ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 414 / C&RL News Collectanea). The catalog, however, will not en­ compass the large number of rare books brought to Taiwan by the Nationalist government in 1949, nor books in minority languages such as Manchu, Mongol, and Tibetan. In Taiwan, the National Central Library has already produced its catalog of Chinese rare books, with all titles microfilmed and entered into an automated database. ■ ■ . P E O P L E . Profiles Stephanie Rogers Bangert has been appointed library director at Saint Mary’s College, Moraga, California. Bangert came to Saint Mary’s in 1983 as special services librarian responsible for developing and directing information services for off-campus pro­ grams. She was named assistant director for infor­ mation services in 1985. Her previous positions have included online reference services librarian at San Jose State University (1978-1982) and head of the Bibliographic Retrieval Unit (BAKER) at the University of California, Berkeley (1973-1978). She holds bachelor’s (1975) and MLS (1977) de­ grees from UC–Berkeley. Active in numerous professional organizations, she was elected to the boards of the Cooperative Li­ brary Agency for Systems and Services (CLASS) and the Bay Area Library and Information Net­ work (BALIN) in 1985. She was elected chair of BALIN in 1986. Bangert’s most recent publication is “Academic Librarians in the Field: Library Service to Off- Campus Students,” published in The Off-Campus Library Services Conference Proceedings (Central Michigan University Press, 1986). Two hundred h is to r ic y e a r s o f The World’s n ew s in m icroform . Over 200 years of factual reporting … dozens of acclaimed international newspapers like The Times, The Washington Post, Le Monde, Der Spiegel, Asahi Shimbun,The Age, Financial Times, Jew ish Chronicle . . . all of them available on microfilm from Research Publications. This is probably the most inexhaustible, high- quality collection of international newspapers ever preserved in microform — perfect for scholars, re­ searchers, and the general public. For further information, or to order current sub­ scriptions and backfiles, call Research Publications today at 1-800-REACH-RP (1-800-732-2477). From Connecticut, Alaska and Canada, call collect 203-397- 2600. July/August 1987 / 415 John Montag, the state librarian of Iowa, has been appointed director of the library at W itten­ berg University, Springfield, Ohio, effective July 1. As head of the State Library of Iowa, he su­ pervised a staff of more than 40 persons with a budget in excess of $2 million. Before assum­ ing his current position, M o n tag was assistan t professor of libraries at th e U n iv ersity of N e­ braska in Lincoln and reference and liaison li­ b ra ria n and instructor of lib ra ry science at John Montag C o n c o rd ia C ollege in Minnesota. He is a graduate of Midland Lutheran College in Nebraska and holds an MLS from the University of Iowa. In his new position M ontag will adm inister Thomas Library, a facility built for $6 million and dedicated in 1982. Susan K. Nutter has been named director of li­ braries at North Carolina State University, Ra­ leigh, effective August 1. Nutter will replace Isaac T. Littleton, who is re­ tirin g a fte r d ire c tin g N C SU ’s lib ra rie s for more than two decades. N utter, associate di­ re c to r for co llectio n management and tech­ nical services at the Mas­ sachusetts In s titu te of Technology L ibraries, has 20 years of experi­ ence in research library work. In her new job she will be responsible for Susan K. Nutter N C SU ’s 1.2 m illio n - volum e collection, the university’s D .H . Hill Library and five branch li­ braries, and the 165 employees who work in the NCSU libraries. N utter has been a member of the MIT libraries staff for more than 17 years. At MIT she has served as associate head of the engineering libraries, as re­ sources and technical services librarian and in three positions with Project INTREX, a pioneering ex­ perim ent in information transfer and library auto­ mation. She also spent a year on leave from MIT as a Council on Library Resources academic library management intern at UNC–Chapel Hill during 1979-1980. N u tter received her bachelor’s degree from Colby College in Waterville, Maine. She earned her MLS at Simmons College in Boston and a cer­ tificate from the administrative development pro­ gram in M IT’s Alfred P. Sloan School of Manage­ m ent. A dditional studies include the g rad