ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries COLLEGE & RESEARCH July/ V A o l u . 4 g 4, u N s o. t 7 1983 Sources of Statistics on Academic Libraries Sandy Whiteley A C R L Program Officer ACRL has long been interested in providing compilations of statistical data for academic libraries. For instance, for non-ARL university libraries, ACRL published A C R L University Library Statistics for 1978-1979 and 1981-1982 (see below). In order to determine what other statistical services ACRL should be providing for members, an ACRL Task Force on Statistics, chaired by George Bailey, Claremont Colleges, California, has been estab­ lished and will report its recommendations to the ACRL Board in Los An­ geles. For that Task Force I have put together a list of sources of statistics on academic libraries. W hat follows is a slightly expanded, though still far from complete, version of that list. I would appreciate hearing about other compilations of academic library statistics which are not included here. The following information is arranged in four categories: national collec­ tions of data; regional collections of data; state collections of data; and col­ lections for special types of libraries (e.g. ‚ undergraduate libraries, medical school libraries). If no price is given for published data, it is assumed to be free. N a t i o n a l C o l l e c t i o n s o f D a t a National Center for Education Statistics. This federal agency surveys ac­ ademic libraries, usually biennially, as part óf the Higher Education Gen­ eral Information Survey (H E G IS). The most recent survey was done for the year 1981-82 but the data has not yet been released. Computer tapes with the data may be available sometime this summer; the earliest possible date for publication of the final report is Fall 1983. For an historical overview of the NCES survey, see Frank Schick, “Developments in Library Statistical Activities,” Bowker Annual, 27th ed., 1982, pp. 309-312. The most recent published NCES survey for academic libraries, Library Statistics of Colleges and Universities, covers the academic year 1978-79 and was released in 1982. It includes data on 2,945 institutions. The NCES surveys are usually published in two parts: Institutional Data and Trends and Summary Data. The Institutional Data for 1978-79 is available from E R IC as ED 215 679 for 83¢ in microfiche and $12.32 in hard copy. It is also (continued on p. 224) LIB Asso R ciation AR of Co IE llege & S Res earch N Lib E raries WS Four ACRL Publications that every academic library should have ACRL/ALA 50 East Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 944-6780 L ibrary Statistics of Colleges and Back to the Books: B ibliographic Universities: Summary D ata, 1979. Instruction and the Theory of In ­ 1982. 73 p. An analysis of data from formation Sources. 1983. 76 p. Pa­ over 3 ,0 0 0 academ ic libraries sur­ pers presented at the Bibliographic veyed by the National Center for Instruction Section program at the Education Statistics. ISBN 0-8389- 1 9 8 2 ALA A nn u al C o n fe r e n c e . 6586-5. A C R L members: $10. Non­ ISBN 0-8389-6587-3. A C R L mem­ members: $13. bers: $12. Nonmembers: $15. Libraries and Accreditation in In ­ A C R L University Library Statistics stitu tio n s of H igh er E d u c a tio n . 1981- 1 982. 1983. 60 p. Statistics 1981. 176 p. A C R L members: $15. from 92 U .S. and Canadian univer­ Nonmembers: $19. sity libraries. ISBN 0-8389-6596-2. A C R L m em bers: $12. N onm em ­ bers: $15. The Association of College & Research Libraries July /August 1983 / 223 COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIES NEWS July /August 1983 Volum e 44 N um ber 7 CONTENTS Sources of Statistics on Academic Libraries Sandy W h it e le y … 221 ACRL President’s Report, 1982-83 Carla Stofj l e … 227 Executive Director's Report Ju lie Carroll V irgo… 233 Humanities Programs for Libraries: An ACRL/NEH Workshop Paula E l l i o t … 235 The Librarian As Library User: A Personal Comment Mina Ja n e G r o t h e y … 237 Washington Hotline C arol C. H e n d e r s o n … 239 Seattle' 84… 240 News from the F ie ld … 242 People… 245 New Technology… 249 Publications… 251 Calendar… 254 Classified Advertising… 255 College & Research Libraries News (ISSN 0099-0086) is published by the Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, as 11 monthly (combining July- August) issues, at 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Annual subscription: $10. Single copies and back issues: $3.50 each. Second-class postage paid for at Chicago, Illinois, and at additional mailing offices. Editor: George M. Eberhart, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. Presi­ dent, ACRL: Carla J. Stoffle. Executive Director, ACRL: Julie Carroll Virgo. Production and circulation office: 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Display advertising should be sent to C hoice, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457; (203) 347-6933. Send classified ads to ACRL. Change of address and subscription orders should be addressed to C ollege & R esearch L ibraries News, for receipt at the Chicago address at least two months before the publication date of the effective issue. Inclusion of an article or an advertisement in C &R L News does not constitute official endorsement by ACRL or ALA. A partial list of the services indexing or abstracting the contents of C &R L News includes: Current C on­ tents: Social & B ehavioral Sciences; Current Index to Journals in E ducation; In form ation Science A b ­ stracts; L ibrary & Inform ation Science Abstracts; L ibrary L iteratu re; and Social Sciences Citation Index. To the postmaster: Send address changes to C ollege & R esearch L ibraries News, 50 E. Huron St. ‚ Chi­ cago, IL 60611. ©American Library Association 1983. All material in this journal subject to copyright by the American Library Association may be photocopied for the noncommercial purpose of scientific or educational ad­ vancement. 