. Kate McKay, copyright reference librarian at the New York University Law Library, New York City, since 1978, died October 11, 1986. McKay was a longtime member of the American Associa­ tion of Law Libraries and served on its Copyright Committee. Toshio Sasaki, professor at the University of Li­ brary and Information Science in Tsukuba, Japan, died November 7,1986, at the age of 62. The doyen of Japanese agricultural librarians, Sasaki was cho­ sen in 1961-62 to study at the School of Library Service at Columbia University. Returning to Ja­ pan, he developed new library services at the Uni­ versity of Tokyo, remaining as associate librarian (in Japanese terms the head librarian) for 20 years, during which he introduced modern library m eth­ ods and services to faculty and students. He as­ sumed his position in Tsukuba in 1983. Together with a few leaders in the field of Japanese agricul­ tural libraries, Sasaki founded the Japan Associa­ tion of Agricultural Librarians and Documental- ists (JAALD) in 1966 and had served on its board of directors since that time, becoming vice president in 1980. Muriel Spaulding, a former librarian at the University of California, Davis, died December 1, 1986. Spaulding came to UC-Davis in 1949 follow­ ing service in World W ar II and was a catalog li­ brarian, serving briefly as head of the Catalog De­ partm ent. From 1950 to 1960 she worked in the Reference Department before returning to the C at­ alog Department. Spaulding retired in 1971. Marjorie Stone, re tire d lib ra ria n - bibliographer in the former Grey Herbarium of Harvard University, died August 19, 1986. Stone came to Harvard in 1931 as bibliographer of the Gray Card Index, the index to new names and new combinations of vascular plants native to the New World. In 1950-51 she became librarian, retiring in 1954, the year the Grey Herbarium and Arnold Arboretum libraries were combined. ■ ■ • Academic Library Use o f NTIS: Suggestions for Services and Core Collection is a practical manual on the resources and services of the National Tech­ nical Information Service. A bibliographic guide to the core collections found through NTIS is given, as well as an appendix on searching OCLC for NTIS materials. Copies may be obtained for $12 (plus $3 handling) from NTIS, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. Order PB86-228871/KEF. • The CLASS Directory of Interlibrary Loan Pol- icies (3d ed., November 1986) includes information on nearly 700 institutions participating in both RLIN and OnTyme. Each listing includes: ad­ dress, ILL staff, telephone number, network affili­ ations, lending policies, photocopy charges, and li­ brary codes for various systems. The directory is available to CLASS members for $30 and to non­ members for $35. Contact: Rose Sebastian, Coop­ erative Library Agency for Systems and Services, 1415 Koll Circle, Suite 101, San Jose, CA 95112- 4698. • Colorado Local History: A Directory, com- piled by Carol Joy and Terry Ann Mood (2d ed., PUBLICA 1986), is an update of the first edition published in 1975 an d sponsored jo in tly by th e C olorado Centennial-Bicentennial Commission and the Col­ orado Library Association. The directory lists by Colorado county all collections of local history held by libraries, museums, historical societies, schools, colleges, and private collections in Colorado. The Colorado State Library will distribute free copies to academic libraries w ithin the state; other li­ braries may purchase the directory for $4.95 from the Museum Store, Colorado Historical Society, 1300 Broadway, Denver, CO 80203. • French Reference Aids in the University of To- ronto Library, by Margaret Allan and Mary Mc- Tavish (101 pages, 1986), describes bibliographies and other reference books from all over the world on French language and literature. The bibliogra­ phy includes more than 450 annotated entries that will aid scholars conducting research in French and French-Canadian studies. Copies are avail­ able for $10 from the Reference Department, Uni­ versity of Toronto Library, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A5. TIONS