u ate program in m anagem ent at Babson College in Wellesley, Massachusetts. A member of ALA, Nutter also holds member­ ships or committee assignments with the Associa­ tion of Research Libraries, and the American Soci­ ety for Inform ation Science. Joan R. Giesecke has been appointed assistant dean of automation and technical services at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, effective April 6. Giesecke had been at George Mason University from 1978 in different capacities, including adm in­ istrator for the North Campus Branch Library, the administrator for collection management, and as­ sociate librarian. Prior to this experience, she was business reference librarian and assistant depart­ ment head for adult services at Prince George’s County Memorial Library System. Giesecke has a bachelor’s degree in economics from SUNY-Buffalo (1973), an MLS from the Uni­ versity of Maryland (1973), a master’s degree in management from Central Michigan University (1979), and is nearing completion of a doctorate in public administration from George Mason Univer­ sity. She has served as a consultant on staff develop­ ment issues and has presented several papers on li­ brary automation. She has been active in local, state, and national library organizations. People in the news E. Dale Cluff, director of the Texas Tech Uni­ versity Libraries, Lubbock, has been named chair of the AMIGOS Board of Trustees for 1987-88. W ith a $10 m illion b u d g et, AMIGOS B iblio­ graphic Council, Inc., Dallas, provides computer­ ized library services to more than 300 members in the Southwest, including access to O CLC, DIA­ LOG, and BRS. Kathy F aust, technical services lib ra ria n at Lewis & Clark Law School, Portland, Oregon, left for New Zealand in m id–June for a seven-month job exchange. Her exchange partner is James Cor- das, deputy director of the Cataloging D epartm ent at the University of Otago Library. Warren James Haas, president of the Council on L ibrary Resources since 1978, was aw arded an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters at the Indi­ ana University commencement ceremony on May 9. Haas, a former director of libraries at the Uni­ versity of Pennsylvania and, later, Columbia Uni­ versity, was responsible for the establishment of the National Commission on Preservation and Access and was instrumental in the organization of the Re­ search Libraries Group. An internationally recog­ nized expert and consultant in library preservation and education, Haas was the recipient of ALA’s Melvil E. Dewey Award in 1984. 416 / C&R L News Beverly P. Lynch, university librarian at th University of Illinois at Chicago since 1971 an past president of ALA, was awarded the first Dis tinguished Alumnus Award at commencement cer emonies May 24 at the Urbana-Champaign cam pus. Lynch received her MLS from Illinois in 195 and a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin i 1972. In addition to ALA, Lynch has also served o the board of directors of the Center for Researc Libraries and the executive committee of the Cen ter for the Book at the Library of Congress. She wa named ACRL Academic Librarian of the Year i 1981. P. Grady Morein, director of libraries at th University of West Florida, Pensacola, has been se lected as the first Outstanding Alumnus of the Lou isiana State University School of Library and Infor mation Science. Morein earned his MLS in 196 and a Ph.D. in management in 1975. He was for merly director of libraries at the University o Evansville. Boris Raymond, is the principal investigator in project funded by the Social Sciences and Humani ties Research Council of Canada to study the im pact of computer-based communication technolo gies upon the lib rary profession. A tw o-yea renewable grant of $18,000 for this purpose ha been aw arded to Raymond, a professor at th School of Library and Inform ation Science a Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, an his co-investigator, Richard Apostle. Appointments (Appointments are taken from library newslet ters, letters from personnel offices and appointees and other sources. To ensure that your appoint ment appears, write to the Editor, ACRL, 50 E Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) Elizabeth Ader is now head of access services a the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Nancy A. Armstrong has been appointed refer ence librarian in the Law Library at Villanov University, Pennsylvania. Ralph Andrew Barnes is now head of the Cata loging