ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 482 / C & R L N ew s Letter Humor and creativity: Chemists To th e E ditor: N orm an D . Stevens asks in his article, “H u m o r an d C reativity: M usic,” C & R L N ew s, April 1989, p p .274-76: “W hoever h e ard of a funny chem ist or ch em istry lib r a r ia n ? ” F u lly re a liz in g t h a t M r. Stevens is unconsciously (?) needling us to praise by first him self debunking th e species (does he h ave a g ran t from th e A m erican C hem ical Society for free publicity?), I fall victim to his lure. H aving been m arried to a funny chem ist for m ore th a n 33 years, an d closely associated w ith his d e p artm en tal col­ leagues for alm ost as long, I can u n equivocally state th a t chemists have as good an d as b a d a sense of hu m o r as any other group and are p ro b ab ly far guiltier of p u n n in g th a n most. My experience w ith chem istry lib rarian s is nil, b u t science lib rarian s— tem p ered perhaps by th e lightheartedness of phys­ ics, biology an d geology—have vied successfully w ith th e ir fellow O berlin lib rarian s in puckishness, friv o lity a n d sly h u m o r .— D in a S c h o o n m a ke r, H e a d , S p e c ia l C o lle c tio n s a n d P r e s e r v a tio n , O berlin College, Ohio. N o rm a n Stevens responds: Anecdotal evidence, such as th a t cited by Mrs. Schoonm aker, fails to disprove m y original conten­ tion about th e unfunniness of chemists an d chemis­ try librarians. As associate editor for inform ational science of th e Journal o f Irreproducible Results, an d a regular reader of th a t infam ous jo u rn al, I am w ell a w are of w h a t passes for h u m o r am ong chem ­ ists even as I note th a t m y fellow associate editors include those w ith specific responsibility for bio­ chem istry (1) and chem istry (2). Some of it I enjoy b u t m uch of it, like m uch of chem istry, is over m y head. As for chem istry librarians I suspect th a t they are so busy keeping th e chemists h ap p y , especially by protecting th eir d e p artm en tal libraries from th e th re a t of centralization, th a t they have little tim e for creativity and hum or. So far, a t least, no chem ­ istry lib rarian , and indeed no science lib rarian of any kind, has responded to m y challenge to subm it examples th a t dem onstrate th a t they too are h u ­ m an. Perhaps Mrs. Schoonm aker, an d others, will send along ap p ro p riate examples of “puckishness, frivolity and sly h u m o r. ” If th ey do, I ’ll be h ap p y to apologize in a fu tu re com m entary and com pilation o f w h a t does e x ist.—N o rm a n D . S teven s, 143 H anks Road, Storrs, C T 06268. ■ ■ INNOVATIONS Using Innovacq to create a subject guide to periodical indexes B y M argaret S. F er g u so n Reference Librarian San Jose State University a n d C hristina A . B r u n d a g e Reference Librarian San Jose State University T he San Jose State U niversity (SJSU) reference desk is very busy and students often w a it in line to get service. SJSU has one m ain lib rary w hich serves all students an d faculty, an d librarians m ust assist w ith all types of questions, from business to music. W hy n o t provide students w ith a tool such as a sub­ ject guide to periodical indexes, w ith w hich they could help themselves? T h e guide w ould b e of as­ sistance also to librarians w ho m ig h t n o t be fam il­ ia r w ith all available indexes an d to patrons w ho w a n t to do an exhaustive search of th e periodical lite ra tu re in a field. In order to m eet these needs, w e created th e Subject G uide to Periodical Indexes (SGPI).