224 / C&RL News Statistics, co n t'd available from NTIS under accession number PB82169087 for $4 in microfiche and $16.50 in pa­ per. The Trends and Summary Data volume is also usually published by the government; however, the 1978-79 summary data was published by ACRL. It is available as Library Statistics o f Col­ leges and Universities: Summary Data, 1979, pre­ paid from ACRL, $10 for ACRL members and $13 for non-members. It has 185 pages of tables which summarize the Institutional Data, giving medians, quartiles, and other distributions. Further information on NCES surveys is avail­ able from Richard Beazley at the National Center for Education Statistics in Washington at (301) 436-6662. American Library Association. The ALA Survey o f Librarian Salaries, by Mary Jo Lynch, Margaret Myers, and Jeniece Guy, was done for the first time in 1982 and is intended to be biennial. It contains salaries for 13 professional positions in three types of academic libraries in four regions of the United States. It is available from ALA Publishing, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 for $40. For additional salary information, see the ARL Salary Survey below. Association of College and Research Libraries. ACRL University Library Statistics 1981-1982 is based on the annual survey done by the Association of Research Libraries (see below). Ninety-two li­ braries in Ph.D .-granting institutions in the United States and Canada which do not belong to ARL re­ sponded to a questionnaire based on the ARL model. Data is given on collections, expenditures, staff, and interlibrary loan. There are also rank or­ der tables and medians for each factor. An ACRL Index was devised which ranks the libraries on an overall measure of size. ACRL University Library Statistics 1981-1982 is available prepaid from ACRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 at $12 for ACRL members and $15 for non-members. Copies of the 1978-1979 survey are still available for $1 prepaid. Association of Research Libraries. ARL began compiling statistics for its members in 1963-64 and published them as Academ ic Library Statistics. In 1974-75 the title was changed to ARL Statistics. Edited by Carol A. Mandel, ARL Statistics is avail­ able annually for $10 from the Association of Re­ search Libraries, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20036. The 1981-82 edi­ tion contains data on 101 university libraries in the U.S. and Canada which belong to ARL. Also avail­ able from ARL is Cumulated ARL University L i­ brary Statistics, 1962-63 Through 1978-79. It was published in 1981 and sells for $15. From 1919 to 1962-63 data on ARL libraries was collected by the Princeton University Library and is available now from University Microfilms Inter­ national. ARL started publishing its annual Salary Survey in 1967-68 and it costs $10 a year. Bowker. Bowker collects statistical data to be published with each entry in the American Library Directory. Only the figures for acquisitions are published in an aggregated form (academic li­ braries by state) in the Bow ker Annual each year. Bowker is considering leasing tapes which contain their statistical data. For more information, con­ tact Gary Ink at Bowker. Canadian Association of Research Libraries. Geoffrey Briggs, university librarian at Carleton University, gathers data annually for the Associa­ tion. It is not published. Council of Independent Colleges. The Council maintains a computerized database which libraries can participate in for a fee. Each library can then be compared with similar institutions. The data is not published. Librarians wanting more informa­ tion should contact Willis Hubbard, college librar­ ian at Gettysburg College. Bowdoin List. This data is collected annually by Arthur Monke, librarian at Bowdoin College. It covers 37 small private colleges and is unpublished. Public Service Statistics of Selected College Li­ braries 1981-82. Available from the compiler, Ann Bevilacqua, Franklin and Marshall College, Lan­ caster, Pennsylvania. It gives statistics on online searching, reference questions, etc., in libraries on the “Bowdoin List.” R e g io n a l L ists Pacific Northwest Library Association. Library Statistics o f Colleges and Universities in the Pacific Northwest 1980-81 was compiled by James D. Lockwood for the Academic Division of PNLA in cooperation with the Interinstitutional Library Council of the Oregon State System of Higher Edu­ cation. It is available for $7 from the Interinstitu­ tional Library Council, Kerr Library, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331. Checks should be made out to PNLA. This survey, which was done once before in 1978-79, covers 138 insti­ tutions in the United States and Canada and is based on ARL Statistics. Library Data: Associated Colleges of the Mid­ west and Library Data: Great Lakes College Asso­ ciation. These surveys are compiled annually by Dennis Ribbens, Librarian, Lawrence University, Box 599, Appleton, WI 54912. They cover 25 small, private liberal arts colleges in the Midwest. Statistics of Southern College and University Li­ braries. This has been published annually since 1960 by the Louisiana State University