Department in the Law Library at the Uni versity of Texas, Austin. William Bearden has been appointed assistan director for technical services at Stockton Stat College, Pomona, New Jersey. Barbara Beaton is now reference librarian a the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Lonnie P. Beene is now head of the Catalogin Department at West Texas State University, Can yon. Betsey Belkin has been named director of the li brary at Ursuline College, Pepper Pike, Ohio. Susan Benner is the new assistant acquisitions li brarian in the Law Library at Loyola University Chicago. Mark Bernstein has been appointed referenc e d ­ ­ ­ 9 n n h ­ s n e ­ ­ ­ 6 ­ f a ­ ­ ­ r s e t d ­ , ­ . t ­ a ­ ­ t e t g ­ ­ ­ , e librarian in the Law Library at Columbia Univer­ sity, New York City. Deb Biggs is now librarian at the Center for Continuing Education of Women at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. James Bird has joined the staff of the Reference Department at the University of Maryland, Col­ lege Park. Carlene M. Bogle has been appointed life sciences/general reference librarian at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. D. Scott Brandt is the new physics and geosci­ ences librarian at Purdue University, West Lafay­ ette, Indiana. Gloria Chawla has been appointed reference librarian at the University of Maryland, College Park. Madeline Copp is the new humanities librarian in the Reference Department at the University of California, Irvine. John T. Corrigan, has been named executive director of the C atholic L ibrary Association, Haverford, Pennsylvania. Sherre H. Dryden has been appointed biblio­ graphic instruction coordinator at Vanderbilt Uni­ versity, Nashville, Tennessee, effective August 3. Richard Ducey has been appointed director of the Law Library at the University of Tulsa, Okla­ homa. Nelda Elder has been appointed chair of col­ lection quality enhancement at Kansas State Uni­ versity, Manhattan. Virginia Eskridge has been appointed head of public services at the West Virginia College of Law, Morgantown. Daniel Ferrer has been appointed systems li­ brarian at the University of Maryland, College Park. Ron Fingerson has joined the faculty of the School of Library Science at the University of Iowa, Iowa City. Mark Folmsbee is the new reader services li­ brarian in the Law Library at Gonzaga University, Spokane, Washington. Paula Gabbard has been appointed indexer/re- ference librarian for the Avery Index in the Avery Library at Columbia University, New York City. James Goodridge has joined the reference staff of the Law Library at Loyola University, Chicago. Robert Grover has joined the faculty of the School of Librarianship at the University of South Florida, Tampa. Debra B. Hackleman has been appointed head of the Cataloging Departm ent at Oregon State University, Corvallis. Charles Haddix is now specialist for the Sound Archive at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Vickie Hanawalt has been named director of the library at Reed College, Portland, Oregon, ef­ fective August 1. Patricia Harper is assistant director for public services at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. July /August 1987 / 417 Amy Heinrich is now head of reference and re­ source services in the East Asian L ibrary at C olum ­ bia University, New York City. John B. Hillis is the new head of Special Collec­ tions at Florida A tlantic University, Boca Raton. Alan Holoch has been nam ed director of the L aw L ibrary at Ohio State University, Columbus. Carol Ann Klink is now acquisitions librarian in the L aw L ibrary at Loyola University, Chicago. Paul Koda has been a p p o in te d h ead of th e newly developed Preservation D epartm ent at the University of M aryland, College Park. Betty A. Lawrence has been appointed liaison librarian for the B row ard Tow er Cam pus at F lor­ ida A tlantic University, Boca Raton. Judith Levy has been appointed library coordi­ nator for AIDS inform ation and awareness at the University of C alifornia, Berkeley. Lucretia McCulley is now general reference lib rarian at the University of Richm ond, Virginia. Bertrum MacDonald has been appointed assis­ ta n t professor in the School of L ibrary and Infor­ m ation Studies at Dalhousie University, Plalifax, Nova Scotia. Betsy McKenzie has been appointed reader ser­ vices librarian in the Law L ibrary at St. Louis Uni­ versity, Missouri. Betty McNeal has been nam ed director of the library at the O ld College School of Law , Nevada. Mary