ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries In this issue: Organizations Endorsing the Joint Statement on Faculty Status . 31 UCSC Library Starts Move into New Addition . . . . 32 News from the Field . . . . 34 P u b lic a tio n s ........................................ 41 P e o p l e .............................................. 47 Classified Advertising . . . . 50 ISSN 0099-0086 COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIES NO. 2 • FEBRUARY 1977 Organizations Endorsing the Joint Statement on Faculty Status The following organizations have endorsed the “Joint Statement on Faculty Status of Col­ lege and University Librarians," which was published in the February 1974 issue of College & Research Libraries News. Association of College and Research Libraries June 1972 Colorado Library Association December 1972 American Association of University Professors April 1973 Wisconsin Association of Academic Librarians April 1973 Maryland Library Association April 1973 Washington Library Association, Association of Academic and Research Librarians May 1973 Southeastern Library Association July 1973 New Mexico Library Association July 1973 District of Columbia Library Association July 1973 Mississippi Library Association July 1973 Illinois Library Association July 1973 West Virginia Library Association July 1973 Tennessee Library Association July 1973 Virginia Library Association August 1973 Oregon Library Association September 1973 Southwestern Library Association September 1973 Ohio Library Association September 1973 Florida Library Association September 1973 Missouri- Library Association September 1973 California Library Association September 1973 Special Libraries Association October 1973 North Dakota Library Association October 1973 Association of Research Libraries® October 1973 South Carolina Library Association October 1973 Kentucky Library Association, College and Research Section October 1973 Wisconsin Library Association October 1973 New Jersey Library Association October 1973 Georgia Library Association, College and University Section October 1973 Georgia Library Association October 1973 Minnesota Library Association, Academic Division October 1973 Theatre Library Association October 1973 Rhode Island Library Association November 1973 North Carolina Library Association, College and University Section November 1973 Kentucky Library Association December 1973 Association of American Library Schools January 1974 ’ VOTED “that the Board endorse in principle faculty status for professional librarians, and commend to the attention of all college and university administrations the ‘Joint Statement on Faculty Status of College and University Li­ brarians.’ ” News issue ( B ) of College & Research Libraries, vol. 38, no. JL_ 32 Music Library Association January 1974 Mountain Plains Library Association March 1974 Pennsylvania Library Association, College and Research Library Division March 1974 Oklahoma Library Association April 1974 Wyoming Library Association, Academic and Special Libraries Section April 1974 Wyoming Library Association April 1974 Montana Library Association, Academic and Special Libraries Division May 1974 Medical Library Association June 1974 New York Library Association, College and University Libraries Section September 1974 St. Croix Library Association September 1974 Library Association of the City University of New York May 1975 Academic Library Association of Ohio July 1975 Louisiana Library Association, Academic Section April 1976 American Historical Association October 1976 ■ ■ UCSC Library Starts Move into New Addition The “big move” is on. Two years ago—in November of 1974— ground was broken for a five-story, 43,000- square-foot addition to the Dean E. McHenry Library at University of California, Santa Cruz. In November, with completion of the new $2.8 million extension, staff began the job of Recruitment Open for Editor of A C R L Publications in Librarianship ACRL’s highly esteemed monographic series, ACRL Publications in Librarian- ship, will require a new editor in June, when current editor Kenneth G. Peterson will complete a five-year nonrenewable term. A subcommittee of the ACRL Pub­ lications Committee is now accepting applications for this volunteer profession­ al post and will make a recommendation to the ACRL president before the An­ nual Conference. Besides ACRL membership, persons seeking the appointment should offer a background of service in academic or research librarianship, experience in re­ search, editing, and bibliographical ac­ tivities, the ability to analyze manuscripts for content, research methods, form, structure, and style, and a concern with publication as a means of professional communication. Inquiries and expressions of interest, accompanied by a statement of qualifica­ tions, should be sent to Nina Cohen, Chairperson, Search Subcommittee for ACRL Publications in Librarianship Editor, Wesleyan University Library, Middletown, CT 06457 by April 1. rearranging some 350,000 books within the ex­ panded building and shelving another 50,000 books which, until now, had been held in stor­ age. The major part of the project— erecting sev­ eral hundred shelving units, putting them in place, and filling them with books—is expected to take “about two months,” according to As­ sociate University Librarian Wendell Simons, who is in charge of the move. “It’s good to have some elbow room,” says University Librarian David Heron, noting that the library’s core collection of 80,000 books has increased to 515,000 volumes in the 11 years since the campus accepted its first students. “With this new addition,” he adds, “we now News items fo r inclusion in C&RL News should be sent to John V. Crowley, Assistant Director of Libraries, Milne Library, State University College, Oneonta, NY 13820. Advertising (including classi­ fied ads) should be sent to Leona Swiéch, A d ­ vertising Office, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Production and circulation matters are handled by A LA Central Production Unit, a t the above address. News e dito r: John V. Crowley, Assistant Director of Libraries, Milne Library, State University C ol­ lege, Oneonta, NY 13820. Editor: Richard D. John­ son, Milne Library, State University College, Oneonta, New York 13820. President, ACRL: Connie R. Dunlap. Executive Secretary, ACRL: to be announced. College & Research Libraries is published by the Association o f College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, 17 times yearly—6 bim onthly journal issues and II monthly (com bining July-August) News issues—at 1201-05 Bluff St., Fulton, MO 65251. Subscription, $15.00 a year, or to members o f the division, $7.50, included in dues. Second-class postage paid at Fulton, Missouri 65251. © American Library Association 1977. A ll material in this journal subject to copyright by the Am eri­ can Library Association may be photocopied fo r the noncommercial purpose of scientific or educa­ tional advancement.