Library, Baton Rouge. It covers 50 institutions from Mary­ land to Florida and as far west as Texas. Association of Southeastern Academic and Re­ search Libraries. Thirty-two libraries in nine states contribute to this survey which is only available to members. For more information, contact Lester Pourciau, director of libraries, Memphis State Uni­ versity. July/August 1983 / 225 St a t e Su r v e y s Almost every state publishes a statistical compi­ lation, but in many cases it only includes public li­ braries. In some other cases, academic libraries are included but there is only directory-type informa­ tion. For this reason, these collections are not cited here. The following states are rumored to publish statistical compilations which include academic li­ braries but they are not held by the ALA Head­ quarters Library and I have not been able to exam­ ine them: Indiana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Washington (community colleges only), and Wisconsin. If any readers have access to these publications, I would very much appreciate receiving information about them. California. C alifornia L ibrary Statistics an d D i­ rectory, 1982, California State Library. Covers fis­ cal year 1980-81 for public, academic, special, state agency, and county law libraries. Available for $8 from California State Department of Educa­ tion, Publication Sales, PO Box 271, Sacramento, CA 95802. U niversity o f C a lifo r n ia L ib r a r y S tatistics. Available from the Office of the Assistant Vice- President, Library Plans and Policies, University of California Systemwide Administration, Berkeley. Gives information on the 10 universities which make up the University of California. Florida. F lorida L ibrary D irectory w ith Statis­ tics, 1973- . Tallahassee, Florida Department of State, Division of Library Services. Uses HEGIS data, published every other year. Id ah o . “ S ta tistics for Idaho A cadem ic L i ­ braries,” in the January issue of The Id a h o L ib r a r ­ ian. Compiled by R .J. Beck of the University of Idaho, it covers 21 institutions, public and private. Illinois. “Higher Education General Informa­ tion Survey,” Illinois L ib ra ries, 64 (September 1982):889-910. This is the data which was submit­ ted to NCES by 14 publicly supported institutions in Illinois but which has not yet been published by NCES. New Hampshire. New H am pshire L ibrary Sta­ tistics, New Hampshire State Library, 1981. Very brief data on 24 institutions, public and private. North Carolina. Statistics o f N orth C arolin a University and C ollege L ibraries (7p.), Division of State Library, North Carolina Department of Cul­ tural Resources. Covers over 100 institutions, in­ cluding community and technical colleges. Ohio. Statistics o f Ohio L ibraries, State Library of Ohio, Columbus. There is a 22-page section on academic libraries covering 100 institutions, both public and private. Includes rankings of libraries by enrollment, total volumes, expenditures. Oregon. D irectory and Statistics o f Oregon L i­ braries, Oregon State Library, Salem. Includes 5 pages covering 48 academic libraries. South Dakota. Statistics o f South D ak o ta L i ­ braries, South Dakota State Library, Pierre, 1979. Academic library statistics, pp. 33-37. Covers 16 public and private institutions. Virginia. Statistics o f Virginia Public L ibraries and Institutional L ibraries, Richmond, Library Development Branch, Virginia State Library. Brief data on academic libraries. West Virginia. Statistical R eport, West Virginia Library Commission, 1981. College and university statistics, pp. 17-18. Covers 27 institutions. Sp e c i a l T y p e s o f L ib r a r ie s Undergraduate.“Statistical Issue,” U GLI New s­ letter. January of each year. A publication of the Undergraduate Librarians Discussion Group of ACRL, the Statistical Issue is compiled by Donna Senzig. The N ew sletter is available from the edi­ tor, Roland Person, Undergraduate L ib rary , Southern Illinois University, C arbondale, IL 62901. Fifty-nine pages of detailed data on the un­ dergraduate libraries of 30 institutions. Medical school libraries. A nnual Statistics o f M edical School L ibraries in the United States and C an ada, 5th ed., 1981-82. Available for $65 pre­ paid from the Houston Academy of Medicine- Texas Medical Center Library, 1133 M.D. Ander­ son Blvd., Houston, TX 77030. ■ ■ More Exchanges The British Library Association and its Inter­ n atio n al and C om parative L ib ra ria n sh ip Group have set up a special bureau to assist two-way exchanges, for British librarians wish­ ing to work abroad and for librarians from other countries who wish to work in Britain, by putting them in touch with suitable exchange partners. The Bureau for International Library Staff Exchange (LIBEX) is operating for an ex­ perimental period at the College of Librarian­ ship Wales. In 1983-1985 the Bureau will con­ fine its activities to exchanges between Britain and four other countries only: the United States, Canada, France, and West Germany. Interested exchangers should write to A. Hillier, Bureau for International Library Staff Exchange, College of Librarianship Wales, Llanbadarn Fawr, Aberystwyth, Dyfed SY23 3AS, Great Britain. Inquirers will be sent a form to complete giving details of the job they wish to exchange. An abstract of each will be placed in library journals either in Britain or the most appropriate country. Librarians writ­ ing in response to an abstract will be sent a copy of the original form and will be asked to contact the originator of the form if they wish to pursue an exchange.