MacQuirren is now editor of the PAIS Bulletin, published by the Public Affairs Inform a­ tion Service, In c., New York City. Mary D. Mahoney is the new head of public ser­ vices in the L aw L ibrary at M arquette University, M ilwaukee, Wisconsin. Paula A. Markes has been appointed systems li­ b rarian at H arvard University, C am bridge, Mas­ achusetts. Patricia Davitt Maughan is the new head of the Science Libraries D epartm ent at the University of C alifornia, Berkeley. Rorert L. Migneault has been nam ed dean of ibrary services at the University of New Mexico, lbuquerque. Virginia F. Moreland has been appointed head f the Reference D epartm ent at Georgia State Uni­ ersity, A tlanta. Judith Morgan has been nam ed director of the aw L ibrary at O klahom a City University. Joe D. Mount has been appointed history bibli­ grapher at V anderbilt University, Nashville, T en­ essee. Karen Muller has been appointed executive di­ ector of the Resources and Technical Services D i­ ision of ALA. J. Larry Murdock has been appointed docu­ ents coordinator and reference librarian at P u r­ ue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. Harold D. Neikirk has been nam ed director of he library at W estern M aryland College, W est­ inster. Mary Ann Nelson is the new associate director s l A o v L o n r v m d t m of the L aw L ibrary at W ashington University, St. Louis, Missouri. Christopher W . Nolan is now reference ser­ vices lib rarian at T rinity University, San Antonio, Texas. Douglas D. Oleson has been nam ed director of the library at Eastern Oregon State College, La- Grande. Jill Parchuk has been appointed head of the Original M onographs C ataloging D epartm ent at Colum bia University, New York City. Thomas A. Peters has been appointed hum ani­ ties re fe re n c e l i b r a r i a n a t th e U n iv e rsity of Missouri-Kansas City. Kenneth E. Quinn has been appointed engi- neering/physical sciences/general reference lib ra r­ ian at C alifornia State Polytechnic University, Po­ mona. Kathy Rod is now reference lib rarian at G rin­ nell College, Iowa. Jane Rosenberg has been appointed program officer, access category, in the Division of Research Program s at the National E ndow m ent for the H u­ manities, W ashington, D .C . Carol Rudisell has joined the reference staff at the University of D elaw are, Newark. Gerald Saxon is now assistant director for spe- Ohio University to co-sponsor automation conference in China In cooperation w ith Xi’an Jiaotong Univer­ sity in Xi’an, Shaanxi Prcvince, C hina, and the K anazaw a Institute of Technology in Japan, Ohio University, Athens, is planning for an In ­ te rn a tio n al Symposium on New Techniques and Applications in Libraries. The Symposium will be held at the Xi’an Jiaotong University Cam pus, Septem ber 8– 11, 1988. The focus of the gathering, w hich will in­ clude library and inform ation specialists from m any different countries, is on the introduction and adaptation of new technologies in library and inform ation centers, on the design, use, and m anagem ent of appropriate inform ation services and facilities, and research into the w edding of libraries, technologies, and services to m eet inform ation needs. Focus will be on the a d o p tio n of new technologies in th e T h ird W orld w ith special reference to China. Brochures outlining the Conference and calls for papers are available from: Kent M ulliner, Assistant to the D irector, Ohio University L i­ braries, Athens, OH 45701-2978; (614) 593- 2707. Notifications of intent to p articipate are re­ quested by July 15, 1987. The scheduling of the conference in historic Xi’an in the autum n coin­ cides w ith the best season to visit th a t region. Sightseeing and visits to other areas in conjunc­ tion w ith the Symposium are planned. 418 / C&RL News cial collections at the U niversity of Texas at Arlington. Ann Scott has been appointed associate dean for research and information services at Kansas State University, M anhattan. Lindy Siegert has been reappointed assistant professor in the School of Library and Information Studies at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Kay F. Smith has been appointed assistant m an­ agement and economics librarian at Purdue Uni­ versity, West Lafayette, Indiana. Elizabeth Ann Snyder has been appointed co­ ordinator of the New England Library Consortium in the Law School Library at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Catherine Thomas has been appointed serials cataloger/recon supervisor in the Serials Catalog­ ing D epartm ent at Columbia University, New York City. Danny Wait,ace is now assistant professor in the School of Library and Information Science at Indi­ ana University, Bloomington. Lawrence J. Woods is now assistant executive director of the Public Affairs Information Service, Inc., New York City. Gregory K. Youngen has been appointed assis­ tan t engineering librarian at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. Anne E. Zald has been appointed reference li­ brarian at Oberlin College, Ohio. Retirements Dorothy Cox, acquisitions librarian in the Law Library at Loyola University of Chicago, retired recently after 34 years of service. Finn Henriksen, a senior legal specialist in the European Law Division of the Law Library at the Library of Congress, retired May 1 after 16 years of service. Born in Copenhagen, Henriksen was a law yer in D enm ark before em ig ratin g to the United States in 1958. Pie earned an MLS in 1960 from the University of W ashington and a Juris Doctor degree in 1965 from the St. Louis Univer­ sity School of Law. In 1970 he became a citizen of the United States and was adm itted to the bar in the State of Missouri. Before coming to the Library of Congress, where he was a specialist in the legal systems of the Scandinavian countries, Henriksen served on the School of Law faculties at St. Louis U niversity, H a rv a rd , Kansas U niversity, and Washington University in St. Louis. Deaths Zdislava Kohak, former librarian of the Uni­ versity of Maryland’s Munich, Germany, campus, died March 18 in Hanson, Massachusetts. She had been retired since the early 1970s. Born in Czecho­ slovakia, Kohak majored in English and philoso­ phy and studied abroad in Angoulême, France, and at Rockford College in Illinois, where she was one of the first exchange students. After earning a doctorate at Charles Prague University in Czecho­ slovakia, she taught at various gymnasiums. Her career was interrupted by the Second World W ar, when she spent eight months in Gestapo prisons for involvement in underground resistance activities. After settling in the United States, Kohak earned an MLS at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York, and worked in the Specialized Divisions at the Queensborough Public Library before coming to Maryland. Elva Leonore Krogh, retired assistant chief of the Dewey Decimal Classification System at the Library of Congress, died May 3 at age 88. Krogh entered government service in 1936 as principal re­ search assistant at the Works Progress Administra­ tion in Washington, D.C. She joined the Library of Congress in 1939 as a Dewey Decimal System clas­ sifier and became head of the Office in 1964. She retired in 1968. Krogh received bachelor’s and master’s degrees in library science from the Univer­ sity of Illinois and was a high school teacher in Ne­ braska and Iowa before entering the library profes­ sion. Judith K. Mowery, assistant director of the li­ brary at the University of Akron, Ohio, died sud­ denly at her home March 2 at the age of 43. A life­ long re sid e n t of A kron, M ow ery e a rn e d a bachelor’s degree from Ohio University (1964), an MLS from C ase W estern Reserve U niversity (1966), and a doctorate in library science from In ­ diana University (1986). She had been at the Uni­ versity of Akron since 1967 and worked previously at the Akron Public Library. A member of ACRL, Mowery was currently serving as director of the board of the Ohio Library Association. Irene Roberts, subject cataloger in the Social Sciences II Section of the Subject Cataloging Divi­ sion at the Library of Congress, died April 27 in Al­ exandria, Virginia. Born in Tallinn, Estonia, Rob­ erts grew up in York, Pennsylvania, and began her career at the Library of Congress in 1965 as a li­ brary assistant in the Exchange and Gifts Division while a student at the Am erican University in Washington, D.C. She was awarded a bachelor’s degree in 1967 while working on the Cyrillic Bib­ liographic Project. Roberts joined the staff of the Subject Cataloging Division in 1968 as a member of the Humanities Section and transferred to the Social Sciences Section in 1975, then to the Social Sciences II Section in 1979. ■ ■ We Are Professionals We at EBS a re d e d ic a te d to providing libraries w ith th e f a s te s t service, th e b e st d is c o u n ts , b u t a b o v e all, th e accuracy a library demands. With all this in your favor you owe it to y o u rs e lf to try us …